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Context Awareness Prompts


Who do I think I am?

Why am I doing this?
What motivates me?
What are my coping styles?
What physical, mental, and emotional habits do I have?
What are common loops of thought or fantasies that I run?
How does my:
- Gender affect the ways I think, be and do?
- Age affect my interactions with others?
- Educational background affect how I show up in the world?
- Religion or spirituality affect the way I interact with others?
- Race/ethnicity affect how I move through the world?
- Socio-economic background impact my beliefs about the world?
What do I value most in myself?
What do I value most in others?
How do I decide whether something is right or wrong?


Why are we doing this?

How do we seem?
What’s my role in this group?
Who do I think I have to be here in order to be accepted?
How do these people see me?
What are the norms, values, and behaviors in my community (or communities)?
What could get someone kicked out of this group, or subtly avoided?
How is status assigned here?
What is our relationship to others whom we perceive as different?
How do we relate to others whom we want to join our group?

Copyright © 2018 Love Juggernaut LLC, All rights reserved. 

Who am I in this space?
What have I not noticed about this space?
What do I use this space for?
Am I fully comfortable? If not, why?
How is the temperature affecting me?
How is the seating arrangement affecting me?
How does proximity to other people affect me?
What factors could have made this space the way it is?
What is the history/story of this space?
Who may have been here before me/us? Who might come after?

How is touch affecting me? Do I want more, less, or a different kind?
How is the lighting affecting me?
How is sound affecting me?
How is smell affecting me?
How are my clothes affecting me?

How does the amount of money I have and/or make affect me?
How does the place I live and my surroundings affect me?
What is my relationship with time?
What is my relationship with nature?
In what environments do I find it easy to be or express myself?
In what environments do I find it difficult to be or express myself?

Copyright © 2018 Love Juggernaut LLC, All rights reserved. 

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