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Effect of Chloride and Sulfate

Contamination in Soils on
Corrosion of Steel and Concrete

The durability performance of plain and blended cements in sab- poses several unresolved questions regarding their concomi-
kha soils ( oils contaminated with h.igh concentrations of chloride tant and interactive effect on the durability of reinforced con-
and ulfate salts) was investigated. Specimens placed in cbe sab- crete structural components placed in such an environment.
kJrn soil. were obtained at periodic interval and evaluated by The problem is significantly magnified by the coexistence of
cond.uct~ng trengt.h I~ s mea ureme11ts corrosfon potential
momtormg, and corrosion rate measurements at regular interval . moisture with this high salt content, which may lead to
Results indicate that the trength reduction after 540 days of crystallization of salts in concrete pores, thereby leading
exposure to sabkha soiJs was greater in silica fume cement mortar to its disintegration. This form of crystallization-induced
specimens compared with plain and other blended cements. Re- disintegration usually occurs above the water table, where
inforcement corrosion was, however, much lower in silica fume crystallization is enhanced by the prevailing high rates of
cement concrete than in plain, fly ash, and blast furnace slag evaporation.
cements. This indicates that use of silica fume cement in structural
Geotechnical engineers usually investigate the load-bearing
component placed in abkha oils will be beneficial from the
viewpoiDt of reinforcement corro ion . Additional protective mea- and compressibility characteristics of sabkhas and are rarely
~ures . uch as application of a water-resistant epoxy-based coat- concerned with the durability performance of concrete in such
ang, w1U have to be adopted to minimize deterioration related to environments. This unintentional ignorance of the aggressive
sulfate salts. service environment has led to a substantial reduction in the
useful service life of concrete structures. The normal practice
in the Arabian Gulf region is to use ASTM C150 Type V
Sabkhas are saline flats underlain by sand, silt, or clay and
cement to resist deterioration due to sulfate salts. The struc-
often encrusted with salt. These subaerial evaporative areas
tural components placed in sabkhas, however, are subjected
border partially landlocked sea (coastal sabkhas) or cover a
to both sulfate and chloride attack. In such situations, use of
number of continental depressions (inland or continental sab-
Type V cement, though providing adequate protection against
khas ). Both types form under hot, arid climates and are as-
sulfate attack, fails to remove free chlorides from concrete.
sociated with a shallow groundwater table. Sabkha soils are
To inhibit reinforcement corrosion, cement with a high tri-
generally unconsolidated, heterogeneous, layered or unlay-
calcium aluminate (C3 A) content should be used (4). Rash-
ered sedimentological framework bathed in highly concen-
eeduzzafar et al. (5 indicated better performance by high-
trated subsurface brines. These types of soils normally have
~A cements in chloride environments . Although the use of
a loose, rather porous, and permeable, gritty structure, and
cement with high ~A phase, more than 12 percent per se, is
their surfaces are highly hygroscopic (1). These soils typically
useful from a reinforcement corrosion standpoint, it poses the
exist in the form of alternating cemented and uncemented
danger of deterioration and disintegration of concrete due to
layers. The cementation is brought about by the presence of
the reaction between sulfate salts and the compounds of ce-
saturated brines coupled with excessive evaporation rates (2).
ments. A useful approach to solve this problem seems to use
Several potential geotechnical problems are associated with
a medium C3 A cement in conjunction with suitable admix-
sabkha oils (2). The problelllS emerge principaUy from the
tures to decrease the permeability of concrete, thus retarding
high salt content in the soil and groundwater. The ulfate and
the ingress of the aggressive species (6).
chloride concentration in the abkha soils are approximately
Mineral admixtures like natural pozzolan, fly ash, and in-
five to six times as high as those in typical seawater (3). The
dustrial by-products like silica fume and blast furnace slag are
high salt concentrations, particularly those of chlorides and
used in concrete to make it dense and impermeable. Whereas
sulfates, are highly corrosive to both concrete and steel. More-
there are considerable data on the sulfate resistance perfor-
over, the conjoint prevalence of chloride and sulfate salts
mance of these cements (7-9) and some data are available
on the performance of these cements in chloride environment
0. S. B. Al-Amoudi, S. N. Abduljauwad, and Rasheeduzzafar, (10- 13) data are fairly par e at this time on the du.rability
Department of Civil Engineering, King Fahd University of Petro- performance of the e cements io environment characterized
leum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia. M. Maslehuddin, by the interaction of chloride and sulfate ions. In the absence
Metrology, Standards and Materials Division, Research Institute,
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, P.O. Box 442, of data on the performance of blended cements in the chlo-
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia. ride-sulfate ( abkha) environment a more rigorous approach

