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down aitivade, the Ai

and planing ae
[neaplane NC-4. compicted heltran satlantic Journey at 2:74|
|o'clock this afternoon. tracefully and easily, amid the
slopes of the Hoe ana
‘cheers of hundreds that had we green
o the British seaplane base at
\ ‘the Citadel giaces, end taxied
\the Cattewater: :
There she came to over, and Lieut Commander,
sno areas
Read and his crew went
sod a distinguished com-
receive the congratulations
s. ‘Afterward they were
‘ipany of British military aifitie
Bri Mayor of Plymouth at the|
Vofficially eelcomed. to s. 800 years ago, am-'!
‘Barbican, the very spot whe
rs of the British air foree.
barked: Then: they were than her first ntretelt.”:":
‘The last lap of the NC-+ tunate small-leek V:5—
attheMondegojed by merely ,a and she m/de |
\ rer descent ly righted
\the water jacket ofan ee ee
Oe ragetopars er
\a detour ip
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Cake ice

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easy grace. .
water with
Presidant Wilson has lB,
'miral Benson, Naval Chiat)
| Commander Read:
iy “Pleane accept-iy heat
accept for ae
A flight and
deep admiration. We are aly’
dideser.zéd the distinction: wos
| country,
~ “Early in the day¢* neSse
/Universal patusfaction wet
Nd) oe
/on w Saturday, ‘when the oY
broad waters of
slopes of Mount Ed,
completion of the longest
(Rochester was the U,-8.
va patch the a cline
About this book:

You may think you know the story of the Three Little Pigs
and the Big Bad Wolf — but only one person knows the
veal story. And that person is A. Wolf. His tale starts with
a birthday cake for his dear old granny, a bad head cold
and a bad reputation. The rest (as they say) 1s history.

But now it’s time to find out what really happened, in this
hilariously inventive retelling of the popular story.

‘Funniest Book of the Year’ — Publishers Weekly

“The words are beautifully put together, the pictures

highly selective, very dramatic’ — Junior Bookshelf

‘Children of an age to understand irony will respond to

its wit and inventiveness...’ — Susan Hill, Swnday Times

‘Makes mincemeat of the original version and is much

funnier’ — She
To Jeri and Molly

‘JS. and Ls. | 4

7 : -verybody knows the
: story of thé Three Little Pigs.
Or at least they think they do.
But I'll let you in on a little secret.
Nobody knows the real story,
because nobody has ever heard
my side of the vee
I’m the wolf. Alexander T. Wolf.
You can call me Al.
I don’t know how this whole Big Bad Wolf thing got started,
but it’s all wrong.
Maybe it’s because of our diet.
Hey, it’s not my fault wolves eat cute little animals like bunnies and
sheep and pigs. That's just the way we are. If cheeseburgers were
cute, folks would probably think you were Big and Bad, too.
But like I was saying,

the whole Big Bad Wolf thing is all wrong.

The real story is about a sneeze and a cup of sugar.
So I went next door to ask if Icould borrow a cup of su
Now the guy next door was a pig.
And he wasn’t too bright, either. ,
He had built his whole house out of straw.
Can you believe it? I mean who in his right mind would build a
house of straw?
So of course the minute I knocked on the door, it fell right in. I
didn’t want to just walk into someone else’s house. So I called, “Little
Pig, Little Pig, are you in?” No answer.
I was just about to go home without the cup of sugar for my dear
old granny’s birthday cake.
oan oy bay ¢ 2.
; :

ry 2 ga t An,

FO a geOy
Larry an no ee

e Ant Se - be iets ‘ 3
. fy apa 4 a ee
ae‘ Ky i,
0k. a Sti
| he A ia

That’s when my nose started to itch.

I felt a sneeze coming on.
Well I huffed.
And | snuffed.
And you know what? That whole darn straw house fell down. And
right in the middle of the pile of straw was the First Little Pig—dead
as a doornail.
He had been home the whole time.
It seemed like a shame to leave a perfectly good ham dinner lying
there in the straw. So [ ate it up.
Think of it as a big cheeseburger just lying there.
I was feeling a little better. But I still didn’t have my cup of sugar.
So I went on to the next house.

The guy who lived there was the First Little Pig’s brother.
He was a little smarter, but not much.

