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Assume Water requirement= 135 lcpd

Projected Population= 30 lacs

Water required= 135 x 30 x 105
= 405000 m3/d
Total Discharge= 4.69 m3/s

Assuming an inlet velocity of = 0.08 m/s at the entry point

Area, A= 4.69/0.08 m2 = 58.63 m2
Provide 6 gates at the inlet
Area of each gate = 58.63/6 m2 = 9.8 m2
Assume gate dimension L:W = 2:1
2W x W = 9.8 m2
W= 2.2
Provide gate Dimensions :

W= 2.5 m
L= 5.0 m

Velocity through each

gate= (4.69/6)/(2.5 x 5.0)
= 0.0625 m/s
Head loss through the gate,
hLgate = (Vgate/CD2)/2g
hLgate= 5.53 x 10-4
(a) Design of Intake Structure
Total Discharge, Q= 4.69 m3/s
Assume HRT= 120 secs
Volume= 120 x 4.69 m3 = 563 m3
Assume Depth, d= 4.0 m (should be > Canal depth)
Area= 563/4.0 = 140.75 m2
Assume Intake Dimensions L:W= 2:1
2W x W = 140.75 m2
W=8.38 m
Provide Intake Dimensions :

W= 9 m
L= 20 m
D= 4.0 m

Provide rectangular Intake Structure with above dimensions

as three channels .

(b) Design of Coarse Screen

Provide Coarse Screen along the width of Intake
Assume Spacing, S= 25 mm
Φ= 10 mm
Number of Spacings= n
Number of Bars= N = (n-1)
25 x n + (n-1) x 10 = 9000
n= 257.4

Number of spacings, n= 257

Number of Bars, N= 256

Assume a water depth= 3 m

Freeboard= 1 m
Angle of Screen with Horizontal θ= 50°

Length of Bars, L= 4/sin 50o

L= 5.22 m
Provide Coarse Screens along the width of Intake with:

Spacing between Bars= 25 mm

Dia of Bars Φ= 10 mm
Number of Bars N= 256
Hydraulic Calculation
Open Area through the Rack= (3/sin 50o) x 0.025 x 257
= 25.16 m2
Velocity through Rack= 4.69/25.16 m/s
= 0.186 m/s
Head loss through the Rack :

hLscreen= (1/0.7) x (Vb2-Vu2)/2g

hLscreen= 0.00205 m

(c) Design of Overflow Weir

Assuming sharp crested rectangular Weir with CD= 0.6
L= 9 m, Q= 4.69 m3/s, g= 9.81 m/s2
Q= (2/3) x CD x L x (2g)1/2 x H3/2
Substituting the values in above equation , we get
H= 0.44 m (=Head above the crest)

(d) Design of Collection Chamber

Assuming an HRT= 15 secs
Total discharge Q= 4.69 m3/s
Volume= 4.69 x 15 m3 = 70.35 m3
Assume Depth, d= 4.0 m
Area= 70.35/4 m2 = 17.59 m2
Assuming L:W = 3:1
3W x W = 17.59 m2
W= 2.42
Provide Collection Chamber with Dimensions as:

W= 2.5 m
L= 10 m
d= 4 m

(e) Sump Design

Taking 6 Pumps in total, 5 working and 1 Standby
Discharge through each Pump, qpump= 4.69/5 m3/s
i.e qpump = 0.938 m3/s
Take 2 separate Wet Wells
Using ( Discharge vs Recommended Sump Dimensions ) curve
[Fig. 7-10 (a), S.R Qasim]
Discharge through each wet well, qwell= 0.938 x 3 m3/s
i.e qwell= 2.814 m3/s
From the curve, for qpump = 0.938 m3/s = 3377 m3/hr
the dimensions of wet well are:
Y= min. distance from baffle wall to pump Centre Line
S= min. Submergence
B= max. distance between from Pump Centre line to
Opposite wall
W= min. Spacing between pumps
C= avg. clearance between suction bed and floor

5m 1.5 m 0.9 m 2m 0.4 m

Wet Well Dimensions= (Y+B) x (3W)

i.e. = (5+0.9) x (3 x 2)
Provide each Wet Well with dimensions:

