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Selling always comes before negotiation. The simple

difference between them is timing. With selling you
inform people what you’ve got, what its going to for
them and how much it costs. Negotiation follows when
prospective customers like what they see, but want to
bargain about the prices. So negotiation begins when
the prospect wants to buy and you want to sell, but you
still have a few details to share regarding terms and

Negotiation is playing an ever increasing role in the

commercial world. So, its becoming increasingly
important now for sales people, to be both skillful
salespeople and negotiators. They also need to match
confidence and self esteem, for there are various
reasons why a sales person might be anxious to sell.


The sales process if we examine is a typical interview

with seller and buyer interacting with one another ,we
get an insight into both parties needs.

The sales persons needs will be revealed by their

opening statement, presentation of product features
and benefits and close of the sale.

The following are few sales skills which are required to

excel in this field.

Ability to Listen
Along with speaking, a great salesperson knows when to stop talking and listen. They never
cut someone off while they are talking, because in doing so they would fail to hear a key
element in identifying what that person's needs might be.
Asks Great Questions
Salespeople are naturally inquisitive and know that in order to isolate what the real need or
desire is in the buyer, they need to ask questions that will lead them to the answer. They
naturally ask questions because they have a desire to help solve their problem.
Problem Solver
Another natural skill is the desire and ability to solve problems. Great salespeople are always
solving problems. The ability to hone in on what the buyer's problem is and offering
suggestions that will effectively solve the problem with respect to what products or services
you sell, generally results with a sale.
Well Organized
I am not necessarily speaking of your personal surroundings, but more with your thoughts and
methods of planning. Sales people have a keen ability to break things down into smaller steps
and organize a plan of action. They know how to analyze what their goal is and in what order
the steps need to be in in order to reach that goal.
Self-Starter and Self-Finisher
A successful sales person moves forward on their own. They never need anyone to tell them
when it is time to go to work because they know that if they do not work they will not earn.
They are also very persistent to finish what they start. They achieve their goals, even if they
are small ones.
Positive Self Image
Having the attitude that they can do just about anything that they put their mind to is usually
very common among sales people. They do not cower from meeting or talking to people or
trying something new. They rarely allow negatives that are either spoken to them or about
them to effect what they are trying to accomplish because they know who they are and what
they are capable of doing.
Well Mannered and Courteous
The best sales people are very well mannered. You may not realize it, but good manners is a
way of showing respect for others. People are attracted to those that respect them and mutual
respect is fundamental in building lasting relationships with people..including buyers.
Naturally Persuasive
Another very common inherent skill with great salespeople is that they are very persuasive or
know how to get what they want. They focus on what they want and they are persistent to
keep chipping away until they get what they want. They almost never give up or give in.
Person of Integrity
A salesperson without integrity will have many struggles which will often include hopping from
job to job. Honesty in sales is so important and it is almost impossible for this skill to be
taught. You or the person you are looking to hire is either a person of integrity or are not. Be
as analytical as possible on the evaluation of this skill.

7 Sales Skills to Improve On


Sales Skill #1: Qualifying Fast to Avoid Wasting Sales

Do you chase after your prospects until they tell you yes or no? Do you ever tell your
prospects "No", as in "No, I am not going to sell to you"? There are many things in
selling that you do not and will not be able to control. The one thing that you do have
control over is your time and how you choose to use it.

To qualify fast you must have a set of criteria describing who you will and will not sell
to. You want to sell to the prospects likely to buy your products, and drop the prospects
unlikely to buy (so that you can find more good prospects). Sounds simple, but too many
salespeople let sludge buildup in their pipeline, constricting the total revenue that flows

KEY TIP: Develop a list of sales qualifying criteria that prospect's must meet in order
for you to invest your sales time with them.

Sales Skill #2: Motivating Prospects

Qualifying goes beyond budget, authority, and need. You want to sell to prospects who
*want* to buy from you. Finding prospects that need our products usually is not difficult.
Finding those who really want our products though can be very hard if we wait for them
to come to us.

Products sold by professional salespeople are more complex and offer more value than
commodity products offered through stores, catalogs and brokers. Prospects generally do
not know they need such products, until they first discover that they have a problem. This
process can take seconds or years depending on the nature of the problem (and the
prospect!). Prospects get motivated to work with you when you help them to discover
that you solve their problem better than anyone does


KEY TIP: Determine which problems that you eliminate or solve for your prospects.
Plan and ask questions to uncover and agitate those problems.

Sales Skill #3: Selling to People Outside Your Comfort

Most salespeople who are "people persons", already think that they are good at this. Let
me ask you a question. When you last lost a sale, how was your rapport with the key
person who decided against you?

You can't afford to look away and ignore people that you don't have natural rapport with.
The good news is that people like people like themselves. All you have to do to gain
rapport is stretch your behavior outside or your comfort zone until you become like
another person.

KEY TIP: Match speech patterns with people to gain rapport outside of your typical
sports or weather conversation.

Sales Skill #4: Reaching Decision-Makers Through

There's two ways to make more sales. One is to close more of the prospects you do
contact. The other is to get more prospects into the pipeline. When prospecting, you can
look at voicemail as either your friend or your enemy. With 70% of your prospecting
calls going to voicemail, it is time to make friends with it.