He had built his house of sticks.

I rang the bell on the stick house.
Nobody answered.
I called, “Mr. Pig, Mr. Pig, are you in?”
He yelled back, “Go away wolf. You can’t come in. I’m shaving the
hairs on my chinny chin chin’
I had just grabbed the doorknob when I felt another sneeze coming
I huffed. And I snuffed. And I tried to cover my mouth, but |
sneezed a great sneeze.
And you're not going to believe it, but this guy’s house fell down
just like his brother's.
When the dust cleared, there was the Second Little Pig—dead as a
doornail. Wolf's honour.
. & ow you know food will spoil
if you just leave it out in the open.
So I did the only thing there was to do.
I had dinner again.
Think of it as a second helping.
I was getting awfully full.
But my cold was feeling a little better.
And I still didn’t have that
cup of sugar for my dear old © \ . =>
granny’s birthday cake. |
So Iwent to the next house.
This guy was the
First and Second Little
Pigs’ brother.
He must have been
the brains of the family.
He had built his house of bricks.
ailment, dared

ann pnt ie

te Pe we retOn

i 4

&Sane ay Pie


I knocked on the brick house. No answer.

I called, “Mr. Pig, Mr. Pig, are you in?”
And do you know what that rude little porker answered?
“Get out of here, Wolf. Don’t bother me again.”
“Talkabout impolite!
He probably had a whole sackful of suigart
And he wouldn’t give me even one little cup
for my dear sweet old granny’s birthday cake.
What a pig!
I was just about to go home and maybe
make a nice birthday card instead of a cake,
when | felt my cold coming on. .
I huffed.
And | snuffed. :
And I sneezed once again.
Then the Third Little Pig yelled, “And your
old granny can sit on a pin! 1”
| t he

= i=oO = Y 5 < D ie} S rs

— os8 S = > obi rs= E | oO

I goal ittle crazy.

When the cops drove up, of course I was

whole time I was huffing and puffing and

sneezing an d mak ing area ] scene.
\ p-|

70 oe:


The rest, as they say, is history.

he news reporters found out
about the two pigs I had for dinner.
They figured a sick guy going to
borrow a cup of sugar didn’t
sound very exciting.
So they jazzed up the story with all of that
“Huff and puff and blow your house down”
And they made me the Big Bad Wolf.

That's it.

The real story. I was framed.

Some other Picture Books by Fon Scieszka



Some other Picture Books to enjoy:

THE MOON LADY Amy Tan/Gretchen Shields

SPIDER THE HORRIBLE CAT Nanette Newman/ Michael Foreman
COUNT MUNCH) Michael Salmon


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Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England

