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Renewable energy can be regarded as one of the fundamental premises

for building a sustainable global society. It is derived from natural processes that

are replenished constantly. It has the potential to be perpetually harnessed and

perpetually stored and can be relied in long-term. Clean energy development is

vital for combating climate change and limiting its most devastating effects. As

climate change continues to affect our planet’s eco-systems and fossil fuels

become less profitable and rarer, renewable energy like solar power is the key to

our sustainability.

Solar power is clean green electricity that is created from sunlight, or heat

from the sun. Most renewable energy sources derive the energy from solar

radiation. Direct solar energy refers to solar thermal energy conversion and solar

photovoltaic. As the cost of solar electricity has fallen, the number of grid-

connected solar PV systems has grown into the millions and utility-scale

photovoltaic power stations with hundreds of megawatts are being built. Solar has

been one of the main substitutes of electricity resources worldwide including

Philippines in effort to reduce the dependency on the conventional fossil fuel. Solar

energy is clean, inexhaustible and environment-friendly potential resource among

renewable energy options. Therefore, in order to satisfy the load demand, grid

connected energy systems are now become promising options that solar energy

systems are used to meet the future energy demand.

Solar power is rapidly developing energy source around the world. The

potential for using the sun to directly supply power needs is huge. It can generate

electricity without any waste or pollution or dependence on the Earth’s natural

resources once they are constructed. As fossil fuel resources have depleted and

environmental concern has increased, renewable energy has become a very

important engineering sector. It is undoubtable that in the future a large proportion

of energy used by the human race will be derived from a diverse range of

renewable energy.

1.1 History of Solar Energy

The history of the photovoltaic energy or solar cells started way back in 1876.

William Grylls Adams along with a student of his, Richard day, discovered that

when selenium was exposed to light, it produced electricity. An electricity expert,

Werner von Siemens, stated that the discovery was “scientifically of the most far-

reaching importance”. The selenium cells were not efficient, but it was proved that

light, without heat or moving parts, could be converted into electricity.

In 1953, Calvin Fuller, Gerald Pearson, and Daryl Chapin, discovered the

silicon solar cell. This cell actually produced enough electricity and was efficient

enough to run small electrical devices. The New York Times stated that this

discovery was “the beginning of a new era, leading eventually to the realization of

harnessing the almost limitless energy of the sun for the uses of civilization.” The

year 1956, and the first solar cells are available commercially. The cost however

is far from the reach of every people. A three hundred dollars for a 1-watt solar

cell, the expense was far beyond anyone’s means. The first solar cells are used in

toys and radios. These novelty items were the first item to have solar cells available

to consumers.

In the late 1950’s and early 1960’s satellites in the USA’s and Soviet’s space

program were powered by solar cells and in the late 1960’s solar power was

basically the standard for powering space bound satellites. In the early 1970’s a

way to lower the cost of solar cells was discovered. This research was

spearheaded by Exxon. Most off-shore oil rigs used the solar cells to power the

waning lights on the top of the rigs. The period from the 1970’s to 1990’s saw quite

a change in the usage of solar cells. They began showing up on railroad crossings,

in remote places to power homes. Recently, new technology has given screen

printed solar cells, and solar fabric that can be used to side a house, even solar

shingles that install in the roofs. International markets have opened up and solar

panel manufacturers are now playing a key role in the solar power industry. As

technology that has been around for well over a century, solar power is neither

novel or new. Nevertheless, solar energy becomes a lot more practical as well as

more affordable for both residential and commercial use. People are now able to

power their homes, businesses and equipment with solar energy realizing the

benefits and enjoying the savings.

1.2 Solar Power Technology

Solar panel technology was in constant state of innovation which have

milestones in solar efficiency, solar energy and solar designs. Many companies

are working to commercialize a new solar technology that could further boost the

adoption of renewable energy generation.

There are three primary technologies by which solar energy is commonly

harnessed: photovoltaics (PV), which directly convert light to electricity;

concentrating solar power (CSP), which uses heat from the sun (thermal energy)

to drive utility-scale, electric turbines; and heating and cooling systems, which

collect thermal energy to provide hot water and air-conditioning. Solar energy can

be deployed through distributed generation, whereby the equipment is located on

rooftops or ground-mounted arrays close to where the energy is used. Some

technologies can be further expanded into utility-scale applications to produce

energy as a central power plant.

1.2.1 Photovoltaic Technology

Photovoltaic (PV) technologies directly convert energy from sunlight into

electricity. When sunlight strikes the PV module, made of a semiconductor

material, electrons are stripped from their atomic binds. This flow of electrons

produces an electric current. PV modules contain no moving parts and

generally thirty years or more with minimal maintenance.

PV electricity output peaks mid-day when the sun is at its highest point

in the sky, and can offset the most expensive electricity when daily demand is

greatest. Homeowners can install a few dozen PV panels to reduce or

eliminate monthly electricity bills, and utilities can build large “farms” of PV

panels to provide pollution-free electricity to customers. Semiconductors are

used in most electronic products, including computer chips, audio amplifiers,

temperature sensors and solar cells. Traditionally, PV modules are made using

various forms of silicon, but may companies are also manufacturing modules

that employ other semiconductor materials often referred to as thin-film PV.

Each of the various PV technologies have unique cost and performance

characteristics that drive competition within the industry. Cost and performance

can be further affected by the PV application and specific configuration of a PV


1.2.2 Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)

Concentrating solar power (CSP) plants use mirrors to concentrate

the sun’s thermal energy to drive a conventional steam turbine to make

electricity. The thermal energy concentrated in CSP plant can be stored and

used to produce electricity when it is needed, day or night. The two

commercialized CSP technologies are Power Towers and Parabolic

Troughs. Other CSP technologies include Compact Linear Fresnel

Reflector (CLFR) and Dish Engine. CSP specific conditions to produce

power, such as areas where direct sunlight is most intense and contiguous

parcels of dry, flat land.

CSP technologies collect solar energy and convert it to thermal

energy that can be stored before powering a generator, they can be used

either as a flexible provider of electricity, such as a natural gas “peaker

plant”, or as a baseload source of electricity similar to a traditional nuclear

or coal power plant. CSP plant can also use fossil fuel to supplement the

solar output during periods of low solar radiation. In that case, a natural gas-

fired heat or gas steam boiler/reheater is used.

4 Parabolic Trough Systems

Energy is concentrated by parabolically curved trough-shaped

reflectors onto a receiver pipe running along the inside of the curved

surface. The temperature of the heat transfer fluid flowing through

the pipe, usually thermal oil, is increased from 293°C to 393°C, and

the heat energy is then used to generate electricity in a conventional

steam generator. A collector field comprises many troughs in parallel

rows aligned on a north-south axis. This configuration enables the

single-axis troughs to track the sun from east to west during the day

to ensure that the sun is continuously focused on the receiver pipes. Linear Fresnel Systems

Another option is the approximation of the parabolic troughs

by segmented mirrors according to the principle of Fresnel. Most

CSP designs can incorporate thermal storage setting aside the heat

transfer fluid in its hot phase allowing for electricity generation

several hours into the evening or during cloudy days. Power Tower Systems

Power Tower or central receiver system utilize sun-tracking

mirrors called heliostats to focus sunlight onto a receiver at the top

of a tower. A heat transfer fluid heated in the receiver up to around

600°C is used to generate steam, which in turn, is used in a

conventional turbine generator to produce electricity. Early power

towers, such as the Solar One Plant, utilized steam as the heat

transfer fluid; current designs are molten salts because of superior

heat transfer and energy storage capabilities. Parabolic Dish Systems

Parabolic dish systems consist of a parabolic-shaped point

focus concentrator in the form of a dish that reflects solar radiation

onto a receiver mounted at the focal point. These concentrators are

mounted on a structure with a two-axis tracking system to follow the

sun. The collected heat is typically utilized directly by a heat engine

mounted on the receiver moving with the dish structure. Stirling and

Brayton Cycle engine are currently favored for power conversion.

1.2.3 Solar Heating and Cooling

Solar heating and cooling technologies collect thermal energy from

the sun and use the heat to provide hot water and space heating and cooling

for residential, commercial and industrial applications. There are several

types of collectors: flat plate, evacuated tube, Integral Collector Storage

(ICS), thermosiphon and concentrating.

Most solar air heating systems are wall-mounted, which allow them

to capture a maximum amount of solar radiation in the winter. Specially

perforated solar collector panels are installed several inches from south

facing wall, creating an air cavity. The solar heated air is then ducted into

the building via a connection to HVAC intake.

1.3 Solar Resource

The design study provides framework and focus on the solar PV technologies

where solar resource is expected over the lifetime. A solar PV plant is most

accurately estimated by analyzing historical solar resource data for the site.

Obtaining a first approximation of the power output of a PV plant depends on the

plane of array irradiance. The accuracy of any solar energy yield prediction is

therefore heavily dependent on the accuracy of the historical resource dataset.

Obtaining reliable historical resource solar data is a crucial step in the

development process and essential for project financing. There are two main

sources pf solar resource data: satellite derived data and land-based

measurement. Since both sources have particular merits, the choice will depend

on the specific site. Land-based site measurement can be used to calibrate

resource data from satellites in order to improve accuracy and certainty. As a solar

resource is inherently intermittent, an understanding of inter-annual variability is


The solar resource of a location is usually defined by the direct normal

irradiation, the diffuse horizontal irradiation and the global horizontal irradiation.

These parameters are described below:

a. Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI): The beam energy component received

on a unit area of surface directly facing the sun at all times. The DNI is of

particular interest for solar installations that track the sun and for

concentrating solar technologies.

b. Diffuse Horizontal Irradiation (DHI): The energy received on a unit area

of horizontal surface from radiation that is scattered off the atmosphere or

surrounding area is known as DHI.

c. Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI): The total solar energy received on a

unit area of a horizontal surface is the GHI. It includes energy from the sun

that is received in a direct beam (the horizontal component of the DNI) and

the DHI.

In northern hemisphere, a surface tilted at an angle towards the south

receives a higher total annual global irradiation compared to a horizontal

surface. This is because a surface tilted towards the south more directly faces

the sun for a longer period of time. In the southern hemisphere, a surface tilted

towards the north receives a higher total annual global irradiation. Figure1-1

illustrates why the tilt angle is important for maximizing the energy incident on

the collector plane.

