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Flexibility Guide for Beginners

Record yourself and take
pics of yourself in poses
or while doing a
routine to provide
immediate feedback for

Use the hashtag #inflexibleyogis to let the community see your progress or
email with your progress photos! If you ever need anything such as guidance,
feel free to email me at
How toStretch?
Poses are meant to be held for 5-15 deep breaths. The stretches
are not meant to be felt in the face. Relax into the stretch to get
the most out of them. Repeat each pose a few times!

There should be a stretching sensation but not a sharp pain or

nerve pain sensation. Stretch, but stretch smart. Injuries happen
when trying to go too hard, leave the ego outside of stretching :P

Stretch everyday but try to be mindful on certain days and how

much you stretch. Maybe one day you stretch for an hour or an
hour and a half and then the next maybe just for 20 minutes. Try
to get in a stretch session everyday but don’t over do it especially
during the beginning!

Always warm up before stretching! A great warm up consist of

jump roping, butt kicks, front and back kicks, jumping jacks or
any other moderate cardio activity to get the heart pumping
blood to your muscles to get them warm!

Stretches can be done randomly, or you can follow the

routines in the back of the book! You can always make them
dynamic stretches by adding movement to them :)

Yin stretches are stretches that are done in a relaxing manner.

You find your edge in the pose and then relax the body fully!
Very healing for the connective tissues!

Leg Stretches

Back Body Stretches

L e g
c h e s
t r e t
Seated Fold Variations

Double Pigeon Fold: Right knee is

out 90 degrees. Place left foot on top
of right knee. Shins should be stacked
on one another. Slowly start to move
forward and then fold by rounding
the spine and relax the neck. Repeat
other side.

Half Lotus Fold: from cross legged

position, pick your right foot up and
bring it to the left hip/left inner thigh.
Flex foot to protect ankle and lean
forward, fold. Do both sides.

Full Lotus Fold: (Hardest variation)

from half lotus, pick the other foot up
and place it to the opposite hip or
thigh and fold forward. Practice both
sides. (One on top of the other.
Double Pigeon

Double Pigeon: Right knee is

out 90 degrees. Place left foot
on top of right knee. Shins
should be stacked on one
another. You can either stay
upright if you are super tight
or slowly start to move
forward and then fold by
rounding the spine and relax
the neck. Repeat other side.

Double Pigeon Prep: Right

knee is out 90 degrees. Take
the left foot flexed into the
right elbow crease and left
knee goes into the left elbow
crease. Cradle the shin by
wrapping your arms around
and clasp fingers and start to
push the foot up. Keep heart
lifted and grounded knee
pushing down.
Cow Face Legs

Directions: Starting from sitting on the ground with your knees

bent. Slide your left foot under the right knee to the outside of the
right hip. Then cross your right leg over the left, stacking the
right knee on top of the left, and bring the right foot to the
outside of the left hip. Try to make the feet equal distance from
the hips. If one glute comes off the floor, put a blanket on the one
that is rooted on the floor. Fold forward if possible.

Tip: Make this a yin pose by holding for 2-5 minutes!

Butterfly Variations

Butterfly: from seated, draw the feet

together and pull them close to the
groin. Clasp the fingers around the
toes and elbows tuck and pull in as
you push your knees out to the side
and down toward the floor. Stay
active here with the heart lifted.

Butterfly Fold: From butterfly, same

instructions, adding a fold! If you
round too much in the lower back, sit
on a pillow. Try to get your forehead
to the toes :)

Supported Butterfly Fold: Supported

version for extra comfort.
Frog Variations
Baby Frog: From child's pose w/
knees apart and big toes together
slowly start to lift the hips over the
knees by leaning forward. Separate
the feet a little and press forearms
into the floor and engage the inner
thighs by pressing the groin towards
the floor, but keeping the core engage
to flatten the lower back.

Full Frog: From half frog, separate

feet as wide as knees with toes
pointing out. You can keep chest
lifted off the floor or the chest can
meet the floor.

Active Frog: from full frog, lift the

chest until arms are straight and
activate the glutes, groin and flex the
Figure 4

Directions: Starting from seated position bend the left knee and
take the left foot towards the glute, take the right foot over the
left thigh and press the right knee out to the side. Hands behind
back for support and keep the back flat and heart lifted.
Threading Needle Hip

Directions: Lying on your belly, take your elbows to the side of

your chest and lay your forearms flat in front of you. Engage the
core and lift the heart.

Tip: Make this a yin pose by holding for 3 minutes and place a
block under your forehead and allow the neck to relax. Intensify
the stretch by lifting the feet off the floor towards your butt!

