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Literatur Terkait Farmasi Klinik dan Farmasi Komunitas

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24. Nursing Spectrum Drug Handbook 2010. Patricia Schull 2009
25. Nurse's Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions, and
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26. Practice Nurse Handbook 5th edition. Gillian Hampson 2006
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2. Drugs and the Liver: A guide to drug handling in liver dysfunction.
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3. Metabolic Aspects of Chronic Liver Disease. Ami Schattner 2008
4. No More Kidney Stones: The Experts Tell You All You Need to Know
about Prevention and Treatment. John S 2007
5. Hemodiafiltration (Contributions to Nephrology). C. Ronco 2007
6. Optimal Treatment Strategies For End Stage Renal Failure. Claude
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7. Neonatal Formulary: Drug Use in Pregnancy and the First Year of Life
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8. Neonatology: Management, Procedures, On-call problems, Disease,
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9. Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens (Clinical Child Psychology
Library). Michael A. Rapoff 1999
10. Current Pediatric Therapy 18th Edition. Freddie D Burg 2006
11. Essentials of Neonatal Medicine 3rd Edition. Malcolm I. Levene 1991
12. Handbook of Pediatric Cardiovascular Drugs. Ricardo Munoz 2007
13. Moffet's Pediatric Infectious Diseases: A Problem-Oriented Approach
4th Edition. Randall G. Fisher 2005
14. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 17th Edition. Richard E Behrmann 2003
15. Neonatal and Pediatric Pharmacology: Therapeutic Principles in
Practice. Sumner J Yaffe 2004
16. Paediatric Drug Handling. Costello 2007
17. Paediatric Handbook 8th Edition. Kate Thomson 2009
18. Probiotics in Pediatric Medicine, Sonia Michail 2009
19. Roger's Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care 4th Edition. David G
Nichols 2008
20. Drug-related problems in the elderly. Patrik Midlöv 2009
21. Prescribing for Elderly Patients. Stephen Jackson 2009
22. Prescribing in Pregnancy 4th Edition. Peter C. Rubin 2008
23. A Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth 3rd Edition.
Murray W Enkin 2000
24. MAYO Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. Roger W Harms
25. Pre-eclampsia: Etiology and Clinical Practice. Fiona Lyall 2007
26. A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 8th Edition. Frances T
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27. Clinical Laboratory Medicine: Clinical Applications of Laboratory
Data 6th ed. Richard Ravel 1995
28. Davis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
with Nursing Implications 3rd Edition. Anne M. Van Leeuwen 2009
29. McGraw-Hill Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests. Denise D.
Wilson 2007
30. Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests 4th Edition. Diana Nicoll 2004
31. Understanding Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests. Marie A Moisio 1997
32. Joslin's Diabetes Mellitus 14th Edition. C Ronald Kahn 2006
33. Management of Diabetes Mellitus: A Guide to the Pattern Approach
6th Edition. Diana Guthrie 2008
34. Prescribing in Diabetes. Jill Hill 2008
35. Pharmacotherapy of Diabetes: New Developments: Improving Life
and Prognosis for Diabetic Patients. Carl Erik Mogensen 2007
36. Management of Diabetic Nephropathy. Geoffrey Boner 2003
37. A Practical Manual of Diabetic Retinopathy Management (Practical
Manual of Series). Peter Scanlon 2009
38. Diabetic Neuropathy: Clinical Management (Clinical Diabetes).
Aristides Veves 2007
39. Managing the Diabetic Foot. Michael E. Edmonds 2005
40. Textbook of Diabetes and Pregnancy 2nd Edition (Series in Maternal-
Fetal Medicine). Moshe Hod 2008
41. Insulin Therapy. Jack L. Leahy 2002
42. Using Insulin Pumps in Diabetes: A Guide for Nurses and Other
Health Professionals. Jill Rodgers 2008
43. Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics 5th Edition. Leon
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44. Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2nd edition. Larry A. Bauer 2008