Figure 1.1 Effect of Tilt on Solar Energy Capture

The amount of irradiation received can be quantified for any tilt angle by the

global tilted irradiation. The optimal tilt angle varies primarily with latitude and

may also depend on local weather patterns and plant layout configurations.

Simulations software may be used to calculate the irradiation on the tilted

plane. Part of this calculation will take into account the irradiance reflected from

the ground towards the modules. This is dependent on the ground reflectance

or albedo. These terms are defined below:

a. Global Tilted Irradiation (GTI): The total solar energy received on a unit

area of a tilted surface. It includes direct beam and diffuse components. A

high value of long-term annual GTI average is the most important resource

parameter for project developers.

b. Albedo: The ground reflectance or albedo is highly site-dependent. A

higher albedo translates into greater reflection. Fresh grass has an albedo

factor of 0.26, reducing down to a minimum of approximately 0.15 when dry.

Asphalt has a value between 0.09 and 00.15, or 0.18 if wet. Fresh snow has

an albedo of approximately 0.8, meaning that 80 percent of the irradiation

is reflected.

1.4 Energy Yield Prediction

An important step in assessing project feasibility and attracting financing is to

calculate the electrical energy expected from the PV power plant. The energy yield

prediction provides the basis for calculating project revenue. The accuracy needed

for the energy yield prediction depends on the stage of project development. To

accurately estimate the energy produced from a PV power plant, information is

needed on the solar resource and temperature conditions of the site in addition to

the layout and technical specifications of the plant components. Typically, the

procedure for predicting yield of PV plant are:

a. Sourcing modelled or measured environmental data, such as irradiance and

temperature from ground based meteorological stations or satellites

sources. This results in time series of “typical” irradiation on a horizontal

plane at the site location along with typical environmental conditions.

b. Calculating the irradiation incident on tilted collector plane for a given time


c. Modelling performance of the plant with respect to varying irradiance and

temperature to calculate the energy yield prediction in each time step.

d. Applying losses using detailed knowledge of the inverters, PV modules

and transformers characteristics, the site layout and module configuration,

DC and AC wiring, downtime, auxiliary equipment and soiling


e. Applying statistical analysis of resource data and assessing the uncertainty

in input values to derive appropriate levels of uncertainty in final energy yield


In order to predict the solar resource over lifetime of a project, it is necessary

to analyze historical data for the site. These data are typically given for a horizontal

plane. The assumption is that the future solar resource will follow the same

patterns as the historical values. Historical data may be obtained from land-based

measurements or from data obtained from the satellites.

1.5 Site Location Assessment

The process of site assessment or selection must consider the constraints of

each site and the impact it will have on the cost of the electricity generated.

Developing a utility-scale PV power plant in a specific location may include

constraints due to a low solar resource, low grid capacity or insufficient area to

install modules. However, a low solar resource could be offset by high local

financial incentives that make a project viable. A similar balancing acts applies to

the other constraints. A geographical information system mapping tool can be used

to assist the site selection process by a assessing multiple constraints and

determining the total area of suitable land available for solar PV project


1.5.1 Site Selection Criteria

Selecting a suitable site is a crucial component of developing a viable

solar PV project. There are no clear-cut rules for site selection. Viable projects

have been developed in locations that may initially seem unlikely, such as

steep mountain slopes, within wind farms and on waste disposal sites. In

general, the process of site selection must consider the constraints and the

impact of site on the cost of electricity generated. The main constraints that

need to be assessed include: Solar resource, available area, local climate,

topography, land use, local regulations/land use policy or zoning,

environmental designations, geotechnical conditions, geopolitical risks,

accessibility, grid connection, module soiling, water availability and financial


1.5.2 Environmental and Social Considerations

Most regulatory regimes require some sort of Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) or Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), or

an environmental scoping document which screens for any significant issues

so that a decision can be made by the relevant authorities as to whether a full-

blown assessment is required.

a. Biodiversity: Avoiding sensitive or critical habitats and species is

crucial. Construction and operation of solar PV power plant sites and

ancillary infrastructure (access roads, transmission lines) leads to

clearing of existing habitats. Facilities, including ancillary infrastructure,

should be sited away from ecologically sensitive areas, like protected

areas and those with high biodiversity value such as wetlands,

undisturbed natural forests and important wildlife corridors. Ideally, solar

PV power plants should be built on sites that are either open or barren

(e.g., desert or semi-desert locations) or that have previously been

disturbed, e.g., farmland, industrial land, abandoned land or existing

transportation and transmission corridors. Impacts on designated

conservation or biodiversity protection sites should be avoided wherever

possible, in particular those with national or international significance.

b. Land acquisition: Avoiding or minimizing involuntary resettlement is a

key concern. Installation of solar PV plants results in long-term land

acquisition and conversion. If involuntary resettlement (i.e., physical or

economic displacement of households) is necessary, this may

complicate and slow project development and give rise to possible

project delays later in the development cycle, particularly where land

tenure and ownership laws are tenuous and/or customary land tenure

exists. Sites that would require physical displacement (relocation of

residences) should be avoided wherever possible; site selection should

furthermore aim to avoid or minimize economic displacement (e.g. loss

of croplands, businesses or other livelihood sources).

c. Other social impacts: Avoiding cultural heritage, visual impacts and

indigenous peoples (IPs) is another critical concern. Besides involuntary

resettlement, solar PV projects and their ancillary infrastructure may

adversely impact cultural heritage or IPs, may result in visual impacts to

nearby communities and may require establishment of worker

accommodation camps involving an influx of outsiders into a local

community, with attendant social risks. Sites should be selected in such

as manner as to avoid close proximity to settled areas, to avoid cultural

heritage (e.g., graves, sacred sites) and to avoid or minimize adverse

impacts on IPs’ lands or properties.

1.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

1.6.1 Advantages

The solar energy is free and renewable resource to generate electricity

but requires collectors and some other equipment for conversion of solar

energy into electrical energy.

a. Solar cells used for power generation cause no noise. whereas

generators or turbines of other methods causes noise pollution.

b. It does not cause much pollution compared to other power generating

methods such as nuclear power plant.

c. The solar cells do not consist of any moving parts and hence requires a

little maintenance for their operation.

d. It can be used in remote areas for generating and utilizing power in that

locality, where the transmission of electricity is too expensive.

e. The solar power offers energy security by avoiding the general power

system in which there is a possibility of power theft.

f. In general, calculators and some low-power-consuming electronic

devices can be energized using solar energy effectively.

g. The solar energy can produce 50% of the power required to house by

installing the solar panels.

h. In long term usage of solar energy, the solar power setup investment

can be regained at maximum levels as solar energy is free of cost.

i. It is an everlasting infinite renewable energy source compared to other

limited energy sources such as nuclear energy, coal, etc., which are

estimated to last for 30 or 40 years.

1.6.2 Disadvantages

The installation cost of the solar panels to use solar energy is very

expensive, and the initial investments can be covered only after long-term

(many years) utilization.

a. The solar power energy generation entirely depends on the sunlight

incident on the solar panel sand which in turn depend on the climatic


b. The solar energy can be harnessed in a limited period as the sunlight is

available only during the day time and sunny days; thus, power can be

generated only in limited time period and the power has to be saved in

batteries for later usage.

c. The batteries used to store solar power are very costly, huge sized and

need to be replaced from time to time.

1.7 Photovoltaic Power Potential

Harnessing solar power is one way to decrease dependence on the

increasing and volatile prices of fossil fuels. In the Philippines, the potential is even

greater than the aspirational target of 1,528MW attributed to solar in the National

Renewable Energy Plan until 2030. Solar PV growth in the Philippines is expected

to reach 3GW of utility solar in 2022. By the end of 2030, industry predicts a

cumulative installation of 8.7GW with solar rooftop constituting 35 percent of total

installation (Philippine Solar Power Alliance).

Figure 1.2 Installed PV Solar in the Philippines, 2016

Figure 1.3 Cumulative Target Solar Installation

1.8 Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion

Solar power is produced by collecting sunlight and converting it into

electricity. This is done by using solar panels, which are large flat panels made up

of many individual solar cells.

Figure 1.4 Solar Power Conversion Process

This system starts out with the sun. The sun sends out energy in the form

of photons, which react with certain materials and display the photovoltaic effect in

which their atoms start moving around when exposed to sunlight. The electricity

generated by the solar panel is directed into charge controller and send outs pulse

of charge which helps in uniform distribution of the charges on the plates of the

battery. When the energy is being stored in a battery, it is immediately sent into an

inverter which changes the electricity from direct current into alternating current.

This energy is then sent into the utility grid where it is swallowed up and used for

all other homes and buildings on the same local utility grid.



This section discusses the objective of the design, the significance of the

study, scope, limitations and delimitations of the design, solar power plant site and

the design proper.

2.1 Objective of the Design

The capstone design project will offer an adequate design, installation,

operation and maintenance of a solar power plant which will control and manage

the present and future demand of the yard. To match certain load requirements of

the consumer, at a minimum cost of the system the project will focus on the


a. Design of the system based on the power requirements and solar data


b. Proper selection and installation of components, specifically for grid-

connected PV systems configurations.

c. Establish key design features including the type of PV module used, tilting

angle, mounting and tracking systems, inverters and module arrangement.

d. Design a PV Power Plant that is optimally balanced in terms of cost and

performance for a specific site.

e. Effective operation and maintenance of the power plant.

f. Economic aspect of the project.

2.2 Significance of the Study

The growing energy demand has triggered the issue energy security. This

has made essential to utilize the untapped potential of renewable sources. Grid

connected PV systems have become the best alternatives in renewable energy at

large scale. This capstone project study will focus on exploitation of solar energy

to mitigate future energy challenges for sustainable development. The study is also

vital to combat devastating effects of global warming brought by the non-renewable

resource. Lastly, by all accounts, this study is notable to various groups most

specially to the community because the results of the study will provide significant

information about PV solar energy. These will help them understand the

advantages of having PV solar energy and help them lessen the electricity

consumption by increasing the solar energy sources.

2.3 Scope, Limitation and Delimitation of the Design

Energy consumption is the total energy used by the entire human

civilization. Typically measured per year, it involves all energy harnessed from

every energy source applied towards humanity’s endeavors across every single

industrial and technological sector in the country.

