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Most men will attest that the Hilton Hamman
fairer sex isn't above playing Until recently no reporter
a little unfair. Lady assassins, was even allowed to write
however, take female about the m. Finally we can
perfidy to new heights. Join tell the story of South
SOF on a tour of yesterday's Africa's, and perhaps the
a nd today's truly fatal world's, most elite unit.
fe mmes 24 They' re combat tested a nd VOL. 15 NO. 2 FEBRUARY 1990
their training is so intense it
BAD DAY AT hurts just reading about it 40
Tom Peterson RHODESIA,
Burma is renewing its drive WITH BRUSH
to eliminate the Karen John Coleman
resistance entrenched on its A letter from the dim and
eastern border. At the same distant past arrives to haunt
time the Karens are not SOF's Assista nt Managing
sitting idle and infiltration Editor. And just when the
teams strike at Burmese rear statute of limitations was
echelons and supply arteries about to expire .. . 4 7
whenever possible. Join
SOF's correspondent for a
' few harrowing days be hind CHAOS IN
enemy lines 28 COLOMBO
Tom Marks Afghanistan - page 56

GUTSY KARENS Sri Lanka's army stands

ready to take the offensive COLUMNS
against Tamil insurgents but
BLOODY passive politicians obviously
Command Combat
BURMESE haven't heard of the
operative words, " Battle Guidance 2 Weaponcraft 16
BUTCHERS Plan." Veteran SOF combat An o pen letter to Fire control o rders
Mike Williams correspondent a nd analyst Republican National
Hours of harrassment and Marks treads the most Co mmittee Chairman Full Auto 18
interdiction fire followed by dangerous ground -politics Lee Atwater Combat loads
a frontal assault by 900 - to find out why 48
Burmese troops mark a Bulletin Board 4 In Review 22
normal day at a Karen base RIP - Devil's bodyguard Rommel's ""Attacks ..
camp 34 AFGHAN Duff Matson and Green Hitler's Undercover War
Beret Barry Sadler The De fensive Shotgun
Jake Border
Our combat correspondent .FLAK 6 Advertisers
wants only o ne thing - to Lessons in Motley Index 86
get o ut of Afgha nistan! The
price of a one-way ticke t out
Supply Locker 88
I Was There 12
runs several firefights, one
aerial bombardment, one
" Pathfinder" lost Classified 92
W:m!==sll'.111 arrest, and more than 500
Contras - page 36 Adventure Parting Shot 96
miles of ground pounding Wilde rness hype
Quartermaster 14
Che mical
John Prester
American adviser helps
contras successfully strike TIMBERWOLF COVER
Sandinistas - until, that is, Peter G. Kokalis
the CIA shows up and sends SOF's Technical Editor gets COVER: Karen resistance fighter aims one-of-a-kind bastard-
him packing, leaving a group up-close and personal with ized blooper: pistol grip and rear trigger housing are from an
of Nicaragua's fledgling the Israelis' .357 Magnum H&K G3 or H&K 33 rifle, while the wood forearm, trigger
freedom fighters leaderless Carbine 65 mechanism, action and chopped barrel are from a British
36 SMLE bolt-action rifle; tubular buttstock, recoil pad and
ventilated front sleeve are almost certainly of indigenous
THE CHINA origin. See how the beleaguered Karen continue to resist and
BARGAIN BOLO SYNDROME even strike back at the Marxist Burmese, beginning on p age 28.
Chuck Fremont Jim Scott Photo: Alain Haas
Philippine classic still Why can't U.S. "experts" INSET: South African Reece Commando recruit fires com-
delivers a lot of cut for your ever quite piece toge ther the mando mortar during selection course. It's the toughest
cash. SOF puts the Bolo Pe king puzzle 70 selection course we've encountered and until recently it was all
through its paces at Subic top secret. SOF again goes where no one else can; story starts
Bay 39 on page 40. Photo: Hilton Hamman


Soldier of Fortune
Magazine Staff
Robert K. Brown
by Robert K. Brown Associate Publisher &
Managing Editor
Open Letter To Lee Atwater Jim Graves
Assistant Managing Editor
John Co leman
The Honorable Lee Atwater Senior Editor
Chairman, Republican National Committee Don McLean
310 First Street, S. W. Technical Editor
Was hington , D.C. 20003 Pel er G. Kokal is
Associate Editor
Dear Mr. Atwater: S. Max
Thank you for your letter in viting me to contribute to the " President 's Council of Assistant Editors
Sustaining Members" of the Republican Party. I' m afraid I won 't be able to oblige, and Tom Sli zewski
Paul Danish
it 's important that you understand why.
For the past year, America's 75 million gun-owners have been engaged in a des perate Art Director
Cra ig Nunn
stru ggle against the most sweeping and determined assa ult on the ri ght to keep and bear IU P 1947-1989
arms in this century, if not in the history of the Republic. The pivotal event that ignited Production Manager
that assault was the decision by the Bush administration to ban the importation of Ka1 hl ee n All ard
dozens of hitherto wholly legal semi-automatic rifles into the United States - on the Art/Production Assistant
contemptibly dishonest pretext that by doing so it was fighting drugs. Linda Kesc hl
That decision has effectively deprived millions of Americans of the right to own Circulation Director
modern arms - a right explicitly secured by the Constitution and as fundam ental as the G.B. Crouse
right to free speech and to fr eedom of worship. At the same time it has demonstrably Advertising Director
done nothing to slo w the flow of drugs into the United States nor to reduce John Bressern
violence--drug-related or otherwise. Indeed, its most tangible consequence has been to Advertising Manager
give unprecedented new legitimacy to the anti-gun cranks of the liberal left. This last Shirley Raley
point is particularly troubling, because the Bush administration has done nothing Typographer
effective to stop the even worse proposed acts of unconstitutional tyranny hatched by Debo rah Horner
Senators Metzenbaum and DeConcini and Representatives Berman and Stark. Administrati ve Assistant
The truth is that American gun owners - who provided the president with his margin Ca rri e Karlson
Foreign Correspondents
of victory in at least a dozen states - have been betrayed by the president. The damage MikeWind1ester
he has done will take years to repair. Pe1er Douglas
Jakl' Border
Because of this, henceforth my political contributions will go exclusively to the Gl'orge Jone~
National Rifle Association 's Institute for Legislative Action and to those political action Tom Marks
committees dedicated to supporting candidates who support the Second Amendment. Contributing Editors
\lic11w111 Vt:1e1w1.' AJfoir.-. : Co l. Ch u..:k Alle n
Future fun d-raising appeals such as yours will receive replies such as this - think of it 1Wi/i1 :try Hi.,t1>ry: Wi lli;un 13rooks
as a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking - until three thin gs happen: Willi am H. Nnrthal'ker
I) The Bush Administration repeals its ban on the importation of military-style Um:otH'i.:miomil Opcr.11 io11s: Brig Gen . Hei ne Adcrhoh
Jame~ P. Mnnaghan
semi-automatic rifles. Maj . Rohe11 Mac Kenzie
2) The president uses the full influence of his office to defeat all gun control legislation Mililmy Alfoirs: A lexander McColl
presently before the Congress, beginning with an explicit promise to veto any such bill /';iramcclic Op1..•n11iow;: Dr. John Peters
that migh t pass this year or in the future. J:::xp/11sivc ..;/IJl.'111c1/ili1ms: John Doml V<m
Aviation : Da na Drc nkowski
3) Drug Policy Director William Bennett publicly recants his misdirected attack on Afric<1: A l Venti.:r
the Second Amendment and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Director Outdoor A lfoirs: Galen Geer
Stephen Higgins is returned to private life.
Let me add one fin al thought. In the wake of the defeat of Republican gubernatorial
Omega Group Ltd.
candidates in New Jersey and Virginia last November a number of Republican officials President
called for the development of a new and more positive vision for the 1990s. As a life-long Robert K . Brown
Republican I would like to submit that our party most emphatically does not need a new Executive Department
vision , but it does need to rededicate itself to an old one - the defense of liberty and of Manager
the Constitution that secures it to all Americans. That should be our first priority. Zada L. Joh nson
The truth is, sir, that when the president shows as much interest in defending the Administrative Assistant
substance of liberty as its symbols I will be more favorably disposed to requests such as Dianne McLeod
yo urs. Cherry Chavez
Controller-Business Manager
Terri A. Ma1era
Robert K. Brown
Accounting Clerk
Sharon Windsor
SOLIJIF.R OF FORTUNE 1ISSN 0145·671!4/USPS 120·5!01 ~ published munthh· by SOWIER OF FORTl'NE Ma ~a, inc . lnr. .
Boulder. Colorado. Second (Jass Posla~e Paid al Rouldl'r, CO. POSTMASTER: Send :iddn•s.1, cha n~l'!I to SOI.DIER OF
HlRTU~E . Subscription Department, P.O. Bux 348. Ml. Morri!i. IL 6105-l. U.S. suhsrription rates for lu eht.' month!~· i!i:-m·s: Janice Brown
S26.00. Canada. Mexico and all other countries: $33.00. Special donwst ir and fo reign rnh:!'i on n•qucst. U.S. FUNDS o:-,a.r. SOF Exchange
Sin~le· l ssue Price - V.S .. SJ.SO: United Kingdum. £2.50: Canada. S-1.50.
Carol Hayden
CONTRIRCTORS: Mansucripts. pholO~raph!i, dra 1~·i ni:.i. are ~uhmi l kd al lhe conlribu lor's own risk. Makrial shou ld he mailed
tu Arlide!i F.ditor. SOLDIER OF FORTU:\'E. P.O. no,. 693. Houldl·r. CO 803061. and cannot he returned unlr."' al·companicd b~ Mail Clerk
, uffidt•nl postugc. An~· material urcptcd is suhjtl'I to 'iul'h n•\'ision as i.' ncn~r~· lo mrrl lhc ed i!Orial requin·nn•nls of SOE All · Giang La Bang
munu.'\t·ripb must be lfl>t'd double-spaced. All phul o}!raph:-. sho uld he cn·dikd and he al'C uratcly idt•nlilicd. Pu,rn1enl will hr madl'
at ratcs cu rrent al timc of publiratiun. Editorial ollicc phone number i1't JtJJ-U9-J750. Warehouseman
Copyri_i:ht 1· 1990 h ~ SOl 1DIER OF FOH.Tl \ ~f: f\ la!!azi nl" Inc. All Rights Rcscnctl.
Jeff Be rgeon


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_B_U_L-LE_T_I...,..k\ BARRY...
Barry Sadler - soldier, adventurer,
CONNECTION .. . writer, SOF contributing editor; im-
Last spring Castro mortalized through 'The Ballad of the
Green Berets" - died 5 November
shocked the world with
admissions tha t certain last year at the Alvin C. York Medical
high-ranking. lo ng- Center in Murfreesboro, TN. As we
trusted (a nd potentially reported in our February '89 issue,
competitive) military Barry was critically wounded by a
officers were involved in gunshot in September '88 while in
drug tra fficking. Oh. myl Guatemala (his out-of-country home),
Trials. Executions. Lo ng and since that time had been undergo-
prison sentences. Drug ing rehabilitation in Tennessee. Ac-
problem corrected. right? cording to his court-appointed conser-
Wrong! Federal age nts in vator, Philip Duer, Barry had stabilized
Miami tell SOF that to the point that a specialist from the
nothing has cha nged - West Coast had been scheduled to fly
Cuba is still the number out later that week and see what could
one way statio n for drug be done to improve his condition.
smugglers. A Miami Barry apparently passed away in his
police intelligence o fficer sleep, sometime between 0500 and
laughed when queried 0600 Sunday morning. When Barry
on the subject, replying was shot, the rumor mill went wild with
"Did you think Fidel conspiracy theories; our own investi-
DUFF MATSON 1926-1989. gation into the matter convinced us
would let that source o f Duff Matson, believed to be the last surviving member
hard cash dry up? No that Barry's head wound was self-
of World War H's real "Dirty Dozen," died at his home
way, he's into drugs up to inflicted and accidental. Again, the
in Florida as we went to press. Soldier, adventurer
his curly eyebrows." and businessman extraordinaire, Matson was
rumor mill is churning up various
SOF will continue to recruited from an Army stockade by the 1st Special conspiracy theories regarding his
monitor the situation. Forces Group under com mand of General Robert death; although an autopsy is sched-
Frederick and distinguis hed himself throughout the uled as we go to press, we believe
war by his daring behind-the-lines exploits in Europe. Barry died as a result of complications
After the war Matson became a prominent from the head wound, and nothing
businessman in south Florida, and remained always a more. We mourn Barry's passing -he
soldier's friend. Matson maintained close ties with was a good friend and a good soldier,
the active military, especially his beloved fellow
airborne , and sponsored many training sessions and
other gatherings at his Florida estate. Diagnosed with
and this world of Wall Street warriors
will be poorer for his loss.
TURNIPS ... terminal intestinal c a ncer last spring, Matson made it
a point to attend the 10th Anniversary SOF
A dispute between
Convention last September at Las Vegas (above).
workers at a food- where he regaled a standing-room-only crowd with
processing plant in De n- stories of his wartime exploits. His life story was THIS AIN'T
ver escalated fro m soft chronicled in The Devil's Bodyguard by Jim Phillips NO SHIT...
fruit grenades to high- (Phillips Publications, Dept. SOF, Box 168, With much discussion o f la te re-
velocity vegetables, to wit Williamstown, NJ 08094). The passing of Duff garding the advisability/permissibility
a 4-inch diame ter carrot Matson may well mark the end of an era. He will be o f some how utilizing military assets in
which resulted in an em- missed. the do mestic and/or foreign fronts o f
ployee hospital trip but the drug war, one o f the considera-
did no " permanent" tio ns has been how this might inter-
damage. But a 56-year- face with the constraints on do mestic
old London man was not use of the military as imposed by the
so lucky: he died after a Posse Comitatus act o f the 1800s.
large turnip thrown from One specific insta nce where military
a passing car broke a rib, assets may be used is excerpted fro m
punctured a lung and a late 1800s editio n of Farrow's Mili-
ruptured his spleen. ta1y Encyclopedia: " 15. The President
There has been a rash of is a uthorized. at his discretio n, to
such violent veggie employ the land and naval forces o f
attacks there of late, the United Sta tes to protect the rights
including a jogger who o f the discoverer [of a gua no island ] or
suffered a ruptured of his widow. heir. executor,
stomach plus head a nd administrator. or assigns." We 're no t
facial injuries when often enthusiastic abo ut using military
targeted by a cabbage An operating table, X-ray machine and anesthe sia assets to do a "civilia n" job. And we' re
machine go on their way to a new hospital in a free not o ften enthusiastic abo ut proposing
flung from a passing car.
zone of Afghanistan last fall. Three weeks later it was
Gives pause to those of there and a team of doctors and nurses from the
new laws. However - if we can use
us who have occasion to Miami Medica l Team were assembling it and other the Army and Navy to protect an
dine with our Fearless components of the 50-bed hospital. If you have isla nd of birdshit but no t o ur childre n
Leader and Publisher, medical supplies or equipment to donate contact - maybe some legislative updating is
RKB. McColl at RRI, Box 693, Boulder, CO 80306. in order.


judged by his shrink as sufferi ng from
post-tra umatic stress syndrom e and
" very much a casualty of th e Vietn am
War" did himself in with carbon
Sources te ll us that in April 1988 a monoxide. He left be hind a length y JttEOTHER
ma nuscript which deta iled his experi - MARINES .. .
platoon-size force attacked the Ma - Some view it as 44 years late. but
rine -defended ta nk fa rm in the Ca na l ences as a POW afte r his USS Ranger-
based F4 Phantom was shot down. the Do D has finall y granted Ve teran
zone. There was an hour-long firefigh t status to th e merchant seamen who
and the Marines ki cked ass. Su rviving His widow. who had endured 23
yea rs of his war stories and his " Post- carried war su pplies to our forces
intruders headed down th e road to overseas duri ng World War II. Those
th eir apparen t mo th ership. The U.S. Traumatic-Stress-induced .. weird -
ness. asked to ha ve his name en- who piloted o ur merchan t flee t
governme nt to ld Noriega to come through submarine-and-bomber-
police up his mess. He did. removing graved on Uta h·s Vietnam War Me-
moria l. The Memorial Committee de- in fested wa ters and manned the ship's
wo un ded . bodies. brass and even guns - and sustuin ed a death rate
bullet-scarred trees. The incide nt was cided to add th e name to the me mo -
ri al. whic h was ded icated last October. comparable to those in th e U.S.
filmed. but nobody·s ta lking. Marine Corps - sure thought they
We think the Marin es should have But AP reporters. atte mpti ng to locate
me n who had served with Fife for a were fig hting a war. a nd now it's
gotten credit for a job we ll clone. official. As there is no list of those
An yo ne with deta ils or film please story. learned that Fife had never
served in Vietnam - in fact had on ly survivin g seafarers. there is no mecha-
contact J im Graves or Do n Mc l ea n at nism for no tifying them th ey are now
(303 )449 -3750 served eig ht months before being
give n a medical discharge. I wo nder if entitled to bene fits. One organization
he ever put on cammies and hugged whic h is acting as a cleari ng house for
another vetera n for TV information - and which was prime
MONUMENTS ... mover in gaining Ve teran sta tus for
our wartime merchan t marine - is
A Battle of Normandy museum is Combat Merc han t Marin ers WW II.
to be constructed on a hill overlooking Dept. SOF 14 Castle Drive. S pring
Caen, Normandy, to include film ar-
chives and a research and documen-
tation center. One of the pivotal bat-
Valley. NY 10977. Write to Kerm it
Haber. the XO the re . if you we re a
member of our wartime Merchant
tles of World War II, the Battle o f In 1987 , the latest tab ulation we Marin e.
Normandy la unched the Allied inva- have at hand, 62 perce nt more people
sion of Nazi-controlled Europe and were killed by " medica l/surgical mis-
the fight to free some 400 million adven tures" (th e doc screwed up) ,
people. This museum will preserve th a n were killed by firearms accidents
and promulgate the history of one of (the shooter screwed up ). Assuming
the most important battles in history. th ese stats from the National Center
For information write Senator Strom fo r Health Statistics are correct and if BITING THEIR
Thurmond, Director, U.S. Committee those plaintive voices we hear ~re OWN LIVER ...
really worried about saving li ves, th ey It's calmed down now. but in a
for th e Battle of Normandy Muse um,
should be going after the AMA, not move that confirmed our suspicions as
Dept. SOF, 1074 Thomas J efferson
the NRA to th e sort of mentali ty which e m-
St. NW, Washington, DC 20007.
braces communism. th e Southe rn
And a bronze mo nument to USMC
Tagalog Regional Committee of th e
Drill Instructors is to be placed at each
Communist Party of th e Philippines
Marine Corps Recruit Depot in a
assassinated large numbers o f its to p
Corps-approved program sponsored
JUST THE cadre in a witch hunt for non-existent
by the USMC Drill Instructors
FAX ... deep penetration agents th ey sus-
Association. These iron-asses have
From a modest apartment in a pected of snitching o ff CPP chairman
saved a lot of lives over the years
suburb of Los Angeles is being pub- Rodolfo Salas in late 1986. He had
because of their untiring dedication to
lished a C hinese-language newspaper been seized in front of a Ma nila
their mission, and whether you are a
fo r the PRC called Press Freedom hospita l. which was under surveillance
Marine or a pigeon you' ll agree this
Herald. How do you write a C hinese because o f governm ent suspicions
tribute is a worthwhile idea. Write Sgt.
pa per here and publish it there? that wounded insurgents we re being
Maj . Bill Paxton, USMCDIA, Dept.
S imple -you FAX it th ere. And have treated there. One mass grave uncov-
SOF, Box 1-71544, San Diego, CA
a lot of th e 40 million C hinese expa- ered by th e Philippine mili tary con-
9211 7 for info.
triots individ uall y mail it. Beca use of tained over 200 bodies. This is really
th e total blackout on foreign publi- not new, however, as in 1985 as man y
cations and the jamming of radio and as 800 party me mbers were killed by
FRAUDS ... TV, th e 80 percent chance it will get th eir own on the isla nd of Mindanao.
th rough the mail and th e instan - Communists seem to make the most
The director and assistant director taneous tra nsmission of FAX is th e effecti ve anti-communists. as they' re
of the Vietnam War Museum in San best shot to get news past the bamboo so much more ruthless and they know
Antonio's Ala mo Plaza have both curtain. But does th e Press Freedom who to hit. Left- wing death squads
resigned after a Dallas Times Herald Herald get throug h? Yep. And the n it hacking up le ft-wi ng revolu tiona ries
reporter uncovered the fact that the sells fo r 30 Hong Kong dollars on th e - we don't usually look with fav or
photocopies of discharge papers the black marke t. The old concept o f upon death sq uads. but this suits us
two displayed - which credited the m Liberty and th e new concept of FAX just fin e.
with having served in elite units during - a marriage of the times. Long live
the war - were pho nies. Liberty. the Free Press. and he h-he h.
And one Robert Fife (rh ymes with Free Enterprise. Continued on page 86
Barney Fife) of Salt Lake City. ad-



FLAK Sirs:
l need your help. As a Vietnam
combat veteran l have been con-
AWAITED ... cerned with how the war in Vietnam
Sirs: was reported in th e media. l am
l read Mr. Karwan's researching how the press, television.
" Para Knife" article magazines. etc.. deliberately disto1ied
WE Dan NEED what occurred to suit the needs of
(SOF, November '89) NOSTINKIN'
with considerable inter- ELECTIONS. what the media wanted to present. If
est, as it addresses a any of your readers can w rite me with
problem rela ted to my personal experiences of what they
experiences as a rock observed versus w hat ended up in the
climber and mountain- media, l can compile the needed data.
eer. Each year the Ameri- l believe the practice to have been
can Alpine Club records extremely widespread.
a climbing accident Recently we learned that Dan
where the victim survives Rather was involved in some ques-
a fall while roped, but tionable reporting in A fghanistan .
subsequently strangles Could he have just switched wars?
on a nylon webbing sling As a psychotherapist whose disser-
attached to the chocks or tation concerned PTSD and who
pitons which he uses for BLACKJACK'S WAR treats Vietnam vets, let me say this
safety. My own climbing FLASHBACKS ... data is extremely important.
experiences include frus- Sirs: Eric H . Wood, Jr., Ph.D
trating moments cutting As a former operative (10) with Studies and 9 Woodlot L ane
vines, old slings. dead Observation Group (SOG ) Vietnam, your article and H untington, New York 11743
brush in which my gear is photo of " Blackjack's War" (SO F, December '89)
tangled. and so on, while sure brought back a lot of memories.
clinging by my fingertips l trained with and inserted a couple of times with
to precarious holds. Spike Team Idaho; Nguyen Cong H eip was my
A knife suitable for interpreter while training a team of Bru tribesmen at
one-handed operation is
important (opening my
lock back with my teeth is
Phu Bai prior to spiking out of Khe Sanh in 1967.
Things must have really changed in Phu Bai after l
left in September '67; before then all our teams had
a poor substitute). A SF-qualified 10s (Team L eaders) well trained in This year, for the second time, l was
sheath knife does not inserting A Teams, Spike Teams or Hatchet Forces. It honored to attend the SOF conven-
work, as it is guaranteed really surprised me that a 10 would knowingly place tion. As an Estonian expatriate, l wish
to poke my ribs or thigh his team in such a circumstance as described in this to tnank you for displaying my flag
during th e gymnastics in- article. among those of occupied nations
volved with rock climb- It surprised me even more that SOG was utilizing during your banquet. l hope one day
ing. A lanyard is essential, regular Army personnel to lead Spike Teams; l was to see it among those of the liberated
lest sweaty palms in a unaware o f this. nations. Thank you'
panic situation cause one I left Kh e Sanh in February '68 at which time the Lembitu Lergo
to drop the knife on one's shit wps heavy all over, so maybe that stands to Ringsted, Denmark
climbing partner directly reason.
below. A rounded point In '67 we had a team from 1st SF assigned to Phu
would be ideal to allow Bai (Team Sergeant was Master Sergeant Fisher).
one to cut webbing, with- They picked up the mission where needed and also
out cutting one's 11 trained teams for missions. l cannot recall any team
millimeter climbing rope. being chastised for aborting a mission when compro-
l own one of the West mised or without immediate assistance to engage such REPLACE WIMPS
German gravity knives superior forces with six to eight men. It sounds to me WITH MEN ...
depicted in your article like a real cluster fuck, not to mention the possibility of Sirs:
for use while climbing, losing th e team and others trying to rescue them. l totally agre~ with your views on
but legal issues dissuade Herb Marshal how the U.S. should deal with terror-
me from using it. Silverdale, Washington ism. How can one remain patriotic
Please notify Gerber and have faith in one"s country when
Sirs: those who would be in charge allow
that five million active
l just got through reading " Blackjack's War" in the incidents like that o f Lieutenant Colo-
U.S. climbers await the
December '89 issue of SOF, and it's fine as long as you nel William Higgins to go unpunished?
introduction o f their
stamp it " Fiction!" It's more a tribute to John Wayne It will take men of strength and
" Para" knife.
and Sergeant Rock than U. S. soldiers in Vietnam, comprehension to run the United
Glen Bishop
L aos, and Cambodia. States if we hope to stay great, so
D.M.S remove the wimps who are running
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the country now and put in
Blackjack 's War is an account of a real battle. It some men.
doesn 't happen often, but som etimes life really is more Byron Green
violent than fiction. Baltimore, Maryland


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For Protection The Name Is XONIX
I WWII & Surveillance The Culling Edge Of Timepi ece Technology
Take the BEST COMPONENTS from major companies
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1987 ... now it's available in the United States at a
special introductory price of $48.00 postpaid. Order
WWII Bomber Jacket for the Avia-
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I 9/IJ1 a man-made leather that defies you American-made. state-of-the-art and priced right for just
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GOLD (water res istant to 1OOm) band and case-back,
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Chemical MACE delivers a
and waistband ; heavy weight pile collar; stylish
I epaulets on each shoulder; inside storm flap for potent punch of highly FUR TROOPER HAT
wind resistance; 100% nylon lining ; 8-ounces purified CN tear gas to
Genuine fur - made from the finest rabbit
I polyester fill for warmth that doesn't weigh you incapacitate an assailant
allowing you plenty of time to skins-this hat is warm , ve rsatile and good
I down. This is the jacket taking America by
storm... don't miss out. Order you rs TODAY for
get away. MK-VI unit com es looking. Fold down ear flaps are xtra large
I just $49.00 plus $3.50 shipping. Specify XS in individual gun'like case
with real trigger action .
and fur covered both inside and out for xtra
warmth. Chin strap, fur-covered bill &soft
(30-32), S (34-36), M (38-40) , L (42-44) XL (46) ,
I and XXL (48-50) and be sure to tell us BLACK Unique pistol grip allows quick hand orientation and
quilted nylon inner lining . Th is is one warm
I or BROWN color. sure action ; attach to key-ring, purse or belt. Fires
about 25 half-second bursts. Order one for $14.50 and hat for any cold weath er! Available in
SAVE by ordering six for $60.00. or white color. Order S, M, L,
XL (these hats run a little small - order ac-
I PHONE RECORDER Bug Box cordingly) for $38 postpaid . _>-
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You Need The
BUG BOX For l'MC'i~:-&COD ~rd;r';'°c";i17oiifr'; '1-aoo':'82'1-S1s'7
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Telephone tap detector notifies yo u of un-
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I Dept. 290 Please ship:
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Electronic marvel ta pes phone calls automati-
I cally. A "no hands" control for connecting
BUG BOX into wall jack. An indicator light tells
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cassette recorder to a telephone line, simply Attach BUG BOX to every phone in your house,
I connect on e cord to cassette recorder & the then you , AND ON LY YOU , can access the I Name
other cord into ANY modular jack in the house. phone. BUG BOX not only tells you if someone
I Set recorder for "reco rd" & whenever a receiver else is on the line. it KEEPS THEM OFF with its
: Address

... ______________________________________
is lifted on any phone on the premises , the privacy shut-out circuit. Buy one BUG BOX and
I recorder will automatically record. When the
use its indicator light to monitor line intrusion ;
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receiver 1s hung-up, the recorder automatically
stops Just $22 50 postpaid and that includes
buy as many BUG BOX's as you have phones
and en1oy total privacy shut-out plus v1s1ble St t ©1990
I a FREE duplex adaptor hght 1nd1cators Sale price $30 00 postpaid ae 1P c ·_ I
$ 100,000 reward for th e capture ,
extradi tio n, convictio n, sentencing,
and imprisonment of th e 20 m ost-
wanted drug lords.
Thi s reward sho uld increase
$ 10,000 per day up to bu t no t to
exceed $ 10 million per drug lord. Th e
m oney should be awarded to the
person or persons w hose inform ation
leads to a prison sentence for o ne of
the top 20 drug lords.
B oth Colombian and U S. tele-
vi sion stations should be encouraged
to broadcast several pictures o f each
drug lord, along w ith th e current dollar
level of th e reward.
There should be a sunset clause in
th e rewa rd offer. If th e dru g lord is not
in th e hands of U S. authorities withi n
one calendar year of th e initial p ublic
anno uncem ent of th e reward o ffer,
th e offer is withdrawn.
For o nce, let's put fear and terror
"THE GOVP.RNMENT WON'T LET MARCOS BR 'BURIBD lN THE PHlLIPPINP.S into th e hearts of th e criminals. Let th e
I drug lords wonder when th e amount
o f the reward matches the greed of
tenance of basic hygiene and cleanli - th eir hired murderers. I would give
ness is important in maintaining the odds th at w hat little honor th ere is
ph ysical and mental welfare of th e among thi eves would bag us 20 drug
men in your charge. I have seen too
many soldiers w ho feel that being in
lords for under $20 million.
Samuel A. Masters
th e bush is an excuse to be fil thy. Overlook. California
I was saddened to hear of th e dea th
You may recall th at Mike H oare is
of Lance Motley. In life he was a
said to have req uired his men to be
warrior w ho taught his craft to fellow
close-shaven, as clean as practical and
soldiers. Perh aps we ca l) learn some
maintain reasonable hair trim . M ainte-
things from his death and th e article
nance o f a practi cal standard helps
descri bing the events surro unding it
maintain discipline and imposes some
that will help us improve th e lot of
those we teach and fight beside.
First, I noted the descrip tio n o f th e
ord er in what .i s often a disor-
dered state.
Finally, I would like to indulge in a
French adviser "worn down by ma- We have three safeguards to pro-
las t " w hat if. " Wh en I read A lain
laria. " Many military missions have tect our Second A mendment rights to
H aas' account of Lance Motl ey's in - keep ·and bear arms: Th e Supreme
been compromised by failure to ob -
jury and th e events immediately sur-
serve precau tio ns against local nora Court. Congress, and th e President.
rounding it, I wondered what if Mo tl ey
and fauna. Disease may kill and debili - Th e Suprem e Co urt just said it's
had received immediate "buddy OK to burn th e nag. T he C ongress is
ta te more th an enemy action . It cer-
care" in th e form of pressure dressings
tainly decreases the ability and will to loaded with assorted liberals, ultra-
to stop the bleeding. Ad mittedly th e
conduct effective operati ons. leftists, communist sympathizers and
account is not complete, and I canno t
I would be an arm chair soldier if I perverts, most o f w hom fear, hate.
state the exact circum stance o f his
believed th at supply lines ca n always and loathe anyone with traditional
death the following day. but we can conservati ve. patriotic values. It turn s
deliver anti-malari a proph ylaxis (or
suspect from th e description o f injuries out th at th e President is a sheep in
anythin g else for th at matter) with
and th e fact th at he became " paler wolfs clo thin g (rem em ber the hostage
certainty. But to borrow fro m John
and paler" th at th ere was significant murder and th e screwed up Panam a
Coleman's musing: " w hat if ' Jacques
blood loss which might have been coup) , sort of a Dukakis after growth
did bring along his own malaria tab-
prev ented. hormo ne.
lets? For those w ho are not part of the
I do not mean this to be an It's tim e to stop crying about Tim e
organized active m ilitary, I would ad-
indictmen t of anyone: rath er perh aps magazine, th e NRA, and w hat Tho-
vise that an y good p hysician can
M otl ey's dea th can be instru cti onal. mas Jefferson would do. It's time to
advise of the m edical hazards and th e
Seconds coun t w hen an artery is start thinking w here you ca n p lant
inoculati ons or medicines needed fo r
lacerated by hot steel. your guns, beca use th e day after you
extended " travel" in any part o f th e
J. Grant Barr, M.D .. Ph .D. line up at th e arm ory to turn in your
worl d. Use of DEET (however
Universal Ci ty. Texas guns, the violent crimin als and looters
unpleasant) is also effective, if utilize d
for other th an putting on camo stick. will have a fi eld day. Th ey won't be
A lso noted was a comment by Jo hn turnin g in th eir guns.
Coleman about real soldiers "en- H ow abo ut an educatio nal article
crusted with six weeks of cru d." Sol- from Soldier of Fortun e o n th e long
dierin g is necessarily a dirty business
both p hilosophically and literally. I
kn ow o f no way to avoid it. H owever,
term storing of weapo ns and how the
various resistance fo rces did it in
I would note th at, opera tio nal con- Th e govern ments o f Colo mbia and H . Student
siderati ons taken into account. m ain - the United States sho uld jointly offer a Coral Springs. Florid a ~

8 SOU llEll OF l'flllTUNll FE BR UARY 90


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WHEN I arrived in Vietnam for m y
first tour in October 1966 I found out in
a hurry that navigating the Cambodian
border west o f Pleiku was a helluva lot
harder than anything I' cl clone before.
My prior unit had been B Company. 1st
Battalion. 36th Infantry (Mech) in Ger- by 0.W. Redmond
many, where paved roads. broad open
fields and rolling hills were the norm. It
was quite a change to think of a clay's
travel in terms o f klicks counted on just
one hand. It wasn't always that bad, but
"Pathfinder" Lost
it did happen ohen enough to make one
a believer in the power of the machete.
Shortly aher I arrived we got a new
platoon sergeant, an SFC out of Fort Polk
who constantly regaled us with his knowl-
edge and experience in land navigation,
which apparently was the light of his life at
Polk. As a young buck sergeant I stood in
awe of his professed skills. Unfortunately
we were unable to benefit from his
expertise until a few months later. This
was after our " bastard brigade," 3rd
Brigade, 25th Infantry (by then 4th Divi-
sion}, was moved to the coastal plains in I
Corps after working the mountains of II
Carp's Binh Dinh Province.
It felt great to be on flat ground for a
change. We had been working on hill-
sides so long we were developing shorter
legs on one side. A clay's patrolling could
cover a lot o f ground here. And depend-
ing on the size and number of villages in
our path or the type o f mission, we
sometimes moved over 10 kilometers
before lunch.
Quang Ngai Province offered good
visibility and plenty of landmarks, includ- U.S. Army Warrant Officer teaches students shout, we ran for help. When we located
ing Highway 1. railroads. clams. bridges, from 2nd ARVN Rangers how to use the the source of the moans it turned out to
a number of respectable hills and a large, most valuable navigation tool - the be our " navigator." When he heard the
wet blue area known as the South China compass. Author's platoon leader likely shout of " grenade" he had been on the
Sea. All these factors. combined with the didn't attend such a course. Photo: DoD opposite. side of the hut. the grass hut,
unusual practice of asking several squad mind you. His immediate action had
leaders for a consensus as to our location, he wanted to do was go home and dance been to tum his back and bend over.
began to make us wonder if our platoon with the ladies. At least he could see Yes, ladies and gentlemen, boys and
leader was testing us like trainees. beyond day 365 in the RVN. girls, that's right where he got it. The left
Or. unthinkable as it may be. maybe Shortly aher his arrival we went on cheek as I recall. Our medic wasn't able to
he couldn 't find his ass with bo th hands? another search and destroy mission at a retrieve the single sharp steel segment
He would frequently call one or all of us small village that another unit had already which had lodged so peiiectly, geo-
over for a look-see at his map. Often his started working using tear gas. As my graphically speaking. It was hard guiding
finger would be resting on a map point machine gunner and I rounded the tweezers when your eyes were tearing
and he would ask. ·'Say. where would corner of a grass-walled hut we saw and sides splitting with laughter.
you say we are?" We would then point Grace. All 6-feet, 2-inches of him was That was the encl of the " navigator," at
out our correct location. at which time wound up like a major league pitcher, but least in my platoon. He did come back to
his finger would drift to meet ours. This with a frag grenade rather than a ball in the field however, and on two occasions
cleft movement was always followed by his hand. He pitched the frag into the I was fortunate enough to hear him report
the comment, "Just what I thought. " doorway of a bunker. My gunner, Grace his position to the CO. The first time, the
This went on for weeks while we olcl- and I all shouted "grenade" at the same old man called him back to say, " Well,
timers (five months in-country) kept the instant. Bamboo-lined bunkers tend to you had better start ducking - you're on
troops going the right way. We began to spit hard, egg-shaped things back at you. the airstrip at Due Phol" The second time
hope that our platoon leader would This one snapped that frag back at least his comment was, " Start swimming -
contract malaria, terminal shits or some- as fast as it went in. Grace managed to be you're 17 klicks into the South China
thing to get him out o f the field. on the opposite side of the bunker and Seal" You know. you really can hear
Salvation arrived one clay in the form my machine gunner and I flattened teeth gritting over a handset.
of an 18-year-olcl. 6- foot, 2-inch, smiling behind the soil platform the hut was built They say that God protects fools and
black kid named Grace. He was slender, on when the grenade detonated. At the drunks. That must be true to some
energetic and as cheerful as a man could instant it exploded there was a piercing degree, because he completed his tour
be in Vietnam as a draftee. Grace had a shriek followed by a low agonizing moan. and got home. I ran into him at Fort Sill a
different attitude. H e saw the Army as a Thinking one of my people had been few years later. By that time, I'm happy to
temporary interruption in the music. All unlucky enough not to hear the warning report, he had retired. ~

12 soumm 011 11ou·1·uNr: FEBRUARY 90

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Last month you read all about the
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tronic S uper-Hearing. Boy, these cults their " H and and Body Warmer."
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Sunglass fads come and go, but Army sodium acetate and water that gives weatherproof nylon shell and double-
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real thing.

A joke book aimed at the divorced

man, titled " Your Last 1,000 Week-
ends," is available from Vet Pro. It's
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men survive through humor. And I
always thought we only survived with
guns and women.