45. Basic Pharmacokinetics. Sunil S. Jambhekar 2009
46. Foundations of Pharmacokinetics. Aldo Rescigno 2003
47. Pharmaceutical and Clinical Calculations 2nd Edition. Mansoor A.
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48. Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine
8th edition. Peter Libby 2007
49. Cardiovasular Pharmacotherapeutics Companion Handbook. William
H. Frishman 1998
50. Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies 2nd edition (For Dummies
(Health & Fitness)). Carol Ann Rinzler 2008
51. Hyperlipidemia Management for Primary Care: An Evidence-Based
Approach. Brian V. Reamy
52. Hypertension Primer: The Essentials of High Blood Pressure: Basic
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Joseph L Izzo 2007
53. Pharmacotherapy of Obesity (Milestones in Drug Therapy). John P. H.
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54. Stroke Prevention. John W Norris 2001
55. Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders 5th
Edition. Burton Rose 2001
56. Fluids and Electrolytes Demystified. Joyce Y. Johnson 2007
57. Current Diagnosis & Treatment of Pain. Jamie H Von Roenn 2006
58. Evidence-based Pharmacy. Phil Wiffen 2001
59. Evidence Based Medicine Toolkit. Douglas Badenoch 2002
60. Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines. Duodecim Medical Publications
61. Evidence-Based Nephrology (Evidence-Based Medicine). Donald A.
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62. Foundations of Evidence-Based Medicine. Milos Jenicek 2003
63. Veterinary Drug Handbook (Desk Edition). Donald C. Plumb 1999
64. ToxED: Clinical Toxicology Poisoning and Drug Overdose Reference.
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(Illicit and Misused Drugs). Kim Etingoff 2007
66. Drugs and Controlled Substances Information for Students. Stacey
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67. Chemical Muscle Enhancement: Bodybuilders Desk Reference. L. Rea
68. Chemically Induced Birth Defects 3rd Edition. James Schardein 2000
69. Clinical Forensic Medicine 3rd Edition. W. D. S. McLay 2009
70. Clinical Nephrotoxins: Renal Injury from Drugs and Chemicals 3rd
Edition. Marc E. De Broe 2008
71. Color Atlas of Human Poisoning and Envenoming. James Diaz 2006
72. Pharmacotherapies for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence: Efficacy,
Cost-Effectiveness and Implementation Guidelines. Richard P. Mattick

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2. Martindale's Drugs Restricted in Sport 2009 Pocket Companion. Sean
Sweetman 2009
3. Complete Guide to Prescription and Non-Prescription Drugs Software
(Drugs-PharmAssist v2.01)
4. Clinician's handbook of Prescription Drugs. Seymour Ehrenpreis 2001
5. Drug Therapy for Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease. Michael J.G.
Farthing 2001
6. Drug Treatment in Dementia. Roy W. Jones 2000
7. Essentials of Diagnosis and Treatment 2nd edition. Lawrence M.
Tierney 2003
8. Essentials of Family Medicine 5th edition. Philip D Sloane 2007
9. Evidence-Based Pharmacotherapy. Elaine Chiquette 2007
10. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 17th Edition. Anthony S.
Fauci 2008
11. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Self-Assessment and Board
Review, 17th edition. Charles M. Wiener 2008
12. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach 7th edition. Joseph T.
DiPiro 2008
13. Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice. Marie A. Chisholm-Burns
14. Pharmacotherapy Handbook 7th Edition. Dipiro 2009
15. Pharmacotherapy Casebok: A Patient Focused Approach 7th Edition.
Terry L. Schwinghammer 2009
16. Pharmacotherapy in Primary Care. William Linn 2008
17. The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines 9th edition. David Taylor 2007
18. Tyldesley's Oral Medicine 5th Edition. Anne Field 2003
19. A Guide to the Extrapyramidal Side Effects of Antipsychotic Drugs. D.
G. Cunningham Owens 1999
20. Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychopharmacology 4th Edition.