The scope of the project refers to the parameters under which the design of

the solar power plant will be operating. The designers focus on producing power

using energy from the sun. This would have a wide range of applications in fields

ranging from household to industrial applications. The purpose of the study is to

have an alternative source of power and to ascertain if renewable energy sources

are sustainable for energy access and security in order to meet demand of future

generations. Moreover, the study is limited only on the mechanical aspects of the

design. The computation of installation of electrical wirings and circuits of solar

panels are not included in the study. In addition, the load calculations of the

buildings and offices are not discussed. Moreover, the delimitations of the study

are the characteristics that arise from the limitations of the design defining the

boundaries made during the development of the project. The design is delimited

to the number of panels installed in order to obtain the required capacity of the

plant. This will measure the load requirements and performance of the solar PV


2.4 Solar Power Plant Site

A desirable site has favorable local climate, good solar resource

(irradiation), land available for purchasing or long-term leasing, an accessible grid

connection or a binding regulatory commitment to connect the site to the

transmission network, and no serious environmental or social concerns associated

with the development of a PV project.

The location where the solar power plant will be installed is highly related

with the solar energy potential of the location. The criteria for site selection include

the availability of the solar radiation, the availability of vacant land, accessibility

from national highways, distance from the existing transmission lines, variation in

local climate, use of nearby land, topography of the site, and module soiling.

Figure 2.1 Location Map of the Proposed 6.8-MW PV Solar Power Plant

Figure 2.2 Satellite Map of the Proposed 6.8-MW PV Solar Power Plant

The PV Solar Power Plant is located at Sabang, Ibaan Batangas with

geographical coordinates of 13.794725 degrees north and 121.109739 degrees


Figure 2.3 Geographic Coordinates of the Proposed Location of

6.8-MW PV Solar Power Plant

Figure 2.4 Proposed Land Area of 6.8-MW PV Solar Power Plant

2.5 Solar Energy Potential in Sabang, Ibaan Batangas
Soar irradiation is the amount of electromagnetic radiation received from

the sun per unit area, usually in square meters. The amount of solar irradiance

varies depending on how far the object is from the sun, the angle of the sun and

the solar cycle (biology dictionary). The solar radiation in Sabang, Ibaan Batangas

is determined using the solar radiation calculator with the following inputs: The

latitude of the location, altitude and the day of year. According to Wikimapia, the

altitude of Ibaan is 300 ft or 91 m above sea level while the location of the plant is

13. 794725 degrees north. This solar radiation calculator estimates the intensity of

the solar radiation on the location. Based on the results, the maximum solar

radiation on the summer months is 1081 W/m2 .The following figures shows the

solar radiation intensity of the location selected at Sabang Ibaan, Batangas.

Figure 2.5 Maximum Solar Radiation in Sabang, Ibaan Batangas

The performance ratio of the panels is also significant in determining the

amount of irradiance or energy to be harnessed in each panel. According to the

solar mango, the performance ratio, coefficient for losses is 75%. Given the

maximum solar radiation of the location, the area of the panel to be installed and

the default performance ratio of the solar panels thus, the solar energy potential in

Sabang, Ibaan Batangas can be obtained as;

Solar energy potentialSabang,Ibaan Batangas = (1081 m2 ) (2m2 )(0.75) = 1621.5 W

2.6 Design Proper

In order to calculate the necessary parameters for the design of a 6.8-

megawatt PV Solar Power Plant, the designers used various components

necessary for the system calculation of the plant and the economic aspect

pertaining to the project management of the entire plant operation.

2.6.1 System Components

Creating a design system begins with a list of all the major

components with product specifications that is significant in the

development and consistency of the design. The PV solar power plant has

the following major components including the solar panel/modules, battery,

inverter, charge controller, solar array AC disconnect and other equipment

regulating the efficient flow transfer of collected energy into the grid.

a. Solar Panels/Modules

Photovoltaic solar panels absorb sunlight as a source of

energy to generate electricity. A solar module is a

single photovoltaic panel that is an assembly of connected solar

cells. According to the solar energy center, photovoltaic modules are

extremely safe and reliable products, with minimal failure rates and

projected service lifetimes of 20 to 30 years.

The design of the solar panel or module of the 6.8-megawatt

solar power plant is from the catalogue guide of Sun Power SPR-

P17-330 with the following specifications;

Table 2.1 DC Electrical Characteristics of Solar Panels/Modules

DC Electrical Characteristics

STC Power Rating 330W

PTC Power Rating 296.3W
STC Power per unit of area 14.9W/ft^2 (160.0W/m^2 )
Peak Efficiency 16%
Power Tolerances 0%/+5%
Imp 7.88A
Vmp 41.9V
Isc 8.47A
Voc 50.9V
Temp. Coefficient of Isc 0.04%/K
Temp. Coefficient of Power -0.37%/K
Temp. Coefficient of Voltage -0.173V/K
Series Fuse Rating 15A
Maximum System Voltage 1000V
Output Terminal Type Multicontact Connector Type 4
Output Cable Wire Gauge 12 AWG
Output Cable Wire Type PV Wire
Output Cable Wire Length 23.6in (600mm)
Frame Color Clear
Length 81.4in (2,067mm)
Width 39.3in (998mm)
Depth 1.8in (46mm)
Weight 50.9lb (23.1kg)
Installation Method Rack-Mounted

b. Charge Controller

Any system with energy storage needs a way to regulate the

flow of energy into the batteries. Philip Undercuffler, director of

strategic platforms at OutBack Power, said that regulation prevents

the batteries from overcharging and potentially receiving damage.

Solar charge controllers regulate the energy flowing from the PV

array and transfer it directly to the batteries as a DC-coupled system,

which is the most efficient and effective manner. Giving batteries as

long of a life as possible is an important function of a charge


The charge controller used in the design of the system is

obtained from the IHUAX Wind and Solar Expert Store with the

specifications of;

Table 2.2 Charge Controller Specifications

Model Number: HX30240

Application: Solar System Controller
Recommended Solar Panel:
Rated Charge and Discharge Current: 30A
Appearance Size: 150*135*63mm

Figure 2.6 Charge Controller

c. Battery and Inverter

Solar batteries are the arteries of any efficient solar

panel system. Without the batteries, the system is powerless.

Batteries store the energy produced by the sun and solar panels,

allowing the energy to be used as needed through an inverter.

A solar inverter or PV inverter, is a type of

electrical converter which converts the variable direct current (DC)

output of a photovoltaic (PV) solar panel into a utility

frequency alternating current (AC) that can be fed into a commercial

electrical grid or used by a local, off-grid electrical network.

The design of the battery and inverter are determined in the

Tesla Power Wall 2 with the following specifications;

Table 2.3 Mechanical Specifications of Battery and Inverter

Table 2.4 Performance Specifications of Battery and Inverter

Table 2.5 Environmental Specifications of Battery and Inverter

d. Solar Array AC Disconnect

The AC Disconnect is used to separate the inverter from the

electrical grid. The AC disconnect may be a breaker on a service

panel or it may be a stand-alone switch. The AC disconnect is sized

based on the output current of the inverter. The inverter has an

output current of 7200 watts same with the solar array AC and DC

disconnect. The design of the solar array AC disconnect is based

from the Schneider Electric with the following specifications;

Table 2.6 Technical Characteristics of Solar Array AC Disconnect

Technical Characteristics
Terminal Type Lugs
Type of Duty General Duty
Maximum Voltage Rating 240VAC
Wire Size #14 to #8 AWG(Al/Cu)
Depth 3.75 Inches
Height 9.63 Inches
Width 7.25 Inches
Action Single Throw
Ampere Rating 30A
Approvals UL Listed File: E2875
Enclosure Rating NEMA 3R
Rainproof and Sleet/Ice proof
Enclosure Type
Enclosure Material Galvannealed Steel
Factory Installed Neutral Yes
Fuse Type Cartridge (Class H, K or R)
Disconnect Type Fusible
Short Circuit Current Rating 100kA (max. depending on fuse type)
Mounting Type Surface
Number of Poles 2-Pole

Figure 2.7 Solar Array AC Disconnect

e. Solar Array DC Disconnect

It is an electrical switch that disconnects and cuts-off the DC

power output from your solar panels and array if there is a problem

with the solar system. This disconnection switch needs to be strong

enough to handle the full power output from the panels on a bright

sunny day. The design of the solar array DC disconnect is

determined in the product guide of Schneider Electric with the

following specifications;

Table 2.7 Solar Array DC Disconnect Specifications

Features Details

30A Outdoor Safety Switch Part Number: D211NRBCP

2 Plug Fuse Item Weight: 5.5 pounds
Product Dimensions: 11.1 x 8 x 5.7
3 Wire Solid Neutral
Voltage: 120/240V Item model number: D211NRBCP

Figure 2.8 Solar Array DC Disconnect

f. Solar Wire Cable

A solar cable is the interconnection cable used

in photovoltaic power generation. Solar cables interconnect solar

panels and other electrical components of a photovoltaic system.

Solar cables are designed to be UV resistant and weather resistant.

The design of the solar wire cable 10AWG are obtained from the

Leader’s Catalogue with the following specifications and


Table 2.8 Solar Wire Cable Specifications

g. Solar Panel Connectors

Solar connectors facilitate electrical connectivity in solar

energy systems. The design of the solar panel connectors is based

on the Leader’s Catalogue with the following specifications;

Table 2.9 Specifications of Solar Panel Connector

Figure 2.9 Dimensions of the Solar Panel Connectors

h. Solar Panel Rack

Ground mounted solar panels are usually for large scale utility

stations. The solar arrays are attached to the racking system with its

foundation directly into the ground. The solar panel rack that will be

used in the design is T2VC Aluminum Ground Mount from Chiko

Solar Mounting Solutions. The following specifications and

advantages are shown below.

