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Matt 1104

Interview description: A friend of mine when I was in 7th grade, and his name is Jame

● How regularly are you going outside?

○ Usually, I prefer going outside every day to catch some fresh air and doing
something rather than watching TV and playing video games. I would be going
outside almost every day to do some exercise to lose some weight since during
the day all I can do is sit and eat.
● How are you keeping yourself safe from infection?
○ For me, I think that the best way to keep myself and my family safe from the virus
is to be sure that everything that goes inside the house is clean, no matter what it
is. When we ordered food we will cook it first to be sure that the virus is dead.
Even the products from the grocery store need to be clean by alcohol, basically,
we don’t want to take any risk.
● How much time do you spend on the screen?
○ All-day every day, I also got online classes like you so I would spend almost half
of a day sitting in front of my MacBook. After finishing all the classes I also spend
quite sometimes watching youtube and end up playing games until dinner time.
Then I still continued to play games on my phone, so to put this in a very simple
way, I would say I spend my time on the screen all day long.
● What are some new hobbies that you discovered to enjoy doing in your free time?
○ There are not many hobbies that I discovered to enjoy doing during my free time,
but I still have some in mind, I just found out that I really enjoy playing guitar and
challenged myself by choosing a hard song to play. I used to learn guitar when I
was a kid eventually I get bored over it and never want to touch it again. Now that
I really got so bored I decided to play it again and I really enjoy playing new
songs that I like.
● What kind of food do you eat?
○ Hmmm, I just eat like normal time honestly, my wow would cook for me, and
sometimes even myself will help her to cook something. When we got bored and
we want to eat some new things we would order them from grab food, but to
keep in mind that we rarely order them because we don’t know that if the food is
really clean or not.
● What are some productive things you did during quarantine?
○ To be honest, I haven’t done a lot of productive things since the start of the
quarantine yet but still, I manage to study for my SAT and IELTS exam that will
be coming up later this year. Other than that I would say I spend most of my time
playing video games and watching TV with my family.

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