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G.S.C. Is Memberof SouthernAssociationof Colleges

Voted for G. S. C.
Chapel Exercises
ON U,S,ENTERat Meeting In
First Histo~y Clubs SHOULD
Include Debates Charleston
"WhenShallWe WORLD
Pres~en?r=:o:~eed~axwell; THE
Dr. Parks, Dean Scott and Dr,
. Walker Attend
Vice.President, .~a2el Hogan;
Go Horne?'' Much Interest Was Aroused Over Secretsry-Treeaurer, Is Question Debated on December
Evel)'ll Owens 7 by G. S. C. Students The rGeor,gia •St·aite College for
the Poll
December 19-January 4 Set as Women la'Rt ·Weak was voted full
Final !Dates ADOPT 3-FOLDCONSTITUTION NEGATIVEVIOTOBY memfbershi-p in the southern Asso-
560 TO 231 FOB COUBT ciation o,f iColleg,es in the Annual
Dr. Parks Dec. During t,be last two or ·th.ree mont,hs Fol' the ,first tim,e since G. s. c. The World Court question is oue Meetln,g -at ·Charleston. Thris meana
19-Jan. 4, as the date for Christmas has had a Hi,s.tory depa.l'tment, a clwb which IJ.1a.screated quite a bit of in- that the •work of the College is fully
the ,topic creating the mrrst interest, standardized, and thait the degrees
hoMday,s, has been organized for the students terest on our campus. It ·has been
No· student is to !be allovted to and the most discu.ssion, is the World who ,are making au extenlve study in discussed by individuals, by Y. W. C. and credits ar:e accepted 1bythe otller
leave ibefore ten o'cloc.k on the r111orn-Court. !Not only on our campus was that pa.rticuia.r field. A. cabinet and by special World colleges and univ·eraities in the South
lng of Dec. 19. The Beauty Special it such an .all important question, but On ,saturday morning, Dec. 5th, Court groups. and in the Unlt-ed 'States.
will learve is 'bur.den o,f h,a;p·py stu- on every campus in tbe United the cluJb·met f.or the pur,pose of for- The culmination of this interest The Collegl3 was ,represented at
dents ·shortly aiMer cJ(llsses stop. ma.11,yadopting 1a -colliStHu,tion,-and was displayed Monday night, Decem~ the Charleston .Meeting by Pr,esddent
States. Never ha.s an dnternationa'l M. M. Par.ks, lby Dean E. H. ,Scott,
These announcements were made to elect the offlce1'S -!or the year. ber 7, ~t the Opera house.
on 'Thur.sday, Dec. ~O. On the pre- question arous.ed more interest
'rh-ose who •were elected are: Mar- ReJ1resentatives from each of the and by Dr. 1Qeorge Harris Wehber.
ceedin,g day, at chapel exer,cises, the ~mon,g the 'Students or the United jorle Maxwell, ,p.resident; Hazel four classes debated the subject: T,he ·progres-s and advancement of
topic of goin.g home was lbrought up States. Hogan, vice-pr,eei-dent; E v e I y n "Resolved, That the United States of th-e ICollege-in recent years have been
for discuss-i'on lby the students .. The The pu·rpose or the intense study Owens, secreita.·ry-tl'easurer. Grace America should enter the World remarkalble. ·The . .standards have
question was whether it 'WM 1bet,ter was ,to ·prepare the students to vote Ta.Ylor was elect-ed chairman of the Court." gradually been ,raLsed during the last
to 1gohome .eairly and return eady, or prog.ra,m commlttee; ..Frances Hin.ton Tlle affirmative side was debated tiwentyJears, and degrees ha.v-e been
to go laite and return late. The wllether ·or not the United Sta.te.s and Frost a1·e to serve on,,thia.t hy Eleanor Hatcher, Senior degree given siuc~ 1921. Tbe requirements
opinions diff-ered, but the majority should enter the •world court. committee also, representative, and Margurite Jack- for admi-saion to th-e Freshman Class
seemed to have gotiten the holiday The voting on our c.aDl'pu,stook 'rhe ,put'lpose of-tti.'t~ c:lub is three- son, Sophomore representative. The w·ere rai-sed to the :t;lrfteen•unit basis
~:::_f - .
-l'llil'it 11.nda.dvocnte,d lea vlngi early. 1>lti.ce ··of V.ftal in- negative· ·side was cbllm,pio.ned by
··Ttie~diiy, Deceim1b·er8. , Vofos 'fot<l·:"'·to-··tna:,k,1f"lii~t~J.;f in 1917. The Faculty hais been en-
i I Because of the diverst.fled opinions, were cast by all s-tudents aud mem~ t·erest to students; 1to iturniish a Lorene 'Teaver, Junia. and Mary larged and strengthened 1 find the
Dr. Park.s called for volunteers lfrom bers of the !faculty, Oolle'ge is 11ic,w doin,g St-andard Col-
means of ·gaining ad,dltional knowl- Parker, Freshman. Each .speake1'
each class t-o come to the pla,tlform edge on current problems :Which are revealed much enthusiasm and inter- lege wor~r. Full mem:t>ersMp in the