Figure 2.10 T2VC Aluminum Ground Mount Advantages

Figure 2.11 Technical data of Solar Panel Rack

Figure 2.12 Main Components of Solar Mounting Rack

i. Power Meter

The application of power meter is for metering distribution

feeders, transformers, generators, capacitor banks and motors. It is

also used in medium and low voltage systems, commercial,

industrial, utility, power quality analysis and data logging. The power

meter that will be used in the PV solar power plant is obtained from

Accuenergy Catalogue. The following specifications are shown in

Table 2-10

Figure 2.13 Power Meter

Table 2.10 Power Meter Specifications

j. Power Transformer

The power transformer receives power from the grid and feed

power station distribution system. The purpose of transformer is to

step up (increase) or step down (reduce) electrical voltage in a power

grid. The transformer that will be used in the PV solar power plant

project is obtained from Alibaba Global Trade with the following


Table 2.11 Power Transformer Specifications

Supply Ability 100 Unit/Units per Month

Brand Name SafeHerm
Model Number SafeHerm-7000/13.8
Usage Power Distribution
Phase Three
Coil Structure Toroidal
Coil Number Two windings
Product name Power distribution transformer
Type Oil immersed type
Rated capacity 7000kVA
Primary voltage 13.8KV
Secondary voltage 400V/230V
Frequency 50/60Hz
Insulation voltage 95kV/38kV
Standard IEC60076

Figure 2.14 Power Transformer

2.6.2 Facilities

a. Administration Building

This building comprises administrative activities within the PV

Solar Power Plant that are related to record keeping, financial

planning, logistics, and controlling processes, policies and programs.

The administration building includes the human resource department

responsible for managing resources related to people working for

company or organization, planning department for the development

and administration of programs, finance department for raising

finance, its allocation, monitoring, distribution and procurement of

cash flows. It also comprises supplies room, files storage room,

locker room, clinic, canteen and conference room.

b. Engineering and Maintenance Building

The Engineering and Maintenance building identifies actions

within the PV Solar Power Plant in terms of equipment procurement,

spare parts acquisition, utility system improvements, engineering

drawings, operations, maintenance plans and equipment

specifications. The building also comprises storage area, workshop

area, plant manager office and both engineering and maintenance


c. Instrumentation and Control Building

The measurement information generated by an instrument

are sent into the control center or room for collective term of

measuring and monitoring of operation. Process indicators and

controls were used upon linking the process to determine the flow

and harness of energy in the PV solar power plant. This room

comprises various system components and configurations to control

the quantities being measured like the batteries and inverters used

in the PV solar power plant.

d. Solar Field

The solar farm or field is one of the important facilities and

area in putting up a PV solar power plant. This is an area of land in

which a large number of solar panels are set up in order to generate


e. Substation

Substations are important consideration of the electrical

structure of the PV solar power plant required to keep reliable

electricity available for customers. The purpose of the substation is

to step down high voltage electricity from the transmission system to

lower voltage electricity so that it can be easily supplied to homes

and businesses through the distribution lines.

2.7 Plant Operational and Maintenance Procedures

The Operations team is responsible for continuous monitoring and

supervision of the PV power plant conditions and its performance while

maintenance is a special service provided to follow best practices principles. it is

defined as a condition-based maintenance carried out following a forecast derived

from the analysis and evaluation of the significant parameters of the degradation

of the item.

Table 2.12 Plant Operations

Plant Operations
Performance monitoring
Performance analysis and improvement
Plant supervision Issue detection
Service dispatch
Security monitoring interface
Plant controls
Power generation forecasting
Grid operator interface, grid code compliance
Plant Operational
Maintenance scheduling
Management of change
Spare parts arrangement

Table 2.3 Plant Maintenance

Plant Maintenance
Preventive maintenance
PV Plant Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance
Module Cleaning
PV Site Maintenance Vegetation management
Sand Removal
General site management
Additional Services On-site measurements (meter readings,
thermal inspection)

Predictive Maintenance has several advantages, including:

a. Optimize the safety management of equipment and systems during their

entire lifetime;

b. Anticipate maintenance activities (both corrective and preventive);

c. Delay, eliminate and optimize some maintenance activities;

d. Reduce time to repair and optimize maintenance and Spare Parts

Management costs;

e. Reduce emergency and non-planned work and improve predictability.

f. Reduce spare parts replacement costs and increase availability, energy

production and performance of equipment and systems;

2.8 Design Standards

Solar energy systems must be built in compliance with construction,

electricity and fire codes in order to be safe and reliable. Most of the standards for

the solar systems are set forth in the National Electrical Code (NEC), which

provides specifications on equipment, installation methods, and design protocols.

The project design conforms with the following codes and standards.

1. Article 690.1 Solar Photovoltaic (PV Systems)- The provisions of this

article apply to solar PV electrical energy systems, including the array

circuits, inverters, and controllers for such systems. Solar PV systems

covered by this article may be interactive with other electrical power

production sources (Philippine Electric Code).

2. Article 690.4 General Requirements (A) Photovoltaic Systems-

Photovoltaic systems shall be permitted to supply a building or other

structure in addition to any other electrical supply systems (Philippine

Electric Code).

3. Article 690.4 General Requirements (B) Equipment- Inverters, motor

generators, PV modules, PV panels, AC PV modules, DC combiners, DC-

to-DC converters, and charge controllers intended for use in PV power

systems shall be listed for the PV application (Philippine Electric Code).

4. Article 690.4 General Requirements (C) Qualified Personnel- The

installation of equipment and all associated wiring and interconnections

shall be performed only by qualified persons (Philippine Electric Code).

5. Article 90.1 (C) Relation to International Standards- The requirements

in this code address the fundamental principles of protection for safety

contained in International Electrotechnical Commission Standard, Electrical

Installations of Buildings, IEC 60364-1, Section 131 (Philippine Electric


6. IEC 60364-1, Section 31- Contains fundamental principles of operation for

safety that encompass protection against electric shock, protection against

thermal effects, protection against overcurrent, protection against fault

currents, and protection against overvoltage. All of the above potential

hazards are addressed by the requirements in this code (Philippine Electric




Designing a megawatt-scale PV solar power plant involved process that

requires considerable technical knowledge. There are many parameters that need

to be made in order to achieve the optimum balance between performance and

cost. This section discusses the technical aspects that need to be considered when

designing a PV solar power plant.

3.1 Load Analysis

Load analysis is one of the most important engineering steps for increasing

energy efficiency. Gathering information and data about all the loads that the

power system will encounter is the first step towards design. This means

understanding critical loads, duty cycle, seasonal variations, and start-up

requirements. These sources usually come from the mechanical and control


The load analysis should begin with quantifying the maximum operating

loads and loading factors. Inflated values given from the manufacturer can lead to

oversizing of the supply. The load analysis should also take into account for the

number of loads on the system. According to the Ibaan Electric and Engineering

Corporation (IEEC),the energy sales per customer type including the residential,

commercial, industrial and other sector from year 2014-2018 is shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Energy Sales per Customer Type (MWh)

Energy Sales per Customer

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Type (MWh)
Residential 12,322 12,794 13,177 13,580 13,989
Commercial 4,260 4,410 4,537 4,674 4,816
Industrial 2,276 2,329 2,425 2,525 2,579
Others 313 331 346 361 378
TOTAL 19,171 19,864 20,484 21,129 21,763

3.2 Plant Capacity
The design capacity is a theoretical value that usually serve as the design

basis of the solar power plant. It is the maximum amount that can be produced per

unit of time with existing plant and equipment provided that the availability of

variable factors of production is not restricted. In calculating the plant capacity of

the solar power plant;

Pmax (MWh)
Plant capacity =
days hrs
year (365 year )(16 )

Getting the energy sales per customer type considering sixteen (16) hours

of operation.

For the year 2014;

19, 171 MWh

Plant capacity for year 2014 =
days hrs
year (365 year )(16 )

Plant capacity for year 2014 = 3. 2827 MW

For the year 2015;

19, 864 MWh

Plant capacity for year 2015 =
days hrs
year (365 year )(16 )

Plant capacity for year 2015 = 3. 4014 MW

For the year 2016;

20, 484 MWh

Plant capacity for year 2016 =
days hrs
year (365 year )(16 )

Plant capacity for year 2016 = 3. 5075 MW

For the year 2017;

21, 129 MWh

Plant capacity for year 2017 =
days hrs
year (365 year )(16 )

Plant capacity for year 2017 = 3. 6180 MW

For the year 2018;

21, 763 MWh

Plant capacity for year 2018 =
days hrs
year (365 year )(16 )

Plant capacity for year 2018 = 3. 7265 MW

3.3 Percentage Increase of Power Demand

Calculating the percentage increase of power demand of future years, it can

be obtained as;

ES of present year − ES of previous year

Percentage increase = 𝑥 100
ES of previous year

where: ES= energy sales

Therefore, the percentage increase for the year 2014-2015 is;

3.4014 MW − 3.2827 MW
Percentage increase for year 2014 − 2015 = 𝑥 100
3.2827 MW

Percentage increase for year 2014 − 2015 = 3.6148 %

For the year 2015-2016;

3.5075 MW − 3.4014 MW
Percentage increase for year 2015 − 2016 = 𝑥 100
3.4014 MW

Percentage increase for year 2015 − 2016 = 3.1212 %

For the year 2016-2017;

3.6180 MW − 3.5075 MW
Percentage increase for year 2016 − 2017 = 𝑥 100
3.5075 MW

Percentage increase for year 2016 − 2017 = 3.1488 %

For the year 2017-2018;

3.7265 MW − 3.6180 MW
Percentage increase for year 2017 − 2018 = 𝑥 100
3.6180 MW

Percentage increase for year 2015 − 2016 = 3.0006 %

3.4 Average Percentage Increase

Getting the average percentage increase for the year 2014-2018;

Sum of percentage increase

Average % increase for year 2014 − 2018 =

3.6148 + 3.1212 + 3.1488 + 3.0006

Average % increase for year 2014 − 2018 =

Average % increase for year 2014 − 2018 = 3.22135

3.5 Load Projection

Load projection is essential in such power and energy providing company

to predict the power/energy needed, meeting the demand and supply equilibrium.

The accuracy of load projection has a great significance for the operational and

managerial loading of a solar power plant. From the calculated average

percentage increase, the power demand for the future years can be determined.

This can be obtained through;

Power demand of future year = ES of previous year (1 + ave. % increase)

The year 2019 and 2020 are allotted for construction period and the load

analysis for the consecutive years up to year 2030 will be the basis of the study.