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WINDING their way down the steep
ravine, the men of the 4th Platoon know
that the enemy is close at hand. This
ravine runs all the way fro m Chimalte-
nango to the fertile south coast of
Guatemala and only a few crossing
points exist, all of which are ambushed.
With contact likely, the platoon com-
mander, Lieutenant Barrera, ma kes sure by Jack Thompson
that his men are ready for action.
Suddenly, the guerrillas spring an am-
bush from high ground to the west.
Lieutenant Barrera's men instinctively
Fire Control Orders
go to cover and return fire. The guerrillas
are from the group ORPA a nd are
well-trained fighters. Now a PG-7 rocket
slams into a tree a mere 10 meters from
Lt. Barrera. He knows that guerrilla
small-arms fire is usually ineffective but
that an RPG-7 is definitely some thing
that must be quickly dealt with. So, he
issues a fi re control order to his
lead squad.
"First squadl 150. Ceiba tree. Slightly
left, RPG-7. "
"Whe n he shoots again let him have
it!" Three seconds later a ball of dust
erupts near the big Ceiba tree followed
closely by the explosion of the rocket
which hits near the machine gunner of
the second squad. First squad, as or-
dered, immediately shoots the hell out of
the place where the rocket came from,
dust being kicked up from the impacts.
They receive no more rocket grenades.
S hortly after losing their rocket launcher,
the Gs split, no longer able to pin down Fire control orders, to be understood engage targets of opportunity. For ex-
the airborne platoon. above the confusion of battle, must be ample:
The reason that the first squad was given clearly, loudly, distinctly. Corporal "First Squad" - Group
able to defeat the rocket la uncher was Tony Hartman, a squad leader with 1st "150" - Range
Bn, 3rd Marine Regiment, calls for "Road Junction" - Indication
because they had received a precise fire
another machine gun to assist his squad
control order This order concentrated " Enemy in that area. Watch a nd
in a heavy firefight on a sweep and clear
their fire o n one target, enabling them to mission south of the DMZ in Vietnam, shoot" - Type of fire
take it out. A fire control order makes fire July 1968. Photo: SSgt D. L. Shearer When the men of first squad see the
both coordinated and effective. It makes USMC, courtesy DoD. enemy they will shoot at will.
it fire with a purpose. Let's examine, Now that we have covered the types
then, fire control orders a nd how of fire control orders we ca n address
they're used. " how" to give fire co ntrol orders.
First, let's deal with the seque nce of a effectively. When time permits a full fire Needless to say, you can't be shy
fire control order. We use the word control order should be used. about giving these types of orders. We
G-R-1-T to help us re member the Aside from the full fire control order, use the word C-L-A-P (not to be con-
sequence. there are also brief, delayed and indi- fused with the medical version) to assist
G: group - rifle group, machine-gun vidual fire control orders. us in giving fire control orders correctly.
group, an ti-tank group etc., which re- A brief fire control order is used when Always give fire control orders:
ceives the order. there is little time and the target is C - Clearly, calmly, concisely.
R: range - in meters, enabling the obvious. L - Loudly enough to be heard
group called to set sights. Example: above battle noise.
I: indication - (see "Target Indica- " 100 - half left- rapid fire !" A - As an order.
tion," January '90). Next, we have a delayed fire control P - with Pauses so that your men can
T: types of fire - (see "Combat Fire order. This is the type of fire control assimilate what was said.
Control," November '89). order that Lt. Barrera used in the Remember, use GRIT for the se-
Example: " Mac hine-gun group" opening scene; there is a delay between quence and CLAP to assist in commu-
-Group the target indicatio n and order to fire. nicating it effectively.
"200" - Range Example: Fire control orders concentrate and
"Half left, big tree, slightly right, " Machine-gun group. 200. Hut, right coordinate fire. Without fire control or-
enemy mortar" - Indication three o'clock, small trees. Enemy patrol ders a unit's fire is random and ineffec-
" Five short bursts, fire !" - Type moving through the trees - when they tive, which allows the enemy to suppress
of fire are in the open, await my order, -fire!" you and defeat you. As my frie nd Lt.
This is known as a full fire control Finally, we come to the individual fire Barrera knew, effective fire control or-
order It gives all the necessary infor- control order. An individual fire control ders can mean the differe nce between
mation to engage a target quickly and order gives your men the initiative to life and death. '9Z

1s soumm cw 11onTUNE FEBRUARY 90

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slightly different. Sales tax added where applicable. We reserve the right to reject any application.
EvERY month in every issue of every
gun publicatio n in the English language
we are bombarded with glowing reports
of some new combat ammunition stress-
ing its awesome muzzle energy, a total
non sequitur, and its amazing velocity,
most often a negative factor in measur-
ing its effectiveness.
A case in point. Remington has just
introduced a '+ P' .45 ACP load using
the company's excellent 185-grain Jack-
eted Hollow Point (JHP) bullet with a
serrated tip. It flies out of a Colt Govern-
Combat Loads
ment Model's muzzle at 1, 120 fps. That
sounds impressive, as does the kinetic
energy calculated from this velocity. Yet
driven at this velocity, the bullet will
invariably overexpand and underpene-
trate, precisely what we are seeking to
Using this same bullet, Black Hills
Ammunition (Dept. SOF, 3401 South
Highway 79, Rapid City, SD 57701,
phone: 605-348-5150) produces a load
with a more modest velocity that is truly
effective. Averaging only 900 fps out of
the 3%-inch barrel of a Colt Officer's
Model (OM), it will penetrate from 14 to
17 inches of soft tissue, depending upon
the amount of expansion, which varies
from .57 to .68 caliber (as expansion
increases, penetration decreases). That's
exactly what we're looking for and until
someone develops a heavier bullet that shot in the carefully prepared block of 10 Four new combat loads (left to right):
will reliably expand and penetrate to the percent ord nance gelatin (Type 250 A) . Highly recommended Black Hills .45
same depth, the Black Hills 185-grain Bulle ts tha t exhibit no expansion ACP JHP which expands up to .68
JHP load should be stuffed into all of our whatsoever in living tissue will mush- caliber and penetrates 14 to 17 inches of
soft tissue; awesome looking .45 ACP
.45 ACP magazines. room with regularity in Duxseal and clay.
Pin Grabbers '" with 247-grain J HP
While testing the Black Hills 185-grain In this instance, however, the Duxseal bullet that expands to .80 caliber but
JHP .45 ACP load, we fired one round plugged the projectile's hollow cavity penetrates no more than 13.5 inches;
into Duxseal to check our Oehler Model and there was no expansion except for a Remington subsonic 9mm Parabellum
35P chronograph and to avoid wasting a bulging of the jacket to .48 caliber. We cartridge with 140-grain JHP bullet will
can safely conclude that shooting into expand up to .64 caliber but penet rates
Duxseal is a complete exercise in futility only 10.5 inches of soft tissue; and 9mm
Cross-section of Core-Shot projectile Parabellum Core-Shot frangible
whose lead tip may travel somewhat
and yields misleading information in
every case. Bullets that will not expa nd in ammunition whose No. 12 birdshot will
farther than the Glaser's plastic cap in penetrate only about 5 inches. Photo:
soft t issue but which is still rated by the living tissue will commonly do so in
Peter G . Kokalis
author as unacceptable. Photo: courtesy Duxseal and those which expand relia-
of Buffalo Bullet Company bly in human targets will sometimes fail
to mushroom in this pseudo-simulant,
the use of which should be confined to
sealing sheet-metal ducts.
Having already fouled o ur Colt OM,
we decided to test six different loadings
of the ferocious-looking Pin Grabbers"'
MAXIMUM EXPANSION AND .45 ACP ammunition manufactured by
AVOIDANCE OF OVER Kaswer Custom, Inc. (Dept. SOF, 13
Surrey Drive, Brookfield, CT 06804;
phone: 203-775-0564) . Bullet weights
- - - - .016 COPPER JACKET
varied from 185 to 260 grains. Five were
JHP projectiles and one was a lead
hollow point without a jacket - all with
six serrated teeth-like projections. As the
cavity depth varied with each bullet
.,_,~AN~~,,.,...,.....,_.,....,"'"'l"'lt- CORE SUB PROJECTILES INSURE weight, we were presented with an
ENERGY IN TARGET MEDIUM opportunity to examine how this para-
meter of the bullet's construction af-
fected its performance.
Lightest of the .45 ACP Pin Grab-
bers is a 185-grain JHP with a sub-

stantial cavity measuring 0.280-inch in

depth. It is, apparently, too deep, as this
bullet, traveling at only 920 fps, will
expand to . 75 caliber with some frag-
mentation, but penetrates to less than 10
inches. We need at least 12 inches of
penetration and this load cannot be
Next up the weight scale was a
200-grain J HP Pin Grabbers" ' with a
cavity also measuring 0.280-inch in
depth. Performance was only marginally
superior to the 185-grain bullet. Moving
out at an average velocity of about 880
fps, this bullet expands to approximately
.60 caliber with minor jacket fragm enta-
tion and penetrates up to 11.5 inches of
soft tissue. Not bad, but not impressive.
Cavity depth on the 225-grain JHP
bullet was also 0.280-inch. Average
velocity was about 840 fps. Penetration
varies from 17 to 19 inches. That's good,
and the bullet tip expands to about .58
caliber with no fragments. Sometimes
the bullet e nds its travel point forward
and other times it ends up base forward. bullet will end its travel point forward French Silver Plus 12 gauge discarding
The 225-grain Lead Hollow Point and sometimes a few of the teeth-like sabot slug weighs 400 grains, is fin-
moves downrange with an ave rage projections will break away. There's stabilized, penetrates 42 inches of soft
velocity of approximately 910 fps. At nothing special about this load. tissue and extends a shotgun's effective
Cavity depth of the 247-grain JHP range out to 200 meters. Photo: Peter G .
0.270-inch, the cavity depth is only
slightly shallower than those of the Pin Grabbers "' bullet is 0.290-inch.
previous bullets. This bullet will pene- Velocity of this heavy bullet is about 790
trate from 20 to 21 inches of soft tissue. fps from the Colt OM's short barrel. inches with no fragmentation.
However, expansion is insignificant as There is considerable expansio n out to Heaviest of the Pin Grabbers T." is a
only the crown opens up to no more almost .80 caliber, but the penetration is 260-grain JHP with a cavity depth of
than .46 caliber. Most of the time this no better than from about 12.5 to 13 .5 only 0.10-inch. This is far too shallow

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12 Gauge Shotgun
Rifled slug 17.8 mm diam.
Vel-1513 f/s 481 m/s
Wt. 437 gr 28.3 gm
Permanent Cavity

-~*-':".¥;t~::~-?t? ~'._\-;.\i'""r··
I ,..,...., c..... I
1 1 1 1
o cm $ 16 15 20 25 38

and unsatisfactory results could be Remington's 437-grain, hollow-base 12

anticipated. The velocity of this load was gauge slug will penetrate up to 14 inches
erratic and varied from 768 fps to 811 of soft tissue with expansion to over one
fps. At the higher velocity it penetrated inch, as this wound profile illustrates,
and remains the preferred choice against
about 31 inches of soft tissue. Penetra-
human targets. Graphic: courtesy of Dr.
tion dropped to 24 inches at the lower Martin L. Fackler
velocity. Worst of all, this bullet does not
expand and all six of its "teeth" invaria-
bly shear off. This just won't do. bly because the cavity depth is only
We can draw a few rather obvious 0.11-inch. Quite often the teeth-like
conclusions from the above tests. First of projections break away from the bullet.
all, as expansion increases, penetration We cannot recommend this load.
invariably decreases. Once expansion Even more dreadful are the 12 gauge
exceeds approximately one and a half Game Grabbers slugs. Two projectiles

IEHPLDRER ~~ times the original bullet diameter, pene-

tration usually drops to unacceptable
are available - a 662-grain Lead Hol-
low Point and a 648-grain JHP. Both
LOCK f. filrQ\ 0
levels. If the other parameters are held have hollow bases. Both of these pro-

'. 1 ~~1ll1!I, J.)~l!}

constant, increasing the depth of the jectiles travel at approximately 1,250 fps
KNIFE cavity will usually increase expansion of and will penetrate up to 30 inches of soft
SYSTEM ;! a hollow point bullet. Finally, driving tissue. They will usually yaw 180 degrees
handgun bullets at extremely high veloc- and end their travel base forward. When
ities will result in overexpansion and produced by projectiles of this size and
,~ f~~· underpenetration unless the bullet's lead weight, temporary cavity stretch can
At last!. .. The knife that inspires confidence ... New alloy core contains a high percentage of become a more significant factor in
and different! ... You can feel it ... in the quickness of tin/antimony (such as those used in the incapacitation of human targets. The
the spear-point blade as it swings open 180° and Freedom Arms .454 Casull bullets). diameter of the temporary cavity ap-

locks securely on quadruple pins ... In strength ... While the 225-grain JHP Pin Grab- proaches 8 inches and this would proba-
The Swing-Lock is 4 x stronger than an ordinary
lockback, practically as strong as a fixed blade. If bers rn .45 ACP ammunition provides bly scramble your guts. Penetration, in
you 're not sure about your back-up-this is the acceptable performance, at $1 per car- this instance, is accompanied by consid-
friend you want by your side' ...Comes with nylon tridge it is not, in my opinion, cost erable expansion. However, it is asym-
Cordura pouch. effective when compared to the Black metrical - an almost sure indication that
~>ag Add-on boot/belt c lip / ' Hills 185-grain JHP at approximately the bullet is yawing, or "keyholing" in
_ _ __:_ available @ $4.00_ . _ _ ~ one third the cost. flight.
LIBERTY HOUSE ( ., The .45 Long Colt (LC) cartridge There are three important parameters
I Call 800-333-0989 or write to: \ I remains a perennial favorite with that affect exterior ballistics (the projec-
J P.O. Box 165, Pelham Manor, NY 10803 J
wheelgunners, and with good reason, as tile's flight after it leaves the muzzle. but
I Yes Send me the EXPLORER " Swing-Lock"
1 j it provides heavy, large-caliber bullets before it strikes the target). They are. in
I ll with optional boot/belt clip I moving at moderate velocities. There is a the order of importance, 1) bullet rota-
QUAN: AMT. ENCL: I 260-grain J HP Pin Grabbers rn round in tion, 2) mass stabilization, and 3) bullet
II Add $3.00 for postage and handling
NY State residents add sales tax I this caliber as well. Its performance is no shape.
better than mediocre. Plodding down- Dr. Martin L. Fackler, M.D. , director
Ic CHECK/ MO c CHARGE _ V ISA - MC I range at about 600 fps, sometimes it will of the Wound Ballistics Lab at the
I Acct. No. Exp. Date: J end its travel point forward; other times it Letterman Army Institute of Research.
1 ! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 will yaw 180 degrees and end up base
forward. On occasion, it will completely
Presidio of San Francisco, has demon-
strated that once a projectile strikes living
j Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I shed its jacket after about 5 inches of tissue, the parameters of bullet rotation
I NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I penetration in soft tissue. When it re- and bullet shape transpose themselves in
I ADDRESS: I mains intact, penetration reaches 20 order of importance.

~T:__ _ __ _ _ STATE/Z'..'.:_ _ _ _ J inches. However, expansion is minimal

-never more than .50 caliber - proba- Continued on page 83
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Louis Awerbuck. Desert Publica-
tions, Dept. SOF, P.O. Box 1751,
El Dorado, AR 71730. 1989. Soft-
cover. 75 pages with 107 illustra-
tions. $10.95 plus $3 p&h. Re-
view by Peter G. Kokalis.

BASED upon the syllabus for his a nd probably why history repeats exercises if y o u expect them to p er-
highly regarded shotgun course, Awer- itself, since the lessons of past genera- form in times of war: dig in, dig in, dig
buck' s book covers in concise detail ev- tio ns are forgotten or considered no in (but no t in woods); be prepared and
ery important topic pertaining to the em- longer applicable. fire first are just some of Rommel's
ployment of the fighting scattergun. Attacks is organized into six main axioms learned through five years of
There are chapters on ammunition, pat- chapters with numerous sub-chapters. combat.
terning, chokes, loading and download- Each sub-chapter details a n actio n Yo u won't get a broader view of the
ing, shooting positions, multiple targets, Rommel was involved in d uring his war to end all wars, no r will you learn
carry slings, shooting on the move, tac- time on the Western, Rumania n and anything about what made Ro mmel
tics, weapon retention and one-handed Ita lian fronts during World Wa r I. At tick in Attacks, it's not that kind of
ope ration. Throughout, Awerbuck the conclusion o f each chapter there is book. What you will get are hard-
emphasizes the difference between sport a summary of what he learned from learned battlefield lessons in the com-
shooting and deadly encounters. the given action. Much o f what Rom- fort a nd quiet of your own living room.
Along the way, we are treated to mel learned as a young infa ntry officer Like most things worthwhile, Attacks
explanations of " ghost-ring" aperture is still very apropos today. Make heavy is at times tedio us, but you' ll feel better
rear sights, "jug" choking, the three demands on your men in p eacetime for having read it.
primary ready positions, snap shoot-
ing, braced shooting positions, the
"African" carry, the 10 tactical com-
mandments and action types.
Awerbuck offers the reader some
exceptionally significant nuggets of in-
formation. We are advised that loading
techniques must always be practiced
the same way without variation, if
possible. The trigger finger should nev-
er contact the trigger until the gun is on
target. Focus on the front site, not the
target and a lways follow through.
Learn to identify your mix of ammuni-
tion (one of the shotgun's salient fea-
tures) by to uch. Stationary range
targets are inadequate preparation for
moving human opponents. Under
stress, you will inevitably react in the
ma nner in which you have practiced.
There are many more .
A native South African and former
chief range master at J eff Cooper's
American Pistol Institute, Awerbuck is
well qualified. Although a sound first
step, his book is no substitute, howev-
er, for actual training by competent
personnel a nd subsequent continual
HITLER'S UNDERCOVER WAR. ler a nd his Natio nal Socialists. History
practice, as the author himself stresses. The Nazi Espionage Invasion of records that the Unite d States was
the U.S.A. By William Breuer. St. largely unprepared for the Nazi milita ry
ATTACKS. By Erwin Rommel. Martin's Press, Dept. SOF, 175 onsla ught which became World War II.
Athena Press Inc., Dept. SOF, PO Fifth Avenue, New York , NY No t o fte n acknowle dged, a lthough
10010. 1989. Cloth. 358 pages. doubly true, is tha t the United S tates
Box 776, Vienna, VA 22180.
$19.95. Review by SOF staff. was also woefully unprepared for the
1979. Paperback. 325 pages. Re-
German espionage invasion which be-
view by Tom Slizewski.
gan in 1927.

p UBLIS HED in German in 1937

under the title lnfanterie Greift An
THAT the seeds o f World Wa r II
were sown in the ashes o f World War I
is a generally acknowledged point of
By the time Hitler began rearming
Germany in earnest and in the open,
he had concluded tha t the wild card in
(Infantry Attacks ), Field Marshal Erwin history, as is the fact that Germany his global poker game was the tech-
Rommel's book of World War I tacti- began its rearmament progra m almost no logical and industrial might of the
cal infantry combat has become a fro m the onset of the Versailles Treaty United States. Practically unopposed,
classic of military literature. Like clas- - its crippling provisions notwithstand- agents of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris'
sics of all ge nres, however, it's a book ing. Soon thereafter the military poten- Abwe hr managed to steal virtually ev-
many people talk about but few tia l o f G e rm a ny wa s consolida te d ery United States defense secret, from
bother to read. That's a real tragedy under the demonic ha nd o f Adolf Hit- the revolutionary Norden bo mb sight

22 sournm 01' FORTUNE FEBRUARY 90

to our latest warshi p plans. And mil-
lions in Nazi funds were channeled
through U.S. papers , pub l ishing
houses, magazines and ethnic organi-
zatio ns to pervert p ubli c opini on
against America 's coming to the aid of
peoples being ravaged by the N azis.
This unfettered rap e of Am erican
assets and opinion continued right up NOVA TELEPHONE
to th e po in t in 1939 when FDR
appointed the FBI as th e single agency Electronic Restraints Recording Device
to combat subversive forces in the
United States. The ease with which
Nazi spies stole techno l ogy and
obtained sensitive military information
is frightening. Equally alarming is th e
ease - and scope - with which Nazi
money was fil tered from the Abwe hr
and from Goebbels' Ministry of Prop -
aganda and used to influence Amer- All of your telephone conversations can be
50,000 VOLTS OF POWER! Defend yourself automatically recorded on your tape recorder .
ican p ublic opinion to re m ain isolation- against any attacker by instantly "scrambling· the Connecting this device will automatically turn your
ist and not get involved (in the name of nervous system causing immediate, but recorder on when the phone re-reeiver is lifted off
" Peace " ) in a " Foreign " war. This was temporary paralysis I A light touch to the body will the hook, record both sides of the conversati on
drop an attacker to the ground a helpless "blob" with crystal clarity and then turn the recorder off
done not just through Nazi-front news- of jello. Effective even through many layers of and await the next phone usage . It will also record
papers and organizatio ns, but through clothing , a Nova is not lethal in any way and the tones or pulses of the outgoing calls , enab-
" legitimate" publishers and by in- completely safe to the user. Nova restraints are ling you to determine the dialed numbers if
fluencing outspoken American heroes, the best self-defense devices money can buy. necessary . Completely sil ent functioning with no
These are the "stun· guns that others try to copy
industrialists and even the very offices clicks heard on the line.
but can never succeed. Why accept cheap
of sincere but isolati onist U.S. Con- imported substitutes that may or may not work. TT5 ...... ..Phone Recorder .... ........ $39.95
gressmen - to the extent of even us- Only Novas are guaranteed for 2 years and only
Novas are in use by over 600 law enforcement
ing congressio nal franking privileges
agencies around the world. Two models SUPER
and personnel for mailing th eir prop- available: The original XRSOOO wh ich includes a
aganda' Perhaps this is all the more NiCad battery and charger or the new Spirit which STUN-BATON
alarming because altho ugh the Nation - includes a long-life lithium battery with sufficient
al Socialists may have been the m ost power for 300 takedowns.
NV1 ....... .... .. Nova XR5000 Kit.. .... $89.95
enthusiastic of the world 's crimina l
NV2 ............. Nova Spirit. ............ $137.95
conspirators, th e communists were
and are the most resolute. And
although the Nazi disease has been CAP-STUN This baton has an awesome 90,000
healed except for a few lingering p u s- volts of stopping power. It will
tules, the communist conspiracy is still
Spray Weapon intimidate most attackers without
contact. "Hor down the shaft as
a leprous epidemic of worldwide prop- well as the contact probes. A full 18
ortions - and still using the kind inches of stun power. This one is
offices of various Americans (and legis- serious!
OM-3 ... Super Baton ..$119.95
lators) to push the idea that American
might should not (again , under the
fa lse banner of " peace" ) come to the
Cap-Stun is the instantly effective non-lethal WIRETAP
aid of those fighting today's even more weapon using oleoresin capsicum derived from
insidio us and staggeringly prevalent hot peppers as its active agent. Designed to DETECTOR
disease of socialist tyran ny known as replace chemical Mace and all other tear gas
com munism. aerosols. Propellent blend and valve design
provide the proper spray pattern so effectively to
A uthor Breuer presents not merely a safely subdue all attacks. Cap-Stun has been
good solid historical work, a ca talog- proven superior to Mace, CN and CS tear gas in
ing, if you w ill, of the bad guys and that it WILL control a drunk, psychotic, dogs as
well as drug abusers. Cap-Stun acts as an
their unopposed early successes. but
inflammatory agent rather than an irritant like the
he weaves a fabric upo n wh ich J. tear gasses. Mucous membrane areas will inflame
Edgar H oover and his dedicated band instantly to prevent all but life support breathing
ultimately painted a picture of as well as dilating the eyes so the attacker is Keep your telephone conversations private! Fan-
physically blinded temporarily. Cap-Stun is tastic double-check tap detector is easy to install.
astounding successes . And a story completely safe to use with no harmful Alerts you of bugging device or if an extension is
where the good guys wi n al ways aftereffects. Each Cap-Stun comes complete picked up. No other phone detector comparable
makes good readi ng. with a leather holster in price with features ours offers! Comes com-
Just about as fast as H oover was given LP1 ........... 3/4 oz Cap-Stun .... .... .$15.95 plete with modular jack and instructions.
the responsibility and the agents to do LP2 ............ 2 oz Cap-Stun ........... $22.95 ST1 .............. Tap Detector........... $79.95
the job, the FBI had in place a small army
of tireless agents tailing known subver-
Satisfaction Guaranteed! Dealer Inquiries Invited:
sives, and had set up some of the
smoothest " sting" operations ever de- CHARGE CARD ORDERS : Visa - MasterCard - Am Express
vised. Using Abwehr money (he was CALL TOLL FREE : 1-800-527-4434 • in Arizona 1-602-371 -1 023
even able to tum back $18,000 of Hit-
ler's spy funding to the U .S. Treasury MAIL IN ORDERS: Send check, money order or charge card information to:
Continued on page 86 8350 North 7th Street • PHOENIX, Arizona 85020



Affirmative Action Comes to the
Assassins Guild
by David Truby

J UST one more young plain Jane doing

her grocery shopping. Who'd pay
much attention to mouse-brown hair,
The continuing, paid-for, political co-
operation of this man was vital to the
less-than-thread-tenuous oil price/produc-
accepted the concept of woman as
Dr. Deborah H. Galvin wrote that " as-
jeans, and a plain wedding band to match tion agreements that were made outside sassination is a comparatively rare occur-
the face and figure? public channels for world trade balance. It rence. The female assassin is even rarer. "
She put the bulky shopping bag carrying is even possible that his mistress may have Her first claim is relatively correct; her
the name of a mall discount shop in her been a contract employee of the U.S. second is untrue. There are many female
grocery cart and proceeded to run the government. assassins skilled in very deadly arts and
gauntlet of aisles in the modern supermar- None of it mattered that day, because 10 sciences and using a variety of weapons.
ket of a close-in DC suburb. minutes after the forgettable young woman For example, in 1980 Paris police
After 10 minutes of "shopping," she left the market, five blocks of C4 wired to arrested five members of what they de-
checked her watch and quietly parked her a timing device inside her discount-store scribed as a "well-trained, disciplined
cart near a display of motor oil that was on shopping bag tore that building apart, Islamic hit squad " whose target was
sale. No one noticed her walk out of the doing the same to several dozen shoppers , Shahpour Bakhtiar, an outspoken critic o f
store. Five minutes passed. If you'd lifted including the OPEC diplomat and his the Ayatollah Khomeini. One of the hit
the discount store bag she left in her cart mistress. team was a woman , who led the way as
and listened carefully, you'd have heard It happens for real, and you can fre- they tried to blast their way into the
something softly ticking, but only for quently see terrorist assassination stories Iranian's fortified apartment with suppres-
another couple of minutes. like this unfolding on the nightly news.
Her weeks of solid and thorough intelli- Some of the experts , though , have not
gence work placed the trade chief of a key
friendly OPEC nation in that market at "Andre" was the field name for a female
This semi-lovely lady with the Hungarian assassin of East German origin who defected
nearly the exact time, ± 5 minutes, on this
machine pistol was dispatched to Saigon to the West and was used by our side for
day. No deviation, as he and his girlfriend during the final days to do numbers on key various operations in Southeast Asia. She
met there to get nourishing goodies for South Vietnamese politicians and any spoke several languages, did some intelligence
their afternoon delight. Both were married remaining U.S. personnel who presented gathering, but according to Stock, was also
to others, so clockwork timing was vital in themselves as targets. Photo: author's involved in several killings. Photo: courteS)' of
scandal-loving Washington. collection Fred Stock

Dave Truby will be remembered
by early SOF readers for articles on
clandestine operatives and activities,
people and conspiracies. In this
article he examines two of his favor-
ite topies, women and assassination
plots. Truby has authored innumera-
ble books and articles on weapons
and historical subjects, including the
books Silencers, Snipers and Assas-
sins and Women at War, most under
his own name, and many - for
various reasons - under a nom de
plume. When not roaming in search
of action stories, Truby resides in the
east, where he also holds a legitimate
job in the journalism department of a
large university.


sor-equ ipped submachine guns. increase in the number of women arrested hies) involving girls. G irls probably com-
Despite Islamic fundamentalism's male fo r mu rder. Those data also show that the prise about 60 percent of the world 's top
chauvi nist imagery to the contrary, it 's number of women involved in violent assass ins. That 's the truth .
obv ious th at murderous women are top crime has ri sen 161 percent in the same " Women are excellen t. Nobody sus-
assass ins in the world of true Khomeini time period. Between 1976 and 1987 , the pec ts women. A woman can get closer to a
gri ts. Likewise , the finger that pulled the two figures were 2 10 percent and 350 man than a man can get to a man. They can
trigger of the silenced Skorpion subma- percent! go to parties unnoti ced , they can go
chine gun used to kill Aldo Moro in 1978 Commenting on the amaz ing increase in anyplace unnoticed.
was fe mal e, a hi gh-scoring Red Brigade violent fe male crimes , the noted criminol - "And , if they're built li ke many of chem
assassin whose code name in Interpol files og ist Dr. Freda Adl er says , " Women have are built, it 's a one-way ticker. Where 's a
is Rita. Italian police reports g ive her nine take n traditional male ro les as stevedore , man most vulnerable? When you get him
confir med ki lls. pilot, manager, cop , even assass in . No in bed . Get him drunk, make love to him ,
Europe has had a number of women longer content to just make the coffee , find out informat ion . . . Or, if it's killing
assass ins , e.g . , In ge Viet , Gabr ie le they want to make and use the bombs. The him , you [a woman] ca n get hi m to a
Rollnik , and Juliane Plambeck , the Ger- major phys ical difference between men remote spot and he's nor go ing to be
man terrorettes whose operations almost and women, strength , has been equali zed suspicious at all , because , he ' ll take you
always involved sex ual seduction. In the by the gun and the bomb ." there . "
' 70s , a German lawyer named Kl aus Th e psychosociologist Dr. Ra lph ln addition to Decker's points , many
Croissant recruited and had trained as Klondyke fee ls that as assass ins , women security people still do not view women as
killers several youn g ladies who became are inherentl y more savage than men, suspiciously as they do men; women
known to Europea n po lice officially as the say ing, " The female of any spec ies is assass ins have a stronger e lement of
Croissant Group, unofficially as " Klaus 's ge nerall y the hard kil ler .. . beneath even surpri se.
Devils ," after the TV series, " Charlie's the warmth of motherhood , there lurks the Why women become assass ins is proba-
Ange ls ." The group spread murder and so ul of a killer. " bly an academic ques ti on, good babble
terror throu gh Europe , although rarely According to Mike Dec ker, there are far fodder for scholars with nothing better to
making headlines unless they wished to more women assass ins than you might like do rh an e ngage in useless mental mastur-
create an especia ll y splashy assassination, to believe. Decker. whose name and bation. The story of women in armed
e .g . , the murder of Austrian banker Juer- appearance have changed since go ing into combat is as old as military history. I
ge n Ponto in 1977 . the Federal Witness Protection Program , wrote a book on the subj ect nearly 15 years
Perhaps we ought to use the word has solid bona fides to make such c laims. ago. People of either sex become profes-
professional in front of the word assassins, A SEAL during the Vietnam years, he also sional assass ins for the fo llow ing reasons .
to excl ude the one-shot zealots , loners, handl ed " wet jobs " for the CIA both l . They are operational psychopaths
losers , and other amateurs, e.g. Lynette during and aft er his ass ignments in South- whose behavior can be controlled and
Fromme, Sara Jane Moore, Charlotte Cor- east Asia. He later joined Alberto Sicili a directed.
day, et al. There is a vast difference Falcon, the infamous Cuban-born dope 2. They enj oy killin g and view it as a
between the spur-of-the moment zealot , the magnate , as chief "security man ," (aka rati onal act to exc hange for some tangib le
Son of Sam , and the uni sex cabal of enforce r). During this time Decker han- reward .
professionals who plotted the unsuccessful dled several hits for Falcon. 3 . With a military background , some
attempts on Fidel Castro and Muammar " I' ve heard of a lot of inc idents (aka find killing another person is not all chat
Khadaffi. difficult and that people and nati ons will
Statistics tend to bear out milady 's pay hi ghly for the sk ill .
murderous militancy. Between 1960 and 4. Some prefer the adventure, the
1976 , FBI data show a 1 I 6 percent stalking and the fee ling of " gett ing away
Arrested by South Vietnamese authorities at
the behest of U.S. intelligence people, this
NVA operative posed as a hooker. Her
"Rita" is the file name given by Interpol to specialty was headquarters officers with loose "Aleta, " nom de guerre for a top lady
this top Red Brigade assassin with nine tongues, who, once they had divulged all they assassin last seen working Central America.
confirmed kills, including Italian premier were likely to, were dispatched. Photo: Chris Her employer remains a mystery. Photo:
Aldo Moro in 1979. Photo: Paco Ganga Doyle National News Service


with something few other people can do. " Arabia. He recently lost hi s best in forma nt o ur good guys also use assass ination as an
5. Some see themselves as instruments due to damaged parts , e.g., a severed operatio nal tool of both domestic and
of state policy, view in g assassi natio n as carotid artery, the work of a beau tiful , foreign policy. For exampl e , as we will
just another method of ga ining nati on- 25-year old woman who speaks French , detail below, both the CIA and the Israeli
al goa ls. English and , interes tin gly, Farsi. Police Mossad use kill team s that include women
6. Finally there is the trade-off assassin, caught her quite by acc ident . as mo re than decoys.
who has been promised something in "From their and our interrogati o n I In late 1976, the world was shocked by
return for his work, e .g. a Mafia killer know she is the killer. But, whose? the news that the Mossad was runn ing
recruited by the C IA to kill Fidel Castro There 's no quest io n why. She fou nd , liquidat io n squad s whose ass ignments in-
and others in return fo r Agency protection fo llowed and set up my man, then killed cluded counterin g terrori sm in the Biblical
against law enforcement officers. him with a straight razor after getting him se nse of trading eyes for eyes , teeth for
teeth and bodies for eve n more bodies.
Some of th e acti on agents in these squads
were women.

''Lady assassins? In one such squad that made headlines

that year, there were three women as-
signed as killers. One , a veteran age nt

They're the best kind.'' named Sy lvia Rafae l, was regarded as one
of Israel 's top intelligence peop le . The
second was known onl y as Tamar and was
described by Time magaz ine 's David
Tinnin as being " bright , beautiful and a
Perhaps, thou gh , women do have spe- passed-out drunk , which is not easy in thi s very yo ung univers ity graduate who'd
cial incentives to become assassins. Some nation. " joined the Mossad from the military."
experts argue that this ro le really increases Organized crime has proved to be an Tamar was described as a shooter.
the emancipation of these women , others equal opportu nity empl oye r fo r assass ins, The third female was Marianne Glad-
see it as thei r declaration of independence. too. I spoke with a man who knows ... he nik off, a Norwegian natio nal who had
Some experts, such as DoD psychologist used to hire them. emi grated to Israel, and was a crack shot
Dr. Nati Hoover claim it is a role better Today, Clay Alexander is a man in his wi th a variety of weapons . All three of the
suited to women by temperament. late 50s whose real name is known only to women were shoo ters in a Mossad sq uad
One federal sec urity person I spoke with his fam il y, former employers, and a few known as A leph units , and each carried a
told me about some rece nt ( 1988 ) tec hno- people in what 's left of the Federal Witness long-barreled Beretta .22 semi-auto pistol
logica l dev ices hi s orga ni zation has col- Relocation Program. He chose hi s "name " with integral suppressor.
lected as hard ev idence that associated for thi s interv iew because , he c laimed , " it T he way thi s Alep h unit fo und them-
death with women assassins. He told me , fits some of my former associates who were selves uncomfortabl y in the head lines was
" We have in o ur coll ectio n a lad y 's involved in the JFK murder." by bungling an assass inati on jo b against
umbrell a with a very nice 9-inch blade Alexander o wned up to eight ki llings some PLO nas ties and killing an innocent
built into the handle. We have a lipstick while dealing w ith the feds to stay out of c ivi li an , then gettin g caught. Rafae l and
tube built aro und a· .4 10 shot- shell firin g prison , whi ch also incl uded vio lati on of hi s G lad nikoff were arrested by Norwegian
device. One of ou r people recovered a employe r's code of silence , omerta. I had po li ce and sentenced to priso n. A diplo-
Maxi-Pad box stuffed with plastique and first interviewed him in 1982 fo r an article matic release was later arranged.
exploder .. . all set to be left at a table in a l did o n the " .22 Caliber Killers," a T he late Fred Stock was a Korean War
Sta te Department dining room . .. loosely based squ ad of professional mur- ve t who later did some contract jobs for the
KABOOM! " derers used mostly by organi zed crime C IA in Cuba , Central America and Viet-
He added , " Lethal gas in a small officials for various hits. Alexander, o ne of nam. [ fi rst knew him during some
container is someth ing we ' ve paid almos t on ly fo ur of the sq uad to be caught or adventures I had with Fide l's island in
no attention to. Suppose a fema le assassin killed , testified that three of hi s associates 196 1. Fred was always an honest friend
packed a couple of C0 2 tubes filled w ith a were women. who he lped me in my later career as a
highly concentrated and lethal toxin into " Our trademark was the .22 caliber jou rn alist.
lipsti ck cases? Who ' d spot that in a cas ual pistol to make ve ry clea n, very neat kills. "Lady assassins? They ' re the best kind.
search ? It nearly happened ri ght here in the Let me tell you about o ne of the women We used one , a real honey, in Vietnam in
Uni ted States, and, thank God the search shooters I ran. We knew her as A li ce , '65 . She was about 20 percent French
was thorough , or it would have made a w impy enough name, huh ?" which gave her the mean veneer, while the
helluva headline , and , we ' re for real here , " She had this assignment up in New Vietnamese genes provided the charm . We
not some James Bond movie bullshit. " Eng land , an outsider, not co nnected, and provided the training and the weapons .
Just who are some of these death- he tried to move so me blow without ' 'S he used every cover from sc hool
dealing darlings? paying the Family tariff fee. He got the teacher, to party girl , to VC tax collector
Terri worked fo r the IRA . A Maureen usual warnings and tried to lie out of it. so she could get next to the targets we
O ' Hara look alike , she relied on her Finally, he was ordered to be burned and picked for her. She hit NVA cad re,
outstanding figure, red hair and outsta nd- Alice got the job . political officers , informants, and while I
ingly pretty face to lure British soldiers to " Alice conned him into thinking she was there , her top- shot, no pun , was a
overdrink , overreach, then di e slowl y and was a really friend ly newspaper reporter turncoat French military advi ser. She got
horribly. wanting to do a story o n hi s truckin g him with poison . Mostly, she set small
Former British Army intelli gence offi- business and wanted to meet him alone one
cer Brian Millen knew Terri when she was night. What the hell , a young broad? He Continued on page 86
fin all y arrested early in 1986. He adds, fell for it. T he cops fou nd him the nex t day
" She used poiso n, firearms and razors to at the wheel of one of hi s trucks , with a . 22
kill. When she was brought in we had five hole right up one nostril and a bag of coke The West German equivalent to the FBI
cases I could hang her on. She is in prison j ammed up the other one . " issued this wanted poster for known terrorists
right now." Think of assass ins and you always in 1986- and 11 of the 18 were women , some
The so n of one of my good friends is a conjure up bad guys shooting sneakil y with multiple assassinations to their "credit."
U .S. Army intell igence officer in Saudi from the other side of the fe nce. Truth is, Poster: courtesy of Das Bundeskriminalamt


!al bittet um Mith ilfe
error1s en ~ •. • '• ' ', ·~ • - .e • ;...';!:.;,*.

Susanne Henning Sabine Elke

35 Johre, co. 175 cm groB, 28 Johre, co. 180 cm groB, 25 Johre, co. 175 cm grol1.
2 Leberflecke links om Kinn, groBe obstehende Ohren, zeit- kleines KinngrUbchen, v-fOrrni-
Leberfleck neben dem linken weise BrillenlrOger, vermullich ger Nosen-lippen-Rinnen-Ein -
NasenflOgel, Sommersprossen Linlmchreiber schniH, 2 parallel verloufende

Wolfgang Werner Eva Sybille Monika

33 Johre, ca. 180 cm gro£3, 32 Jchre, co. 160 cm groB, Brillen· 32 Johre, co. 170 cm grofl,
lrOgerio, vermu11ich HoulverOnderV1l9
HoutverOnderung r.nks nebe n neben r.nkem Nosenfliigel, punktfOmii- 2 Muttermole {Worzen) ober-
der Nose ge Norbe ouf Nosenspit1e, senk1echle holb des finken Mundwinkels,
Norbe Uber Noscnwurzel. Muttermol links vom Kehlkopf,
Noch Zeugenovslogen retu"hiertes trCgt zeitweise ge!Onle Brille

Birgit Elisabeth Andrea Martina Friederike

30 Johre, co. 170 cm groB, 29 Johre, co. 170 cm groB, 35 Jahre, co. 170 cm groB,
zeitweise BrillentrOgerin HoulverOnderung ouf linker trCgt zeitweise ge!Onte Brille

Werner Barbara Horst Ludwig

34 Johre, co, 180 cm groB, 30 Johre, co. 160 cm groB, 30 Johre, co. 175 cm groB,
Leberfleck on finker Wongen- senkrecht verlovfende Bouch- co. 1 an lange woogerechte
seite OP-Norbe. Norbe ouf der S~m
Nach Zeugenaussagen
retuschiertes Lichtbild

Diese Personen sind dei Begehung schwerer Straftaten drin-

Silke Freiherr gend verdachtig ·und werden m~ Haftbefehl zur Festnohme
Ekkehard von gesucht. Fur Hinweise, die zur Ergreifung der Beschuldig1en foh-
ren, sind for jede gesuchte Person bis zu 50.000 DM ols Beloh-
SECKENDORFF- nung ausgesetzt.
36 Johre, co. 170 cm groB,
OhrlCppchen ongewochsen GUDENT
45 Johre, co. 180 cm groB,
Worze on der linken Wonge
Vorsicht SchuBwaffen !
neben dem Ohr, BrillentrOger
Die Belohnungen werden unter AusschluB des Rechtsweges
zuerkonnt und verteik. Sie sind nicht liir Peioonen bestimmt, zu
Christoph Eduard Sigrid deren Berufspllichten die Verfolgung strafborer Hondlungen
gehort. Jedem Hinweisgeber steht es lrei, bei der Obermittlung
SEIDLER STERNE BECK von Hinweisen und beim Erhak der Belohnung sich einer Person
28 Johre, co, 180 cm groB, seines Vertrauens zu bedienen und demit den Behorden gegen-
36 Johre, co. 170 cm groB,
rechtes Ohrloppdien durch- uber vollig anonym zu bleiben. Bei Hinweisen an Strafverfol-
stochen, OhrringtrOger, co. l cm groBe obstehende Ohren,
longe Quemarbe Uber dem OhrlOppchen ongewochsen, gungsbehorden wird dem Hinweisgeber bzw. der Person seines
rechten Auge, HoutverOnde- zeitweise BrillenlrOgerin. Vertrauens Vertraulichkeit zugesichert; dies gitt ouch for Perso-
rungen auf linker Ho lsseite, Noch Zeugenoussogen nen aus der terroristischen Szene. Hinweise nimmt jede Polizei-
zeilweise BrillenlrOger reluschiertes Lichlbild
dienslstelle entgegen.

Thomas Inge
33 Jahre, ca 180 cm groO, 42 Johre, co 165 cm groB,
Wan.e ouf rechter SchlOfe Norbe om rechten Zeigefinger
(1 cm long, 3. Glied, Finger-
unterseile) zeilweise Brillen-

H nw e s e an j ede p 0 i zei d enststelle .