W= 6 m
L= 6 m
Isolation gate:
Assuming max. velocity through isolation gate= 1 m/s
Area of isolation gate, Agate= 2.814 m2
Keeping width of isolation gate= Width of Screen Openings
i.e = 286 x 0.025/2
= 3.5 m
Provide an isolation gate of 3.5 m x 0.8 m
The water coming into the sump will have to be pumped to
the treatment Plant which is assumed to be located at a
distance of 1000 m .
For this purpose a single Pressure Pipe will be used.
Assume a velocity of 1 m/s through the Pressure Pipe
Area of Pipe, Apipe= 4.69/1 m2 = 4.69 m2
(π/4)d2 = 4.69
i.e. d= 2.44 m
Provide a G.I. Pressure Pipe of dia= 2.5 m
Pump rating:
Assume the depth of Wet Well= 5 m
Total Head= hwet well depth + hLgate valve + hLbends + hLentry + hLexit + hf
(required to be pumped by pump)

Head Loss Table:

V= 1 m/s g= 9.81 m/s2 f= 0.02 l=1000 m
hwet well depth hLgate valve hLbends hLentry hLexit hf
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
formula = dwell = kfv2/2g = kfv2/2g = kfv2/2g = kfv2/2g = flv2/2gd
Coeff.(k) - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
No. - 2 5 1 1 -
Calcn 5 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.408
Total 5 0.002 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.408
Total Head Loss= 5.417 m ≈ 6 m
(required to be pumped )
Provide 3-stage Submersible Pumps of required Power= P
Power Required, P= γQH
i.e = 9.81 x 0.938 x 6 x 3
≈ 166 kW
Assuming the efficiency of Pump, η= 35 %
Power Required= 166/0.35 kW ≈ 475 kW
i.e = 475000/746 hp
= 637 hp ≈ 650 hp
Provide 3stage Submersible pumps each with Power= 650 hp

(f) Coagulation Unit Design:

1. Basin Dimensions
Total Discharge Q= 4.69 m3/s
Provide 4 Chambers each
Flow to each basin, Qc basin = 4.69/4 m3/s ≈ 1.1725 m3/s
Assuming a Detention time, tDetn= 30 secs in each basin
Volume of each Basin, Vc basin= 1.1725 x 30 m3 ≈ 35.18 m3
Use a Square Basin with a depth to width ratio, d/W= 1.5
W x W x 1.5 W = 35.18 m3
W = 2.86 m ≈ 3 m
Thus provide Coagulation Chamber as a Square Tank:

L= 3 m
W= 3 m
d= 4.5 m

2. Mixer Power
Designing each mixer for G= 950 s-1
Qc basin= 1.1725 m3/s
Power imparted to the water,
Pw= G2 µV
Pw= G2 µV
Volume of each basin, V= 3 x 3 x 4.5 = 40.5 m3
Possible water temperature can range from 5o C to 28o C
Lowest temperature i.e. 5o C will present the worst
condition due to max. viscosity
µ= 1.518 x 10-3 Ns/m2
Pw= 9502 x 1.518 x 10-3 x 40.5 W
≈ 56 kW
Assume the efficiency of Gear box= 90 %
Power required by the driver= 56000/0.90 W
≈ 62.222 kW
≈ 85 hp
Provide mixers in each basin with Power= 85 hp
3. Impeller size and Rotational Speed:
Use Up flow type Rapid mix basin and
4-Blade Turbine Mixer with
Blade width to Blade Dia ratio,

( WD ) blade
= 0.15

From Table 8-5 , for the above assumed ratio

We get , specific speed NP= 2.6
n= (P/(ρNPd5))1/3 ….[A]
Assume blade dia= 0.95 m
n= ( (62.222 x 1000) / (1000 x 2.6 x 0.955) )1/3
we get, n= 3.13 rps ≈ 188 rpm
Re= ρuD/µ = 1000 x 3.13 x .95 / (1.518 x 10-3)
Re= 1958828 > 10000 O.K
Hence, Equation [A] is valid

(g) Flocculation Unit Design:

1. Basin Dimensions:
Total Discharge, Q= 4.69 m3/s
Flow to each coag. Basin= 1.1725 m3/s
Providing a Detention time tdet= 30 mins, in 3-stage
Flocculation basin
Volume of each Basin, Vf basin= 1.1725 x 30 x 60 m3
Vf basin= 2110 m3
Volume of each stage of Flocculation Basin= 2110/3 m3
≈ 705 m3
Provide Width of Floculation Basin= Width of Sedimentn. Tank
For the design of Sedimentation tank
Assuming an SOR= 30 m3/d/m2
Assume L:W= 2:1
Flow in each basin, Qsed basin= 1.1725 m3/s = 101304 m3/d
Area of sedimetn basin, Ased basin= 101304/30 m2 ≈ 3377 m2
W x 2W = 3377
W≈ 41 m
Thus provide a Sedimentation Tank with:

W= 41 m
L= 82 m

Hence, Assume width of Flocculation Basin= width of

Sedimentn Tank= 41 m

Assume, for Flocculation Basin L:d= 1:1

705= 41 x L x L
L= 4.2 m ≈ 4.5 m
And d= L = 4.5m
Thus, Provide the Flocculation Basin with:

L= 41 m
W= 4.5 m
d= 4.5 m

(h) Sedimentation Tank Design

Providing 10 tanks
Assume an SOR= 30 m3/d.m2 and tdet= 4 hrs
Flow through each tank, Qsed b= 4.69/10 = 0.469 m3/s
= 40522 m3/d
Area required for each, Areqd= 40522/30 ≈ 1351 m2
Dia of tank required, Φ= 41.5 m ≈ 42 m
Depth of tank, d= (40522 x 4/24)/(π x 422/4) ≈ 4.87 m
Restricting the depth to 3.5 m (incl. Hopper)
Provide Φ= 51 m
Thus depth of tank, d= (40522 x 4/24)/( π x 512/4) = 3.3 m
Provide the depth of tank, d= 3.5 m
Effluent Structure:
Provide Weir Plate around the periphery
Length of periphery= π x Φ = π x 51 ≈ 160.22 m
Providing 10 V-Notches per 2 m
i.e V-Notches #5/m (90o notches)
No. of notches= 5 x 160.22 ≈ 801 Notches
Spacing Centre to Centre, s= 160.22/801.1 = 0.2 m c/c
Thus Provide 801 V-Notches @ 0.2 m c/c along Weir Plate
Head over V-Notches,
H= Head over the V-Notch
q= flow per notch = Qsed b / No. of Notches

8 ϴ
q= 15 Cd √ 2 g tan 2 H5/2

q= 0.469/801 ≈ 5.86 x 10-4 m3/s.notch

Assume Cd= 0.6 ϴ= 90o
Putting the values in the equation above, we get
H= 0.044 m ≈ 4.4 cm
Provide 7.5 cm deep V-Notches
Weir free-board= 7.5-4.4 = 3.1 cm (OK)
Effluent Launder Trough:
Provide effluent launder trough of width(along dia)= 1 m
Assume avg. water depth in effluent launder= 0.25 m
Velocity in launder, v= 0.469/(0.25 x 1) = 1.876 m/s
Mean Hydraulic radius, ravg= (1 x 0.25)/((2x0.25)+1) = 0.167 m

V= (1/n) r2/3 S1/2

Assume n= 0.013
Putting values in above equation we get,
S= 0.00647 ≈ 1 in 155
Provide Launder Bottom Slope of 1 in 155 from top (point A)
to bottom (Point B)
Provide free fall from launder into effluent box
Assume that critical depth is reached at exit of launder(at
entry into effluent box)

Q’ 2= flow from yc= (Q’ 2/gb2)1/3 each side of box =

1/2 Qsed b= 0.469/2 ≈ 0.235 m3/s
b= width of effluent launder = 1 m
Putting these values in the above equation we get,
yc= 0.178 m
water depth at upstream end (topmost elevation)= y1
y1= ( y22 + (2Q’2/gb2y2) + (fLQ’2/12gb2rd) )1/2

Length of channel (half the len. Of len. Of periphery because
water is coming from both sides of box)
d= mean depth of water in channel
r= mean hydraulic radius
Assume darcy friction factor, f= 0.10
y2= yc = 0.178 m
L= π φ / 2 = 80.11 m
Putting the values in equation above, we get
y1= 0.43 m
check: avg. depth= 0.43 + 0.178 = 0.3 m ≈ 0.25 m (ok)
which is the same we assumed in the beginning in formula