Calculating the power demand for year 2019;

Power demand for year 2019 = 3.7265 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2019 = 3.8466 MW

For year 2020;

Power demand for year 2020 = 3.8466 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2020 = 3.9705 MW

For year 2021;

Power demand for year 2020 = 3.9705 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2020 = 4.0984 MW

For year 2022;

Power demand for year 2022 = 4.0984 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2022 = 4.2304 MW

For year 2023;

Power demand for year 2023 = 4.2304 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2023 = 4.3667 MW

For year 2024;

Power demand for year 2024 = 4.3667 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2024 = 4.5074 MW

For year 2025;

Power demand for year 2025 = 4.5074 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2025 = 4.6526 MW

For year 2026;

Power demand for year 2026 = 4.6526 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2026 = 4.8024 MW

For year 2027;

Power demand for year 2027 = 4.8024 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2027 = 4.9572 MW

For year 2028;

Power demand for year 2028 = 4.9572 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2028 = 5.1168 MW

For year 2029;

Power demand for year 2029 = 5.1168 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2029 = 5.2817 MW

Lastly for the year 2030;

Power demand for year 2030 = 5.2817 MW (1 + 0.0322135)

Power demand for year 2019 = 5.4518 MW

Table 3.2 shows the summary of the load projection for year 2019-2030.

The power demand for future years will predict the energy supply needed for

distribution through the solar power plant.

Table 3.2 Summary of Load Projections

Year Power Demand (MW)

2019 3.8466
2020 3.9705
2021 4.0984
2022 4.2304
2023 4.3667
2024 4.5074
2025 4.6526
2026 4.8024
2027 4.9572
2028 5.1168
2029 5.2817
2030 5.4518

Figure 3.1 Power Demand Projection

3.6 System Components

The PV Solar Power Plant has various components that will regulate the

efficient harness and transfer of energy into the grid. For the consistency of the

design, the following calculations are considered.

3.6.1 Solar Panel Sizing

The specifications of the solar panel to be used is obtained from the

Sun Power Catalogue with a voltage of 41.9 V and a current of 7.88 A. In

order to meet the power demand, the analysis and number of solar panels

are determined. This are calculated as;

Plant Capacity
Number of Solar Panels =
Power Rating solar panel

Given the voltage and current, the power rating of the selected

solar panel to be installed can also be calculated.

Power rating solar panel = IV

Power rating solar panel = (7.88A)(41.9 V)

Power rating solar panel = 330.172 W

Power rating solar panel = 330 W

Therefore, the number of solar panels can be obtained as;

5.5 x 106 W
Number of Solar Panels =
330 W

Number of Solar Panels = 16, 667 panels

3.6.2 Battery and Inverter Sizing

Solar battery sizing is one of the most important considerations when

choosing specifications of the solar system. When sizing a battery, the main

objective is to get one that can handle load coming from the PV panel array

and provide enough stored power without having regularly discharge. The

specifications of the battery to be used in the design is obtained from Tesla

Power Wall 2 with an AC voltage of 240 V and protection current of 30A.

This battery has an inverter coupled that converts the DC electricity

produced to AC power. The number of the solar panel per battery is

calculated as;

Battery Rating
Number of Solar Panel Per Battery =
Solar Panel Rating

Given the voltage and current of the selected battery, the battery

rating can be calculated.

Battery rating = IV

Battery rating = 30A(240V)

Battery rating = 7200 W

Therefore, the number of solar panels per battery can be obtained


7200 W
Number of Solar Panel Per Battery =
330 W

Number of Solar Panel Per Battery = 21.82 ≈ 21

For the maximization of charging within one battery, it is composed

of 21 solar panels. Moreover, the number of batteries can be calculated as;

Total number of Solar Panel

Number of battery =
Solar panel per Battery

16, 667 Panels
Number of battery =
21 Solar Panel/Battery

Number of battery = 793.67 Batteries

3.6.3 Fixed Panels Optimum Tilt

The tilt angle of the photovoltaic (PV) array is the key to an optimum

energy yield. Solar panels or PV arrays are most efficient by adjusting the

face of the panel by magnetic declination value in the location (Whole Sale

Solar). In the Northern Hemisphere, if your magnetic declination is east

(positive), rotate your panels east. If your magnetic declination is west

(negative), rotate your panels west. In the Southern Hemisphere, if your

magnetic declination is east (positive), rotate your panels west. If your

magnetic declination is west (negative), rotate your panels east. The

magnetic declination of Ibaan Batangas is shown in Figure 3.2 based from

the data obtained in Magnetic Declination online map finder.

Figure 3.2 Magnetic Declination of Ibaan Batangas

Since Philippines is situated in the northern hemisphere and Ibaan

Batangas has a magnetic declination of -2º 9’ negative west, thus, the tilt is

facing horizontal from west. From the solar panel tilt written by Charlie R.

Landau, the tilt angle can be calculated as;

Tilt (θ) = latitude x 0.87

where: latitude of the location at Sabang, Ibaan Batangas = 13.794725°

Tilt (θ) = 13.794725 x 0.87

Tilt (θ) = 12.00° from horizontal facing west

3.6.4 Solar Panel Rack

Solar racking system is used to safely fix solar panels to the

ground. The length of the panel is 1 m or 1000 mm. Thus, the height of the

of the panel can be determined through;

sin(12°) =
1000 mm

x = 207.91 mm

3.6.5 PV Array Row Spacing

When designing a PV system that is tilted or ground mounted,

determining the appropriate spacing between each row is important. The

inter-row spacing for tilted or ground mounted PV systems are obtained

from the Nirvana Solar, Techno-Commercial Energy and calculated as;

Lmin = x ( + cosω)

where: x = modules length

a = solar radiation angle

ω = modules angle

sin 12
Lmin = 1 ( + cos12)
tan 78

Lmin = 1.02 m

3.6.6 Charge Controller

The charge controller used in the design of the system is obtained

from the IHUAX Wind and Solar Expert Store with a solar panel voltage of

<380V(220V); <400V(240V) and a rated charge and discharge current of


3.7 System Losses

System loss is the total energy lost or wasted on a system due to line loss

and other forms of energy loss, unaccounted energy used among other factors.

The following system loss obtained from the Aurora Solar Help Center will be

applied in different losses which includes the Irradiance Losses, DC Losses and

AC Losses.

3.7.1 Irradiance Losses

These losses reduce the amount of sunlight hitting each panel and

therefore get applied to the incident irradiance of each module.

a. Light-Induced Degradation (default 1.5%)- Solar modules

experience a loss in output power when they are initially exposed to


b. Shading (default 3%)- Shade loss can greatly impact the energy

production of a solar insulation.

c. Soiling (default 2%)- Soiling accounts for dirt and dust accumulation

on the solar panels. Depending on the location of the project this can

be more or less severe, so this factor will need to be adjusted in some


Calculating the irradiance loss in the system;

Irradiance loss
- Light-induced Degradation (1.5%)

- Shading (3%)
- Soiling (2%)

Irradiance losses = [1 − (1 − 0.015)(1 − 0.03)(1 − 0.02)]𝑥 100

Irradiance losses = 0.0637x 100

Irradiance losses = 6.37 %

3.7.2 DC Losses
DC losses represent energy lost on the DC side of the system (losses

before the inverter) and are applied to the DC output of each module or

string. These losses relate to modules, strings, and wiring.

a. Mismatch (default 2%)- While all modules of aa given type have the

same datasheet, in practice their IV characteristics can vary slightly

due to variability in manufacturing processes. This mismatch in IV

characteristics results in slightly reduced energy production in string

inverter designs. Industry consensus is that around 2% of system

energy production is lost due module mismatch.

b. Connections (default 0.5%)- Represents resistive losses in

connectors in the system.

c. Wiring (default 2%)- This accounts for resistive losses in the wiring

of the system (both on the DC and AC side). This value may need to

be adjusted depending on conductor choice and wire runs.

Calculating the DC loss in the system;

DC losses

- Mismatch (2%)
- Connections (0.5%)
- Wiring (2%)

DC losses = [1 − (1 − 0.02)(1 − 0.005)(1 − 0.02)] 𝑥 100

DC losses = 0.0444 𝑥 100

DC losses = 4.44%

3.7.3 AC losses

AC losses are applied to the simulated AC output of the system.

These losses capture effects on system performance that have to do with

the system as a whole.

a. System Availability (default 3%)- System availability account

for downtime of the system due to maintenance, equipment

defects and grid outages.

Calculating the AC loss in the system;

AC losses

- System availability (3%)

AC losses = 1 − (1 − 0.03)𝑥 100

AC losses = 0.03 x 100

AC losses = 3%

3.7.4 Transmission and Distribution Loss

Transmission and distribution loses occur in the process of supplying

electricity to consumers due to technical losses or the energy dissipated in

the conductors, transformers and other equipment used for transmission,

transformation, sub-transmission and distribution of power. According to the

trading economics, the transmission and distribution loss of power plants is


3.8 Total Percent Loss

Considering the system losses calculated in the design of PV solar power

plant, the total percent can be determined. It comprises three forms of losses which

includes the irradiance losses, DC losses, AC losses and transmission and

distribution losses.

Total Percent Losses = Irradiance Losses + DC Losses + AC Losses

Total Percent Losses = 6.37% + 4.44% + 3% + 11.47 %

Total Percent Losses = 25.28%

3.9 Total Losses in Watts

The design of 5.5-megawatt PV solar power plant considered forms of

losses in the system. Since the plant capacity and the total percent loss in the

system is calculated, total losses in KW can also be calculated. This can be

obtained as;

Total losses in watts = Plant Capacity x Percentage losses

Total losses in watts = 5.5 x 106 W x 0.2528

Total losses in watts = 1390.4 x 103 W

3.10 Total Number of Panels considering the System Losses

Since the PV solar power plant system losses are taken into account, the

total number of panel must be determined to meet the required capacity of the

plant. From 16,667 panels obtained in solar panel sizing without system losses,

there would be additional panels for a total loss of 1390.4 x 103 W This can be

calculated as;

Total lossses in KW
Additional panels =
Solar power rating

1390.4 x 103 W
Additional panels =
330 W

Additional panels = 4213.33 panels ≈ 4,214 panels

Therefore, the total number of panels can be obtained through;

Total number of panels = 16,667 panels + 4,214 panels

Total number of panels = 20,881 panels

3.11 Total Number of Battery and Inverter considering System Losses

The obtained total number of panels are needed in determining the number

of batteries. Since there are additional panels considered from system losses,

there are also additional batteries for the storage of the harnessed energy. The

additional number of batteries will be;

Additional panels
Additional number of batteries =
number of panels per battery

4,214 panels
Additional number of batteries =
21 panels/battery

Additional number of batteries = 200.67 batteries ≈ 201 batteries

Therefore, the total number of batteries will be;

Total number of batteries = 794 batteries + 201 batteries

Total number of batteries = 995 batteries

3.12 Land Area

Since the size and number of panels are discussed in the preceded

sections, the land area of the solar field can be calculated. This will establish the

total land area occupied by the panels and the space considerations for preventive

maintenance and plant operating conditions.