Wayne Hugo Green 2007
21. Current Clinical Strategies: Psychiatry. Rhoda K Hahn 2006
22. Epilepsy (Therapeutic Strategies). Jacqueline A. French 2009
23. Pediatric Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Therapy 3rd edition. John M., M.D.
Pellock 2007
24. Guide to Neuropsychiatric Therapeutics. Edward C Coffey 2007
25. Handbook of Stress Medicine: An Organ System Approach. John R.
Hubbard 1997
26. Lithium Treatment of Mood Disorders: A Practical Guide 6th Edition.
Mogens Schou 2004
27. Parkinson's Disease: Diagnosis and Clinical Management 2nd Edition.
Stewart A. Factor 2007
28. Pharmacotherapy for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders 2nd
Edition. David Rosenberg 2002
29. Pharmacotherapy of Cachexia. Karl G. Hofbauer 2006
30. Polypharmacy in Psychiatry. S. Nassir Ghaemi 2001
31. Practical Management of the Side Effects of Psychotropic Drugs.
Richard Balon 1999
32. Principles and Practice of Psychopharmacotherapy 3rd Edition. Philip
G Janicak 2001
33. Psychosomatic Medicine. Michael Blumenfield 2006
34. Psychotropic Drug Handbook 8th Edition. Paul J Perry 2006
35. Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders: The New Drug Therapies in
Clinical Practice. Peter F. Buckley 2000
36. The American Psychiatric Publishing:Textbook of
Psychopharmacology 4th Edition. Alan F. Schatzberg 2009
37. Therapeutic Strategies in Dementia. Craig W. Ritchie 2006
38. Therapeutics of Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders.
Mark Hallet 2008
39. Understanding Depression: A Complete Guide to Its Diagnosis and
Treatment. Donald F. Klein 2005
40. Handbook of Psychiatric Drugs. Jeffrey. A. Lieberman 2006
41. Sleep Medicine (Cambridge Clinical Guides). Harold R. Smith 2008
42. MCQs in Clinical Pharmacy. Azzopardi 2007
43. Encyclopedia of Clinical Pharmacy. Joseph T. DiPiro 2003
44. Melmon and Morrelli's Clinical Pharmacology 4th ed. S. Carruthers
45. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 11th Edition. Bertram Katzung 2009
46. Clinical Pharmacology 9th Edition. P. N. Bennett 2003
47. Clinical Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy! 3rd Edition.
Springhouse 2008
48. Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology: The Essentials. Farideh Javid
49. Desk Reference of Clinical Pharmacology 2nd Edition. Manuchair
Ebadi 2007
50. Principles of Clinical Pharmacology 2nd Edition. Arthur J. Atkinson Jr
51. The Hands-on Guide to Clinical Pharmacology 2nd edition.
Christopher Tofield 2005
52. A Pharmacology Primer 3rd Edition: Theory, Application and
Methods. Terry Kenakin 2009
53. Goodman and Gilman's Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
Laurence Brunton 2008
54. Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
11th Edition. Laurence L. Brunton 2006
55. Instant Clinical Pharmacology (Instant). Evan J. Begg 2003
56. Levine's Pharmacology: Drug Actions and Reactions 7th Edition.
Carol T. Walsh 2005
57. Pharmacology: Principles and Practice. Miles Hacker 2009
58. Pharmacology Demystified. Mary Kamiensky 2006
59. Pharmacology for the Health Care Professions. Christine Thorp 2008
60. Pharmacology in Rehabilitation 4th edition (Contemporary
Perspectives in Rehabilitation). Charles D. Ciccone 2007
61. Rang & Dale's Pharmacology 6th Edition. Humphrey P. Rang 2007
62. Ocular Therapeutics Handbook: A Clinical Manual. Bruce E Onofrey
63. Comprehensive Review of Headache Medicine. Morris Levin 2008
64. Evidence-Based Otitis Media 2nd edition. Charles Bluestone 2003
65. Antiviral Agents, Vaccines and Immunotherapies. Stephen K Tyring
66. Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Mycoses (Infectious Disease).