TIp: To make this pose active, engage all back muscles and push
into the forearms.
Supported Low Lunge:
Bending into right knee with
ankle directly underneath it,
feel the back left hip pressing
forward and the back foot
pressing strong into the floor.
Reach arms to sky and keep
the core strong drawing the
ribcage in. Repeat on other

Low lunge with quad stretch:
From low lunge on the right
side take the left hand down
to the floor and reach back to
the left foot with the right
hand. Press into the hand with
the foot sending the right
knee out to the right, rolling
the right shoulder back.
Side Lunge

Directions: Bend into right knee taking the right glute towards
the floor and actively pressing the right knee and right foot out
while the left leg is straight and the left foot is grounded, never
leaving the floor. Repeat on other side.

Tip: You can use a block or two underneath the glutes to keep
you upright.
Standing Wide Legged

Directions: From standing, separate the feet out as wide as

comfortable and grab the hip creases. Slowly fold with the back
flat on your way down. Hands can either go to the floor or grab
opposite elbows, keeping the quads engaged and the back flat
and strong.
Wide Legged Fold w/Variations

Ankle/Foot Grab: From seated,

spread the legs out as wide as
comfortable. Flex the feet toward the
sky and reach to the inside or outside
of the feet, leading with the chin and
chest start to pull slightly. Flex the
quads and bend your knees if you
need to take pressure of the knees.

Strap Variation!

Yin Variation: Relax for 3 minutes.

Standing Kicks

Front Kick: from standing, keep body

upright and strong and kick one leg
up as high as possible. Alternate
between the two legs for 20 reps. (10
reps each side.

Back Kick: Same thing as front kicks,

but to the back.

Side Kick: same thing as front kicks,

but to the side.
Standing splits

Directions: From standing slowly bend forward hinging at the

hips, start to lift the left leg high, flexing the quad and foot. Hands
can go to floor or block. Keep the left leg actively going to the sky
but the hips pivoting down instead of out. Repeat on other side.
Half Splits Variations

Half Splits Fold: From low lunge,

scoot the left knee back a little and
move the right hip back to straighten
out right leg, folding over thigh to
stretch the hamstring. If you need to,
bend the knee or use blocks for

Half Splits Bent Knee Variation!

Active Half Splits Fold Variation

Forward Fold Variations

Gorilla Pose: From standing, pivot

Fold w/ hands behind shins: From
forward hinging at the hips and bend
standing, pivot forward hinging at the
knees until stomach is touching thigh,
hips and take hands and forearms
then place hands under feet and try to
behind shins and pull your face keep that compression as you straighten
towards your thighs. Lift glutes to sky. the legs as much as you can!

Ragdoll pose: From standing, pivot

Forward Fold: From standing, pivot
forward hinging at the hips and bend
forward hinging at the hips reach down as
knees until stomach is touching thigh,
far as you can! Lead through the chin and
then allow the neck to relax and grab
the chest and use a strap under the feet if
opposite elbows and gently swing side to
you need it.
side from the hips and not the elbows.
Seated Forward fold
Seated Forward Fold: Starting from
seated position, straighten the legs
out. Feet touching and flexed, hinge
from the hips leading through the
ching and the chest rather from
rounding in the back when you first
begin to fold. If you reach the feet,
then you can have a little bit of
rounding in the upper back and relax
the neck. Pull out to the side with the
elbows! Keep the thighs strong.

Fold w/ Strap Variation

Fold w/ Bent Knees Variations

o d y
c k B
B a h e s
t r e t c
Child's pose

Directions: From tabletop, separate the knees while pressing big

toes together and press the hips back towards the heels. Reach
forward with the hands and relax the body. Great counterpose for

Tip: Make this a yin pose by holding for 2 minutes!

Cat and Cow Flow

Cow pose: from table top, drop the belly to the floor on an inhale
and arch the spine and reach the crown of the head up and

Cat Pose: from table top, exhale and push into the hands as you
round the upper back to the sky. Engage core and feel the
shoulder blades separate.

If you really want to warm the spine up do these poses back

and forth for 5 minutes.
Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog: From child pose lift the hips to the sky
and press the chest towards the thighs. Feel the fingers spread
across the mat evenly and shift the gaze towards the belly button.
Feet should be hip width distance and the hands should be
shoulder width distance!

Tip: Use blocks to elevate the hands and make it easier to open
the shoulders and take pressure off the wrists.
Thread The Needle

Directions: From tabletop, inhale right hand to sky

and take the right shoulder to the ground (if possible), if not, just
breathe through it and one day it will reach the ground. Reach
forward with opposite arm and keep hips square. Repeat on
other side.

Tip: Make this a yin pose by holding for 2 minutes!

Tip: To make this pose deeper, lift the extended hand up and over
to the opposite hip and bind that hip.
Puppy Dog

Puppy Dog Pose: From all

fours, keep the hips over
the knees and straighten
the arms out in front of
you. Press chest towards
floor so that either your
forehead, chin or chest is
resting on the floor. Use
Block if none of those are
touching the floor.