SOF Joins Karen Rebels Behind Burmese Lines

by Tom Peterson

T HE battered pickup whipped its way

along the winding and dipping dirt road
up into the hills with us and a bunch of
hill Karen with the tattoo of a serpent
coiling up one of his arms. But what set him
apart from the other Karens was that he
The battlefield situation along the Thai-
Burma border added an element of urgency
to the task. Soon after Rangoon installed
Karen troops packed standing room only in wore glasses for his poor eyesight. When the military junta of General Saw Maung on
the back. Every so often the driver would . complemented by a growth of beard , 18 September 1988 the Burmese army
stop to pick up more troops walking along Burmese army field cap, Burmese cigar launched what has become its most con-
the road towards our assembly point and Kalashnikov, he was the spitting image certed offensive against the Karens in
further up. of the young Fidel Castro . recent years. In 1987 the Burmese had
When we started out from the base camp As we waited by the road, some Karen boasted that they would crush the Karens in
at Palu on the Thai-Burma border early that villagers drove their cattle past on the way two years. With the two year deadline
morning it was still pitch dark , but now to Thailand . There they would get a good coming around the Burmese seemed to be
daylight was breaking through, revealing price for the animals and be able to bring going fo r broke to achieve the goal.
green, mist-shrouded hills and valleys back consumer goods to sell in Burma. It The foc us of this offensive has been
around us. A whack to the head from an was all part of the underground economy against the string of Karen bases located
overhanging branch ended my nature ap- that helps the people of Burma survive their along a more than 100 kilometer stretch of
preciation session for the day. Being taller government 's dilapidated socialist system. the Moei Ri ver opposite Thailand's Tak
than all our fellow passengers we had to Our column 's mission was to walk into province, about 500 kilometers northwest
keep an eye out for these roadside hazards. Burma, link up with other units already of Bangkok. The Burmese opened their
Soon our truck pulled into the assembly operati ng in the in terior, and act as a dri ve by attacking Mae Taw Waw, the
point located in a clearing between two low coveri ng force fo r a raid on the headquar- northern-most camp on the border opposite
peaks. The small hills had once served ters of the Burmese 44th Division at the Tak. Mae Taw Waw had been taken by the
alternately as Karen and Burmese outposts. town of Thingannyinaung, about 17 kilo- Burmese in an earlier offensive then re-
A few thatch-roofed shelters stood off to meters to the northwest of our jumping off taken by the Karens after 17 clays of hard
one side of the road. Two platoons of troops point. With us would go two 8 1mm mortars fighting on 13 October 1988. But after
gathered in groups in the fine morning mist of Kare n ma nu fac ture to shoot up another th ree months of heavy fighting the
waiting for the order to move. Some the division headquarters. camp fell again on 22 December.
smoked while others were fini shing off The Burmese carried on with their push
their breakfast. The men had been at the to the south by taking Kier Day ( 19 January
assembly point since the night before, and 1989), Maw Po Kay (26 March 1989) and
most had spent a miserable time weathering FORGOTTEN WAR Htee Ger Nee ( 18 April 1989) . Even the
the evening rain. Burmese air force made an appearance ,
The Karen officer who brought us up
CHRONICLER after an absence of several years, to make
Tom Peterson has traveled exten-
quickly introduced us to the column com- an ineffectual high level bombing run
sively in Burma, 'Phailand , and South-
mander, a middle-aged major who was also against Maw Po Kay with its Swiss made
east Asia covering the region 's forgot-
the deputy commanding officer of 17 PC-7 prop training aircraft rigged for close
ten wars. This article on the long
Battalion of the 6th Brigade of the Karen air support.
struggle of the Karens to establish their
National Liberation Army (KLNA). The Added to this was the fact that the
homeland , the Republic of Kawthoolei,
major made sure we got a breakfast and Burmese were using Thai territory to
is his first contribution to SOF. We are
assigned one of his men to generally look outflank Karen positions. During the attack
looking forward to caiTying more of his
after us and serve as interpreter. on Htee Ger Nee about 300 Burmese troops
work in fu ture issues .
Our helper/interpreter was a 26-year-old crossed over into Thailand to dig in


blockin g pos itions. The Kare ns were then Karens, armed with hodgepodge of weapons, each soldier had a green plasti c sheet and a
fo rced to pull out of the ca mp . Fro m the n ha ve been fi ghtin g for freedom for 45 yea rs. hammoc k . The rice to sustai n the m was
on such vio lati ons of Thai so il became a Photo: SOF staff carri ed in clo th ri ce tubes slung across
standard fea ture of nearl y every attack on their ches ts.
the re maining camps that fo ll owed . Ju st as Weapo ns were also vari ed . About half
troubling to the Karens was the wea k Th ai ra ng ing in age fro m wh at looked lik e 12 to carried AK s, mostl y o f C hinese make. A
reaction to these inc ursions, especiall y afte r late teens or earl y twenti es. The platoon fe w used the Czec h VZSS, whi ch the
senior po lit ica l and military leaders in a nd secti o n leade rs we re o lde r, more Kare ns re fe r to as the " Wo man's Gu n"
Bangkok sec ured lucrati ve trade dea ls with ex pe rie nced men . 1 later learned that most because of its s upposedl y fe minin e fea -
the Burmese . of our troops were fa irl y inex pe rienced and tures . The rest carri ed some very o ld M I 6s
By the time we fo und ourselves wa iting had not bee n through mu ch previous com- plus the odd C hinese SKS , T ha i-made
to set out on our jo urney, on 16 May I9S9 , bat. But still they reac ted qui ckly to orders HK-3 3 a nd U.S. Ml carbin e. For hea vier
the Burmese were already shelling Yang and kept their weapons well-m ainta ined . fire there were a few Th ai-made M79
Kha and Kaw mura and had launc hed a Their good ph ys ical fitn ess and moral e al so grenade launc he rs, RPG s (2s and 7s) and a
number of fa iled infantry assaults on bo th carried them thro ugh the events of the Wes t Ge rma n-d es ig ned MG-3 GP MG ca p-
ca mps , whi ch were the nex t two bases co ming weeks and months. tured fro m the Burmese. The bas ic load fo r
south of Htee Ger Nee. The Kare ns we re All the me n wore a varie ty of un ifo nns most o f the troops see med to be about I 00
understandab ly eager to hit back and take ra ng ing from Th ai pattern fatigues and rounds , w ith two to three mags pe r rifle-
some press ure o ff of th eir fri e nds under ca mouflage to captured Burmese o ld Brit man, plus the occas ional U.S. or Chinese
attack in the camps. type uniforms. Foot gear consisted of Th ai fragme ntati o n g re nade . The fin al odd
By 0745 all the troops had arri ved and jung le and Burmese canvas boots plus weapo n was a .22 cal. rifle carried by the
the majo r gave the order to move . We set rubber sa ndals, whil e so me simpl y went maj or fo r shoo tin g game to suppl e me nt o ur
off dow n a roc ky trac k on th e left o f the barefoot. Their web gear was also a mi x of di et.
road . An S l mm tube and base plates were T hai/ U.S . and Burmese patte rns. Even To co mmuni cate amo ng o urse lves and
carried slun g on ba mboo po les . O ne hardy tho ugh we were going o n an ex te nded with Palu , the platoo n and sec ti o n leaders
porte r insisted o n humpin g the o the r tube operati on few of the troops carri ed ruc k- carried wa lkie talkie rad ios. All troop
all by him self. In a comme ndable di splay of sacks. T hose who did carri ed the small Brit leade rs al so carri ed photocopies of o ld
endu rance he ca1Tied it e ve ryw he re we Worl d War II type pac k th at's still used by British army maps , edit io n 1943 . S ince the
wa lked unti l we came bac k to Palu more th e Burmese army. Nearl y all the troo ps Burmese countrys ide has n't c hanged all
than a week later. The S I mm and RPG had sma ll fi eld pouches slun g at the ir sides th at mu ch since th e n, the maps are still
rounds we re spread o ut among the rest of to carry mi scellaneous ite ms. A few of the usable. Still , so me of the feat ures on the o ld
the troops and our I 0 o r so porters , who officers and NCOs used the pri zed U.S. map, such as ce rtain roads , no lo nger exist,
also carried our ex tra ratio ns. C lay more mine bag fo r the same purpose . hav ing been neg lec ted a nd eve ntu all y re-
The troops were mostly yo ung kids For protec tion aga inst ra in and for sleeping claimed by the j un g le. The maps appeared


to be used more for ge neral reference than that the tra il they're on isn't the ki lling zone fa irl y good Engli sh, which he had learned
fo r ac tual nav igation , since the Karens fo r an ambush. This in turn fo rces them to during his schooling in Burma. His beard.
mostl y used thei r inherent knowledge of the operate in large, cumbersome units that the Burmese arm y sweater and bush hat made
ten-ain when moving. Karens can eas il y avoid or deal with when him look li ke a Ch ind it from the Burma of
I was late r to learn while li stening in on the opportunit y arises. anot her war.
an intercept of the Burmese mortar and From our rendezvous at Bata we once Back at the house that evening, as the
art ill ery fire net that they were still using more resumed our move to the northwest. light faded we settled clown for a night of
the same old Brit maps as the Karens. We crossed more hill s and strea ms through quiet conversati on by torch light. This was
Ou r walk became a standard hill hump of the afternoon as the sky clouded over and suddenly interrupted at 1845 by explosive
up one side and down the other along pelted us with rain. The troops unfolded crumps followed by concentrated small
we ll -trave lled trails . Although the hill s their green plas tic sheets and tied them arms fire to the north . The distincti ve sound
were not the tallest or steepest in Burma, around their shoulders as the column kept of a machine gun firing a steady pattern of
the hourl y rest stops were welcomed by all , moving. Along the way we walked past bursts could be heard above the rest of
and especiall y by the men humping the small ri ce fields left fallow and fa irl y wide the noise.
tu bes and base plates. We usuall y took our hard packed stretches th at were the Everyone reacted immediately. We were
breaks at small way stat ions consisting of remnants of the old colonial road network . all packed and ready to go in no more than
trailside shelters and benches. Since these Finally. soaking wet with ra in and sweat, a couple of minutes. Below the house we
trai ls were also trade routes the shelters we stopped at the vill age of Kwingale at sat quietly, waiting , our eyes and ears
served as rest stops and food stall s fo r the about 1545. Thingannyinaung , our target, turned to the north .
weary traveler. At one of the stops I noticed lay about 7 kilometers to the northeast. After some talk on the radio the major
sa id some of our troops had just ambushed
a Burmese vehic le column on the Kawkar-
iek-M ya wadcly road. The small arms and
A radio report from the ambushing force said that RPG fire continued off and on until abou t
1930. Shortly after that the Burmese at
they had destroyed three trucks loaded with 76mm Thinga nn yi naun g fina ll y began reacti ng
rounds for the Yugoslav mountain howitzers shelling with 8 1mm and I20mm mortar fire along
the road. But by that time the Karens were
Vang Kha and Kawmura. long gone.
The troops who staged the ambush were
now on their way back to Kwingale. Since
that one of the troop leaders had a deformed Although we were fairl y close to the DIV the Burmese neither knew our locat ion nor
foo t wh ich was twisted at almost a ri ght HQ , the major fe lt confident enough of our were likely to come chas ing after the
angle with his leg. Yet it clidn 't seem to sec urity to stay in the vill age . The co lumn ambushers in the dark , the major said we
hinder or slow him clown in the least as he was spread out among the va rious houses would remain in the village.
walked the hill s. on the edge of the vill age, while a platoon We spent the rest of the evening sitting
At about I020 the column stopped at of local guerrill as provided a protecti ve aro und in the torch light. The Burmese
some market stalls near the vill age of Bata . screen around us. mortars soon tra iled off. A rad io report
There we had some hot tea while the troops After a meal of rice, curried pork and from the ambushing fo rce sa id that they had
engaged in their favo rite pastime - eatin g. some sort of jungle rodent we crashed fo r destroyed three trucks loaded with 76mm
Bata was our rendezvous with two other the night. ro unds fo r the Yugoslav mountai n howit-
platoons, wh ich aclclecl a 57 mm reco illess When we woke earl y the nex t morning zers shelling Yang Kha and Kawmura.
rifle and an old Brit 2- inch mortar to our the major talked on the radio fo r awh ile and They also estimated that nine Burmese
support weapons. then told us that we 'd be staying put until were lilied in the ambush. A rad io intercept
The villagers at the market stall s said that we could move up to laun ch the raid. After later revea led that 4 10 76mm rounds were
fo ur years ago the Burmese had come breakfast we we nt for a walk around the destroyed that ni ght.
through the village and started shootin g at vi ll age escorted by our interpreter and a The fo llow ing clay began with the distant
the people , sending them fl eeing into the wiry old man with an M79 bl ooper. The old rumble of explos ions to the northeas t. The
hills. In con trast to thi s was the relaxed and man was actuall y a " retired" soldier who Burmese we re hitting Vang Kha agai n.
fr iendly rappo rt between the Kare n troops decided to come along on the trek and help Later that aftern oon the men who led the
and their people . To the villagers the out where he could. Two of his sons were ambush fo rce the previous night dropped
Burmese were an army of occupation, but so ldiers· back at Palu . by. They were from the KNLA's Ge neral
the KNLA was clearly their arm y. The The village was situated in a small va lley Headquarters Commando Forces. The
troops and the villagers behaved towards sun-ounclecl by jungle covered hill s. It was commandos had been operatin g out here
each other as might the members of a close an even quieter place than it probably was quite awhile before we arri ved on the scene
fa mily. The troops paid fo r what they in the past, since many villagers had fl ed and would remain long after we had left.
received , the villagers in turn often refu sed over the years. About half the houses were They were one of the units that had been
to accept thei r mo ney. vaca nt ; others had been burnt clown by the through a training program conducted by
Thi s fact explains why the KNLA can Burmese on their periodic sweeps. One French arm y veterans serving as volunteer
move ra pidl y at will through its operational pleasant fea ture of the village and the tra iners and adv isers with the Karens.
areas without much danger of being sur- sun-ouncling area was that it had no mosqui- The commando leader was a stocky
pri sed or of revealing much to the Burmese. toes , because there was no stag nant water yo un g man, who with his light ski n and
The vital inte lli ge nce and support the Karen in which they could breed. fac ial features looked more Chinese than
people provide for their troo ps keeps the The vill agers we re hos pit ab le and Karen. Hi s crew cut and mi litary bearing
KNLA a few steps ahead of the Burmese friendly, offerin g us betel nut to chew and gave him the look of a new sub-lieutenant
army. If that were not the case we certainl y cheroots to smoke whenever we stopped fo r just out of Thai land 's Chul achomk lao
wo uldn't be so confident walking the tra il s a chat. Royal Military Academy. One of the men
and making contact wi th the loca ls. On the way back to the house we stopped accompanying him carried a fo lding stock
The Burmese of course can move any- fo r a vis it with the second lieutenant who AK with a rare 20 round magaz ine. On his
where they wan t to, with their greater fire commanded the pl atoon with the 57 mm field hat was the Commando Forces cap
power and logistics. The difference is that recoilless rifle. He was 38 yea rs of age and badge fea turing a commando dagger and
they ' re walking blind , without the cert ainty had been a soldier fo r 18 of them . He spoke the motto "U nited We Conquer. "


The com mando leader had barely fin - They were preparin g to go out to the road tent after about 20 minutes.
ished telling us that last night 's ambush aga in that aftern oon and set up another During thi s time a radio report to ld us
destroyed three trucks of a six- truck convoy vehicle ambush. They had rece ived a report that the Burmese had been probing near
when his radio broke with an urgent that a convoy had left Pa-an and 111i ght be another vill age. Ale Mckane, about 5
111essage. The Bur111ese had guessed that pass ing by here on its way to Thinga nn yin- kil o111eters to the northeast. As evening
their recent tor111entors had fa llen back on aung on 22 May. approached one of the platoons wi th one of
Kwingale and were now head ing towards We asked permission to go along but the 8 I 111111s moved back to our locati on led
our ville. were politely told it was not poss ible. But by their clubfooted co111 mancler.
The co111mandos laughed and we nt off lo after a while the 111aj or and the co 111manclo In the recedin g day light the majo r came
deal with the situation. leader reconsidered. The co111111anclo said back fro m the vil lage with a man bound by
We all got ready fo r a quick move . but he would send so111eone for us if the convoy a rope in tow. At first we thought he'd
the major said the Burmese were still some reall y started heading this way. captured himse lf a Burmese so ldier. But it
d i ta nce out , nea r the Kawkar ie k- That aftern oon at about 1430 I heard turned out to be one of our ow n Karen
Myawaddy road . Abo ut 20 minutes after fa int but fam iliar noise to the north . Under porters. Being out here was too much for
the commandos left, a single round went other circumstances the noise wo uld be him . so he cracked up and stai1ed runnin g
off in the nex t fi eld further to the north in reassuring but in our present situati on it was aimlessly about. He ramb led on incoher-
the village. An acc idental discharge. Now anything but. It was a helicopter, an entl y when asked simple quest ions. The
the Burmese wo uld certa inl y know some- American Huey to be precise . Forty min- major put him un der the house where he
thin g was in our little ville. The Karen utes later we could hear the distinctive could be watched.
officers we ren't exactly overj oyed with the sound of a Huey 's rotor blades 111ore A couple of hours later al 1940 we got
new development. clearl y. It was fl ying from north to north- the word to pack up aga in. The major then
At the same time the major was repos i- wes t of us, towards Mya waclcly. The 111ajor left to check up on report s that the Bu rmese
tioning our platoo ns. The platoon with the said it was probably fl ying some senior were probing into the nearby hill s to the
57mm RCL was moved up into the hills to officers aro und and 111aybe taki ng bac k north , northeast and east. Whi le we waited
the west to cover the village below. The o me wo un ded from the Yan g Kha/ for the majo r to retu rn . a resupply arri ved
platoons wit h the mortars were moved Kawmura battles. These Hueys had been from Palu . A short written message told me
fu rther back behind us to the south. One kid given to the Burmese by the U.S. govern- that one of the Frenchmen fighting along-
with an RPG -7 stayed behind to provide us ment spec ifica ll y for anti-narcotics opera- side the Karens at Kawmura had been
with some extra fire power. ti ons. In rea lity they were used mostl y fo r killed.
By now a number of vi llagers were also operations against the ethnic resistance. After an hour or so the major returned
packing up and heading for the hill s, The radio started getting busy aga in and decided that we would remain here
carrying what posse sions they could on while the slick new back and fo11h . To anot her ni ght in spite of the report ed
thei r backs and herdin g their li vestock provide the com111anclos some extra punch Burmese troop movements. Just as we well!
before them. for their ambush the major had given them back up into the house our cracked up
But there wo uld be no battle that day. some of our co lumn 's PG and M79 ro unds. porter took off into the ni ght aga in . The
The probing fo rce of some 50 men came That evening the 111ajor told us that the traditional vill age doctor had given him
near the village. then broke into two Karens had pulled out of Yang Kh a on some med ication to calm him down but I
groups. One cau tiously approached Kwin- 16 May. guess it didn't work.
gale whi le the other began moving aro und We starred the fo llowing clay. 20 May. to The major then had to run out after him
to set up a block. Then the Burmese the sound of constant shelling to the aga in. Maybe the run did the porter so111e
suddenl y stopped and began pulling back. northeast. Thi s began at about 0600 and good. He came back qui etl y with the major
Perhaps it was the realization that the continued until nearly noon. The beat of and said he was OK now. He wan ted to stay
ambush last night was conducted by a fo rce heavy ca liber weapons, probably Burmese on. but the major didn 't want to risk him
packing some punch. That combined with 20mm Oerlikon cannons, could be clearl y cracki ng up again so he handed hi111 over to
the fear that the acc iden tal discharge was heard . The Burmese we re going up aga inst the vill age doctor to be taken back
intended to lu re fo r them into a trap . At any Kaw mura. to Pa lu .
rate, they changed their minds about enter- We all sat listening silentl y to the flurry Nex t morning we fin all y ru cked up and
ing the village. of rad io traffic and the franti c tone of the mo ved out of Kwinga le. Staying there any
Even though the Burmese we re go ing operators. Later we learned that the Bur- longer wo uld have rea ll y been push ing our
away, the vill agers weren't takin g any mese had again crossed into Thai land in luck. The next visit by the Burmese wou ld
chances. They were still headin g fo r the this latest attempt to take Kaw mu ra, but have likely involved 111ore th an just a
hill s. It wasn't just the fear of being caught had failed and pulled back across the rein fo rced platoon.
in a battle th at made them continue their Moei River. We wa lked abou t 2 kilomete rs south.
night. Their 111e111ori es of the Bur111ese At abo ut 13 15. after the firin g died furth er back into the va lley where the hills
anny were still too painful fo r the111 to be clown. the Huey started fl ying back and we re closer in . One platoon with an 8 1mm
easil y reassured. The major told us that fo ur fort h between Kawkariek and Myawadcly was dug into a parti all y bare ridge line to
years ago the Bur111ese came to Kwingale aga in. It was pres umably being used to the east. The troops up there had dug
and took away three village girl s lo ferry supplies forward and move casualties shallow fi ghting posi tions and put up
Kawkariek. They raped the girls then back. This we nt on until about 1500 . The hooches to shelter fo rm the sun and rain . It
severel y beat all three. killing one. It was slick always seemed to fl y along the was a good thin g for us the Bur111ese never
si111ply better not to be aro und if the Kawk ari ek-Myawaclcly road. Thi s was seemed to use their he!icopters and planes
Burmese were nearby. probably fo r eas ier nav igation and to insure fo r reconnaissance . An observer coul cln 't
As we drifted off to sleep that night we the crew and passengers wo uld be near fai l to spot an exposed position like that
could hear the Burmese shelling Yang other Bur111ese units in case the helicopter from the air. And f'o 11unately fo r the
Kha again . had to let clown. Karens. the Bur111ese do not operate long
By our third day ( 19 May) in Kwingale Closer to our location a couple of rifle ran ge reconnaissance patrols or special
we were beginni ng to learn the guerrill a's shots ra ng out Lo the northwest. No one operations units that could seek. interdi ct
patience . It was clear we we ren't abou t to could say whether they meant anything, and attack KNLA forces in the interi or wi th
hit anything until the Karens were cert ain add ing a measure of uncertainty to our greater effectiveness than the lumberin g
they'd make a clean shot of it. Which meant si tuation. colu mns they no w emp loy.
more waiting. At 1620 hours the Burmese opened up on As al our last location. we moved in with
The commandos weren't wa iting though. Kawmura again. but this became intermit- a Karen fa mil y. This time the hut was a lot


smal Jer and got a Jot more crowded that
night when everyone who could moved in
to take shelter from the rain.
Early next morning we ate a good
breakfast and were moving out by 0800. It
turned out to be a day long hump , part of it
through a hard rain. We were finally
making a stab for Thingannyinaung. The
roundabout route took us north, then south ,
then east and then north again. This brought
us to Ale Mekane, a village about 3
kilometers southwest of Thingannyinaung
by 1500.
The hills were further out here, and the
terrain consisted mostly of rolling flat
ground. We settled in with another family
while the platoons moved into some low
hills about 100 meters to the north of
our house.
It was starting to get dark when a villager
came in and told the major that maybe up to
500 Burmese soldiers were in the hills
nearby. When the major asked him which
hills and how near he pointed out the back
of the house at some hills to the west and
northwest. They were at least 2-3 kilome-
ters away but looked like they were in our
backyard. The major evidently felt the
same way. We packed up and moved to a
new house, putting the platoons in between
the Burmese and our new location.
Before we went to sleep that night a light
flashed for about two to three seconds from
the hills where the Burmese were re-
ported to be.
Everyone was fairly subdued as the next
day began. The major woke up and kept
eyeing the ridge lines to the west. From
1000 to 1130 we could hear the slick again
to the northwest.
At 1130 a single shot rang out to the
south. This was followed by four more over
the next 20 minutes. Our interpreter told us Karen trooper in front of perimeter defense of Kawmura enclave in Burma where SOF staffer
that staying here was "mai sabai" (not Lance Motley was KIA on 29 May 1989. Photo: Alain Haas
comfortable). I don't think he was talking
about our living conditions.
The commando leaders found our new
location that afternoon and immediately
began conferring with the major. As the nearby added a measure of haste to our point some movement caught his eye to the
officers talked the Huey sounded like it was actions. right of our trail. Fortunately it was only
flying closer to us. The major quickly By 1420 we were on our way. The local some jungle fowl. If it had been Burmese
ordered everyone to stay under cover. The guerrillas and the two platoons we rendez- we probably wouldn 't have had much
commando leader crouched at the side of voused with at Bata broke off and headed energy to do anything except tumble down
the house next to us and pointed it out, away in their own directions. We took a the side of the hill.
''There, do you see?" direct southeasterly route at a very fast The light was starting to dim as we
And there it was. A green Huey 2-3 pace. The major wanted to make it back to arrived at the rocky trail up to the assembly
ki lometers away flying from the northwest our 16 May assembly point before dark . No point. Even with some light it proved to be
to northeast of our position at about 1,000 one looked forward to tackling the rocky a very slippery climb.
feet. It was probably on its way to trail up the final slope to the old assembly By 1930, as complete darkness set in, the
Myawaddy. point in the darkness. The rains would have last man in the column made it up to the
After the commandos left the major made it slick with mud by now and place where our journey had begun eight
informed us of some new developments. extremely difficult for the porters and the days earlier. The bright lights of Mae Sot
The Burmese were making preparations to men with the tubes and base plates to shone to the east in Thailand . In Burma
attack Palu . About 300 to 500 Burmese negotiate . there was only darkness. Next morning we
troops were getting ready to move out The further we walked the faster the pace would walk the final leg into Palu.
towards our base camp with 81 mm and got. As we kept passing further up the We were back in our safe harbor. But the
I20mm mortars and 76mm howitzers. At column, I wondered who was setting the storm now followed in our wake.~
the earliest an attack was expected within a pace in front of us. But before we realized
week, the major told us. With this new it we ended up right behind the point man of
information our column was ordered to our column.
march back to Palu immediately. That and He never once slowed down as we speed A report on the desperate fight for Palu
the Burmese waiting for us in the hills marched our way over the hills. At one will appear in a future issue of SOF


ABOVE: Many Karen combatants are 13-14
yea rs old. Photo: SOF staff

ABOVE RI GHT: M60s are highly prized by

Karens. Photo: SOF staff

RIGHT: Burmese students, who fl ed

oppressive t)•ranny in Rangoon , have joined
the Ka rens. Photo: SOF staff

BELOW: CO of' Karen forces , General Bo

Mya, fought Japs in WW II. Photo: SOF staff

BOTTOM: Karens depend o·n captured and

field-modified weapons to supplement black
market purchases. Photo: Alain Haas


Brown and author Williams observe high ground held by Burmese Ex-French Legionnaire Paul Fanshaw stands in Karen command
prior to crossing Moei River into besieged Karen position later in the bunker in Kawmura. Note four feet of' reinforced concrete that covers
evening. "bomb shelter." Karen positions resern'ble those built by Japanese in
Pacific during WWII.

Karen 40-year insurgency against Burmese tyranny has been ignored Major Mike Williams and Kawmura commander discuss
by outside world including the private sector. Here, SOF Publisher circumstances of Lance Motlcy's death inside Kawmura command
Brown, left, stands by medical supplies purchased with $1 ,000 from bunker on Burmese Thai border. Motley was hit with fragments from
Refugee Relief' International, Inc. (RRI). Cash donations for Karens Burmese mortar round on 29 May and died from wounds on 30 May
specifically can be made to RRI and will be used only for Karens. RRI 1989.
is a 501 C (3) Corporation; donations are tax deductible.

Photo, left, was provided by Karens at

Kawmura. It was captured from Burmese
on 27 May 1989. SOF Technical Editor
Peter Kokalis' analysis follows:
Dear Bob:
I can provide the following informa-
tion concerning the grenade launcher
shown in the photograph enclosed, here-
This appears to be a weapon cob-
bled together in a field armory from bits
and pieces. The pistol grip and rear
trigger housing are from a Heckler &
Koch G3 (7.62x51mm NATO) or HK33
(5.56x45mm NATO) rifle. The wood fore-
arm, trigger mechanism, action and
chopped barrel are clearly those of a
British SMLE bolt-action rifle. The .303
British caliber has been retained as the




Bogged down , broken at the wire , the among the scattered AK s, grenades and
E IGHT hundred meters from Karen
bunkers at Kawmura, Burma , is a
large hill mass . It is high ground , covered
attack flounders and turns into a rout; the
attackers run back into the jungle.
spare magazines stacked around the candle-
lit bunker. His English was good, and the
with heavy, green vegetation that conceals The most bizarre aspect of this action is first part of our conversation concerned
a force of 5,000 Burmese troops. From its the fact that it's been attempted repeatedly Lance Motley; he'd made a deep impres-
military crest the Burmese literally look by the Burmese since 13 November 1978 ! sion on the garrison personnel during the
down the throats of the Karen defenders. Always with the same results! short time he ' d been there. He had in-
From time to time throughout the day Today the Karens still occupy the same structed them in how to emplace tangle-foot
and late into the night the Burmese two defensive positions: Wang Kha at wire barriers and where to place their land
forward observers call for H&I fire , Kawmura and the nearby camp of Pa Loo , mines. The commander had nothing but
dropping occasional mortar and artillery some 13 kilometers south of the Thai praise for his bravery and professional
rounds on the Karen positions. But the border town of Mae Sot. They're still abilities.
H&I tactics change when the Burmese outnumbered three to one by the Burmese When I asked the CO where he'd gotten
decide to mount an attack and attempt to .. . and they ' re still killing the enemy. As his military education and how long he'd
overrun the Karens. one Karen commander recently put it, been fighting , he grinned and answered ,
Normally around 0200 hours in the " They're coming , yelling like crazies , and " In the jungle ... for 24 years!"
morning the Burmese begin preparatory we 're killing them like pigs." When we moved from his bunker for-
fire: 75 and 76mm artillery, Slmm, Initially our SOF team efforts to go ward to the fighting positions the area we
82mm, and 120mm mortars, 20mm Oer- inside Burma and conduct an on-the-spot traversed looked like the surface of the
likon , tanks and pack howitzers pour investigation of the death of SOF reporter moon. There were so many shell holes from
round after round of HE onto the small Lance Motley were unsuccessful. At the incoming Burmese rounds that the Karens
Karen compound. After the supporting fire time of our arrival in the Thai border town had been forced to lay a twisting series of
lifts, a few minutes before dawn, 900 of Mae Sot, the garrison commander was wooden planks that offered footing around
Burmese troops attack. Crossing the Line anticipating a major attack by the Burmese the holes .
of Departure, using assault fire, they run, and didn 't, understandably, want to take Faint moonlight from a sickle moon
scramble and crawl attempting to cover as responsibility for the lives of three Ameri- afforded limited visibility of the Burmese
much ground as possible before the de- cans, particularly in view of the death of firing positions . Strangely, it was quiet: no
fenders recover from the thunderous Lance Motley. Lance, a West Point gradu- incoming rounds, no prep or H&I fire to
concussions of the barrage. ate and former Ranger, had been an SOF drive us into nearby bunkers . The CO
Before the front ranks reach a complex correspondent for several years writing walking with us commented on how quiet it
of concertina and trap ditches they ' re cut under the name of Gene Scroft prior to was because normally at that hour they'd all
down by a hail of Karen artillery, mortar coming to Kawmura and linking up with the be hunkered down, bracing for in-
and small arms fire. Machine guns , firing Karens . coming fire. .
Final Protective Line sectors, rake the He was there only one day before being Near the right flank of the bunker line the
following ranks of Burmese slamming hit by fragments from an incoming Bur- co stopped and pointed to a muddy spot
them into the tearing barbs of tanglefoot mese mortar round. Despite a four-hour near .heavy bush. "That's where Motley
wire . Grazing fire cuts the legs from under operation by Thai surgeons in Mae Sot 12 was hit," he said. We stood , silent for a
those attempting to find a way around the hours after he was hit, Lance succumbed to few moments, then turned and started back
wire on the flanks and that area is soon the effects of severe trauma and a massive to the C.P.
littered with wounded and dying men. loss of blood. A few meters back along the line , we
After speaking with a Karen liaison stopped to shake hands with individual
officer near Mae Sot we were told their soldiers who were sitting outside their
ballistite (blank) cartridges shown loaded estimate of the situation had changed and bunkers , grabbing a breath of fresh air.
in the SMLE magazine are of that caliber. we could go into the Karen position at Looking at the little group of tired, wiry
Origin cannot be determined from the Kawmura . It would have been tragic to men dressed in muddy shorts and tire-tread
photograph. The case mouth has a rose have traveled half-way round the world and sandals but carrying immaculately clean
crimp closure and a red color code, but I not be able to meet with the people who'd weapons I recalled a Chinese military
would need the headstamp for a positive last seen Lance. maxim: ' 'The combat efficiency of an army
ID. The tubular buttstock, recoil pad and
Accompanied by Karen guides we took a is in inverse ratio to the gaudiness of its
ventilated front sleeve are undoubtedly of
indigenous origin. The sight is masked by
concealed route into the position. It was uniforms." That could have been written
the sling and l cannot identify it, although difficult to maintain contact in the dark with for the Karen.
it does not appear to be that of either the the indistinct figures of the Karen moving We shook hands with each man in tum
M203 orM79. silently ahead of us through heavy bush . and I wished there had been some way to
I cannot identify the grenade. It The only sounds were the occasional wet have captured on film the courage and
would have been useful if the photogra- " pop " as their feet pulled free from the determination on the faces of that ragged
pher had made note of the grenade muddy ground. little group of riflemen.
markings and the markings on the left Once inside the camp we were led to the A parting statement by the commander
side of rifle's receiver. Technical intelli- command post bunker. The commander, summed it up for all of them. When I asked
gence starts witt:I accurate field data.
Peter G. Kokalis
who 'd been a schoolteacher before joining him how long they could hold out he said,
the resistance, motioned for us to find a seat "Until we win!":?t



Contras, Cammies and Pinstripes
in Central America
by Joho Prester

SOF staffers explain H&K tlare gun to contras somewhere in Central America. A number of Vietnam vets have freelanced with the contras -for
no pay. Photo: SOF staff

S OM E regard the CIA as America 's

primary bastion against the encroach-
ment of co mmuni sm. If thi s is true , the n it
gram , in Africa and , most recentl y, in
Ce nt ral America .. . in Ho nduras to be
spec ific, and in a co ntra camp during 1986
first worked with the MISURA (Misk ito,
Sumo and Rama Indi an tribe 's co unte r-
revoluti o na ry organi zatio n) but alt hough
leads o ne to wo nder if the commies have to be prec ise. Some indi viduals whose these brave people are wi lling , they are no t
rea ll y earned the image they like to paths I've crossed stru ck me as inept o n very effecti ve. "Flas h in the pan" is the
e ncourage of the ir be ing awesome ly effec- the ir best day. phrase th at co mes to mind . As an exa mpl e,
tive revo lutio nari es. I've had oppo rtunities I had been working with the Ni carag uan one time I acco mpanied a g rou p of I0
to observe some of o ur " profess ion als " at contra revolucionarios off and on since '85 MISURA warri ors o n a cross-borde r raid
work in Vietn am with the Phoe nix Pro- on a week-here and a mo nth-there bas is . I into Ni caragua from the MISURA camp


near Rus Rus in the Honduran department
(province) of Gracias a Dios. There were
three firearms in ou r little band and my
Browning pistol a nd CA R IS were two of
'em. They were also carried by me. The
sergeant in charge of the gro up was
carrying a rickety S&W MIO with only
four rounds of suspect .38 Special ammo .
T he rest carried knives and machetes . Our
target, a Sandinista border camp near the
town of Suak Suak, a I5-minute canoe ride
from Rus Rus , was manned by one
Sand inista regul ar NCO and 2 1 irregular
" milicianos .. , We found them all sound
aslee p exce pt the sentry.
The sentry had hi s throat slit in a trice
and in I0 minutes of industrio us and artfu l
chopping by the good guys , and bleeding
and g urgling by the bad guys , the sentry 's
comrades had quickly joined him whe r-
ever it is people of thi s il k go at death. The
losses o n our side? O ne numbnut c ut hi s
hand with hi s own kn ife . No one has yet
fi gured out how. The take consisted of 22
Soviet AK-47s, o ne 9m m Makarov, 48
So viet F l g renades, we b gear with pe r-
so nal equipment. magazines , canteens a nd
about 3,000 rounds of ammo. Good coup 1
Of course everyone was proud o f thi s
achievement and justifiably so. This , of
course , necessitated the arrangeme nt of a
party to ce le brate the victo ry. The party
took two clays to prepare and an equal time
to run its co urse. At the end of the
festiv ities all of the MISURA soldie rs
we re hung over and not one single firearm
coul d be found - they had been so ld for
money to finance the victory party. Every
one '
Th is so n of bullshit went on for six o r
eight mont hs . A ll we had to eat o n a
regular basis was ri ce and a hard soy-flo ur
cake called /eng ua (to ng ue). This was
probably because it looked like a dried
beef to ng ue , not because it was appea ling
to the consumer's. TOP: Former SOF editor Dale Dye gives class BELOW: Harry Claflin, left, repairs
In '86 I left the M ISUR A faction in to contras in southern Nicaragua in 1985. 12.7mm DShK HMG while Colonel Enrique
mental se lf-defense and made contact with Photo: Topaz Bermudez and SOF Publisher Brown
the FDN in Tegucigalpa, the Ho nduran ABOVE: Private sector help, like this load observe at FON base camp, 1985. Photo:
of medicine from Refugee Relief Topaz
International, kept contras going when U.S.
Congress cut off aid. Photo: Topaz

GLOBAL SOLDIER They contracted me to trai n troo ps in

John Prester was raised an Army brat marksmanship and small unit operations .
in Panama, where his father was a Under no circumstances was I to cross the
career officer in the U.S. Army. Prester border into Nicaragua itself. 1 o nly diso-
enlisted in '60 and served in RYN as an beyed twice. The first time was a three-day
airborne Ranger attached to an SF "A" recon patrol thro ugh local vi llages about
Team , returning CONUS for SF train- 30 klicks across the border, which in-
ing and subsequently serving in the volved no "contact " other than the up-
Belgian Congo and again in Vietnam. roarious welcome we got from the cam-
Leaving the Army in 1969 as a n E-7, pesinos , and the only bad guys we saw
Prester was in Israel for the Yorn Kippur were a considerable di stance away in
War in ' 73, and with Honduran disaster trucks .
relief in '74, where he stayed to train T he sec ond " incu rs ion " happe ned
Honduran troops . He was in Nicaragua about three mo nths later, and was abo ut I 0
'76, Africa '78, Guatemala '8 1, and klicks from the border in the vicinity of
trained contras from '85 to '87. He Bocay. Bocay is about 90 klicks from E l
holds an honorary captaincy in the Aguacate as the crow flies. If the crow is
Ho nduran army and presently lives in o n walking patrol , you can do uble it.
New Mexico with his wife a nd childre n. Responding to intellige nce that a Sandin-
ista convoy was to trave l a ce11ain road o n


16° the individual weapons a nd web gear of
the Sanclinistas. The uni forms were picked
over for the most serviceable pieces and
everything e lse, including the bodies , was
doused w ith gaso line and set afire.
We never unde rstood what the old Ford
was doing there , because the driver and hi s
ass istant were ju st ordinary troops and
since they were dead th ey could hard ly
g ive us an explanation. Presumably the
vehi c le was personall y owned by some
Sandini sta officer a nd was being delivered
to him , but we can only speculate.
Other than these two brief in curs ions fo r
purpose, I stayed where we were based in
the Depart me nt of Olancho , in the beauti-
ful cattl e ranching reg ion of Honduras.
E:I Aguacate The re, near the tow n o f El Aguacate , I
•\ learned that puttin g ca mmi es on a foggy-
'--- .............. .... botto m pinstripe cloesn 't change him
' ........ I had been runnin g ops out of ' ' Campo
Libertad " (Ca mp Liberty, some 12 kl icks
from the c ity of Catacamas) for five
month s on a four-week-in, one-week-out
basis, when one clay I stepped out of my
hooc h on my way to take the troops to the
NICARAGCIA rifle range. To my surpri se, I was greeted
by so meo ne sc rea ming obscen ities in Eng-
lish . I mean thi s guy was really going
berserk. I turned around and found myself
1°= lOOkm about I0 mete rs from a sawed- off lit tle
assho le in brand new cammy jung le fa-
Author's area of operations when he trained contras. ti gues and equall y new web gear. I don 't
reca ll hi s boots , but l do remember
a given day, we planned an ambush. The came to an abrupt halt. The ambush , now carefully examinin g the inside of the flash
size, makeup and purpose of thi s convoy properly initiated , e rupted into a storm of suppressor of hi s CAR 15 . Nearly foam ing
were unknown to us. but bad guys are bad bullets which tore into the Sandinista at the mo uth , desc ribin g me in terms
guys and you take them where you can. It troops, who , giving the devil hi s clue, which implied an improper liaiso n wi th my
turned o ut to be a supply co nvoy, consist- res ponded properly by unass in g the ir truck mothe r and worse and a merce nary to
ing of two East German trucks, followed on the ambu sh side and attempting to stage boot, he a nnoun ced that he was go ing to
by two East German " jeeps" and an old a counterattack. blow my ass away. To emph as ize thi s
Ford LTD. The ambu sh si te was carefully The driver of the second truck tried to proclamation, he put hi s CAR 15 o n rock
selected, and a c lassic L-sh aped ambush bulldoze the hulk of the first vehicle off the and roll. Oh , shit!
set up. road, but succeeded o nl y in turning it About thi s time , another figure eased its
At the ambu sh site the road went athwart.the road, w ith its whee ls loc ked in way into my vis ion as the muzzle of the
downhill , and we selected a point past the ditches on ei ther side of th e narrow carbine was firmly pu shed as ide and
where the road came thro ugh a sma ll pass track . The men who dismounted the first dow n. It was the figure of an o lder, larger
and angled down along a side cut. The truc k were cut clow n where they stood (very large) man also wearing "j ung les"
portion where the road came throug h the before they could return fire . The two me n and web gear - but not so new. He was
pass was paralle led by a steep 150-foot in the second truck - which ca rri ed equ all y armed , but hi s piece was pointing
dropoff. suppli es - d idn 't even get to di smount. at the ground , thankfully, and he was
We s ituated oppos ite th e drop-o il on the For some reason, the driver of the first deferentially but firmly advis ing this mini-
downgrade. 2 o r 3 mete rs above and about " jee p" simpl y followed the second tru ck, ature Tas manian Dev il to cease and desi st
8 mete rs oil the road. When the lead truck while hi s passe nger tried to re turn fire with all of the above.
came w ithin range our RPG gunner ce n- hi s A K . Both were dispatched wi thin My be nefactor took this frantic wi ldman
te rpunch ed it w ith a Soviet-made PG-7: to second s. aside , and after calming him (sort of) , he
my surpri se the mi ss il e struck th e bo- The driver in the second " jeep " bac ked walked over to me and so mewhat un neces-
dywork whi c h goes around the bed or th e into the grille of the Ford, whi ch was sa ril y explained th at hi s associate was
truc k. passing c leanly through the near spinning its wheels in a desperate atte mpt pissed off. He id entifi ed himse lf as a
side. exi tin g the far s ide. and only in c ide n- to retreat bac k up the muddy track. They Special Forces trooper o n loan to the C IA ,
ta ll y breaking the leg of a so ldi e r who was didn 't get anyw here e ither. The passe nger and announced that the blond lun atic was
unfortunate e noug h to have been sitting in of the Ford got out and tri ed to push hi s case officer and the man now in charge
the way. The round then re bounded oil the agai nst hi s door frame to get it to move of ops in thi s AO!
far shou ld er or the road. bounced into the back, but to no ava il. All were cut down in I ID ' d myself and , much to my su rprise,
a ir and tumbled down into the ravine on th e the fu s illade which las ted less tha n I0 the SF guy smil ed and shook my hand ,
l"ar side . where it exp loded as the sc lf- minutes. explainin g th at he had friends from the o ld
des tru ct delay ran out. Th e AG slipped All in all , it was something of a clays ('60 s & '70s) who had spoken of me.
another round into the mu zz le of the disappo intment from the booty standpoi nt. One recently had me nti o ned that I was
launcher and it was se nt on its way to The suppl y truck was loaded with nothing li v ing clow n in Hondu ras and that he
impact with the e ngin e block or the tru ck. more than seco nd-hand Cuban uni fo rms.
This one we nt off as it should and the tru ck All we got out of the whole ambu sh were Continued on page 83



Philippine Chopper Cuts Through the Competition
by Chuck Fremont

L O NG on utility and short on sex appeal,

the Philippine bolo kni fe probabl y
won' t be carried by John Rambo in his nex t
feature fi lm . But that doesn't concern the
people who depend on these rugged , short
machetes fo r day- to-day survival: the Ne-
grito Indians of Luzo n Island . In ra in fo rest
and j ung le terrai n, where these Austrone-
sian tribesmen have li ved since they settled
in the Phili ppines , a sturdy working kni fe is
an essentia l survival tool - and , when
necessary , a weapon .
Heavy kn ives and short swords made of
mild steel, des igned for slashing and chop-
ping more than stabbing and thru sting, are
common to most Third World agrari an na-
tio ns where they are used primaril y as agri-
cultu ra l too ls. The African panga, Central
Ame ri ca n mac he te , and cutl ass of the
Carib bea n is lands and Guyana coas t of
South America are all examples of such
edged weapo ns. This Philippine bolo won' t win awards for aesthetics, but can help keep you alive a nd
Des igns vary according to local uses. working from jungles and rain fo rests to arctic snow field s. Photo: M. Reid
Machetes and cutl asses see a lot of service
cutting sugar cane , so they are relatively
long and thin. Pangas are used fo r clearing gle Environmental Surviva l Tra ining), a Blades are heated .and quenched , but not
land in slash-and-burn fa rming, so they course run by the U.S . Navy near Subic enough to over- harden the steel; they can be
hav e s tro ng , fa irly hea vy , sword - like Bay , Republic of the Philippines (see " Sur- sharpened eas il y with a fil e or whetstone .
blades. But all are formidable weapons as viv al at Subic," Sept. '88). Many Negrito The full-t anged blades are drilled for three
we ll. Such knives aren' t just limited to use scouts, who are the primary tra iners at this ri vets and fi tted with handle scales carved
in the trop ics. I've fo und a sturdy machete excellent school, recommend bolos to arri v- from water buffa lo (known locally as " cari-
to be the idea l tool fo r cutting snow blocks ing students. And , of course , they happen to bou," rhymes with " wow " ) horn . The
fo r igloos. have a suppl y on hand and are willing to sell horn can be scraped into a powder and used
T he subject of this di scussion, the bolo, is them at " special prices. " as an emergency coagulant, according to
used largely for cutting and shaping bam- These entrepreneuria l Third World capi- my instructor. He had a few kn ife scars that
boo , so the knife has a heavy blade we ighted tali sts scrounge leaf springs fro m heavy indi cated he knew what he was talki ng
to the fro nt and curved inward like a Gurkha trucks - 5-ton military trucks are preferred about.
kukri, though not as pronounced . This gives sources - which they then fo rge and grind To U.S. military types who are used to
the knife a good balance for chopping with to shape in local workshops. Don' t ask me think ing in terms of Rockwell hardness rat-
short , contro lled strokes, the best technique how Negritos made these kni ves before the ings , exotic stainless alloys and so forth ,
fo r cutting bamboo. arri val of U.S . Arrny trucks. leaf springs may not seem like very sophisti-
An ex tremely lo ng blade isn' t necessary cated materi al fro m whi ch to cra ft utili ty/
for such work, and the re latively short - co mbat bl ades. However , this typ ica ll y
just under 12 inches - blade of the bolo
SF SCRIBE hi gh-carbon manganese steel is actuall y an
allows it to be used for finer work such as Chuck Fremont, his Soldier of For- excellent material for the bolo. Accordin g
shaping cut bamboo for snares, cooking and tune nom de guerre, is ass istant opera- to a U.S. Special Forces captain who wen t
eating utensils , triggers fo r mantraps , and tions and intelligence NCO of his Spe- through the JEST course wi th me, and who
other needs. Preferred technique for Negri- cial Forces " A" Detachment. He has apparentl y had stayed awake during his
tos is to do heavy chopping with the broad served on a number of overseas missions metallurgy class at West Point, leaf-spring
curved section of the blade , near the top, and mobile training teams , and has pre- steel has a fairl y high carbon content , desir-
and then use the narrower section near the viously written on topics as varied as able for edge ho lding, plus some chromium
gri p for fi ne work . min e fi e ld reco rdin g a nd s urvi va l fo r corrosion resistance , and the manganese
1 ac qui red my tes t bolo while go ing sidearms.
through an extended version of JEST (Jun- Continued on page 76
RIGHT & TOP: The infamous "Iron Cross," a small piece of malicious mischief and
masterpiece of awkwardness devised by an ex-Rhodesian sergeant major, weighs in at 100
kilograms -220 pounds. It must be carried 15 kilometers along with the prospective Recces'
full kit and rifle over roads sometimes ankle deep in sa nd and mud.
ABOVE: Color-coded chains. Straight after lugging the Iron Cross, recruits have to sort out an
intricate puzzle in which these chains have to be threaded through three logs in a particular
sequence. The problem is, once the puzzle has been solved the logs have to be ca rried a nother
IS kilometers.