Duane R. Hospenthal 2007
67. Fungal Infection: Diagnosis and Management 3rd Edition. Malcolm
Richardson 2003
68. H5N1 Virus (Avian Influenza): How to Protect Your Family Against
The Coming Pandemic. John Hart 2005
69. Handbook Of Drugs For Tropical Parasitic Infections 2nd Edition.
Aden Abdi Yakoub 1995
70. Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine 3rd Edition (Oxford
Handbooks Series). Michael Eddleston 2008
71. Hepatitis B and C: Management and Treatment 2nd Edition. Thierry
Poynard 2004
72. Management of Chronic Viral Hepatitis. Stuart Gordon 2002
73. Understanding Menopause. Karen Ballard 2003
74. Current Management of the Menopause. Christian Lauritzen 2005
75. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Rheumatology 2nd Edition. John
Imboden 2006
76. Bisphosphonates in Medical Practice: Actions - Side Effects -
Indications - Strategies. Reiner Bartl 2007
77. HRT and the Menopause. Michael S. Marsh 2002
78. Hyperuricemic Syndromes: Pathophysiology and Therapy
(Contributions to Nephrology). Claudio, Ed. Ronco 2004
79. Optimizing Bone Mass and Strength. Daly 2007
80. Osteoarthritis 2nd Edition (Oxford Medical Publications). Kenneth D.
Brandt 2003
81. Osteoporosis: Clinical Guidelines for Prevention, Diagnosis, and
Management. Sarah H. Gueldner 2007
82. Practical Prescribing Guidelines for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Hilary
Capell 2003
83. Bove and Davis' Diving Medicine (Fourth Edition). Alfred A. Bove
84. Environmental and Occupational Medicine 4th Edition. William N.
Rom 2007
85. International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions. Ingrid
Söderback 2009
86. Drug-Induced Movement Disorders 2nd edition. Stewart Factor 2005
87. Drug-Induced Liver Disease. Neil Kaplowitz 2002
88. Pocket Handbook of GI Pharmacotherapeutics (Clinical
Gastroenterology). George Y. Wu 2009
89. Prevention and Treatment of Age-related Diseases. Suresh I.S. Rattan
90. The Handbook of Eating Disorders 2nd Edition. Janet Treasure 2003
91. The Truth About Smoking (Truth About). William McCay 2005
92. Traveller's Diarrhea. Charles D. Ericsson MD 2003
93. Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Dar Simon 2003
94. Burgerstein's Handbook of Nutrition: Micronutrients in the Prevention
and Therapy of Disease. Michael Zimmermann 2001
95. Nutrition in Kidney Disease (Nutrition and Health). Laura D. Byham-
Gray 2008
96. Probiotic Rescue: How You can use Probiotics to Fight Cholesterol,
Cancer, Superbugs, Digestive Complaints and More. Allison Tannis
97. The A-Z of Food Safety. Jeremy Stranks 2007
98. Understanding Dietary Supplements (Understanding Health and
Sickness Series). Jenna Hollenstein 2007
99. Dictionary of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (Functional Foods
and Nutraceuticals). Michael Eskin 2006
100. Digestive Wellness 3rd Edition. Elizabeth Lipski 2005

1. A to Z Drug facts 2003 (Facts and Comparison). David S Tatro 2003

2. AHFS Drug Information 2004. G.K.McEvoy 2004
3. Therapeutic Guidelines Complete (All 12 Books-In-One), November
2007 Edition. Therapeutic Guidelines Limited 2007
4. ACP Medicine 3rd Edition. David C Dale 2007
5. Cecil Textbook of Medicine 23rd Edition. Lee Goldman 2007
6. Cecil Essential of Medicine 6th Edition. Andreolli 2007
7. Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference 2008. Leonard G. Gomella 2008
8. Clinician's Pocket Reference 11th ed. Leonard G Gomella 2007
9. Physician's Drug Manual 2005 Edition. Michael Safani 2005
10. Pocket Guide to Commonly Prescribed Drugs 3rd Edition. Glenn N.
Levine 1999
11. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2009. Stephen J. McPhee
12. Davis's Pocket Clinical Drug Reference. Shamim Tejani 2009
13. Harrison's Manual of Medicine 17th Edition. Anthony Fauci 2009
14. Integrative Medicine 2nd Edition. David rakel 2007
15. Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine 7th Edition. Parveen Kumar
16. NMS Medicine (National Medical Series-Medicine) 6th Edition. Susan
Wolfsthal 2007
17. Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Medicine (Oxford American
Handbooks in Medicine). John A. Flynn 2007
18. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine 6th Edition. Murray Longmore
19. Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide 6th Edition.