Although you will never get even close to getting every voicemail returned, you can get a
significant number of your messages returned when treat them as a one-on-one

KEY TIP: Prepare 3-5 separate benefit-focused voicemail messages that you can leave
over a period of days or weeks for a single decision-maker before you give up on her.
Each message should focus on a single unique customer-focused benefit.
Sales Skill #5: Delivering "I Gotta Have That"
Let's face it, a lot of business presentations are really boring. Salespeople talk about why
their product is great, why their company is great, and the history of their company.
Prospects don't relate to this. That's why they look so bored.

Great presentations get the prospect's imagination involved. The best way to involve the
imagination is through storytelling. Stories rich in descriptive detail get the prospect
picturing them using your product and evoke that "I Gotta Have That" reaction.

KEY TIP: Study 1-3 of your best customers and develop detailed customer success
stories that will put emotional power into your presentations.

Sales Skill #6: Gaining Commitments Instead of Closing

Eliminate "Closing Cheese" from Your Vocabulary. You know what I am talking about:
"Would you like that in gray or in black?" or "If I can show you how this will help you
will you buy today?". Lines like these are why salespeople are down on the bottom of
society's respect list somewhere near lawyers.

Learn the power of asking for incremental commitments from the beginning of your sales
cycle. It is not an easy shift to make. First you got to get the prospect to show you what
they most want (Hint: See Skill #2 above). Then you can negotiate incremental
commitments in return for more of your time, information or resources.

KEY TIP: Practice asking for simple commitments once someone has expressed a clear
want, pain, or desire.

Sales Skill #7: Have More Fun

Sales is fun when you are in control and closing deals. Selling is miserable when you are
under pressure to close business.

Take the pressure off yourself to close and instead focus on qualifying and motivating
your prospects.

KEY TIP: Shift the responsibility back to the prospect to solve his own problems, and
the pressure to make the sale will be gone. Focus on selling at your best only to qualified
prospects and you'll close more and have fun doing it.
Bonus Sales Tip
When you are giving a presentation, selling on the telephone or one-on-one in your
prospect's office, picture your prospect as having the words SO WHAT stamped on his
forehead. Imagine that for everything you say, the prospect is asking "so what, why
should I care?".

Remember, prospects only care about how what you are selling can eliminate a problem
that they have or help make their business or life better. The answer to this question is
always what your product does for them (benefits), not what your product is (features).


Cold Calling Pressure Reductio-

Who likes cold calling?

Most salespeople don't like cold calling, and do as little of it as possible. There are a
number of reasons why most of us don't like it. One reason is the way we view cold
calling. People who don't like cold calling view each call as do or die. They think of cold
calling as a war in which they have to win most of the battles in order to win the war. A
sales rep good at cold calling is considered a sales god. A sales rep who is poor at cold
calling is a sniveling wimp.

The reality about cold calling is much different. You don't have to win all nor even most
of the battles to win the war. Cold calling is the reconnaissance before any battle begins.
Cold calling is not where the sale happens. Cold calling is simply advertising done by
sales reps.

Yes, I said that you are doing advertising when you are cold calling.
Cold calling is a means of identifying potential prospects for your sales efforts. And the
purpose of advertising is to identify or attract potential prospects - in other words to
generate leads.

Think of cold calling this way. Every time you make a cold call, it is as if you grabbed
your prospect by the shirt, shoved a billboard ad for your product in their face, and said
"Do you want to buy this?"

Obviously, real cold calling is more involved than pressing their nose up to your ad.
Specifically, cold calling should be mostly about asking questions rather than a sales
pitch monologue.

Just like a newspaper ad or a billboard, all you are trying to do when cold calling is to get
someone's attention. And if they don't want or need what you are offering right now,
that's OK.

With your new view of cold calling as advertising in mind, you should focus your cold
calling goals a little differently. One of the surest ways to get frustrated in sales (and an
ulcer) is to take responsibility for things that are beyond your control as a sales rep. You
really cannot control whether the person you are cold calling needs or wants your

What you can control is how many cold calls you make, and the quality of your
techniques while cold calling.

Set your cold calling targets and define your success criteria around the number of calls
or dials that you will make. Judge the quality of your calls by how well you stick to a
cold calling formula that you have defined in advance.

If your cold calling goal is set as "To Make $300,000 in Sales Next Month", you are just
setting yourself up. This kind of cold calling goal might be useful if you are a tele*sales*
person responsible for actually closing business by phone. But in professional business-
to-business selling, cold calling is too far removed from the actual close to directly
influence such a goal.

Instead, you can backwards plan how many cold calling "advertisements" you need to run
in order to make $300,000 in sales next month. Use your own or other sales reps activity
numbers to figure out how many sales will result *on average* if you make 1000 dials
when cold calling. Then you can determine the time period needed to make 1000 dials
worth of cold calling advertisements in order to make your sales goals.

Look at cold calling as one-to-one advertising and focus on the number of dials you have
to make and you'll find cold calling a lot easier to do.
Negotiation Skills

Qualities of Negotiating Power

1. It is relative between the parties.

2. It changes over time.
3. It is always limited.
4. It can be either real or apparent.
5. The exercise of negotiation power has both benefits and costs.
6. It relates to the ability to punish or benefit.
7. It is enhanced by legal support, personal knowledge, skill, resources and hard work.
8. It is increased by the ability to endure uncertainty and by commitment.
9. It is enhanced by a good negotiating relationship.
10. It depends on the perceived BATNA.
11. It exists to the extent which it is accepted.

