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Ques 1 : To make a presentation effective and impressive, what

strategy will you take?

Strategies for Delivering a Great Presentation

1. Consider the audience and what they already know.

2. Visualize the stage and setting.

3. Determine your objectives.

4. Build your presentation.

5. Practice.

1. Confront nervousness.

2. Hook your audience.

3. Speak clearly.

4. Facilitate learning.

5. Break the glass. 

Bottom Line
A fantastic presentation requires preparation and a thoughtful delivery. Spend the time to
prepare. After all, that upcoming presentation on atrial fibrillation is only one month away. It
will arrive sooner than you think.
Ques 2: If you are a manager, what are the things you are looking for Sales Manager profile?

Here are 10 attributes of a great sales manager:

1) Passion. This is also one of the top qualities of a master closer and the only one that can’t be
taught. Without a passion for the home building industry, it’s impossible to lead and inspire a
team, Tarullo says.
2) Integrity. Combined with passion, these are the two most important qualities for a sales
manager. “They need that core,” Tarullo says. “If they don’t have those, they shouldn’t be in
sales management.”
3) Positive attitude. It’s up to a builder’s leadership to put smiles on the faces of the sales team
and set the tone for the company.
4) Coaching. Seventy percent of a sales manager’s time should be spent coaching, either in
groups or one on one, Tarullo says. Any sales manager who says the workload doesn’t allow
that kind of time with the staff needs to examine how the day is being spent and ditch or
delegate any activity that doesn’t affect lead generation or conversion.
5) Leadership by example. “The sales manager should be out on the sales floor with his
people,” says Jim Capaldi, director of sales for the Ventura division of Standard Pacific Homes
and author of The Ultimate New Home Sales Success Manual. “That’s where you’re most
productive. Lead by example, make them accountable, push them, and get them out of their
comfort zone.”
6) Loyalty. Sales managers need to go to bat for their sales team members, says Debbie
Dompke, sales manager for Chicago-based Lexington Homes. “Let them know you’re on their
side,” she says. “When they know you’re sincere, it’s amazing the work ethic you’ll get in
7) Availability. Dallas-based sales trainer Bob Hafer says paperwork has to be done, but it can’t
be used as an excuse “to not do the tough stuff.” It’s easier than dealing with people, to be
sure, he says, adding, “Administrative tasks never talk back to you.” When he was a sales
manager, he got to work at 7 a.m. and spent two hours on paperwork before the phone started
ringing. Then, when the sales centers opened, he was available to work with his sales teams in
the field.
8) Motivation. This includes encouragement and recognition. Dompke says she does this in “so
many ways—contests, games, dancing, singing, dressing up. You laugh together and play
9) Continuous learning. Doctors, accountants, attorneys, and other professionals keep learning
their whole lives in order to keep their skills up to date. Sales managers need to do likewise.
“When you don’t grow,” Capaldi says, “you leave the door open for someone else.”
10) Listening and communication. This is an underpinning for most of the other qualities. You
can’t be a good coach or motivator if you’re not a good communicator; and you can’t
continuously learn, lead by example, or demonstrate loyalty without being a good listener.
Ques 3: Why Team building is imporant give some example?

Here are a few reasons why team building is important in the workplace:
1. Facilitates better communication – Activities that create discussion enable open
communication among employees, and between employees and management.
This can improve office relationships and in turn, the quality of work done.
2. Motivates employees – Team leadership and team building go hand in hand.
The more comfortable your employees are to express their ideas and opinions,
the more confident they will become. This will motivate them to take on new
3. Promotes creativity – Taking a team outside of an office setting and exposing
them to new experiences will force them to think outside of their normal routine.
Working together with other team members can ignite creativity and fresh ideas,
which are great qualities to bring back to the office.
4. Develops problem-solving skills – In public relations a crisis can happen at any
time. Team building activities that require coworkers to work together to solve
problems can improve the ability to think rationally and strategically. Teams that
are able to determine when a problem arises and know what they can do about it,
can then effectively take charge when a real crisis occurs.
5. Breaks the barrier – Team building increases the trust factor with your
employees. Often in corporate settings there is a disconnect between the
leadership team and employees because the employees sense too large of a gap
between the two. Team building exercises give leadership the opportunity to be
seen as a colleague rather than a boss, which can do wonders for employee

Ques4 : What makes you stronger? Describe in brief?

1.     Focus on the moment. The challenges that come along from time to

time are a test of our willingness to stretch and change. The worst thing you

can do is to ignore the situation or procrastinate in developing solutions. The

challenge is here and the difficulty is now. Focus your energy on the present

moment; don't lose what is right before you. When you focus on the

moment you come to realize where you have the most power to make

things right.

2.     Embrace adversity. Mental strength gives us the ability to see the

obstacles in our path as stepping stones. When we encounter struggle, and

we all do, we can be inspired by the knowledge that it's not a dead end but a

path to deeper knowledge and understanding.