to the selection of appropriate composite binder components investigating reinforcement corrosion, three reinforced con-
is required before their use can be recommended in such crete specimens representing similar mix constituents were
aggressive environments. immersed in the imulated sabkha solution (15.7 percent c1 -
This investigation was carried out to evaluate the perform- + 0.5 percent so.--). Sodium chloride was used to provide
ance of three types of ASTM 150 cement (Type · I, IT, and the chloJide ions and djum sulfate and magnesium sulfate
V) and Type I cement blended with fly a h ilica fume and were used to provide the sulfate ions. The latter two salts
blast furnace slag in the abk ha oi l ·. The plain and blended were proportioned to provide 50 percent of the sulfate con-
cement concrete and mortar specimens were made with water- centration from each of them.
cement ratios of 0.35 and 0.50. The cement mortar specimens
were buried in sabkha soils and retrieved after 3, 6, 12, and
18 months of exposure. The performance of plain and blended Reduction in Compressive Strength
cements in the . abkha enviro nment was evaluated by deter-
mining the reduction in the compressive strength and analyz- Deterioration due to exposure to the aggressive environment
ing the crushed mortar specimen to measure chloride and of the sabkha oj ls was documented by evaluating the reduc-
hydroxyl ion concentrations. The reinforcement corrosion was tion in compre ive strength. Mortar ·pecimen (25-mm cubes)
evaluated by conducting accelerated laboratory studies using were tested in compression after 3, 6, 12 and 1 m nth using
simulated abkha gro undwater. T he corrosion activity was a special 200-kN automatic machine suited for testing man
monitored by mea ·uriog corro ion potential and corrosion cube . At the scheduled time , the p cimens were retrieved
current density at regular intervals. from the exposure site and rinsed in distilled water for about
15 min to remove any salt deposits and loose materials . They
were air dried for a period of about 24 hr and tested in
MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES compression according to ASTM C39.

Chemical Analysis
ASTM C150 Type [ , Type IT, and Type V cements were used
in preparing plaiJl mortar specimens. ASTM C618 Class F fly After retrieval from the field, the specimens were cleaned of
ash was used as 20 p rcent replacement by weight of Type I the salt deposits, air dried, and crushed to fine powder (pass-
cement to prepare portland fly ash blended cement. For the ing #100 sieve). The crushed portion was used to determine
ilica fume mortar specimen , sil ica fume was u ed as 10 per- t he following: (a) water soluble chlorides, by titrating against
cent replacement by weight of Type I cement. In addition mercuric nitrat (14), and (b) hydroxyl ion concentration, by
one blast furnace lag cement containing 60 percent granu- di · olving l 0 g of the powder sample in 500 mL di ti Iled water
lated blast furnace slag, wa u. ed . A and-to-cement ratio of and titrating the filtrate against 0.01 M sulfuric acid.
2. 75 was used for mortar specimens, whereas a cement content
of 350 kg/m 3 wa used in the reinforced concrete . pecimen
used for eva luation of . teel c rro ion. The coar e aggrega t Corrosion Monitoring
was 19 mm maximum size crushed limestone of bulk specific
gravity 2.42 and average absorption 3.77 percent. A coarse Reinforcement corro ion wa monitored by measurjng cor-
to fine aggregate ratio of 2.0 by weight wa kept invariant in rosion potentials and corro ion current density at regular in-
all the concrete mixes. tervals. The corr ion potential were mea ured u ing a high-
impedance voltmeter and recording the potential with re-
spect to a saturated calomel electrode (SCE). Linear polar-
Techniques ization resistance technique was used to measure the corrosion
current den ity. T he polarization re ism.nee (Rp) was deter-
Casting of Specimens mined by conducting a linear p()Jarization ·can in the range
of ± 10 mV of the corrosion potential. A microproce sor-
Mortar cube specimens 25 mm in size were used to monitor ba ed potenliostat/galvano tat was used for polarizing the teel.
the effect of sabkhas on compressive strength. Concrete cyl- A stajnles steel frame placed outside the ·pecimen was u ed
inders 75 mm in diameter and 150 mm in height, with a cen- as a counterelectrode, whereas an SCE was used as a refer-
trally embedded 12 mm reinforcing bar were used to inves- ence electrode. A scan rate of 0.1 mV/sec was used. Positive
tigate reinforcement corrosion. The steel bar was coated with feedback technique was used to compensate for the ohmic
an epoxy paint a t the concrete-air interface and at it end , drop (IR) between the reference electrode and the reinforcing
which wa embedded in concrete. An effective length of 75 bar. The corrosion current density Icacr was determined using
mm of uncoiited . tee.I was enclosed in concrete. The concrete the Stern Geary formula (15):
ingredients were mixed in a revolving mixer, whereas mortar
wa· mixed in a mortar mixer. After casting the specimens
Icmr = B/Rp
were covered with wet burlap for 24 hr before demolding.
After demolding, the pecimen · were cured in potable water
for a further period of 13 day . Tile field specimen were
placed in plastic cages which were placed below the ground- = corrosion current density (µA/cm 2 ),
water table. The placement of the specimens was properly Rp = polarization resistance (ohms · cm 2 ), and
documented , and the pit was refilled with the native oil. For B = (~a· ~c)/[2.3(~a + ~c)].
Al-Amoudi et al. 69