Negotiation is usually considered as a compromise to settle an argument or issue to

benefit ourselves as much as possible. Communication is always the link that will be used
to negotiate the issue/argument whether it is face-to-face, on the telephone, or in writing.
Remember, negotiation is not always between two people; it can involve several
members from two parties.

There are many reasons why you may want to negotiate and there are several ways to
approach it. We all have our own point of views. And these viewpoints form the basis of
our goals and objectives. Each time you communicate with a potential client, vendor or
employee, you exchange ideas and information. However, your goals are likely to differ.
Negotiation, in essence, is the art of compromise. Negotiation skills are vital to the
success or failure of your interactions, and ultimately, your goals. Negotiating is one of
the key tools you can use to accomplish your goals.
The Seven Pillars of Negotiation Wisdom

1. Relationship
What impact will this negotiation have on our personal relationship with other negotiators
or our constituents, the parties who stand to gain or lose depending on the negotiation's
2. Interests
What are the reasons that drive our pursuit of particular objectives, and can another
party's ideas or resources help serve our interests better than what we bring to the table?
Our Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) may be derived from
resources we control or influence. We may have choices of parties with whom to
negotiate or may be better off relying on ourselves. BATNAs can change during
negotiation each time we learn a new piece of information.
4. Creativity
Are we to be governed by standard operating procedure, or can our interests be better
served by thinking out of the box? If our ideas are the only ones worth taking seriously, it
is hard to justify bringing additional parties into a negotiation-- the decision-making
5. Fairness
Do we feel as if we are being treated fairly? How do other parties feel? If a negotiator
feels he or she is not being dealt with in a fair manner, he or she may agree for purposes
of bringing the bargaining to a close, but may walk away without having bought into the
6. Commitment
Negotiations can only be called successful if they lead to agreements the parties are
committed to fulfill. Learn whether the people at the bargaining table have the capacity to
keep the promises they make.
Information is the fundamental asset in negotiation. We communicate best by listening.
We should keep asking ourselves whether the negotiation process is being used as a
successful way of communicating information. By considering which of these deserves
more attention in a given negotiation before the negotiation process begins, we are likely
to do a better job. The recent past may have presented some shocks, but to be a good
negotiator, you have to accept that things may not always go the way you expect. Keep
the “seven pillars” in mind, and you should be able to respond wisely to the
circumstances you face.

Essentials of a Successful Negotiation

1. Know what “you” want
Think through exactly what you want. Be specific and have valid reasons for why you
need it. Knowing what you want, and why, will help you to be clearer and more
2. Know what “they” want
Before you start negotiating, it is important to have an idea of what the other party would
like the outcome to be, too. So think it through why do they need what you are
offering/asking for? And do your research on how can you make them feel like they have
got a good deal?
3. Be Fair
If what you are asking for is fair and justifiable, e.g., you would like to earn as much as
someone you work equally as hard as, then you are much more likely to get what you
4. Believe you are worth it
You have to believe that you deserve your desired outcome. If you do not, the moment
your client or boss questions you, your argument will fall apart because you do not have
enough confidence in it. Believe it, trust yourself, and rehearse it.
5. Listen Carefully
When your boss/client is talking to you during negotiations, do not use that time to plan
your next line of attack. It is more important that you listen to them and see their point of
view. They will take you more seriously if you do, even if you disagree with them.
6. Keep it Friendly
Negotiating is not about confrontation. It is about two parties reaching an amicable,
mutually beneficial agreement. Keep that in mind when you are talking and, even if you
do not get what you want this time, view it as good practice for the future.
7. Have an Alternative
When you are discussing specifically what you want, as well as what they want, work out
what you would be prepared to walk away with if you are not successful.
Five Basic Principles
1. Be hard on the problem and soft on the person.
2. Focus on needs, not positions.
3. Emphasize common ground.
4. Be inventive about options.
5. Make clear agreements.
Where possible, prepare in advance. Consider what your needs are and what the other
person's are. Consider outcomes that would address more of what you both want. Commit
yourself to a win-win approach, even if tactics used by the other person seem unfair. Be
clear that your task will be to steer the negotiation in a positive direction. To do so you
may need to do some of the following:

Example 1-- Parent-Child Conflict

It is Friday, and John and his mother are arguing once again about the teenager's weekend
curfew. Mrs. Brown has grown increasingly distressed by her son's continuing resistance
to the 11 p.m. curfew she has set. John insists that this is unfair. Both become so angry
and frustrated that they storm off to separate areas of the house to avoid each other and
further conflict.
Example 2-- Workplace Conflict
Mr. Steve has been late for work several times in recent weeks. He has failed to turn in
several important project outlines on time without explanation or apology, annoying his
employer. Until recently, Steve’s attendance and performance at work had been
consistent, motivated and highly productive. Steve’s recent behavior has been so
uncharacteristic that his employer decides to confront him, demanding a meeting the next
Example 3-- Marital Conflict
Roberta and James have the "perfect" marriage, two children and a lovely home. Both
work in professions that provide personal satisfaction as well as a comfortably secure
income. They have "made it." And they are miserable. Work and family roles have left
them with little time to spend together and have increased their areas of disagreement.
Roberta and James have become focused on meeting their own needs with little regard
for the needs of the other. Resentment, dissatisfaction and conflict are all they seem to
share any longer.
The Goal of Negotiation-- "Everyone Wins"
People resolve disagreements in many ways. Some tend to deal with potential conflict by
denying it or trying to avoid it altogether. Instead of confronting and resolving problems,
people may let their anger and resentment build while they remain silent. This approach
can result in constant personal stress which can lead to illness or poor general health. If
disagreements are not resolved, the possibility for more intense conflicts at some later
date is increased. Problems seldom improve on their own. Conflict can also be motivated
by ego. Solutions are selfishly sought with little regard for the other person. The conflict
becomes a "win-lose" situation in which one person "wins" at someone else's expense.
The one-sidedness of this "solution" increases the odds of more conflict. "Losers" will
defy, test, resist and retaliate against the "winners." Effective negotiation is a two-way
process that encourages both sides to actively participate in making decisions. It also
provides a way for people to learn to understand each other better and to grow in their
relationships. Negotiation helps to create a healthy balance between "giving" and
"getting." Everyone becomes a "winner" through negotiation.
How can Everyone Win?
The key to effective negotiation is clear communication. Communication involves three
important skills-- understanding, listening and speaking. You cannot have one skill work
without the others. For example, you cannot have good understanding without good
listening and speaking. Negotiation is most effective when people are able to clearly
identify and discuss their sources of disagreement and misunderstanding.

Negotiation begins with a clear, concise explanation of the problem as each person sees
it. Facts and feelings are presented in a rational manner from the individual's perspective,
using "I" statements. Communication between people will go more smoothly when
statements such as "I become very upset when you " are used rather than more aggressive
statements such as "You make me mad when you," which blames the other person and
puts him or her in a defensive position. Shared concerns rather than individual issues
remain the focus of discussion throughout negotiation. The negotiation process will be
most effective when people take time to think through what they will say. When possible,
plan ahead to meet at a time and place convenient to everyone. A quiet, neutral spot
where there are few distractions or interruptions is perfect for open discussion.

Listening is an active process of concentrating all of one's attention on the other person.
Encouraging the other person to share thoughts and feelings, giving feedback on what has
been heard, and maintaining eye contact are skills that show you are interested in
understanding what he or she has to say. Active listening assures the other person that he
or she is heard, accepted and respected. The ability to listen actively supports open,
ongoing negotiation.
Thinking ahead or anticipating the course of the discussion are distractions that
interferewith listening. Poor attention and listening can lead to misunderstandings,
inappropriate solutions and continuing conflict.

Before two sides can look for solutions, a common understanding should be reached. If
two people do not understand each other's problems and concerns, then the process of
negotiation will either be broken off or will end with solutions that do not work. Active
listening encourages understanding. It is important to pay close attention to what
someone says as well as to how he or she behaves. Body language, including facial
expressions, hand gestures and degree of eye contact, can provide clues about the other
person's thoughts and feelings.

Show Respect
Success rests in accepting the other person despite differences in values, beliefs,
educational experiences, ethnic backgrounds or perspectives. Negotiation permits you to
examine a problem from all sides, and to promote understanding and interest in the other
person without necessarily agreeing to his or her viewpoint. Taking time to listen and to
ask questions makes it easier to learn more about someone's perspectives. Considering
different perspectives will increase the range and variety of possible solutions. Genuine
interest in other people and in their contribution to finding solutions builds trust. Trust

provides a foundation for continuing a relationship. A foundation of trust also eases

future efforts to solve problems.

It is one way to gather many creative ideas rapidly. This process allows everyone to
openly make suggestions without the fear of criticism. At this stage, every suggestion has
value and is accepted. After all suggestions have been shared, they are reviewed to
determine whether they might coincide or overlap with each other. Negotiation then
becomes a matter of choosing a solution to which no one has an objection. Remember,
personal goals should not take priority over shared goals.

Preserve the Relationship

In general, people will try to preserve valued relationships. Negotiation is a
nonadversarial approach to resolving conflict in those relationships. There are no "good
guys," "bad guys," or "winners/losers." Negotiation is based on equality. No one wields
more power or control than another. The individual's ideas, attitudes, values and
objectives are recognized and respected as legitimate. Solutions are mutually agreed

When is Negotiation Successful?

Negotiation is most successful when both sides do the following:
1. Recognize the value of a relationship and have a mutual desire to continue it.
2. Participate actively in the process.
3. Show consideration and acceptance of each other's perspectives, values, beliefs and
4. Separate personality from the issue involved.
5. Work together to develop a solution everyone can accept.

Face Negotiation Theory

Stella Ting-Toomey's “face negotiation theory” helps to explain cultural differences in
response to conflict. The basic assumption is that all people negotiate “face.”
1. Face is a metaphor for our public self-image.
2. Face work refers to specific verbal and non-verbal messages that help to maintain and
nrestore face loss, and to uphold and honor face gain.
Our identity can always be called into question, which inevitably leads to conflict and
vulnerability. Facework and corresponding styles of handling conflict vary from culture
to culture.

Cross-Cultural Communication Theory

It assumes that persons of all cultures are continually negotiating "face," which is their
public self-image. This theory also contends that "facework" from cultures that are
lowcontext or individualistic such as the United States is quite different from cultures that
are collectivistic such as Japan or Korea. Consequently, when face is managed
differently, then communication and conflict styles will likewise vary. Face negotiation
theory analysis focuses on the type of culture, the type of face maintenance, and the type
of conflict management.