and plllblic:ly give arguments for The results were 560 in favor o.f not included in the regular course of est, and the speeches showed con- Southern A-sociatlon of Colleges is
ed1ther st-de. · M eaich argument w.ais entering th-e.Court, and 2 31 a,gadnet s,tudy;to furtbw a co-QPerative s.pirtit stant a.nd intense preparation. After another step .fol'l'Ward.
presented it ~as received with hea.rty entering, 'l'\hese results will be sent flllllong those who are majoring or about fifty minutes of arguing, the
n,pplauae from the. student 'body. to .the "New Student", a ptl!blicatdon Ill~no.riug in Hlatory. judgment was rendered in favor of
Those sipeaklng in ,behalf of th-e for siudents, which rwi-11
inform Con- The cl u,b desires to share i.ts rwor.k the .n~gative side. New Structures Re-
"early" plan, were: Winifred Chand- grass 0 f <the ·results of all col'leges with t,he eDJtir.e student-lbod)' by
The judges were Dr. Johnson, Dr.
ler, Margaret 1Meaders, Mil,dred Fo-s- which have taken votes. m-ea.ns 00: open .fo1·ums, discussions, Webber and Rev. Harding. sult of Fire
ter, and Helen Pollt. favoring It is hoped that this lnfo_~mation a.nd debates. So much interest has not been
the late •plan were, Frances Hi.nton, will have quite a 1bit of welgitt ,wh_en shown by the college this year as was Main Building Burned One Year
Marjorie Maxwell, Polly Moss, and
C~rolyn !Cheney.
:::,.~atter is thrashed out in Con· FRESHMAN
COUNCIL manifested the night of the debate.
Before and after the debate, the
Ago; Is :Replaced by Three
New Buildings
-'Dh·e-old saylng t,liat "Chriatmae opera house rang yells ancf
comes ibut once a year", 1-sbeing aip- songs of members of t·he classes rep~ 'rhe classroom and administration
Class in Education
prec,iaied to the ifu1lest, and ev..ery
student .plans -to ma'lr,e the moat of Gives Mental Tests HOLDS
MEET resented. Virginia. Arnold was Se- building of G. S. C. W. was complete-
nior-Sophomore cheer leader, while ly destroyed by fire a year ago Mon-
this hoUda.y season. Annie Candler led the clleers for day morning, December 8. From
Ed. 27 Group Visits Eddy High Former ,council Presidents At- luniors and Freshmen. that day through the three hundred
• School tend and sixty-five that have followed the
Training School 1n Mrs. :NlcKinneyis New reconstruction has been continued.
The scholastic work has beia-n ham-
Otis Sellf-Admiwtering '!'est Is The IForeshman Council, composed
Full Swing Used of thirty elected rep1·esenta~ives ot Dietitian. pered very little, and other difficul-
the Freshman class, held its first ties •have been· ove1•come as well
Diligent Teachers Are Carrying Th.e class in ·Tests and Measure- meeting :Monday •ftenoon, Novom- Has Charge of Atkinson and Ter- throug,b splendid adminstration a.nd
On Work Begun on Deo. 1, ments has ju,st completed ta. surv,ey ,of ber 30, in the Y. w. IC. A. room. rell B. Dining Halls co-operation. In' spite of the handi-
Date of Second Term Eddy High 'School (colored) of Mil· The ,girls eagerly entered the room cap the college received the greatest

I }edgevllle. A calieful etudy o.f tbe and were ready to take up their Misses Dickson and Henderson
Worlt in the 'rraining School of reSUllts~ill ibe made and ·tthe records dutie, an<i N•opon•i•hilities. How im·
the Georgia. State College for Wo- turned over t~ t·he iprtnci,pal of th-e portant th:eY ;fel.t! Th,ere was. no,t a
Are Assistants
number Df aipplicants ·tor 1925-26

lmown in its history.

A larg~ classroom building, mod-
men is :progressing smoothly. The school. Acltt1.evement tests were gl,rl present 1who was not aware :o·f Mrs. Boza M-0Kin11eyof Birming• ern and adequate in every respect,
second term, which was begun on glveh in spelling, ipenma.n1,bi-p,ari,th- the and itrust that her c-lass· ha.m,, :Alaoo.ttla.,ie .tbe n0-w dietician has reached completion. '.J'hls im-
December 1, is .being carried on by meU.c, 1history, geog,raphy, reading, mates had in hoer. at O. S. !C. W. .She iis filling the po- posing structm•e fronts West Han-
n corps of diligent teachers. and composition. Tio secure the in- J.ayme Weeks, vJce-ipresident of the sUJon recently vacated by ,Mrs. cock street, and its massiVe columns
The plan of the Training School telligence of the students the Otis Y. W. •C, A., c:alled the meeting to Moore, now .Mrs. J. F. Bell. The offer a fitting vlow at the head of the
consists of four terms for the year. SeLf-'administerlng 1Test was used. In order, and Mary iMoss, a member of large dining room in Atki11Son Ha.11 pared drive.. At present, classes are
This is so devised in order to enable all prolbabJlLty follow-up tests will lbe the cnlbh1et and president of t11e and the smaller one in 'Terrell Anll!eX being held in ,practically every room
each member of the normal-senior given in ,t11.espring and careful com- Junior cl·ass, off.ered a. faw /Words -of B are under her supe.rvision. of the building.
class to teach sixteen weeks, and parisonis mad,e, prayer, Mr.s. !McKinney has 1be.endietician The new auditorium, which faces·
during the remaining sixteen we,eks, Those taiking part in the survey Alfter th,e roll call, Mtss Oma Good- at La.grange •Woman's College, Wes- Clarke street, is well under way.
to o:bserve others <teneih. Thooe wet'€ Misses Ba.gley, Bela, Bigham, son, Y. -W. C. A. Se:cretary, leyan, and GulJf Parlr, •Gulf Port, This promises to be a magnificent
tea.chars on the first and third as- Brantley, Br1'ghbwell, L., BrigM•weU, led a grou1p ddscu-s·sionon the runu- MississJwi. In talking charge ,o.f her buUding which will greatly en·hance
slgnwents, observe during the sec- R., ICamp, .Candler, Carter, Clark, tiona o'f the Freshman Council. S,ome m·any .duties, her.e, she haa shown the (Continued 011 page 4.)
ond and tourt11, and vice versa. Co1maly, Cook, DeJournette, 'Hen· of the questions discuss-ed were: the albillty 1and efflcl-ency characteristic ==============
Similar plans most success- d1,icks, (Mool'-e, Moran, Moss, New- needs of the campus whlirh have .been or long exiperienoo in handling such Dixon n.r,e her assistants in the At•
Cully used 111the leading colleges for som, Pye, Salter, .Slwppey, Taylor, me.t, and also the needs or the -cam-p- probknns and in denli11,gwi,th g,l,rls. kinson dining hall and Annex B din·
(Co11Uuued on page 4) Tbomipson, Freeman and Mr. Wrynn. ( ConMnued on page 4) 1
Misses Joyce Henderson and Leila lug hall res,pectiv€ly.

