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The Registry Preschool Credential

Self-Assessment: Observation & Assessment of Child Development

Be concise in answering the statements/questions in each box. The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of this
self-assessment to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize students with this national accreditation process.

Describe the assessment tools you use. How do you obtain information on all areas of children’s
development and learning in each domain? How do you use developmental checklists, screening tools,
observations, and/or child portfolios that are aligned with WMELS to analyze and identify child’s
current level of development across domains?
I obtain information on all areas of children’s development and learning in each domain by planning
different lessons around what domains I need to observe for that child if I haven’t already observed it
throughout that child’s average day. I use different tools that are aligned with WMELS to analyze and
identify a child’s current level of development across domains by finding the best tool for what I need
to observe the child doing. I will also sometimes just write down everything I see and put it into the
best fitting tool.

Describe how you document children’s behavior. How does this process differ from conducting
regular observations of each child? How do you include written observations, notes and analysis of
child development?
I document child’s behavior by putting what that child did and why they did it. In a regular
observation, you wouldn’t put why the child did it, you would just document the actions that you saw
the child make. You include written observation, notes and analysis of child development by using
different tools to add the information in.

Describe how you use what you know about children’s social relationships, interests, ideas, and skills
to tailor learning opportunities for groups and individuals. How do you analyze observations to
guide you in planning for curriculum activities?
I use what I already know about the child to tailor learning opportunities by creating a lesson plan
around the child’s interests to keep them entertained for longer periods of time and get a more
accurate observation because the child enjoys the activity they are doing. I use observation to guide
myself in planning by observing what that child likes to do and what they seem most interested in to
get a better understanding of what type of activities that child would best enjoy.

Give examples of how you use your knowledge of individual children to modify strategies and
materials to enhance children’s learning. Describe a situation when you adapted an activity for
different children based on their interests or reactions.
I use my knowledge of an individual to modify strategies and materials to enhance their learning by
knowing what that child is capable of and what they need more practice in to further develop in a
particular domain. A time I have adapted an activity is when I knew a little boy had a hard time staying
attentive so I made the plan around super heroes instead because that little boy in particular loved
super heroes.

Describe what you do to assess the developmental progress of each child across all domains and how
would you share information with a child’s family. How would you track child’s progress at regular
intervals? How often do you think conferences should be held with families to discuss their child’s
I assess the developmental progress of children by comparing different assessments as to where that
child should be for his age developmentally. I would share this information with family by showing
them the physical paper showing the child’s growth and progress as well as showing them where the
child should be for his age. I would track progress by continuing with observations for all domains
every so often. I think conferences should be held 3 times. Once in the beginning to show where their

The Registry Preschool Credential
Self-Assessment: Observation & Assessment of Child Development
child is, once in the middle of the year to show how much they have progressed and then one at the
end of the year to show all the progression their child had made throughout the whole year.

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