13a and 13c are the anodic and cathodic Tafel constants. For w
steel in concrete, values of B equal to 52 in the passive con- ...J
~-· · ·-_._. .......a
> ,........a-..
dition and 26 in the active condition are used. Gonzalez and >-

Andrade (16) have demonstrated a good correlation between a:
corrosion rates determined by linear polarization resistance "- 140
technique and weight loss measurements for active and pas- LL
sive steel in concrete using these values of B . N

f / "__,. . . , ~
f- _. I tJ.
120 v,
f 1
RESULTS f- .r,1
w 110
> /
Strength Development u;en
The effect of the high salinity of the sabkha groundwater and CL 6 TYPE II CEMENT
soil on the integrity of the cement mortar specimens was 00
evaluated by measuring the compressive strength after ex- 0 50 I 00 150 200 250 :JOO 350 400 450 500 550 600
posure periods of 3, 6, 12, and 18 months. The compressive
strength after these exposure periods was compared with the FIGURE I Compressive strength development in plain
compressive strength before placement in the exposure site. cements (w/c: 0.50).
In normal situations, concrete strength generally increases
with the period of curing. Any reduction in strength with
increasing period of curing indicates deterioration of the in-
ternal structure, which could be caused by surface softening COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH DATA
WATER IC El-ENT: 0. 35
or expansion caused by the reaction between sulfate salts and
the cement. The compressive strength development in plain
cement mortar specimens made with a water-cement ratio of
0.5 is shown in Figure 1. The data indicate that the com-
pressive strength in mortar specimens made with Type I, Type
II, and Type V cement continues to be higher than the 14-
day value even after an exposure period of about 540 days.
The data on strength development in cement mortar speci-
mens made with Type I and Type V cements and a water-
cement ratio of0.35 are shown in Figure 2. These data indicate
an initial increase in the strength of these specimens in the
range of 120 percent over the 14-day value up to an exposure
period of about 3 months . The strength development appears
to decrease after this exposure period (i.e., 3 months). After 50 I 00 150 200 250 :JOO 350 400 450 500 550 600
an exposure period of about 540 days, the compressive strength TIME. DAYS
of these specimens was 70 to 90 percent of the 14-day value. FIGURE 2 Compressive strength development In plain
The reduction in strength in specimens made with a water cement cements (w/c: 0.35).
ratio of 0.35 may be attributed to the reaction between the
sulfate ions in the groundwater and the compounds of cement.
The strength development in cement mortar specimens made
with a water-cement ratio of 0.5 and blended with fly ash (20

percent replacement of cement), silica fume (10 percent ce- ...J tJ. TYPE I t 104 S.F. 't'/C: 0.50