T,'--, __ M_E_R_R_Y __ O_H_R_I_· _S_T_M_A_S.....;__




(Apologies: A Visit i'rorn St.

Each evening, immediately after
It has ever been the aim of The
dinner, an unusual and comical pa~ Fo1•mc1.•Student ts S011g Composc1• MISS AMERICAN 'rhe members of the club insist
Published bi-monthly by the s-tudents of the Georgia State College tor Nicholas) geant is presented in the Gym room As the new class room building for Colonnade to place itself on an equal During the past few weeks the
Stop! Look! Read! G. S. C. W. WOMANWEDS MR. tl1a.t the success of the social is due
Women. of Annex C. The girls are preparing students! 'to
HOME ECONOMICS the efficiency of the Social Com- the Georgia State College for Women footing with other college publica- students on the campus have been
Subscr-i1>tion Rates: $1.00 ,per year. '1'was .the week before Christmas, for Christmas and not in the way one
Do you realize that one of your mittee .and Miss Myrick. nears completion the .twenty-eigh-t 1 tions. In order to do this, it was given , an excellen,t opportunity to ex-
Advertising rates furnished upon request. and on College hill, would expect. An event of great interest to all
Th~re was laughing and chattering, former classmates and teachers is rooms are belng used by the differ- necessary to systematize and organ- press their own ideas and convictions
Making use of their reputed orig- ,the members of the Home Economics SENIORS PLAY SANTA
no one could be stilt inality and wisdom, they have hit
fast becoming famous? She bas ent members of the faculty, where ize the entire management of the r ~lative to war and peace.
written. the words and music to a Club and faculty was t·he wedding of CLAUSTO JUNIORS they will continue their work.· Since paper. This has been going on and
The books were all placed away with upon a schemEl entirely different from On Sunday night, December 6, at
STAFF song, and has had it published. Miss American Womnn to Mr. Home
Anna Eliza.·beth Branch _______________________________ Editor-in-CMe! For great care, any of those usually thought of in Economics, which took place Tues- the fire, one year ago, the college still is taking much of the efforts of Vesper service3 a splendid· program
holiday plans were now ·in the The name of the song is "Wish- The .Senior Degree -Class en,ter-
Hazel Hogan, Mar.guel'ite Jackson, Ellen McKee ________ Associate Edi.tors
this connection. Their choice proves
ing." day evening at 5:30, at the regular has been working under a great dis- the Editor-in-Chief and her asso- was given. The opinions of differ-
air. their right to .<Jaidreputation, tained the Juniors at a Christmas ent people were brought together
Irene Lamkin, Martha Hendriclcs ____________________ Btts-iness Managers meeting of the club, advantage for room and each in- crntes.
The girls seemed to have the Christ~ If,- by chance, you should visit the And who is the composer y·rn aslt? party Saturday afternoon, December and made composite. This reveale.l,
Margaret Meaders ____________________________________ ,Society Editor Miss Ima Member played the fu- structor considers that fortune has Now that things are more in order,
mas touch, ~one other than your own Caiolyn the thoughts, purposes, and ideas
li'rances Harris _____________________________________ Alumnae Editor
Gym room at the appointed hour, you - neral marc·h from Lohengrin as the 12, in Ennis basement. The spiri.t of
They_ sewed on ribbons, and laces will find them sewing, writing cards, Eubanks. In 1923 she receiveJ. her the approaching season filled the, come :to, them-in the new building, the paper is being sent away for concerning war and peace.
wedding party slowly came down the
Margaret Hightower ________________ -------·---- _____ Exchange Editor and auch. Normal diploma, in 1924 her diploma '!'he music contributed much to-
t>lanning presents, parties, and aisle. 'rhe flower girl, Lillle Vita- atmosphere and the Seniors forgot At present Misses Dletrlch, Bailey, printlng. Since last edition is has
And even at night, tuclced snug in in pianoforte, and in 1925 she was
Lucetta Lawrence ________ --- _____________________ - -- ___ J olce Edi.tor frocks. No, you guessed wrong, You min, scattered health-bril1glng greens to be digni,fled and the other ch1ss llarron, Thrash, Padgett, Barnett, been going to the McGregor Com- ward malcing the service an im-
their beds, one of the instructors of music at
Kathleen Monts, Sypper Youmans _________________ C-ircnlation Managera will find them bending and bowing, in the paJth of the bride. The dainty lived up to their title of Jolly Ju- Scott, and Napier, occupy rooms pany, Athens, Ga. An example of pressive one. The choir, made up
Visions of presents danced in their G. S. C. she now lives in Macon and entirely of Freshman girls, processed
Eleanor Hatcher ___________________________________ seni,or Repol'ter jumping and hopping, gracefully ac- little ring-ibearer, Paul P,rot.eln, car- niors. The Christmas decoratlons
there, Dr. Weber has Room 28 of their workmanship is 'rhe Red and
heads. is studying at the New England Con- from the back of the church to the
i.\'la1·yHyman _______________________________________ Junior Repol\ter
companying the directions and mu- ried the doughnut ring on a beauti~ and the lighted tree gave such a fes-
'rhey shopped and shopped, with sic issuing from a vlctrola. servatory of Music, at Boston, Mass. tive air to the party that the guests the new building for his office. The B1ack, a neat, well printed paper of choir loft. They sang, "We Lift
ful scrubblug-brush pillow.
Jerry Harris, Amy Dicltson ______________________ So,phomore Reporteri; blytlle spirits and glad; In living up to the ideals placed
A program more inspiring, more The bride entered alone. She car- irnmediately became children who High School Department is using viory attractive appearance. Our Hearts to Thee, Lord."
They bought beautiful preseuts for mirth provoking ,or more earnestly before her while at G. S. C, W., she \
Mr. w. H. ried Rn enormous bouquet of col- readily .believed in Santa Claus. Room No. 16. The high grade llrinting done by Ruth Vaughn led the devotional.
Wynn-----------------------------------·Fa-oulty Advisor
Mother and DaQ,. and diligen Uy carried out, could is not only malcing au enviable rep- ,-->· lards. The groom met her at the Christmas Carols were sung and The fact that the art rooms al'e
