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Neurological Disorder - Difficulty identifying objects placed in their

involved hand when their eyes are closed
Cerebral Palsy ( astereognosis).
- A group of non-progressive disorders of
upper motor neuron impairment that results  Dyskinetic or Athetoid type
in motor dysfunction. - Involves abnormal involuntary movement.
- A disorder characterized by impaired - Athetoid means “wormlike”.
movement & posture resulting from an o Child is limp & flaccid. Later in place of
abnormality in the extrapyramidal or voluntary movement, he or she makes slow,
pyramidal motor system. writhing motions. It may involve all 4
- A damage to the cerebrum or cerebellum extremities, plus the face, neck, & tongue.
resulting in abnormal muscle tone &
movement with mild-to-severe develop- - With emotional stress, the involuntary
mental delays. movements may become irregular & jerking
- Affected children may have speech or oral ( choreoid) with disordered muscle tone
difficulties, seizures, cognitive challenges, or ( dyskinetic).
Cause:  Ataxic Type
1. Unknown but the disorder is associated with - Have awkward, wide-based gait.
low birth weight - On neurologic examination, they are unable
2. Premature birth to perform the finger-to-nose test or to
3. Birth injury, head injury, severe dehydration perform rapid, repetitive movements
w/ venous thrombosis (cerebellar function) or fine coordinated
4. Brain anoxia leading to cell destruction of motions.
the motor tracts.  Mixed type
5. Nutritional deficiency, drugs, maternal - Show symptoms of both spasticity &
infection athetoid movements. Spasticity & athetoid
6. Infection such as meningitis or encephalitis movements may be present together
7. Low birth weight infants or SGA resulting to severe degree of physical
8. Born of occipito-posterior rather than impairment.
anterior births causing anoxia or brain
9. Damage after birth. Assessment of Cerebral Palsy
10. Shaken baby syndrome o Early warning signs of cerebral palsy
Warning Signs
Types: Age: Neonate
- Traditionally subdivided into 2 main  Weak or absent sucking or swallowing
categories based on the type of difficulties
neuromuscular involvement:  Periods of apnea or bradycardia
 Encephalopathic cry(high-pitched)
1. Pyramidal or spastic type- 40% affected  Extremely fussiness & irritability
2. Extrapyramidal type:  Poor tone
a) ataxic- 10%  Twitching of an arm or leg
b) Dyskinetic or athetoid-30%  Not moving extremities normally
c) Mixed- 10%  Absent or weak primitive reflex responses

 Pyramidal or spastic type- Excessive tone in the Age: 3 months

voluntary muscles (loss of upper motor neurons).  Feeding difficulties, may be caused by
- Has hypertrophic muscles, abnormal clonus, tongue thrust or poor swallowing
exaggeration of deep tendon reflexes,  Irritability or listlessness, or both
abnormal reflexes such as + babinski &  Hypotonia, but may have head control in
tonic reflex prone position
- Held in ventral position- they arch their  Strabismus, brisk tendon response
backs & extend their arms & legs  Presence of primitive reflexes
- Failed to demonstrate a parachute reflex if Age: 6 months
lowered suddenly, failing to hold out their  Delay in reaching developmental mile-
arms as if to break their fall. stones( motor, speech)
- Assume scissors gait because tight adductor  Continued primitive reflexes
thigh muscles cause their legs to cross when  Hands remain clenched, 1 hand becomes
held upright. dominant
- tightening of the heel cord usually is so  Hypertonia
severe that children walk on their toes,  Arching or tendency to stand when held up
unable to stretch their heel to touch the  Lack of interest in people or toys
ground.  Unaware of or indifferent to stimuli in
- Affect both extremities on one environment
side( hemiplegia), all 4  Little if any spontaneous actions
extremities( quadriple- gia), or( diplegia or
paraplegia). Age : 9 months
 Persistent delay in motor milestones
 Reach may be atypical as fingers are 9.Provide safe, appropriate toys for age &
extended & arms tremble w/ purposeful developmental level.
movement 10. Position the child upright after meals.
 Arms flexed
11. Administer medications as prescribed
Age: 12 months 12. Surgical interventions are reserved for the
 Inability to sit alone child who does not respond to more conservative
 Scissoring of lower extremities measures or for the child whose spasticity
 Toe walking while held, but unable to stand causes progressive deformity.
alone 13. Provide the child w/ technical aids such as
 Crawl, if present, may be abnormal as only braces, walkers, customized wheelchairs &
arms may be used
computers or voice synthesizers.
 Athetoid (irregular , twisting) movement
 Poor articulation or lack of speech 14. Coordinate speech, physical, or occupational

Assessment of Cerebral Palsy

o Diagnosis is based on history & physical
- episode of possible anoxia during
prenatal life or birth
- sensory alterations such as
strabismus, refractive disorders,
visual perception problems, visual
field defect & speech
- Show attention deficit disorder
- Deafness caused by kernicterus Nursing diagnosis:
- Deficient knowledge related to
Physical findings that suggest CP understanding of complex disease condition
1. Delayed gross motor development Outcome Identification:
2. Abnormal head circumference - Parents will verbalize accurate information
3. Abnormal postures(opisthotonic) about the cause & progress of CP by next
4. Abnormal reflexes, persistence primitive visit.
reflexes Outcome Evaluation:
5. Abnormal muscle performance & tone - Parents state they understand that the
6. Extreme irritability & crying cause of the disease is unknown & that it is
7. Stiff & rigid arms or legs not progressive.
8. Feeding difficulties Nursing Diagnosis:
- Risk for self-care deficit related to impaired
Diagnostic Test mobility.
 Skull radiograph or sonogram- show Outcome Identification
cerebral asymmetry - Child will achieve maximum mobility
 CT or MRI scan negative, EEG abnormal possible during childhood.
Outcome evaluation:
- child feeds & dresses self & manages
Interventions: elimination independently.
1.The goal of management is early recognition &
intervention to maximize the child’s abilities.
2.A multidisciplinary team approach is implemented
to meet the many needs of the child.
3.Therapeutic management includes physical
therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy,
education, & recreation
4.Assess the child’s developmental & intelligence
5.Encourage early intervention & participation in
school programs.
6.Prepare for using mobilizing devices to help
prevent or reduce deformities.
7.Encourage communication & interaction with the
child on his or her developmental level rather than
chronological age level.
8.Provide a safe environment by removing sharp
objects, using a protective helmet if child falls
frequently, & implementing seizure precautions if

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