""ffi' ru~~
ment replacement level), and blast furnace slag cement (60
percent granulated blast furnace slag and 40 percent Type I
cement) specimens is shown in Figure 3. These data indicate
an increase in compressive strength with period of immersion D 140
for mortar specimens made with fly ash and blast furnace slag
cement. The strength development with increasing period of I 130 P ·~..
immersion was found to be higher in fly ash cement mortar
z /. ' ...... .......
specimens compared with blast furnace slag cement mortar ~ 120
f- '/ o-.... .... _ ......__ ···--··0------.........--•·-o
specimens. In the silica fume mortar specimens, compressive
!;!;! 110 / / A
strength reduction was indicated after an exposure period of en
I 4"'~
en l _...tJ.
about 200 days . Figure 4 shows the strength development in
~ 100
cement mortar specimens made with Type I cement and a
water-cement ratio of 0.35 and blended with fly ash and silica
u 00'--__._~-'-~-'-~'----L~--'--~-'---''----'-~--'--~-'-~
fume. The data indicate a trend similar to that indicated by 0 50 I 00 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
the strength data in Figure 3. The strength reduction was again
observed to be higher in silica fume mortar specimens com- FIGURE 3 Compressive strength development in blended
pared with that in the fly ash mortar specimens. The strength cements (w/c: 0.50; Type I cement).


-' -'
a:: WATERICHENT' 0. 50
a:: > 130
> 150
>- >-
a:: a::
9 '
"- 140 "-
lL lL
N 130
:i :i
"'wz 120 "'wz
0:: >--
>-- .A
tn tn
w 110 w
> >
u;tn -"' u;tn
w o TYPE V t 20Z F.R. w
0: 100 0:
TYPE I t 20Z F.A.
t. IOZ S.F. :>:
u ~TYPE I t IOZ S.F.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 0 50 I 00 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

FIGURE 4 Compressive strength development in blended FIGURE 5 Compressive strength development in blended
cements (w/c: 0.35; Type I cement). cements (w/c: 0.5; Type V cement).

development data for specimens made with Type V cement so.lubJe chloride concentration wa 5.36, 4.62, and 5.54 per-
and blended with fly ash and silica fume and a water-cement cent in spe imens made with Type I cement blended with fly
ratio of 0.5 are shown in Figure 5. These data indicated a as h, blast furnace slag, and silica fume , respectively . The
trend similar to that shown in Figures 3 and 4. chloride conce ntration in Type V cement mortar specimen
blended with fly a b and ilica fume was 6.28 and 5.73 percent
respectively. The chlo ride conce ntration in Typel and Type
V cement made with a water-cement ratio of 0.35 wa 4.80
Chloride and Hydroxyl Ion Concentration
and 4.62 percent, respectively. The chloride concentration in
specimens made with a water-cement ratio of 0.35 and blended
The data on hydroxyl and chloride ion concentration are pre-
with fly ash and silica fume was 3.70 and 2.59 percent, re-