Provide the depth of effluent launder= 0.65 m

Arrange V-Notches 0.05 m above effluent launder trough
Height of water surface (WSEL) Sed. basin above bottom of
launder trough= 0.65+0.05+0.44 = 1.14 m
Provide a free fall of 0.25 m from effluent launder into
effluent box
For Effluent Box,
Provide HRT= 10 secs
Width(along the launder)= 2 m
Depth= 1 m
Length(⊥ launder)= 0.469x10/(2x1)= 2.345 ≈ 2.5 m
Provide Length of 2.5 m (1 m within launder & 1.5 m
projecting outward)
Provide Effluent Box of ( 2.5 m x 2 m x 1 m)
Hydraulic calculations:
(a) Head loss due through effl. Launder trough
hL=0.43-.178 ≈ 0.25 m
(b) Head loss due to free fall from V-notch weirs
hL= WSEL in Sed. basin above bottom of launder trough
– upstream water depth in launder trough
hL= 1.14 – 0.43 = 0.71 m
(c) Head loss in effluent launder
Length of trough= π φ = 160.22 m
Slope of launder trough bed, S= 0.00647
hL= 160.22x0.00647 ≈ 1.04 m
(d) Head loss due to free fall at exit of launder
hL= 0.25 m
Total Head Loss through Effluent Structure= hLtotal eff
hLtotal eff= 0.25+1.04+0.71+0.25 ≈ 2.25 m
(i) Filtration Design
A. Filter Unit Design:
Unit Dimensions:
Assume avg. loading rate= 120 m3/h.m2
Provide 7 filter units (1 for Backwashing) i.e Total 8 filter units
Total Discharge, Q= 4.69 m3/s = 405216 m3/d
Flow to each filter unit, Qfilt= 405216/7 = 57888 m3/d
= 2412 m3/h
= 0.67 m3/s
For a Filtration rate= 120 m3/h.m2
Required unit Area, Areqd= 2412/120 = 20.1 m2
Use Square filter units
L = W = 4.48 ≈ 5 m
Provide Square Filter Units each of ( 5 m x 5 m )
Afilt= 25 m2
Media Size:
The top media layer is Anthracite Coal of undetermined size
(Calculated later).
The second media layer is Quartz Sand with effective size
d10sand= 0.5 mm
The upper Anthracite layer must have a settling velocity
compatible with that of Sand layer to ensure effective
SgAnthr= 1.55 SgSand= 2.65
d10Sand= 0.5 mm
Effective size of Anthracite grains with same settling velocity
as that of Sand= d10Anthr (say)
d10Anthr= 0.5 x ((2.65-1)/(1.55-1))2/3
d10Anthr= 1.04 ≈ 1 mm
Depth of Filter Bed:
Assume that Anthracite is (2/3)rd of Total bed depth & Sand is
remaining (1/3)rd
(These are typical values for Dual media Filter gained through
experience )
Weighted average of media size= 1x(2/3) + 0.5x(1/3)
= 0.83 mm
Weighetd average Porosity ratio= 0.48x(2/3) + 0.40x(1/3)
= 0.45 mm
Assume Total bed depth= 0.75 m
(generally, range 0.60 m – 1.2 m )
Depth of Anthracite layer, lAnthr= 0.75x(2/3) = 0.50 m
Depth of Sand layer, lSand= 0.75x(1/3) = 0.25 m
Total filter Media depth, l= 0.75 m

Filter Media Design Summary:

Layer Material Eff. Depth Cu Sg Porosity (l/d10)
Size(d10) (l) (n)
(mm) (cm)
Top Anthracite 1.0 50 1.6 1.55 0.48 500
Bottom Sand 0.5 25 1.4 2.65 0.40 500
Total 75 1000

Average (l/d10) = 750/0.83 ≈ 904

Hydraulic calculations:
(1) Head loss through influent piping
The worst case scenario would be when one of the 4 outside
filters is closed.
Assuming filter no. 8 (i.e right bottom corner filter in plan
view) is closed.
The flow from each sediment. Basin into 2 pipes (one for
each bank of 4 filters ) would be equal, then flow distribution
would be done, and a lengthy table of head loss calc. is
We can safely assume that,
Total head loss through influent piping≈ 0.34 m

(2) Head loss through filter media

 Head loss through clean filter media
Use Carman-Kozney equation:

f 1−e l v 2
hL = ϕ e3 d g

e= porosity ratio
v= 10 m/h
ρw= 1000 kg/m3
µw= 1.518 x 10-3 Ns/m2 (at 5o C)
ϕ= 1.0 (shape factor)
NR= reynolds number
= µ

f= friction factor

f=150 NR + 1.75
Layer Size(d10) Depth(l Porosity NR f hL
(mm) ) (e)
Anthracite 1.0 50 0.48 1.84 44.1 0.0829
Sand 0.5 25 0.40 0.922 99.4 0.372
Total 0.46

