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Learning a foreign language can be expensive, especially if you take college courses pay for private
tutoring. It’s possible to learn a foreign language from books or computer programs, which often cost
less, but practicing speaking with others usually makes learning more fun and effective


Learning a foreign language is challenging systems of grammar, and some languages use a completely
different sounds. And learning thousands of new vocabulary words isn’t easy, either.

*Opportunity cost

The opportunity cost of studying foreign language is the value of what you could do instead. Studying a
foreign language requires significant investment of your time, effort and money. You could do
something else with those resources, such as sped time with your family, improve your math skills,
increase your reading speed, study for the SAT, plant a garden, exercise or learn a hobby, such as


Knowing a foreign language isn’t useful for some people. If you can’t afford to travel or aren’t interested
in visiting other countries, you might never get to speak the language with natives. In addition, although
speaking a foreign language makes travelling more fun, it’s easy to get around in many countries while
speaking English knowing a foreign language is a prized asset in some careers, but it’s not helpful for
many jobs. And some foreign languages, such as Latin or ancient Greek, aren’t even spoken anymore

Negative side

One might respond that there are benefits to language study even if someone doesn’t obtain fluency.
They’re right, but there are also costs-and most Americans have voted with their time and money for
lots of things. Even with the resources we’re spending language structure now, and “we should make
them” doesn’t strike me as a response to “ people don’t value this particular course of study” that’s
worthy of free society that respects human dignity and right to choose. Studying foreign language is a
waste of time given all the other things she could be doing .The trading tongue is all you need,
depending on the times the trading tongue changes. This learning a new language is only around mainly
to cater to immigrant groups. Is it more efficient for a nation to learn language of an immigrant group.
Why are we putting effort into teaching languages when they are barely capable of learning their core
subjects . Rather than propping the students up by giving them easier courses and spend more time
with real courses. And it is also depends on the field your going into. All students should not have be
forced into learning an unnecessary language not needed for their field of study. Sure, some people
need to learn it if they plan on doing into a field in another country, but not all plan on doing so.
Learning new language isn’t easy for a lot of people. Some students already have a lot on their plates,
and adding unnecessary stress doesn’t benefit everyone. Forcing a student to add foreign language to
their difficult course load can cause what some scholars have called, language anxiety that is similar to
stage fright that can create physical symptoms and has cause many sleepless nights for some students.
Learning of a language is such a costly investment and absolute distraction, and not to mention
frustration. In conclusion, it shouldn’t be required or forced to have unless having a good reason in
doing so. According to Thomas Sowell, “ the first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is enough of
anything to fully satisfy all those who want .” In other words you can’t have it all. By choosing not to do
another, and additional language study would have to come at the expense of something else that
people, facing the incentives and constraints they currently face, have deemed more important than a
little more language learning.

Possible questions;(affirmative side questions)

What if they work in abroad?

-foreign languages are not important when pursuing a job because most people know how to speak
English that’s why are English is the national language

How can you say so that is a waste time?

-sure some people think it’s a waste of time or that it’s boring and complex, but it may come in handy in
the future. Yes maybe the student will stay in the same country but what if they decide to go on a
vacation or look for jobs. Learning a new language will allow person to communicate and also to
understand diversity.

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