T H EY are the silent warriors - men o f

the ni ght. w ith an arm that can reach
into any pan o r A fri ca and strike at any foe.
Now, the powers-that-be in Pretoria have
clec iclccl to lirt the covers and let us take a
li111itcd peek into their acti vities.
once and for all. "
He was referring to the appalling story
that states that every recruit w ho j oins the
They arc acknow lcclgccl by friend and The moti vation behind this move is Rccces is given a puppy at the time o f his
enemy alike as w ithout equal - anywhere simple. T his is not some sudden benevo- intake. According to the story it is the
- w hen it co mes to bush warfare. lence toward the media: no softening of soldier's duty to raise and feed the young
They surv ive by subtcrruge and secrecy attitudes - Goel knows, during the three ani111al , and w hen 111an and clog have formed
- men of the shadows. reluctant to be seen. 111onths it took to put this story together, I a close bone!, he is forced to cut its throat and
They arc the South A frican Defence was told o ften enough w hat scuzz-balls we eat it. T he story is complete and utter
Force\ legendary Reconnaissance Com- journalists are. rubbish. but it has persisted and has begun to
mandos . The Rccces . The reason. in fact, w<t<; much 111ore b<L5ic ... get under the skin or the men w ith the
They are nor111ally publicity shy - for " We' re sick and tired or people believing 111aroon berets.
almost 10 years no one but a Reece was we cat puppy clogs." growled a Reece The ground rules for our story were si111-
allowed into their base in the Capri v i strip. colonel. " We want to set the record straight ple: no names. no pictures showing faces.

42 SOUllEll 01' l'IHl'l'IJNll FEBRUARY 90

no details about operations. Aside from that of them drifted into other employment. In never make it to the selection phase.
there were no restrictions. All the same. it is 198 1, both regiments we re disbanded and · ·We set a basic phys ical fitness standard
import ant to understand th at thi s art ic le the remaining members absorbed into the that candidates must meet before we' ll even
gives onl y a very brief look into the roles other Reece units. talk to them ," explai ned a majo r in charge
and ac ti vities of one of the world's most elite Around this time. mainl y because of of recruitin g. " Thal way we stop the
fig ht ing fo rces. I saw. heard and photo- manpower shortages . the Army began overweight and out-of- shape from wastin g
graphed a number of thin gs which, in terms tra ining National Serv icemen as special ou r time.
or my agree ment. I am unabl e to show . fo rces operati ves and. in Jul y 198 1, the first Te ts duri ng pre-selection inc lude the
There was. I believe, nothing anyone would batch of NSM vo lunteers began tra ining al fo llowing:
be as hamed of, nor anything that would un- Dukucluku in northern Natal. • 20-ki lometer ( 12-mile) ro ute marc h
dul y shock anyone; but a deal is a deal. The Reece club is an exclu sive institution with 25-ki logram (5 5 pound) kit in 3 hours
Make no mi stake - these people are no and entrance qualifications are among the and 15 minutes.
Sunday school teachers. They are hi ghl y
tra ined professionals who can and have
killed South Africa's enemies swiftl y and
efficientl y... and often.
They are keenly honed profess ional s
The Reece Club is an exclusive institution
-but before you beg in dia ling Amnesty
lnternational 's number, bear in mind that
and entrance qualifications are among the
the objecti ve of every soldier in every army
in the world is to kill hi s enemy. That
toughest on earth.
app lies to every Natio nal Serviceman as
we ll as every Reece - it's just that some do
it more effic ientl y than others . Or, as toughest on earth . The act of joining the •5-k il ometer (3- mile) cross-country run
General George S. Patto n once put it : " The Recces is purely voluntary. Strin ge nt crite- in 20 minutes .
aim is not to go out and die for yo ur ria have lo be met before a recruit is even •I 0 non-stop pull-ups.
country; the aim is to make some other allowed 10 begin the selection phase. •75 sit-u ps in two min utes.
dum b bastard die for his country." To be considered fo r the basic se lection •SO non-stop press-ups.
South Africa n spec ial fo rces cannot course. candidates must: •I 8x25- me te r shuttl e run s in tw o
boast a long history. Compared to other •Be between 18 and 28 years of age . minutes.
reg iments they have little histori cal tradi - •Have completed one yea r of National • 200-meter fireman's can-y, wit hout kit
tion , and their ori gins can be traced back to Service training. - one minute.
the late '60s when. after meetin gs with •Be in possess ion of a matric (ro ughl y • 170 non-stop shuttl e ki cks.
foreig n spec ial forces. the military brass equi valent lo a U.S . hi gh schoo l diploma) Thi s is sim ply the prc-,c lccti on ph<t"::
saw a need fo r uniquely skilled profess ional certificate . (Cert ain exceptions may be the candidate who ge ts thro ugh thi , pan
soldiers who could operate deep behind made.) onl y ea rn s the ri gh t to go on to the :-.elec-
enemy lines . •Be a South Africa n citi zen. ti on phase.
In 1970. the Ann y establi shed a group •Be bilingual. The sc lccti on phase i:-. held in northern
under the admin istrati ve com mand of the •H ave no criminal record . l ara l. in the dank. gloom y dep th , or the
Infan try School at Oudtshoorn . It was •Be prepared lo sign up with the Penna- mangrove forests or Dukuduk u. The name.
know n as the Operational Experimental nent Force fo r a minimum of three yea rs, by the way. is locil black vernacu lar for
Group. Success was swift and on I October after completing two years of Na tional " the place or grop in g in the dark ...
1972. I Reco nnaissance Commando was Service. Co ndition s arc terrible . Humidit \' '<>ar'
created un der command of the legendary On top of thi s, ex tremely to ugh phys ical into the 90s . D<tyti tn c 1e1n pcrat ure:-. ofte n
Colonel Jan Breytenbac h. requirements must be met. Abo ut 75 per- hit 40 deg rees Ce lsiu s ( I O..J. deg 1-ccs Fa hre n-
During Operation Savannah in 1975, the ce nt of applicants bomb out at thi s stage and heit) while at night. if the clouds dri ft in
Recces supported va ri ous arm y units, but from the sea and the wi nd begins lo blow. it
did not undertake any classical spec ial can become dec idedly chil ly. Swa rm:-. or
fo rces operat ions because other command- BUSHMASTER mosquitoes and bit ing fli es lu rk in the da mp
ers did not understand the un iq ue ro le of Hilton Haman n is a freelance jour- undergro wth and poi sonous Ga boon viper:-.
such troops. nali st based in South Africa. He spec ial- lurk in the long gras:-..
After Savannah. it was clear there would izes in military writing and has ex ten- This is the scenario that awai ts the
have to be furth er spec ializa tion, and a sively covered the wars in southern prospecti ve spec ial forces sold ier. Com-
full-time seaborne sub-unit was estab- Africa. He has tra veled with UNITA pared lo what is to come. it is a piece of
lished. At about the same time, another forces in Angola , REN AMO in Mozam- positi ve paradi se.
sub-unit spec ializing in operations wi th bique, and South African fo rces in The final selection takes place over three
bl ack so ldiers was founded. Namibia. He saw combat duty in Na- clays and items mak ing up the program are
In Jul y 1978 , 4 Reconnaissance Com- mibia and Angola with a speciali st written on a single sheet of paper. It looks
mando was established as a permanent SADF unit. and was pa11 of the South simple: a few ro ute marches, a puzz le , an
eaborne force. based at Langebaan. Six African invas ion fo rce into Angola in exercise with Lego building blocks.
months later, a spec ialist bl ack unit - 5 1975. He is a former bureau chief of the Yet on a recent muggy Mo nday, when 40
Reece - was born , while I Reece contin- Sunday Times. South Africa's largest candidates assembled on the parade ground
ued as a spec ialist airborne unit based in circulating newspaper, and has pub- al Duku, and an ex -Rhodesian SAS ser-
Durban. lished in excess of 500 articles throu gh- geant major, spon ing the scar where a
At the end of the Rhodesian war in 1980, a out the world. Haman n is considered an communi st bul let broke hi s jaw, points to a
number of ex-Se lous Scouts and Special authori ty on weapo ns and is the author bucket of " black is beauti ful " cammo
Air Service (SAS) members moved south of a book on firearms to be published in pa int , the Reece candidates have little idea
and helped fo rm the nucleus of 3 and 6 April and distribu ted in South Africa, they are about to begin a journey that will
Reece regiments in Phalaborwa and Dur- England , and the United States . We lead them to hell and bac k.
ban. For man y of the ex-Rhodes ians, welcome his firs t feature-arti cle contri- To the rec ruits, this is just the start of a
however. the SADF was merely a stepping buti on to SOF program that, a year later. wi ll give them
stone to a wo rk permit and after a year most the ri ght to wea r a badge with a laurel
FEBRUARY 90 SOLlllllll 011 l'flll'fUNE 43
LEFT: "Letra" obstacle course, an exercise in problem solving for Reece recruits. Typical problem would be getting a wounded man, his kit, and
a few ammunition cases over a 4-meter-high obstacle without touching the sides.
RIGHT: Rifle inspections are carried out throughout the selection course. The penalty for a dirty weapon'! More physical torture.

LEFT: One more obstacle to overcome en route toward becoming a Reece, but the pain and suffering endured during selection only earns them
the right to join the year-long Reece course.
CENTER: "Prisoner" exercise, designed to give recruits a taste of the treatment they might expect if captured. Here, a bit of ice water wakes
recruits up to the realities of life in the Recces.
RIGHT: Aggression training during Reece selection course.


After I 04 kilometers - 60-plus miles - of carrying weights up to 220 pounds plus normal kit, feet begin to crack up. Doctors are on hand at all
times, and recruits can drop off selection whenever they want.

wreath enci rcling a dagger - the mark of a more evaluators, medics and shrinks than Thirty-four candidates nod bl ankl y. One
spec ial fo rces so ldier. candidates. by one they are frog-marched behind a line
"Don't be shy with the ' black is beauti- The shrinks check the guys all the time. of parked trucks . There they are stri pped to
ful.' There's more than enou gh to go Watching and monitorin g; seeing who is a the waist, their hands cuffed ti ghtl y behind
aro und. " the sergeant major barks. potential leader and who is a shirker; or j ust their bac ks, and a canvas hood is pu lled
White candidates smear it on their faces watching for the guy who is about to come over their heads. It is secured by two thongs
wi th an encrusted rag that has almost set apart at the seams. looped around the chest and under the
solid. The black guys just smile. Candidates can give up at any stage , and arms. They stand there like prisoners
·' Black is beauti ful " is fi endi sh stu ff. It give up they do. The guys who joined awa iting an old-time execution; thei r only
cakes to yo ur skin, clogs your pores and because they wanted to impress a chick or means of identification, the crimson num-
when you sweat , runs in rivulets and sets were looking for a way to dazzle their bers on the bib of the hood.
yo ur eyes on fire . This is defi nitely one drinking mates with war tales soon fall by Barn! Their feet are kicked out from
occas ion whe n it is an advantage to have a the way. under them. " Keep yo ur legs straight and
black sk in in South Africa. There is no time for sleep - you' re sit upri ght , you jackass! " snarls a corporal.
Fi rst on the program is the " Vastrap ," a rac ing the clock all the time. But at 2 100 on It's probably just as well the candidates
45-k ilometer (27-mile) route march with kit that bitterl y cold Monday night - just can't see the drum of water fill ed with
weighing some 40 kilograms (88 pounds). when the guys who made it th ro ugh the first blocks of ice.
The time lim it for the exercise is 15 hours day are beginning to congratulate them- Candidate Number 2 begins to scream as
and the route winds through the fores ts and selves - they are ca lled on to look deep the evaluators douse him with iced water,
over roads thick with sand. into their mental reserves and face the most throwing it up under the hood so it fill s his
When this is acco mplished, the prospec- extreme phys ical horrors. nostril s and mouth. He is jerked forwa rd
tive Reece goes straight into the casualty The exercise is simply termed " Pri s- and the icy liquid gushes down over hi s
evacuation exerc ise - a 4-kilometer (2.4- oner" on the progra m sheet. but behind that trousers. Thi s will be repeated every half-
mil e) trek in which he has to carry a buddy, one word lies fi ve hours of literal torture hour. His teeth chatter. He whimpers like a
hi s own kit , as well as his comrade 's kit and and the need to look fea r in the face - and puppy separated from its mother, then
rifle. Rifles are expected to be spotless at overcome it. begins to sob as terror eng ulfs him , driving
all times , and instructors carry out random " You will be taken from here and treated out rational thought.
inspections. as though you have been captured by the " Be still! " An evaluator slaps him on
No food is provided during these three days enemy," explain s a di sarmin gly good- the back.
of torture, but recruits are given as much look ing major to the band of weary recruits Seventeen minutes have passed since the
water as they want and doctors, experi- whose eyes are fixed in the fa miliar exercise began - 283 to go.
enced Reece men, and psychologists moni- " thousand-yard " stare. " You ' ve got to understand what we're
tor every step. At the start of the phase there " There will be no talking. You will not trying to achieve here," ex1, lains an opera-
is one operator and one psychologist to move. If you want to give up , yo u wi ll call tor. " We ' re looking for the kind of person
every four men, but this ratio improves as to one of the evaluators. Is that under- who may be called upon to face great fear.
guys drop out. By the third day there are stood?" To come out alive, he has to control that
fear. Th a t 's th e a bility th a t brought contraption has to be carried by a team of Then he hoists the cross on to his
Wynand du Toit back in one piece . (see fo ur; each luggi ng their own kit and rifles , shoulders and, with his jaw locked like a
" Reece Commando, " SOF, January '89 which have no slings or carrying handles. Boer farmer facing the British , sets
and Bulletin Board , January '88.) The jaunt with the Iron Cross takes the off alone .
"These guys are here because they want candidates on a 15-kilometer (9-mile) hike "You buggers better keep up , " he
to do a specialized and dangerous job. over roads where, at times , they are shouts over his shoulder as his team mates
They' re not your run-of-the-mill young- ankle-deep in sand . How they carry it and share out his kit and stumble after him.
ster, and we need to be sure they ' ve got who carries it is their problem. The only " He won 't get there on time ," says an
what it takes. " rule is that it may not be dragged. evaluator, glancing at his watch .
Evaluators begin decanting iced water ''This is a valuable piece of equipment But they have underestimated Number
into buckets. Twenty-eight minutes down . and the State doesn't want you to stuff it 37's desire to be a Reece. He makes it with
The sound of the water being poured gets up ," glowers its designer. '' Come on; why time to spare -and with that 100-kilogram
Number 2 screaming again. This time they are you all standing around like a bunch of (220-pound) weight on his back. And he
do not quieten him . They begin at the other bloody old women? Pick that damn thing up overtakes three other teams in the process.
end of the line , letting him hear the gasps as and get go ing ! You ' ve got seven-and-a-half Maybe that's what it 's all about. You 've
the icy shocks splash across his buddies . hours!" got to want to be a special forces soldier
stronger than the pain you feel. The glory
boys and the guys who " just wanna kill"
si mply don 't make it - the Iron Cross
"These guys are here· because they want to do a usually sees to that.
specialized and dangerous job. They're not your The Iron Cross is followed by a mind-
bending puzzle that requires candidates to
run-of-the-mill youngster, and we need to be sure thread colored chains through color-coded
they've got what it takes. " holes in poles . Fresh, fed and alert, it's no
picnic -but when you ' ve just covered 74
kilometers (44.4 miles) , loaded like a pack
mule and not eaten or slept for two days ,
"We all went through this, " says the As the hours go by, the candidates try it 's worse than trying to reconcile your
opera tor, unmoved by Numb e r 2 ' s every possible way to carry the cursed credit card statement while smashed.
screams. " This is purely a mental thing. thing . They try to sling it using their utility What's worse is that you know once
There 's no pain involved here. It doesn't ropes , but it keeps fa lling off. They try to you' ve solved the problem you're going to
hurt; it's just uncomfortable and unpl eas- carry it in a ground sheet, but it is just too have to pick up those poles and hump them
ant. The way you handle this is by hanging wide and the nylon ground-sheet straps cut another 9 miles.
on to the thought that you ' re not going to be their hands. Selection takes three days to complete.
harmed and it ' ll be over in a few hours. " There is only one way: pick it up and The guys walk and carry until they no
Number 2 calls out. " Sir! " His voice stumble along - make like a mule . As a longer know their own names. By the end
trembles through his chattering teeth . " I've guy drops out , the Iron Cross arm he was of the final day they have covered more
had enough. I want to give up! " carrying is removed and his buddies th an 110 kilometers (66 miles) on their feet.
" You sure? " continue . It's tough; perhaps the toughest selection
He nods. It is beginning to get dark in the fo rest. course in the world , and only the strongest
" Loosen his hands and take him to the Number 37 has been havin g a hard time make it. About 120 started the pre-selection
truck ." with his three teammates . They have phase; at the end of it , onl y 19 remain .
Candidates who decide to pack it in are stumbled and fa llen and they want to rest But the news for those 19 is that they
never ridiculed. They are interviewed and every 200 meters or so. The group is at the haven't even got out of the starting blocks
debriefed by the psychologists and then rear, about 3 kilometers behind the rest of in what may be likened to a 1,000-mile
returned to their regiments with dignity. the field. They are falling farther and race . The pain and suffering they have
" Just getting this far puts them in a class farther behind in their race against the endured has merely earned them the right to
of their own ," says the major in charge of clock . join the year-long Reece course. If they
recruiting. " Only a tiny percentage of " Come on guys, " pleads 37 . " We ' ve don 't meet the standards required they can
people make it past the pre-selection got two-and-a-half hours to go and we're be thrown off at any stage , and the hard
phase ." onl y just over half way. I don't want to times they went through during selection
At the end of the Prisoner exercise, 28 come this far and then bomb out because will seem a walk in the park compared with
candidates are left and after a 10-kilometer yo u okes can't hack it !" what they will face during the coming year.
(6-mile) speed march and a trip over the It's a tough world . This is a team There have been calls to make the
" Letra" obstacle course , they are ready for exercise and that goddamn Iron Cross has training and selection easier, but the Reece
the granddaddy of shit-off tests - the to be carried as a team. authorities will have none of it .
Iron Cross. " I don't think they 're going to make it," " We make no bones about it; we ' re
The Iron Cross is a masterpiece of says one of the psychologists. " The other looking for the best," said a colonel at
frustration; a small piece of malicious three have lost their motivation." SADF special forces headquarters . "We're
genius. Designed by that same ex-Rhodie It's a no-win situati on for Number 37. only after the top one or two percent of the
sergeant major, it consists of a squ are metal He's stuck with his team. He's going to go population ."
frame shackled to four arms fashioned from down with them - and because of them. At one of the Reece training grounds an
railway rails. It is so designed th at when it His anger and frustration are as tangible as ordinary recruit has echoed the same thought
is picked up , the hinged center collapses the .38 Special tucked into his waist band. in chalk on one of the walls. It is not quite as
inward ; it's like trying to pick up two pieces He wants to lay into them, kick the hell out eloquent a statement as that of his senior
of railway rail th at are joined by a length of of them , but the presence of the psychologist officer, but the sentiment is the same ...If
chain . and evaluators stops him . you ain 't a Reece, you ain 't worth shit!~
Each arm of the cross weighs 25 kilo- No one offers him any help. This is his
grams (55 pounds) and each is cut short so problem; he must sort it out. Next month, SOP has a look at life beyond
its bearers are forced to walk shoulder to "OK you bastards," he curses through tight selection. Want to become a Reece opera-
shoulder without being able to carry it on lips. He flings his kit at their feet. "See if tor? If you can pass this sort of training,
their backs. There are no handles , and the the you three can carry this! " mate, you '11 have earned the title .



A Letter From Wales and a Painting From the
War Turn Up to Haunt SOF Editor
by John Coleman
Art by John W. Hopkins

As the say ing goes , whe n you' re

running down li fe 's path don't look
magaz ine - " LALO Jump " - bac k in
the January ' 84 issue . T he re in , I descri bed
a fire force para j ump we carried out
attributed the fi re force pa inting that
ope ned my a11ic le to h im .
We a ll know what happe ns w he n you
bac k because some thing might be ga ining
o n you. In my case , that so mething was a during the waning days o f the Rhodes ian assume some th ing, do n't we?
pa inting that at o ne time hung on the wall war. Magazines. be ing what they a re and O n 27 O ctober last year, an envelope
o f the officers' mess at Cran borne Bar- th is o ne no d iffe re nt, req ui re as muc h a rt with lette r a nd these pho togra phs landed
rac ks , just outs ide of w hat was the n - photos, draw ings , photographs of"paint- on my desk , from no ne othe r tha n Jo hn W.
Salisbury, Rhodes ia. ings etc. - as they can get to illustrate Hopkins . In the most friend ly o f terms he
Attached to that pa inting, by virtue of the ir a rticles . so I d ul y submi tted art work outl ined the painting 's history, and asked
be ing its creator. is a gentle ma n by the and photos I'd acquired during and a fte r if we could fi nd some space to re produce
name of John W. Hopkins w ho c urre ntl y the war - one of wh ich was a photograph hi s work in the magaz ine in o rde r to set the
resides in Wales . In 1980, John Hopk ins of a certa in pa inting that hung in the reco rd stra ig ht.
was a newly commi ss ioned office r in the e nt rance foyer o f the RU o fficers' mess. I a m mo re than happy to do so as it g ives
Rhodesian Army; he was a lso commi s- At the time , the o nly two combat art ists me a cha nce to steal a page o ut of our
s ioned by the the n commander of the 1st recording the Rhodesian scene (at least as ed ito ria l we ll to again (this time with the
Batta lion , Rhodes ian Lig ht In fan try, Lie u- far as I knew, wh ich shows how m uch [ correct signature) show you th is superbl y
te nant Co lo ne l C harlie A ust , to produce a know) were Peter Badcock and C raig crafted dep ictio n of a typica l Rhodes ian
painting of a ty pica l fire force ca llo ut. Bone. both brill iant. both prod uc ing some fire force co ntact.
T his, in exce lle nt sty le, he d id . of the best visua l records of the war. I wouldn't mind admitting my mi stakes
Lo ngtime SOF re ade rs may reca ll o ne Kno wing that Pe te didn't pa int the painting nearly so o ften if the e nd result a lways
of the first artic les I e ver prod uced for thi s in questio n I assumed Craig d id , a nd d ul y turned out as we ll as thi s did.~


TOP: Soldier patrols through Buddhist
temple. When Sri Lankan politicians made
Buddhism the otlicial religion , it incensed the
Tamil minority, most of whom are Hindu.
ABOVE: Sri Lankan troops on .Japanese dirt
bikes (bikes are left factory yellow to aid the
good guys in identifying fellow good guys) are
able to outmaneuver insu rgents in the bush .
But as effective as such Special Forces
Sections (squads) may be, author notes the
solution to the Sri Lankan situation must be
LEFT: The regular military, since they must
hold the line against the insurgents, receives
better weapons, gear, and vehicles. Weapons
and web gear are Chinese, helmets American
and Israeli, vehicles .Japanese.

Sri Lanka's Army Awaits Its
Marching Orders While
Politicians Dither
Text & Photos by Tom Marks

V ERY few things in li fe ca n be do ne

without planning . True , there are
th ose ra re indi viduals who can avo id thi s
fi eld situation. He can't rely on inspi rat ion
for survival ; he must move according to
some overall purpose, fo llowing when
chore. 1 know an arti st, a fri ar at the Old possible a pre-determined plan.
Miss ion in Sant a Barba ra , who turn s out Hi s purpose, of course , is embodied in
the most incredible works of art without " the plan. " There must always be one. It is
reco urse to sketches or pri or detailing . drawn up in response to objecti ve circum-
Do ne with stitches and cloth , they ' re stances . Naturall y, interpretati on of those
indesc ribable . Often I hear the murmur of circumstances is subj ecti ve , and therein lies
visitors, gaz ing into eyes so real they the rub. If the arti st's interpretati on of
pierce ri ght th rough you: ' ' How does he do reality is fa nciful , no hann is do ne . He
it?" The answer is that , c learl y, the man may, in fac t, be heralded fo r hi s unique
has a gift. God - or whateve r fo rce yo u perspecti ve. But if the soldier takes the
choose - speaks to him . same license, he di es. Unfo rtunate ly, mos t
The rest o f us, though, are less gifted: of the actual blood is shed by those at the
what has to be done won 'tju st leap out at us bottom of the heap. Those at the top in the
and become concrete. We must painstak- art of war, rarely pay the ult imate price.
ingly make it so , detail by detail. War is Meeting " the Man"
like that. I said as much that night , years ago ,
It is a point 1could never get across to the when 1 met with the Sri Lankan president.
powers-th at-be in Sri Lanka. The fri ar- At the end o f every paragraph I came back
artist is renderin g a version of reality, to it: you 've got to have a plan. It 's
interpreting it. In art , reality lies only in the ax i o mat ic . Wo rkin g o ne up isn 't th at
eyes of the beho lder. The soldie r, in difficult. Any American officer, regardless
contras t, is reacting to reality, seeking to of rank , cou ld do it. Any Sri Lankan officer
overcome the co mplex ities of the battle- could do it. But someo ne has to be told
to do it!
Hi s Exce llency had called me late one
ANALYTICAL MARKS evening and asked if I would mind co ming
Last month Tom Marks provided an over to talk . " Mind co ming over. " That's
overview of the maturing Sri Lankan rich. What was I supposed to say? " We ll ,
military (see " Professionals in Para- no , actuall y, I can 't; I'm reading a good
di se ," January ' 90) and thi s month comi c book ri ght now." Still , th at's the
continues his analysis of the Sri Lankan way he was . Always the gentleman.
situation with an insightful review of the Ac tu ally, the call came at a we lco me
political background which has led to moment. After wee ks in the fi eld , I had
strife on this once-peaceful island. come down with a nasty eye malady and
Marks is a frequent contributor to had bee n lying in bed for days , compresses
Soldier of Fortune and has filed stories covering my eyes . With sight re turn ing but
from the Philippines , Vietnam. Cambo- still too weak to get back into the bush, I
dia, India, and several from Sri Lanka. was res tl ess to be do in g so methin g,
He is a West Point graduate and former anything .
infantry officer who lives and works in When the president greeted me , he held
Hawaii when not on assignment. in his hand a paper on the insurgency I' d
bee n asked to write. He wanted to


discuss it. Lankan officers who cou ld do the same heads. And that doesn't work in deali ng
Our first half hour was strained beyond th ing. I had even seen marvelously com- with an insurge ncy.
belief. He rambled ; I duti fully took notes . plete, simple and elegant , documents sent By the time I had my talk with the
He painted a rosy picture so out of touch up the chain of command anonymo usly by Minister. the situati on was very bleak.
with reality th at I finally stopped writing frustrated junior officers. Still. it was Large areas of the Tamil··populated north
and just stared. My companion, a Sri obvious that there was glue in the works and east were in gue1Tilla hands. and a
Lankan exceptionall y we ll versed in the somew here , that a Sri Lankan officer loom ing insurgent offensive appeared to
intricacies of the system, sank deeper and would never have been given the chore of threaten the government stronghold wh ich
deeper into his chair, a look of pro fo und formulat ing an overall plan. prevented the two guerrilla-held areas from
despair on his face. The country was in System ic grid lock had set in . When th e lin king up . That stronghold was the superb
turmoil , and we were talking to a doddering Tamil insurgency ex ploded full- force in port of Trincomalee. the fo rmer British
old foo l. the aftermath of the bloody comm unal headq uaiters for the entire region during
Or so it seemed. Finall y. I could restra in ri ots of Jul y 1983. the security forces we re World War II.
myself no more. "S ir, with all due re- sent to deal with the prob lem. Conduct ing The moment was critical. Thus I stayed
spect. " I interrupted. ' "I' ve just been all military operati ons in a vac uum. without up all one ni ght - he wan ted the plan the
over the country, and what next day - and wrote the
yo u're say ing does n't j ibe thing. It was 10 pages of
with reality. The situation out scrawl on a ye llow legal pad.
there is serious. And it's Nothing fa ncy : ana lyze the
going to get worse if we don 't situat ion: establish priorities;
do something. Now, bad as it app ly the resources. In sub-
is. considered from any ob- stance it reiterated what many
jecti ve va ntage poi nt. this is a of his army officers had been
pretty small wm: We can win it. " saying. But a prophet hath no
He sat bolt up1ight. "Now honor in his own country. so
that's what I want to talk to this same advice reiterated by
you about '" He leaped fo r- a so-called outside "expcn"
ward to the silver service on gave these proposals added
the table. "Tea?" Before I weight.
could answer. he was pouring In short, the minister actu-
some. My companion. older all y did have a "'plan" of
than I and stai1led by the so11s in his files. But it wasn"t
sudden explosion of acti on. one anyone was following :
was struggling to avoid a and a phone call in the midd le
heart attac k. But for the tur- of the night from the Presi-
moil. it could have been a dent asking. "' What in hell is
scene ri ght out of Ghandi. going on?" is not what is
In the hour and a half that needed to end a busy day.
followed , the President was a Mercifull y. th e Mini ste r
different man . He was ani- was out.
mated. He was lucid . He was At least th at's wha t I
dynamic. And we got down thought at the time: oh thank
to brass tacks. goodness . he·s not home . In
"S ir. " I impl o r ed. retrospect. perhaps it wou ld
"you've got to have a plan . have been better had he been
You've got to make some there. as a confrontat ion
hard choices about change in might have had a catalytic
this system. Then. at a mini- effect.
mum . you all must dec ide The President returned to
which areas of operation are his chair.
to have priority. You can't "You know. I have a real
attempt to hold everything at problem here. We ' re politi-
once. Yo u do n't have the cians. We don 't know about
resources." th ese military thin gs. Yet
·'So the problem is that we don't have look what we' re stuck wi th. We have the
TOP: Life goes on under the watchful and
a plan·/'" competent eye of the Sri Lankan military. onl y Sandhurst-trained mi litary in Asia
'"No sir, you don't. " Author noted that indigenous security forc es which has shown itself completely incapa-
" Why not? 1" - as opposed to outside assistance (s uch as ble of doing anything. All over the world
"S ir, don't ask me. You 're the presi- Americans in Vietnam) - were able to there are Sandhurst graduates deposing
dent '" immediately defuse tense situations because governme nts. But the one time our mi litary
they can talk wi th the people. tries it. they fa il. They coul dn 't even
" We'l l see about this'"
He picked up the phone to call the ABOVE: Sri Lankan soldiers retire from an ove1t hrow us' And now I need them to fi ght
Minister of National Security. I wi nced. operation. They may he professionals who can a war, and what have I got. .. r
T]le man was a friend of mine. He. too. hold the line, but if they are to retire for good We both laughed at the abs urdit y of it.
knew there was n't a plan. We had talked there arc pol itical and social problems feeding He was referring to th e aborti ve 1962 co up
abou t it endlessly. Yet every time he tried the fires of insurgency which must he attempt by disgruntled officers of the sma ll
to come up with one. he fo und himself corrected. Sri Lankan arm y. It had co llapsed am idst
blocked. Keystone Cop- like bungling.
Fi nall y. in one of his more desperate acco mpanying soc io-economic-po liti ca l I protested that he was selling hi s
moods. he asked me to wri te one. At first. reforms. they fl ou ndered . No one seemed military short. th at there were plent y of
I begged off. pointing out th at it was their to have any concept of what the troops people who could analyze the situatio n and
war and th at there were innumerable Sri were being deployed to do. save to bash deal with it. Wh y. I knew of any number


"Echo?" he asked . no thing changed . The war went o n, grow- injustices or the perception of it ; political
Instantl y 1was o n my guard . It 's a simple in g ever larger. India inte rvened o n the side acti on must be take n to e nd the c ri sis.
rul e - never give names if you want to of the Tamil s; insurgency fl ared in the Security force o perati o ns are necessary
keep your sources. Sinhalese-majo rit y so uth . Killings reached co mpo ne nts of any counte rin surgency
" This is a plan done by one of your a th ousa nd a mo nth . During one mind- campaign , but they w ill have effect onl y if
general officers," l re plied , drawing from boggling fi ve-wee k peri od they hit a thou- carried o ut · within a contex t of po litical
my bag a ph otocopy of some sketches . " He sand a week , all in a co untry of 16 million action .
does n't know r have it. It onl y dea ls with - the size of Ireland ! Wh y is that so difficult to put across?
the defe nse of Trinco malee, but it 's sound . I did get back but not fo r anything Becau se, in so do in g , you ' re mess ing w ith
Further, it makes clear that you do have " real. " Time and aga in I was out in the people 's games, with thei r actio n. What
people who know how to do these thin gs ." bush. Three years after my late-night meet- e xi sts be nefits so me, marg inali zes others.
He as ked the na me of the autho r. I took ing. the advisers to the new pres ident asked Al o ng comes the adviser with hi s solutio n .
a ga mble and to ld him , for the man had a me aga in to write up a plan. I scribbled It may make pe rfec t se nse, but if those
better grasp of co unterin surge ncy tha n an y down an abbrev iated version of the earlie r wh o ha ve all the marbl es can keep you
other seni or Sri Lank an offi ce r w ith who m document based on the new set of socio- fro m taking the m a way, they' re go ing to
I had deal t. I fo und out later th at the economic-political circumstances. I never do it. Th at 's Sri Lank a in a nut shell.
genera l, in fac t, subseque ntl y was offe red heard back . Olde r and w iser. I wasn 't At the time I talked to the pres id ent. Sri
the co mma nd o f the Trin- ~-------------------y-,--------,-----,r---, La nk a's strateg ic prob-
co ma lee sec to r. He de- Karaitivu le m was n 't parti c ul arl y
clined. for reasons which INDIA difficult to fi gure out : a
were log ical a nd cogent , 13 milli on majo rity, the
settin g fo rth an alte rn ati ve Bay of Sinhalese, had driven the
mea ns by whi ch he co uld three mi l li o n min o rit y,
accomplish the same e nds. the Tamils, to the ropes.
Th at was a mi sta ke . Arabian
Sea Jaffn•o~ri Lanka Put in a co rn e r. t he
Log ic and cogency were Tamils hit bac k.
not the weapons to use in In drafting a pl a n ex-
S ri La nka 's burea uc ratic \.'-· ·....... Colombo pla ining w ha t to do . I
war. . He s ho uld ha ve Vav~niya ) ( s impl y loo ked at the
taken the ass ignme nt , the n Gulf of .-.-·1 /-._,,/ ., ....___________... g ri evances w hi c h ex-
fo ugh t fro m within. The Mannar I \...-· \ is te d : S inh a lese re-
·,,i \
mo ment passed . placed E ng li s h as the
But all that happened
) / na tion a l la ng uage a nd
later. Por the mo me nt l ( North Central \.. w as made a require-
was dea ling with " the ........ ,
· ..... _ .
,· .
l· )
Bay of
Bengal me nt for go ve rnme nt
Ma n." He asked me whe n ' ·.._ _) ! e mpl oy m e nt (thu s. fe w
I was ca tc hing my fli g ht
ou t (it was the nex t day)
"-i i
i r-·
\ Ta mils co uld wo rk in
th e most lucrati ve sec-
\ ...-" . { Batticaloa
(I r· ~·-. \.~strict
and if l co ul d n't de lay my tor of the econo m y);
departu re (I couldn 't: l had North Western ·( ~· 1 .... ..., · ~ unive rs ity admi ss io ns
to go get fired fro m the j ob i h Eastern had sw itc hed to di stri c t
l was working). admi ssio ns ra the r th a n
.j (' · ...... ) '"'-- -,
"B ut after you've been r·-..r(
... ) \
.r'\ ..,,. o rd e r-of-me rit (s in ce
fi red. can yo u co m e ,,....,_,.,·r/..; \ Central \ \.r \ Ta mils li ved in very lo-
bac k . " he chu ck led. l said
l could . ·~
( ~·
> <'
ca li zed a reas, they we re
d e mo g ra p hi c all y pre -
( i ; \....)
"Whe n would yo u like i...... ( f ..... \
ve nted fro m co mpe tin g
to see me?" I asked . .) '"'"" (.: .i to fill m ost vaca nc ies);
He spread hi s ha nd s a nd 1.. ( 1 Uva Buddhi s m was made
s mi led . ' ·[ ' m a lways Western\ ·~·-·-·'~ t th e n a t io na l re l ig io n
\ .._,;J
he re ." ')Sabaragamuwa ( m os t Ta mil s a r e
"We ll , those a re th e '\ / Hindu ); a nd o n a nd o n .
bu rdens of be ing Pres i- ........~ ...... r ·).·-·v-i ~. ,,., .,,, ........ ~· No t a ll the grievances
. ·"-. , \~) ..r we re va lid . Bu t th e
dent. So meo ne has to be in
·-... .....~
charge." ma in o nes were. Th at
Aga in we la ug hed . He
Southern th e m a j o rit y h a d
held my arm as we walked ado pted its di sc rimina-
towa rd s th e doo r. Th e Indian Ocean to ry prac ti ces ste mmed
stage see med set. He ca ll ed for a n ass istant fro m the Sinha lese pe rcepti o n th at,
and iss ued a se ries of orders he wa11ted Shaded areas show land claimed by unde r the Briti s h colo ni al governme nt .
ca rri ed o ut as a res ult of our co nve rsati o n , insurgents. the Ta mil s had bee n di s pro po rti o na te ly
req ues ts for info rmati o n a nd so fo rth . He fa vo red. Once in c ha rge o f the ir ow n
also iss ued instruc ti ons fo r my return . surprised. country aga in , the Sinha lese had insti-
My compa nio n and I left . got a ro und the Revolutionary War Basics tuted the ir o wn ve rs io n of "affirm a ti ve
corne r. the n nea rl y hugged each o the r. We Revo luti o na ry wa r is po litica l. The acti o n. "
had made the break th roug h' No w we · d get easies t de finiti on of po litics is th at it is What gave these s te ps a po inted ed ge
so me direct io n. ' 'The Man " was ta kin g " the business of dec idin g who gets was the limited nature of the econo my.
charge ' what. .. He nce, the roots o f' insurge ncy Post-indepe nde nce soc ialist solutions
I fl ew back to Ho ng Kong. was fired. res t. o bjec ti ve ly. in th e d ivis io n o f ca used econo mi c chaos, thu s greatl y
the n wa it ed. The wee ks ro lled by. No thin g soc ie ty 's resources, and , subj ecti ve ly. in reducing av ail a ble e mpl oy me nt a nd
happe ned . l put in a few call s. Th e re has th e po pular perce pti on th at th e di visio n is a ve nue s for upward social mo-
bee n a g li tc h, l was told. In the e ncl , un fa ir. Po liti ca l ac ti o ns have c rea ted bility.
As noted in last article, Marks found the Sri Lankan military to be m9tivated , fit, well-trained and moderately well-equipped . The missing
number in the Sri Lankan equation is a political infrastructure which will address the legitimate grievances which feed the fire of insurgency.