the McGregor Company, along with
One was made to feel that old fellow-
But one day from the campus there hardly be planned for your holiday utatlon for herself but is reflecting various games were played. Santa now in .the same building is a great 3hill no longer s,hould remain but th·..:
altar wlrere they were joined in their spirit of co-operation, is ap- .eilowship that is broad and free
arose such a chatter, 11reparations. credit ·to her beloved A,lm.a Mater.
marriage by Reverend Charles Car- Claus himself soon appeared with a advantage with relation to material.
The townpeople ran to see what was For further ·details, apply to the bohydrate. The ceremony was im- huge paclc upon his shoulders. The woodwork department will here- preciatecl by the staff -and entire stu- should be sought.
the matter. G. S. C, W. girls who are reducing Miss Mary B. Brooks, s~pervisor After the distribution of the bulg- after occupy Ennis basement. This dent body. A pagent followed, given by
pressive in its slmpli-city and solem-
Freshman Council girls: "War or
Christmas is coming again-we hear the glad tidings that rang out on Some of the brighter ones decided for Christmas. of the Intermediate Department of nUy. The bride pledged to abide ing stockings from Sauta's bag, de- is quite au improvement over the
that first glorious Christmas morn nearly two thousand years ago. fast, lightful sandwkhes and punch were old shop i-n Terre11 basernent, Peace?" The speakers entered sing-
G. S. C. W.'s Training School, is also henceorth and forever by the four-
That going-home day had come at MARTHA STORY GIVES president of the Alumna Association. served. The new classroom building also MISSIONARYSENDS ly. F-it'st bhe Diplomat gave hi:,
We are turning our minds to gifts that will help spread the message teen laws of nutrition.
last. furnishes the fonr high school grades :liniou. He argued that the United
of Chrlstmas~time to our loved ones.
The greatest Christmas gift in this old world is appreciation. You can
And down at the station, what should
PURPOSEOF SCIENCECLUB She received her Normal diploma in
1915, and the following year began
Today when I interviewed Martha teaching at Thomasville, -Ga. In.
Mrs. Horne Economics is the love-
ly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ameri- COMMISSION I
BREAKFASTS of the Training School with roomfor
AT NESBI-T WOODS them to carry on their worJr more
TO ptates
.ions, in
was falling bebind other na-
that our country was not
can Parent. The groom has a long
give notbing that l\-iill. please everybody more than that. But the Beauty Special, 'twas really Story, president of the Science Club, 1918 she returned to G. S. C. W, as efliciently, acquiring rich territory, that the
line of distinguished ancesto~·s, one
quite clear. sbe stated that the purpose of the a critic teacher in the fifth grade, On Monday morning, December 6, This new building setm.:s tv a~t Freaks of nature are always very United States had entered in treaties
Somehow after you spend your pocket~boolcs and yourselves in the art of which is Dr. M. M. Parks of Mil-
The girls scratn'bled on, the train but it was necessary that these be
of buying gifts for your friends, maybe it isin't worth your time or money.
club is three-fold. First, the club In 1920 she was promoted to super- ledgevHle. T·he many friends of the the Sophomore Commission hiked to as an incentive tor hetter W•1l'k and fortunate in having one that is very
left so quick, endeavors to stimulate interest in visor of the Intermediate a most successful year is t1.nticipv,ted. ~upported by soldiers and money.
Depart- popnlar couple join in wishing them Nesbit's woods for breakfast. interesting, and G. S. C. is especially
Yet-what can you do? J; went faster than reindeer of dear science among the students; second, me111t. Before she was elected pres- A gang of sle·epy, but happy girls useful as well. This freak is a piece The 1\'lilitarist emphasized the fact
a happy life on the G. S. C. W. cam-
If, just before the Chriatmas buying fever sets in, you were to stop and old Saint Nick! to create a better understanding of ident of the Alumnae Association she pus. stole quietly along t11e different dor- "Ever been in an acc 1d~nt?'' of petrified wood which is supposed that the glory of a nation is measur-
sit down and really think about the thing that wQuld be most pleasing
Each girl waited eagerly, M to her f:lcientiflc probh.•ms which have puz- was treasurer an'd later, vice-presi- mitories to join the group gathering "Nope, but I've refe;·eod ba~ketb:11! to h'B.ove· 1been a ,p,iece of yellow pine ed by its success in war. He de-
station they came, zled the members: and lastly, to be dent of the -organization. oy" CABINETVISITS in front of "the fountain." games.''-Texas Rang:~r. Several years ago a. Milledgeville clarer! the soldier's part is a most im~
to everybody, you will realize that EVERYBODY wants to be APPRE- The jolly conductor called each by portant one for they will be called
a social medium in which the stu-
CIATED more than anything else. name. dents in science may come to kuow
McKINLEY'S WOODS Miss Goodson was 1the chaperon from an Arizona forest.
upon to end war until the end of
on this occasion. Ou arriving in the Eve knew better than to try girl, Miss Katherine Sheffield,-a
One of the worst ,crimes that you can commit is to assume an unappre- And each cried to the rest of her one another better. Gladys Newsom, who was a grad- time.
uate of '24, in the music department, "Even if sides fall, come to 'Y' woods "Presidents" of the fires, eggs, tempting Adam with anything she gradua:te of G. M. C, and a former
schoolmates so dear, "We meet every second and The Financier insisted that tllti
ciative attitude. You load _children with toys, books, and 'b1·ight ribbons. room at 1: 3 O sharp. Do not go to bread, bacon, etc., were appointed had cooked.-Drexerd, student of this college-left Georgia
But what Your child wants more than any of these is a gift of YOU-your
"i\ferrr Christmas to all!. And a hap- fourt·h Tuesday," she said to me. is teaching ·at Monticello, Ga. din'ln,g· rro[.4mY NL~tices lilce this, to see that everything was prepared, for the west. She was to enter the wealth of a nation determines its
py New Year!" "One of these meetings is a busine;s

