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I. Project Name
Aku Cinta Indonesia: Lagu Nasional

II. Integrated Subjects: Art & Craft and Civics

III. Objectives:
A. Express their creativity by coloring the picture’s given
B. Write the lyric of Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke correctly and neatly

IV. Instructions:
1. Prepare your color pencils or crayons
2. Color neatly the picture’s given to you
3. Write the lyric of Dari Sabang Sampai Merauke inside the box in the
4. You can add decoration to make the picture prettier
5. Send a photo of your picture to:
Ms Yole’s WhatsApp (085-326-483-724) and Ms Prima’s WhatsApp (089-

V. Assessment Criteria and Rubric:

Very Needs
Description Excellent Good Fair
Good Improvement
Grade 100 90 80 70 60

1. Knowledge

No Category Percentage Grade Value

1 Application of Arts Concept 25%
2 Organization 25%
3 Spelling and Capitalization 30%
4 Completeness of Lyrics 20%

2. Skill

No Category Percentage Grade Value

1 Quality and Craftmanship 40%
2 Creativity 40%
3 Neatness 20%

Maria Regina School is a registered school of Cambridge Assessment International Education (ID316)
VI. Subject Teachers:
Ms Prima and Ms Yole

VII. Deadline:
May 29, 2020

Maria Regina School is a registered school of Cambridge Assessment International Education (ID316)

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