Society, in other words, came to be seen as claptrap they' re feel by their superi ors. it serves the Western Imperialists. Now, let
a zero-sum game: what I need , I must lake Tamil foot soldiers wei·e no exception. But me tell you about imperialism ....
from someone else. Thal someone else , as they didn 't call the shots, so the rebel Ra re ly c a n s uc h id eologu es be
fa r as th e S inhal ese masses we re leadership's ideology had lo be taken converted. They must be neutralized, either
concerned , was the Tamil minority. seriously. th rough clearh or capture (the latter is
Ultimately, this outlook bred violence, Once the ball of insurgency is roll ing , preferred clue to the information which
violence which the authorities seemed however, this distinction between the results).
e ither un a bl e, o r, more seriou s ly, motives of the leaders and the fool soldiers Elimination of grievances, then, dri ves a
unwilling, to control. Tamil guerrilla bands becomes crucial. In an insurgency most of wedge between the guerril la fo llowers and
were the predictable result. the manpower is made up of "grievance their leaders. The catch is that people aren 't
Neither should it have been a surprise lo guerrillas. " Somebody raped the guy's foo ls. Reform must be genuine. And
the government that the leadership or those s iste r, so he j o ined th e in s urge nts . genuine reforms mess with peoples ' games .
groups was communist. It \ pretty much a Somebody beat up his parents. Somebody When Sri Lankans asked me fo r "a
stanclarcl sequence or events these clays that offered him a chance to be somebody when plan ... what they had in mind was a
those who seek to ex ploit the weaknesses he had noth ing else going for him . He military plan . something which would tel l
or the status quo oiler leftist solutions. wants Janel . He wants an education. It them what to do with the ir troops against
One or the most fruit less debates which follows, that the man can be reached by the guerril las. Whal I kept responding wi lh
fi lled the corridors or power in Colombo addressing such grievances. was the reali ty that what you should du
was whether the guerrillas were "reall y" Leade rs hi p, in contrast , is ove r- wilh your troops is protect y our re/Orms.
Marxist. Who carec1·1 They said they were whelmingly moti vated by ideology. The Yet your reforms can only come abou t
and th ey indoc trin ated th e ir troo ps bosses give shape to their foll owers' th rough political decision-mak ing. If no
ac co rdingl y . . . Ee l Am ... o r th e grievances; they put them into context: That one will decide to do anyth ing about the
independent Tamil state. was to be soldier who beat up your parents is a problems which have punched a hole in
"socialist. " representati ve of a repressive capitalist your boa!. so to speak. your troops. in
Of course , troops rarely believe the state which behaves the way it does because conducti ng operalions. are doing noth ing

52 SOLDlllll 011 l'CUl'fUNE FEBRUARY 90

TOP RIGHT: Two Buddhist monks discuss with local police chief their desire to he exempted from screening process. Earlier, the might have
received a sympathetic ea r. hut insurgents ha ve taken to dress ing their men in saffron robes , which nicel y hide an AK .
ABOVE RIGHT: Ca rgoes in comri1crcial vehicles are searched for weapons. An eflicient military is now keeping !he peace, but earlier uprisin gs
cost tens of thousa nds of lives in a country the size of Irela nd. Author predicts the trouhlc will continue until social iss ues a rc addressed and

save attempting to bail out a perpetuall y the north-central port ion of the country which I made clear in my pages: military
leak y boat. Eve ntuall y. as th e wa ter (using operati ons pinch ing in from Mannar, operat io ns were mea nin g less withou t
cont inues to po ur in. the soldiers will in the wes t, and " Trinco " and Mullaittivu , accompa nying political action. Since such
become exha usted . Someo ne has got to in the east, towards Ya vuni ya, in the acti on was never taken, India - the
make permanent repairs to this sh ip of center). Finall y, the insurgent heartl and, guerril las ' mentor (insu rgen t base areas
state. That someone is the politicians . Jaffna, would be taken by splitting the were in the southern Indian state of Tamil
What happe ns when th e politicians peninsula itself in two by targeting Point Nadu, and the Tamil s received many or
refuse to <lo so , when there is, if yo u will , Pedro: the eastern portion of the peninsula their weapo ns and much of their guidance
an absence of politics? Visit Sri Lanka and would be captured to isolate Jaffna town ; from Indian intelligence agencies) - was
yo u' ll find out. the town itself would be seized in urban ab le to just ify its summer 1987 intervention
The bulk o f my ori g inal IO-page fighting. as " protecting " the rights of the Tam il s.
document was devoted to outlining the Not surprisingly, thi s is prec isely what Once New Delhi en tered the war,
reforms which had to be put in place. The the Sri Lankans did. I rather doubt th at they ostensibl y on the side and at the invitation
rema inder was a military campaign plan for fo llowed my plan per se. for the same of Colombo. the entire nature of the
systematic recla iming of areas. It called for aperoach was on the lips of many officers. confl ict altered.
ecuring the most important areas in the One evenin g I queried a ret ired a brigadier With military cont rol or the north and
Sinhalese hea rtland fi rst, th en us ing on what military approac h he wo uld adopt , east , the Indians conducted operations
clearing operations in the Trincomalee area and he had , without even stoppi ng to think , aga inst the pri ncipal Tamil insurgent
wit h a nava l cordon to insure th at the outlined the same scheme of maneuver in group , the Liberation Tigers of Tami l
insurgency rema ined sp lit in two (see map). less th an five minutes at a map board. It Eel am (LTrE) , because it refused to toe
Subsequent ly, th e eas t (ce ntered on reall y was th e onl y log ica l course of acti on. their line. Simultaneo usly. it set up and
Batt icaloa) co uld be cleared.• followed by What was essential. however, was th at armed a qui s lin g Tam il reg iona l


government. Despite Sri Lankan demands , with an enormous MP (Member of a nd privileges. Faced with a system
New Delhi refused to withdraw its forces so Parliament) margin during 1970- 77 unwilling to provide for their well-being or
long as Colombo did not grant to thi s despite losing the popular vote. Both even to protect them , the conservative
puppet Tamil state a requisite degree of parties have used this statistical gift to Tamil populace turned to the only viable
"autonomy. " centralize decision making and authority, option championing their interests, the
Even if thi s were all there was. the roundly abuse opposition vo ices. curb Marxist guerri I la move m en ts (the
situat ion would be complicated enough. individual freedom s , and censor the resistance was never a unified force).
Strategic misa pplicat io n would simply have media. Rules were even pushed through Steadily escalating fiscal and manpower
begat tragedy. More crucially. the In dian allowing the re placement, by party demands of the campaign to fight Tamil
presence inflamed the nationalist passions officials . of any MP who had the courage separatism further curtailed Colombo's
of the Sinhalese majority in the south. to criticize the party - this for MPs who. human and economic development efforts .
where the once-moribund Marxist Janatha in any case . were not required to reside in Yet , in another of Sri Lanka's many
Vimukthei Peramuna UVP or "' People's the di stricts they represented. ironies, the Tamils earlier had become so
Liberation Front " ) gained a new lease on Some two decades of such actions prominent in business and government
life by portraying its e lf as a n anti- resulted , predictably, in a political system service precisely because of their need to
foreign s tandard bearer. Since its manned by individuals ow in g their escape the structural conditions which were
different only in degree from those
afflicting the Sinhalese majority. Tamil
areas were the poorest of the island , with
Jn the a bsence of politics - the resolving of grievances through political
limit ed carrying capacity. Hence ,
decision-making - there is nowhere else for popular discontent to go save migration to and employment in the larger
the streets or the ranks of insurgents. Yet Colombo did not understand it Sri Lankan community were imperative.
then; it is doubtful if they understand it now. Driven back into itself, Tamil society had
little choice but self-defense.
Similarly, the factors discussed above
unsu ccessful attempt at insurgency in allegiance not to their constituencies or have driven the Sinhalese community to
1971. the JVP had been active but a spent higher principles but to their parties. se l f-defense. Contrary to a view
force . all but os tracized for the 12.000- Electoral corruption , intimidation , and fashionable in many circles of the Colombo
20.000 deaths and the suffering its earlier manipulation of voting rules prevented elite, the JVP has not caused the presen t
effo rt at in su rrec tion had caused. Suddenly. popular discontent from fielding alternate insurgency. Neither can it even be said to
it was again respectable . And as such. it representatives. Rather than see its four- be leading it: it is racing to keep up with it!
could pretend to be man y things to many fi fths majority e ndan gered in 1982 - a What the JVP has demon strated is a tactical
people. crucial level because it al lowed the sophistication which has allowed it to ride
Dark Side of Paradise amending of the constitution at wi ll - the each wave of discontent as it has surfaced .
Exploding nationalist passions exposed UNP simply held a referendum to extend In this sense the JVP has learned a great
the dark side of what the world saw as an the life of the parliament another term. deal from its earlier lack of success in 1971 ,
island paradise. Power grows from the Though it won the vote, the narrow margin when the insurgency briefly threatened the
barrel of a gun , opined Mao Tse-tung. And of victory reflected the true polarization of survival of the government only to collapse
in the absence of functioning politics, he the electorate. under crushing government blows as the
might have added , there is no recourse save Fueling popular resentment was the guerrilla cause moved too far ahead of its
the gun . increasing isolation of the government popular base. The JVP has worked hard to
That much should have been clear to Sri bureaucracy from the population. Without avoid repeating thi s earlier error.
Lankan decision-makers following the the political system acting as overseer (it Previously sympathetic to the Tam il cause,
Tamil insurgency. In the absence of politics was too bus y looking after its members ' for instance , the movement flip-flopped
- the resolving of grievances through own needs), the permanent cadre in and adopted a hardline pro-Sinhalese stand
political decision-making - there is government positions turned to their own when it became clear that such was to its
nowhere else fo r popular discontent to go concerns. Corruption reac hed monumental advantage.
save the streets or the ranks of insurgents. proportion s even as basic se rvices This served it in good stead when the
Yet Colombo did not understand it then ; it deteriorated island-wide. Indi ans entered the picture , because it
is doubtful if they understand it now. The worsening lives of the people allowed the party to wrap itself in the
That politics could be assessed as dead in escaped notice in many quarters , foreign mantle of nationali s m . Indeed , JVP
Sri Lanka seems a contradiction in a nation and do mestic . Progress in economic macro- documents say virtually nothing of its
which since its independence in 1948 has indicators served to conceal serious ideological stance (hardline Marxist) ,
maintained a functioning parliamentary problems in the micro-world of Sri Lanka's instead concentrating on the betrayal of the
democracy (it is now headed by a French- majority: problems of health , nutrition , country by its rulers . It is but a logical nex t
style president rather than a prime livelihood and opportunit i es for step to advance a simple connection: the
min ister). But if politics may be further advancement. Large seg ments of the sa me people who sold you o ut are
defined as shaping the human environment, population had limited access to health responsible for the poor conditions of life in
Sri Lanka 's system has been a fai Iure - not care , malnutrition was widespread, un- and which you find yourselves. Yet thi s linkage
just for the Tamils, but also for the underemployed were rampant. Educational is so far reserved for instructions to JV P
Si nhalese. Behind the facade of attainment freq uently proved a dead end cadres. It will be introduced to the masses
democracy, successive governments have due to the unavailability of suitable on ly when the party feel s it is safe to do so.
taken procedural steps that have severely employment. Predictably, a government which has
r estricted representation of the Discriminatory legislation and regular steadily isolated itself from the people is
popular will. episodes of anti-Tamil riotin g, culminating not likely to recogni ze the root of its
Recent electoral mechanics have seen a in the nationwide explosion of July 1983, problems. As violence has stead il y
nearly 50-50 split in the popular vote were passed off by the world as communal escalated , the administration has reacted in
re fl ected in lopsided parliamentary conflict. Actually, as noted earlier, they fumblin g fashion. Security forces have
majorities for either of Sri Lanka's major reflected attempts by th e Sinhalese majority bee n deployed, but because their presence
po litical parties , the United National Party to claim from the successful Tamils their does not protect socio-economic-political
(U NP), in power since 1977, or the Sri slice of what increasingly was viewed as a me as ure s de s igned to de a l with th e
Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), which ruled zero-sum di stribution of rights, resources structural basis for the problem , their

54 soumm 01' FORTUNE FEBRUARY 90

ac ti vities can on ly place a temporary
dampe r on the violence .
In their rear the ins urgenc y ga ins
strength . Whole areas of the country ha ve
effec ti ve ly become " no-go " areas afte r
d a rk , a nd urb a n unre s t has grown
dramaticall y. Anonymous "s truggle
committees" now function in virtuall y a ll
businesses and close the m down a t will
simpl y by posting noti ces instructing work
to cease les t repri sals be taken. By
murdering prominen t exampl es of those
who do not co mply with the ir demand s, the
in surgents have gai ned authority far beyond
th e ir numb ers. Conseq ue ntl y, so urces
state , the industri a l sector is functionin g at
what appears to be merely 20 perce nt
Such eco no mic paralysi s, in tum , feeds
the JVP ca use. Already, man y businesses
report they are unab le to meet their loan and
tax obligations. They had co ncentrated only
on at least paying their workers. As this ,
too, becomes impossible , the ranks of the
un employed will provide fertile ground for
JVP recruiters .
First Priority - A Plan
The re is a recognition of these realiti es
in so me qu arte rs, thoug h in not nearl y
enough. For most it is bus in ess as usua l. In
thi s rega rd. a co nfrontation be twee n the
pres ide nt and hi s mini ste r during o ur mu c h
earlier co nversa ti on mi g ht the n have bee n
the bes t thin g for the co untry. At least it
would have fo rced the issue of '" no plan "
onto the table . At thi s writin g there re mains
no such doc ument , writte n or un writte n.
Neithe r at thi s point in time does there see m
to be an apprec iat ion of th e essential nature
of moving th e counte rinsurge ncy out of the
rea lm of th e ad hoc.
" The re is no pl an for dealing with this
situation ," say s a lead ing adviser to the
preside nt himseJ.f. " You ca n'tjust think the
India ns go ing home will so lve matte rs . But
the syste m is incapable of recogni zin g the
structural/sys temic nature of the problem.
They (governme nt offic ials) continue to
feel that a ll is fine. Most alarmingly, they
ca nnot eve n see the d ec lin e in th e
Echoes one of Sri Lanka's hi ghest-
ra nkin g military officers, " Th ey (the
government) must understand c learly that
the mili tary is but a face t of the so lution ,
th at the e sential thru st mu st be po litica l/
soc io-econo mic. "
Remarkabl y, in pursuing thi s point , it
wou ld be no ted th at Sri Lanka has one of
the most hi g hl y deve loped stati stical bases
of any Third World country. Hence , there
is more than enough data aro und to define TOP: Police mak e up the hulk of Sri Lankan armed forces. Incidents of corruption and
the nature of soc ietal problems. Further, brutality have sullied their reput a tion , but most are solid .
the re are numerou s think tanks which have C ENTER: An anxious famil y waits at the gate of a sc1·eening compound for a detainee. Most
been doin g just that for years - and screened out are released within a matter of hours; those with serious explaining to do are
offering viable so luti o ns. What c learl y is passed on to police after being questioned by army and national intelligence people.
lacking is th e political will to force throu gh
BOTTOM : Sri Lankan troops on a cordon-and-search operation in a rural area . The
the so luti ons.
countryside is more easily managed , and once the military has established a presence a nd
"' We had great hopes when (Ran as in ghe) illustrated to the locals that they will be eve n-handed , they usually enjoy good support and more
Pr e me d asa bec ame pres id e nt , ,. says vo lunteer intelligence than they know what to do with. Although classified as a "rural" nat ion.
the urban areas of Sri Lanka, beset with the sa me socio-economic problems, require the same
Continued on page 82 stabilizing influence of the military as does the countryside.



A S the late aftern oon s un crept through
th e con ifers that rin ge d th e park
Afghan Kin g Za hir Shah had bu ilt to re lax in
afte r his huntin g forays into the surrounding
mountains, the mujahid ee n kicked a foot-
ball around c has in g goa ls us in g techniques
that were light on sk ill but loaded with en-
thu sias m.
I jumped off the truck I'd hitched a ride
on from Taloq an city to Join them as they
trooped off the playing fie ld at game ' s e nd ,
meeting my friends Commander Mu sli m of
the Ce ntral Units and hi s bodyg uard Isla-
muddin , an ex-Soviet army conscript cap-
tured by Jamiat -i-ls lami at Bagram a irbase.
ls lamuddin was o ne of seve n former Red
Army so ldi ers I had me t on thi s trip , a ll of
whom had converted to Is lam and never
wanted to return to the USSR.
We'd just settl ed down inside their billet ,
and were in the process of demo li shing a
mag nificent spec imen of that trul y de licious
wonder of Afghan agriculture , the me lon .
when - .CRASH'
We were on th e deck as th e shock wave
buffe ted the room , then up and runnin g in a
mad clash to th e bomb shelter dug deep in
the mountain side . The jets made mo re pass-
es , terrific bl as ts thunde red above us and the
gra nite wa ll s of the tunne l shook like vibrat-
in g strands of rubbe r.
The fir s t wound e d was carried in
dre nched in blood and deep in shock
• • DRA-beld towns although in fact he had on ly rece ived a small
• - muJ-held town •• - track sp linte r in hi s upper arm. Commander Mu s-
\\ - mountain pass lim had sen t him up the road to fetch our
eve ning dinner from the cook hou se of the
Route followed by Jake Border in his three-month journey throughout eastern Afghanistan. His
trek from Goram Chcsma to Ta loqan is detailed in "Bagh-i-Zaqira Garden Party" (Decembe r m aktab or milit a ry trainin g sc hoo l th a t
'89). This story follows his roundabout winter passage from Taloqan around Kabu l and back to Ahmad Shah Massoud had set up he re to
Peshawar, Pakistan. train Jamiat 's inc ipient Islam ic Arm y of Af-
We never did get any ri ce that eve ni ng -
the cookhouse had taken a direct hit , being
totally demoli shed a long with the mess hall.
Miraculo usly the adjacent bake hou se was
untouched a lth ough th e bomb bl ast had
wrenched off the wooden door drawi ng 6-
inch nails out of the hin ges like a giant c law
This jet strik e was the culmin ati on of an
all cl ay operation aga inst the S/wra-i-Nazar
or Superv iso ry Counci l of the North - the
Jamiat governin g body of liberated areas -
based in th e Varsaj Va ll ey so uth east of
Sixty four bombs were dropped that clay ,
a lth ough most were from hi gh alti tu de so
casualti es were li ght. Turan Hussa in . a de-
fec ted Afg han jet pilot who had bee n trained
in Soviet Kazakhstan, identified the raiders
Ex-Soviet post south of Kunduz. Muj rests next to APFSDS tank shell. as Su-22s originating in the USSR. Where
were the Stinge rs'l Answer (later confirmed
by Massoud): they were not effect ive.
Apparently many suffered defects (whether
from manufacture , tran spo rtation or stor-
BORDER ON THE BORDER age) in the g uidance system.
Jake Bqrder, who turns up all over the near and far east, jg a frequent SOF Wa iting for Commander Massoud to ar-
contributor who has recently spent many months trekking around Afghanistan. For rive from hi s lair in th e Piu Vall ey, wh ich
more on Jake 's most recent adventures with the mujahideen, see "Bagh-i-Zaqira was also bombed , I observed the train ing
Garden Party," December '89 and ' 'Bizarre Bazaar," January '90. progra m for the raw rec ruits in hi s new
Is lamic army . The latest batch , about 50.
came from Samangan Province and the di s-

58 SOLIHllll O•' FOllTUNll FEBRUARY 90

trict of Rustak north of Taloqan. civ iliza tion was long and circuitous but would ga wk at me and murmur: ' ' Shuravi''
At th is time of the year they were up by guaranteed me, so I had been told , trans- - Russian.
0530 hours and fo llowing morning prayers portation out. Khanabad was a city on the map but there
spent 30-40 minutes in Koranic study. Then It was all very stra ightforward in the tell- was not much left of it on the ground. The
it was 45 minutes of physical education ing. Local tra nsportation to Baghlan ci ty, substantial enviro ns were reduced to ru bble.
before breakfast. The trainees jogged from fro m where muj would guide me across the Only the central bazaar was standing. From
the maktab to the sports ground where a Soviet-Afghan arm y-pa trolled Sa lang to the upstairs floor of a kebab shop that adver-
bro ken-nosed instructor ran them through Mazar-i -Sharif hi ghway , and then muj tised '' ice-cream" in English on the fro nt
ca li sthenics and the rudiments of boxing. munitions truck all the way to the border. A windows (the Russ ian-made mac hinery was
Cent ral Units' muj trained by themselves , matter of days . A piece of piss. How wrong still inside) I used to delight in watching the
hammering each other in the boxing rin g, could you be? yellow and white tax is pull up at the main
workin g out on parallel bars or refinin g mar- Neve rth e le ss I co nfide ntl y sa id my square and call for passengers.
tial arts techniques. They were good. farewe ll s in Taloqan and pushed off on the " Kundu z, Kunduz!" they cried. I could
The rest of the morning was spent in first leg to Khanabad . Having missed the scarcely believe it. Mujahideen-controlled
mi litary training- drilling , small arms and regular Mercedes-Benz bus service I was Khan abad was linked by a 50-cent public
heavy weapons. ln addition to being profi- obliged to jam into a private pickup which service to ORA-controlled Kunduz; two in-
cient with their Kalashnikov assault rifles, was head ing to Kundu z city. Close enough. imical adversari es co-existing in a commun-
Ma soud 's mujahideen are trained to handle The trip from Taloqan to Khanabad takes ion of convenience. There were no road-
the favored 7.62mm PK light machine gun , less than an hour since the road is asphalt bl ocks or check points on enterin g Kha-
the 40mm RPG-7, the 82mm mortar and the and in near perfect conditi on. Ex iting Talo- nabad ; the opposition could ha ve and prob-
· 82mm recoi lless rifle. qan we passed a cemetery with small red ab ly did send in Khacl agents to freely snoop
Mos t of the instructors had recei ved their flags marking the gra ves of Democratic Re- around.
bas ic training at special camps in Paki stan. 1 public of Afghani stan (ORA) so ldiers and Kundu z was different. One clay we had
watched as Zohbet Abdul Hai rapid ly de-
tailed the procedure of optical sighting on
the mortar. " Do you understand? " fol-
lowed each staccato delivery. Dull nods. 1
doubted it myself. But Abd ul Hai had done
it all before. In a trice he hauled one poor
bugger out of the ra nks and ordered him to
repeat the demonstration. That seemed to
sharpen attention. He repeated it all aga in.
After lunch it was into the classroom
where the recruits sat, not cross legged on
the fl oor but on indi vidual chairs with
tables. With the aid of a blackboard instru c-
tors teach the hi story of the Afghan res is-
tance stru ggle. political indoctrination and
military " stratageki " and " taktik ." Ques-
tions are ex pected from the class.
Most groups spend 30 days training be-
fore return ing to their home bases . Even-
tuall y they will be dressed in the uniform of
the Islamic arm y: beret , boots, and cammies
based on the U.S. Army BOU . Each of the
men in the initial 9 ,600-strong army will then Bag h-i-Zaqira , the ORA stronghold Khanabad Commander Ghola Mali says his
carry an AK-47, 300 rounds of ammo , two still holding out aga inst the muj siege that prayers alongside two Stinger antiaircraft
grenades and a bayonet in addition to his I'd witnessed for the first two weeks. Here missiles.
pack , sleeping bag and a spare change of the muj who had hitched rides stas hed their
Afghan clothes . Officers will in the main be guns out of sight as the communists could
draw n from the Central Un its' forces. fire on this section of the road al will. crui sed in the direction of that ci ty in a
Massoud ruTived from Piu to disappear into About midwa y between Taloqan and battered old Volga sedan without brakes and
private confere nce "'with an important visitor Kunclu z there is a turn off which leads to had been obliged to stop 10 klicks short
from Kabul. " What was discussed? Who Khanabad. I got clown there and paid the because army check posts blocked the way.
knows? The talks were secret, but with the fare - 150 Afghanis (about U.S. $.75). Kundu z airport was clear ly visible however
Russiru1s leaving in two months perhaps some Across the road was the site or an evacuated and we were in time to witness two Mi-8
Afghans were re-appraising their allegiance. Soviet tank base which I'd ex plored on an choppers low level fl ying and landing near
I.n any event, Massoud 's aides spoke openly of earlier visit , turning up some tasty canned the control tower.
Kabul not fa lling from a frontal military beetroot, fi sh and potatoes. and among all Part of the Khanabacl Khad complex had
assault , but from an inside coup . the discarded and soph isticated ordnance, a been sequestered by Jami at Commander
Massoud gave me a " letter of the road" by hand-loaded .577 Snider round in brass car- Ghola Mali for his men but he himself was
way of introduction to groups I might encoun- tridge case . not present when I rol led in after walking up
ter on my way , and recommended that I get the 1 had first arri ved in Kh anabad about two from the turn-off. He was probably over-
· same from other political parties. Never in one months previous ly and spent two weeks seeing hi s land holdings around Kunclu z
place for more than one night , Massoud was there and around the ORA-garriso ned ci ty where several weeks back a multi-party
on the move agai n. of Kundu z. At that time the muj said I was push aga inst the city stalled even before all
So was I. For three months I'd been the first Western journalist to arrive since the muj gro ups had asse mbl ed fo r the
tramping aro un d the Panj shir Vall ey, the Soviet pullout 60 days before. The Ivans attack.
Badakhshan , Kundu z and Tarkhar prov- had made an impression in Kh anabad. In a That had been a ball s-up typ ical of Jalala-
inces in the north of Afghan istan , and now I bombed out school I di scovered Russ ian bad. Lack of coordination. As I understood
was cul off from Pakistan by the winter lessons still written on a blackboard and as I it two main ORA bases of kandak strength
snows. The return route I chose back to walked th roug h the bazaa r the children (a bout 300 men each) were to have come
under simultaneous attack. Instead Mahaz- We stayed with Commander Panj i in the which line the way. I was surprised by the
i-M illi (o r NI FA) made a pre-emptive village of Madrassa on the Kunduz- Baghlan volume of civilian traffic. We hitched a ride in
attack, lost a number of men , then pulled hi ghway . The giant electricity pylons with- a Mercedes-Benz bus which was on its way to
out. Meanwhile our group was floundering out their cables looked like mechanical Kunduz from Kabul , but we had the driver let
around with Stingers providing an air de- monsters marching alongside the road . Off us down at a place called Angur Bagh just
fense against an objecti ve not yet under fire to their right were a string of ORA military opposite the Kunduz radar station.
because the Jamial commanders hadn ' t held posts overl ooking the hi ghway and one The passengers on the bus - especially
their war council yet. abandoned Soviet observation post which children - had gaped al me in bewilder-
Anyway th e .Jamial Amir of Kundu z we were able to investigate . ment. If there was a Khad agent on board as
Prov:ince, Kori Rahmatullah , happened lo This post was surrounded by a 2-meler- rumored he would have had an interesting
be visiting Ghola Mali . A Koori is someone wide minefield and barbed wire perimeter, report to file in Kunduz. At Angur Bagh it
very learned in the Holy Koran , who can with most of the anti-personnel trip-mines was my turn to gape - we got clown from
quote long passages from memory. We had still strung together in pairs. Inside the bar- the bus 200 meters away from a Sarandoy
met several times and he had escorted me on rac ks were many discarded letters from checkpost. They seemed to be building new
a trip lo Aliabad district just south of Kun- families and lovers in the Soviet Union. One bunkers; a truck arrived from the airport
duz airport. letter actually began in English: " My clear with supplies while a BROM scout car was
On that trip the Afghan driver of the cap- Sasha, how are you getting on?" Also there parked under a tree. .
tured Russian Gaz truck astonished me by was a poster showing departing Russians Fascinating stuff. Then 100 meters in front
ask ing: " Do you have a wife in Moscow?' ' receiving fl owers from tearful Afghans. of me two soldiers in black unifom1s wearing
Afghan ignorance of the outside world can The Farsi inscription react: " Goodbye Dear tank helmets emerged from the tree line. They
be appalling but this verged on lunacy. Still , Friends.'' ca1Tied A Ks and seemed at ease as they casual-
I had seen German license plates on a Rus- Next morning we waited on the asphalt ly waved clown trucks and vans and opened
sian taxi in Khananbad . . highway in the shade of giant mulberry trees back doors or peered under tarpaulins lo ex-
transport. We located a Zil truck which was ized AKR version called the Krinkov is
mostly full of women so I was put in the most prized at three times the cost of an
front cabin with the driver. Others clutched AK-47.
o nto the running boards- like the man and However, the most common weapon I
boy who shared a wad of chewing gum saw was the Wo rld W ar II -vi ntage PPSh-41
betwee n them - or perched on the front " burp g un " selling for a ·mere 9,000 afgha-
fender. ni s ($45). Another Russ ia n relic there was
The road from Khanabad to lshkamish the bipocl mounted DP LM G at 50.000-
was a gravel trac k at best , a river bed at 60 ,000 afghani s ($250-300). T he modern
worst. That le ft little room for comfort or squad g un eq uival e nt. the 7 .62mm PK
speed but at least I had a firm seat - the GMPG o fte n referred to as ··the best Rus-
Afghan on the right front fender was tossed sian machine g un in Afgha nistan " by the
c lear during one altercatio n with a giant muj , can fetch as muc h as 2 millio n afghan is
pothole. Later that afternoon we stopped for ($ 10.000) if offered . I saw none.
prayers a nd the n c raw led over a s mall Many RPG-7 rockets were available but
mountain pass. Then we sto pped again to la un c hers were ra re and ex pens ive -
top up fue l. 250.000 afghanis ($ 1.250). Soviet hand
Walking up the hill toward us came a g re nades were commo n (type F-1. 500
squad of full y armed mujahideen, who had afgha ni s ($2.50): RGD-5. 400 afghanis
appeared out of nowhere . They marched ($2.00), as were a ntipe rsonne l mines (400
past the truck the n turned their g uns on us afghani s , $2.00). Antitank mines cost onl y
and demanded money from the drive r. I was 800 afghanis ($4.00).
staggered. The passengers were apprehen- There was no shortage o f Chinese or Rus-
sive. The gunmen waited; the dri ver was sian-made 82mm recoilless 1ifle ammo ( 1.800
cool. Pe rhaps he'd dealt with this situation afghanis . $9.00) but no launchers. Two mod-
before. els of Soviet pisto ls were common: the am1y-
Refusing to be intimidated, he outrig ht issue 9mm Makarov (90.000 afghanis. $450)
refu sed to pay. "'These are poor passen- and the T okarev (80.000 afghanis. $400).
gers." he said with finality. Inc redibly the cheaper because ammo is harder to find for the
would-be highwayme n backed down with- latter.
out taking a pe nny . " They call the mselves Among the oddities were Egypt ian-made
Jami at , " he said in answer to my question . bayone ts ( I .400 afghan is . $ 7 .00) . Eng lish-
" but they are just thieves." Later I was told macle .303 Lee Enfie ld rifles ( 16,000 afgha-
that thi s group had formerly been Afghan n is . $80). a nd th e 64111111 RPG-1 8. the
government militia that had surre ndered to Soviet eq ui vale nt of the U.S . Army M72
the Jamiat and now , at least in name, they LAW rocket. in a fibe r-g lass la unc he r
were muj too . (500.000 afghan is. $2.500) .
One of Commander Muslim' s Central Naturally I was hav ing a ball rummaging
Units me n had g iven me a letter of introduc- arou nd the stalls but some of the muj were
tion to his brother in lshkami sh and there I getting testy about my tak ing photographs .
stayed . S ince 1983 lshkamish has been free There might have been two reasons for that.
of Soviet or ORA military outposts, and by First the moral question o f muj selling arms
1985 the muj had ta ken over tl:ie town. All intended for the resista nce struggle; and
seven muj parties are present there but the second , what use has a c ivilian for grenades
Jamiat a nd He kmatya r 's Hezbi groups or an assault rifle?
dominate, with Hezb controlling the main In answer to the first point, the muj and
bazaar. shopkeepers (ofte n o ne a nd the same) in-
lshkamish is an impo rtant trading center sisted that a ll materi al sold in lshkarn ish
in the north - for arms. Here you can buy derives not from aid s hipme nts but is stock
ABOVE: At town of Lakorbi, Jaglan Seraj-Al or sell any g uns ranging from hunting rifles captured fro m the Russ ians and the ORA -
Haq of pro-DRA milit ia mans 12.7mm DShK to sophisticated war weapons . This is a only supplies in excess of the ir c urre nt
HMG. lucrati ve albe it sensitive business, as I was needs are sold to raise cash to meet the
LEFT INSET: Sher Ali (second right), to discover. Formerly all parties we re in- day-to-day running expenses of the group.
renowned buzkashi player, and men with volved in this free trade but today some Using the rule o f thumb that Chinese-made
75mm recoilless rine. leaders have banned the sale of their own weapons represent aid sent via Pakistan,
group 's weapons, although me mbers are the n I can say that in the ma in lshkamish is
RIGHT INSET: NASR (Shi'ite) mujahidecn still allowed to operate shops in the bazaar, selling captured stock as claimed.
grou p. Ghola Mali (in green, immediately to
buying and selling from othe rs. As for the future of Afghanistan it is true
the right of the DShK) was just released from
Soviet jail. Here is a stock li st with prices. The that many a family feud could be settled
weapon in most demand is the Soviet-made with weapons purchased here as no creden-
AK-47/AKM and prices vary according to tials other than cash are needed in order to
amine the vehicle's load. Meanwhile. totally age: about 100,000 afghanis ($ 1 U.S . = bu y . Incleecl , any asp iring warlord rich
obl ivious to all this, the muj sat around eating 200 afghanis, or abo ut $500) used (less for e no ug h could equip a band of thugs with
kebabs and drinking tea. folding stock) and 120,000- 180,000 ($600- quite an awesome arsena l from lshkarnish
A pisto l shot could have dropped these 900) afghanis new. Chinese-made Kalash- and present a credible cha lle nge to law and
two. Why d idn ' t the muj open up on the m , nikovs even in new condition are less fa- order agencies anywhere.
you wonder? The usual story - for fear of vored than the reported ly " better-made" Iro nically lshkamish also acts as an arms
c ivilian cas ua lties in repri sal bo mba rd- Soviet mode ls. They sell for 100,000- bazaar for those mujahideen g roups who,
ments. 200,000 afghanis ne w ($500-600). clue to an irksome rationing of supplies from
But now it was time to press o n to The muc h rarer 5.45mm A K-74. the so- Pakistan , cannot ma intain stocks. Furth-
lshkami sh and Kori Rahmatull ah sent a muj called Kal akov . fe tc hes double the go ing ermore , the fact is that traditionally Afghans
wi th me to the Khanabad bazaar to he lp find AK rate whe n availab le and the mini atur- and guns have always been inseparable , and


whereas in the past a man may have been We could have the va n bac k " in half an rived. Turned out to be Pierre , a photo-
sa ti sfied with a rifl e he now wants a hour." The driver wasn ' t buyi ng it. grapher. a Frog, but a good man. Pierre , a
machine gun . Ishkami sh prov ides it. " I have to transport this important for- well-experienced Afg ha n hand , had
Local Afgha n authorities were not im- eigner (me') to meet yo ur senior comman- trave led on horseback all the way from
mune to these criticisms, as I ex peri enced der. " he blu ffed. " Wait fo r another car, Baclak hshan unawa re that road transport
later that day. I was sipping green tea in a one fo llows behind." was ava ilab le in these parts now.
stal l after purc hasi ng three Russ ian Torn between conflictin g loyalties the The so le mujahideen occupants of Narin
bayonets for souve nirs when a Hezb patrol colllmander hes itated, then capitul ated. Our were Jamiat-i-lslami who had been there
descended on us and brusquely demanded driver explained that he was not callous but since its liberation in 1983. Pierre and I
that I get up and go with them. cautious. "They were lying," he sa id. " If I wanclerecl the extensive bazaar where every
I was alone - Il1 Yhost was elsewhere in gave them my car they wo uld disappear for kine! of consulller goods were available with
the bazaar- and had no one to appeal to for several clays. Perh aps my car wo uld dis- one exception -c igarettes! As he had done
suppo11. Technically I Il1ay have been a appear too' '' in the Panjshir Valley, Massoud had banned
guest in the stall but no one was standing on We arri ved in Na rin without further mis- their sale here.
cerell1ony when guns were being waved hap and I paid the fare, fo und a shop run by All this abundance in the hands of the
abo ut. I was defi nitel y uneasy ; Western Abdul Hai's lllen, was fed lunch and spent mujahicleen ironica ll y came via the Soviet
journalists incurring the wrath of the Il1Uj Union and was a frac tion of the price of the
had already been murdered in Afg hanistan. same goods so ld by the ORA in Kabul. For
I was taken by the arm and escorted out of exalllple: Wheat fl our 250 Afs ($ 1. 25) a
town to a Hezb post where I waited with seer (7 kg unit) in Nari n, 600 Afs ($3.00) in
some gua rds while others conferred inside. Kabul ; rice 700/ 1300 Afs a seer; cooking oil
The guards made no secret of the fact that 550017000 Afs big tin ; suga r 1101145 Afs a
they hoped for a shooting party though they kilogra m.
may have been seeking all1 usement at my Alll ir Abdul Hai arri ved that clay wi th
expected discomfort. I endeavored to give Colllmander Arianpour and Mullah Shams.
them no satisfaction but made preparations Jamiat commander of Bag hl an city. Th is
fo r the worst: in Il1 Y jacket pocket I had a was a stroke of luck as Shams, my contact in
fragmen tation gre nade I'd bought in Khana- Baghl an , was (insha 'al/ah - God willing)
bad as a contingency aga inst just such a fuck returnin g home in the afternoon . Well.
up as thi s. I was n' t bei ng hi strionic either - either by wi ll of God or through misman-
that sucker was fused and I was ready to use agement, no transport could be fo und , so it
it if necessary. was: " We go tomorrow - insha 'a llah."
Inside I began a palave r with the com- I joi ned Pierre as he waited patientl y to
mander who, to hi s cred it , was just a little interview Arianpour and Abd ul Hai. Their
more ge nuinely curious abo ut Ille than he bodyguards, lounging aimlessly, took us for
was interrogati ve. However I still had to am usement bait and began pestering. We 'd
answer why I took an interest in the gun both had a gutful of this behavior. Pierre
sales and why the photos? I stu ck to Afghan exploded with a marvelous salvo of choice
etiquette, was polite, and struggled to main- Gallic epithets. One foo l persisted in pre-
tain linguistic fluency , but the upshot of it tending that he could speak English. and
all was that I should now consider myself a th at he had even been to Japan, so I set him
"guest" there fo r the night. No way. I up by askin g if he had bent over for the
argued that I was already a guest elsewhere Japa nese men . " Yes ," came the expected
but my protest was casuall y ignored. repl y in English, to wh ich Pierre and I col-
I played my las t care! . Following Mas- lapsecl in ra ucous laughter, much to the de-
soud 's advice I had taken the precaution of vastation of the lllUj concerned. Many muj
getting a " letter of the road" from Said were vulnerable in thi s way , their tough
Jamal, the top Hezb commander from Talo- exteri or eas il y shattered exposing a brittle
qan city. That, plus the fact that I had seen pride.
ac tion with Hezb muj , swung the case in my Pierre's plan was to cross into the Anderab
favo r. The commander re laxed and person- Valley. on to the Panjshir Valley and then to
all y poured lllY tea, a signal to the others that Paghman on the outskirts of Kabul , so we
the traditional Afghan grilling could begin". farewe lled at 1500 the next day when I pulled
Ishkamish arms bazaar has RPG-18 for sale,
Soon we were mates and they were back on as well as AK-47s and cases of ammo.
out with the Mullah Shams and his boys. We
the offens ive agai n - about prayers' passed through Hezb turf without hassle and
The commander stilf insisted that I stay but over a small pass on a dusty road that all but
allowed me the privilege of refusing- I had a the rest of the clay drin ki ng tea before being obscured the spectacular panorama.
ri de to catch to Narin the next morning. ushered to hi s calllp . The Alllir was out but l By 1730 the city of Baghl an was in sight.
Armed with a Jetter of introduction to the Amir was feel aga in and bunked clown fo r the At dusk we encountered tracer across our
of Narin . Abdul Hai, I set off in a Russian van night in a warm room. bow. We stopped . ORA ? I queried . "No-
with a bunch of Afghan civilians. 0530 hours-still the midd le of the ni ght Hezb ," came the repl y. No problem then, I
South of lshkami sh local commanders of by my reckon ing - and one idiot has not probed . You have unity among the parties.
both Hezb and Jamiat mujahideen stopped onl y lit the lantern but has his rad io on full "What unit y," the muj snorted. "We
the va n and delllanded small payments of blast. I ask him to turn it down. ' ' It 's day- fight!"
money- "road ta x" - merely eno ugh for break- ti Ille fo r prayers! " he replied , spik- Baghl an city was in gove rnment hands
a meal of kebabs and tea , barely ex torti on at ing my guns. The fac t that neither he nor any but its three component parts - old city ,
al l. but our driver balked at handing over his others had started prayi ngc! icln ' t mean cliclcl- new city and fa brique - were surrou nded
keys. ly sq uat. He was up, and wan ted the radio by Hezb under Am ir Ras ul and Jamiat under
The Hezb commander at this checkpost on. Another arse hole 1 Mu ll ah Shams. Hezb outnum bered Jamiat.
explained with pl ausible justi ficat ion that I was up at 0730. Breakfast fi nall y came It took three hours fro m Narin to Shams '
the van was urgentl y needed to transport a by 0930. Th e cla y was sa vecl by th e base at the fabr ique as the new industrial
wo unded member of his group to hos pital. announcement that " my fri end " had ar- quarter with geo metric grid of interlin king

