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Page Four
All-Star Deluxe Events of i The will . of Susie Dresher of .RESUMES MEETINGS
Perry has been admitted for pro-1 The Catholic Women's Club heldjWm. Hurlburt, Mrs. K. VanValk-
I bell," Miss Mary McDonald, Mrs.

d e n Iris Inn| 4 Vaudeville Show bate and letters testamentary have the first regular meeting of thejenburg and Miss Mary, O'Brien.
been granted'to Isabelle O'Brien jseason at thevillage park pavilion] The next regular meeting wilW
by Strine Temple of Perry and Ray and Robert Quae on Monday evening, Sept. held oh Monday evening, Oct.
kenbush of Bliss. The deceased-Forty-five members were present.) 4th in the church hall.
To Be Presented at Buffalo passed away-on July 14tfi and left A.delicious tureen supper was ser- - " • •
L U N C H E O N S AND D I N N E R S -Memorial" Auditorium ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO a wiU dated August 26, 1940.There!ved at 6:30 p. m. by Mrs. Luella;
is real estate valued at $2800 andlShaughnessy, hospitality < * a i r - ; L ^ ^ ^ C H - ^ T O R T
''This morning I laid the last personal property at $2,000. Af-i man and her committee: The fine; Mr. and Mrs. Peter LaTort-
Served daily except Mondays The greatest all-star, smash plank of the foot bridge'of the ier disposing of some personal be-;Program prepared by the presi-1announce the marriage,-of their-
vaudeville show ever staged in Niagara Suspension Bridge^ I then loneirifis Susie Dresher left the'dent, Mrs. Andrew Romesser was ; daughter, Angela Marie to William
Open Until November 1st western New York will b e pre- : drove my horse to the Canadian residufto IsabeUe O'Brien of Per-:greatly enjoyed by all. Those tak- Luckenbach of Perry, on Satur-
sented September 30, October 1. 2 side and back. There i s no railing ry.and on her death the remainder [ing part in the program were Mrs. I day, September 11th.
and 3 in Memorial Auditorium, in on the bridge .which is 8 feet wide, if any, is to be divided among five
Reservations Appreciated connection with the State Shrine 220 feet high and 762 feet long." C. nephews and nieces. I
Council convention in Buffalo on EHett,.Jr.—For A; Frank;
On petition of Norman .W. Tall--
r i i o n c 39-F-4 Castile the same dates. It will be an a-jjr's: A supply, of, Naramore's eel-j St. Michael's Csiliolic Church man of Gainesville h a has been
•i mazing two arid one-half hour!ebrated grain candles with.Beardsi Rev. John F. Donohue, Pastor : named administrator of t h e estate
i"i entertainment spectacle made up ley's scythes, warranted.—Carpet-1- Masses en Sunday at 8:30 a: m.;""«y" """"'"f""'"' Wi .«»»•«'»?
M of a huge array of real all-star ing of different qualities from 20c|and 10:C0 a. m . . ; ; ° r r.t3™ r 5 ™:",Tallman of Gam
JWAC-WAP RECRUITING acts, all of- whom
- are famous
- on to 4s6d i - jesville w h o died in Gainesville on
radio, stage and screen.
Topping the dazzling show will-,
. i
Churches of Christ.
- Christian Science ^service Sun-
. : p r o p e r
• £ ynl
v v a l1948
u e d a leaving
When Buying a New Stove
t $ i 0 0 0 and real
T h e K . -.
I Application for original enlist-! be none other than • Hollywood's' Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. day morning 10:45. Sunday school
II Q u , , ^ , ^ t h e s i x chnd_;
II ijment in the Women's Army Corps merriest, maddest hoydens of h i - Navy, who is now in San Fran-110:45 a . l J u y f r o i n >our local bottled g«ls dealer, who oair
Wednesday evening ren. N ^ n ^ T a l l m a n . o f s i l _ ;
; and \Vomen'& Air Force are nowlarity, Bud Abbott and Lou Cos-: cisco,has invited bids for the build, meet ing includin; serviee vou promptly a t all times.. -We- have a
—Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Hau of being accepted . according to M- tello who are coming direct from ing of coaling stations, at "Pago-!healing 8:00. testimonies of v c r springs. Grace Boyd of Canan
daigua, Adelbert Tallman of Nun-, .'|joo<l supply of stoves on hand including combin-
Grnnd Island, N: Y: are the par-:Sgt. Benis, officer-in-charge - of the film capital for the.big shbw.lPago, Samoa, of Which he h'asi "Matter" -is the Lesson-Sermon
ents of twin daughters born on,the local U. S. Army and U. S.Air! according- to Elmer C. Winegar,'charge. He says at least a year will subject for Sunday, September 19. da, Lester Tallman, Loretta' Tall-1 ations and g a s ranges. ' \Vc also trade stoves.