The fires were lrnpt brightly burn- Shed one more t0ar for Samuel Government Indian Service worlt. power. It was said that the United
appreciation of hi5 worth.
In truth we all lilrn to be appreciated, Some muy call it ·flattery. Yet THE INDIVIDUAL IN
.. meeting, the other is ot a social na- ffather~ne Haney, '25, is a mem- -·---. _ "--r---bers
, in the rooms of cabinet mem-
Monday brought them together . ing and bhe gh•ls gobhe1·Pd around Crnhb, About three months ago, Ooth U. Sta!es
:1.s a nation should attcm.r,t tv
the wealth of weaker nations
ture. Due to the time necessary for ber of the facul1ty at Abbotshurg, -,- i Anxiously they waited, wondering Iaughing and talking, He wore kid gloves in biology lab. l\L C. and G. S. C. received pieces of
we like and furthermore, we enjoy it. THE PROGRAMOF PEACE the organization of our club, we have s. C. what was meant by the queer sum- The delightful breakfast was end- -Exchange. petrified wood to be used in the Sci- so that -the pendulum of the balance
If you waut the real Christmas_ spirit in your life, study to appreciate
been able to have only one program mons, This w·as answered when ed with a chorns of "Silent NJght" ence departments. These gifts came of power will swing to America.
every living being you know, "Woodrow ,11 1nsou gave the world meeting, At this meeting we dia- Virginia Foy, '25, is teaching at Cliff Taylor, president of the "Y," by the en_tire group. And everybody He-"Do you want to marry a one- from Miss Sheffield, who is now on A strong, stirring speech was
cussed forests and the value of for- Bainbridge, Ga, gave the foHowing invitation: hated to see some of the girls leave eyed man?" the Indian Reservation at zenith, made br the Propagandist. The pa-
If your pocket-boolr does not permit you to buy preaents, it cannot ,pre- the greatest thought of fifteen hun- ests and trees. for eight o'clock classes. She-"No; why?" Arizone. The vari-co-lor-ed roclc is triotism of America's sons was pie-
''Is the wanderlust a-stirring in your
vent you from appreciatin·g the admirable qualities of t-bose whom you meet. dred years when lie said: 'I had rath- "It has been auggested that we This was the best "get-together" He-"Then let me car.ry your um- certainly a curiosity to many of the tured vividly, The giving of their
Evelyn McMichael, a graduate of veins
er fail in a cause that ultimately tri- post the scientific and common name meeting ·the Commission has had in brella."-The Joh.nsonian. students here. lives for their country, He gave as
As the glorious Christmaa season. draws near, and as: the Star of Beth- '22, has a position in the public On this cold, crisp November day?
his philosophy, "My country first,
lehem shines forth its measage of Pence and Good-will, may the glot'i~us umphs, than triumph in a cause that cf each tree on the campus," she school at Palmetto, Ga, If it is, will you come wit-h us a good while and they hope to m.ake
right or wrong,"
,~dde,1. it only one of many, fo1· play is ever
rays of the most precious of gifts, APPRECIATION, shine upon all thtllt ultimately fails;" and his life give!:! To a spot not so very far away?
She also told me that the club is
come in contact with you, And may you appreciate more than al11 other evidence of his complete belief in to nave a bulletin board and in con-
that theory.
Frances Hart, '25, is teaching the
There'll be fun, just loads of it,
If You'U only catch the spirit.
an incentive to better and m-ore en-
thusiastic work,
IN EXCHAN-GE Soldiers representing Russia, Aus-
tria, France, Germany, and England
things, the spirit of Christ who loves and appreciates us all. nection with this, a question box in first ir,ade at Macon, Ga. She was told of their experiences in war,
So sannter off with a girl you've
The individuals of the world, and which the members may place ques- vice-president of Ennis Hall laat Dr. D. E. Phillips, professor of The North Carolina College has a Each declared his life had been given
--------,0,-------- known-yes MISS HASSLOCKENTER-
the nations as a whole, crave, in a tions, which they desire to be year, t'or freedom. Too, they were afraid
But not so very well before; TAINS H. E. SENIORS Psychology at Denver University, de- good idea of setting apart a room o( criticism, and this forced them to
HllLP FILL THE MOUNi'AIN CHRISTMAS BOXES most human way, not ultimB.te tri- answered. clnres that co-eds do not seelr educa- where the students, individually or
A pilgrimage of friendship. Get it?
umph but present succei;s. Glutton- "Since this is the first year a sci- Nell Wilson is employed as a fifth acitlon when summoned.
Then come a1ong-let's go!" Miss Hassloclr delighted the tion as a tralning for a career. "Noll: i-n groups, may come together and
ous a.s they are, they would have ence club haa bee1r organized, we grade teacher in Reidsville, Ga. She The Student appeared. Immedi-
Anter finding a partner according HousehClld Science Seniors with a one out of ten expects to get a jol:l. discuss problems of the state, na- ately the question wo.s asked, "ls
Express your Christmas cheer by lielping fill the "Mountain" boxes on fame, reputation and glory fed their hope to accomplish great things," was a g1·aduaJte of '26.
to t11ese instructions, -every one set party Monday a~te,rnoon, Nov-ember tion and foreign affairM, with an in-
each floor. bodies, their minds, True courage '3he said in closing, 30, at her home. The 1hOstess enter-
Nine out of ten plans to end their this what we have done in the name
out and did not stop until the· Mc- structor. This not only broadens the
These gifts are to be the only Christmas that mountain children wm is the demand for ! sacrificed to -Edna Harris, Julia. Capel, A.B., '25, is teaching Kinley woods were reached. There tained in a unique and charming
careers at the altar." Which goes student intellectually but it trains of Him who spent His whole life and
have. ·· a cause that fails. 'rliere is a laclr pers"Dll'ality opposing hatred, greed,
at Midway, Ala, fires were buiH under the trees and fashion. Treasures from al,l corners to prove that college is the greatest h_im in the a11t of conversation.-Ex- and hypocrisy?''
of vision of the success that looms WITH THE ALUMNAE
If we faiJ to help, it meana t·hat some child must be left uncared dinner cooked-just the ltind of of Europe were displayed, and the matrimonial bureau on earth.-Ex- change,
for. in the far distance-a vision beauti- The Student then directed his
It means that some littJe fellow will be cheerless instead of Joyous. Miss Essie Carson, '23, is now meal that suits app&tites whetted by owner told some of each one's his- change, s·peech to the Diplomat:
ful ill its magnanimity: a world pro- Miss N:tna Clarke, a graduate of tory. She secured them while she Twenty-five schools were 1·epre- "\Voe unto
gram. Mrs. B. J. Perry of Ridgeland, s. c. a brisk walk in the wind, you, impious ones, who traverse sea
'22, is head or the Home Economics After dinner a short meeting was was touring Europe in 1921. sented at the Conferouce of the Bap-
Students at the Presbyterian Col-
11HE SPIIUT 011' VHRIS'l.11'-IAS
A league that involves nations of at Seventh District A.. & M., Powder