62 SOUllllll 0 11 FOllTUNE FEBRUARY 90

the muj putting out the blaze dug out the the ammo to the muj .
still-hot round. We had lunch (rice , meat and carrots)
We were entertained that night by a video with one of Tor's men who claimed res pon-
movie , a Holl ywood prod uction starring sibility fo r the ambush-fire we had seen the
An th ony Quinn as Omar Mukhtar, a Libya n previous ni ght. A brother had been married
freedom fighter during Ital y's conquest of just two days before and naturally the con-
that country in Mussolini 's time. Apparent- ve rsation turned to sex: " Do you was h
ly it was th e first use of tanks and ai rpl anes afterwards?" This is a ritual obligation for
in desert warfare. The muj were enth ralled Muslims. When I explained to disbelieving
and easil y translated the good guys and bad ears th at in the West women are free to go
guys into themselves and the Shuravi. shopping in the bazaar unescorted by the ir
At 1630 the following day Mohammad menfolk they demonstrated th eir rak ish
Qadir and two of Shams' muj were guiding urges by grabbi ng each other's tits, asking:
me under the noses of the 76mm field guns "This is allowed?"
out of town. The next stage cou ld be tricky By 1630 Qad ir and I were stranded a klick
- l had two government-patro lled high- from the hi ghway, un ab le to approach be-
ways to cross before reaching the truck de- cause a Hezb gro up under Dr. Ismael was
pot that would be my jumping off point for a shooting up a Soviet post and the road was
sprint to Pakistan . So I believed. ali ve wi th armored personnel carriers. Hezb
Out of sight of the ene my guns we Commander Ghu lam Habib came to our
climbed a va lley which quickly became a rescue.
defile. With no muj between us and the Ghulam Habib had hi s sh it together.
DRA posts it was an idea l spot fo r an Scouts were sent fo rward to secure th e road
amb ush. What do we do if an army patrol is front and when all was clear we were taken
out? " We shoot. .. Quite. Night fell without up. Qadir and I dashed across . Habib' s men
incident and the muj busied themselves faded away in the darkn ess . I remember
banging off tracer just for the hell of it. We stepping over the av iation and tank fue l
reached the top of the pass . Way in the pipelines. They were smaller than I' d ex -
distance the lights of army posts were strung pected.
At the Ishkamish arms bazaar you can buy out along this section of the Salang to Soviet There was no difficulty observing highway
guns ranging from hunting rifles to Union highway, and a large blaze indicated traffic in daylight, nor the army posts. Traffic
sophisticated war weapons. Displayed here is a successful ambush. was heavy - army trucks, passenger buses,
a PPSh 41, on sale for about $45.
Below, in darkness, was the road lin king fuel tankers , tax is, BRDMs, and finally one
Baghl an with the Sov iet garrison town of good tank column . Heading no11h they were
roads is called . A Soviet-built sugar facto ry Pul-i-Khumri. We crossed in silence . Here probably part of Gorbachev 's celebrated pull-
now stood id le there . the other two muj split and Qadir took me on out from Afghan istan.
A generator provided light which illu- to a safe house where we spent the ni ght. A From behind the mud wall of an enclosed
minated the captured Russian world map on two-hour walk brought us to Hezb Com- orchard I cou ld observe Sov iet soldiers
the wa ll . It was massive, and proved a valu- mander Tor Haji Karim 's camp. It was clambering over their tanks and standing on
ab le conversation prop. Seated aro und the clean, and quiet - the commander and the turrets. Entranced , I watched a BMP- 1
room were some interesting men, including most of hi s men were away. While Qadir crew until I realized the swing ing 70mm
three Arabs and an ex-Saza commander of disappeared for shoppi ng l crashed out. I gun was moving in my direction. Time to
the fabriq ue bazaar, who had defected with was start ing to get trave l weary. move. For the most part the muj seemed to
30 of hi s militiamen. A rather glum look ing Qadir reappeared with hi s purchases: two be ignoring the Soviet-manned posts in
Taji k, he still shaved and sported a well- Soviet F- 1 frag grenades at 500 Afs ($2.50) order to fac ilitate their pulling out. My last-
trimmed moustache. each and two 20-round boxes of the favored ing memory from there will be observing a
The Arabs, two Algerians and a Palesti- AK tracer ammo at 15 Afs a round. Soviet Khaki-clad soldier in the upper floor win-
nian had been fo ur months in Baghlan and and Afghan soldiers would trade munitions dow of the post , as he slow ly lifted a pair of
seemed to be on a religious crusade. Hamid , fo r consu mer good ies (food and drugs) with
their spokesman due to some mutual flu en- Afghan merchants who in turn would sell Continued on page 73
cy in French. harangued me at length about
the coming Islam ic revolution from which
Afghanistan (ad mired fo r its defeat of the Mujahideen stinger crew looks for a target near Kunduz.
godless Russ ians) would be the springboard
fo r the rest of the world . A new economic
order would be established based on Islam ic
law ... his fervid eyes told it all.
On a quiet morning I listened to the top ten
of the hit parade of eight years ago on the
BBC , then toured the area with Mullah
Shams. The city was dominated by a DRA
artillery base on a hilltop to the west where
four 76mm fie ld gu ns could be seen in profile.
The big gun s pounded away for the rest of
the day at the Hezb, who eventually took
excepti on and began shooting up a govern-
ment post in the old city. Soon the air was
ali ve with the crack le of small-arms fire
und erscored by th e reso nant ra ttl e of
HMGs. A 14.5mm ZKU round landed in a
fie ld 50 meters fro m us and set fire to the
grass, something I refused to believe until


SOF Tests and Evaluates Israeli .357 Magnum Carbine

A LMOST exc lusive ly an American in-

no vat ion, the first successful slide- Text & Photos
ance or its rece ive r and th e slidin g forearm
mounted around a tubul ar maga zine. A
so-ca lled .. ac ti on bar .. extends fro m the
ac ti on system was the Spencer shotgun , by Peter G. Kokalis
introduced in 1884 by Francis Bannerman Timber Wolfs forearm on the left si de and
of New York. Often referred to as ·'pum p" Whildin of Ac ti on Arms, Ltd. (Dept. SOF. backward through a slot in the rece iver to
or " trombone " actions, shotguns of thi s P.O. Box 9573, Philadelphia , PA 19 124 , the sl icle under the bolt . A lug on top of th e
type have remained popular for more than a phone: (2 15) 744-0 I00) and manu fac tured slide fits in side a cav it y in th e bolt body.
centu ry. Wi tness th e now-departed Win- by Israel Military Indu stries (IMI ). The pi vo tin g lock ing block. wit h hoth
chester Models 97 and 12 and the venerable Chambering " saddle '· carbines for a locking and unl ock ing cams machined onto
Remington Model 870, still the scattergun handgun cartrid ge is anoth er American its bottom surface, al so rests in this ca vity.
of choice fo r a majorit y of U.S. law tradition dating bac k to the Old West, When the fo rearm is jacked rearward. the
enforce ment agencies. cowboys and Indi ans and John Way ne. It 's action-bar drives the slide back and its lug
Although Colt brought out its Lightning hardly surpri sing, then, th at the Timber clown and out of its recess in th e top of the
Model 85 in caliber .32-20 just one year Wolfs initi al chamberin g is fo r the .357 receiver. As th e rearward pu sh on the
after the Spencer, slide-action rifl es are Magnum/ .38 Spec ial rimmed revolver car- forearm is continued . the bolt travels to th e
today few and far between. Long go ne are tridges. Other ca libers will be forthcoming , rear to ex trac t and eject the fired case. cock
th e rimfire Winchester Models 6 1 (ham- the first of which will be a limited run in the hammer and raise a new ca rtri dge from
merl ess) and 62 (exposed hammer) and the .32-20 , followed by a .44 Magnum. Al- the magaz ine by means of th e lifter. total
centerfire Remington 14/14 1 series (de- though semi -obsolete, th e .32-20 , intro- length of th e rearward stroke is on ly 2 1/~
signed by John D. Pedersen). Until re- duced by Winchester in 1882 for their inches.
cently, the Brazili an Ross i 62 SA (a copy of Model 73 lever-acti on rifl e. still enjoys Moving the forearm forward pu lls the
th e Winchester Model 62) and Remington modest popularity and will more th an do fo r bolt and slide fo rward and drives the
572B DL , both .22 rimfires , were virtuall y small game out to I00 ya rds. ca rtridge off the lifter into th e chamber.
the onl y rifles available in this acti on type. The most obvious feature of an y slicle- The slide moves fo rward to strike the
Enter the Timber Wolf, designed by Evan action firearm is the streamlined appear- lock ing block ·s front locki ng cam and push


the locking blpck's lug upward and into its interior. A projection midway alo ng the
T he Ultra Dot '" optical sight features an
recess , compietely c ha mbering the round ejector's length protrudes throug h a hole in illuminated red dot and is the smallest and
and locking the breech. T his is substanti ally the receiver. A Weaver-type scope mo unt lightest of its type. Powered by a small lithium
the method of operatio n e mployed in the base has been made a part of the top of the battery, the intensity of the red dot can be
Remington Model 870 sho tgun . receiver. All of the carbine 's metal compo- adjusted by a potentiometer on the left side of
While slide actions are simple, sturdy ne nts are blued . the scope tube.
and reliable , a ll work is perfo rmed by the T he untape red, heavy barre l, only 18 1/ 2
force exerted o n the forearm in a line inc hes in length , has I0 grooves with a rig ht fa ll. F unctioning of the d isconnector re-
paralle l with the ax ial line of the barre l, ha nd twist of o ne turn in 20 inches. It is quires the tri gger to be pos itively re leased
without benefit of the added leverage threaded to the receiver and is not of the between each shot in order to reset the
provided by lever-action or turn-bo lt sys- take-do wn type . The barrel blank is also trigger mechanism. Of the sing le-stage
te ms. As a conseque nce, slide-actions have forged from ordnance steel. type, the trigger pull weight on our test
ofte n been criticized for weak ex tractio n. The trigger mechanism also resembles specime n was a somewhat spongy 3'%
However, the Timber Wo lfs slide move- that of the Remington Model 870 shotgun . pounds.
ment both d isengages the locking lug and The re is an action-bar lock (a lso referred to Both the forearm and buttstock are
provides pri mary ex tractio n. as a "bolt release") at the front of the alloy fabricated from European walnut with a
The weight of this carbine, em pty, is a trigger guard on the left side, and a semi-gloss fin ish . With nine grooves and a
com fortable 5 po unds, 9 ounces. Overall conventio nal crossbo lt safety. Push the tape red cylindrical shape, the forearm 's
length is 37 inches. When the buttstock is crossbolt to the le ft to release the safety. appearance is trad itio nal and re mi niscent o f
removed that shrinks to a mere 24 inches. The d isconnector is part of the actio n-bar the early Wincheste r slide-action shotguns
The receiver is a m illed forging fabricated lock and can be actuated both manuall y and and rim fi re ri fles.
from ordnance steel. Both the li fte r and by the fa ll o f the hamme r. It operates when Equipped with a black ru bber buttplate,
loading gate are sheet-me tal pressings. T he the action-bar lock butto n is depressed to the buttstock has no Monte Carlo comb or
ejection port is o n the right side o f the release the actio n bar so the fo rearm can be cheekpiece and is also somewhat 19th
receiver. A pivoti ng ejector rests in a reciprocated a nd also whe n the hammer century looking. However, the Timber
channel on the left wall of the receiver's spring plunger contacts it d uring hammer Wo lfs drop at the comb can be adj usted



. ...

Timber Wolf .357 Magnum slide-action
car bine, field stripped .

through a range of approximately an inch to either direction , permits settings from " O" fired during SOF's test and eva luat ion of
acco mmodate both optical sights and the (off) to " 11. " Bright daylight conditions the Timber Wolf carbine . A 4-inch Ruger
standard iron sights with which it is require the most intense settin g, '' I I," GP I00 revolver was used for control and
equipped. For purposes of adjustment, unless yo u employ the polarizing filter this provided an opportunity to observe the
maintenance and reducing its carrying which is also provided , along with a rubber effect of substantial velocity increases on
envelope, the buttstock can be removed by eye piece, trim and extension rin gs and two bullet perform ance.
loosenin g the slotted and knurled take- I-inch rings for attachment to the Ti111ber Lightweight 125-grain Jacketed Hollow
down screw on the left side of the receiver. Wol fs Weaver-type base. Elevation and Point (JHP) am munition is pop ul ar in this
The retaining screw of the buttstock's steel windage knobs, on the top and right of the caliber, principall y because its high veloc-
attachment tenon can be loosened to move scope tube, respectively, allow the unit to ity has been hyped by gun publicati ons.
the tenon up or down on its steel base on the be zeroed in the conventional manner. Each Samson's version trave ls at almost 1,500
receiver. Both th e tenon 's and ba se's mark on the adjustment di als will move th e fps, I0 feet from the Ruger revolver's
interfaces are curved and striated fo r posi- point of i111pact a half inch at I00 yards. muzzle . At thi s veloc ity, when fired into
ti ve retention once the screw has been Battery life varies from 20 to 4 ,000 hours, soft tissue, it will invariabl y shed its jacket,
re-ti ghtened . The length of pull is depending upon the settings most often lose 40 percent of its origi nal weight to
13Y2 inches. employed. At SO ya rds, the reel dot covers small fragments (leaving an encl weigh t of
The tubular magazine holds I0 rounds of a circle approximately 4 inches in diameter. only abo ut 65 grains) and expand to .60
.357 Magnum or 11 rounds of .38 Special Suggested retail price is $ 195. caliber. Penetration is below the desired
ammunition and extends the length of the Timber Wolf Di sassembly procedures, minimum of 12 inches. Whe n fired through
barrel. There is abo ut 0.2 inch of clearance
between the barrel and magaz ine tube. The
magazine's fro nt attaching band is dove-
tai led to a slot on the underside of the
barrel , directly under the front sight , and Caliber: . ... .......... 357 Magnum/ .38 Spec ial; also limited runs in .32-30
pinned in place. and .44 Magnum.
The fo rearm must be full y retracted to Operation: ........ ... Slide-acti on. Pivoting lock ing block operated by
load the magazine and both the lifter and slide cams.
loading gate must be pushed upward before Feed mechanism: ... . . . Tubular magazine: I0 rounds .357 Magn um, 11
cartridges can be fed into the tube. To rounds .38 Spec ial.
chamber the fi rst round , the action must be Barrel : ............. . Un-tapered. Ten grooves wi th a right-hand twi st of
closed , then opened by depressing the one turn in 20 inches. Length: I 8Y, inches.
action-bar lock and finally, pushed fo rward Sights: . ............. Fixed front sight blade with single white venical bar.
into battery once aga in . Thi s is a tactical Buckhorn-style rear sight with U- notch adjustable for
defect as the 111agazine cannot be re- winclage and elevati on in 50-meter increments. Op-
charged, or ' ·topped off", with the wea pon ti onal Ultra Dot"' illu111inatecl opti cal sight with reel clot
in the firing mode. A model will be mounts on rece iver's integral Weaver-type base.
ava il able in the near future - to law Finish: ....... ....... Blued .
enforcement agencies only - that perm its Furniture: . ..... ... ..European wa lnut buttstock and fo rear111 with semi-
load ing with the action forward. The gloss finish .
magaz ine tube's aluminu111 alloy follower Price: .............. . $475.
has been anodized a dark plum color which Manufacturer: .. . ..... Israel Military Industries. Dept. SOE P.O . Box
somewhat enhances its visibility. Car- 1044 , Ra111at Ha Sharon, Israel.
tridges must be inserted with vigor or their U.S . distributor: . ..... Ac ti on Ar111s, Ltd .. Dept. SOF, P.O. Box 9573 ,
rims will catch on the cartridge stop . Philadelphia. PA 19 124; phone: (2 15 ) 744-0 I00.
The fix ed fro nt sight blade is dovetailed T&E summary: ... . . .. Sturd y and reliabl e . Lightweight and handy. Greater
to the barrel directl y above the magaz ine acc uracy potenti al than any handgu n of the sa me
tube's attaching band. It 's sloped at the rear chamberin g. Tak e-clown buttstock. Reaso nab ly
with a single white ve11ical bar. The priced . Will ap pea l to a diverse 111arket.
" buckhorn " -style rear sight has a U-
notchecl plate th at can be crudely adjusted in general, fo llow th ose of the Remington the Ti111ber Wolfs I 8 1/2-i nch barrel , veloc-
for winclage zero by loosening its two Model 870. First, clear the chamber and ity increases by more th an 600 fps. Per-
retaining screws . Elevation adjustments are magazine tube by depressing the action bar formance in so ft ti ssue is then even worse .
perfo r111ecl by li ftin g the spring-steel rear lock and jacking the ac tion until the weapon Al111ost 65 percent of the bullet is lost to
sight base and sliding a stepped bar forward is empty. Remove the buttstock. Remove fragmentation , ex pansion of the now paper-
or rearward. There are fiv e steps in 50- the two tri gger housing pins with a small thin bullet is to about . 70 caliber and
meter incre111e nts, commencing with 50 punch and withdraw the tri gger group from penetration drops to tota ll y unacceptable
meters at the lowest position. There are no the receiver. Remove the cartrid ge-stop bar levels. This almost matches the dismal
elevation or winclage index markings on the from its channel in the receiver. Pull the performance of fra ngible amm unition like
rear sight. The sight radius is IS inches . forearm and action bar back and remove the the Glaser Safety Slug and j ust won 't do for
These iron sights will do for informal target slide. Push the fo rearm and action bar shooting at human targets that will be
shooting, but the Ultra Dot'" electronic forwa rd and remo ve the bolt gro up. Drop shooting back at yo u.
sight distributed by Action Ar111s Ltd. out the ejector. Remove the magazine-plug However, more often th an not the Tim-
provides a more precise aiming system. screw and pull out the magaz ine spring and ber Wolf will be used fo r nothing other than
The Ult ra Dot"' sight fea tures an illumi- fo llower. After cleaning and lubricati on, informal target practice. Tho usands of
nated reel clot similar in concept to that of re-assemble in the reverse order. When rounds will be fired throu gh this sl ick little
the Swedish Ai mpoint. It is the smallest installing the cartridge-stop bar, make su re carbine at targets no more dangerous than
(5. 1 inches in overall length) and lightest (4 the diagonal notch on the action bar is empty beer cans (This Bud 's for you ,
ounces) sight of this type. Powered by a aligned with the top projecti on on the Howard Metze nbaum ). Without adequate
small lithium battery, the intensity of the cartridge-stop bar. backstops, frangible perfo rmance can re-
reel dot can be adjusted by a potentiometer Three different loadings of Samson .357 duce the clanger of ri cochets. Samson's
on the left side of the scope tube. It 's Magnum a111 munition, manu factured by
adj ustment knob , which can be rotated in !Ml and distributed by Action Ar111s , were Continued on page 78
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# 105 Jul y 1986: WEA PONS - Ru ge r Norway's cold weather commandos; training chopper; SA DF Pathfinde rs shoot it out with
GP- 100; VI ETNAM - POW/MI A cover up ; U.S. Army snipers; WEAPONS - Israe li SWAPO; Brit officer corners Omani rebe ls in
CENTR AL AMERICA - SO F training team in FALs; AFGHANISTA N - La nce Mo tl ey 's Dho far; WEA PONS - Brits new SA80; SOF
El Sa lvador: AFRI CA --Com monwealth train- holy war combat tour. · T&Es Chinese weapons Pt. I -S mall arms .
ing team in Ugand a, PS YOPS -Paper bullets #I I I January 1987: WEA PONS - French # 120 October 1987: CO MBAT REPO RTS
in Vietnam. FA MAS Bullpup ; CENTRAL AM ERI C A - Deep desert raid in Ethi opi a; MIDDLE EAST
# I06 August 1986: AFTER ACTI ON RE- - Tales of a co mbat correspondent; PHILIP- - Motley train s Christian commandos; CEN-
PO RT -A merican bombers over Libya; C EN - PIN ES - In the bush with the New Peopl e's TRAL AM ERICA -Guate malan paras; U.S.
TRA L AM ERICA - In surgent hardware in El Army ; VIETNAM -Op Apache Snow, the Army reserve in Honduras; Invading Nicaragua;
Sa lvador; ELI TE UN ITS -French Naval com- taking of Hamburger Hil l: AFRICA - South WEAPONS - Reeve 's superknife; SOF T&Es
mandos; WEAPONS --Combloc Sniper Rifles; Africa 's native trackers. Chinese weapons Pt. 2 - Heavy machine guns.
AWARDS - Brit ain's Vi ctory Cross. # I 12 Febru ary 1987 : MARIN ES --Carl os # 12 1 Nove mbe r 1987 : C OM BAT RE-
# 107 September 1986: WEA PONS - Hathcock , super sniper; AFRICA- Ethi opi a's PO RTS - Sov iets destroy Afghan vi llage ;
H& K 's bo lt -ac ti o n s nipe r rifl es; SO VIET Eritrean rebe ls; WEA PONS - H&K clones go Rhodesia Fireforce callout ; US A - Drugs , feds
UNIO N - First look al captured Sov iet grenade full auto; Hun garian AKM ; HI STORY- and free lancers in Ca liforni a's e merald tri angle;
launcher; HAN DGU NS - Taurus M85 re- Singlaub with the OSS in the C BI. Po lice battle Indi ans at Wounded Knee; WEA P-
vo lver; DO MESTIC AFFA IRS - Stri ke vio- # I 13 March 1987 : CO MBAT -On the front ONS - Ruger 77/22 with sound suppressor;
lence in the USA ; SPECI AL UN ITS - UDT lines in Mozambique; SOUTH AMERI CA SOF T &Es C hin ese wea po ns Pt. 3 -
tea ms in Korea . - Peru 's elusive Shining Path guerrill as; VI ET- Submachine guns.
#1 08 October 1986: BOR DER PATROL NA M - Lam Son 7 19 , ARYN solo op; WEAP- # 122 December 198 7: US A -Ollie North 's
- Ops on the Tex/Mex border; WEAPON S ONS --Colt 's SMG ; Smith & Wesson's bi g sec ret slide show; ELITE UNITS - Briti sh
- Kalas hnikov side folder; CE NTRAL AMER - bore .45. SAS ; Spike team in Laos 1968; SO UTH
ICA -Sa ndini stas bungle Honduran in vas ion: # 11 4 April 1987: MERC OPS -Ameri can AM ERI CA - Legionnaires AWOL in Suri-
HI STORY - Saga of Genera l Jack Singlaub; meres target Ghana; DOMESTIC AFFAIRS name; WEA PONS --Co lt .45; Chinese kni fe
SOUTHEAST AS IA - In side Cambodi a. - Bounty hunting in the USA; AFRICA - Elite pi stol; Mossberg M500 shotgun ; .38 Spec ials .
# I09 Nove mber 1986: WEA PONS - police units tracks SWAPO; WEAPON S - # 123 January 1988: USA - Spetsnaz in-
Caspi an Arms .45: VIET NAM --Civilian Ga lil"s new sniper rifle; ComBioc bayonets; vades America; U. S . Army's 9th In fa ntry
MI As in Indoc hina; WEAPON S - Skorpian Arcane weapons shoot-out. Divi sion; VIETNAM - America's mi ssed op-
machine pi stol; HI STORY - Dezi nformatsia, # 11 5 May 198 7: MERC OPS PART 2 portunity to invade the north ; BURM A -Open
Sov iets con All ies in the Balkans; MIDDLE -A meri can meres set sail fo r coup in Ghana; season on Duck Mountain ; SOF correspondent
EAST - SOF on the green line in Be irut: USA - Modern-day Minutemen battle bureauc- jailed; AFRICA - SO F rescues missionaries
ELITE UN ITS - Korea 's mountain infantry. racy; VIET NA M - Submarine surface ops from Mozambique; WEA PONS -SOF T&Es
# 110 December 1986: VI ET NAM - MI A support special units; WEAPONS --Colt Cobra Chinese weapons Pt. 4 - Tank killers .
lab scandal uncovered: ELITE UNITS .357 ; Benelli 's Super 90. #124 February 1988: AFRICA - Eritrea 's
#11 6 June 1987: MERC OPS PART 3
- Busted and jail bound in Brazil ; SO UTH
AMERICA - Mere work in Suriname; VI ET-
NA M - POW/MIA pri vate citi zen rescue at-
te mpts; WAR IN TH E SHADOWS - Running
gun s to Kh adaffi ; WEA PONS - Hungarian
High Power; Fighting with foldin g knives.
# I 17 Jul y 1987: USA - Police battle border
bandit s; ELITE UNITS - Britain 's Ghurkas;
Roya l Marines hit the beach in Norway;
CO MBAT REPORT - Walking through Cam-
bod ia's killing ground ; WEAPONS -Assault
rifl e look-alikes ; Israeli Sirki s 9mm .
# 11 8 August 1987: COMBAT REPORT
- Burmese attack Mon army; SO UTH AMER-
ICA -SOF at rebel HQ in Suriname; CEN-
TR AL AMER ICA -On patrol with Guatema-
lan army ; HISTORY - The making of Amer-
ica's 10th Mountain Di vision; WEAPONS
- Ru ger's P-85.
# 11 9 September 198 7: COMBAT RE-
PO RTS --Contra Redeyes down Sandinista

68 SOLIHllll OF f<'OllTUNll FEBRUARY 90

fatal females; ELITE UN ITS -U.S. Navy prison camp; POW/MIA video ·we Can Keep
SEALs in Libya; VIETNAM - Spike team shot You Forever' rev iew; WEA PONS -M60
out of Laos; SPAIN - ' Foreign ' legion for qui ck fixe s.
national s on ly; WEAPONS -Sandinista foot- #140 June 1989 : DRUG WAR -{:rack in
poppers; Army 's M9 bayonet; SOF T&Es America and L.A. gang warfare; AFGHANI-
Chinese weapons Pt. 5 --General purpose STAN - Muj defend Safed Koh mountain
MGs. passes; MILAN beg inning to appear in Afghan-
#125 March 1988: CAMBODIA -Walking istan ; AFRICA - Mike Hoare 's Congo Meres'
through two ambushes; Li ving off the jungle: Ma sterpiece; WEAPONS -Applegate-
SRI LA NKA - Indian troops fail to keep the Fairbairn class ic smatchet ; H&K's P7K3 pistol.
peace; VI ETNAM - NVA meets America n #141 Jul y 1989: SOUTHEAST AS IA -
secret weapon; Little Larry Dring. the great Escape and Evasion in Cambodia; ELITE
sc rounger: WEAPONS -SOF T&Es Chinese UNITS -{:olombia's Lanceros; STATESIDE
weapons Pt. 6-Type 63 rifle and new grenade -{:rack and drug gangs invade the heartland;
launcher. AFGHANISTAN -{:ongressmen Wilson gets
#126 April 1988: AFG HANISTAN -U.S. muj Stinger missi les; WEAPONS -New De-
media spreads di sin fo rmati on; Four battles that tonics' compact .45 ; Facts on gun ownership.
turned the tide; Endgame: Soviets and muj #142 Augu st 1989: ELITE UNITS -U. S.
jockey for pos ition; ARABIA - Royal Marine Marine snipers in Beirut; Oman 's Cobra com-
leads Om ani s throu gh ambush alley; VIET- mandos; AFGHANISTAN - Muj attack Jalala-
NAM - Two-tour vet fli es hi s last mi ssion of bad; AFRICA -Ango la 's ambush alley; VIET-
North Vietnam ; WEAPONS -SOF T&Es NAM -{:av scouts prowl for POWs; WEAP-
Chinese weapons Pt. 7 - Pistols. combat; wound ballistics. ONS -S. Afri ca's 155mm artillery.
# 127 May 198 8: COMBAT REPORTS #135 January 1989: SPETSNAZ -SOF #143 September 1989: VIETNAM TODAY
- Siege in Ango la; On patrol in Philippines; hunts Soviet elite in Alaska; HISTORY -U.S. - Ho Chi Minh City's ARYN vets; AFRICA
Night battle in Afghan istan ; DR UG WAR plans to strike Japan before Pearl Harbor; -{:ombat tour to central Ango la; Insiders
-Soviets import drugs to western Europe; GRENADA - Marines' rol e in Op Urgen t account of Rhodesian Fire Force's air compo-
Bekaa Valley drugs fuel endless conflict; USA Fury ; ELITE UN ITS - SOF with Salvador's nen t; ELITE UN ITS -S AS ops in Northern
- Bragg 's Sco ut Reco n and Surve ill ance At latcatl; Iri sh Rangers; Jerusalem's sappers; Ireland; MERC WORK -{:TU rescues Ameri-
Course. VI ETNAM -Spectre gunships over WEAPONS -Wound ba llistics part two . ca n held overseas; WEAPONS -H-S Preci-
Laos. # 136 Febru ary 1989: MERCS - The Barry sion's take-dow n sniper system.
# 128 June 1988: COMBAT REPORTS Sadler story; Mere bar in Guatemala Cit y; #144 October 1989: MIDDLE EAST -
- Direct attack on Afghan militia fort ; Cleaning AFRICA - SOF in Chad; HISTORY - Brits Delta/SEAL hostage rescue plan betrayed;
up Philippines murder city; American adv iser face Afghan death march ; PHILIPPINES - AFGHANISTAN - SOF correspondent treks
with Sal va doran paras durin g strike on Government victory on Panay; WEAPONS to Panjshir Valley, in terv iews commander Mas-
Guazapa; VIETNAM - la Orang aerial am- --G un s of Ovamboland; Ruger mini thirty; soud ; SOUTHEAST ASIA -Ameri can aids
bush; WEAPONS - Most often used handgu ns; Swedish Ks. rescue after Cambod ian massacre; WEAPONS
.45 vs 9mm; Last chapter in SOF's look at #1 37 March 1989: AFGHANISTAN -SOF - U.S. Army 's next combat rifle; U.S.-made
Ch inese weapons, Pt. 8 -Hand grenades. debriefs fo ur Afghan helicopter pi lots; SO UTH Hind helicopter clones.
#129 Jul y 1988: COMBAT REPORTS - AMERICA - SOF staffer wounded during #145 November 1989: ELITE UN ITS -
SOF editor chases terrs in Angola; Afgh ans fire Peru vian li ve fire; WEAPONS - Taurus .357 What it takes to wear the green beret; British
up fo rt at Shah Kabul ; ELITE UNITS -S ri Magnums; Today 's surface-to-air mi ssiles keep commando gunners; SWA/Namibia 's Koevoet
Lanka's Special Force; Philippine Scout Rang- aircraft at bay; U.S. Army sniper rifle specs counterinsurgency police ; AFR ICA -SOF
ers in trai ning; VIETNAM -Deadly day fo r i11-concei ved. staffer again rescues westerners fro m Mozam-
Auss ies; WEA PONS - Remington M24 sniper # 138 April 1989: MIDDLE EAST --Golani bique; WEAPONS - Soviet LAW, RPG-22 ;
weapon system. Brigade's battle at Beaufort Castle; Beiru t's North American Arrns' pint-sized .22; Finall y a
# 130 August 1988 : COMBAT REPORTS: forever war; DR UG WAR - SOF in Peru 's knife designed for U.S. airborne.
SOF staffer spends five months inside Nicara- coca ine va lley; AFGHAN ISTAN -M uj fi ght- #146 Dece mbe r !989: VIETNAM -
gua; DEA , U.S . Army and Boli vian Leopards ing to win the peace; WEAPONS - lOmm MACV/SOG spike team fi ghts for its li fe; NVA
on drug raid; ADVENTURE - Hunting for handguns; Demented invent ions; UZI caliber general's pistol causes controversy; AFGHAN-
Japanese war booty in Philippines; WEAPONS conversions. ISTAN -M uj fight each other before uniting
--G lock 's compact 17 . #139 May 1989: AFG HANISTAN - SOF again st Reds; MIDDLE EAST -Lt. Col.
#131 September 1988 : AFGHANISTAN correspondent inside Kabul; Interview wi th Oliver North 's fight again st terrorism; CEN-
-SOF team in -country to witness Soviet Abdul Haq , commander poised to take the cit y; TRAL AMERICA -El Salvador's dying insur-
withdrawal; FALKLANDS -{:harting the in- VIETNAM - Downed American flyer in Hanoi ge ncy; WEAPONS -{:asull 's .454 cannon .
vasion beaches; POWS - Japanese holdouts on
Guam after WW ll ; WEAPONS - South
Africa's SS-77 GPMG; South Africa 's R4 rifl e.
#132 October 1988: AFGHANISTAN -
SOF Back Issues
SOF team joins muj in attack; DRUG WAR P.O. Box 693
-A look at U.S. Customs Air Branch fl yi ng Boulder, CO 80306
aces; ELITE UNITS - Marine's 3rd Force YES, Send me (Write in issue number):
Recon; SRI LANKA -In the fi eld with 1st Issue # _ _$5.00 2nd Issue # _ _ $5.00 3rd Issue # _ _$5.00
insurgent Ti gers of Ee lam; WEAPONS - 4th Issue # _ _ $5.00 5th Issue # _ _$5.00 6th Issue # _ _$5.00
Comp lete guide to AK imports. 7th Issue # _ F R EE 8th Issue #_FREE 9th Issue # _ F REE
# 133 November 1988: GRENADA - Part 10th Issue # _ _$5.00 I Ith Issue # ___$5.00 12th Issue # ___$5.00
One of the real story behind the invasion: _ _ __. Have Enclosed $30 For 9 Issues (A $45 Value)
CENTRAL AMERICA -Winning hearts and _ _ __. Have Enclosed $45 For 12 Issues & A Binder (A $70 Value)
Mayans in Guatema la; AFGHANISTAN -
With muj convoy in bandit country; WEAPONS VISA or MasterCard Orders: Number- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-Remington's Model 870. Exp. Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

#134 December 1988: GREN ADA - Part

Two, the 82nd Airborne 's role in securing the Nam" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
island; MIDDLE EAST - Israeli commandos
ki ll Abu Jihad; Nex t target -Abu Nida! , ca ll ed
the most dangerous man in the world . AFR ICA
- 20th century's most successfu l mere, the
Robert Denard story; WEAPONS -K nives for City, State, Zip



Why are the Experts Always Wrong?
by Jim Scott

Illustration by Ralph Butler

he said , that the situatio n could be stabi-

T HEY were wrong again . America's

so-called C hina watche rs and acade mic
As ia ex perts and the State Departme nt
lized in China swiftly so the arms sales
could be resumed . Mr. Weinberger also
the American media inform their listeners
that this was the first time such an outra-
re ferred e uphemisticall y to the 27th Army, geous e ve nt had happened in China. Indeed ,
pundits lined up uniforml y to make wildly which carried o ut the mass murder that it was not. But the American public and the
incorrect declaratio ns and prophecies o n millio ns o f people througho ut the wo rld China watchers find a good memory quite
just what the Communist Party o f the witnessed on te levi sion, as " troops that inconsistent with their happy hopes for a
People's Re public of China would do abo ut fired into the crowd." No do ubt the PLA free and well-arn1ed China safely aligned
the student democracy moveme nt. So me- w ill need to buy more arms quickl y if they with the West against the evil So viet Union
body even convinced Preside nt George are to liquidate all of the champions of and consuming vast amounts of American-
Bush to make kindly stateme nts about De ng democracy in C hina and Weinberger wants made home appliances, automobiles, anns
Xiaoping and to express do ubt abo ut his to make s ure , it seems, that they buy those and running shoes and providing fertile
responsibility in the slaughte r in Tian- arms fro m the U.S. rathe r than the USSR. ground for future academics to carve out
anmen Square. Bush spoke at almost the Mr. We inberger appears to be lieve that their careers as China watchers.
same mo me nt that De ng was congratulating what happe ned was a total aberratio n None of this should be very surprising.
the "People 's Liquidation Army", as it is and that a kindlier and more weste rnized The experts have been wrong, in fact, on
now called here, o n its good work of China will eme rge again afte r the c urre nt every single important historical event that
liquidating the democracy move me nt. The paroxysm of mass murde r has e nded. We occurred in Asia in the last half century.
Ame rican public was co nfro nted o nce can be fri e nds again , good fri e nds, armed Every one ! No one, for example, in a
again with the fac t that the governme nt and buddies, te nnis-play ing partne rs o nce the position of authority, predicted the Jap-
academic ex perts ve ry simply didn 't kno w dissident stude nts are all dead and buried. anese attack on Pearl Harbo r. And nobody
what they were ta lking about. T hat , Not only were the academic and govern- predicted the Japanese economic miracle
neverthe less, didn't prevent the m from mental examiners and experts and watchers following World War II. Nobody predicted
talking and predicting and then explaining wrong in their predictions about China, they the economic transformation of Taiwan.
away their e rrors in the likely expectatio n were also in-esponsibly short on historical Nobody predicted the North Korean inva-
that they would be asked to predict what perspective. In 1976, following the death of sion of South Korea. No body - not even
wo uld happen again and again explain Zhou Enlai, the Communist Party ordered Douglas MacArthur - predicted the inter-
away their errors. and can-ied out a similar massacre in ve ntion of China in the Ko rean War.
Even after it was clear that a massacre of Tiananme n Square. It is today estimated that Nobody predicted the econo mic boom in
horrifying proportio ns had been carried o ut on the orders of the Communist Party, South Korea or in Singapore or Hong
by the People's Libe ratio n Army in Bei- nearly 300,000 people were liquidated in Kong . Nobody predicted the defeat of the
jing, some American experts simply re- and around Tiananme n Square at that time. Communist Party in Malaysia and Indone-
fused to believe it. O n a C NN interview In 1982 and 1983 in a purge in no11heast sia. Nobody predicted the French defeat at
broadcast here, former Secretary o f De- China in the name of "spiritual purifica- Dien Bien Phu and the rise of the Viet Minh
fense Caspe r Weinberger, in the guise of a tion" an estimated 10,000 Chinese were in Vietnam. Nobody predicted the Tet
China expert as well as busi ness j ournal murdered by the governme nt. T he rebellion Offensive in Vietnam in 1968. Nobody
editor, was deeply saddened that the United in Tibet against Chinese rule was brutally predicted the onset of the utter lunacy of the
States had sus pe nded arms sales to the crushed by the PLA, an interesting recent Cultural Revolutio n in C hina and nobody
PRC. He very simply refu sed to concede parallel to the crushing of the student predicted the triumph of the Khmer Rouge
that the Communist Party of China had democracy mo vement, but nobody among in Cambodia and nobody predicted the
carried out some act that mig ht be un forgiv- the watchers and experts seems to remember genocide that wo uld follow their victory. In
able or that sho uld elicit some firm re- that example of Chinese brutality. And so it fact, Ame rican experts and po litical moral-
sponse from the free world . He o nly hoped , was disconcerting to hear commentators in ists like Tom Hayden, predicted that the


bloodshed in Cambodi a would slop once Asia ." And so when the American ex perts id ea li zed j o urn a li sti c and academ ic
the Khmer Rouge won 1 Nobody predi cted are wrong it is alleged by those same agathism with their li ves. And of course
the sudde n collapse of the South Vietnam- ex perts that a miracle has occurred . And many residents of Saigo n stayed behind to
ese Arm y in the spring or 1975 - not even Asia, it seems, has been an area where greet their liberators from the North ,
the North Vietn amese . Nobody predi cted miracles have become all too common. believing that the reports from journalists
that hundreds of thousands of No11h and So fo r the record , the Ameri can ex perts about the happy nati onalism of the Nort h-
South Vietnamese would prefer to become on As ia and China are. in th e Jin go of erners was in fac t a reali ty and that once the
boat people and risk their li ves on the South baseball, battin g zero. But th ey are still , war was over all Vietn amese coul d unite in
China Sea and languish for years in refu gee nonetheless. standing al the pl ate clay after building a stro ng and prospero us coun try.
camps rather th an Ji ve in a nati on domi- clay, tak ing the proper seri ous stance and Wrong aga in . And in Cambodi a, of co urse,
nated by the Communi st Party or Vietn am. they kee p ri ght on swinging away fa nnin g there were hundreds of thousa nds of people
In fac t. outspoken members of the Ameri- the air and apparentl y learning absolutely who disbelieved the horror stori es con-
can " peace move ment"' who vi sited Hanoi nothing . The Ameri can medi a and the cerning Khmer Rouge atrocit ies and who
during the war and became instant expc11s. general public coul d probabl y do a better instead believed stori es fro m outspoken
pred icted that the Vietnamese people would job in predictin g what is about to happen in American and Europea n celebrities and
love to li ve under the kindl y humanitarian As ia if instead of li stenin g to professional newsmen th at the accounts of atroc ities
whip of the Communist Pa11y of Vietnam. academic China wa tchers and slate depart- were not tru e and th at there woul d be no
Nobody predicted the anti-A fri can ri ots in ment ex perts we listened to someo ne who bloodbath in Cambod ia. Wrong. And other
Nanjing last December. And nobody pre- read sheep ent ra il s. th ousands stayed behind and paid with th ei r
dicted the rise or the democracy movement ln some instances in the past the considered li ves fo r it in Havana and Managua.
in China this spring. And nobody predi cted opinions of the pundits have proved fa tal Many of us who watched the so-called
the crushing or that movement by arm ored fo r some believers. Nien Cheng, author of armed police confro nt de monstrating stu-
uni ts of the PLA. the best-selling Life and Death in Shanghai dents in Nanjing las t December and who
There is a certain conve ntional jargo n wrote that many businessmen and other watched fi Ims of the perforn1ance of the
th at goes along with th e incorrect predi c- middle-class residents of Shanghai in the PLA in Tibet and were aware of the
ti ons of America's ex pert s on As ia. When, late 1940s decided to stay in the city and to massacre in Tiananmen Square prev iously
for example. Ngo Dinh Diem became the try to coex ist with the communists after had no doubts whatever that the soldiers
leader of South Vietnam in 1954. Ameri- 1949. They had been lulled into optimi sm under the contro l of the Communi st Party
cans precl ictccl th at he would fall in a ve ry by favorable reports about that kindl y leadership in Beijing wo uld sooner or later
short time. When he didn 't - he survived agrarian refonner Mao and his victorious use violent fo rce to crush the student
un til hi s assass inati on in Nove mber 1963 am1ies by Western journ alists . Tens of de monstrators. But it proved virtuall y im-
- he was ca lled " th e Mi rac le Man of thousands of those people paid fo r the possible to get such pred icti ons on the

