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Subject Science
Topic Reptile adaptations
Strength of class

Date Jan 2021

Duration 40 min
General objectives The students will be able
 Know about reptiles adaptations
Specific objectives The students will be able to
 Describes the changing traits that enable reptiles to live in their
 found in physical and behavioral traits of reptiles
Teaching aids Text book, white board, marker, note book pencil, charts etc.
Previous knowledge To check the previous knowledge teacher will ask questions like
 What is reptiles adaptations?
 What is changing traits of reptiles?
PRESENTATION 1. Share an amazing fact with students:
At one time, giraffes came in a variety of neck lengths. Some giraffes had much
shorter necks than modern giraffes.
Ask students to brainstorm why short-necked giraffes did not survive. Then offer
an explanation of natural selection: The giraffes with shorter necks couldn’t
compete with long-necked giraffes. Explain that the giraffes were not in an actual
contest that they could win by changing their physical characteristics or behavior;
they were unknowing participants in a competition that takes place every day in
nature: Food supplies are limited so animals must compete for them with other
species and like animals. Unlike the giraffes with long necks, short-necked giraffes
couldn’t reach leaves and twigs up high as well as the ones closer to the ground.
Because many animals could eat the low-lying vegetation, fewer short necked
giraffes got enough to eat. Over generations, giraffes with longer necks grew
stronger and healthier. The long-necked giraffes had more and more babies that,
like their parents, inherited long necks and were better able to survive when food
was scarce; no other animal could reach the high leaves as well as they could.
Over time, more and more short-necked giraffes died before they could
reproduce more short-necked babies.
Eventually, only long-necked giraffes were born. This process of change, called
“natural selection,” happens in all species.
2. Explain that a giraffe’s long neck is an adaptation, a trait that helps it fit in and
survive in its environment. Tell students that sometimes different species within
the same family have very different adaptations that depend on location.
Review To know the understanding of students, teacher will ask questions like
 What is natural selection?
 Why short neck giraffe is different from long neck giraffe?
Home work Students will write process of adaptations in their notebook.
Subject Computer
Topic E-mail
Class 7th
Strength of class 60

Date 15 Jan 2021

Duration 40 min
General objectives The students will be able
 To use internet
 To use ways of communication
Specific objectives The students will be able to
 To know the how to send and receive email
 To know about email services
Teaching aids Text book, white board, marker, note book pencil, charts etc.
Previous knowledge To check the previous knowledge teacher will ask questions like
 What is internet?
 How to send email?
 How to communicate on internet?
Sending and receiving messages electronically is call email. A user
application of computer.It creates a link between user and computer.
Short for electronic mail, e-mail or email is information stored on a
computer that is exchanged between two users over
telecommunications. More plainly, e-mail is a message that may contain
text, files, images, or other attachments sent through a network to a
specified individual or group of individuals.
The first e-mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. Tomlinson sent the
e-mail to himself as a test e-mail message, containing the text
"something like QWERTYUIOP." However, despite sending the e-mail to
himself, the e-mail message was still transmitted through ARPANET.

By 1996, more electronic mail was being sent than postal mail.

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