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Learning Log #4

April 28, 2020 - Watch three multimedia compositions and answer these questions:
- Identify the components of each compositions
- Assess the effectiveness of of those elements
1. New York Times “One in 8 Millon”
a. Starts with a lot of black and white imagines, and a ton of different voices saying
different things. Some of which is about there story or something they are
involved with.
b. The tons and tons of different images and voices make it seem jumbled, but like
how New York is. But it also showed the individuality through the voices and their
2. CBS Sunday Morning “The worst place to live in America”
a. Shows a tiny red house in the middle of nowhere. Shows introduction to his first
article. Includes different people and their opinions of where they live. It also
includes tons of different pictures and videos with a voice over. It also includes an
interview over it all.
b. It really showed the viewer a story with a lot of elements to it. It went by very fast
and was interesting the entire time.
3. Spanish Flu Documentary
a. Shows different images that are all very dark and morbid. They have a voice over
with a lot of information. They even have darker older music and under the voice
b. All of these components combined make it a very intense and morbid show. It
almost keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat just for information about an
old flu.

April 30, 2020 - Audio Essays

As you listen to the audio, type ten details that will help you transfer reports to audio.
- You need to sound like you believe what you are saying
- Bring part of yourself to the writing and the page to bring it into the podcast
- Imagine yourself writing to be heard instead of read
- Don’t try and sell your ideas, it won’t sound good
- Focus on making every word count
- Have your words make sense
- Make the meaning clear
- You can bring a fresh perspective
- You have to be able to catch someone's attention with your voice instead of words
written down
- You have to be prepared to be able to listen to your own voice over and over and over
again, so do it good the first time
May 4, 2020 - Write a short reflection for your three resources and answer the question:
- How can multimedia resources help me academically and personally?
- Video
- I think a video is something that is easy for a viewer to make it through
and understand if it is done well enough. It seems like the best way to
capture audio, video, pictures, and even your own voice or sound effects
all together to make something with a message. I think that videos can be
a great way to learn and teach academically, and they can also be used
for fun personally. For example, my sister filmed and edited a video of our
family trip to Hawaii, and it is so fun to watch it.
- Audio
- Audio is a great way to capture your voice. Since you cannot show a
picture or video, it is a great opportunity for someone to describe
something with their own voice. This can make stories more intensive
than a video even since the reader can imagine what is going on in their
own mind depending on how the audio is displayed. I think listening to
audio is once again a great way to learn. I love listening to podcasts
whenever I have something random I want to learn about like sea turtles,
getting ready for college, investing and saving money, and whatever else
I’m wanting to learn that day.
- Photo Essays
- Photo essays to me remind me of picture books for adults. I think it is a
great way to bring someone's imagination to life even though they are
getting a picture and a description. I think they can be super hard to put
together, but turn out to be some of the best ways to display information.
Academically I think they would be able to help me better picture a lot of
things, but personally I think they would be a fun way to remember a trip
or something like that.

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