held. Then homeward the cabinet . The finest linens and laces from tist Student Union of Georgia which an!l. land to malrn such proselytes."
the world, nations designated by Springs, Ga. Grace Hurst, '25, has a position in
1 turned. 1~he "Pilgrimage or Friend- Bru-sseJs, Paris, Ireland and Venice;
lege are to give up the-ir dinner on was held at Mercer December 4-6. So did criticize the Militarist, Finan-
myriads of customs and manners; a the hlg-h school of Adel, Ga.
...._~- ship" was a su_ccess! tiny Scotch poem.s bound in the plaid December 14 and to provide a Sim- The Cluster gives tl1e purpose of cier, Propagandist, and Soldiers;
The giving at Christmas-time could be greatly changed it it were possi- league that means peace, liberty and Miss Josie Slocomb, '16, is the 0£ the clan to which each belonged; ple menu in Hs place, the difference the conference: "To bring the Bap- showing them that their policy was
ble for every .person to read and really appreciate Lowell's "Vision of Bir brotherhood, cannot be secured in Elementary supervisor in the Atlalllta Muzette Hunter, '25, is teaching
' not the law of Christ. Jesus said.
exquisite lingerJe and trinkets from
Launfal." a year. 01· in a score of years. Tihere Public Schools. SCIENCE CLUB in pri"ce to be ·given to aid in the tist church members in the non-cle- "You -must love your enemies un.J
near Washington, Ga.
Some pea.pie wish that thoy could sleep th1·ough Christmas and be are two rigid demands that must
ENJOYS SOCIAL Paris; coins from every country; Nea.r East Rei.ief -movement. 'l'he nominaitional schools of Georgia ln help them, You must lend to them
bills that were worth hardly more c'loser touch wJth the churches of
relieved of tlie many demands their sociail position makes upon them. precede this final triump'h:, gen- Miss Lulu Kemp, '22, is teaching Frances Burg.hard, '26, has a po- On Tuesday afternoon ,December than the paper they were printed 011, Blue Stocking states that this was thoir school towns, and so promote without expecting a rewarcl."
Others who. are in W,oderate circumstances are worried over how to make erations must catch the Woodrow near Marietta., Ga, sition in Macon, Ga. She was treas- 8, the Science Club· entertained with in allver, yet invaluable because of decided by a unanimous vote of the religioua spirituality and denomina-
their money last for expenses and also pay for the present.a t-hey wish to Wilson vision; and second, thoae fol- urer of Ennis Hall last year. their novelty and asscoiation; beads student body. tional activHy among students." MISS TUCKER
give as well as those they must give, All this would be done away with; lowers must possess the courage to
if the story of Sir Launtal were fuUy appreciated,
Evelyn Johnston, '22, ls a mem-
sacl'iflce for a cause that cannot give bor 0£ the. faculty at Dorleu, G_a. - a panty.
Ennis basement, the scene of the of every hue and description from
merriment, was decomted in gold Veni-ce, France and Belgium; theso
As one watche~ the .gifts in the mail there is a wonder of the motive them, nor their
back of each, Some for the pure joy or giving; many ·are given grudg- the final success that is desired,
children's chlldt·en
- Annis Lee ParJrer, '26, has ac-
cepted a position in the public
Sadie Miller, '26, ls t~aching o.t schools of Adrian, Ga.
and white, the club's colors.
With Dr. BeGson and Mr. Scott
only a few of the foreign treas~
rrhe Winthr,op Journal was voted, The Collonade acknowledges re-
by the South Carolina Press Asso- ceipt of the following exchange cop-
cia1tlon, the best college literary ies: Mere-er Cluster, Johnson1au, Ro·
One of the most enjoyable events
_fogly because they duty gifta; many in order t'o receive one inj return. Nationalism pulls the nations of Elko, Ga. The two most wonderful rthings, to magazine published in South Caro- tunda, The Southern, Blue Stocking, of the past weelr was the recital
leading rival teams the club's slcill
Sir Launfal in his prime threw gold to a leper. The gold was valueless the world apartt; individualism and given on Tuesday evening, December
Bernice McMichael, '22, is teach- in archer.y was re.vealed. Six out of the Seniors, ·was a scarf and 11 fruit- lina, Other Winthrop publications Florida Alligator, Gold and Black,
10, by the pupils of Miss Alice Le-
becaus~ 1t was -given from a sense of duty, When Sir Launfa.1 was "o/1.d conunerciallsm draw the nations of Gwendolyn 'l'ony, '25, bas a 'l)Osi- ing tli-e founth grade at GreenvUle, twenty-three managed to get an ar- bowl. The scarf was a lon•g fringed won four first places and one second Emory Wheel, .Sid-e Lines, Alchem·
and l'agged and gray" he shared a cruat of bread. This gift was so great the world together, But militarism tlon In the ·bank at CarrolHon, Ga. s. c.
row inrto the target. This would hnv'e ceratton from the silk looms of place. We congratulate Winthrop i!:it, Red and Black, Watchtower,
nora Tuclcer, The crowd assembled
and imperialism ·have grown out 0£ She was president or Mansion Dor- at seven o'clock in the Mo,thodlst
in vo.lue he t11ought he heard the voice of Chris,t saying: put even WHliam 'l',ell to shame. Venice, The fruit bowl was beau- -on her swpe1·ior journalistic work. Pine Bt'anc-h, Aiganis.tic.
iudustl'ialism. And t·hese uegaitve m~tory last year. church.
"The Holy Supper is lcept indeed, Ross Harrison, '26, took a prom- Amy Jioues, in the final con{test,1 tiful in itselrf, wHh Italian carving,
forces exist in tbe world today be- The program represented many
inent lJ.)-art·in a s'chool teachers' moot proved herself the best Cupid e.nd but· its fascination lay in the clear, Misa Hassloclt set'Ved refl•eshments
In· whatso we share with another's need,
Not what we give but what we share,
cause individuals of nations laclt Douglas Montgomery is employed at Jeffersonville, Ga. was awardod the prize. tinkling music it sang when wound
in her own charming fashion. ·Th~
~brist1n1uito famous composers in a number of
vision ;laclr faith in a of aa a fourth grade teacher in Orlifin deUghtrnl songs a11d ballads, r:L'he
For the gift without the giver is bare." peace. The lndlvldunl 11 hns eyes u.nd Gn, She was a graduate of '26, ' Alice McAlmurl'y, '20, is now a stu- Miss Myt•idt played magician and up by a sprin-g underneath.
Haaslock .passed around
lrnda.:l(. guests ri,turned to the campus with
f>ur ~llberti.srrs
! rendering of each number represent-
It 1s no Joy to g-ive in order 1to receive, 1'he only Joy )s not to:-give but S'&es no-ti" and more .tban that he
share what w:e really need. rl'hat ls the. spirit of Ch1•ist ht our Christmas does not possl3ss the courage that
- den-t at Lucy Cobb. She was the · ~----·
Marga1:et Holman, '2fi, Is teaching popular presicleni of IDnnis Hall laat .l
juggled balls for ,the group,
-...__,._.,-·" A game of Quartz was next in scenes she had taken while in thG darlc pluns to go ba.c1con some dis-
l order. Merle Mort•is won this, afte1• Alps, Scotland, Venice, England, ,and ma!, moonless night and escape wJth
Be tbankpouforpour
ed the patient worl{ each girl has
<10110 this fall to mnke her notes clea1·
beUef demands. I I.he sixth gt'nde nt Gl'iflln, Ga, , year. '· Germany. that. 1n·tceless E1carf. and true.
· a strenuous match.