Total Head loss through clean media filter= 0.46 m

 Media terminal Head loss

Terminal head loss of a clogged filter determined
experimentally by pilot plant testing
We can safely assume,
hLt= 2.5 m
 Minimum Water depth in filter
Minimum water level in filter unit is controlled by
downstream overflow weir.
The minm. water level must be selected to provide sufficient
head over filter media to prevent negative pressure in media
which is detrimental to filter operation
To ensure positive pressure water depth over media should
be > Maximum Head loss through Media bed
Terminal head loss, hLt= 2.5 m
Thus provide water depth above filter media > 2.5 m
Provide 3 m water depth above Filter Media in filter unit
(3) Head loss through gravel support
Similar to those for clean filter media
Gravel support is provided in 4 layers details of which are :
Layer Size Depth(l Porosit NR f hL
(d) ) y
(mm) (cm) (e)
Top 2.5 5 0.45 4.61 19.6 0.0019
Second 4.5 5 0.45 8.30 11.7 0.0006
Third 9.5 7.5 0.50 17.5 6.04 0.0002
Bottom 15.5 7.5 0.50 28.6 4.37 0.0001
Total 25 0.0028

Head loss through gravel layers= 0.0028 ≈ 0

(4) Head loss through underdrain system

hL= k1v2
k1= 0.0005 (for clay tile underdrain system)
hL= 1202 x 0.0005 = 7.2 m
(5) Head loss through effluent piping
This head loss is calculated only for bank with all 4 filters in
service ( where hL is higher)
Procedure is similar to that for influent piping
hLeff pip= 0.80 m

(6) Head loss through filtered water conduit

Filtered effluent is conveyed to filter back pressure weir
common bay through a 0.122 m Dia. pipe
hLcond= 0.52 m
Provide a Free fall of 0.40 m over common bay weir
Total Head Loss through Filter=
0.34+2.50+0+7.2+.05+.52+0.40 ≈ 11.01 m

B. Filter Backwash System

(1) Backwash flow rate

QBW should achieve 40 to 50 % expansion of both Sand &
Anthracite layers
QBW of 10% of settling velocity (vs) of media is used for
(a) Media vs at 20oC
Sand: vssand= 10 d60 = 10 d10 Cu
= 10 x 0.5 x 1.4 = 7 m/min ≈ 0.117 m/s
Anthracite: vsAnthr= 4.7 d60 = 4.7 d10 Cu
= 4.7 x 1 x 1.6 = 7.52 m/min ≈ 0.125 m/s

(b) Actual Media vs at 5oC

Calculate by Trial & error
 Calculate Reynold No. at 5oC using vs at 20oC
Sand: NRS= (0.117 x 0.0005 x 1.4 )x 1000/(1.518 x 10-3)
≈ 54
Anthracite: NRA= 0.125 x 0.001 x 1.6 x 1000/(1.518 x 10-3)
≈ 132
Both are in Transitional range
 Calculate CD using NR

CD= N + (3/(NR)1/2) + 0.34

Sand: CDs=
Anthracite: CDA= 0.783
 Calculate terminal Settling velocity

Vs= ((4/3) g d (Sg -1)/CD)1/2

Sand: Vssand= 0.118 m/s (5o C)

Anthracite: VsAnthr= 0.10 m/s (5o C)

Which are close to VS at 20o C

Hence Assume avg. settling velocity of media (Sand &
Anthracite) = 0.11 m/s
(c) Backwash flow rate
At 10% settling velocity of media (sand & anthracite)
Avg. Backwash rate, Ub= 0.011 m/s

BW flow rate, Q b= U b A f
= 0.011 x 25 x60 m3/min
≈ 16.5 m3/min
(d) Surface wash flow rate
Assume a surface wash rate= 0.061 m3/min.m2
Surface wash flow rate, Qs= Us Af
= 0.061 x 25
≈ 1.52 m3/min
(2) Bed Expansion
(a) Porosity of expanded bed (eeb)
U b 0.22
eeb= ( v )

Effective backwash is achieved at 10% of

settling velocity of media
i.e vs = 0.1

eeb= 0.10.22 = 0.60

(b) Expanded bed depth (Lfb)