ented in Table 1. The OH - ion concentration in the plain
spectively. The lower chloride.concentration in specimens made
cements was in the range of 8 to 10.5 percent by weight of
with silica fume and fly ash and using a water-cement ratio
cement. The OH - ion concentration in mortar pecimens
of 0.35 is due to the densification of the paste matrix resulting
made by blending Type I cement wirb silica fume, fly ash
in the use of the mineral admixtures and the low water-cement
and blast furnace slag cement mortar was 5.54 6.56 , and 6.00
ratio. The water soluble chloride concentration in all the spec-
percent by weight of cement, respectively. The OH- ion con-
imens is, however, higher than the allowable value of 0.15
centration of mortar specimens made by blending Type V
percent suggested by ACI Committee 318.
cement with silica fume and fly ash was 4.9 and 5.3 percent,
The water-soluble chloride content was approximately 6.28
Reinforcement Corrosion
percent by weight of cement in Types I, II, and V cements.
This indicates that the effect of cement type was not very
Figure 6 is a corrosion potential-time record for plain and
significant on water-soluble chloride concentration. The water-
blended cements made with a water-cement ratio of 0.50 and
for Type I cement with a water-cement ratio of 0.35. The
corrosion potentials were measured for three specimens rep-
resenting similar composition, and the potentials indicated in
TABLE 1 HYDROXYL AND CHLORIDE ION Figure 6 are the average of these three values. The corrosion
CONCENTRATION IN MORTAR SPECIMENS PLACED IN potentials provide a qualitative indication of reinforcement
corrosion. Potential values more negative than - 270 mV SCE
OH ion Soluble Chloride c1 -1ow
Cement Type (% wt. cement) (% wt. cement) (Ratio) indicate initiation of reinforcement corrosion. The corrosion
potential - time record (Figure 6) indicates the initiation of
Type I 9.0 6.28 0.70 reinforcement corrosion in plain and blended cements in the
Type V 9.12 6.28 0.69 range of 75 to 150 days. The average corrosion potential of
Type I+ F.A. 6.56 5.36 0.82
Blast furnace s1ag 6.00 4.62 0.77 steel embedded in silica fume mortar specimens was approx-
Type I+ S.F. 5.54 5.54 1.00
Type II 10.10 6.28 0.62
imately - 270 m V, indicating no initiation of corrosion, even
Type I (w/c: 0.35) 8.74 4.80 0.55 after an exposure period of 450 days. The corrosion potentials
Type V (w/c: 0.35) J0.54 4.62 0.44
Type V + F.A. 6.46 6.28 0.97 of steel in blast furnace slag cement mortar specimens were
Type V + S.F. 4.96 5.73 l.12 more than - 270 mV at the time of immersion of these spec-
Type I + 20% F.A. 5.38 3.70 0.69
Type I + 10% S.F. 5.32 2.59 0.49 imens in the test solution. This indicates that the ASTM C876
criterion of -270 mV SCE is not useful for detecting the
Al-Amoudi et al. 71