As life becomes more complex and the world more diverse, your ability to use
negotiation skills becomes more important. Negotiation requires time and patience. By
practicing the negotiation strategies and skills suggested in this lesson, you can make
conflict resolution a regular part of your approach to managing relationships at home, at
work and in the community. Negotiation can serve not only to preserve relationships, but
also to continually strengthen and improve them.

Negotiation Questionnaire
1. Successful negotiators usually set very high goals.
True False
2. Most negotiation issues boil down to the price of the object or service to be
True False
3. The person doing the selling or persuading has the distinct advantage over the buyer
in most negotiation situations.
True False
4. Concessions are normally viewed as a sign of weakness in the party making them.
True False
5. Ultimatums should be used only as a last resort.
True False
6. The personal needs of the negotiators are as important as the "objective" issues.
True False
7. Negotiations should be left to highly experienced personnel.
True False
8. It is always best to negotiate on your own "territory."
True False
9. There are certain items, such as merchandise in a one-price store, which cannot be
True False
10. As a negotiator, you can never go wrong by assuming the other party is out to get the
best possible deal for himself at your expense.
True False
11. In all negotiation situations, someone wins and someone loses.
True False
12. Deadlocks and impasses are sure-fire signs that one or both parties are being
True False
13. Negotiators often mean something different from what they say.
True False
14. It is always best to keep a negotiation on a rational, issue-oriented level.
True False
15. Establishing the agenda of the negotiation is probably the most routine phase of the
negotiation process.
True False
16. The effective negotiator spends more time listening than talking during negotiations.
True False
17. Negotiators usually overdo their sensitivity to cues.
True False
18. The negotiator who asks a lot of questions is demonstrating that he or she hasn’t done
his or her homework thoroughly.
True False
19. In negotiations, the more I know about you than you know about me, the better I can
control the negotiation.
True False
20. You should develop a negotiation strategy and stick to it.
True False
21. When there is a lot of competitive negotiation taking place in an organization, the
organization always loses.
True False
22. Knowing what your options are is essential to effective negotiations.
True False
23. When a written document is necessary to finalize an agreement, it is best for you to
write it.
True False
24. I have a distinct advantage if I know your deadline and you don’t know mine.
True False
25. Deadlocks are to be avoided at all costs.
True False
26. Managers demonstrate weakness when they negotiate with subordinates.
True False
27. It is best to keep the number of people to minimum in a major contract negotiation.
True False
28. In labor relations, negotiating activity should be confined to the bargaining table in
order to preserve confidentiality.
True False
29. Probably the best test of a successful negotiator is his skill in employing a wide
variety of negotiation tactics.
True False
1. T, 2. F, 3. Either, 4. F, 5. T, 6. T, 7. F, 8. T,
9. F, 10. F, 11. F, 12. F, 13. T, 14. T, 15. F,
16. T, 17. F, 18. F, 19. T, 20. Either, 21. T,
22. T, 23. T, 24. T, 25. F, 26. F, 27. Either, 28. F, 29. F

Give yourself one point for each response that matches those provided by professional
negotiators. The higher your score, the more you reflect the mindset and behavioral
patterns of professional negotiators.

Case Study-- Conflict Management

We have a product team that does high quality work. Everyone in the team is competent
and highly committed to the success of the company. Yet, some issues have developed
over time and there are repeated conflicts among a few of the members. There has been
arguing and heated debate. I am afraid that the recurring conflicts will cause morale to
drop, and subsequently result in decreased commitment and productivity.

Can you get the team to manage conflict more effectively so that morale and productivity
are not affected?

Depending upon the situation and time, the way the negotiations are to be conducted
differs. The skills of negotiations depends and differs widely from one situation to the
other. Basically the types can be divided into three broad categories.

Types Parties Examples

1. Different levels of 1. Negotiation for pay,
Management terms and working
Day-to-day/ Managerial 2. In between conditions.
Negotiations colleagues 2. Description of the job
3. Trade unions and fixation of
4. Legal advisers
3. Increasing
1. Management 1. Striking a contract
2. Suppliers with the customer.
Commercial Negotiations 3. Government 2. Negotiations for the
4. Customers price and quality of
5. Trade unions goods to be
6. Legal advisors purchased.

7. Public 3. Negotiations with

financial institutions
as regarding the
availability of
1. Government 1. Adhereing to the laws
2. Management of the local and
Legal Negotiations national government.
3. Customers
1. Day-to-day / Managerial Negotiations

Such types of negotiations are done within the organization and are related to the internal
problems in the organization. It is in regards to the working relationship between the
groups of employees. Usually, the manager needs to interact with the members at
different levels in the organization structure. For conducting the day-to-day business,
internally, the superior needs to allot job responsibilities, maintain a flow of information,
direct the record keeping and many more activities for smooth functioning. All this
requires entering into negotiations with the parties internal to the organization.
2. Commercial Negotiations

Such types of negotiations are conducted with external parties. The driving forces behind
such negotiations are usually financial gains. They are based on a give-and-take
relationship. Commercial negotiations successfully end up into contracts. It relates to
foregoing of one resource to get the other.

3. Legal Negotiations

These negotiations are usually formal and legally binding. Disputes over precedents can
become as significant as the main issue. They are also contractual in nature and relate to
gaining legal ground.