First published by Penguin Books USA Inc. 1989

Published in Picture Puffins 1991
20 19 1817 16 15 14131211 -

Text copyright © Jon Scieszka, 1989

Illustrations copyright © Lane Smith, 1989
All rights reserved

The moral right of the author and illustrator has been asserted

Made and printed in Italy by Printers srl —- Trento

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dhee eet aena cate ee ee. HL EP ap athe afin lt. «he ewe 4 i advise the acnerence “ S _--. | tude he assumed at the beginni: 1. > = oy . | V8 Se Ree te ae ee
eet ee beeen
OE s wy asked: *“Rarbata, oo.
world iilers zoomed into a great 8.
‘ the League's Court of Justi orestn this'court room?” 19052, if it [round the world wereInas excel-
over Japan's muin naval air base this
ng to change the organi Me eee pia a
nere. will be, no. sidedoor_
entrance. for, Laeb ard.
Ler the cirl in a vole WAS NO CYifcondition. upon thelrierrival here,
a] afternoon, coning to rest on the lake bigeye As ateuhing ue Court, that tnsteal iiaone' pei vhe wane teehee] be Ward fd. “Thi will ent? ving In. the. tenseness (-q se) and will
an were thelr alrplanes.. They
Hat B26 o'clock.
of the Council and the Assembly “ot thi gctiool No. 26 in Linoleumvill * . here a week: overhailing —their
wif Wajting at the tanding were Major ths Court’ seem, is tha arden se
ena Eieomield AVG”
QOOE Cie RATE BS theneg t+ continued |nes
the Diatrtet SUITS" Tf.<1 busands and installing new engines. -
Gen. Yasumitsu, commander. of the
LEee recaw, bd a eee teake Sametae3 Ste oe eee Pee, :
through hall-\:.” ‘dectarea = Sideration of watcherswhen along
raised cheers
at 5:25in
Army Air Service; Admiral Komotsy,
LC CeNe er IG ba Monee “the aa: aye ipeel the murder at P. x dtaken into the guard. |the sir, JUCEMENt 2 jrtront the alrplancs appeared
j] commander of the Naval Air Service; Council. of Signatories” and Ad tho day of Will find they..are under be lett hand at Hoffman, CoramMitled, ‘afternoon.
Mille girls entered a bus andiahe sea
American army and navy attachés,
sembly of Signatories.” (ed against the rail. in and that iS tenerth, three tiny blurs forming&|
edui| Governor Tsugtta of the local Province
The Pepper plan in this respect Is 4tq Hughes and Merrit! Avenuepline.”” night In prison wry at ine ; ent of hep-e the defenda; He tntne athe, metodrome ACTORS
ose} OL Tharki, and a delegation of twenty
drawn that It In capable of the £9 Bloomfield, near fier home. ir firat: G { poten abe
HUH ive pl leading ‘reslitents of the nearby town of hat while the Council an’ rr ‘from the ntMe ee nyiee ake hb i tion obviously took Al~ Didshe ca:
ayn] Tsuchiura, wearing Stara and Stripes Nant ercanip te achod in ‘court solitary and
fine accused man'x com) “If the Nearing tne landing :
Hterpelitek, ot the raguk are sitting Hains penigtbiare her home, piekert solitary’ that they will Mr,
ug ‘i badges and thelr bent allk kimonos.
otthemation could be made: to constitul ya a crulie chatr in
as ‘the Council ef Signateries kitchen ane carers the iN in thrated, possibly never
Tt over thal to. for it was the impres- jumped Ove Rs,pecond eethi Saterxfall
The airmen were late in arriving, due
sgain for fn an} heim Osh cho: deferdsy= heh inc
to & minor accident to Lirutenant Lowell Lea ae eereblg of Blanatorten’WorlA brOnt, tay betel. eee ee, to: one another hand turned and dipped with the
hed} Smith's plane, necessitating a return to the election of Sudgea of the :
ahop in Chelsea. Theil he roof of the BalWould be snadle to thather, thatt d¢,
a barbe, ugh under the ofsiant water fowls to the calm
Aveese. wetion “Court solitary’, Is a who could mwear sa
Her {i Minato when fifteen miles out,
Court: {ieA then =Albee Meritt . anton. 5