Land area = number of solar panel x

where: Size of solar panel = 1m x 2 m = 2m2

Therefore, the land area can be calculated as;

Land area = 20,881 panels x

Land area = 41,762 m2

1 hectare
Land area = 41,762 m2 x
10,000 m2

Land Area = 4.1762 hectares

Considering the access of the people and the distance of solar panels

between rows as computed in the PV array row spacing, the land area will be


Land Area = 4.1762 hectares x 2

Land Area = 83,524 hectares

Moreover, the facilities to be constructed is also considered. Therefore,

the total land area allotted for the PV Solar Power Plant is;

Land Area = 9 hectares

3.13 Plant Efficiency

Efficiency is an important measure of plant system performance. The plant

efficiency of the 5.5-megawatt PV solar power plant will be determined through the


Plant capacity − Total losses

Plant efficiency = 𝑥 100
Plant capacity

5.5 x 106 − 1390.4 x 103

Plant efficiency = 𝑥 100
5.5 x 106

Plant efficiency = 74.72 %

3.14 System Efficiency

The instantaneous daily system efficiency is given as a PV module

efficiency multiplied by inverter efficiency (science direct, Shiva Kumar). This can

be obtained as;

esystem = efficiency of solar panel x efficiency of the inverter

esystem = 0.16 x 0.90 = 0.144
esystem = 14.4 %
3.15 Preventive Maintenance

By performing a regular preventive maintenance, the equipment remains to

operate under safe conditions. Preventive maintenance is carefully designed

maintenance program where maintenance tasks are performed routinely in order

to avoid larger, costly fixes equipment failure. The 6.8-MW PV Solar Power Plant

preventive maintenance is twice a year whereas each month has 25 days or 200

hours working hours.

Since the PV power plant will operate 20,881 panels, the number of panels

that will undergo preventive maintenance each day should be considered. This

may be obtained through the following,

25 days
x 12 months = 300 days

300 days
= 50 sets
2(3 days)

20,881 panels
Number of panels every 3 days =

Number of panels every 3 days = 417.62 panels ≈ 418 panels

Number of panels a day = 140 panels

Thus, the number of panels required to undergo preventive maintenance

each day is 140 panels.

3.16 Summary of Design Technical Aspects

With all the calculated significant aspects of the design, Table 3.3 shows

the summary of the results.

Table 3.3 Summary of Design Technical Aspects

Summary of Design Technical Aspects

Number of Solar Panels 20,881
Number of Batteries and Inverter 995
Tilt Angle 12 degree
Height of Solar Panel Rack 207.91 mm
PV Array Row Spacing 1.02 m
Number of Charge Controller 904
Total Percent Loss 25.28%
Total Loss in Watts 1390.4 x103 W
Land Area 9 hectares
Plant Efficiency 74.72%
System Efficiency 14.4 %
Number of panels per day in preventive
140 panels



This chapter presents the financial aspect of the 6.8-MW Solar Power Plant

comprising the capital expenditures, operating expenditures, and the total project

cost. The net present value, payback period and rate of investment will be

presented herein. All capital and expenses for operation and construction of the

design are estimated based on research and related studies

4.1 Capital Expenditure

The capital cost includes the capital expenses for components of the solar

power plant. This includes the land cost, civil and power plant equipment cost. The

equipment costs are based on various catalogue while the land cost is based on

the cost per square meter of the land in Sabang, Ibaan Batangas.

4.1.1 Land Cost

The total land area of the proposed solar power plant is 90 000

m2 .The land cost per square meter is Php 380.00 (

The solar field cost is estimated as;

Solar Field Cost = Area (Cost/m2 )

Table 4.1 Land Cost

Price per
Land Area Total Amount
Facilities square
𝐦𝟐 (Php)
meter (Php)

Solar Field 83, 524 m2 380.00 31,739,120.00

Building and
2,500 m2 380.00 950,000.00
3,976 m2 380.00 1,510,880.00

Total 34,200,000.00

Table 4.1 shows the total price for the accumulated land based on

the solar field of the study. The total land cost is 34,200,000.00.

4.1.2 Equipment Cost

Table 4.2 shows the estimated equipment cost for the 6.8-megawatt

PV solar power plant. The table also includes the number of the equipment

required for the design.

Table 4.2 Equipment Cost

Amount per Total Amount

Component Quantity
unit (Php) (Php)
Solar panel/module 20,881 5,842.50 121,997,242.50

Charge Controller 995 15, 790.00 15,711,050.00

Battery and Inverter 995 390,000.00 388,050,000.00

Solar Array AC Disconnect 995 2,878.00 2,863,610.00

Solar Array DC Disconnect 995 3,466.00 3,448,670.00

MC4 Solar Cable Connector 20,881 80.00 1,670,480.00

Power Transformer 1 2,100,000.00 2,100.000.00

Power Meter 1 18,367.50 18,367.50

Total 533,759,420.00

The table also includes the number of the equipment required for the

design. Note that most of the equipment online is dollar based and just

converted into Philippine money. The accumulated equipment cost for the

6.8-megawatt PV Solar Power Plant is Php 533,759,420.00.

4.1.3 Plant Construction

The facilities and buildings within the PV solar power plant includes

the Administration Building, Engineering and Maintenance Building and the

Instrumentation and Control Building. The following shows the estimation of

the civil works and the accumulated cost prior to it.

a. Administration Building
Appendix A shows the detailed estimation of construction of

the administration building while the summary of the building

estimation is shown in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Summary of Administration Building Estimation

Description Cost (Php)

Preliminaries 190,000.00
Structural Works 2,497,215.80
Steel Works 1, 493,531.00
Form Works 261,775.44
Scaffold 310,165.38
Tile works 210,033.25
Ceiling 127,712.80
Painting Works 670,816.00
Doors & Windows 619,755.60
Total Cost Php 6,381,005.27

Thus, the total cost estimated for administration building

construction is Php. 6,381,005.27.

b. Engineering and Maintenance Building

Appendix A shows the detailed estimation of construction of

the engineering and maintenance building, while the summary of the

building estimation is shown in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 Summary of Engineering and Maintenance Building


Description Cost (Php)

Preliminaries 190,000.00
Structural Works 2,449,137.60
Steel Works 2,285,677.00
Form Works 412,377.24
Scaffold 304,413.74
Tile works 238,015.00
Ceiling 142,312.80
Painting Works 734,856.00
Doors & Windows 466,839.60
Total Cost Php 7,223,628.98

Therefore, the total cost estimated for engineering and maintenance

building construction is Php 7,223,628.98.

c. Instrumentation and Control Building

Appendix A shows the detailed estimation of construction of the

instrumentation and control building, while the summary of the building

estimation is shown in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 Summary of Instrumentation and Control Building


Description Cost (Php)

Preliminaries 190,000.00
Structural Works 3,002,471.45
Steel Works 1,509,885.00
Form Works 286,719.00
Scaffold 255,702.50
Tile works 239,743.00
Ceiling 126,000.00
Painting Works 622,752.00
Doors & Windows 481,224.00
Total Cost Php 5,706,496.95

Therefore, the total cost estimated for instrumentation and control

building construction is Php 5,706,496.95. The summary of the plant

construction estimation is shown in Table 4.6 with a total cost of


Table 4.6 Summary of Plant Construction Estimation

Plant Construction Cost (Php)

Administration Building 6,381,005.27

Engineering and Maintenance
Instrumentation and Control

Total Cost 19,311,131.20

4.1.4 Fixed Capital Investment
According to Engineering Design Guidline by KML Technology

Group, Peters 1990, about 85 to 90 percent of total capital is comprised

generally of fixed capital. Fixed capital may be defined as the total cost of

buildings, auxiliary services and engineering involved in the creation of a

new plant. One method to obtain fixed capital investment can be described

as follow.

Fixed capital investment

= Land Cost + Equipment Cost + Plant Construction

Fixed capital investment

= Php 34,200,000 + Php 533,759,420.00 + 19,311,131.20

Fixed capital investment = Php 587,270,551.20

Thus, the fixed capital investment of the PV solar power plant is Php


4.1.6 Purchased Equipment Installation Cost

The cost factors consider the proportional costs of each component.

The typical variation in components costs are percentages of fixed capital

investment. As obtained in the engineering design guideline by KML

Technology Group, Peters 1990, the purchased equipment installation is

14% of fixed capital investment.

Purchased equipment installation cost = 14% of fixed capital investment

Purchased equipment installation cost = 0.14 (Php 587,270,551.20)

Purchased equipment installation cost = Php 82,217,877.17

Therefore, the purchased equipment installation cost is Php


4.1.7 Electrical Cost

Electrical cost involved in the installation, planning and maintenance

of electrical equipment and systems. The electrical cost is 10% of the fixed

capital investment as determined in the engineering design guideline of

KML Technology Group.

Electrical cost = 10% of fixed capital investment

Electrical cost = 0.10 (Php 587,270,551.20)

Electrical cost = Php 58,727,055.12

Thus, the electrical cost for the design of 5.5-megawatt PV solar power

plant is Php 58,727,055.12.

4.2 Operational Expenditures

This cost refers to the expenses sustained during plant operations including

the operational cost and maintenance cost of the plant. Based on the solar mango,

O & M encompasses routine maintenance of the plant and minor part replacement

to ensure maximum generation from the plant, usually escalating annually at 5%.

Thus, operational and maintenance cost can be obtained as;

Operational and Maintenace Cost (O&M) = 5% of Project Cost

O&M = 0.05(Php 764,626,257.66)

O&M = Php 38,231,312.88

Therefore, the operational and maintenance cost of the 6.8-megawatt PV Solar

Power Plant is Php 38,231,312.88.

4.3 Economic Analysis

Economic analysis is a means of bringing out a better allocation of

resources that can lead to enhance incomes for investment or consumption

purposes. This is a process whereby the strengths and weaknesses of an

economy are analyzed. It includes the annual revenue, annual cost, profit,

payback period, return of investment and net present value.

4.3.1 Annual Revenue

According to Guyana (2013), solar power plant requires little

maintenance as compared to other power plant and can operate 365 days.