... agehtle. land where

the party, the peasants
and students toil to form
a workers 'Pa:raclise.
\ ~-l__


news. They didn't fit in with what the masses of unemployed and homeless peo- was really wanted was American bucks.
China watchers were saying. We hoped of ple. When rumors of jobs and housing Ask Chinese university students who gets
course that we would be wrong in this case spread throughout the Chinese countryside into the best grad uate programs, who gets
and that the China Watchers would be right earlier this year hundreds of thousands of into the medical schools first? Ask them
fo r once. But history and experience of- unemployed converged on Beijing, Shang- who gets the best jobs? Ask them who has
fered overwhelming evidence that the Chi- hai and Guangzhou. All of the talk about a their grades altered upward by university
nese army would in time obey party steadily rising economic path for the PRC officials? They will tell you it is the
leaders' orders to exterminate the was simply smoke blown by the Party to children of the party members. Ask them
demonstrators. And history also indicated draw in more investment for the siphoning who the most powerful official on campus
that they would do it as they usually do their off by top party officials. is and they will tell you it is the head of the
dirty work, after a press blackout and at 1 found that in China . as in Vietnam. Communist Party. Most Americans, watch-
night. And so they did. the local Communist Party had triumphed ers and non-watchers of China, will tell you
Then why did the students persist in their over a corrupt system and made it vast ly that the Cultural Revolution ended in China
demonstration? Why were they so fool- more corrupt and that the basic govern- more than a decade ago with the arrest and
hardy in defying openly one of the most mental dynamic was something like that of prosecution of the so-called Gang of Four.
brutal ruling cliques in the 20th century? a polluted pond in which the sc um quickly And yet in positions of authority throughout
Why did they continue day after day and floated to the top and stayed there seem- the country are the very same men who
week after week to defy the antique ruling ingly eternally. The system establi shed by carried out the brutal mass murders of the
lords of the Communist Party? I believe it the Party is one of nepoti sm and favoritism Cultural Revolution . In the university
was because after many years of listening to and graft and inefficiency all presided over. where 1 taught one of the more popular
the increasingly tolerant cant and· the currently. by wrink led little rat-toothed and instructors told his American students that
cheerful mendacity of the Party troglodytes iron-cl awed ideologues. Ask any during the Cultural Revolution he had been
exec utive invol ved beaten and finally had been forced to jump
in a joint venture out a third story window in an effort to kill
about corruption in himself. He had survived with only broken
China . He ' ll proba- bones. The students asked him who made
.. . Deng Xiaoping and his supporters b I y wink and him jump and gasped when he said without
laugh . Ask him if hesitation it was the current dean of
objected to the Cultural Revolution not the com1ption has students of the university. The same brutes
for what it did but simply for those it been publicized are still in powers. And the current wave of
and he will tell yo u arrests , confessions, and executions dem-
singled out for punishment. no. Huge amounts onstrates that Deng Xiaoping and his
of money are sim- supporters objected to the Cultural Revo-
ply stolen from any lution not for what it did but simply for
project or enter- those it singled out for punishment. Now
they came to a common fatal error. They prise and that mo ney goes directly into the they are in charge and the macabre ritual
believed, along with George Bush and his pockets of pai1y officials. At one joint goes on. In fact , during the democracy
advisers and the China Watchers , that the academ ic venture in an eastern Chinese movement that same dean of students who
Communist Party actually cared about the city, one of the costs of setti ng up an was identified as a persecutor during the
present and the future of China. They academic program was delivering a van to Cultural Revolution marched along beside
believed that the Communist Party, al- the president of the pai1icipating Chinese student demonstrators , no doubt carefully
though incredibly stupid and brutal , was uni versity for hi s personal use. While marking down names at night for those he
not stupid and brutal enough to kill thou- students were not provided with exami na- would fin ger later to be imprisoned
sands of students who had been unable to tion booklets or with pencils or pens or with and shot.
escape to universities in the west - and heat or hot water during most of the winter. I met two young officers from the PLA
from which they were not likely to return to the uni vers ity managed to req uest from the during my stay in Beijing. They had lost all
China -who instead attended universities American academ ic cooperators an $8.000 faith in.the Communist Party. They decried
in China and who might some day provide truck that they said was badl y needed. A the rampant corruption and the inflation and
China with much-needed economic and three-year-old building constructed partly the blatant dishonesty of the Party and its
political and military and moral leadership. with American funds was leak ing and officials. They refused to visit Tiananmen
But they too were wrong. And they made fa lling clown and many of the construction Square and they refused to visit the mauso-
the same blunder that students and na- materials had obviously been pilfered . The leum of Mao Zedong . They loved China
tionalists and brave men and women had food budget for the university was obvi- and the Chinese people . But they hated
made in years past in East Germany, ously tampered with and students were what they saw the Chinese Communist
Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland , North served the very lowest quality food at the Party doing to their country. They told me
Korea , Cuba, Nicaragua and Vietnam. very hi ghest possible prices·: When visiting that the worst thing the Party had done was
They believed the words rather than the American academic ad ministrators were to rob the Chinese people of a future , of
deeds of the Communist Party. They told of the corruption and graft and ineffi- hope. When they saw the future they saw
refused to be guided by history but instead ciency, their reac tion was one of dismay at only more desperate times and darkness.
depended upon their best hopes and their the complainers. "Of course there are They never told me that they fo resaw
noblest instincts. And they never had a problems," they would say. "This is massac res, but now I believe that they did.
chance against the fire and steel of the China. What did you expect?" And back in They were simply too ashamed to say it. I
Marxist-Leninist Realists . During my own America. at fund-raising dinners and thought of those two young officers when l
residency in China in the past year, I was gatherings , natura ll y, the corruption and watched the first troops called into Beijing
struck by the dramatic divergence between graft was never mentioned. Officials from talking with the demonstrators and refusing
what I found to be true in China and what the Chinese universi ty were regularly trot- to remove them. I had a feeling that my
the American experts were saying was true ted out to sing a carefully calibrated friends were in that group.
in China. There was talk of an economic sentimental song. a son of hybrid of "The Part of the problem with China reporting
transformation in the PRC and the boast East is Red " and " The Good Earth," and the mispronouncements of the experts
that at least the Communist Party had about the crying need for American exper- from venerable academic institutions and
housed and fed more than a billion people. ti se in China and all of us listening to this
Yet everywhere r looked in China l saw hypocritical Asian jere miad knew that what Continued on page 79
Continued from page 63
bi nocular s and stared back. IN NIGHT VISION
Qadir's ass ignment was to deliver me to
his commander , Sher A li , but we got side-
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Pak istan . As it happened the Nasr boys were WILD CAT Pocket Scopes
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Although Agha A lawi claimed Nasr had
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Mazar-i-Sharif their traditional turf is south of

there into Hazarajat, where I was heading.
Sayed Sher A li , a Jamiat com mander
who sports a magni ficent handle-bar mous-
tache, is a renowned player of the A fghan
game buzkashi, a cross between polo and
gladiator combat played on horseback wi th

a decapitated calf. I ' d seen Sher A li playing SOLI D BRASS CASES • SHOCK RESISTANT • WATER RESISTANT •
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he was away thi s day pl aying agai n. MIN ERAL GLASS LENS • LONGLIFE BATTER Y • LEATHER BANDS •
Darnau Ghori had been the regular pit- LUM INOUS HANDS AND HOUR INDI CATOR S • 2 YEARS WAR RANTY
stop for truck tra nsport to Paki stan but re-
cent fighting there between Hezb-i-Khali s VISA/MC ORDER TOLL FREE
and pro-ORA Hazara militi a had scotched 1-800-328-3227
that. Besides, Sher A l i was also contesting IN CA. 415-871-6726
Khalis there - he cl aimed they were en- OR SEND CHECK (MUST CLEAR),
croaching on his territory. I now needed to M.O. OR CREDIT CARD INFO
get to " New Town ," the new depot. So
wi th letters of introduction to " a friend,"
1,500 Afs baksheesh forced on me by a SPECIAL
beneficent Sher Ali and an elderl y Uzbek to INTRODUCTORY OFFER
guide me, I set off on foot for a place called
L akorbi , midway to New Town.
Two hours later - where the fuck was I ? - $49.95 -
There had been a Nasr post, several bombed
out ORA posts , and now thi s. Aski ng direc- MIL-TIME'"' P 0 BOX 965 SAN BRUNO CA 94066 1
tions to the mujahideen ca mp brou ght blank NAME
stares . Mujah ideen? I showed my letter of ADDRESS
intro from Sher A li . Where is the com man- CITYSTATE ZIP
der? " Him , oh at Pul-i-Khumri ." Ln j ai l! VISA J MC 0 NO EXP DATE
"' No , he went for more supplies. " SIGNATURE I
I paled. These fuckers had to be govern- CHECK::J M.O : QUANTITY TOTAL
ment militi a! Impossible - why would
Sher A li send me here then? Then again , SOVIET OFFICERS ORDER $3 . 50
now that I think of it , why didn ' t he give me SHIPPING HANDLING
a muj for a guide instead of the old man? CA ADD 6%
Stay coo l Border. Jaglan Seraj-a l Haq ORDER TOTAL


appeared and guided me into an under- tomorrow for ammunition. From there you a truck to take us to New Town . Getting
gro und bunk e r co mpl e x he proudl y can get a ride to New Town," offered a there entailed a 4 1/ 2 hour drive down an
announced was Soviet-built. Overhead a grinning Abdul Rahim. lsmaili-controlled valley where checkposts
76mm field gun pointed towards Darnau Eventually they conceded there was a were manned by Naderi 's militiamen in
Ghori. way station called Kampirak four hours Khaki uniforms of the ORA (only better
The Jaglan compounded my confusion walk away from where (same old story) tailored). They checked our papers but
(to his obvious relish) by stating that the " many vehicles leave to Pakistan. " Could l passed us through. Even hitched free rides.
Hazara militia (lsmaili-sect Shi ' ites) under have a (gulp) " mujahideen" escort? No No one argued or objected.
Sayed Mansour Naderi at Darnau Ghori dice. " You won' t get lost," insisted Seraj- The fabled non-stop truck ride to Pakistan
were not pro-ORA at all but now on the side al Haq, without any hint of concern . was fast fadin g to fantasy. From New Town
of Jamiat. Rain in the night dampened my chances we spent six hours in three different trucks
That meant Jamiat were now fighting of a truck out of Lakorbi. l was fatigued, to end up at a place called Shashpul , just
Khalis at Darmau Ghori? " Yes, and we' re dep ressed , apprehensive - and alone. before the Bamiyan-Kabul main road.
she ll ing them fro m here too." lnter- What to do? Have some tea, and wait. But Bamiyan is famous for its massive standing
mujahideen squabbles were not uncommon fo r what? Khad, or a lucky ride out. Gloom. Buddah statue which I had seen in '77. The
bu t th is seemed improbable, especially Then joy I A clapped-out Russian truck clat- wondrous scenery here hadn ' t changed -
when the all lsmaili gun crew claimed to tered into the village square. It was going to sandstone mesas in deep purple and burnt
come fro m (no doubt because as a paranoid Kampirak. l could go too. sienna, jagged peaks like something out of a
precaution that's where I said I was going to l was so exhausted I barely registered Tolkien tale.
next) Mullah lzzat's Jamiat command in when the other two passengers said , " We Now we had to get to Kalu at the base of a
Paghmanl Hell, Mullah lzzat was main- are Hezb, on our way to Pakistan. You can mountain pass . Beauti ful landscape, a hot
stream Sunni , not Shi ' ite. join us." Hah! - 1was free and flying. For spring, a Nasr post with Khomeini portrait
It was very strange. Unsettling. Down- one hour. Then we were stuck on a hair-pin - a four-hour slog on foot. We stayed the
right unnerving. Abdul Rahim , a civilian bend on a vicious hill while below some night at a travelers inn where our travel
arrival, a dev ious and deliberately ambi- group was taking pot shots at us. Who are papers were checked by the local heavies.
guous bastard with a malicious sense of they? "By name they are mujahideen, by Three Shi ' ite mujahideen parties were rep-
humor, joked that! might be worth as much work, militia," replied Delbar. Bugger me! resented in Kalu: Harakat-i-lslami , Sarz-
as I0 million Al's if delivered into the hands This whole area around Pul-i-Khumri was mone-i-Nasr and Shura. They gave us no
of the ORA. rife wi th intrigue, ri valry, banditry, betray- hassles.
This was a very real possibility but there al, and sheer bloody-mindedness. Typically There was a truck available for hire next
was nothing l could do about it. l would Afghan. morning but there was also snow on the
have to wait and see. l fo ndled my grenade Kampirak contained a massive Hezb ranges. We made about an hour's progress
but it was cold comfort. Meantime l played ammo dump but no truck to Pakistan. When before we were stuck firm. Another hour
the game: How about a truck to New Town? a mi xed batch of 30 Jamiat and Hezb from was lost arguing over payment. Then we set
" There is a truck going to Pul-i-Khumri Kunduz showed up we jointly bargained for out on foot.




This is the finest unit available today.
We are the National Distributo r fo r
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It was snowing, my right boot had split go ing to be a bitch. Sure eno ugh, a meter of cool and there was n' t even tea.
open at the sole, I had plastic bags around snow blanketed the ground and it was still Two more hours. The road cleared of
my socks and 1 was humping my rucksack fa ll ing . The truck price rose - six times. I snow and signs of civilization stood before
and camera bag. My German-made down was will ing to pay anything , Christmas was us - electricity pylons . Then , a Mercedes-
jacket (500 Afs from Taloqan bazaar) kept just fi ve days off and l was determined to Benz truck, a ride , and a town where we
me warm in the white-out conditions , and make it out by then. regrouped in a tea shop with fresh cakes and
for the two hours it took to haul my arse over It made no difference. The tru ck , loaded biscuits. Soon we were stalled in the mud
the pass . I go rged on ri ce and potatoes on with a medicinal bark that yielded a power- 100 meters from the Kabul-Ghazni high-
the other side in a Harakat tea-shop watched ful purple stain when wet , was bogged in- way. The capital itself was just an hour's
over by Khomeini , his portrait g lowing with side 100 meters. We had to wa lk. This time drive north.
an indigo aura; I had no protec ti ve glasses I hired a muj to carry my pack and was We made it onto the smooth asphalt sur-
and the snow had fuck ed up my eyes . fo rtifi ed with a Pakistani mu lti -vitamin face then stopped soon after just a klick
A waitin g roofed-over truck too k us sy rup I'd fo und in Tezak. Yet for so me down the road at a comfortable hotel with
throu gh Behsud (Harakat) and Chi llum Jai reason I was having troubl e keeping up with heating and good food. That night I watched
(Nas r) to Dusku l (S hura , Nasr and Harakat) the group , missed my foot ing and generall y the Soviet evacuation from Kab ul - anti-
for the ni ght. It was a dump , but warm , and staggered about like a drunk. I was drunk ! l missile decoy flares marked the staircase
packed with travelers like us. A portrait of laughed. That damned syrup ! It was about ascent of departing aircraft.
an obsc ure Irani an Ayato ll ah was tacked to six months expired so maybe the vitamins It was two days to Christmas as l plotted
one wa ll. Morning was misery: l had to crap were dead , but the five percent alco hol base our progress on my map with growi ng des-
in the snow, there was no food for breakfast had me ripped. peration, yet we made our next destination ,
and no tran sport. Eight hours later we reac hed Tank-i- Baraki , provincial center of Logar, in time
The day was he ll : a se ven-hour hike to Saidan , a Hezb ou tpost. It appeared that we for lunch. Haji Tajmuddin , the Jamiat team
Tezak . We started in white-out co nditions were ex iting Hazarajat. Another dump. leader, took me to a special place for Kabul i
and perfec t silence. It was eerie. I couldn ' t crowded , but a we lco me rest. It was cold pulau- savory rice with succulent mutton.
see mo re th an six men in front . My ri ght and damp in the morning li ght but there was Excellent fuel. Had I known what was in
knee was bugge red by the mountain pass no snow fa lling. There was also a truck but store for me that night I would have dou-
and my feet sodden as I limped into Teza k , a no driver so we had to hoof it aga in , first bled , tripled on that.
respec table village with shops and an inn along a good road with a thin mant le of We hired a van for the two-hour ride into
with a heated fl oor. It was 1430 , and the snow , then up over a pass with snow up to the foothills of the mountains, from where we
snow had stopped . So did we . Everyo ne the knees. Aga in the bitter cold , the wet, the started to walk. Some said two hours, some
was burnt ou t. I bought fresh socks , new silence . And the ago ny. four. Would you believe seven fucking non-
plastic bags , and co nsum ed six eggs with Five hours later: an ancient walled town stop hours through the night. That nightmare
rice, beans and tea . with medieva l-like towers and battlements . journey became a blur after the grueling
l woke in the night to a dreaded sight I expected to be greeted by Ben Hur bearing mountain pass that never seemed to stop.
ou tside - fa lling snow. Tomorrow was a goatsk in of wine; instead the locals were Neither did we. Somewhere in a fores t

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Accurize Your AR near a place called Do Banday I met up with
friends from Delbar and Tajmuddin after
being separated and hiking alone for the
previous three hours . We huddled in a
bombed-out ruin with one pitiful fi re to
combat the cold .
Arms convoys were coming in- by pack
mule - but there was no transport out to the
Assist Triggerrn Tru Viewn 1 Fine Si~hF" border. There was also nowhere to sleep and
1 00

r~1 r~--;; 1
the muj were attempting to stay awake
around the fire that spewed forth volumes of
noxious smoke. I was determined to crash,
WORKS LIKE A SET TRIGGER Three interchangeable apertures
and counted myself lucky to locate a stable
Stepped for elevation
Push & twist on sizes: .048 diameter, Precision sight picture where by diligent arrangement of feed bags
Push & twist off .052 diameter and I blank I was able to fashion a half-way comfortable
Stainless steel to <!rill your own bed. l slipped into my sleeping bag. Bliss .
2150 - Neubert System with removable Bipod Adaptor. Free floates your barrel, For 10 minutes. Haji came lumbering up
fits inside handguard. [Requires minor mcx!ification] AR-15/M-16......................... .......... ....... .............$49.00 to drag me down onto the road where there
was a small Toyota pickup waiting. He had
SCOPE MOUNT to be joking. It was 0200 and the pickup was
By A.R.M.S. packed tight. I mean tight. "No problem,"
CHEEK REST Chosen by Colt for tie Delta
insisted Haji. "Sit on the tailboard and hold
AR·15/M·16 H-Bar accepts both Weav01 &
Fits AFl-15JM.16 A-1 or A-2 NATO STAN AG scqie fastenings. Wide angle see thru, self· on. " Haji had a seat next to the driver.
Standard Stnd<s locking thumbnu~ guaianteed re-zElcing. It was bloody madness and unmitigated
2142-AR Cheek ResL--------------------·-$14.95 2190 ............................................... $42.95 torture. I grappled and fought to stop fall ing
off but it was impossible. Right you bas-
tards , here I come . I bulldozed my way
Eliminate play In the AR-15/M16 Receiver inside where for the next four to five hours
Now you can improve accuracy by eliminating we contested every millimeter of available
P.O. Box 1995, Dpt. SF
play between receivers for a more solid feel. El Dorado. AR 71730 space.
ACCU-Wedge buffers the cycling system to The morning of24 December 1988. After
reduce wear on the impacting surfaces. No 24 hours without sleep and very little food
weapon modifications are required. we arrived at Jaji, a major all-party base for
2151 • ACCU-Wedge ....................... ...... ..$4.95 Send $2 for complete catalog the mujahideen, a short haul from the Paki-
stan border. Then, Kurram Agency, Paki-
stan. Militia checkposts dot the main road
from the Pak border town of Terri Mangal to
UNIVERSAL Parachinar. " You look like an Uzbek ," my
muj mates assured me. "No problem."
MILITARY OUTFITTERS They arrested me at checkpost #3 and
P.O. Box 194-Bay Ridge Station accused me of being a Russian spy . My
Brooklyn, New York 11220 collection of cameras and souvenir Soviet
bayonets inflamed their passions until ex-
(718) 375-6350
citement reached fever pitch. This was get-
Out of Town Only Call: 1-800-521-2124 ting out of hand. I'm a Western journalist, I
protested, waving my passport. No one
"WINTER SPECIAL" could read English . A militiaman attempted
to tie my hands. No way. Take me to your
Air Force Arctic N2B Parka superior officers, I demanded .
M65 Field Jacket-
Kurram Militia HQ - a spit and polish
Available in OD, Camo, Black Available in Black and OD establishment in the finest military tradition
Size S-XL ... . .... . .... $50.00 Sizes S-XL ..... ... . . .. $80.00 - where reason prevailed . A curious but
Also available in XXL ... $70.00 polite interrogator - an officer and a gen-
GI MA 1 Flight Jackets-"ALPHA" tleman - was quickly satisfied I wasn't
Sage Green, Black, from the KG B's First Chief Directorate and
M65 Field Jacket Liner
Navy Blue ....... $45.00 soon I was speeding to Peshawar. Within
Available in OD, Black . . $16.95 hours I was feasting on Christmas turkey . I
Also available in XXL ... $52.00
Also available in XXL ... $18.00 had made it back to the world. ~
A2 Deck Jacket 6 Pocket Pants
Available in XS-XL ..... $45.00 4 Pocket Shirts PHILIPPINE BOLO
Size XXL ........ $49.00 Available in Woodland/Garno Continued from page 39
50/50, R/S, Tiger Camo, content makes it tough. So although the
Air Force N3B Parka - OD Urban Camo $50.00 Set steel itself is fairly mild , it has some good
Available in XS-XL .. . . $100.00 Sold Separately .. . . . . 26.00 ea. properties for a field knife.
I invested seven dollars American into
GI V-Neck Wool Sweater w/Epaulets-Black. Sizes &-XL . $45.00 the local economy and took possession of
my bolo. It wasn't much to look at , but it felt
Army Black D3A Gloves w/lnserts .. . .......... . ....... $15.50 right in my hand and had a fairly good edge
Write or call for complete Catalog of Military Clothing, Camping & Hunting Gear. for having been ground with a coarse wheel.
All orders are prepaid. Please add $3.85 per order for shipping and handling . (Canada I touched it up with my pocket steel and
please add $7.70.) NYC residents add 81/4% tax. NYS residents add 61/4% tax.
Orders may be charged to VISA or MasterCard.
tried it on some green bamboo. It sliced GERMAN MILITARY QUALITY EQUIPMENT
cleanly through, as advertised.
German - GSG - 9 Special Command-Pilot' s German WWII Officer's High-topped Boots.
I considered wrapping the handle with 19" high, soft shiny leather leg
Flight Jacket of mossy-green kid
550 cord, but the grip felt OK as it was , so I leather. Signal orange sateen lin- with strap at upper edge. Made in
left it alone . The rivet holes had been filled ing , 4 pockets, zippered pocket accordance with the original.
with a mixture of powdered water buffalo on sleeve, knit collar, waist + Sizes 6-12. . .... . $194.
cuffs. Sizes 34-50. Also long German GSG-9 Camouflaged M
horn and epoxy, and the added roughness sizes with or without emblems 43 Cap with WWII camo pattern
gave it a good grip. ........ $229. and metal eagle on the front. All
sizes. . ....... . .. $21.
A sheath of thin buffalo hide was sup-
plied with the bolo, but it didn't appear too Matching, GSG-9 Camo 4 Pocket Jacket iden-
rugged. For seven bucks , I wasn ' t worried. tical with WWII and emblems. . . $49.
German GSG-9 Traditional M 43 Field Cap w/
But it did self-destruct on day four of the ear flaps, metal eagle and star emblem on front. Matching GSG-9 Camo Pants, 6 pockets includ-
All sizes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... $35. ing 2 cargo pockets. Waist sizes 28-42 ". $43.
exercise . Negritos favor sheaths made of
mahogany , thrust between belt and trousers Orders Shipped Within 24 Hours. Refund, if items returned in original condition within 15 days. Payment: Money Order or
Certified Check. Postage: Orders up to $50 + $10. - up to $100 + $22. List WWII + Catalog $7 cash.
and secured by nylon string. These are quite
durable, though bulky. I'll probably trade THEDEMA • P.O. BOX 95 • 8173 Bad Heilbrunn • West Germany
our riggers a case of beer for a sheath
stitched from heavy nylon webbing. I like
carrying the bolo Negrito style. It's a lot less
bothersome than having the heavy knife
dangling low from one's belt or load-
bearing equipment.
The best way to test a knife - or any tool
or weapon - is to use it hard in the environ-
ment it was designed for. Bolos were de-
signed for the jungle, and that's where I
tested it, during seven days of JEST. I con-
structed bamboo hootches and sleeping
platforms , cut hardwood for cooking fires,
made rice cookers of large bamboo sections
and snares from small twigs, using only the
bolo. It was at its best chopping large sec-
tions of green bamboo , but I could use it for
detail work as well. The blade dulled fairly
quickly , which was no surprise, but it was
easy to resharpen. I didn't feel guilty about
using it to dig a cathole, something I've had
a hard time doing with my Gerber. NAVY SEALS-The US Military's Most Effective Weapon
The bolo gets satisfactory ratings as a
jungle survival tool. How about as a
Against North Vietnamese Regulars and Vietcong Insur ents
weapon? Well, I didn ' t have occasion to lop
the heads off any sentries out there, but any
knife large enough, heavy enough, strong
and sharp enough to slice through heavy
bamboo like the bolo does is a knife that I'll
respect as a fighting tool.
A Filipino Special Forces captain I've
worked with, a Moslem from Mindanao ,
recommends it above all others as a fighting
knife, and his Moro ancestors certainly
established the bolo's value as a close-
Now a Series of Unique Videos Dramatizes The Exploits of
combat weapon. Bolo charges by Moro These Elite Navy Commandos
warriors helped prod us into adopting the 1. SOMEONE SPECIAL: The marines Send fo1· these tapes now and learn the
1911 .45 ACP pistol , another crude, ugly , aren't the only ones looking for a few truth about America's very successful
good men! This Navy film depicts Seal guerrilla war against North Vietnam
heavy, reliable and effective weapon. And history; recruitment; intense 20 week and its Vietcong ally (VHS only):
since we ' re talking about weight, my bolo, three-phase basic training. 0 1. SOMEONE SPECIAL .......... . .. 8 18.95
at 25 ounces, is actually lighter than some of 2. MEN WITH GREEN FACES: Find out D 2. MEN WlTH G RE EN FACES ...... $ 18.95
the extremely heavy Bowie and survival what it takes to be a us Navy Seal! Seal 0 3. NA VY SEALS IN VIETNAM ...... $18.95
0 4. US NAVY SEALS ON PATROL ... $18.95
knives that are currently popular as field and tactics and psychological motivation; D 5. SA VE!! Get all FOUR TAPES
fighting knives. UDT, airborne, HALO, jungle warfare for .... ..... . .. .. .. .... .... $73.95
training. lit. res. add 7 % sales tax (.07 x total)
One such knife, which retails for about 20 Canada add $ 1.00 pe r tape
times what my bolo cost, was carried by a 3. NAVY SEALS IN VIETNAM: First Foreign add $3.oo per ta pe
young Marine going through the initial video documentary co-written by SEAL Send check or mon ey orde r - payable in US
TEAM ONE members. Covers uniforms, currency - t.o:
JEST course with me. After watching him weapons, equipment, operations; all gear K 0 LIB RI INC _
bravely trying, for about an hour, to cut peculiar to Seal use. PO Box 427
enough bamboo to build a sleeping plat- 4. US NAVY SEALS ON PATROL: Rare Westmont, Ill. 60559
form, I loaned him my bolo. A few minutes footage of Seals on patrol in Vietnam! PLEASE PRINT
later, he returned the bolo, mission com- Shot in Vietnam in 1968 by SEAL TEAM Name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
pleted , apo logizing for the dent in the blade ONE members. See entire operation Address
from the rock he tried to cut with it. No performed and explained! A MUST for City State__ Zip_ __
any serious collector. Please allow 2.:l weeks for d e live ~·
problem- I dressed the blade up, and when SOF SOF
we came out of the field , the Negrito black-


smi th hammered out the ding and reground
I Our newest T-Shirt design I the blade. Good as new, no charge.
says it all! At last yo ur

I That's about it. If you need a sturdy knife
I chance to stand-up and be
I counted is at hand. Now I for su rvi ving in the bamboo forests of
you can join SOF in the fight I Southeast Asia or elsewhere in the tropics,
I against the Great Gun Grab I or a knife to keep in your aviation survival
I of 1989 by proudly wearing kit , the Philippine bolo is a good choice ,
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:o Front money. It might not look racy , and you' d
better have a sma ll mill bastard file or coarse
whetstone along, but this bl ade will give
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While gun writers wi ll wax ecstat ic over
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Wh ich are? A s prev iously stated. most
wi ll fire the Timber Wolf at tin ca ns and THE SEMIAUTOMATIC PISTOL IN POLICE
such. totally oblivious to the BATF 's recent
ruling that plinking does not constitute a SERVICE AND SELF-DEFENSE
.. legi timate sporting purpose." Law en- BY MASSAD F AYOOB
forcement agencies w ith modest budget s
will appreciate its suggested retail pri ce of
$475 , as more exotic weapo nry, such as the First quantitative, documented look at ACTUAL POLICE
M 16 or MPS. cos ts considerab ly more and EXPERIENCE with 9mm. and .45 police service autos. A
shotguns can be indi scrimin ate weapo ns in no holds barred assessment of technical and tactical
the hands of inexperienced operators. De-
advantages of the popular combat auto pistols.
partments still fielding .357 Magnum
whee lguns may be attracted to the concept To order: Police Bookshelf, Dept. SF, PO Box 122, Concord,
of ammunit ion co mmona lity. Backpackers NH 03301 or call toll free 800-624-9049. ONLY $9.95 plus
who prefer to prowl about in th e w ilderness
$2.00 for shipping and handling.
armed , will find its knocked-down enve-
lope appealing. For those hunting small
game, the ca liber will suffice, the weapon
has greater accuracy potential than any
handgun and the handli ng characteristics
are exce llent.~
Continued from page 72

think tanks lies wit h the "China Nerd If you 're active, reserve or veteran military 26 MAY - 4 JUNE 1990
ai rborne qua lifi ed , stati c-line jumper, this
Syndrome., that many of us fo und in once-in-a-lifetime oppo rtun ity includes :
China. The Ch ina Nerds were Ameri can • Ground tra ining refres her and BALLOON
students who had spent years study ing the jump at the Th ai Specia l Warfare Command .
Chinese (Mandarin ) language and history • A static -lin e jum p from a C-1 23 Fairchild
" Pr ovid er" (wo rk-horse of the Vietnam War)
and politics. Then they visited China and with the Ro ya l Th ai Spec ial Forces.
fo und at first that much of what they had • Official Ro ya l Th ai Army BALLOON
learned simply was not true. In fact the win gs and Royal Thai Army parac hute
China they ex pec ted to find cou ld only wings, as wel l as certificates on completion
of exercises.
reall y exist in some remote corner of • A special programme of military displays
Disney World as a sort of " China Land," and demonstrations.
where kindl y academics and deferential • Excursio ns to the exo ti c sites in and
govcrnmelll o ffi cials and operatic pc rrorm- around BANGKOK, a lu xury river boat
cru ise to the Summer Palace and the
crs and artist s and wr iters and earnes t anc ient Thai cap ital , and an excursio n to
students work daily to transform the largest the Bridge on the River Kwai.
country in the world into a workers' • Spectators and guests are welcome to
parad ise whi le wes terners invest in joint participate in all ground activities and to
attend jump exercises as observers.
ventures and then stand around and app laud The ten-day tour includes round trip airfare
enthusiastica ll y. In the name of cultural from Seattle (special co nnecting air fares
sensi tivity the China Nerd s refuse lo be- ava il ab le) ; ground transportation in
lieve that what they ac tu ally see is more Thailand ; de lu x hotel accomodatio ns with
breakfast; many other meals and all military The all incl usive price is $2,688.
than a temporary distorti on of reality w hen and site -see in g tours . Optional add - on tour Send a stamped self-a ddressed #1O
indeed what they see is stark and co ld and to up-count ry Th ailand also avai lable. enve lope fo r tour broc hure to :
depressing and res ilient rea lity. The se-
quence of events in their tran sformati on to INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AIRBORNE VETERANS
Sui te 181 • 606 West Barry Slreel•Chicago, II 60657 USA•(312) 327- 3120
peren ni ally incorrect China watchers went