tha Jury
was- de) ouilty. thuslongest
ey tho
Mii day's them thelr
Might theof filers
The very men who constitute tlwnen they were nearing Seuth avesun : old statute providing thats way Si.Dre. ‘paver
The Japanese offierrs, medalled and
Bauer, was far behind
ribboned, were a startling contrast to
Couneit and the Assembly of tie Less} she noticed a. you
spend his first dévord sedan and shot and ~ <= \hije on the shores
resting tontent FOO of the
weGll “vonatitues
Ceakably reembly of, Hlgnatoriea,. save
/the COWWil beste ae a) nt vgirl pet ake ofectman nhd'e ttleciel, eter dial ae must
each year in prison ir mother, Mrs, Catherin 1 hull-ringet toa
sictee astete \earn‘in COnPMement. is, 1he YOUrTB sw ee fre yee ttle) ASTSS UPON jeween, dawn and eine oly brielly
Sa tae Mer eg cepronentatives of Ugatecre
| Merrill Avenue. separate rooms for then the Baver car less than that yOu (inate te re-fuel.
United States, s
oy j) Posing.
senator Fepper’s Rxplonation, | Barbora sald she watched the womat bere: your MINAS, fo"saltine hip
aso2g] Running a xnuntlet of countless re-
along? boyS Will kind, to. s* y answered "ques: rleld
be assigned‘Wardersnebi |if, 2 paudtes near
jyues| porters and photographers, the f{iern In ni statement explanstory of 148 ahe anda her brother-continued
had almost’ of some the
plan Senator Pepper anid: shoe, furniture art >¥ the prosecutor wi
“The resolution which I have-Intinue when shenoticed «man teeing yiprison has
iLwere escorted to the hangar, in which
tables were spread with chestnuts, aigni-
duced contemplates arherence ny:Nae ees on South Avenue, aulogho js, a stone a quarry and a NBs
jucation, Peshe mbar e
United States to the Permanent Cou Giraiking
* waw the younger woman
toward this candmalier. shops. uni
In one of thie be repeated to her
and d ’
Hevecet’ tenes shan (ana
International Justice In response to
0) naw. the will be put. to. work.
i Saevies rasds al recoromendation’ of “Trenident Iardl } ariver top hey will have no office worka revised question. Ju
representative of |and“ThePresident Coolldge. TelieofThee Conversation. Tee Wardenae 7h i seid, | re caat it, and_then
~ iayoffs and salary. cuts®
thefurther er iayoff:
resolution does not provide | ‘The Mttie-gicl, answerl \'* Whitman,
Diarict ‘Attorney Fach, saldsheneardpHeTS.,, ATE _Often spoiled byl # swe = clear snd <om—sources within the.state-city
of the Commit-
a new Court but accepts the presi
iesaaBrowsto the to weicome the Court. The present Judges continue totheman, ft
f to Office
adapt pusitions.
themselves . to }
prist'? leaned over, i
so thaeOfpora tion ~ne; gotiations dis-;
a Rete s erica: |officeand
hi American
the thejuriediction
4 the juriediction and and proced|the
") young
ye woman
ee speak
ee sked Me
« Cia rene 3 te Brg Pte) zis? o43 fers aneEToAY: * tes
4 e240 ip * eqgienrerets pg Gaal ee 5 Soaaiteet q if he had
dabei to. ing i gaked him g evyet Fy 2 : 3 ne§ B53 Byt*h as? But ‘whether Mayor Beeme
Pe qth stgpeaece iris es tee toim-
shes the legal authority
r UesSyiddectast)e,
J i a dial ig2
= EpSatpeeed
toot ;
endo ak 1 ZEELIE pens property lie within they
QERREER ors 2h" ELl Fes
2 the
he North:
Nort AAP pocoaaySHNEH.
©} ; zit.
aces z% higicys
ga 2g a
a i picdnters i Lea
gy lawyershny
y phic for thi
to sanassat Tr ano otsour faut eA 58 23S 2) qyituuos aavy Aeui city and the corporation.
. MeruuireaD “AIC 4 te “ C ‘ <i4m saqe15 oat According to sources on th
‘5 fata oun uopied corporation's board, there: i
aid asayy Aq pue Considerable support for th
‘ ‘tr ajonzy Aq aw Siew that Mr. Beame, despi
- > lind ‘saywis payun What are- called “gray areas’
‘2 )
sar WNOr
SHE ‘MON © invane the fraave:gubli
nang anon age
law, ought’to