Judith E. Tintinalli 2004
20. Emergency Medicine (Vademecum). Sean O. Henderson 2006
21. Emergency Medicine Manual 6th Edition. O John Ma 2003
22. Oxford Handbook of Practical Drug Therapy. Duncan Richards 2005
23. Pocket Guide to Essentials of Diagnosis & Treatment. Lawrence M.
Tierney 1997
24. Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Family Medicine 2nd Edition.
Jeannette South-Paul 2007
25. Current Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Jeffrey D. Klausner 2007
26. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Sports Medicine. Patrick J
McMahon 2007
27. Drug Prescribing in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. H. G. W. Paw
28. Drug Treatment in Urology. Ian Eardley 2006
29. Drugs Compromising Male Sexual Health. Walter Krause 2008
30. Drugs in Sports 2nd Edition. D. Mottram 1996
31. Essentials of Human Physiology for Pharmacy. Laurie Kelly McCorry
32. Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology 23rd Edition. Kim E. Barrett
33. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 7th edition. Kumar
34. Evidence-Based Endocrinology 2nd Edition. Pauline M Camacho 2007
35. Handbook of Critical Care Drug Therapy 3rd Edition. Gregory M
Susla 2006
36. Handbook of Drugs in Intensive Care: An A - Z Guide. Henry G. W.
Paw 2007
37. Handbook of ICU Therapy. Ian McConachie 1999
38. Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia 4th Edition. Theodore Warkentin
39. Principles of Ambulatory Medicine 7th Edition. Nicholas H. Fiebach
40. Taylor's Manual of Family Medicine 3rd Edition. Paul M Paulman
41. A Pocket Manual of Differential Diagnosis. Stephen N. Adler 2008
42. Anaerobic Infections: Diagnosis and Management (Infectious Disease
and Therapy). Itzhak Brook 2007
43. Antibiotic Policies: Theory and Practice. Ian M. Gould 2005
44. Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 5th Edition. David Greenwood 2007
45. Antimicrobial Pharmacodynamics in Theory and Clinical Practice.
Charles H. Nightingale 2001
46. Antimicrobial Therapy in the Eldery Patient (Infectious Disease and
Therapy). Yoshikawa 1994
47. Antimicrobial/Anti-Infective Materials: Principles and Applications.
Samuel P. Sawan 1999
48. Handbook of Antimicrobial Therapy 17th Edition. Medical Letter 2005
49. Mayo Clinic Antimicrobial Therapy. Wilson 2008
50. The Chemotherapy Source Book. Michael C Perry 2007
51. Williams Gynecology. John O Schorge 2008
52. Current Obstetric and Gynecology: Diagnosis and Treatment 9th
Edition. Alan H DeCherney 2003
53. Atlas of Contraception 2nd Edition. Senanayake 2008
54. Standard Practice in Sexual Medicine. Hartmut Porst 2006
55. Male Sexual Dysfunction: Pathophysiology and Treatment. Fouad R.
Kandeel 2007
56. Therapeutic Strategies in Prostate Cancer. Mark R. Fenely 2007
57. Therapeutic Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Roger S. Kir.
58. Diagnosis and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Nadir R.
Farid 2009
59. Textbook of Periconceptional Medicine (Reproductive Medicine and
Assisted Reproductive Techniques). Nicholas Macklon 2008
60. The Handbook of Contraception: A Guide for Practical Management
(Current Clinical Practice). Donna Shoupe 2006
61. The Premenstrual Syndromes: PMS and PMDD. P.M. Shaun O'Brien
62. Hospital Medicine 2nd Edition. Robert M Wachter 2005
63. Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control 3rd Edition. C. Glen
