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Test Script

PA Inter-Company Billing

Prepared by: EEEC, Pune


Scenario: Australia as Provider and New Zealand as Receiver i.e. Australia Employee entering
timesheet or I expenses report on New Zealand Project in the Australian Setup Books.


1) One must have projects admin responsibility

2) The cross charge cost (timesheet/ I expenses) are entered and processed on a receiver

Navigation: Select “EMR PA ADMIN XXX XX’ responsibility > View> Request > Submit a New

Step1: Submit program “PRC: Generate Intercompany Invoices for a Single Project”


1) Project Number: Use the dedicated project number created for Inter-Company Billing
e.g. in case of AUS “ INTERCOMPANY PROJ AU” and in case of NZ “INTERCOMPANY PROJ
2) Bill Through Date: To Date for unbilled cross charged transaction needed to be included,
ideally this would be the “Last date of the period close”

Step2: Navigate to the Invoice Review Screen, Enter intercompany project Number and then
click on Find.

Intercompany invoice with the markup % (If applicable, In case of AU and NZ 5%) will be

Step3: Click on ‘Approve’ and ‘Save’ then on ‘Release’ and ‘Save’ to release the draft
intercompany invoice.

Setp4: Run program “PRC: Submit Interface Streamline Processes” with stream line option as
“XIC: Interface Intercompany Invoice to AR” to Interface Intercompany Invoices to AR

Once the request is successfully completed, navigate to invoice Review screen to check the AR
Invoice number generated.

Step4 (Non Mandatory): Navigate to “AR Manger Responsibility” of an provider OU (in this case
AU OU) to check the invoice created and accounting

Setp5: Navigate to Receiver OUs’ EMR AP User Responsibility XXX, in this case New Zealand

Navigate to View> Request > Submit a New Request

Submit request “Payables Open Interface Import” with source as “Oracle Projects
InterCompany Invoices” and batch name (any identifiable user define batch name )

Once the request is successfully completed click on view output,

Note: The AP invoice number is same as the AR invoice number of the providers’ operating unit

Step 6: Navigate to Invoices> Entry > invoices and enter the invoice number (as generated
shown above) and click on find

Step 7: Click on Distributions to view the accounting created,

Validate the invoice and create accounting as you do for any other normal invoices.

Step 8: As the invoices generated with the 5% markup. Classify the markup amount to SG/A or
COGS (depending upon accounting treatment for markup value decided in your entity) using
the journal entry in GL.

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