worantors#t daa vanaiias 26} “a ‘Decisiveness' Needed

a ggen92325 3°
burjer jo Aypeued | S
uew © vonepel, This would not only nega
7 n 5
press std oes:
\, —
jo Avaudosd annpoesynney

Nt cam si sh penet aca = HS
amg anneroomate
as OF) THE) CRIM, [itesTe129YoRsJo pj ie teers
prew 431
an 0 eee S Sica Jouuo} &yvIN
“and Richar : i cgifear
rat Bee
rot Bi gu yanvud ‘ i Of JO ssaystuyur UsIa20) ayy, fq6
| deter
je spent in cel jeaddu ay) passopua osye gnbit er of $17,500 on Hughes, made bidication of the city’s
& Rawlins, cleaned oujination to restore its fi vs
s é ‘pa 39}., * -
‘ Hsoe cana Jou,Pm INTE ; pitentiars, pass -nustiioa ipneg-uEdéBq sux Mer, Adee
qriends again, It wanstate,ou took County Jg
Hearst money in sight. ‘SFedibility, Riwastes
{"¢ a8eq “uopsuaixe sy all the
qheir © the any ca) wrenmerernees on
erat+0C2KE operain frattlers| popul Lasera |44
Joss of awaken:
his Mayor
the jovial.
{ reparation
ti aaosdde 0) 1d48q eonpuy 0} bat pS taney Eaves! repThomas
-D. Flynn, chairma’
Lrtssoniag ood uonwatshpent an afternoon’ there was hope that
Mr. jrmeliy establit
Although Tevigoieal
ul 2010) sucIveN PovUn, itive put $1,000 against 4400 put uv the corporation, said
ponimqns oz suinyes > ne over @ new wage agreement, |their aul W sedueys ssoddo pmo jhschiia & Cammerer. 5 lav
\tatives. of the. bituminous coal} representation
ma- under:
a decisit reported a bet of $20) P; that declaration
: of
fq0. oq, 10m PINOA UNL,
In\the meantime th D9)? rs Brothes:
up plana for|
noanere today, drewagainst
Hee eaciyuca jo apy ope cs pardon
Bi } sesul
ice at 4 to 1, and WV. W. BexieS® freeze would be “the ki
92 sive campaign
ge Juz oF AvwApd
soft coal| gre sparring for ti*%*-
(ths were a le to jol us.eaJaye :AepuoW WSIUDAG:
PIDUMOU ivy. 500 atthisthetimesameWolfodds
[''s4 “About wit action that would be both’s,
9q3 UyUoje}Aosd o4L?
juseoud 0 Northern West. Virginia |nounced yesterday ou {| -UE JaUIgeD dy; ‘jaeasE UI] Brotheidget-cutting step as well .a
five 5Democrat!
19M0}| Bittner, chief representative of| of the
usus erie Ista aya-papnyo (eed that they had $40,000 to 2 PS3indication of decisiv shail
q Hey Av] ote Mine Workers In-that terri-| at which the
ip ye pouxioyu; aie {ya ¥t an identical telegram to Secre-| |benextdecided upon,Democriiot:
“) es
¢ time,
Sabie t $10,C00 onwhoHughes.
B uE, re Tt
had Hughes mone But it can’t be so:
“OD AByy gnbrunmiuos quLof
Mf BUY IB eq) JO WO}R}ACId Commerce Hoover and Secretary iia ‘amounts of less than $1,000 Nat smacks of cosmetics,”
4 pfetbeeh Davis Senior meenih made-efter John H. ¥ * Sinow on, t' doest!|pepsdoa7 sam, sudisisap yO
*0ayeD apisino:xejduiod) difficulty "i unterthing grated. “It’s got to be real.”
oom yng
aa ike |.
Areas saywg PAGAL 2X0ptehoes aig Neckar aahAe tetet Est noiseribo Taanee when
ANTS aU) t
eerofsmall ‘Bee ‘were : reported ene jeaders Gf the ci
94} CON,
jO. aS POS,
Tammaint’'s + leat hia Gell tae)
en na
ay ene th n-} |hye the Hotel theVanderbil(-
POFSOMAL ISLOTY, AVeunenpuy 01 vlad fusnoa
tee ceo1Appa fia tain, atsybian
haba “URMJEH 1 O48 | ;
om t eroutoout‘sce Dugan, who announced that
a id = + imously and vigorous!
or Rep 6 ,000 to put on Hearst
> s. preven situation for en hour
™ave freed from the bu faUOdUI-MO] B JO SOO ays O7/!% ‘was reported to have put inced the concept of
hap abd arae apis patos’J agreements {t will |tindéheor. July - >»21,
jokey for the miners of the en-| ) Netther Mr. Olvany nor Mr.) thels
iS f v
since jamngquywos pinom wiqeay ipnes TN tite in. the afternoon witZe.' and several have sa
Pe cio versation, Mc i ae .excep! ba: mur IU ORD SAE hy
oO} r iu B.
pies pue- yueg
of the f -dkBQ aify 02 S){paio: up writting jon HERE Ar
eee ee:into insolvency rai
agreeing to a free z
Emith at 4 to 1. |they would. prefer that th

