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Understanding Digital Design

¿What is considered good or bad?

Gerardo Garzón Alvarez
Digital Media, M.A
SoSe 2019

useful on the other hand comprehend the concept of

Keywords: Coding skills, Computer design, Customer, digital design itself, then we review some evaluations
Digital design, Digital products, Electronics, Freedom, rules for getting a "good design" (depends of who speaks
Inclusive, Innovation, IoE or IoT, Marketing, about it main one the Rieter's principles) plus the criteria
Minimalist, Privacy, Rieter's principles, Simple, Social of a good digital products/designs from concepts founds
media, User experience, UX/UI design, Web design. on the web from different sources mostly design websites.

and finally, some personal aspects where I take a look

We are living the digital era but ¿what means that? inside myself against the previous topics to evaluate
nowadays is normal to speak about the latest app mobile weaknesses and strengths for becoming a better
for measuring the steps that we walk per day, or paying professional like an engineer and designer.
the bills with our fingerprint and the cellphone, even
looking deep inside of what all this represent the changes
goes to new professionals as computer designers, Web DIGITAL DESIGN AND DIGITAL PRODUCTS
designers, UX/UI designers, or as is known digital
designers a new branch but at the end the substitute of first of all, to write about digital design is necessary to
graphic design, and I say like that because now is more know what is it, this term has been new in a couple of
environmentally friendly not printing but using screens years where classic design improve to computer design,
and display to show all the information around us, of as graphic design is evolving into “digital design”, or as
course, I am not saying that graphic design is going to universities sell the idea is a branch of graphic design
disappear but as I lived as an electronic engineer every where the professionals of this area got skills in coding as
day we are forcing to switch into the digital´s knowledge an engineer especially in languages as HTML5, CSS3,
or like my best friend an excellent graphic designer since and JavaScript plus knowing the basics as a designer as
his first job was forced to change into a web designer well like digital illustration, branding, logo design, and
(Colombia's Reality). more with the tools of Photoshop, Illustrator, and many
more of the Adobe’s Suite but as well integrate the design
however do not get me wrong, all are part of the game of focus in the users or experience design, summarizing and
evolution moreover had happened before in Great Britain giving and exact meaning Digital Design is:
with the industrial revolution by the mid-18th century,
now is a "technological revolution" hitting this new “…the process of mapping out the look and feel of the
century, and we are chess's pieces in it becoming the content that people view and interact with on a computer,
reason to learn about our roll in the digital era, this opens tablet, or phone screen.... Digital design is an umbrella
the topic for this reflection paper addressing the following term that covers several different roles. Yes, each of these
questions: jobs involves design—and specifically designing what
people see on their screen by way of websites or mobile
 ¿What is excellent digital design and what are apps…”(“Tech 101,” 2019)
good digital products?
 ¿What are the possible evaluation criteria for In other words, digital design contents mainly, the newest
both? Web, UX and UI designers, with all the solving problem
 ¿Where do you see potentials and challenges for of this technological era or summarizing every design
yourself? shows in a screen.

looking for an answer to these questions is important to So yeah now we know and understand a little bit more the
understand the meaning of a digital product with some digital design concept, now ¿what are the products that is
examples of them like the most selling ones or the most generated from this kind of design? And here is the other