August 30th and named Julianne Force Recruiting station, County Potentate of Ismailia Temple and be required for its completion.—.Golden Text "Turn y e not unto m a n a n d D o n a l d Hallmen of Silver
Marie and Juliette Marie. Mrs.) Court House, Warsaw. Henry P. Brohkie, who is prcid.uc-; Rev. George Williamson Smith of idols, nor take to yourselves mol- Springs.
Hru is the former Mary Ellen Mc-j Applicants, for enlistment in the ing the show and who is the man Trinity College; Hartford,. Conn., ten gods;. I. am. the Lord your' Jeremiah C. Harrington of Per- Russell Gas Service
Gee, daughter of Mrs. John Mc-1 Women's Army Corps must be 18 behind the famous annual. Shrine was in town last week. He was God" (Lev-. 19:4). • *ry has been named administrator
of the estate of George W. Harring Phone y 5 9 - l t 2 1 W e s t Buffalo S t . Warsaw, N . Y .
Gee of Fargo street, 34 years of age, unmarried, ho de-jcircus. . jborn in Warsaw and spent his1, -____'-• .;
—Parents and teachers look i n . p e n d e n t s under 18 years of age, The extra added attraction will childhood here. During the Civil Immanuel Church ' . ... • ton of Perry, who died in Warsaw
ion Sept. 2. 1948 and left personal
next week's paper for notice con- possess a high school diploma or be the glamorous Ina May Hut- War he .was. chaplain .of the U. S. Evangelical United Brethren
property valued at. $1,000. The
cerning a preliminary meeting oh' Xew York state certificate"of equi-, ton and her famous radio and Navy, serving under. Captain Geo. •j• | .Rev. David B.'McCleery. Pastor .heirs are'Jeremiah C. Harrington,
.Sept.. 30th to discuss the organi-; v iiency and be of excellent char- stage orchestra. Ina, enchanting Dewey the hero of Manila.—L.H.'[ Sunday,. September 19th:
.brother and Kate. Driscoll of Ge-
• zation of a Parent-Teacher Assoc-jacter and physical condition; Qual platinum blonde beauty who gy- : Humphrey and Miss Harriet A.]j 10:00 a. m. Morning worship
•;neva". sister.
iation. jifications for enlistment in the rates a la Calloway in front of her ; Gates were, married last Thursday.! 11:00 a '.m. Sunday, school
: —A dinner party given last Suni WAF are the same except that ap- band, is one of the most decorative | •
" _ •_ _ __. ; ___-_'_ •_ I Wednesday, September 22nd 8
cfry by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mil- : P ii c a nts must be high school grad- personalities .in show business.' FORTY YEARS AGO 'p. m. Prayer meeting in the chapel. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED
l w of the.East Hill honored Mrs.juates. I With blue eyes, saucy nose, whim-j Governor Charles E. Hughes will
William Sutcliffe on her 79th[ personal interviews . b y . WAC sical smile" and a figure full of pro-';£Pc?k at the county fair this .year.]I.j\Iet'hodist ' "Church ' j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gavin an-
birthday. The guests .• included^ ;i recruiting personnel will be given J vocative curves, _' "Ina is guaranteed " D M. Cauffmari moves his fani- E d m u n d T . R o w e . Minister, nounce the. engagement of their
Miss Mary. Lockwood, Miss Edna, processed applicants at .the .Buf- to keep audiences on the edge of ily to Rochester this. week. C. A.L Worship service at 10:30 a m .daughter, Charlotte"Ann to Fred-
Lockwodd and Miss Edith Schher-;f a i 0 i N . ' Y . , Recruiting Main-Sta- their seats. jVan. Ai-sdale has rented his house' Sunday school 11:35 a. m. • "erick Yauchzy, son of Mr. and Mi-s.
merhorn of Geneva and Nedtiori. Post Office Bldg., on Sept. Probably no actors in Hollywood; 0 " Fark street.—Miss Mabel Fargoj OfTicial board meeting ,_ .. C. E. Yauchzy of Perry, the wed-
Monday. d i n g t o t a k e p l a c e . t m s f a l l
Miller. 122, 1948 between the hours of 9:00 history stay in character as much|S av <r a veranda party on Satur-, 8:00 p. m
—The next regular meeting of: and 4:00 p. m. ..",.. :r as Abbott and CosteUo. The twol da >' afternoon. in honor, of Miss Mid-week service on Wednes-
the Women of the Moose will bej . '•','' '••'• ;' — T — '"•"• are noted around the film capi-jLouise Menner of. Jersey City.— day at 7:45 p. m.
