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Motivational and Inspiring Quotation

Version 1, Dec 2009

Disclaimer statement:
1. This is not a copyrighted material. This is a free booklet and is being circulated only for
information purpose.
2. The purpose of this booklet is only to share our thoughts and experiences of using
quotations for creating a positive impact in training.
3. References for all quotations have been given. However the section of ‘When to Use’, is
a creation of the Whiteboard team.
4. Under the category ‘When to use’ we have stated the use of quotations from the
perspective of a training program. However, like wise men say ‘Intelligence cannot be
bucketed’, the same way these quotations can be used in a much broader sense.
5. You can use these thoughts in you training programs, handouts, materials, website, and

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Whiteboard Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

Somnath Sanganeria Zia Alam

Director Director

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Human Potential

1. “Everyone is gifted, but some people never open their package.” - Anonymous
When to Use: Share this quotation with the participants when asking them to identify and
unleash their innate potential. Every human being has the potential to make a positive
impact in this world and people just need to find their true potential. We can use this
quotation effectively at the beginning of the programs on Vision, Personality Development
and Goal Setting.

2. “When we treat man as he is, we make him worse than he is; when we treat
him as if he already were what he potentially could be, we make him what he
should be.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When to Use: A powerful quotation to be used in a Managerial or Leadership Development,
Coaching and Delegation programs. This quotation can be used to drive the message that as
managers/leaders, we need to see our team members as what they can be rather than what
they are. It is when we see and treat people with their potential; that everyone’s growth
and development happens, and only then superior achievements become possible. We can
additionally use the quotation, ‘If you do, what you always did; you will get, what you
always got’.

3. “No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward
for what he gave.” – Calvin Coolidge
When to Use: The Leaders & Managers in an organization have the power to influence and
mentor people. Many a times we have youngsters who are like unpolished diamonds. With a
little bit of guidance and grooming from the seniors, they can be helped in realizing their
true potential. With the performance they display, they not only develop themselves but
also create buoyancy for the team as well as the leader. A true leader and manager will be
recognized not only for their contributions to an organization’s business but also towards the
development of people working there. This quotation can be powerfully used in a
Leadership; People Development; Coaching; Mentoring program.

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4. “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can
go.” – T. S. Elliot
When to Use: The key message to share here is the ability to take risk for higher
achievements. We need to disband the self limiting behaviour or playing safe attitude. An
important data point to note here is that, no Olympic records were created during the
practice rounds. All the medals, records and honour have been a result of athletes testing
their limits, stretching themselves to achieve the unthinkable while competing in the actual
game. We can use this quotation in Vision, Goal Setting, Attitude, Motivation, and
Achievement Orientation sessions.

5. “Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just
take the first step.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
When to Use: A good quotation to use powerfully at the close of a Vision program. The key
message here is that sometimes our actions get constrained as we are unable to see the
whole journey. As long as we have faith and we believe in our abilities, we need to take the

6. “If you think you can, you are right. If you think you can’t, you are still right.” -
When to Use: This quotation can be used very powerfully to drive the importance of ‘Can do
or Positive attitude’ in life. As they say, “There are no boundaries for positive attitude and
no limits to be set to our mind. If we aim for it we will get it. It’s all in the mind”. We just
need to believe in ourselves. We can use this quotation in programs related to Vision,
Achievement Orientation, and Goal Setting.

7. “Nothing's impossible for those who don't have to do it.” – Anonymous

When to Use: Use this quotation to drive home the point that we need to give up day-
dreaming or merely talking about things. We need to back our dreams with actions. We can
also use the quotation “Talk is cheap, work is dearer.” We can use this quotation in Goal
Setting, Vision, and Personality Development sessions while sharing that having lofty ideas
alone would not help.

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8. “Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our

potential.” – Winston Churchill
When to Use: To drive the importance of making continuous efforts and how these efforts
can help us achieve our true potential even in the face of roadblocks or failures. We can use
this message in programs like Potential Development and Personality Development.

9. “A journey of a thousand mile starts with the first step.” – Lau Tzu
When to Use: Each step that we take, takes us closer to the goal. It does not matter how
big is that step. What is important is taking that first step. We can use this quotation when
talking about setting personal GOAL or when talking about VISION and the accomplishment
of the same.

10. “Focus on your potential instead of your limitations.” – Alan Loy McGinnis
When to Use: A simple yet powerful quotation on positive attitude and can be used
effectively in many programs. The key message to share here is that we all need to focus on
what we can do, rather then what we cannot do.

11. “Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better.” – Bill Bradley

When to Use: A powerful quote to be used in a Leadership Development and Coaching
programs. This is effectively used at the start of the module on ‘Purpose of Leadership’ to
emphasize the ‘People development’ aspect of a leader’s role.

12.“You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I
say, 'Why not?'” – George Bernard Shaw
When to Use: This quotation talks about the infinite possibilities that we do not even think
about. We limit our thoughts to the obvious and we even tend to challenge what we see. It’s
an attitude to create something out of nothing. This quotation can be powerfully used to
demonstrate the point of realizing one’s potential by allowing the mind to think freely and
walk on the path not taken.

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