ChristmasGifts, '
Legislature have co-operated
Dr. Uarks 111making this un- WHETHER
usual progress possible, No man in
ToiletArticles, (Continued from page 1)
the state could have )ed this group That's not the qurslion at present. It
of Georgians more efficiently and en-
is the lime for good
us which have not been met. cheer, and we hope to see you another year.
Stationery thusiastically ~han has Dr. Pat'ks,
111 her most charnntng manner.,
Cliff:·'l'a.ylor,,Y, president, introduced
He has ,given his skill and his efforts
untiringly to the manage,ment of the CHANDLER BROS,
to ·the Freshman Oouncil, the Cabi- college and to the accomplishment of

PHARMACY net of the Y. W. Although the
net mem1bera were not -there "in per-
son, she ·presented th-ell' names so
this great result that has been at- -----------------------------
The progressive spirit of the pres-

PHONE 118 that C<>u11e11 might becom-• ramlli•r

wtth the nannes of ithe girls with
ent ,tudent body is characteristic of
the instltutlo-n. They are anxious to
Th·e Mi'lledgcvi'
lle Banki'ng Company
whoon they are to work. make every year count for a greater ---================::=====---~
Aif.ter 1Cliff',s talk, three fonmel' G. S. C. W.
presidents of Fr,esh,man ,Council in Extends to G. S. C.
CityBakery orcler: •Anna E\izalbeth ,Branch, Polly
(!Mary) Moss, and EMzalbeth Gr·een,
gave in a most delightful manner
IN l'ULL SWING El most \tor~ial .\tbristmas
some of their exiperieri.ces as coun- (Continued from page 1)
COCOANUT MACAROONS, ALMOND cilor.a. training teachers.
MACAROONS, KISSES, JELLY Anna Elizabeth said that the big- The organization of th8 Tr-aining1---------------------------
gest things that .members of th8) School ls up to date in every respect.
ROLLS, MUFFINS, CAKES, DEVIL council enjoy, is the fellow·ship with
FOOD CAKE, SANDWICH BREAD, one auother. Polly assured those
Miss L. R. G. Burfitt is principal of
both the grammo.r and high schoo~s.
present t·hat one learns more about She has as her assistants, the fol- To dress in keeping with the times beglin with a pair of
the great work of the Y. W. C. A. lowing supervisors for the grades: shoes from Boaz Shoe Store. In our stock you will find only
If she_ is a member of the conncil, P1•bnu1')' Depin•tinent the latest styles in footwear, reasonably priced.
Elizalbeth pl'oved_ -'With int-er-esti~·g Miss Maggie Jenkins. A PLEA:SURETO SHOWYOU
accounts of hikes and picnics which First Grade-Miss Jenkins.
GIRLSOF G. S. C. last year's council had enjoyed that
--=========~- being on council is not all work and Warren.
no p]ay,
Second Ora-de-Miss Mary Louise ----------------------------

