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DATE: 22/4/2020 No. #1

TOPIC: Reading COURSE:9th TERM: Second GRADE:
PROFICIENCY: Grammar use
Complete the sentences. Add a subject, object. Or reflexive pronoun or ´possessive adjective.

Two weeks ago, Mary invited Tom to the Backwards Dance (girls ask boys). Tom was very happy
because Mary asked HIM to go with HER when a girl invites a boy to the Backwards Dance; SHE
pays for the dance tickets and dinner and provides the transportation. SHE also buys matching
shirts for HERS data and herself to wear to the dance.

The dance is on Saturday night. Mary is getting a little nervous because SHE can´t find two shirts
the same colour, and she needs THEM by Saturday. On Saturday night Mary is planning to drive
HER father´s new car. SHE plans to be extra careful with IT because IT is new. Mary will pick up
Tom at 6:30 on Saturday night.

Mary knows Tom´s mother, but SHE doesn´t know his father. Mary hopes to meet HIM on
Saturday night. After Mary picks up Tom, THEY are going to Mary´s house because HER parents
want to take pictures of THEM. Then Tom and Mary are going to meet friends at a restaurant for
dinner. After THEIR eat dinner, they´ll go to dance Mary and Tom will probably drive to the dance
by THEMSELVES because THEIR will have THEIR own cars. They all plan to enjoy THEMSELVES at
the dance.

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