The annual revenue is the amount of money that a company actually

receives during a specific period, including discounts and deductions. It is

a gross income figure from which costs are subtracted to determine the net

income. The annual revenue obtained from quickonomics is shown below

with a working equation of;

Annual Revenue = Plant Rated Capacity x Power Generation Price

The power generation rate based on the NGCP is Php 7.517 per

kilowatt-hour (kWh). Thus,

Php 7.517
Annual Revenue = 6,800 kW x x 8760 hours

Annual Revenue = Php 450,989,328.00

Thus, the annual revenue considering the plant rated capacity and

the power generation price is Php 450,989.328.00.

4.3.2 Total Cost

The equivalent annual cost is the total economic cost of production

which varies according to the factors of the input used. In the PV solar

power plant, the annual cost includes the fixed capital investment, the

purchased installation cost and the electrical cost.

Total cost = Fixed capital investment + Purchased installation cost

+ Electrical cost

Total cost = Php 587,759,420.00 + Php 82,217,877.17 + Php 58,727,055.12

Total cost = Php 728,215,483.49

Moreover, for 5% contingency cost.

Total cost = Php 728,215,483.49 + (0.05)(Php 728,215,483.49)

Total cost = Php 764,626,257.66

Therefore, the total cost needed in putting up a 6.8-megawatt PV

solar power plant is Php 764,626,257.66

4.3.3 Profit

Profit is the amount of revenue gained from a power plant that

exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes. As of 2015, Solar Mango estimates

based on trends worldwide that solar farm project have internal rate of

return in the range of 10-15%. Getting the average IRR’s, the designers

used 12.5% as the rate of return in calculating the profit.

Profit = Return rate x Annual Revenue

Profit = 0.125(Php 450,989,328.00)

Profit = Php 56,373,666.00

Therefore, the money that is earned in the 6.8-megawatt PV solar

power plant is Php 56,373,666.00.

4.3.4 Payback Period

Payback period refers to the amount of time it takes to recover the

cost of an investment (Investopedia). Solving for the payback period,

Investment Cost
Payback Period =
Economic Profit

Payback Period =

Payback Period = 13.5635 years ≈ 14 years

4.3.5 Return on Investment

According to Shawn Grimsley, return on investment is the ratio of a

profit or loss made in a fiscal year expressed in terms of an investment. It

is expressed in terms of a percentage of increase or decrease in the value

of the investment during the year.

Return on investment = x 100
Annual Cost

Return on investment = x100

Return on investment = 12.5%

Thus, the rate of return on investment is about 12.5%

4.4 Plant Life

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) conducted research

on the rate of “photovoltaic degradation” on a sample of 2,000 solar power stations.

According to the results of the study, on average a year the solar panel losses

about half of a percent (0.5%) of its efficiency. This means that at the end of the

25-year warranty period, your solar panel will work with a still high level of

efficiency-88% of original.

4.5 Summary of Engineering Economics

The economic aspects of the design are summarized in Table 4.7, Table

4.8, and Table 4.9. It includes the capital expenditure, the operational expenditures

and the economic analysis of the project.

Table 4.7 Summary of Capital Expenditures

Capital Expenditures Amount (Php)
Land Cost 34,200,000.00
Equipment Cost 533,759,420.00
Plant Construction 19,311,131.20
Installation Cost 82,217,877.17
Electrical Cost 58,727,055.12
Contingency (5%) 36,410,774.17
Total Project Cost 764,626,257.66

Table 4.8 Summary of Operational Expenditures

Operational Expenditures Amount (Php)
Fixed O & M 38,231,312.88
Variable O & M 0.00
Total Operational Cost 32,231,312.88

Table 4.9 Summary of Economic Analysis

Economic Analysis
Annual Revenue Php 450,989,328.00
Profit Php 56,373,666.00
Payback Period 14 years
Return on Investment 12.5%



Health and safety requirements are considered in the design of 6.8-

megawatt PV solar power plant in preparation of environmental impact

assessment. Reduction measures are developed for the environmental issues

associated during construction and operational phase of the project. The ASTM

International Environmental Standards including environmental assessment

standards, risk management standards, environmental toxicology standards are

also considered.

Moreover, the utilization of resources needed to develop a power plant and

its factors are discussed. Different aspects to which the environment is concerned

is also tackled with the public awareness that can impact the socio-economic

environment vital in the surroundings. The main concern of the power plant

designers is to create a balance in the change of technology while not giving up

the will to increase the efficiency and other factors needed in the design.

5..1 Social, Political and Ethical Considerations

The main purpose of the social economic assessment is to develop a

system wherein it does not add up to the pollution that the environment is already

enduring. The development of solar power plant can be a source of power

generation with a less impact on our environment by following the given standards

of the government. Setting up a power plant requires a lot of factors to be

considered simultaneously. The proposed location must contain an optimum mix

of the requirements to be feasible for long-term economic justification of the plant.

5..2 Health and Safety Requirements

The two primary factors that must be taken into account are health and

safety, in considering the welfare of the employers and other related parties. The

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 are statutory

obligations on employers that is common to all sectors. This act set out the duties

of an employer to manage the health, safety and welfare of employees and any

other individual affected by their actions. Such activities include, assessing and

managing risks arising from work activities, formulating measures for emergencies,

suitable information and preparation for employees, and for health surveillance.

Employees must work safely in the working environment in compliance with their

training and guidelines provided to them.

The site should be kept in a clean and orderly condition so as to reduce the

chance of injury through slips and trips. Most could be avoided by effective

management of working areas and access routes. Different signs and warnings

should be placed at each hazard in order to protect the workers.

5.3 Risk Factor Assessment

Risk management is one of the main considerations of project

management. Risk identification is the basis of the management and the

fundamental purpose of construction of the pow er plant. Regarding to power plant

construction, safety management evaluation is useful for the construction unit to

find the potential hazard source. Table 5.1 shows the risk factor assessment of the

design of the PV solar power plant.

Table 5.1 Risk Factor Assessment

Type of Risk Management Measures Risk
Wear personal
Risk of property damage
Construction or liability from errors
High Risk equipment during
Risk during the building of
operational and
new projects

Risk affecting viability of

the project such as risk
Company related to key personnel, Compliance with the
Very low risk
Risk financial and technical building regulations
ability to execute on

Risk of Environmental
Compliance with
Environmental damage caused by solar
Medium risk DENR and Local
Risk field including any liability
Government Unit
following such damage

Design the most
Risk of insufficient
economical set-up
Financial Risk access to investment and High risk
of a PV solar power
operating capital

People that possibly and

Addition of security
Plant Risk entering and leaving the Medium risk

Risk of unscheduled
Monitor all
plant shutdown due to
Operational components and put
lack of resources and High risk
Risk a backup source of
equipment damages of
component failures

Risk of change in policy Compliance with the

Political Risk that may affect the Low risk Local Government
profitability of the project Unit

Risk of changes in
Monitoring of the
Climate and electricity generation due
High risk weather data in
Weather Risk of lack of sunshine for
long period of time

Install solar panels

Risk that all or parts of high off ground so
Fire Hazard the system will be Low risk they receive
subjected to fire unobstructed

Look for background

of place for
Risk that the plant will be
Topographical installation to ensure
subjected to flood and Medium risk
Risk that the site is free
from environmental

5.4 Environmental Standards

a. Republic Act No. 8749- The Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (Republic

Act No. 8749) outlines the government’s measures to reduce air pollution

and incorporate environmental protection into its development plans. It

relies heavily on the polluter pays principle and other market-based

instruments to promote self-regulation among the population. It sets

emission standards for all motor vehicles and issues pollutant limitations for

industry. Emission limit values are laid down by The Department of

Environment and Natural Resources, Philippines as ‘Implementing Rules

and Regulations for Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999’. These rules and

regulations shall apply to all industrial emissions and other establishments

which are potential sources of air pollution.

b. Republic Act 9275- otherwise known as the Philippine Clean Water Act

of 2004 is a comprehensive policy and program for water quality

management in the country. It aims to protect, preserve and revive the

quality of our fresh brackish and marine water. The act lays down the

policies to control the pollution form land based resources. It sets effluent

standards for establishments and manufacturing plants to follow and

imposes the appropriate punishments for violators of the law. It also outlines

the different programs to be implemented by the government in order to

manage and maintain water quality.

c. Republic Act 6969- The hazardous waste management otherwise

known as the toxic substances, hazardous and nuclear wastes control act

of 1990, was designed to respond to increasing problems associated with

toxic chemicals and hazardous and nuclear wastes. It provides control and

management of import, manufacture, processes, distribution, use,

transport, treatment and disposal of toxic and hazardous substances. The

act seeks to protect public health and the environment form the

unreasonable risks posed by these substances.

d. Republic Act 9003- Ecological and Solid Waste Management otherwise

known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 provides for

waste reduction at source, segregation for reusable, recyclables and

compostable, segregated transportation, storage, transfer, processing,

treatment and disposal of solid wastes and all other waste management

activities manners that do not harm the environment.



This chapter presents the plant execution plan of the building a Solar Power

Plant in Sabang, Ibaan Batangas. Construction Management and Strategy,

Ownership and Capitalization, Buildings Floor Plan, 3D Plan, Work Scheduling,

Overall Management and Commissioning and Permitting and Licensing of the

project will be discussed. A Gantt Chart is also provided to summarize major

activities which corresponds to its time allotment.

6.1 Construction Management Strategy

Constructing a solar PV project is similar in principle to financing other types

of power projects, however, certain risks that are unique to solar PV must be

accounted for in the construction plan. Risks associated specifically with solar PV

projects are related to the energy resource (irradiation), project siting and

permitting, solar technology, potential degradation of PV modules, and reliability

of long-term plant performance, as well as potential uncertainty of the tariff and

revenue collection.

The PV project construction can be obtained when the developer prepares

comprehensive documentation of the project, specifically, the local government

with partnership of a private sector so that financiers may carry out their due

diligence to assess the risks of the prospective investment. Detailed design and

comprehensive documentation for revenue projections are particularly critical,

because the lender depends entirely on the cash flow of the project for repayment.

Throughout the construction process, the developer constantly assesses and tries

to manage risks, so there is favorable risk-reward balance.

6.2 Ownership and Capitalization

The Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant at Sabang, Ibaan Batangas operates

the 6.8-megawatt under a joint virtue agreement with the local government of the

municipality of Ibaan and a private company that is a developer, owner, and

operator of clean energy projects in key markets that are perennially short of

electricity, particularly in non-urbanized areas. Figure 6.1 shows the organizational

chart of the local government of municipality of Ibaan Batangas.