Tip: If chin is touching the

floor look forward to open
the throat. Only hold here
for 1 minute MAX.

TIp: Make it a yin pose by

staying in this pose
completely relaxed for 3-5
Tricep Stretch

Directions: From tabletop, place two blocks out in front of you,

shoulder width distance. Place the elbows on the blocks and
press the palms together and slowly press the chest to the floor
and head through the shoulders.

Tip: Make this a yin pose by holding for 2 minutes!

Knees to Chest

Directions: Lying on your back allow the spine to be long by

tucking the chin towards the chest slightly (don’t allow the head
to lift.) and bring the knees into the chest. Wrap arms around the
knees and stay there for as long as you’d like.
Rabbit Pose

Directions: Kneel down and place your forehead against your

knees/lower thigh and reach back with your hands to your feet
or calves and pull forward. Lift the hips to the sky and feel the
back of the body open.

I like to hold this pose for a minute! That’s my sweet spot! Don’
t worry if you can’t get your head to your thighs/knees. It’s all
Rabbit Shoulder

Directions: From rabbit pose, scoot your head a little ways from
the knee and interlace the fingers at the lower back. With palms
pressed together slowly start to lift the hands off the lower back
towards the floor.

Tip: If you can’t take your hands off your back because of
shoulder stiffness, use a towel, strap or shirt instead to grasp on
and work your way to openness.
Plow Pose

Directions: Start on your back with knees bent into chest. Lift
your lower back off the floor and support your lower back with
your hands and gently come onto your shoulders (Not your neck)
and try to bring your feet to the ground.

Tip: Use a blanket under your head and neck for a little more

Directions: From downward facing dog, drop the elbows down to

the floor and press down with the forearms and hands. Press the
head through the shoulders towards the knees. Arms are
shoulder width distance.

Place a block in between hands for a good width assesment!

Cow Face Arms

Directions: Kneel down and place your forehead against your

knees/lower thigh and reach back with your hands to your feet
or calves and pull forward. Lift the hips to the sky and feel the
back of the body open.

I like to hold this pose for a minute! That’s my sweet spot! Don’
t worry if you can’t get your head to your thighs/knees. It’s all
Seated Shoulder Openers

Arms Overhead Elbow Grab: Reach

arms overhead and grab right elbow
with left hand and right elbow with
right hand. Lift up a little higher and
hold for 5 breaths. Switch sides.

Eagle Arm Fold: wrap one arm

around the other and press the palms
together and round upper back to
fold forward. Can be done in position
shown or any simple seated posture.

Interlacing Shoulder Opener: From

virasana interlace the fingers behind
the back and pull shoulders open and
a slight arch in the spine.
Camel Variations

Camel Pose: Standing on knees, hip

width distance, slow push the hips
forward while bending (not leaning)
back to reach the heels with the
hands. Keep a strong but drop backed
neck and lift the heart. You can either
tuck or untuck the toes. Untucked is

Reaching Camel

Camel w/ Block Support

Sphinx Pose

Directions: Lying on your belly, take your elbows to the side of

your chest and under your shoulders and lay your forearms flat
in front of you. Engage the core and lift the heart.

Tip: Make this a yin pose by holding for 3 minutes and place a
block under your forehead and allow the neck to relax. Intensify
the stretch by lifting the feet off the floor towards your butt!

Tip: To make this pose active, engage all back muscles and push
into the forearms and try to get the feet towards the glutes. Can
also straighten arms!
Bow Pose

Directions: Reach back to the outsides of your feet or ankle and

kick into hands to lift the heart of the floor. Strong in thighs, try to
keep the knees squeezing in instead of splaying out. You might
not get as deep but depth will come faster if you do it right.

Tip: Use a towel, shirt, or strap to wrap around the feet if you can’
t reach back and grab the ankles or feet just yet!

Push strong into the hands with the feet to create the lift.
Relax the jaw. Don’t look angry. ;)
Reverse Table Top

Directions: From seated, take the hands behind the glutes and
press hips to the sky and engage the lower belly. Drop the head
back and press shoulders in slightly.

Tip: Can move back and forth for a dynamic stretch!

Bridge Variations
The goal in bridge is to create the bend into the upper back rather than dumping it all into the lower
back. Make sure you’re going onto the shoulders and pushing up through the chest and push down
through the heels. Strong thighs and slight engagement in the glutes.

Bridge Pose: lay on your back with

the knees bent and scoot the feet Supported bridge: take block
directly under the knees and press underneath your tailbone allowing
through the feet lifting the hips to the
yourself to relax into the pose. Once
sky. Try to create the bend through
it gets easier, change the height of
the upper back by really pressing up
the block.
through chest and weight is on

Bridge with ankle grab : lay on

your back with the knees bent and
scoot the feet directly under the
knees and press through the feet
lifting hips and grab the ankles with
the hands. Lift up through the
upper back and chest!