like thi s. At first they refused to comment
HK91/93/94 or MPS on the corruption and the une mployment
(All Variations) and the homelessness and duplicity and
domestic spying and the grotesque in-
justices and the inhumanity practiced on a
large scale by the Chinese government.
Then they refused to believe it. And finally
they refused even to see it. Their lives and
their careers , as they saw it , were on the
line in China. To criticize openly, to be
honest in print or on the record , in other
words, would bring a certain response from
EL SALVADOR/NICARAGUA the Communist Party in China. They might
be expelled from the country for telling the
The Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters are still a truth -as happens regularly to newsmen. I
B '.Sqm1re hru; '11,iiew Military Mount for
force in being. Under the Oscar Arias "Peace tend to believe that they were thinking in
the HK91/93/94. 1;1P5, e tc. - q1e new Plan" they are on hold in the hope that the terms of the long run rather than the short
~~~\;?Xer ·tJ1e gun's Communist regime in Nicaragua will actually
run. They would not speak the truth in the
receivMan rwitlt:'a $ing1e knob. hold fair and free elections in February 1990.
The Freedom Fighters are getting some help short run because China would change and
It can 15e q1f1S,,,Y .[einoved and re- from the U.S. Government, but ifs not enough. they wanted to be around to see that
placbd without/ zero· change. Also the Th ey need com bat and jungle boots, boot
socks, ca mmi e and OG fatigue uniforms change. Unfortunately, suppression and
gun's sights can be used with scope
(medium and small sizes) web equipment, can- murder and brutality make th e short run last
inst11lled. The Tiiount is complete with teens , compasses, K-Bar knives , binoculars
one-inch (l") standard dovetail scope a lifet ime and the ex pe rts who hope to tell
and so on. We also need money. Please do
NOT send firearms, ammunition or explosives. the trnth tomorrow find that tomorrow
rin gs and Military Nato Stanag scopes
None of the funds collected are used for staff never comes. So they tell half truths in
can also be in's falled. The standard salaries or other administrative expenses. order to please the Chinese monitors of the
dovetail also allows Laser and e lectronic Please send letters and checks to:
American experts and to make sure that
devicesto l:)e p9~d.
P.O. Box 693 they will not be cut off from academic
Suggesti~£list price is only $99.50, Boulder, Colorado 80306 appointments in China , from frequent vis-
(complete with rings) #14960. Insist that Please send UPS and other packages to:
EL SALVADOR/NICARAGUA DEFENSE FUND its , from that mysterious cachet that goes
your dealer carry B-Square.
5735 Arapahoe Avenue with trave ling back and forth each year to
Boulder, Colorado 80303
B-SQUARE CO. Xian or Nanjing of Shanghai or Beijing or
Fort Worth, TX 76110 Donations are NOT!ax deduclib!e, and for that reason are all the Tianjin and then returning with new knowl-
more appreciated.
edge to Wa shington or Baltimore or Ann
Arbor or Los Angeles. If they told th e tru th.
if they were candid and revealed what they
NA VY SEAL VIDEOS ... NA VAL VIDEOS really saw and heard, the Chinese govern-
ment would certainly never again issue
them a visa and instead more pliable
SEE TIIE MEN THE VC academics and experts would be invited in
WOULD NOT FACE. and the honest academic would conse-
quently lose his credibility in American
SEE WHY! academic circles. His career would suffer
and his access to grants and journal s and the
media would si mply evaporate. And so
The COMPLETE MUSEUM they would hear no evi l, see no ev il and
COLLECTION now available! Tapes speak no evil about the government of
$19.95 each. $ave money: any 4 for China. Many of them would even go so far
$76.95, all 6 tapes, only $99! Includes as George Bush, in time, and refer to Party
shipping and handling. officials of patent Iy brutal bent as "old
friends." And in doing that they them-
se lves became willful instruments and
"NAVY SEALS IN VIETNAM" Explosive video shows SEALs as they outspoken apologists for the ruling clique
really were! First video written by SEAL TEAM ONE members. Covers of the country they thought they had to
uniforms, weapons, operations; all gear peculiar to SEAL use. love. As the experts and the watchers, the
"NA VY SEALS ON PATROL" Rare footage of REAL SEALS in American media invari ab ly came to the m
VIETNAM. Shot in Vietnam in 1968 by SEAL TEAM members. See an entire and asked them what was happening in
operation performed and explained! A MUST for any serious collector! China and as men and women who wanted
above all else to preserve their academic
"MEN WITH GREEN FACES" A Real Classic! 1968 Defense Department
crede ntials and the ir ri ght of access to
doc umentary on UDT-SEAL BUD/S training. China , they told subjective tal es about the
"SOMEONE SPECIAL" 1972 recruiting film for Nava.I Special Warfare. One country they wi shed existed but which ,
of the best to date! partly due to their own selfish illusions ,
"THE LONELY WARRIOR" Korean era b&w film. THE original film probably never will exist. I am afraid that
about NA VY Frogmen! the China of the China watchers will always
"S UBMARINE TRUNK TRAINING" Actual film used by the Navy to be buried in some mass grave not far from
teach SEALS to lock in and out of submarines for covert operations. Fascinating! some other Ti ananmen Square , cemented
over by false hopes , incorrect predictions
Specify tape titles when placing order. Send check or money order to LOT! and short memories.
GROUP PRODUCTIONS, Dept. S., 8341 S.W. 157 Avenue, Suite 311, Miami, r came away from China with a profound
love and respect for the Chinese people. I
FL 33193. All tape sales benefit VDT-SEAL MUSEUM. felt a great thrill when I saw the student


You don't have to be in the
service to appreciate a good boot.
But it helps.
Thirty-mile forced
1!':,1~~;;~11, marches, maneuvers
El91 midsolesan
Vibram• oulsoles
in Alaska- it's
lo /be uppers, we sli/cb \, familiar territory
lbem. 'fbal way Ibey can
be resoled someday to a company
that began outfitting loggers and
trappers 54 years ago.
So we weren't surprised
to hear a while back that some
lieutenants from Fort Lewis were
buying our boots and dyeing them.
"Why don't you make
these in black?'' they asked .
. . .... ....
... . ......... . ..
.. .........
:: : :::~:::: ::: : :: :::::::: ::: : ::: :>>'.-"' ..
.:.:.:··~.:.:.:.:.:.: .. .

Our 1000 denier Cordurct nylon insets bave /en times !he
tensile strength oflealbei: And less /ban half!be weigh/.

That sounded like an order

to us, so we had our full-grain
~\ m:::~::.... leather tanned
black inside and
out (that way it
doesn't show
white at the
One {ireflf.bler Seams) CU t it 1
saicl our Tbinsulate®il~sutalion two inches taller
was so good be couldn l lell brs
boolswereouflre. at the top (so you
can tuck your pants in), and added
D-rings (for dress wear).
And now we' re even taking
orders from raw recruits. All over
m the country.
But you're not
with components proportioned to to do it in. Because chances are its not
size. And with heel wedges designed ,,,...,.._..,..""' your feet that are killing
the only people who to disperse shock. you . Chances are it's the
work with your feet. No matter what you other way around.
Think of the police. do,call Danner for the
Firefighters. boots and shoes
Letter carriers. Call us for a
,,.,.._........,.._... free brochure or
We were /be We did, and the name of your nearest
oneswbo invenle tbewate1proof e no o~er
Gore-'Rlxr"' liner seven years ago. W W 111 Danner dealer.
the full range of service footwear, 1-800-345-0430.
including the only walking shoes


demonstrators in Tiananmen square put COUNTERFEIT GUNS
SURGITEC, INC. their bodies on the line against tanks and
rifles and bayonets. They were all heroes .
These working models of classic firearms look, feet, weigh
and handle like the originals and consist of over 30 blued,
DIRECT ORDER Every one of them .
But I also know that as soon as they are
machined-metal, hand·assembled parts. You can spin the
cylinders. work the slide actions, release the clips and field-
SAVINGS ON "." strip these models.

all safely dead or impri soned , as soon as
their confessions have been signed and
__...-:-~··RANDOLPH publici zed and their voices silenced and
ENGINEERING .. their brains blown out by a bullet in the
SUNGLASSES back o f the head , as soon as the airwaves
w/foldlng Metal stock
are filled to overflowing with that common DELIVERED 01-705M .. ...... . $209 PPD

word-bloat of denunciation s by the Party FULLY COMPLETELY

Don't be fooled by spokesmen who tell us that nobody was

killed and that hool igans were responsible

inferior imports for what happened , then academic and SAFE'
and imitations. business China watchers who have come DISPLAY
straggling out of the PRC this month will M1921
return to carry on their research , to make 01-700 .
These are their investments again, in the hope of
making a profit or a name. A gain they wil l
All-American, see a China and a future that certainly will
made to never be. And again they will forget. And
again they will make predictions . And
U.S. Military again they will be wrong. And again we can
wait for the next unex pected and not-to-be-
Specifications long-lamented massacre of China's best
and bravest. Y(
•Maximum UV Protection (98-100%) , Shipped in
• Blocks direct and reflected glare compliance
with Federa l
• Premium Rx quality metal frames 357
• Ophthalmic, high-performance glass
lenses Continued from page 54 01-108 ....... . .. .. . $97 PPD to California
• Precision -made entirely in the U.S.A. Residents.
another lead ing adviser sadly, " for he was
• Lifetime warranty on joint separation
• Free crush-resistant carry case
in tou ch with the little man and appeared
certain to cut throu gh the bureaucracy and
Military Collectibles
Style A (Large) Only $29.50 the slothfulness. Yet he has become a FREE catalog of mihtaiy collectibles:
captive of the office. He has stumbled in Replica Guns. Suits of Armour. Swords.

WW2 Daggers, Helmots. Bayonets. Etc.
dealing with the bureaucracy. Rather than a
Two thorou gh housecleaning, he has simpl y
An exact replica featuring cloth braid hilt,
Pair gi ven somethin g to everyone." brass Menuki, metal olive-drab scabbard
CLASSIC AVIATOR Only with scabbard latch, sharpened stainless
Thus, the government sails from cri sis to steel blade and traditional mititaiy
MIL-SPEC-S-2598 23K Gold Plate Frame. $55.00 fittings. Length: 38" Blade: 27.5"
58mm Grey 3 Lenses. Bayonet Temples crisis, always relying upon its military as Weight: 2.7 lbs.
the ultimate lifeboat. This , however, will (Officer's Shin-gunto-Sleel Replica)
Style B (Small) Only $29.50 (16) 05·370 . . .. $260 PPD
not go on indefinitely. The military is
~ . \, . - ..~ Two
keenl y aware that it has been co ndemned lo

a no-win situation.
Pair " The army can onl y do so much, "
CLA SSI C AVIATOR Only analyzes a brigade commander, one of the
MIL-SPEC-S-2598 23K Gold Plate Frame. $55.00 linchpin positions in the Sri Lank an Original Battlefield·
52mm Grey 3 Lenses. Bayonet Temples condition. No liner.
military. " It can restore the situation to a 09-1)60
$9 PPD
To order. send check or money order to: point. But if there is no effort to address the
Surgitec, Inc., P.O. Box 50, Auburn, NH 03032 socio-economic causes , all thi s will come
Credit card customers please fill in Card #and Exp.
Date. back. Further, an army onl y has a certain
Dealer Inquiries Invited. store of human resources . Everyone can't Forged Solingen steel w/5.5-inch, single-edge
STYLE QTY. FRAME COLOR PRICE be co mpletel y co mpetent. We ' re all bound blade. RZM marked. dated 1937. Checkered black
grip with enamel HJ emblem. Black metal scabbard
A to make mistakes." and belt loop. Manufactured from original WWII dies.
07-1!9 . ......... . $39 PPD
l ask him why po liti c i ans ca nnot
B D FREE Color cata log of I~-----
comprehend thi s point. He thinks but a Militaria . Replica Model Guns . I
Add Postage and Handling at $2 00 per pair: $ _ _ _ moment , then responds, " Because it would Stage Prop Guns. Histo ric I
TOTAL: $ _ __ require that they accept that they are doing Swords. Suits of Armour ,
Flag s, Medals, Badges & More . I
We accept credit card phone orderst
Cati: 1-800-962-5912
somethin g wrong. We can't expect people
who are part of the probl em to recogni ze
it. "
There's a lesson there. I ha ve been asked
VISA or MASTERCARD # EXP DATE man y times whether l see any evidence of

--- an impending co up in Sri Lanka. M y

_ _ __
NAME I Credit Card Orders: 1-800·544·3456 Ext. 515
answer is probably unsati sfying to my Sri I NAME ______________ _
ADDRESS Lankan prompters, for they are expecting a I ADDRESS _____________
-- di sc uss ion of perso naliti es. And I I
CITY STATE ZIP in va riabl y r es pond usin g th e sa m e I CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
structural analys is I advance when offerin g I STATE/ZIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

82 SOUllllll CH' •·onTUNll FEBRUARY 90

a plan fo r dealing with the conflict: BROADEN YOUR SCOPE OF OPERATIONS
You are putting yo ur military out in the
field and tell ing your soldiers to fi ght what
Professional Night Vision From CCS
they clearl y recognize is an unwinnable

war. It is un winnable, because military
operati ons serve no lasting fun ction. They
are not being carried out to further any
course of action , to advance any reforms. PREDATOR V-C
There is no plan. Yet yo ur military can see Night Vision Scope Pocket Scope
the im perat ive for such reform. Time and • Passive 2nd Gen. • State-of-the-art
time aga in they ask th e system why it does Pocket Scope • 18 mm tube
• Instantly couples • Extremely bright
not produce political responses to political picture
demands, why th ere is no plan fo r to any photographic
or tv lens. • Available with relay
addressing popul ar grievances . Always the lens and C mount
answer they receive is, in effect , "No one PREDATOR I
Night Vision Scope
has th e will to act. " Eventuall y. you are • Professional Quality, light-
going to have a battalion or brigade weight, weatherproof,
commander who says, "Alri ght , assholes, superb resolution
I have the wi ll. " Then, he will move. • Built-in Infra-red
Then. fi nall y, Sri Lanka will ge t a plan to • Full Military Spec.
deal wi th its insurgency. And with it will
come a whole new crop of probl e m s '~ Video Recording PREDATOR VI
System We Have The Largest Selection Night Vision Goggles
• Pocket Scope of Night Vision for Video • Passive 2nd Gen.
coupled to 8 mm or Still Photography • "Hands Free"
color camcorder Operat ion
Call Mr. Bri te
I Se nd $25 for our 1990 ca talog of exc it ing e lectron ic
Continued from page 38 1-800- 72 2-4490
sur ve illance produ cts, a pplicable towa rd sJ Jurchasc .
CCS Communication Co mrol , lnc. 1 160 Mi lan d Ave -
I nu e, Pon Chesce r, NY 1057 3 800-722 -4490 or in NY,
shou ld look me up when he go t there. Ah ,
Call fo r free de mons1n11 ion at a nv of our authorized di str ibut ors
\.Vorld Hcadqua r1 e rs ·
I 212-ss1-3o4o.
160 !vl idland .we., Port Ches te r, NY 10573 (9 14) 934-8 100
fam e! TELEX, 238no FAX , (914) 934 -8093 Name

At any rate. I was informed that since

630 Th ird Ave., New Yo rk , NY , IOO li
180 I K St. N.W ., Was hington, D.C. 20006
(212) 55 7-3040
(202) 659-3432
I Address - - -----------
th e Company was takin g over control of
'1'135 Brickell Ave., Miami, FL 33 13 1
The Ga lle ria. Suite 3696, Houston. TX 770 56 ~~~~i t~~:~~6~ I _______________
9465 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA 902 12 2 13
the situati on. all wo uld soon be reso lved DEALERS WAN TED ( ) J Phon e _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(anybody remember the Bay of Pi gs?) and

all independent tra ining personnel were
now no longer needed and very much not
wan ted. Thi s SF guy was a master of
understatement but I sincerely apprec iated
his intervening in what might have been an \ij~ TOUR JACKET
ignob le encl fo r our hero. For the past 14 years you've traveled with us all over the
I never learned what that Company globe featuring:
schmuck's name was. If I ever do I would Afghanistan Cuba Israel Pakistan
sincerely like to discuss his manners with Angola El Salvador Korea S. Africa
Burma Grenada Laos Thailand
him over a cocktail. .. a Molotov cock tail , Cambodia Guatemala Lebanon Vietnam
perhaps . Nah. he's on our side. Isn't he? Costa Rica Honduras Nicaragua Zimbabwe
A retrospective look at the way thin gs Black Nylon Satin Jacket with Flannel Lining.
have turned out with the contras in $49.95 (s ,m,l,xl) $59.95 (xxl) plus $2 P&H
Nicaragua leads me to wonder if we Call Toll Free To Order- 1-800-323-1776 opr. 131
shou ldn 't give hi gher marks to Comrade Or Send Check or Money Order To:
Gorbachev and the inept communists, th an SOF Exchange
Dept. 2190
we do to the way the CIA has handled the P.O. Box 687
freedom fighters. And that sti cks in my Boulder, CO 80306
craw worse than a bi zarre incident with a
lunat ic newbie. ~

Great NEW Knife Catalog

FULL AUTO FREE to Soldier of Fortune !leaders
Let AG. Russell show you knives you will never see elsewhere.
Continued from page 20 Fine handmade knives by some of the very best knifemakers in
We fired five-s hot groups of both the
the world. He will also show you some of the very best high
JHP a nd lead alloy HP Ga me Grab- quality production knives you have ever seen. If you use or
bers"' at 25 ya rds through a Remington collect knives of any kind you will want to have this catalog.
Model 870 shotgun with a 20-inch.
jug-choked barrel. Impac t on paper I - A~ G.-1~-USSi~:I., L- E:::JOKA.G. Sendm;o~ oTth;;egre'ii c'iiaJogsrighta~y~
indicated the projectiles usually yawed
up to 90 degrees in flight Group disper-
I Dept. F-02 Name I
sion was a totall y unacceptab le 14.5 I 1705 Hwy 71 N. address Apt#_ _
inches. Because of the shotgun ·s smooth Springdale, AR 72764 City State_ _zip
1 501-751-7341Catalogs Phone 1
bore. these slugs will not rotate. They
must depe nd upo n mass stab ilizatio n

'------------------~-- ------
during their flight downrange to be Terrestres) who is in charge of antitank marketed as 'practice' ammunition. An -
accurate. Although they have a hollow kinetic energy arrow-type ammunition ticipating that it might have combat
base. visual examination alone is suffi- development. applications, SOF tested this cartridge,
cient to conclude that their center o f It is to be expected that such a which has a 140-grain JHP bullet with a
mass is too far rearward to adequately designer would emphasize penetration. scalloped jacket and exposed lead alloy
stabilize their path downrange at even This fin stabilized slug will zip through 42 core. It is the same bullet used in
short ranges. It would not be possible to inches of soft tissue with only minor Remington's .357 Magnum load num-
reliably hit a human-sized target 100 deformation and minimal yaw as it ber R357M9. Velocity from the 4.13-
yards from th e muzzle with these slugs. invariably ends its travel nose forward. inch barrel of an H &K P7 averaged
Manufacturers should conduct test pro- About 25 percent of the projectile breaks about 900 fps The bullet exhibited good
grams on their products before th ey are into fragments, leaving a final weight of expansion (up to .64 caliber) in soft
marketed to the public. Production of about 300 grains. This is too much tissue with only minor fragmentation.
Game Grabbers '" 12 gauge slugs should penetration for human targets, but for Unfortunately, penetration was no more
be suspended until a projectile with its busting barricades and piercing car bod- than 10.5 inches and this just isn't
mass well forward is developed and ies it should be just the ticket. Accuracy is enough.
tested. outstanding and the Silver Plus will turn Even though the Relative Incapacita-
Quite a different matter is the 12 most combat shotguns into 2 MOA rifles tion Index (RII) , presented in 1983 and
gauge French Silver Plus slug distributed while extending the effective range out published in NIJ Report 101-83 for the
by Century International Arms. Inc. to 200 meters. One of the combat U.S. Department of Justice, and its
(Dept SOF PO. Box 714. St. Albans. shotgun's most important attributes is non-demonstrable emphasis upon tem-
VT 05478. p hone 802-524-9541) Re- the wide range of ammunition types porary cavitation has been discredited
ferred to as the " Sauvestre Arrow Type available for it. While primarily a hunting by wound ballistics authorities such as
Hunting Ball Cartridge.·· this unique round, the Silver Plus has some limited. Dr. Fackler and numerous others, inter-
discarding-sabot slug weighs about 400 but important. law enforcement applica- est in high velocity, light-weight, frangi-
grains. Add another 75 grains for the two tions. ble ammunition continues unabated.
technopolymer half sleeves (sabots). Against human targets at ranges up to The latest entry in this category of low
Weight of the hard lead alloy projectile 100 yards the best choice in slug rounds achievers is the so-called Core-Shot
includes a technopolymer fin stabilizer remains that o f Remington. Its 437- manufactured by the Buffalo Bullet
Jumping out of the barrel at about 1. 700 grain, hollow-base lead projectile chugs Company. It differs from the Glaser
fps. the sabot sleeves part company from downrange at about 1,500 fps to pene- safety slug principally by virtue of a
the slug as it commences its downrange trate up to 14 inches of soft tissue with lead-alloy, hollow-point tip instead of the
travel. The ammunition was developed expansion to over one inch. Glaser's plastic cap. The results are
by a military engin eer at G. I. A. T Remington has recently introduced a pretty much the same. The multiple
(Groupement lndustriel des Armements new subsonic 9mm Parabellum loading wound tracks are no larger than the


Insulated With 3-M Thinsulate. Superbly designed and made in the U.S., it'll
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supplex nylon that's extremely rugged, and wind resistant. Ballistic nylon shooting
patches beautifully accent the coat. Between the shell and the nylon taffeta lin-
ing, a layer of 3-M® Thinsulate® keeps cold air out, warm air in. Further protec-
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cuffs, and a full length 2-way zipper with storm flap. On the outside are two
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Any active shooter or outdoorsman will fully appreciate the features combined
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Available Sizes: S(36-38) M(39-41)
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Shooting Systems Shooting Jacket carries a lifetime guarantee against factory defects in
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Only SHOOTING SYSTEMS offers a complete line weapons cases, holsters,
gear bags, Luggage, and accessories in nylon. Send $2.00 for 28-page color
Supplex nylon
Missouri 314-343-3575
water and wind

Include $6.00 shipping and handling.

~~;w,;~ / Zippered gun
(Canada, Hawaii, and foreign $10.00)

MasterCard, VISA, American Express,
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Velcro storm
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Dealers oof En-
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u. a
tlap overaheavy-duty
letterhead or F.F.L.

1075 Headquarters Park
Fenton, Missouri, USA 63026

Ill El II .

84 soumm OF FOll'fUNE FEBRUARY 90

0.05-inch pellets (No. 12 birdshot). tissue disruption than that produced by a abdominal contents, liver, spleen, intes-
While the lead tip may travel somewhat .38 Special pistol bullet since, after 10 tines or pancreas than the boat-tail
farther than the Glaser's plastic cap in inches of travel with minimal yaw, the 7.62x39mm bullet, because the bullet
soft tissue, the tiny sub-projectiles will bullet has generally passed through the passes through these organs at a large
penetrate no more than about 5 inches. abdominal cavity. yaw angle.
Not acceptable and not recommended. The new PRC bullet resembles the How ironic that the anti-gun nuts
Because of recent federal regulations Yugoslav M67 flat-based bullet in this have initiated the develo pme nt of a
concerning so-called "cop killer" bullets, caliber. Both have 6 caliber ogives more effective round as a direct conse-
projectiles with steel cores are now (about standard for most .30 caliber quence of their "cop killer" bullet cha-
forbidden if a handgun is chambered for military bullets), but the PRC projectile is rade.
a cartridge using such bullets. Chinese- 0. 990-inch in overall length, which is A final historical note concerning
manufactured 7.62x39mm ball ammuni- 0.060-inch longer than the M67 bullet. ammo quality control standards is in
tion as sold in the U.S. and fielded to Jacket material of the Yugoslav bullet is a order. We recently test-fired an M95
their military has a steel core and boat- copper alloy, while that of the PRC bullet Steyr Mannlicher straight-pull rifle in
tail configuration . Anticipating that is copper-washed steel. Both have only a caliber 8x56R Hungaria n. This fat,
someone will eventually chamber a pis- slight cannelure. The Yugoslav M67 rimmed cartridge has a 208-grain boat-
tol for the 7.62x39mm round, the PRC bullet weighs 123.5 grains, nomina l, and tail bullet with a steel jacket and lead
has developed a lead-cored , flat-based the PRC bullet is somewhat heavier at core. The propellant charge was 49.6
bullet in that caliber. While not yet 136.5 grains. grains, nominal, of a cut-sheet flake
commonly available, SOF obtained a Like the Yugoslav M67 ball, the new propellant. The headstamp of this stan-
small batch of this ammunition (head- PRC bullet is considerably more effec- dard-issue military ball indicated Bul-
stamped '351 88') for test purposes. tive than its boat-tail predecessor. It garian manufacture in 1939. Average
In its steel-cored, boat-tail configura- commences its bi-lobed yaw cycle after velocity was 2,548 fps, somewhat slow
tion, 7.62x39mm ball turns in a rather only 3-4 inches of penetration. The by today's standards. Most amazing was
pathetic performance. It travels point- bullet reaches is maximum penetration the standard deviation of this ammuni-
forward about 10 inches in soft tissue of 23-26 inches traveling base-fon.Vard, tion, which, after half a century, was only
before significant yaw occurs. At that somewhat flattened and losing about 11 seven fps. How disturbing it is, that as we
point the bullet will yaw to less than 90 percent of its o riginal weight to approach the millennium, Lake City
degrees, then come back down to a fragmentation. This yaw behavior is (LC) Arsenal cannot even come close to
point-forward position and finally yaw almost the mirror image of the Yugoslav these levels of consistency.
180 degrees and end its travel in a base bullet, o nly with increased fragmentation At this point in time, Black Hill
forward position. Total penetratio n in bordering o n the significant. It can be 185-grain JHP is our best choice in .45
living tissue is almost 29 inches. Ab- expected that the new PRC flat-based ACP. Unfortunately for those packing
dominal shots usually exhibit no greater bullet will cause more damage to the nine mils , Winch este r's OSM (Olin


Super Match) 147-grain JHP subsonic marksladyship with a Remington 700. Her
cartridge is not available to the public. targets (" which I clumped in the damn
ADVERTISERS INDEX That leaves us with only standard Full dust " ) included some minor government
M etal Jacket (FMJ) ball, which at least functionaries .
ADVERTISER PAGE provides sufficient penetration. Use For the record I asked her who she
A .G. Russel . . ... . . . .. . .. .83 Remington's 12 gauge slug for close worked for. She drank another, slid off the
Auto-Ordnance . ....... . . . .77 work on human targets and the French stool , shook my hand, and said. .. I
B-Square .... . ...... .... .80 Silver Plus at longer ranges and to probably stil l have some sitters out there.
CCS Communications .. . .. .83 penetrate vehicles. Those toting a Ka- so why don 'l you stay here. May be when
C.E.P. Inc.. . . . . . .. . . . . ... 75 lashnikov are well-advised to load the I ' m old, loo. we can talk more about
Collector's Armoury ... .. . .. 82 magazines with either Yugoslav or PRC this."
lead-cored, flat based rounds.~ She laughed unhappil y and shu ffl ed out.
Consolidated Mktg . .... .. .. .85
I stayed.
Cutlery Shoppe ...... . . . ... .9
I ' m still wa i t i n g . ~
Danner Shoe Mfg .. . . . . . . .. 81
Doubleday Military . . ... . . . . 17 LADY KILLERS
Dutchman, The .. . . ... . .. . . .7
Edge, The ... . ...... . .. . .. 13 Continued from page 26 IN REVIEW
Excalibur Enterprises . ... . .. 7 4
Glock . . . . .. . .. .. . .. .Cover 2 bo111bs, poisoned the111 . or shot them with a Continued from page 23
Greene Military Dist. . . . . . .. .19 suppressor-equipped .22 we'd given her. If
Guardian Prod . ... . . . . . . . .. 23 I reca ll, it was a Beretla 934 or 948. when the operation was over), Hoover
" I was back there in '70. nobody was the set up a Nazi radio transmission station
Gutmann Cutlery . ... .. .. . .20
sa111e then, so I never found Olll what which was the relay point for Nazi agents
lnt'I Assoc. of Airborne ... . . . 79
happened to her. By then. the Agency had sending information to Germany. The
Intl Logistics Network .. .. .. 73 several females out kil l ing the Indians. One information, of course, was cleverly fil-
Kaufman's West .. ... . .Cover 3 of our freelancers was a sni per. by the way. tered and sanitized by Hoover's brain
K-Loc Mounts Inc.... . . . . .. 87 so maybe some vets wil l remember her. trust before it was sent to Berlin, and
Kolibri Inc . .. . .. . . .........77 " She used the name A ndre. so they before the hammer fell on the various
L.L. Baston Co . . .... . .. . .. .76 wouldn't know it was a woman. She was spy networks, the noose had surrounded
L.O.T.I. Group ... . . . . . . . .. 80 German. I recall , wi th good English and virtually all valuable Nazi spies, including
Mil-Time ..... .. ... . . . . ... 73 Vietna111ese . She hit four or five big the "godfather of Nazi spies in America"
111i litary targets. As a look at the photo will the old Boer, Fritz Duquesne.
Orpheus . . .. . . .... .. . . .. .78
show, she was a master at the art of di sguise Hitler's Undercover War is a fast-
Paladin Press ... . ... .. . .... 3
as well as sniping. paced spy thriller with all the standard
Police Bookshelf .. .. . . ..... 79 There are 111ore recent examples. too. in acco u tr em en ts: spi es, trai t o rs,
Shooting Systems ...... ... 84 Centra l A 111erica. When Eden Pastora was saboteu rs, m o les , bri b es, cod es,
S.T.A.N.0. . .. .. . .. . ... ... 79 severely wounded by a bomb several years forgeries, sed uctions, ki dnappings,
Surgitec Inc . . .. . . .. .......82 ago, speculation screa111ed intramura l poli- brilliant heroes et al. - and comprises
TSR Inc .. . . ... . .. . . .. Cover 4 tics and blame was aimed at a recognized a story all the more exciting because it
Thedema ..... .. . . ·. .. . . . .77 European hitman with phony credential s as is true. Solid and well-researched his-
Universal Military .. . .. . . . . .76 a Danish j ournal ist. According to a top tory, with a lesson for today regarding
Your Supply Depot ..... . . . .21 source who knows. the man was a decoy en em i es wh o woul d prostitute
for security people to watch. while the W ashington and the press for their
actual bomber, a quiet. forgett able young own insidious ends - at the expense
lady. did her job and disappeared . She was of A merican interests and the liberty of
never identified or located. those everywhere who would be free.
Late in 1986, French police ident i fied
the assassins of the industri alist George
Adventurer's Outpost ....... 88 Besse as two women from a European
American Schools .. . . ..... 90
Eden Press ....... . . . . .... 88
terrorist group known as the Direct Action BULLETIN BOARD
Committee . He was shot three ti111es by
Fabian Bros .......... . .... 88 one of the wo111en. using a suppressor- Continued from page 5
Gun Parts Corp . . . . .. . . . . . .90 equipped 9mm pistol whi le the other
Harrison Electronic . . . .. . . . .88 professional assassin stood security watch
Ideal Studios ... .. . . .... . . .88 with a Beretta PM I 2S submachine gun .
Matthew s Police Supply . ... .89
Quartermaster Military . . . ... 88
nei ther weapon the choice of amateurs.
T hat thi s professional violence begets
its family of more violence is hard ly
CBS showed w hat purported to be
Survival Books .. . . .. .89
subject to question. Nearly 20 years ago a nine-minute conversion of a semi-
T-J Jewelry Co.. . . .. . . ... .89 Hannah Arendt wrote. '"The practi ce of auto AK to a machine gun. The special
U.S. Cavalry Inc . .. .. . . . . .. 90 violence, like all action. changes the agent in charge of the New York BATF
USI Corp. . .. .... . ... .88 world, but the most probable change is to o ffice and the U.S. Attorney for the
Vet Pro .. . . . .... . . . .. . . . .89 a more violent world." Southern District of New York de-
WKE Ltd . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. 89 I will encl this with someone who told cided to take no action. Columnist
Westbury Sales . . ... . .. . .. 89 me her name was Aleta. We met several Jack Anderson smuggled a gun and
times in Cen tral America since 1984. One ammo into Senator Bob Dole's office,
night , we both overdosed on lemonade and and wasn't even booted out o f the
after I had fini shed unloading some of my Senate press gallery. O ur law may be
past, she told me that she had been no respecter of persons, but the per-
secreted into Nicaragua. through Costa sons who selectively enforce it sure
Rica. and had performed some feats of are. If we' d made an illegal full-auto


conversion to prove it could be done, did not inform their sexual partne rs
or "tested" security at the capitol by and failed to wear condoms. If there is
smuggling in a gun, you can bet we'd any good thing about the AIDS epi-
be writing this from behind bars. demic, it is probably that it didn't hit
during World War II when there was a
critical shortage of rubber.

Local law responded to a burglary AYBE WE'RE
call at the home of Jane Fonda and M NOT ALONE .. .
then- husband Tom Hayden. and After their one-sided -and stupid
found both Fonda a nd Hayden to be - July 17 issue " covering" the gun-
armed. In the average househo ld, ownership issue, we decided Time
we' d think that's good. But consider- was no lo nger a magazine we' d bother
ing Fonda's vocal anti-gun stance and to pick up at the newsstand. The Wall
the fact tha t California State Assem- Street Journal noted recently that
blyman Hayden voted for every anti- Time is cutting the circulation it guar-
gun bill passed in California last year, a ntees to advertisers by some
well... When asked about this hypoc- 300,000. Time executives painted a
risy, Fonda responded "That's for rosy picture of the circulation cut as a
other people , not us. " Now AP reports show of strength: " What we are doing
that Fonda's daughter Vanessa Vadim is screening out th e readers who are
was arrested in a New York drug den o nly casually related to the magazine
and charged with loitering for the and don't really read it" they told th e
purpose of purchasing, obstructing Journal. I guess that means no more
governmental administration, and dis- free clocks and telephones, either.
orderly conduct. And the Denver Post
re ports that Hayden could snap up
half of Fonda's estimated $60 million
fortune when their marriage ends in a
divorce. Among th e assets to be PLANE _CHEAP...
divided, there's a $2.5 million pad in
Santa Monica, a nd then. too, they' ll What will fold up to fit in the back of
have to decide who gets the guns a nd a deuce-a nd-a-half: weighs 750
the bust of Lenin. But through it all, pounds: will carry a tho usand pounds
Ms. Fonda told the Miami Herald , " I of bombs. rockets. machine guns or a
feel like a virgin .. . I feel like every day 30mm cannon: will take off in 300
I have a new coat of skin ... " Does this feet: has a n 18.000-foot ceiling:
confirm a llegations we've heard about comes with a Chevy V6 and a sticker
her real species? price of $ 100.000? The A-22 attack
figh ter marketed by Sadler Aircraft of
Scottsdale. AZ. Honcho and wizard
Bill Sadler states. " We've designed
this airplane to fill the market niche
If you flew a chopper in Southeast
created by the fact that you do n·t need
an F-16 to knock out a mona r on the
other side of some hill in Nicaragua . or
Asia during the Vietnam era (1961 - any other country o f that type.··
1975) - in any branch of the service, Sadler has been test flying the A-22
and under any flag - you sho uld around the Arizona desert a nd is
contact the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots ready to receive orders from Third
Association, Dept. SOF, 7 West 7th World or other countries who must
Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. The fight low-intensity wars on a budget.
VHPA is looking for members (they
have reunions a nd a newsletter a nd
publish a directory), b ut even if you
are not a joiner they' d like info on you
for their directory. Drop ' em a line and
find out whatever happened to your COPYING
TIME.. .
separated buddies.
Many pieces of evidence point to
the Louisville murders as a copycat D AK47
version of the Stockton, Califo rnia , NAME ~~~~~~~~~-

slayings. A well-worn copy of Time
which featured a graphic display of the
carnage in Stockton was found amo ng
Wesbecker's effects by police investi-
ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ __ D co11
D Ruger
It's o fficial. The U.S. Military Court DAii
gating the Louisville murders.~
of Appeals has upheld the legality of ADD $2 00 FOR SHIPPING AND HANDLING.
safe-sex orders and the convictions of $2.75 ADDITIONAL FOR COD.
two military personnel with AIDS who

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There are still a lot of Nicaraguan refugees in The Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters are still a
Honduras. Our main activity the last few years FREEDOM FIGHTERS force in being. Under the Oscar Arias " Peace
has been sending medical and other supplies to GIVE THEM THE TOOLS Plan " they are on hold in the hope that the
them, and also to medical projects in Guatema- TO FINISH THE JOB. Communist regime in Nicaragua will actually
la and El Salvador. The need is still there . Too The Afghans have driven the Soviet Army hold fair and free elections in February 1990.
many people are dying for lack of simple medic- from their country, but the war's not over; they The Freedom Fighters are getting some help
al care. still have to get rid of the Communist puppet from the U.S. Government, but it's not enough.
Medical supp lies of most types are still government. Th ey need combat and jungl e boots , boot
urgently needed. We can 't handle items that socks, ca mmie and OG fati gue uni forms
have to be locked up or refrigerated or bulky (medium and small sizes) web equipment, can-
items of equipment. Checks and money orders FUND has raised and spent over $150,000 for teens , compasses , K-Bar knives, binoculars
are welcome. None of the funds collected go for things like tactical radios , mine detectors and and so on . We also need money. Please do
staff salaries or other administrative expenses. various special projects ; the need is as great as NOT send firearms, ammunition or explosives.
Please send letters and checks to: ever. We need to send them the tools to finish Non e of the funds collected are used for staff
REFUGEE RELIEF INTERNATIONAL the job. salaries or other administrative expenses.
P.O. Box 693 Send your donation to : Please send letters and checks to:
Please send UPS and other packages to : P.O. Box 693 P.O. Box 693
REFUGEE RELIEF INTERNATIONAL Boulder, Colorado 80306 Boulder, Colorado 80306
C!O SOF Warehouse Please send UPS and other packages to:
Boulder, Colorado 80303 Non e of the funds collected go to staff 5735 Arapahoe Avenue
All donations are tax deductible. Put a packing list with name and salaries or administrative expenses. Donations Boulder, Colorado 80303
address of donor with each package, and indicate whether you
wish lo be listed as a donor in SOF. are NOT tax deductible, and for that reason all
Donations are NOTtax deductible. and for that reason are all the
the more appreciated . more appreciated.

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80306 =
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Send lor lalesl catalog. 8121876 2171 , Western Survival,
Visa/Mastercard orders ca ll orders 24 hours. (800)448-
U.S. count as one word each. Hyphenated words and tele- 6280. (148)
phone numbers are coun ted as two words. No personal POB 48, Spender, IN 47460. (152)
services ads accepted. We reserve the right to refuse , LOWER PRICE. World Intel Report , the best source for
delete or change any copy which we determine to be hard data, mailed twice/month. Sample US$1.50 one year
$48.00, Panis $22.00; West German Snow Poncho $22.00,
objectionable. Mail classified ads with payment to SOL- US$19.95. PO Box 1265, Mercha ntville, NJ 081 09. (150)
British WWII Suit $75.00 A.H.A., Box 21606, Denver, CO
DIER OF FORTUNE, Classified Dept., P.O. Box 693, Boul- 80221 UNARMED COMBAT Survive th e streets ! Ultra-powertul
der, CO 80306.
BOOKS•PUBLICATIONS self-defense system. Hardcore book reveals secrets. $13.
WORLD 'S LARGEST SELECTIO N OF ROTIWEILER Libra Enterprises, PO Box 31719 Dept SF, San Francisco,
SUPPLIES and books. Many new, exclusive & imported
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Dept. G, 3094 1 Agoura Road #3 1O, Westl ake Vill age, CA
TY OF EVERY ADVERTISEMENT AND/OR THE 300 fascin ating titl es. Th e bes t non-fiction books available
9136 1. 818/889-4768. (1 48)
LEGALITY OF EVERY PRODUCT CONTAINED for men of action and adventure! Send $1.00 to: Paladin
HEREIN . SHOULD ANY READER HAVE A PROB- BOUNTY HUNTER: The reward is you rs. Learn about bail Press, PO Box 1307-0AQT, Boulder, CO 80306. (1 52)
LEM WITH PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OFFERED bond skips and find them for big profits. Send $4 .95 to:
Moore Investigative Services, PO Box 1137, San Diego, CA
ANCE FROM HIS NEAREST POSTAL INSPECTOR numbers confidential postal and OMV records , birth/death ,
92112. (148)
AND ALSO CONTACT OUR ADVERTISING DE- credit and confidential court record s. Aut hor reveals every
PARTMENT. SOLDIER OF FORTUNE DOES NOT ROADRUNNERS: Combat Journalists in Cambodia, Au- source, me thod and trick known. Locate old friends, lost
INTEND FOR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVER- thor Haney Howell, a longtime correspondent in Phnom lovers, debtors and enemies. For profi t, fun or adventure.
TISED TO BE USED IN ANY ILLEGAL MANNER. Penh, writes abou t the last gasp of lhe American presence Satisfaction Guaranteed. For your copy of YOU CAN FIND
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account of those events is a superb read. Hardcover, Books, Dept. 8 , 13575 Marti nique, Chino Hills, CA 91709.
296pp, $25.45 ppd. Paladin Press. Box 1307-0AQK, (149)
NOTICE TO READERS Boulder, CO 80306, 800/642-8300. (150)
TRACE MISSING PERSONS - big money and ad venture
SOLDIER OF FORTUNE Magazine is with our prove n professional techniques. Learn how in our
a magazine of national and interna- critically acclaimed bestseller. Send $14.95 to Tower Hill
tional distribution. There may be Press, PO Box 11 32 Doylestown PA 18901 . (154)
products for which sale, possession
or interstate transportation may be MILITARY COLLECTORS
restricted, prohibited or subject to
special licensing requirements in
your state. Purchasers should con-
sult the local law enforcement au-
thorities in their area.


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92 SOUllllll 01' l'fHl'fUNE FEBRUARY 90

FREE CLASSIFIED AD .. .The October 1990 issue of SOF helmets, everything I Illustrated catalog $10. (refundable) SOVIET UNIFORMS & GEAR, Listing of GENUINE ISSUE
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offering a 'BAKERS DOZEN' ... Order any classified adver- (155) Denver, CO 80221
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FREE! Valid now thru August 31 , 1990. SOF Classified, PO
Box 693, Boulder, CO 80306. (152)
forms. daggers, camouflage, books, Box 177SF. Syracuse,
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study. Lawyer instructed home study. Free catalog. The
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LIMITED SUPPLY... Blood Chits , Korean War, All Origi- MILITARY ELECTRONICS: CPRC-26 Infantry Manpack
NOTICE TO READERS nals!!' , $22 + $3 (S/hd) , ck/mo to: CHITS PO Box 168, Radio, compact, 50-54 Mhz FM , Receiver-Transmitter
SOLDIER OF FORTUNE Magazine is Newburg, PA 17240-01 68. (151) sections, case, antenna, crystal: $17.50 complete, $32.50/
a magazine of national and interna- pair. Patrol Seismic Instruction Device ("PSID") TRC-3:
SOVIET GRENADES, F-1 Pineapple or RGD-5 Oval $42.50 apiece, $147.50/set or four. 45-day replacement
tional distribution. There may be Grenade, inert copies $10.00 ea. A.H.A .. Box 21606, guarantee. Add $4.50/piece shipping, $9.00 maximum.
products for which sale, possession Denver, CO 80221 Baytronics, Box 591. Sandusky, OH 44870. (148)
or interstate transportation may be DIRIJO CORPORATION, infamous for its LASER LIS- THE INTELLIGENCE LIBRARY - Many unusual informa-
restricted, prohibited or subject to TENER, now offers the newest forbidden technology and tive books on Electronic Surveillance, Weapons, lnvestiga·
special licensing requirements in information to th e public. Laser receiver kits, exotic tions, Unusual Technologies, Documents, etc. Free Bro·
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your state. Purchasers should con- equipment, make DIRIJO a major source of fringe technol- NJ 07712. (154)
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Box 159, Lansdowne, PA 19050. (148)
mealpacks, mixing bottle). Add $3.50/kit shipping. CA latest info on: high-tech spy gadgets, lie detection, espio-
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card orders call (800)54-ULTRA. For information only send 865-00K, Boulder CO 80306. (303)443-2294. (149)
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spo rtsmen beca use wilderness areas se-
ve rely limit th e amount and type of
access available to public la nd for hun t-
ing or any oth er activity. Limited access
has th e least effect on "30-some thing

PARTING SHOT tree huggers" who bac kpack into wilder-

ness areas. Nor does limited access a ffect
well-heeled hunters who can afford the
by Gale n Geer expense of hi ri ng a n outfi tter with a pack
horse string for his hunting trips. These

Wilderness Hype are the same type o f people who are

co unted among Senator Wirth's most
ardent supporters. On th e oth er hand,
the wee kend ca mper, fi shermen or
hunte r who drives to his camping or
T HERE is a short peri od of time just interfere nce with na ture w hereve r hunting area, th e older hun ter whose
before dawn on fa ll morni ngs whe n a possible. mobility has become limited , and of
bone-chilli ng cold settles over the world This includes the banning of all types course the handicapped outdoorsman,
and penetra tes every stitch of clothing of motorized vehicles in wildern ess are just out of luck in wilderness a reas
you can wear. I was sitting on the side of areas. Even modern wildlife ma nage- such as those proposed by Tim Wirth.
a mountain in Western Colorado last fa ll me nt is restricted. Such practices as And when hunters can't hunt because
a nd SOF Publisher/Editor Robert K. stocking high country la kes with finger- th ey ca n't get o n public la nds the
Brown was be hind and above me with li ng trout from aircraft, main te nance o f incentive to continue hun ti ng or to even
Otto Shults, President o f the Colorado artificial wa ter ho les. stream bank im - own guns is diminished. Conseque ntly,
Public Lands Sportsman's association. provement projects a nd ma nage ment the shootin g sports lose members, and
Accordin g to S hults, Brow n and I wo uld techniques such as aerial surveys of big support fo r th e Second Amendment dies
see some mule deer shortly after daw n game herds and th e use o f chem ical with each new acre of wildern ess added
and have an unobstructed field of fire . ferti lizers to improve forage grasses fo r by liberal protecti onists.
All we had to do was shiver through th e wildlife are eli minated. This nation does need some wilder-
morning cold. Remote regions that are still true ness. Those parts o f the Natio nal Forest
S hults was right abo ut th e dee r and wildern ess areas should be pro tected or other public la nds where roads have
fi eld of fi re but the deer were spooked by and a wildern ess designation is the no t ye t penetrated a nd where th ere are
something on th e moun tain . Brown and protection these areas need. It is not no strategic metals or other natural
I fo llowed S hults to another ridge where th ese true wilderness areas that repre- reso urces vital to defe nse should be
we could ambus h deer fro m a nother sent a threat to th e hu nting sports. The protected wildern ess areas.
site. A few min utes later I was a ble to fill threat lies in the hundreds of thousands (Ironically, th ere is now talk o f creat-
my doe tag and half-an-hour a fter that of acres of our wes tern la nds now ing a wildern ess permit system to li mi t
Brown filled his as we ll. The fo llowing accessible by motor ve hicle on estab- how ma ny people use wildern ess areas,
morn ing Brown killed his buck. All of our lished roads being closed off or severely beca use th e " 30 -somethin g li berals"
hunting camp 's dee r tags were filled. li mited by new wilde rn ess designa ti ons, using existin g wilderness areas are dam-
Taking home fall big game is a even th ough th e areas have not been aging th em. Recent studies q uoted by
tradition for millions of Americans. A " wilderness" in nature fo r decades. J o hn . Peine, J ohn Burde a nd William
tradition tha t is under attack from every One of those areas is the Sangre de Ha mmitt at a Na tio nal Wilde rn ess Collo-
facet of the a nti-gun/an ti-hun ting coali - Cristo ra nge of the Rocky Moun ta ins in quium detailed how "adverse impacts
tion. There is nothin g new about that, Southern Colorado, an area proposed from recreati on activities occur in o ne
but recently another threat to th e Amer- for Wilderness by Colorado's Demo- out o f every four wilderness un its." They
ica's hunting tradition has arise n. It's cratic Senator Tim Wi1ih. In his Wilder- cited "vegeta ti ve da mage" arou n d
more subtle, but ulti mately just as seri - ness proposal Wirth has asked for campsites as one o f th e most frequent
ous. It comes from the unli kely so urce of 750,000 acres of Colorado public la nds problems. The very people de ma nding
wildern ess advocates, a nd it cou ld to add to the 2,656,422 acres of th e sta te . more wildern ess areas today have bee n
threaten no t only hun ting, but gun wh ich has already been declared wilder- loving those wilde rn ess areas th ey al-
ownership as well. ness. Included in Wirth's proposal is a ll ready have to deathl)
It's important to understa nd how of the Sangre de Cristo moun ta ins in This natio n does not need so m uch
-and why. Southern Colorado. Wirth's pro posal wilderness the average American is li m-
At first blush the concept of wildern ess would create a wildern ess for th e Sa ngre ited to reading about how his paren ts or
lands is one of the most sensible ideas de Cristo ra nge from fo rest boun dary to gra ndparents used to go camping, fis h-
that th e congress has ma naged to put forest boundary. completely disregard - ing or hun ting in the mounta ins and on
together since the end of the Korean ing the much smaller area of the moun- National Forest Lands.
War. Wilderness mea ns tha t you will be tain range recom mended by th e Forest To voice your concerns about the push
leaving your ve hicle behind as you enter Service. Wirth 's bill is to uted as a pro- for more wildern ess, write yo ur congress-
a wilderness area and will be either posal that will designate wilde rn ess lands man and senator and tell the n you
hoofing it on your own feet, or if you are in headwater areas to protect these oppose more wildern ess unless there are
reaso na bly we ll -heele d , yo u can be headwaters from deve lopment, overuse, adequate provisio ns for access to wilder-
ridi ng a horse, eith er your own or one abuse, etc. Protectionists have said th at ness areas by all Americans! The struggle
provi de d b y a n outfi tter. Wilde rn ess in the 1990s they will push for ad di tional to maintain public access to public lands
areas were created un der the Wildern ess wilderness areas downstream of the is being waged by the Public Land
Act o f 1964, which at the time was hailed wilderness a reas Wirth has proposed . Sportsma n's Association. SOF Publisher/
as a brilliant legislative act to protect Already Wirth 's bill is proposing 235.388 Editor Robert K. Brown is a member of its
those still undeveloped fo rest regions of more acres of Colorado's public lands board of directors. For more informa tion
the nati on. The idea of wilderness is to for wilde rn ess than the Forest Servi ce write th e Public La nd Spo rtsma n's Asso-
preserve and protect th ose remote and survey recomme nded. ciatio n, Dept. SOF-0 , P.O. Box CC ,
still pristine areas by eliminating man's Too much wilderness is a threat to Meeker, CO 8 1641. ~

96 SOUHEll 011 l'(Ul'fUNE FEBRUARY 90

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