3.     Exercise your mind. Just like your muscles, your mind needs to be

exercised to gain strength. Growth and development take consistent work,

and if you have not pushed yourself recently, you might not be growing as

much as you can. Mental strength is built through lots of small wins,

maintained through the choices we make every day. To gain stamina, take

on a daily task that stretches your mental endurance.

4.     Challenge yourself. Albert Einstein once said, "One should not pursue

goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one

can just barely achieve through one's greatest efforts." Underestimating

yourself and playing it safe hold you back from success. When you believe in

yourself and your abilities, you often can go beyond the imaginable.

5.     Respond positively. You cannot control everything that comes your

way, but you are in absolute control of how you react to everything that

comes your way. What happens to you is important--but not as important as

your response. Incredible progress can happen in your life and leadership

when you take control of your reactions.

6.     Be mindful. Mindfulness means taking control of your focus and being

intentional about what you give your attention to. Whether it's an emotion,

a thought, a belief, an impulse, or something in the environment,

mindfulness calls us to approaching everything with a curious,

nonjudgmental, open, and accepting attitude. To be the most resilient and

mentally strong, make the time to  be mindful so you can focus on what you

truly want.
7.     Don't be defeated by fear. To be resilient and mentally strong means

knowing how to deal with fear. When you enter frightening situations with

the awareness that it's an opportunity for you to grow, trust outweighs fear.

8.     Be aware of self-talk. We're often so busy worrying about how we talk

to others that we sometimes lose track of the way we talk to ourselves.

Make a point of being as positive and supportive of yourself as you are of

others, because when times get tough you have to be able to believe you

can make it through. Replace self-doubt with positivity.

9.     Rid yourself of can't. When you feel like you can't do something, keep

your focus positive. You just have to do it. The mentally strong weed out the

words like can't, never, and should--replacing them with can, could, and


10.  Stumble toward success. Winston Churchill once said, "Success is

stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." Perseverance

gives you the ability to face any difficulty, any challenge, any setback

without being defeated. It's better to have a lifetime full of small failures

that you learned from rather than one filled with the regret of never having

11.  Find solutions. There will be always problems-- every business has

complications and any endeavor has hurdles, but if you can learn to focus 90

percent of your time on solutions and only 10 percent on problems, you'll be

able to respond effectively instead of spinning your wheels.

12.  Be grateful. In the business of our busy lives we neglect many of the

basic concept of recognition but gratitude gives us fortitude. Gratitude can

transform any common day into a thanks giving day and turn routine jobs

onto joy and change ordinary opportunities into something we get grateful


 13.  Brace yourself for the storms. Adversity is inevitable. Be as well-

prepared as you can so you can fight them with strength and push through
to blue skies.

Ques 5: How can self appraisal contribute to performance review?

 A sense of motivation – When employees are given the opportunity to

self-evaluate they feel empowered. They realize that their opinions do matter and
are taken into consideration during performance review discussions. Each
employee has active participation in the performance review process. This is also
a good time to identify motivated employees according to the quality of goals set
by themselves and their self-evaluations. A motivated workforce eventually yields
a better output which is beneficial to the growth of an organization.
 Ownership of work – For starters it gives them ownership of their work. It
makes them more accountable for their actions. It takes the employee from being
a passive observer to an active participant in the review process. Managers should
take it as an opportunity to show their employees that their opinions are taken
 Healthy employer-employee relationship – Self-appraisals helps in
improving employer-employee relations in the workplace. Self-appraisals initiates
an engaging and continuous conversation between employer and employees.
Hence, there is no chance of conflict between employer and employee.
 Two-way communication – Performance management works best when
there is two-way communication between the manager and the employee. This is
often overlooked in their day to day interactions. Self-appraisals can formalize this
interaction to a great extent. Self-appraisal process paves way for two-way
communication between employer and employee. This helps in revealing the
overall performance of employees. It gives deeper insights and a clear picture of
employees’ accomplishments as well as weaknesses in certain areas.
 Eliminates discrepancies– Managers always have a different perspective
than the employee. Even managers who work closely with their teams cannot
always see the employee’s side of the story. This is why sometimes managers are
caught off-guard during performance review meetings where she and her
employer have a completely different perception of her performance. Since self-
appraisals provides a complete picture of employees strengths and weakness it
helps in removing discrepancies if any. Both employer and employee match their
records to ensure that all accomplishments and drawbacks are taken into
consideration during the final performance review. Therefore it eliminates the
chances of disparity.
 Career growth – While performing self-appraisals employees get to know
their strengths and weaknesses. They identify the areas in which they are weak
and need improvements. The training needs are revealed. The can also list down
the roles which they enjoyed, projects they loved doing, future preferences.
These inputs can be provided to managers for better career prospects. Self-
appraisal is an opportunity for the employee not only to tell his boss about his
achievements but also problems that he is facing and what he requires from the
management to perform better. Even if self-appraisals do not have any impact on
compensation, it can certainly help the employee grow.

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