held, next Wednesday evening,!' tal as having as much fun b e - ; T h e r e was a $7,000 fire at the Wil- _ Mancuso Theatre
September 22nd at 8:00 o'clock.; ALVIN. B. HOWARD tween scenes "as they do while be- ikinson plant last Thui-sday even-j The United. Church •" !
in is
Alimembers are Urged to attend. Alvin B>. Howard a retired ma- fore the cameras. The Abbott-T: S- #. thought to have started • Congregational and Prcsbylerian
—Miss "Elizabeth Meng- enter-i son of Dale-died at his home on Costello method of provoking: i n t n c cupola from sparks thrown j Rev. Thomas E. Asbury,. Minister 2 BIG DAYS
tained a few of her friends Mon-j Tuesday, September 14th. He waslaughs isn't ali inspiration borrijup when the hot metal was.pour- Sunday, Sept. 19th: .
d'ly evening-as' a farewell before: born in Dale on Dec. 26, 1869, the with .the actors, however. in to the forms 1
It's;cd Service of worship at 10:30 a.m. T u e s d a y and Wednesday
th<?y return to college. j son of Rufus' and Harriet Jenks hard work. The two have been t o - | in the south sanctuary. Sermon:
THIRTY YEARS AGO "The Crying Need for a Christian
•; . • • •• '- I Howard and was twice-married, gether ' for nearly two decades; j SEPTEMBER 2 1 - 2 2
AUXILLIARY rfirst to Jennie Austin who diecl'in during which time they have stay-j u tWyoming cd 64 000
county people c o n t n b ! 0 f T e n s i v c _ N o w / . T e x t : .- H i s S p i r -
u n d s o f flour to hel
ELECTS NEW OFFICERS . ! 1 9 1 1 a n d then to • Elizabeth ' S. ed up all night plenty of t i m e s , - P ° P | it was stirred in him. when he saw
feed t h e
. The ladies auxiliary of the Wal-j Jenks, who passed away April 21, figuring out gags for the n e x t ! starving Belgians.—Ev-; the : ehy : wholly given to idolatr>--"
day's performance. . angelistic meetings are in progressj A c t s 1 7 . . 1 6 ; ' • IN PERSON
ter Klein Post of the American: 1921. Surviving h i m . are a step- at
Legion held its first meeting of the json, Ralph S. Jenks of Dale, and Their ability to t a k e a n y g i v e n | uHenry. akeltown
Meissel's grove on the] Anthem by the adult choir, DUKE. ELLINGTON
fall season on Tuesday, Sept. 7th [a daughter, Mrs. Frank Rutherford situation and evolve a laugh f r o m ;dQ road.—Heniy J. Cross! church school for nursery child-
and announced the election of the: of Wyoming, two grandchildren, a it is based ori their special formula| le
? m
M»s village on Monday. ren 2 i_2 to 3 years, preschool and and H i s . Orchestra
following officers for the coming .sister, • Mrs. Frank- "Westlake of calling on Abbott for the; straight! l.ornmg.—Word hat Lt
has been received I kindergarten children 4-5 years
year: Lucy Christ, president; Mary Warsaw-and several nieces and acting and Costello for the i n n o - j - Henry Ten Hagen who.has. w m be held at the same time as
. On Screen
Burlingame 1st yice^president;inephews. The funeral i s . being cent-eyed stooging. To Bud and;recently been in France is now o n t t h c morning service beginning at

Louise Simpson, 2nd. vice-presi-j held this Thursday afternoon. Sept Lou it's all in the day's work, but way to this country.—Mrs.; 1 0 : 30 a. m . B o t h groups will mefet SLIGHTLY SCANDALOUS
dent; Grace Prentice, secretary; -16th. at 2 p. m. with.the burial in they.have to keep at it as s e r - j J o h n Undcrhill and Jack Under- in separate departments in the .
