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Build A Brand On Instagram


This is a 4 step guide,

In this 4 step guide you’ll learn how to build a
brand on Instagram. From just starting out,
to engaging and making content, we’ll cover it all!

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 1.

Step 1 is quantity. If you’re >1k NEW
just starting out on Instagram
Less than 1k New to
you need to prioritise quantity followers Instagram
over quality.

Build A Brand On Instagram

/Step 1.

When starting out,

Nobody knows you. You have no distinct style
that makes you recognisable and you probably
think getting 10K followers is going to be easy.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 1.

I can save you some time,

It’s not easy. It requires hours of work each day.
Researching, planning, designing, engaging and
crying when you don’t see the results requires
serious motivation. This is why many fail.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 1.

So, what’s the solution?

It doesn’t have to be like that. Spending some
time to find out what works, and what doesn’t
will be very beneficial in the long run.
This is what step 1 is all about.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 1.

The first step.

Step 1 to building a brand on Instagram is
called quantity over quality. This is because
nobody’s first post is going to be amazing.
So let’s stop trying to make perfect content,
and just focus on making more posts.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 1.

Quantity > Quality

Try to post 1-2 times a day. Make each post
about something new. It doesn’t matter at this
stage if it fails. You need to try to find what
works and the only way to do that is through
making hundreds of posts.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 1.

Just make posts.

You shouldn’t be wasting time
Engaging. If you’re spending time getting
people to your profile and your posts aren’t
good enough to make them follow you,
that time spent engaging was a waste.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 2.

Once you’ve found what >5k
works and built up your
Less than 5k An established
own style, this step is next. followers Presence.

Build A Brand On Instagram

/Step 2.

Now you know what works,

After posting at least once a day for a few weeks,
you should have a decent idea of what works
and what doesn’t. So what’s next?

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 2.

Keep Posting? Not exactly,

You might be tempted to just carry on posting.
However, this isn’t going to result in exponential
growth that you see other accounts getting.
You need to stop posting everyday.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 2.

Focus on quality.
You know what works and you have your
own style. Now you need to make
9 of the highest quality posts you
can make. Spend as long as you need,
just make them as good as possible.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 2.

Why only 9?
You only need to make 9 of these
posts. Why? Because when you start
your engagement strategy you’re going to
get people coming on to your profile and
checking your last few posts. This is why
before you start engaging you need 9
amazing posts.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 3.

External Engagement.
Once you have your 9 >10
quality posts, try this
Less than 10k Don’t have a
engagement strategy... followers big community.

Build A Brand On Instagram

/Step 3.

External engagement.
The external engagement strategy is all
About getting people to see your page.
Here’s a step by step guide.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 3.

Turn on post notifications.

Turn on notifications for big accounts in your
niche, or accounts that have an audience with
your target followers.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 3.

Next time they post, check

the comments.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 3.

Find the super fans.

look at the people who leave comments right
away and get to know them. Chances are they'll
become a loyal follower of you as they already
are with other accounts.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 3.

Answer people’s questions.

After a few hours, check the comments again.
Go through replying to questions and starting
conversations with people.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 3.

Why do this?
You can’t expect engagement if nobody
knows who you are. Spend time making
new connections and getting your page

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 4.

Internal Engagement.
After a certain point you won’t <10k
have to spend hours everyday
More than Have a large
engaging with other pages. 10K followers Community.

Build A Brand On Instagram

/Step 3.

Internal engagement.
After a certain point, you won’t have to
Spend hours each day engaging on other
peoples posts. You instead have to keep
up with your own posts and DM’s.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 3.

Reply to everyone.
Internal engagement is like it sounds: engaging
Internally on your own posts, comments and DM’s.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram
/Step 3.

Don’t start too early.

Don’t make the mistake of stopping your
external engagement if you only have a few
comments and DMs to reply to. Start internal
engagement only when you’re having to spend hours
everyday replying to everyone.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram

Too much info?

Here’s a recap.

BuildBuild A Brand
A Brand On Instagram
On Instagram

Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4.

Quantity Quality External Internal

Engagement Engagement

Post 1-2 times

Create 9 high Spend 2-3 Hours
a day. Convert followers
quality posts. a day engaging.
into fans.
Develop your
Don’t do any Use big pages.
own style. Reply to every DM
engagement. and comment.
Find Super fans.
Find what works.

Build A Brand On Instagram


Want to learn more?

If you’re serious about Instagram growth, why not check out our detailed course!

The end.
If you have any questions, just message us!

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