Lfb= (1-e)L/(1-eeb)

L= bed depth at rest

Sand: LfbS= (1-0.40)x 0.25 / (1-0.60)
= 0.38 m
Anthracite: LfbA= (1-0.48) x 0.50 / (1-0.60)
= 0.65 m
Total expanded bed depth= 0.38+0.65 ≈ 1.37 m
Bed expansion is designed for 5oC
If Temperature falls < 5oC then Media Vs will decrease which
implies that BW rate should be reduced for cooler water
(c) Filter launder troughs
Details shown in figure
Place the Washwater troughs 1.02 m above top of expanded
media, which will make height of washwater trough 1.30 m
above the media bed at rest
Provide a launder height 0.6 m & a space of 0.42 m between
inside bottom of launder trough & top of expanded media
(3) Backwash cycle
Most effective BW cycle is obtained by piolt plant testing
a. Initially surface wash will operate at Qs= 1.52 m3/min
(Us=0.061 m3/min.m2) during operation time from 0 to 4
b. Backwash will start at 3 min & will increase from 0 to
Qb= 16.5 m3/min over a time period of 1.3 mins
c. Backwash flow rate Qb= 16.5 m3/min will be maintained
for 6 mins period
d. BW flow rate will be reduced from Qb= 16.5 m3/min to 0
over 1.3 mins period after 6 mins backwash
e. Total BW cycle will take an operation time period= 11.6

(4) Capacity of Backwash water tank

a. Volume of BW water
Surface Washwater volume, Vs= 1.52 m3/min x 4
= 6.1 m3
BW water volume, Vb= 16.5 x 6 + 2 x (16.5 x 1.3) / 2
≈ 121 m3
Total Volume for each filter backwash cycle,
Vf= Vb+Vs ≈ 127 .1 m3
Total Volume of backwash water per day
Assume each filter has a minimum run of 24 hrs

Total Qty of Filter BW,

Vdaily= 127.1 m3/(BW Cycle) x 1 (BW Cycle)/filter.d x 8 filters
Vdaily ≈ 1020 m3
b. Volume of elevated storage tank for BW
The storage volume should suffice for 2 BW Cycles
m3 Cycles
Vtank= 127.1 BW Cycle
x2 tank

≈ 254.2 m3
Providing operational flexibility increase storage by 10%
≈ 280 m3/tank
Provide commercially available std size tank i.e 300 m3
Provide Vtank= 300,000 Lts/tank

(5) Size of BW Water Pumps

Select BW water Pumps to transfer a sufficient Qty of water
from clearwells into elevated tank within 30 mins after a
filter BW Operation
Provide 3 equal sized pumps (of sufficient Qty.) such that
reqd. flow rate is provided by 2 pumps operating in parallel
at a time
Flow reqd., Q= 127.1/30 = 4.24 m3/min
Capacity of each pump, Qp= 4.24/2 = 2.12 m3/min
Add 10% for operational flexibility
i.e Qp= 2.12 x 1.1 = 2.33 m3/min

Assume a total head required to be pumped by pump= 10 m

(including static head & piping losses)

Power required of pump,P= 9810x2.33x10 ≈ 230 kW ≈ 310 hp

Provide 310 hp pumps
(6) Height of BW water storage tank
a. Head loss through expanded media bed during BW
Use equation

hL= L (1 – e ) (Sg – 1 )

e= porosity of clean stratified

bed at rest (not fluidized)
L= depth of stratified bed at rest
Sg= Specific Gravity of media
Sand: hL= 0.25x(1-0.4)x(2.65-1) ≈ 0.25 m
Anthracite: hL= 0.50x(1-0.48)x(1.55-1) ≈ 0.14 m
Total Head Loss through Expanded Media Bed= 0.39 m
b. Head loss through gravel layer
Use Carman-Kozney equation as above
Similar procedure is adopted for calc. of hL through
gravel layers as done in Filtration design (3)(c), only that
here the head losses will be calculated using average
backwash rate(or velocity), Ub= 0.012 m/s
Total Head loss through gravel support layer= 0.02 m
c. Head loss through underdrain system