11 l e a v
Mable Smith, treasurer; Maude Mcj Dale. The Rev. Floyd Fennen, pas- iously as anyone else goes abouti"' e today for Buffalo to South chapol. This will p e r m i t -
Gee, chaplain; Margie Reitzel, S g t ' t o f of the Dale Baptist church is a job. If they quit acting funnyi™ 1 1 friends for a few days. . parents of these small children to.~
at Arms; Jessie. Van Order, public-1 the officiating minister. Mr. Howr between. scenes, they'd quit act attend church service- at the same -
ity chairman.:, ,! JaW,attended this:church.. TWENTY YEARS AGO ."..;
ing funny before the.- cameras), : time as their children are in t h e f
and.that would be the end of Ab- Mrs. S. W. Lambersori has're- church school.
bott and' Costello. ••.'..'. signed, her ' position in ..charge of '"' Church school for primary, jun-
Among the other famous enter- the Western Union Telegraph of-' ior, junior high, senior high pupils
tainers on this all-star vaudeville fice in-Warsaw, after 22 years of; and adults will be held at 11:45 a.
festival will be Johnson &. Owen, service.—Among those; on board m. immediately after the clcose of
thrills on- the parallel bar; Thethe'S. S. Roosevelt which is bear- the morning service.
Madcaps, ' harmonica. sensations; jing the American Olympic team to Entirely new and different-home
The Canadaires, noted singing Amsterdam", Holland is Ed. George reading books will 'be given to all
quintette; Kanazawa Trio, \vorId- of North : Java.—Mrs. H. L. Burr members of the .church school on
famous balancing stars; Jack May- and Miss Anna Wing; are entertain' this Sunday.- for t h e Gigantic
land, juggling on a unicycle; The Iing on Friday afternoon at Mrs. Wednesday; Sept. 2, the senior
Three Extremes; 16 dazzling danc- Eurr's.—The body of Kenneth P. choir rehearsal will be held at.7i30
ing' darlings and many others. Merville, 17, of Garrettsville, Ohio p. m. in the south chapel. .
Tickets are on sale at the Shrine who drowned in Silver Lake'has
headquarters, Hotel Statler mez- been recovered.--.
zanine. Box offices are open daily THE CRADLE
from 9 a. m. until 6 p. ml and Dr. Carl W. Pfanner of-Lockpdrt Recent births in Warsaw were: SEPT. 30, OCT. M&-
CHASTEK— Charles Tcrrence
Thursday from 9 a. .m. until ^P-jhas purchased the. dental equip-
m. Mail orders are accepted. The on.the 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. in MEMORIAL
prices are §1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. ment of the late Dr. Ben Smith Cha'stek of Silver Springs. ••'.
These are the prices .'for every- and will .practice here three day's SMITH—Diane Mac;on the 6th
one and for both 'matinee and e v - a week. He is a. graduate'of-the to Mr. and .Mrs. Donald Smith of
l l D. Mats^3:30; Eve?s,8:30
ening "performances. University of Toronto.— Sheriff C a s t i l e . ' •••'".'•'..•'
Mr; Bronkic urges all those d e - Lewis-N.' Spring will be the prin- MUNGER—James Buck on the
siring choice locations' to make cipal speaker at the county meet- 6th to Mr. and Mrs.- Alton Munger
reservations early as seats are "go ing of. the WCTU on the 28th in of Warsaw.
ing like hot cakes." Warsaw.—Edward B: Morris and DOODY .^- William- Harold on
iNPmmmr A Spe.cia 1 S l i o w i n g
Ismailia.Temple will be hosts to son, Terry have just taken- a the 7th to Mr. and Mrsi James L. The Masters of Mirth of N e w l y A r r i v e d
the State Shrine association meet month's trip" up the Great Lakes.— Doody of Warsaw.
ing andy' election in Buffalo O c t John Simons has purchased a new WHITE—Bonnie Rac on the 9th
1-2:. The. association includes in Buick. .8-cylihder " combination to Mr. and Mrs. Kermit White of.
its membership Al Koran Temple, hearse arid ambulance.- It is-- 20 Arcade. . -
Cleveland. Moslem Temple, De- ft. long. ' . •... •; DXJKELOW—Mary Susan on the.
troit and Mocha Temple, .-London, 10th to Mr. and Mrs. George Duke
Ont. '. ' . - " ; " " : \V. DyVIGIIT MILLER - low, of Avon. • .