Mayhall 2004
64. Bennett and Brachman's Hospital Infections 5th Edition. William R
Jarvis 2007
65. Disinfection and Decontamination: Principles, Applications and
Related Issues. Gurusamy Manivannan 2007
66. Healthcare Hazard Control and Safety Management 2nd Edition.
James T. Tweedy 2005
67. Infectious Diseases: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment,
and Prevention. David c. Dale 2002
68. Infectious Diseases: Emergency Department Diagnosis and
Management. Ellen M Slaven 2006
69. Management of Multiple Drug-Resistant Infections. Stephen H.
Gillespie 2004
70. Management of Sepsis: the PIRO Approach. Jordi Rello 2009
71. Common Symptoms Guide: The A Guide to the Evaluation of
Common Adult and Pediatric Symptoms 5th Edition. John H Wasson
72. Introduction to Clinical Nutrition 2nd edition, Revised and Expanded.
Vishwanath Sardesai 2003
73. Nutrition in Clinical Practice: A Comprehensive, Evidence-Based
Manual for the Practitioner 2nd Edition. David L Katz 2008
74. Food Additives Databook. Jim Smith 2001
75. Foodborne Diseases (Infectious Disease). Shabbir Simjee 2007
76. Immunopharmacology. Manzoor M. Khan 2008
77. Roitt's Essential Immunology 10th Edition. Ivan M Roitt 2001
78. Williams Hematology 7th Edition. Marshall A. Lichtman
79. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology 11th Edition. Henry M.
Kronenberg 2007
80. Oxford Handbook of Dialysis 2nd Edition. Jeremy Levy 2004
81. Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV, and AIDS.
Richard Pattman 2005
82. Preventive Cardiology: Insights Into the Prevention and Treatment of
Cardiovascular Disease 2nd Edition (Contemporary Cardiology). Jo
Anne Micale Foody 2006
83. Masterpieces in Health Care Leadership: Cases and Analysis for Best
Practices. Vince Pelote 2007
84. Haimann's Healthcare Management 7th Edition. Rose Dunn 2002
85. eBusiness in Healthcare: From eProcurement to Supply Chain
Management (Health Informatics). D. Karagiannis 2007
86. Digital Medicine: Health Care in the Internet Era. Darrell M. West
87. Alcohol (Drugs: the Straight Facts). Heather Lehr Wagner 2003
88. Anti-anxiety Drugs (Drugs: the Straight Facts). Donna Toufexis 2006
89. Antidepressants (Drugs: the Straight Facts). E. Siobhan Mitchell 2004
90. Birth Control Pills (Drugs: the Straight Facts). Jon Zonderman 2006
91. Body Enhancement Products (Drugs: the Straight Facts). Thomas M.
Santella 2004
92. Date Rape Drugs (Drugs: the Straight Facts). George B. Kehner 2004
93. Diet Pills (Drugs: the Straight Facts). Debra Henn 2004
94. Ecstasy (Drugs: the Straight Facts). Brock E. Schroeder 2003
95. Hallucinogens (Drugs: the Straight Facts). Randi Mehling 2003
96. Heroin (Drugs: the Straight Facts). Carmen Ferreiro 2003
97. Nicotine (Drugs: the Straight Facts). Heather Lehr Wagner 2003
98. Prescription Pain Relievers (Drugs: the Straight Facts). M. Foster
Olive 2004
99. Ritalin and Other Methylphenidate-Containing Drugs (Drugs: the
Straight Facts). Carmen Ferreiro 2004
100. Sleep AIDS (Drugs: the Straight Facts). M. Foster Olive 2005

1. Stockley's Drug Interactions 8th Edition. Baxter 2008

2. Stockley's Drug Interactions 2009 Pocket Companion. Karen Baxter
3. Handbook of Clinical Drug Data 10th Edition. Philip O. Anderson
4. Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists 3rd Edition. Patrick M.