hL= K1v2
v= 0.012 m/s ≈ 43.2
k1= 0.0005 (for tile)
hL= 0.0005x43.22 ≈ 0.93 m

d. Backwash water piping losses

Head losses through BW piping between elevated storage
tank & filter underdrain entry are calc. as the head losses in
either influent or effluent piping.
These can be safely assumed as,
hL= 0.55 m
e. Minimum Water Surface level in storage tank
Head losses through backwash system are:
Head loss through: exp. Media bed= 0.39
gravel support= 0.93
underdrain system= 0.02
BW water piping = 0.55
Total head losses thr BW sys= 1.89 m
Adding 10% extra for operational flexibility
Total head losses through BW system≈ 2.85 m
Provide a minimum Water surface level in storage tank at
least 2.85 m above the lip of launder troughs.
Flow Modulating valve is used to maintain a constant BW
rate= 0.012 m/s
The Filter unit arrangement is shown in Figure below.
(j) Disinfection
A. Chlorine Contact channel & clearwell design
Generally 30 mins contact time is recommended

1. Calculation of T10 for free chlorine disinfection in

Chlorine contact channel
Provide Volume of each Chlorine contact channel,
Vcc= 30 m x 4.5 m x 9 m
≈ 1215 m3
Provide 8 chlorine contact channels, 4 on each side of Filter
Back Pressure Weir Common Bay (from Filtration) & in front
of each of 8 clear wells
Flow in each Chlorine contact channel, Qcc= 405216/8
≈ 50652 m3/d
Theoretical detention time, T= 50652 min ≈ 35 mins
24 x 60

For Superior Baffling in Chlorine contact channel,

( T10/T )= 0.7 (table 12-4)
T10= 0.7 x 35 ≈ 24.5
Use T10 ≈ 25 mins
2. Calulation of T10 for combined Chlorine disinfection in
Provide Volume of each Clearwell, Vcw= 40 m x 40 m x 9 m
≈ 14400 m3
Theoretical detention time, T= 50652 mins ≈ 409.4 mins
24 x 60

For Unbaffled Clearwell, using ( T10/T )= 0.1 (table 12-4)

i.e T10= 40.9 ≈ 41 mins
Minimum Disinfectant Contact time requirements (CT value)
are achieved by providing Free chlorine contact in channel &
chloramine contact in clearwell .
Winter condition will be critical .
3. Hydraulic Calculations
a. Head loss at effluent weir of chlorine contact channel
Effluent weir is across 4.5 m width of chlorine contact
Head over the eff weir of chlorine contact channel,
L= 4.5 m CD= 0.60 n=0 (no end contraction)
Q= 24 x 60 x 60 ≈ 0.586 m3/s

Putting these values in equation of weir discharge, we get

H= 0.18 m
Provide a free fall of 0.40 m at the weir
The Water level in clearwell will fluctuate but 0.40 m is
mimimum free fall expected in clear well
b. Head Loss through isolation gate
An isolation gate of ( 0.90 m x 0.90 m ) is provided at end of
chlorine contact channel which leads into clearwell.
Vel. Through gate , Vg= 0.9 x 0.9 ≈ 0.72 m/s
Head loss through gate,
h L= ¿ 2
2 x 9.81 ) ≈ 0.08 m
c. Total Head loss
Total head loss through chlorine contact channel &
clearwell= 0.08+0.40 ≈ 0.48 m

B. Chlorine storage
a. Average chlorine required per day
Assume avg. chlorine dosage= 3 mg/L
Average Chlorine required= 3 mg/L x 10-6 x 103 x 405216 m3/d
≈ 1216 kg/d
b. Chlorine storage for 45 days
Chlorine Storage= 1216 x 45 ≈ 54720 kg
c. Required no. of 907 kg (1 ton) std commercially
available containers
54720 kg
No. of containers= 907
kg ≈ 61 containers

Provide a chlorine storage facility for 61 containers

C. Chlorine withdrawal
a. Maximum Chlorine withdrawal per day
Assume maximum chlorine withdrawal rate= 5 mg/L
Maximum chlorine withdrawal per day= 5mg/l x 10-6 x 103 x
405216 kg/d
≈ 2026.1 kg/d
b. No. of Chlorinators required
Select 450 kg/d chlorinators
No. of Chlorinators= 2026.1/450 ≈ 5
Provide 6 Chlorinators (1 Std by 5 working)
c. No. of Chorine containers manifolded
Assume maximum chlorine withdrawal rate= 400 kg/d.contr
2026.1kg /d
No. of Chlorine containers manifolded= 400

Provide 6 Banks of containers , 2 Containers are manifolded
in each bank.

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