Negotiation, at times can be a lengthy and cumbersome process. By asking whether it is

necessary, time may sometimes be saved and unnecessary compromise avoided. On
occasions, a request to negotiate may best be met by pointing out that the party making
the request has no standing in the matter. If a manager has the undoubted authority to act,
making a decision rather than negotiating about it may be the best tactic.

Alternatively, there are cases in which the best response to a request or a claim is to
concede it without argument. Why waste time negotiating if the other party has a good
case and there are no adverse consequences in conceding ? Unnecessary negotiation,
followed, perhaps, by a grudging concession of the other party’s claim, will lose all the
advantage that might be gained with a quick unexpected yes.

An alternative to a simple yes or no when a difference of view occurs is to skip

negotiation and proceed immediately to some form of third – party intervention. An
alternative to a simple yes or no when a difference of view occurs, is to skip negotiation
and proceed immediately to some form of third – party intervention. On the most formal
basis, this might imply a decision to take a dispute to court : informally, two managers
who quickly realize that they cannot reach agreement about a working problem may
jointly agree to stop wasting time in argument and refer the matter to a senior manager
for resolution.

The Negotiations Process

The Difference Between Integrative and Distributive Negotiation

There are two types of negotiation: "integrative" and "distributive." Integrative
negotiations are those typically referred to as "win/win" negotiations: all sides
are looking for a solution that maximizes joint gain and allows everyone to
walk away feeling like they won something. They involve looking at the issues
being negotiated from multiple angles, considering multiple issues at once
(thus allowing for trade-offs), and honestly trying to "expand the pie" rather
than divide it. Anyone who imagines that they might see or do business with
their fellow negotiator in the future should be attempting to negotiate in this
way. Integrative negotiations foster trust and good working relationships, and
leave all parties feeling good, not just one.

Distributive negotiations, on the other hand, are typically described as

"win/lose" negotiations – one party gets what they want, and the other party
gives something up. Think of negotiating for your car – you either get that
extra $1000, or the dealership does. If you feel you got a good deal (and
squeezed that salesman), you "won." If you walk away feeling like you paid
too much money, you "lost." This type of negotiating does not lead to good
long-term relationships. The parties’ interests are often opposed (or seem to be
opposed – this may not prove to be the case once you start getting creative),
and usually good feelings are not plentiful when the negotiation is over.

Integrative vs. Distributive Negotiations

Characteristic Integrative Distributive

Negotiations Negotiations

Outcome Win / win Win / lose

Motivation Joint gain Individual gain

Interests Congruent Opposed

Relationship Long-term Short-term

Issues Multiple issues Single Issue

Here’s a story (probably familiar to many of you!) that demonstrates the

difference between integrative and distributive negotiations: Two sisters were
fighting over the last orange in the fruit bowl. They went back and forth, each
girl insisting that she should get it and both refusing to give up. They were
about to agree on cutting the orange in half when their aunt walked in and
realized what was going on. She turned to the girls and asked them each why
they wanted the orange. As it turns out, one wanted to eat the orange, and the
other wanted the peel for an art project she was working on. Once they realized
this, they were able to "split" the orange in such a way that both got exactly
what they wanted. The girls were engaged in distributive negotiations (though
it probably felt like bickering to them), while their aunt was suggesting an
integrative solution.

As you might have guessed by now, partnership negotiations should always be

integrative. The goal in any partnership should be maximizing all parties’
abilities to advance their collective mission, and to enable both to better serve
the community, deal effectively with their economic obligations and pressures,
etc. One organization should not want to "win" at the expense of the other. You
want joint gain, not just individual gain, and while your specific motivations
for pursuing the partnership may be different, the spirit behind your interests
should be congruent. Most importantly, you are entering into a long-term
relationship with your prospective partner(s), and you want this to be a good
relationship. The only way to build trust and expand the pie (or the orange) in a
negotiation situation is be integrative. You must do this from the beginning.
Once you start down the "distributive path" it is hard to change directions, as
you establish a dynamic of competition and distrust. The moral of the story: be


Negotiation: can be defined as a process of bargaining by which agreement is

reached between 2 or more parties. We all negotiate every day in a wide range of work
and social situations. It is important to know how to negotiate for a number of reasons:

Effect on Profits
During the negotiation course, we will explore why negotiating skills are important
for you to be successful in business and in life. The importance of negotiation to your
business is vital and the impact of good or bad negotiating can be shown as follows:
SALES £10m £10m
COSTS 8m 8m
PROFITS £2m £2m

Assume Company A has sales people and buyers who by improved negotiating
techniques increase sales by 5% and reduce costs by 5%.
SALES £10.5m £10m
COSTS 7.6m 8m
PROFITS £2.9m £2m
By achieving relatively modest improvements in buyers. and sellers. performance,
the effect is an increase in profits of £0.9m. This represents a 45% increase over the
previous profit figure.
Effect on Customers
Successful negotiations can lead to increased profits, but can also lead to greater
customer satisfaction. For example, you are buying a second car and you see a car
advertised in the paper for £14,500. You decide to make an ambitious offer to see how
they react. You offer £11,000 and they accept your offer immediately. How do you feel?
Most people feel two things in quick succession:
1. I could have done better
2. There must be something wrong with the car
Think of this next time you are negotiating for your business with a customer or supplier.
Are you .being fair. by offering your best price first time? What impact has your action
had on the way the other side feels?
The objective of successful negotiation is not necessarily to charge the highest possible
prices for your products, or to pay the minimum price possible for your supplies, but to
creatively put together solutions to problems that ensure:
 ! The best possible outcome for your business.
 ! Clients and suppliers who are happy to do business with you.
 ! A reputation for being a tough negotiator while earning the respect of those
with whom you negotiate.