5. Appleton and Lange's Review of Pharmacy 7th Edition. Gary D. Hall
6. A Manual of Adverse Drug Interactions. Griffin 1997
7. Drug-Drug Interactions 2nd Edition (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical
Sciences). A. David Rodrigues 2008
8. Drug Interactions in Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition. Stephen C
Piscitelli 2005
9. Drug-Drug Interaction Primer: A Compendium of Case Vignettes for
the Practicing Clinician. Neil B., M.d. Sandson 2007
10. Handbook of Drug Interactions: A Clinical and Forensic Guide. Ashraf
Mozayani 2004
11. Handbook of Drug-Nutrient Interactions. Joseph I Boullata 2004
12. Handbook of Food-Drug Interactions. Beverly J. McCabe 2003
13. Herb Toxicities & Drug Interactions: A Formula Approach. Fred
Jennes 2004
14. Clinical Manual of Drug Interaction: Principles for Medical Practice.
Gary H. Wynn 2008
15. Drug Benefits And Risks. Boxtel 2008
16. Drug Hypersensitivity. W. J. Pichler 2007
17. Drugs and Drugs: A Practical Guide to the Safe Use of Common Drugs
in Addults 2nd Edition. P Hamilton 2006
18. Litt's Drug Eruption Reference Manual Including Drug Interactions
15th Edition. Jerome Z. Litt 2009
19. Medfacts Pocket Guide of Drug Interactions 2nd Edition. George R.
Bailie 2004
20. Meyler's Side Effect of Drugs 15th Edition. JK Arronson 2005
21. Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs Used in Anesthesia (Meylers Side
Effects). Jeffrey K. Aronson 2008
22. Meyler's Side Effects of Herbal Medicines (Meylers Side Effects).
Jeffrey K. Aronson 2008
23. Meyler's Side Effects of Psychiatric Drugs (Meylers Side Effects).
Jeffrey K. Aronson 2008
24. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists 3rd Edition. Greene 2008
25. Prescription and Non-prescription Drugs (Point/Counterpoint). Paul
Ruschmann 2007
26. The Hands-on Guide to Practical Prescribing (Hands-on Guides).
Oliver Jones 2004
27. Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing. Christopher A Langley
28. The Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine 4th Edition. John P. Griffin
29. Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics 7th Edition. Kenneth A Ardnt
30. Drug Therapy in Dermatology. Larry E Millikan 2000
31. Acne and Its Therapy (Basic and Clinical Dermatology). Guy F
Webster 2007
32. Clinical Guide to Sunscreens and Photoprotection. Lim 2009
33. Allergic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment 2nd Edition (Current
Clinical Practice Series). Phil Lieberman 2000
34. Cosmetic Dermatology: Principles and Practice 2nd Edition. Leslie
Baumann 2009
35. Hair Care: An Illustrated Dermatologic Handbook. Zoe Diana Draelos
36. Hair Loss: Principles of Diagnosis and Management of Alopecia. Jerry
Shapiro 2002
37. Itch: Basic Mechanisms and Therapy (Basic and Clinical Dermatology,
27). Gil Yosipovitch 2004
38. Nails 2nd Edition pocketbook: Appearance and therapy. David de
Berker 2002
39. Photodynamic Therapy, An Issue of Dermatologic Clinics (The
Clinics: Dermatology). M. Gold 2006
40. Prescribing in Dermatology. Polly Buchanan 2006
41. Anticancer Therapeutics. Sotiris Missailidis 2007
42. Cancer Chemotherapy: Basic Science to the Clinic. Rachel Airley 2009
43. Chemistry and Pharmacology of Anticancer Drugs. David E Thurston
44. High Dose Cancer Therapy: Pharmacology, Hematopoietins, Stem
Cells 3rd edition. James O Armitage 2000
45. Lippincott`s Cancer Chemotherapy Handbook 2nd Edition. David S
Fischers 2001
46. Oxford Handbook of Palliative Care. Max S Watson 2005
47. Antidotes: Principles and Clinical Applications. Robert Flanagan 2001
48. Pharmaceutical Care Insights from Community Pharmacists. William
N. Tindall 2003
49. Pharmaceutical Care Practice: The Clinician's Guide 2nd Edition.
Robert J. Cipolle 2004
50. Applied Pharmaceutical Practice. Christopher A. Langley 2008
51. Community Pharmacy Handbook. Jon Waterfield 2008
52. Good Pharmacovigilance Practice Guide. Medicines And Healthcare
Products Regulatory Agency 2008
53. Health Professionals Style Manual. Shirley Fondiller 2006
54. The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific
Information, 3rd Edition (An American Chemical Society Publication).