half to get the general idea, the digital goods, the funny 9. Photography: Even for creating a prototype
part is that we are involved in all these digital products sometimes is necessary to buy some good photos
but ¿what is a digital product? Surfing on the web there is to context the users.
two concrete meanings that can explain it in simple 10. Professional Services: Freelance like is called to
words: everybody who gives an online service nowadays.
11. Software: practically everything code, like
 "A Digital Product is a software-enabled website, app mobiles, templates, engineer
product or service that offers some form of programming, the most rentable.
utility to a human being."(“WTF is ‘Digital 12. Tickets: Concerts, flights, even the bus tickets
Product’? - FKTRY - Medium,” 2016) have been sold as electronic ones where you use a
 “A Digital Product has a mutually beneficial QR code to scan in your cellphone.
relationship with its customers. The benefits 13. Video: everyone loves videos for the easy way to
being drawn are transparent to both get the information, best example YouTube.
parties.”(Boyett, 2019)
The previous list is a review of to digital blogs (“The 12
The new generation will understand but this transition most popular digital products you can sell online,” 2018)
where you got something not physical, and you just have and (“The Best Digital Products & Goods,” 2018).
to trust in the “guy” behind the screen, website or
AppStore, that you just give your money and wait for a
link to download your product can still confused, so EXCELLENT DESIGN AND GOOD PRODUCTS
practically what is called a digital products or goods
“include e-books, music files, software, digital images, “There is definitely good design — beautiful, elegant,
Web site templates, manuals in electronic format, and any and functional. There is also bad design — ugly, complex,
item which can be electronically stored in a file or or unusable. And — unfortunately — there is “I wish you
multiple files.”(Beal, n.d.) could make it pop,” which is what people say when they
can’t tell the difference….”(NodeSource, 2015)
That explains the basis of everybody going crazy looking
for getting more and more likes on their own YouTube Basically what defines a good design comes from too
channels, Instagram post or anything that is shareable many years ago where you must make it simple, coherent,
like your knowledge, passions, opinions, talents, to the useable, friendly with the users, and is the same for digital
world because in this digital era all of this are products that design just that everything is a focus on the user
you can sell and there is someone who will want to buy it, experience and user interface, you need a clean interface
the next list is from the most popular ones: and you must think about the sizes of the screens that your
digital product will be seen, this is known as responsive
1. Audio & Music: Music always is a good digital design, and helps to organize information in columns,
product, even now people use more recorded rows, slides, whatever you like just to get an easy view
lectures on the internet. and not get bored or tired to the user, because you know is
2. Courses: best for people that do not have access different to read a blog in your smartphone than your
to a university have this distance option, one of laptop.
my favorites Coursera. however is better to have a look to main principles in what
3. Documents: Even for creating this paper was is a good design, and in my opinion, with some basic
necessary to search for some documentation, not knowledge of industrial design the famous Dieter Rams
as a book at the library as a PDF! gave us the steps for making a good design in the 70's, and
remains especially for this years of digital design.
4. Ebooks: Just need a topic that you want to share
The 10 principles are the next listed:
and create your own, could be the most popular

for easy creation and usability.
 Good design is innovative: The possibilities
5. Fonts: Every design needs a new font, one of the
for innovation are not, by any means, exhausted.
popular is "Dafont" of course not the favorite but
Technological development is always offering
still is an example of selling fonts.
new opportunities for innovative design. But
6. Games: Before you should buy a CD for the
innovative design always develops in tandem
PlayStation now you just download the same
with innovative technology and can never be an
game at your smartphone.
end in itself.
7. Graphic & Digital art: The well-known Freepik,
where you can find a lot of graphic material, is  Good design makes a product useful: A product
the best example. is bought to be used. It has to satisfy certain
8. IoT/IoE: The boom of app mobiles comes with criteria, not only functional, but also
the internet of things as well, so you control your psychological and aesthetic. Good design
home with one touch emphasizes the usefulness of a product whilst
disregarding anything that could possibly
detract from it.