sion viewpoint. Reinforcement corrosion was mm1mum in

1000 C TYPE I CEMENT o TYPE I t 207. F.A.
6 TYPE V CEMENT + BLAST FURNACE SL silica fume cement concrete, followed by blast furnace slag
w 900 Q TYPE II CEMENT* TYPE I t 10/. S.F . and fly ash cement concretes in decreasing order. Reinforce-
> 800 ment corrosion activity was higher in plain cement concretes
f than in blended cement concrete specimens. Even an im-
++ provement in concrete quality brought about by the reduction
~ 600 +
of the water-cement ratio from 0.5 to 0.35 did not significantly
w 500 improve its performance compared with incorporation of the
mineral admixtures (fly ash) and industrial by-products (blast
z furnace slag and silica fume).
sen 300
a:: 200
0 The performance of plain and blended cement in sabkba soils
0 50 I00 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 wa evaluated by determining trength development mea-
uring the chloride and hydroxyl ion concentration , and eval-
FIGURE 6 Corrosion potential-time record. uating reinforcement corro ion . The compre ive trength data
indicate insigll'ificant reduction in compre ive trengtb with
period of exposure in plain cement mortar specimens made
onset of corrosion in blast furnace slag cements (17). Another with a water-cement ratio f 0.5. The effect of U1e cement
criterion normally used to detect corrosion initiation is a sub- type (i .e., C3 A variation) on strength development was not
stantial increase in corrosion activity marked by a sudden significant. The compressive strength in plain cements made
increase in the corrosion potential-time curve. Such a tran- with a water-cement ratio of 0.35 was between 75 and 90
sition has not been observed in the potential-time curve for percent of the l4-day value after an exposure period of 540
bars in blast furnace slag cement concrete. This indicates that days. Thi indicates that specimens made with a water-cement
reinforcement steel in the blast furnace slag cement concrete ratio of 0.35 may deteriorate more rapidly than those made
is in a passive condition (i.e., corrosion has not yet begun). with a water-cement ratio of 0.5. Similar results have been
The data on corrosion current density for bars embedded reported by Ben-Yair (18). In his experiments, mortar spec-
in specimens tested in this investigation are shown in Figure imens made with a water-cement ratio of 0.3 and exposed to
7. The corrosion current density was 3.0 to 3.87 µ,Alcm 2 in 3.5 percent NaCl + 0.4 percent Na2S04 solution for more
Type I, Type II, and Type V cements (w/c: 0.5). The corrosion than 8 years expanded more than specimens made with a
current density on bars in fly ash blended cement concrete water-cement ratio of 0.5. The authors attribute this behavior
was about 1.04 µ,A/cm 2 • The corrosion current density on steel to the very fine pore structure formed in the low water-cement
in blast furnace slag and silica fume cement concretes was ratio mixes compared with those made with a water-cement
0.25 and 0.08 µ,A/cm2, respectively. The corrosion current ratio of 0.50. The salts of crystallization formed as a result of
density on steel in concrete made with a water-cement ratio reaction between cement and sulfate salts are not well accom-
of 0.35 was 2.17 µ,A/cm 2 • These data indicate that blending modated in the finer pore structure in the low water-cement
of portland cement with either mineral admixtures or indus- ratio pecimen. . These salts exert considerable pressure,
trial by-products was beneficial from a reinforcement corro- resullhlg i-n greater expansion and deterioration in the low
water-cement ratio mixe than in concretes made with a high
water-cement ratio whose coarser pore structure can accom-
modate the salts of crystallization.
'E0 5.0
• TYPE I CEMENT The compressive strength data for fly ash and blast furnace
4.5 • TYPE V CEMENT slag blended cements indicated an increase in strength in fly
4.0 J.87 •TYPE I t 207. F.A. ash and blast furnace slag cement mortar specimens over the
>- I'll TYPE I + 107. S.F. 14-day value, even after an exposure period of about 540 days.
>-- J. 5 ~ BLAST FLJ'lNRCE SLAG The strength development was found to be higher in fly ash
l!!I TYPE I (W/C: 0.35)
concrete than in blast furnace slag cement specimens. Mortar
specimens made with silica fume blended cements, however,
2. 5
O'. indicated a reduction in strength over the initial values after
u 2.0 about 200 days of exposure. The reduction in strength in silica
z fume cement mortar specimens is attributed to softening of
D 1.5
D the cement matrix due to reaction of the secondary calcium
O'. 1.0
D silicate hydrate ( - -H) with magnesium sulfate as ociated
0 .5 with the groundwaters. Thi sort of deterioration i manifested
by softening and deterioration of rhe urface skin leaving the
II F.A. S.F. BFS 0.36 aggregate expo ed to environment (scaHi1g). Such a failure
was more prominent in pecimeus made with bla t furnace
FIGURE 7 Data on corrosion current density on steel in plain slag and ilica fume cement specimen . urface caling was
and blended cements. noticeably higher in bla t furnace slag cement concret s than

