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The Portfolio Guidelines

The portfolio is a compilation of 10 documents. Each document must be of mailable standard that is neat, completely
free of errors and prepared according to established guidelines.
These documents should include:

1. Letters
 Two-page indented OR blocked style letter.
 A circular letter with a tear-off slip OR form with a tear-off slip
2. Manuscript
 An example of a manuscript which must show shoulder headings, paragraphs headings, or footnotes.
3. Tabular Work
 An example of ruled tabulation with main headings and multiple columnar headings applying oblique or
vertical heading (show sorting)
4. Committee Document
 A notice of a meeting with an agenda for a meeting
 A chairman’s agenda OR Minutes of a meeting
5. Display
 An invitation with a menu OR A programme for an event
 An organizational chart OR a flow chart
6. Legal work
 A lease OR a hire purchase agreement OR A will with an endorsement
 A contract of employment

Guidelines for preparing the portfolio

N.B: 1. When you see except for Display work, I am referring to an invitation with a menu and a programme for an event.
2.An organizational chart or a flow chart follows the guidelines for the rest of the documents.
3.An invitation with a menu and a programme for an event will be designed by you with no restrictions therefore
the following guidelines are for all documents except those two.
4. The guidelines are also applicable to the research (Assignment 2)

1) Label each document clearly to indicate what is being demonstrated.

2) Type your name in the header section of each document.
3) You may prepare the documents in any order but you must arrange then according to the contents list shown above
4) You must prepare a table of contents, title page, acknowledgement, introduction and bibliography (check the text for
5) All documents, except Display and Manuscript should be in Time New Roman OR Arial, font size 12. Display and
Manuscript should be any readable font of your choice.
a) Tables with contents should be in any font size ranging from 12 to 8.
b) Heading should be in anything larger than 12, preferably the predefined Heading 2 style.
c) All fonts should be black, except display works.
6) All documents, except those highlighted, should have the letterhead of the business you are representing. The
letterhead is designed by you and is therefore of your choice but it must include:
a) the name of the organization

b) logo
c) address (email & business location)
d) telephone number
e) fax
f) aim/motto
g) etc
7) Page margins should be 1 inch all around.
8) Documents should have 1.5 line spacing except for tables where single space is preferred.
9) Documents should have no border or a simple line border.
10) Documents should be in letter size paper, portrait orientation.
11) All tables and images must be inserted in the center of the page except for the letterhead logo, that’s your choice.
12) Documents should use blocked or semi-blocked paragraph style and the justification alignment style should therefore
be applied.
13) Documents should be on white paper.
14) Documents should be free of all grammatical errors.
15) Documents should be your original work.
16) You’re providing examples of the documents, not samples or forms of them.
17) Try to keep your documents on one page, two the most, NEVER let one or two lines make up the 2 nd page, if you have
to decrease your font size by 1, or your margin by .5 to keep it on a page, do it...
18) Pages should be numbered.
19) Your organizational chart or flow chart should have three or four levels.

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