Sum ous, pleven money Got toe Sam Ne) tarit

A Og
of £9 W00'000' OES 38 Paved otcountry in a eke atrike.""| heen wholly informal and th ee reparation
a Gate pitf face oo mena naaonoor| he en add Tree-e oPState's 4-008K PaBpard ose dx
Bet hed. “Prier to zakelrowe : BpsINYyL Se21dxe PPUBW!ative of Henry Clews Ener before. the aut! & Co. ly.
sified that bis firm had)$5,000 to >)Explanation¥ Planned
4910 bay C. Townsend, chief counsel| the”
MONBIAI TeURULS i jay Jolict, some £01 547 -oypioo qousi-dely
owe ou 30 21120 miners inNorthern ‘West Vit- i epee ssazSoid|is proposition, but no taker
. t telegrams to John D. Rocke- > ofun- : iy
Hall, who € isbree id helipad) He ; de rice. McGraw & Co:, howeve® COrporation board will’
chs Sie aayead on eased Siaceiver(olleas| case nieteve ckale secs Senay witness for
1a even covermember
YI S¥afUN TUS Lass in putting $8,900 at was said, this
mone Upon them morning m
reece Pans paveueo. nite erienion 4
proceedings have been |nimact¢,Conter tn MeCusey’s fhowclpal “an explana
if$9910} SUONEN P2lUN JO "Pia bet, of which $3,000 7
ornyii A that “‘the verdict W. A. Scott toe derauie w
“FL “PINE Te ia xws sun pealned hundreds of miners and
ivoy Jo syaujels uv sujiwd nities, and that armied guards} | as held in nad ate isoa Selous Chas aut Jo jemauiaa yD0]q Ojplldrick & Hall.; Nowha a
hivconttasies hat
( miners. eS Ripeosticnhth :
Cooey's office. at the Hall ofy-ou 4 3 er Eh es Hyeouty §,jd48q pesiopue i Ayyeun)| of the seine pecreed; Shy
pWOS, ai pe eames ee males T
to laugh might - i
lay theiate
pod 400 film 37 “snujuy uh the Bethlehem ‘Steel Corpora-| 17 Brooklyo. 9What they, tsikiqr, rabsae ay A.C ff; —
j Avpoy ‘quay
inne storie.Inclined’
S14 2901S ABP) aetesthe. were that canie Up fOfcts," s impact. theing a
na caynpayse41}70 genvo|control of the Bethlehem Mines| can only be ‘surmised, for 4 Was hcooniplish Nearby, at 100 Centre Street, be to the effect that 4 and 5 t -
fort he corporation prepa:
announced yesterday.)
9 JOU ‘a{quUUO;IZ0FqO 9q O}Lion. Mr, Rockefeller a supposed |N° announcement after their} Wilson Wain-|the afternoon session “of, the|""ignes were the current odds P|
It was preaumed. however. : and Mrs,
“£a plow BY <w) NIV
*edajop suo o> UUMy,
OU, (ntereated. In ‘tho Consolidation|
sole topic was Mayor Hylen'sgnt of Olean, N.Y, Werelarraignment part of Criminal be He Rn Ske he this morning to con.
in'Court was, about to: begin. In|, cr Ut°tne mtetropole, where
i he *list of options dra!
Bee eeteeoadt puajrae of Matten-Wide Btrtke.
us vIqNoNoBidwy aw Rpsvsod! rt
et a renominatior ety. to oiling in Foley. Square
to get a renomination for Mani
re tof er et oui charge of about $3,000 ¢. force headed by it eee
ne di
Bitt-! secteq for the next few asva/er Manhattan, looking at the; ithe Re he
+ Hes!
jeiay ploy 0} prwo mojaoup thetelegram sent by Mr. both friemlic buildings. dingy, cro : » laws es money put against $1,000 fu ‘ive “director. _Her
ynbad Uy uoperAoad’ Hoover end Davis:in| |sure
aux, jecretaries coal from sources de-
ere were these devel/’ ee
unfriendly to the Mayor and ; B
y to make a lot of ¥ at
il vers and policemen,
damnilivel te ees coon ae
“your eveupmq sual larga companies
ay pue siateden #40 eeouen West Virginia, among whom |arm aapivations. An emlasar tS BOINg
$ poUspjAd 117 ‘eTajaJJo Kan: Bethlehem Mines Corporation, Hearst <reived in pple mad, but I can see why ounged. on ths oak banction ie a ~ = Shanker,
Ree anker, | president”
; cei00 veibanes
oo }
uspsoITV’'9q PINOM G1N}2011%}diary of the Bethichem Steel showin: i Mrtainwright sald.! i
ne#4om suena ; ‘ia Great} 2 me rane ib ‘hetwaiting for'the judge to return thithe Jamaica race track yesterds United Federation offPid
5 rst micema)g to shave aa nae Heke Blumenthal, one of the JargefS, echoing other city peqyua:
a) Pate ar ge i Hal Mayerson and Peter VeDa- raters among the bookmakers on’ ti!eaders, said that -hi
A iid ata)
$ our Sresceeslei ok
8} senate . sia!
SUnited States DA angieeret
mated Vast vena tracks. announced DefOrchin “Will mnt annant
et rrcreacig yore thananytiing ape, Decmise |Jona. thathave, Deen ot
Line “84 been nochingeinthesituation |for_several >monUin.,
8 4ePaTE oFwoNergo ‘Soper cent, hud Tataeantas a _
Oy .,/PRzITeIs 9q JOU TiMweleas miners, thelr wives and | ches city at a tine w'
F suopapasd, £usoor# PUL... hildren are being evicted from | crucial to Mayor FE ISBN 0-14-054056-3
1 PWe 680] FT AVIENWomes by theno coal companies |¢uture, Word had prec Ly rut fort
MOQ O4y UIA 491990) ‘AMT ®ehe miners will not agree to
02} XPL Om IVY) PUT LAN! ang abrogate the terms of the
|Atiantle City, whore he + Nixon!
‘pending part of his -holftq~\!Nana— 9 1 1
which te effective |was coming to town for on January NS
See asian oaype ene
PETIT or.are ere AGF
Hiundteds of ||Weloat contiretoty, or. Find(orn D)
cnaeaeial © ‘Pacey being employed to |questioned yesterday. dele j
pie akoM 911)70CEULITS late, men
coerce and force our people |was aware of ho such
4 td ino
SUN{IIAL SAN WIAISAGP tits reduction in wages. which he was to be 1974.
093 99 0} UMOYR Jou wHM
mf: wioay Supypnwos oq + 94d ene
peroadan youwap teeter country thetd
people of our thts |that
tend his return atofthiethe
@ meeting clerks
Fee wonypuoD wirenyqAs arrived when the Govern- Board, ze on the Ji
U.K. £4.50
eu) JO MONE, BApywpuoMdudays
(the United Gtates should |
Hearst Expected_ yon the in
position against abroga- sa $8.95
meideooe 0 nite
sdsoovpmoms ‘wage contracts by the. coal
Fuaao “lia oun cincace heVitea bore than ei) ~ AUS.
(r dat
Pyecnp 2oyeueg Mie banot ce nate Rowover, wasthegeneral<]its. delibe 9"780140
ang gpa repair tag ae s{ over tele: ecommended)
[WHO;eROLByage agreements broken down