Low Wheel Pose
This pose is great for opening up the front body and provides great shoulder strength for full wheel.
Below are the progressions to get into the pose.

Continuing: push your whole body

Start: from bridge pose, bring hands off the floor and then drop the head
by side fingers facing shoulders and when you go more forward,
slowly lift the glutes up and start to reposition your hands next to your
push yourself forward. head, fingers facing shoulders.

Ending: Re-push into the hands to

lift the head off the floor and push
up through the hips.Try to push the
knees towards the floor. Should
feel a thigh/stomach stretch here.
Wheel Pose

Directions: Starting on your back bend the knees with feet flat
under them at hip width distance, and place hands next to ears
with fingers facing shoulders and slowly press up. Engage quads,
lower abs, and keep the arms very strong.

Tip: Don’t allow the elbows to flare out! If that happens, go a little
wider with your hand positions. Once you start to feel a lot of lift,
start to walk your heels towards your fingers and really engage
the thighs and slight engagement in the glutes for maximum
Wheel Pose with blocks at
Wall Variation!
Seated Half Moon

Directions: Come into cross legged seated position

and reach out to the side with the bottom hand, making sure the
arm is straight and then reach up and over with the top hand
keeping the arm straight and lengthening the side of the body.
Repeat on other side.

Tip: Drop to the forearm if you need a deeper stretch.

Gate Pose

Directions: Kneel on mat and extend your right leg out and place
your hand on your thigh to support yourself and extend up and
over through the left arm. Keeping bicep close to the ear!
Supine Twists

Knee Over Thigh Twist: Take

both knees to the right and
extend the right leg straight and
keep the left knee bent.

Both Knees Twist: with both

knees over hips, drop them over
to the right. Repeat other side.
(Keep shoulders grounded)

Eagle Leg Twist: wrap left leg

over the right leg and twist over
to the right. Repeat on other side.
Standing Twists

Wide Legged Twist: From wide

legged forward fold, take the right
hand to the left shin/ankle and
take the left fingers to the sky or
lower back. Repeat on other side.

Chair Twist: Knees together and

feet together, take the left tricep
or shoulder outside the right
thigh and press palms together to
solidify the twist. Keep knees in
line and sink the hips lower
towards the floor. Do opposite

Downward Dog Twist: From

downward dog, reach the right
hand to the left ankle/shin and
look up to the sky through the left
armpit. Repeat on other side.
Low Lunge W/ Strap
Quad Stretch

Directions: From low lunge, Make a loop with your strap or just
loop your towel around your foot and swing it around, lift the
chest and walk down the strap with your hands while pressing
into the strap with your foot. Falling is inevitable, don’t give up.
It’s going to get better :)
Full Dancers Strap

Directions: Make a loop with your strap or just loop your towel
around your foot and swing it around, lift the chest and walk
down the strap with your hands while pressing into the strap
with your foot. Falling is inevitable, don’t give up. It’s going to get
better :)
n e s
ut i
R o
Using these two routines, once or twice or week will
improve flexibility in all areas of your body. You can always
mix and match stretches to create your own routine. Try to
follow the backbending routine every monday and thursday
and the splits routine every tuesday and friday. You can
always make mini stretching sessions in between those
days. Remember, BREATH IS KEY. A good warm up is a
few sun salutations or any other cardio intensive
Journey To Splits Sequence

Front Kick x10 Back Kick x 10 Sidekicks x 10 Baby frog x 1 min

Wide legged Fold Seated Wide Legged One Legged Virasana Standing Splits
1 minute Fold 1 minute (each side) 1 minute (each side)
30 seconds

Low Lunge Low Lunge Quad Half Splits Half splits Bent knee
1 minute (each side) 1 minute (each side) 1 minute (each side) 1 minute (each side)

Seated Forward Fold Ragdoll Pose Double Pigeon Child's Pose

1 minute 1 minute 1 minute (each side) 1 minute
Back Opening Sequence

Shoulder opener Eagle arms fold Pyramid Pose Reverse tabletop

30 seconds 1 minute (each side) 1 minute 1 minute

Reverse tabletop Low lunge Lunge w/quad Spinal twist

Variation 20 seconds 1 minute 30 sec each side 1 minute
each arm

Sphinx pose Bridge variation Bridge pose Low wheel pose x3

30 seconds 30 sec 1 minute 20 seconds each

Block wheel pose Wheel Pose x 3 Dolphin Pose Eagle arms fold
30 sec 30 sec each 1 minute 30 sec (each way)

Plow pose Rabbit Variation Ragdoll pose Child’s pose

1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute

I just want to say thank you for purchasing my book! I hope this
helps you all looking to gain freedom in your body. If you ever
need anything, feel free to message me at my personal email Remember to upload your progress
pics and use the hashtag #inflexibleyogis to get engaged with the

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