iu plain cements in marine exp sw-e studies carried out by cement ratio of 0.50 was lower than in plain Type I cement
one of the authors (19). Schroder and Smolzyck (20) relate (C3 A: 8.5 percent) concrete made with a water-cement ratio
the surface deteriorati'o n to the gla s content of the slag. A of 0.35. The corrosion current density on steel in Type I
mi nimum glass content of the slag (> 61 percent) wa nec- cement (w/c: 0.35) was 2, 9, and 27 times that of corrosion
essary to improve the sulfate resistance of the blend. current density on steel in fly ash, blast furnace slag, and silica
The reduction in strength in silica fume cement mortar fume cement concrete specimens made with a water-cement
specimens is attributed to the presence of Mg++ cations as- ratio of 0.50. Furthermore, the corrosion potential-time rec-
sociated with sulfate salts. Mg++ cation is destructive to the ord does not indicate initiation of reinforcement corrosion in
secondary C-S-H gel by partially converting it to a cohesion- silica fume cement concrete specimens, whereas reinforce-
Iess, porous, reticulated magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H) ment corrosion was active in all the plain and fly ash cement
gel. The enhanced deterioration of silica fume blended cement concrete specimens. The authors believe that the time to ini-
paste in the magnesium sulfate environment has also been tiation of corrosion is an important parameter controlling the
observed by Cohen and Bentur (21). They reported that bru- service life modeling for structures suffering from reinforce-
cite (MH) was not traceable in silica fume blended hardened ment corrosion. The other parameter used in the life predic-
cement pastes that had undergone deterioration due to mag- tion models is the propagation period. The propagation time
nesium sulfate attack. MH is relatively insoluble in water and remains fairly constant in all the cement types. A longer time
is known to block the pores of the hardened cement paste period for corrosion initiation observed in silica fume cement
matrix, thereby providing a protective shield to the ingress of is indicative of its usefulness in increasing the useful service
sulfate ions. In view of this position, it may be hypothesized life of concrete structures compared with other cements.
that the absence of MH in the deteriorated silica fume blended The corrosion data indicate a superior performance by silica
cements, in contrast to its presence in plain cements, presents fume blended cement concretes, implying that surface soft-
a more open structure, thereby making silica fume blended ening leading to a reduction in the compressive strength in
cement mortar/concrete more vulnerable to magnesium-based this cement does not accelerate the reinforcement corrosion
sulfate attack. process. Furthermore, the magnitude of deterioration observed
T he concentration of free ch loride (water-soluble chloride) in the mortar specimens is probably due to the specimen size.
wa considerably more than a val ue of0.15 percent (by weight It is possible that the reduction in strength due to sulfate ions
of cement) recommended by ACI 318 for concrete structures in actual structures may not be as high as that observed in
exposed to chloride-bearing waters for avoiding risk of cor- the small laboratory specimens. The surface deterioration can
rosion. According to Hausmann (22), the risk of corrosion is be mitigated by applying a water-resistant epoxy-based coating.
greater when the Cl-/OH - ratio is above 0.6. The Cl - /OH-
ratio in most of the cement/mixture proportions investigated
is more than this value (see Table 1 for the values of the CI - I
OH - ratio for each of the mixes investigated). This indicates CONCLUSIONS
that the changes of corrosion are elevated in reinforced con-
crete structures placed in the aggressive environment of the Mortar specimen prepared using plai.11 cement (Type I, Type
sabkha. The other factor for the c rrosion to proceed is the II, and Type V) , and blended cements (blended with fly ash,
availability of oxygen. The rate of oxygen diffusion is signif- blast furnace slag, and silica fume) were placed in sabkha soil
icantly affected by the extent to which the concrete i san1rat- for a period of more than 540 days. The performance of these
ed with water. Since the availability of oxygen is limited in cements was evaluated by conducting compression tests, ana-
structures placed below ground level, reinforcement corrosion lyzing the crushed specimens for chloride and hydroxyl ion
is assumed to proceed at a slower pace, even in the presence concentrations, and monitoring reinforcement corrosion. The
of high concentrations of chloride ions. However, at the soil- conclusions from the data developed in this study are as
air interface, where abundant oxygen is available, corrosion follows:
proceeds at a rapid race. This phenomenon appear to be of
importance in tructures submerged deep in the ground and 1. The compressive strength development in plain cements
only a small portion of which are exposed above ground. If was not affected by placement in the aggressive sabkha soils.
these tructures are placed in highly contaminated soils, rein- The compressive strength measured after about 540 days of
forcement corrosion i initiated at tbe soil-air interface, whereas exposure to the sabkha environment was not affected in fly
the buried portion remains free of corro ion because of non- ash and blast furnace slag cements, whereas the compressive
availability of oxygen. The small anode (t:he soil-air interface) strength in silica fume blended cements was 70 to 80 percent
compared witb a large cathode (submerged portion) leads to of the 14-day value.
localized cono ion at the anodic sites. Reduction in the diameter 2. The compressive trength after about 540 days of expo-
of reinforcing steel in deep foundations placed i.n sabkha oils sme was 75 to 90 percent of the 14-day value in pecimens
to the extent of more Chan 50 percent has been bserv d (23) . made with a water-cement ratio of 0.35. The Compres ive
The reinforcement corro ·on data indicate superior perfor- strength in cement mortar pecimens made with a water-cement
mance by bl.ended cements in resisting reinforcement corro- ratio of 0.5 was more than 100 percent of the 14-day value.
ion compared with plain cements. The corro ion rate of steel 3. The water-soluble chloride concentration in all the cement
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