yteq 20U OP:WOO] —a1


My “9A Arwe1009 method warfare |of Mr. Hearst's political anVotes A
jMotepe 149999 IM part of theand writen eonethngVir- wana "thesBianj ofHyeles of Impi
Mahone aees oop Onerec earalerm aa ae. :

qadaidawat Ot Faocac net certain acts or omissions: occurring bee a i raat

arearMays WowMULercD o rad on Peluany:atioyy
mies i 8 n from the “Office of President, Richard" nfo) ainattons /Bageey” te Jp llshiadl n Silipo gor
dedeud. -39uy w¥t Y OUHDG
rails Di toulgeueeee S ;
Oleiou wun The Mall 3 . No words can describe the depths of my regret) coins plane. een ir thera a» “the Ceaiel
iy VibeAisehi
Piacoa capngeoteoenab Slt aarti, Si, tan PRtention oftx oP Hable: to possible indictment and trial! at the anguish my mistakes over Watergate neler even,fifteen miles out,
ami pare metal ABM, so saat ds wyatt ojwa h e ERNE articih un jSt the United States. Whether or not he prancepancse offienrs, “medalied ana) Court...
the nation and the Presidency, a nation Iso di, Hbbones,
As) OW WOOD doe et NON esOP MUGS HE Iretand,” whivigted depends on findings of the appropri-'! led speed 5 ae als a Mbbonel, ow
were a startling contrast fo] The very meh, whi

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