Figure 6.1 Organizational Chart of Municipality of Ibaan Batangas

6.3 Plant Layout

Figure 6.2 Plant Layout

6.4 Buildings Floor Plan

Figure 6.3 Engineering and Maintenance Building Floor Plan

Figure 6.4 Administration Building Floor Plan

Figure 6.5 Instrumentation and Control Building Floor Plan

6.5 Proposed 3D Plan of 5.5-Megawatt PV Solar Power Plant

A 3D design can clearly show the physical dimensions of the objects and

its distance in relation with other objects in the total layout. The PV solar power

plant has a total land area of 9 hectares comprising both the building and offices

area as well as the solar field. The figure below shows the 3D design layout of the

PV solar power plant;

Figure 6.6 Proposed 3D Plan of 6.8-Megawatt PV Solar Power Plant

6.6 Work Scheduling and Overall Management

This section involves the completion of a schedule to be followed regarding

the operation of the generating units of the PV Solar Power Plant. The proposed

plant would be classified as corporation and functional type business organization.

This suits the type of operation that the company represents because the

functionalized structure is formed by grouping or by division according to the field

of their organization. The organizational chart of the 6.8 PV Solar Power Plant is

shown in Figure 6.7.

Figure 6-7 Organizational Chart of 6.8-Megawatt PV Solar Power Plant

The average workforce distribution for PV solar power plant as stated by

Ferguson (2011) in the report entitled “Work force needs in the Renewable Energy

Industry”. For large-scale solar construction workforce needs;

Table 6.1 Large-Scale Solar Construction Workforce Needs

Average number of full-time

Technology MW Size
employees per month
Photovoltaics 25 500
Photovoltaics 250 353

By ratio and proportion, the workforce distribution for 6.8-megawatt PV

solar power plant is;

25 MW 6.8 MW
500 employees no. of employees
No of employees = 136
Table 6.2 Workforce Distribution in the Plant

Workforce Distribution in the Plant

Job Description Annual Workforce

General: Office Personnel, Administration,


Engineering: Controls, Electrical, Mechanical,

Plant and Resource Engineers, Project
Analysts, Chemical Technician, Engineering
Technicians, Operating Supervisor
Maintenance: Mechanical technician,
Electricians, Equipment Operators

Operations: Shift supervisor, Control Operators,

Plant Operators

Unskilled Worker 10

Total 136

While determining the work schedule, the total estimated time of plant

construction of 2 years. The breakdown of operations and the time allotted is

shown in Table 6.3.

Table 6.3 Work Scheduling

Work Scheduling
Operation(s) Time (months)
Line clearing and excavation 3 months
Building construction 7-8 months
Equipment installation 10 months
Completion of Substation 4-5 months

6.7 Overall Management and Commissioning

Project management is an essential process and activity of planning,

organizing, motivating and controlling resources in order to achieve the successful

completion and long-term harmony of solar power plant with the surrounding

communities. This management can be a challenge for a solar power plant,

compared to other capital-intensive industrial and commercial projects. Members

with different specialization and knowledge connected to the construction of the

solar power plant should be hired to ensure that everything will be done

accordingly and to avoid waste of money or time.

Commissioning is performed with the participation of competent authorities

and controlling bodies. It includes such institutions like health, labor inspection and

fire brigade to ensure and secure the safety of every involved personnel. Before

the plant is to be operated, the license must be first granted. While after the plant

is fully operational, it must be consistently monitored to environmental protection.

6.8 Permits and Licensing

The list of permits and agreements needed in the design of the 6.8-

megawatt PV solar power plant are the following: 1) Land lease agreement; 2) Site

access permit; 3) Grid connection agreement; 4) Environmental permits; and 5)

Operator and generation license.



This chapter presents the results of the design, conclusions and


7.1 Summary of Findings

The design requirements and objectives of the 6.8-megawatt PV solar

power plant are fulfilled. The proposed design in Sabang, Ibaan Batangas will

significantly help the municipality in terms of economic development. The

renewable energy generated from the solar power has substantial contribution

towards local and international commitments, reducing the increase in the level of

greenhouse effects.

With the increasing population and technology, the demand for electricity is

also increasing. The country is now dependent to technology than ever before,

resulting to insufficient control on energy demand. To fulfill these requirements, the

power sector will either build new power plants or expands the capacity of the

existing power plants. Therefore, the design of the 6.8-megawatt PV solar power

plant as discussed in the preceded chapters will support the increasing demand of

power at Sabang, Ibaan Batangas.

The cost of the project is Php 728,215,483.49 with an expected payback

period of 14 years. This cost includes both the capital expenditures and the

operational expenditures. Moreover, after determining the technical aspects of the

design and the economic analysis, environmental management plan and plant

construction execution plan were discussed. These section discussed the

environmental assessment and risk management standards as well as the

construction strategy, ownership, capitalization and other factors necessary for

appropriate establishing of the proposed design of PV power plant.

7.2 Conclusions
Considering the objectives set in the study, the following conclusions were


1. The data concerning the PV solar power plant design and specifications of

equipment are based on the proposed plant site and capacity.

2. The design arrived on various improvements in energy security,

environmental sustainability and renewable energy objectives.

3. The plant design achieved measurements, considerations and key design

features including the type of PV module used, tilting angle, battery,

inverters and other major components of the system.

4. One of the vital considerations in the selection of the best design is the

analysis of the economic aspects of it. The design is said to be economic

viable when it proves to be economic feasible innovative and sustainable in

terms of investing financial resources.

5. Solar electricity generation is one of the abundant energy sources with a

potential to grow very large scale.

7.3 Recommendations

Based on the results of the study, the following are recommended:

1. Tie the solar power plant to other breed of power plant to further improve its


2. Further analysis on the study concerning the economy of solar power plant

in order to arrive into more accurate economic projections shall be done.

3. Deeper analysis of the different set-ups of the PV solar power plant in order

to take advantage of a more efficient energy source.

4. Focus on various parameters and factors of the design of PV solar power

plant to ensure the structural integrity of the plant and the safety parameters

in the plant construction.

5. Make research and identify where will be the most effective and feasible

what/where to catalyze renewable energy in the country.

6. Renewable energy sector and investments must adapt to changing market

conditions to maintain a stable renewable energy investment ensuring a

cost-effective and reliable energy system.

7. Power sectors or some of the private companies must look forward on

financing different aspects of research and development to achieve

technology push and market pull for renewable energies.

8. Design efficient policies to support solar technology development.

9. Integrate solar generation at large-scale existing electrical systems.

10. Assessment of market opportunity to prevail power price and structure of

power market for specific financial incentives for developing PV solar power


11. Provide detailed information on work streams for successful execution of

project activities.


Alternating current (AC)- A type of electrical current, the direction of which is

reversed at regular intervals or cycles.

Ampere (amp)- A unit of electrical current or rate of flow of electrons. One volt

across one ohm of resistance causes a current flow of one ampere.

Availability- The quality or condition of a photovoltaic system being available

to provide power to a load.

Base load- The average amount of electric power that a utility must supply in

any period.

Battery- Two or more electrochemical cells enclosed in a container and

electrically interconnected in an appropriate series/parallel arrangement to

provide the required operating voltage and current levels.

Battery capacity- The maximum total electrical charge, expressed in ampere-

hours, which battery can deliver to a load under a specific sets of conditions.

Battery life- The period during which a cell or battery is capable of operating

above a specified capacity or efficiency performance level.

Capacity factor- The ratio of the average load on an electricity generating unit

or system to the capacity rating of the unit or system over a specified period of


Charge- The process of adding electrical energy to a battery.

Conductor- The material through which electricity is transmitted, such as an

electrical wire, or transmission or distribution line.

Converter- A unit that coverts a direct current DC voltage to another DC


Cut-off voltage-The voltage levels at which the charge controller disconnects

the photovoltaic array from the battery or the load from the battery.

Diffuse radiation- Radiation received from the sun after reflection and

scattering by the atmosphere and ground.

Diode- An electronic device that allows current to flow in one direction only.

Direct current (DC)- A type of electricity transmission and distribution by which

electricity flows in one direction through the conductor, usually relatively low

voltage and high current.

Disconnect- switch gear use to connect or disconnect components in a

photovoltaic system.

Distributed generation- A popular term for localized or on-site power


Distributed systems- Systems that are installed at or near the location where

the electricity is used, as opposed to central systems that supply electricity to


Electric current- The flow of electrical energy in a conductor, measured in


Electrode- A conductor that is brought in conducting contact with a ground.

Fixed tilt array- A photovoltaic array set in at a fixed angle with respect to


Frequency- The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform,

expressed in hertz (Hz).

Grid-connected system- A solar electric or photovoltaic (PV) system in which

the PV array acts like a central generating plant, supplying power to the grid.

Inverter- A device that converts direct current electricity to alternating current

either for stand-alone systems or to supply power to an electricity grid.

Irradiance- The direct, diffuse and reflected solar radiation that strikes a


Load- The demand on energy producing system; the energy consumption or

requirement of a piece or group of equipment.

Nominal voltage- A reference voltage used to describe batteries, modules, or


Ohm- A measure of the electrical resistance of a material equal to the

resistance of a circuit in which the potential difference of 1 volt produces a

current of 1 ampere.

Peak demand/load- The maximum energy demand or load in a specified time


Photovoltaic (PV)- Pertaining to the direct conversion of light into electricity.

Photovoltaic (PV) array- An interconnected system of PV modules that

function as a single electricity-producing unit. The modules are assembled as

a discrete structure, with common support or mounting.

Photovoltaic (PV) effect- The phenomenon that occurs when photons, the

“particles” in a beam of light, knock electrons loose from the atoms they strike.

Photovoltaic (PV) module- The smallest environmentally, protected,

essentially planar assembly of solar cells and ancillary parts, such as

interconnections, terminals, intended to generate direct current power under

concentrated sunlight.

Photovoltaic (PV) system- Collects the residual heat energy and delivers

both heat and electricity in usable form.

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Formulas and Principles. Cebu: Benchmark Publisher.

Morse, F. T. Power Plant Engineering.

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Watson, J., & Papaeconomou, V. (2016). Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Best

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Components of a Residential Solar Electric System


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Components of a Solar Electric Generating System


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Solar Power Plant - Main Components, Working, Advantages and Disadvantages

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Return on Investment: Definition, Formula & Example - Video & Lesson Transcript




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