 Good design is aesthetic: The aesthetic quality “the smartphone revolution brought design’s value into
of a product is integral to its usefulness because the foreground. We want to do in our palm, while
products we use every day affect our person and walking, what we used to do on a big screen while sitting
our well-being. But only well-executed objects down at a desk. The interaction design challenges
can be beautiful. presented by that shift are huge.”(Designintech2015.pdf,
 Good design makes a product
understandable: It clarifies the product’s And in the 2017 report I got two sentences that in my
structure. Better still, it can make the product opinion are important as a criteria for review the new
talk. At best, it is self-explanatory. digital designs and products and says:
 Good design is unobtrusive: Products fulfilling
a purpose are like tools. They are neither “
decorative objects nor works of art. Their design  Design isn’t just about beauty; it’s about market
should therefore be both neutral and restrained, relevance and meaningful results.
to leave room for the user’s self-expression.  Adopting an inclusive design approach expands a
 Good design is honest: It does not make a tech product’s total addressable market”
product more innovative, powerful or valuable (Maeda, 2017)
than it really is. It does not attempt to
manipulate the consumer with promises that next to all these concepts, of course, is necessary to get an
cannot be kept. interdisciplinary work with marketing, usability designer,
 Good design is long-lasting: It avoids being making test to see how is the positive or negative impact
fashionable and therefore never appears of the new product, now is more about user experiences
and user interfaces than anything else.
antiquated. Unlike fashionable design, it lasts
many years – even in today’s throwaway society. Using the spectrum given by Paul Devay he explain the
 Good design is thorough down to the last steps to focus in the criteria for evaluting:
detail: Nothing must be arbitrary or left to
chance. Care and accuracy in the design process “Strategy & Research
show respect towards the user. Business Strategy and Design Research have
 Good design is environmental-friendly: Design significant overlap, making it a difficult role to define
makes an important contribution to the alongside functional product, sales and marketing
preservation of the environment. It conserves teams.
resources and minimizes physical and visual Product Definition
pollution throughout the lifecycle of the product. Defining a product means turning insights from design
and business research into requirements for the
 Good design is as little design as possible: Less, product.
but better – because it concentrates on the Iteration
essential aspects, and the products are not Once initial direction for a product has been
burdened with non-essentials. Back to purity, established, the feature-set and flows are turned into
back to simplicity.” preliminary mockups (wireframes). These are then
iterated upon until a defined set of criteria are met,
each principle has been retrieved from (“Good design | whether that’s internal testing, user testing, or a
About us | Vitsœ,” n.d.). customer feedback loop.
as you see with this principle, excellent digital designs, With the framework of the application established and
are the most simples, that do not need an extra the requirements set, final visual design and the
explanation to understand it, easy to use and user-friendly development of a design language further cement
even inclusive as possible you can so everybody will use usability and establish the emotional characteristics of
this product and is reachable to all kind of ages, genders, the product.”
Find it on (NodeSource, 2015)
Jhon Maeda in the 2015 report shows how design and
technology is bounded now days to create all the digital As an Electronic Engineer, I could say that I am on the
world that we are living in, where in the slide 20 and 21 right side of the history at this moment, thanks to my
explain the idea of user interface as the main key for any profession I can learn and know about latest technologies
design and this is the principal criteria for an evaluation in like AR and VR, 3D printers, and my background helps
every digital product how the user feels and how is going me to learn new programing codes so I can improve my
to interact with the final product, and all this born thanks coding skills, and my career is really helpfull to change
to more people increasing the uses of mobile products. between new occupations with hardware as software, as a
plus I did a specialization as industrial designer so I got

the basic talents for working with 3D modeling, 3) Designintech2015.pdf. (n.d.). Retrieved from
illustrator, Photoshop, even know a bit of web design
coding with HTML5, CSS3 and my appetite for
knowledge never ends, I could say that I got all the content/uploads/2018/11/designintech2015.pdf
package for the new era as a "Digital Engineer/Designer"
4) Good design | About us | Vitsœ. (n.d.). Retrieved July 31, 2019,
the funny part I want to be a teacher and bring that
information to the world in a different so that is one of my from
biggest challenges learn the way to teach basing
everything to the new minds of the next generations and source=post_page---------------------------
use the digital products as a tool for education in the 5) Maeda, J. (2017). Design In Tech Report 2017. In Tech, 47.
correct way the eficient and useful way, but on the other
hand I got other big challenges in this era this moment of 6) NodeSource. (2015, June 2). What is Digital Product Design?
the techonolgy revolution like before there will be a
Retrieved July 30, 2019, from Medium website:
moment where a lot of people will be changed for robots
like the telephone operators before were changed for
automatic machines, privacy will become a word from the
past when politics find the way to take thata away from 93caad4e4035
even now you dont have privacy as its expalin in the 7) Tech 101: What is Digital Design? (2019, July 24). Retrieved July
comic terms of service by Keller , the big deal is that as
an engineer I love progress but I know that every second 30, 2019, from Skillcrush website:
that is running we are going to a closed way were you will
not design a new coolest app for the smartphone, no you
will have to think in a new tool to make people more 8) The 12 most popular digital products you can sell online. (2018,
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only on social media chats becasue is easy to be friendly January 16). Retrieved July 29, 2019, from Easy Digital
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pay for two different roles.
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