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After this activity the student will be able to read difficult words and also words meanings. And
also when I teach this lesson to them they will easily understand it.

First of all, when I entered in the class room I told the students to open their books. Then I told
them to read that specific lesson which I chose for this activity because they were having some
problem in this lesson. Then I wrote a word on the whiteboard and told them to search this word
in the given lesson. Most of the student found it quickly. Similarly, I wrote 5 to 6 words and they
found. Then I told them now I will read a word orally and you have to find it some students find
out the word and some can’t. After this I told some words which were not in the lesson but I
wanted to check their reading skill so in reply they found words which are having same

Did they enjoy it?

Yes they enjoyed it. Due to this activity they became curious and asked more question about this
lesson and words.

What was the problem you faced?

1. The problem which I faced was that the classroom was overcrowded.
2. The other problem was that they can’t differentiate the words which are having same
sounds like;( his has, could cold, is as, same some, came come) etc.

Has the student learning improved?

Yes their learning has improved through this method. Because after some time when I asked
previous words meaning they replied.

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