One of the events of the con-". William Dwight Miffcr, a 're-
.vontiun will be coUossal parade on tired farmer :in'd former" assessor WEST IHLL BUREAU
Saturday, starting at noon from of Middlcbury who • had resided MEETS TlIE 21st
the McKinlcy monument up Del- in Dale since 1929 died at hi Mrs. Lcmar Fisher of -1090 W.
aware iy...ey muuiuncui-up ^ - j h o m e on Thursday, September 9. Buffalo street, Warsaw.. will be BUD al a very low price
to Chippewa to Main a n d , ,
down Main to Memorial Auditor H c w a s b o r h n M i d d l c b u r y o n the hostess for the West Hill Home
ium; where a competitive, contest October 1, 1867, the son of Russell Bureau members on Tuesday .even
| will be held for all-uniform bodies and Mary Larmorc Miller and on ing. Sept. 21st at 3;00 P. M,.Shc
ABBOTT of only '••
such as the patrols, chanters, March 12r 1895 ho married Clara will-demonstrate-the making of and L O U
bands and drum corps. L. Nichols. Surviving him are corsages.
Mrs. -Miller; three"children, .Mrs.
Ri'lpH Cross .of. Wyoming, Mrs,
FIRST GRADE WILL rUlcn Crocker of LcRoy, Ellsworth .''-.'. ml thth MADDEST They're l o n g , ample, skirled and ample sleeved
HAVE THREE .TEACHERS R. Miller of Warsaw,-five grand- B?i?? 7??5^7?5'5W7222a md MERRIEST
. ' , . . inaiiy.sliow gallant looking, swnsh-bucklihg
Milie' rof Warsaw'-
At a special meeting of the children, two brothers, Charles
Board of Education it was decided Miller'of Warsaw, and Flowd.Mil ALSO-IN PERSON! collars and.cuffs. Really handsome figure envel-
to hire a third first grade teacher. Icr of Dale and a sister,- Miss Elva
jThc present, registration of 85 was Miller,, also of Dale. The funeral BK2C7WK . . America'!. 1
- Graatett ' W^'-T'^'*• '-^J* ^ H
oping, utterly arcnrnble.coats of exceptional value..
considered' too heavy a load for • t UK V KV.I fi c K All Wool of " a variety of "most desirable
two teachers because some of the
services were hold, a t the family GIRL ivj jfc5ri23|^H
first graders had not had kinder' home in Dale on Sunday after- I/' -'ANV 'SISTER, TOO. .faHinntcrials that Will look well and l a s t well and
gartcn." The first grade is very im noon, Scptcrnbcr- 12th at .3:30.0'-
LEADER keep vou warm a n d smart .looking "for m a n v - a
"portanrto""cyery™chlld"an<i'"each clock with.the burial in Dalc/The Vr^jr/rartf/r.
child needs individual attention. RevT N T E . Miller o f Hoilcy, a for-
The kindergarten will be moved mer . pastor assisted b y the Rev. BS8i^^5
Ina Ray season.
to the Bcardsley house and the Floyd
new grade will be placed i n the let was a member of the Wyom-

present;kindergarten room.: It is ing Presbyterian -, church' and of

officiated. Mr. Mil-!
• •'"!

probable that some other depart- the Dale Grange. " .-- Come in and *cc them... .you"U be moat pleasant-
ments will be moved next year. - . The bearers were Irving Weber, Huge Array of Other
Carl Pflaum," Ralph Miller, Merle World-Famou* Enttr-
Miller, Lyle Miller and Leo Miller, Uintn-WflUa Showl ly, surprised at these special values, . .,,
WETDERSFIELD SPRINGS There were many floral.tribules
LOCAL DAIRYMEN'S LEAGUE from friends, relatives _and flelgh- S c a t s HOW m nla at
Borsi"' the . Dale" Grange, "Warsaw Shrina -Madqparttn, Mti-
The Wcthcrsflcld Springs local Elevator Company - and _Warsaw MONTGOMERY^ saaia* Floor, Howl Statler.
- MO. 9910-9911.
of the Dairymen's League will [Fire Department Relatives attend
hold a meeUng at the Quakcrtown c<i from • Rochester, East Aurora, •The Best of Shoes Since 1850*
Untitled Document Bax afflea i ^ w • A. M. la
• r. M.: TfcmAay. • A. M. to
'school, house C* Friday evening, Wanakah, Bntnvln, Wyoming and 1 F. M. Hnrcr Xo! •
'Sept 17th at * o'dock-This is an Pearl Creek.". -".- .' r ---.r WARSAW^K.X. Y P r i c e * , M a t . 4c E v « .
important meeting to attend vote
$1. $1,50 and $2
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street

" directors and l o c a l delegates. • Practically none of the .vitamin 13069

Our Shoes are X-Ray Fitted ] | "*" t*iH ^rv^PIH^l
Fulton New York •»'

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