•r1ttrd Grade-Miss Estelle Adams. --------------------------- Weeks g,ave a most inspil·- Intem1ediato Dcpo.1•t1ne11t
Do Your Christmas
Shopping at
ing talk, making each girl realize
th~t •all her efforts should be turned
Miss Mary Brooks.
Fourth Grade-Miss Brooks. BALDWIN IIOTEL
toward knowing Christ and malting Fifth Grade--Mlss Mary Talley.
Him known. G1·a1ml1ArGrades
The council then planned to go on Miss Melissa Giles. ReasonableRates-CourteousService
VARIETY a bike U1e followJng Tuesday after-
noon so that the members might be-
Sixth Grade-Miss Giles.
Seventh Grade, General-Miss Sa- OfficialDixie HighwayHotel .
gin to know each other· better. The rah Bagley, English; Miss Catherine
meeting was closed with a prayer by Parlee, Geogl'a.phy,
Jlay.meWee-ks. Assistants-Miss Elizabeth Grant,

.:Soone's This group baa determined

make this year the best yea1• that
the Y. W. ·C. A. has seen at G. S. c.
to Art; Miss Adele Warnock, History,
Miss Anna Elizabeth Branch, Phys-
ical Education in entire grammar BELl ..'S
Pbarmac\' They haye really star-ted to w·ork school.
and hope to be organized soon, Hlgll School
Miss Katherine Scott, English.
Assistants in English-Miss Clif·
Specialsale of ladies' llne pll1'8
silk, regular made hose. Just the _ _.,
NEW STRUCTURES ford Taylor, Miss Eleanor Hatcher, thing for Christmas gifts. Ohif. :
RESULTOF FmE Miss Virginia McMlchael. fons In blaok, gumnetal and all
Miss Louise Smith, Latin and Sci- Jeadmgshad-
en·ce; Miss Louise Maxwell, Latin,
A Merry.Christmas (Continued from page 1)
the beauty of the whole campus. French and History; Miss Johnella
A keen spirit of loyalty bas been, Mathematics; Mlss Mary Joyce
manifested by the friends of the col- Banks, Physical Education; Mies
Take a box of 'Whitman's with you. lege, The present students, the Mabel T. Roger-a, Supervisor and
memb.ers of the Alumnae Association, Teacher of Physics; Miss Barnett,
If you want the best, shop at
396 Day Phone. Night Phone 117;J the City of Mllledgevllle, and the Typewriting.

Teaoher (atter having told th~
story of the rainbow aMer the flood)
· "Did you know that they sen-d ,an-
imals tbrougb the mails now?" ,Silllc5tochings E. E. BELL'S
"No. lAllid you don't know it, (nJI Fo,J,;.,,,d)
Wishing Every . .
-- "Johnny, what does it mean when
we see a rain,bow in the sky?"
"Wel'l, I got a letter yesterday and
Johnuy-"It Ain't Gonn,a' Rain No it had a seal on tt."-The Blue
G.S.C.W. Girl -More." Stocking,,_
A nut at the steering wheel,
A peach at his l'ight;
SHence ts Silvei•
He: ",I love the good, the true,
Sharp turn in the road - i-he bea.utiful, the innocent-.'

!l. ,iitercy 1fu~~~vgF
vg~fA~AME Fruit Ba.lad, good-night.
-·Mercer Cluster.
She: "This is so sudden, but I
think father will consent."

anb a CULVER AND KID DRUG CO. (having received a new Junior
Live and Lelll'n
Co-ed: "Why doesn't
J>apppJltwfear 2~4. PHONES ~4-0 minx· coat from father)-"What
don't see ts how such a wonderful
I Jack t.aKe you to the theatre a.ny
inore7 11
---------------------------- fur can come from such a low·, sneak- Fresh iCo-ed: "Well, you see,
---------------------·------ ing beast." one 11ight t,t rained and we couldn't

We will be glad to wel- We m•e ve1•yTO OUR FRIENDS 'fBE G. S. C. W, Father-"! don't ask for th-anks, go, so we sat in the par-Ior. But
g1•atef11lto you for yo111•help, It h118 been a pleasure to dear, but I really must insist upon anywa,.y, I think theatres ar-e an
ac1-ve you and- we urc wishing you, f1•om our hezu-ts, ·the old, old wish, respect!"' Agonistlc. bore, don't you?"
come you back that this ma.y be the Merriest ObrJ.st11ru, and the Happiest N:ew Y,001• -Syracuse Oran,ge Peel.

January 4th. for encl1 one of you •. Maid (announcing recreation hour
1l~fol1the Wah
GA, on G. S. C •. cam-pus)·-Recl Rec!
Ca,pt. (sha1,ply): "Button wp
that coat."
R. H. WOOTEN.,-------'----------------------,

hu~:;.~bman- Wreck! Was anyone

All's Weill
SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Voice 'from near by ,house: "Who's
Swallowccl His Pride
atHand Enclosedllnd ,1.00 for whichpleasesend me "TheOolon-
llllde"for one year.
The cannflba·l chief was weepin,g
profuse,ly, .wher8'UJ)·on tbe inquiry
in that ohlcken c.oo·p?"
.Snowlba]l J ohnaon ( a vetera.n) : ·
uA friend."
Are You Ready? was· made, "Wby do you weep 1" -WlndmUl.
' 1 -a.m weeping for my d-ear Gulla-
SELEOT "GIJ'l'S THAT LAST" Name --------------------------------------------------- s..,,,asm
Jl'ROM llazoo, tJie pride err my heart, soblbed
' Father (,s,ternll)'): "Young man,
, the chi<>!.
Williams&-R(tchie, 11
And why do you weep for her?"
I sa.'Wy-0u put your arm around m'Y
daughter nlg-ht!'
JEWELERS p. o.----------------~---------------------------------·
-- 0
.Adas! Poverty com11elled me to Youth: · ' 1-I .auip,po.seyou noticed.
swaUow rn,y pride!" bow she ~ru,ggled, too?"·
.. ' ..- D&te....------------------------------~------- -Progressive Farmer. -Stanford Chi,parral.
(Oallh Onlf)

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