Anne M. Coghill 2006
55. Managing Pharmacy Practice: Principles, Strategies, and Systems.
Andrew M. Peterson 2004
56. Non-Medical Prescribing: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Eleanor
Bradley 2008
57. Paperless Hospital: Healthcare in a Digital Age. Russell C. Coile Jr.
58. Principles of Electronic Prescribing (Health Informatics). Stephen
59. Pharmacoepidemiology: Principles & Practice. Brenda Waning 2000
60. Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology. Brian L Strom 2006
61. Pharmacy Case Studies. Soraya Dhillon 2009
62. Pharmacy Ethics and Decision Making. Wingfield 2007
63. PHARMACY MANAGEMENT: Essentials for All Practice Settings,
Second Edition. Shane Desselle 2008
64. Prescribing by Numbers: Drugs and the Definition of Disease. Jeremy
A. Greene 2007
65. Preventing Medication Errors and Improving Drug Therapy Outcomes.
Charles D. Hepler 2003
66. Public Relations for Pharmacists. Tina L. Pugliese 2000
67. The Essential Guide to the Internet for Health Professionals. Sydney
Chellen 2000
68. The Business of Healthcare, vol 1-3 (Praeger Perspectives). Kenneth
H. Cohn 2008
69. The Six Sigma Book for Healthcare: Improving Outcomes by
Reducing Errors. Robert Barry 2002
70. Treating Drug Problems. Arthur W. Blume 2005
71. UNHCR Drug Management Manual 2006
72. Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine. Stephen Chapman 2005
73. Drugs for the Treatment of Respiratory Diseases. Domenico Spina
74. Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine, Volume 1-4. Geoffrey Laurent
75. Asthma Management Handbook 2006. National Asthma Council
Australia 2006
76. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Pulmonary Medicine. Michael E
Hanley 2003
77. Intravenous Immunoglobulins in Clinical Practice. Martin L. Lee 1997
78. Managing Allergy. Adnan Custovic 2009
79. Therapeutic Strategies in Asthma: Current Treatments. Riccardo
Polosa 2007
80. Clinical Textbook of Dental Hygiene and Therapy. Robert Ireland
81. Drug Dictionary for Dentistry. John G Meechan 2002
82. Combat Medicine . George C. Tsokos 2003
83. Survival and Austere Medicine: An introduction 2nd Edition. The
Remote, Austere, Wilderness and Third World Medicine Discussion
Board Moderators 2005
84. Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine. Michael Hutson 2006
85. Travel Medicine. Jay S Keystone 2004
86. Handbook of Standard Operation Procedures for Good Clinical
Practice 2nd Edition. Celine M. Clive 2004
87. Designing and analysing questionnaires and surveys. Jackson 2000
88. Guide to Publishing a Scientific Paper. Ann Körner 2008
89. Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales and Questionnaires, 3rd
edition. Ian McDowell 2006
90. Meta-analysis in Medical Research: The handbook for the
understanding and practice of meta-analysis. Gioacchino Leandro 2005
91. Pharmaceutical Statistics: Practical and Clinical Applications 4th
Edition, Revised and Expanded (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical
Sciences). Sanford Bolton 2003
92. Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management. Susanne Prokscha 1999
93. Principles and Practice of Clinical Trial Medicine. Richard Chin 2008
94. Randomised Controlled Trials: Questions, Answers and Musings, 2nd
Edition. Alehandro R. Jadad 2007
95. Understanding Clinical Papers 2nd Ed. Bowers 2006
96. Dictionary of Medical Terms. Peter Collin 2005
97. Medical Terminology For Dummies. Beverley Henderson 2008
98. The A to Z of Anatomical, Histological and Medical Terms. Amanda
99. Fundamentals of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2nd Edition. Ian M.
Anderson 2004
100. Nuclear Medicine Therapy. Janet F. Eary 2007

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