Our style of negotiation will be influenced by the style of the other party. If both sides are
adversarial, there will be little trust between the two parties, however, if one side decides
to be co-operative, there is a danger the other side will use this apparent sign of weakness
to their advantage. Co-operative bargaining has the advantage of being a more efficient
style of negotiation, however certain rules have to be followed by both parties, for it to
work. Let us look at the 2 styles of bargaining and their features:

Features of adversarial bargaining

! Each side takes up a position and defends it
! Opening bids are set at unrealistic levels; too high or too low, in order to give
room for manoeuvre
! Movement is small or non-existent until later on in the negotiation
! Tactics are used to gain short term advantage
! Too much emphasis is placed on trust. .This really is my best price!.
! Information is withheld, or misrepresented
! The outcome is often win-lose, or lose-lose
! The more aggressive negotiator usually does best
! This style does not encourage long term, mutually beneficial relationships
! Neither side asks enough questions, or explores alternatives in sufficient depth

Features of co-operative bargaining

! Each side recognises that the other has needs and feelings and accepts implicit
! Objective measures are taken of what is fair and reasonable
! Trust is not an issue as either side is willing to share information
! This style is friendly, but not soft. There is a willingness to trade concessions
! There is a clear, communicable strategy
! Bad behaviour is punished
! This style involves creative problem solving
! It encourages long term, mutually profitable relationships
! Each side asks more questions and explores alternatives, rather than taking up fixed
! The usual outcome is win-win .The objective of negotiation should not be a
dead opponent.: Napoleon


In any kind of negotiation the planning stage is probably the most important. Too
often in negotiations we go in badly prepared and end up giving concessions that
reduce the overall profitability of the final deal. The importance of planning is in
having a very clear idea before entering into the negotiation.
1. What are my objectives?
2. What does the other side wish to achieve?
3. What information will influence the final outcome of the negotiation?
4. What concessions can I make?
5. How am I going to achieve my objectives?
6. What part will other people play in the negotiation?
Generally, the more time that is spent in planning and preparing for the negotiation,
the more beneficial will be the final outcome.

Before entering into the negotiation, you need to have a clear idea of your objectives
and try to work out those of the other side. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. What exactly do I wish to achieve from this negotiation?
2. Which of my objectives:
a. Must I achieve?
b. Do I intend to achieve?
c. Would I like to achieve?
3. What options or alternatives would be acceptable to me?
4. What are the other sides. objectives?
5. How does the other side see the negotiation?

It has often been said that information is power. In any negotiation, there will be 4
types of information that is important to the final outcome.
1. What information do I have that the other side has also?
2. What information do I have that the other side does not have?
3. What information do I need to have before negotiating with the other side?
4. What information does the other side need before it can negotiate with me?
This can be particularly important when negotiating with people who concentrate
on price issues. What other things are important to this person? What pressures does
he have on him to conclude the deal? How well is his company doing at the moment?
How important is it that he deals with my company? etc. The early phases of negotiation
consist of both sides finding out more information
before talking about a specific deal or set of alternatives. For example, if you find out
the other side has a time deadline that only your company can meet, it may give you
the chance to negotiate on more favourable price. If you know that the other side
has recently expanded their production capacity, you may be able to negotiate more
favourable terms in return for a commitment to buy certain volumes over an agreed
time period.
By spending time as part of your preparation in listing what you already know and
what you need to know, you will give yourself a better chance to negotiate well on
your company.s behalf.
Negotiating is a process of bargaining by which agreement is reached between two
or more parties. It is rare in negotiation for agreement to be reached immediately or
for each side to have identical objectives. More often than not, agreements have to
be worked out where concessions are given and received and this is the area where
the profitability of the final outcome will be decided.
When preparing for negotiation, it is advisable to write down a realistic assessment
of how you perceive the final outcome. Find out the limits of your authority within
the negotiation and decide what you are willing and able to concede in order to
arrive at an agreement, which satisfies all parties.
Concessions have two elements; cost and value. It is possible during negotiations to
concede issues that have little cost to you but have great value to the other side. This
is the best type of concession to make. Avoid, however, conceding on issues that
have a high cost to you irrespective of their value to the other side.
When preparing for negotiations, ask yourself the following questions:
1. What is the best deal I could realistically achieve in this negotiation?
2. What is the likely outcome of the negotiation?
3. What is the limit of my authority? At which point should I walk away?
4. What concessions are available to me? What is the cost of each concession and
what value does each have to either side?
Planning your strategy is important in negotiation. Once you know your objectives,
you need to work out how you are going to achieve them. It is also useful to try and
see the negotiation from the other side and try and work out what their strategy will
During the negotiation there will be opportunities to use various tactics and you
need to decide on which of these you feel comfortable with and recognise the tactics
being used by the other side. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. How am I going to achieve my objectives in this negotiation?
2. What is the strategy of the other side likely to be?
3. What tactics should I use within the negotiation?
4. What tactics are the other side likely to use?
If you go into negotiation with a colleague or colleagues, you need to decide during
the preparation phase:
1. What role will each team member take in the negotiation?
2. How can we work together in the most effective way?
Some teams of negotiators appoint team leaders, note takers, observers and
specialists, each with their own clearly defined authority and roles to perform.
Having a clear understanding of roles within the negotiation will make the team
approach much more effective.
Questions to ask prior to entering into negotiations
1. What exactly do I wish to achieve from this negotiation?
2. Which of my objectives:
a. Would I like to achieve?
b. Do I intend to achieve?
c. Must I achieve?
3. What options would be acceptable to me?
4. What are the other sides. objectives?
5. How does the other side see the negotiation?
1. What information do I need to know about this negotiation?
2. What information does the other side need to find out?
3. What information does each side have that will influence the outcome of the
1. What is the best deal I could realistically achieve in this negotiation?
2. What is the likely outcome of the negotiation?
3. What is the limit of my authority? At what point should I walk away?
4. What concessions are available to me, what is the cost of each concession and
what value does each concession have to either side?
1. How am I going to achieve my objectives in this negotiation?
2. What is the strategy of the other side likely to be?
3. What tactics should I use within the negotiation?
4. What tactics are the other side likely to use?
Tasks (Team Negotiations Only)
1. What role should each team member take in the negotiation?
2. How can we work together in the most effective way?
The best deal, like:

1 7

2 8
3 9
4 10
5 11
6 12

The acceptable deal, intend:

1 7

2 8
3 9
4 10
5 11
6 12

The worst deal, must:

1 7

2 8
3 9
4 10
5 11
6 12


Sr. Luigi Franconi owns a fast food Pizza Parlour just outside of London. Last year he
had an audited turnover of £193,750, producing a net profit after tax of £36,750.
The shop has been trading for seven years and is located in a good position,
opposite a busy shopping mall and 800 metres away from its. nearest rival,
Sr. Franconi wants to sell the business as a going concern and has advertised it at a
price of £175,000, inclusive of:
! Stock, worth on average £5,000
! Kitchen Fittings worth, according to Sr. Franconi £25,000 (These cost him
£35,000 when new 18 months ago.)
! Restaurant Fittings costing £19,000 3 years ago
! The freehold valuation of the restaurant
! The.goodwill. of the business
You own 2 Pizza fast food restaurants in the area and you wish to build your business
through acquisition, so long as the businesses you acquire are the right price and in the
right location.
Your current restaurants are making good money and you believe you have the right
formula for success . strict financial controls, plus pizzas that your customers like.
You have tried to buy other fast food restaurants but the deals fell through because their
owners would not agree your best price. You are looking at another restaurant in town in
addition to Sr. Franconi.s which seems to meet your requirements. One problem you have
is with finance. You cannot finance the deal yourself. You could just about finance the
deal yourself but this will probably cause you cashflow problems. A better alternative
would be to agree a deal with Sr. Franconi where you pay 50% of the money up front and
pay the balance over 2, or preferably, 4 years.
Before you have your meeting with Sr. Franconi you need to plan and prepare for the
negotiation which will ultimately take place. To help you in this process answer the
following questions below:


1. Assuming Sr. Franconi.s price seems to be relatively cheap for a profitable pizza
business in this location, what must you not do and why?
2. Think of your objectives for the forthcoming negotiation. Describe your Like,
Intend and Must positions.
3. What information must you find out about Sr. Franconi.s business before you
begin to negotiate?
4. What concessions are available to each side?
5. What should your strategy be for the forthcoming meeting?
1. Assuming Sr. Franconi.s price seems to be relatively cheap for a profitable pizza
business in this location, what must you not do and why?
2. Think of your objectives for the forthcoming negotiation. Describe your Like,
Intend and Must positions.
3. What information must you find out about Sr. Franconi.s business before you
begin to negotiate?
4. What concessions are available to each side?
5. What should your strategy be for the forthcoming meeting?

Suggested answers
1. Despite the asking price looking good, beware of agreeing to the asking price.
A negotiator should and will always challenge an opening bid, however
tempting it may appear. Look at it from Sr. Franconi.s point of view. He must
have a reason for wanting to sell the business and is likely to have some leeway
on price.
Some people fear annoying, or upsetting the other party by challenging their
opening bid. They worry it may cause deadlock. A skilled negotiator can
challenge the other side.s terms and conditions without antagonising the other
side. That is part of the skill of negotiating.
2. There are no right and wrong answers to this question. If agreement is reached
and both parties are satisfied, then a win-win outcome is the result. However,
the first step in the planning process is to identify the issues being negotiated.
What are they?
Issues are likely to include:
 Overall asking price
 Valuation of stock
 Valuation of fixtures and fittings (Kitchen and restaurant)
 Goodwill
 Timing of the purchase
 Payment terms
 Non-competition clause
Your must position is probably where you would agree to pay the asking price, financed
by yourself, accepting Sr. Franconi.s valuations. You may be willing to forget the non-
competition clause and seek to close the deal within a month. Your like position could be
an offer of £168,000, financed by paying £84,000 up front and the balance over 4 years at
£21,000 per year. This would include a non-competition clause whereby Sr. Franconi
agrees not to open up a similar restaurant locally within the 4-year period. Agreement
could be reached to speed up the timing of the deal, depending on the necessary legal
requirements being met. Your intend position, will be somewhere between the must and
like positions. It could be, say, an agreed price of £172,000, financed by paying £86,000
up front and the balance over 2 years at £43,000 per year. There may be scope for
a shorter non-competition clause of say 2 years and some flexibility on the timing of the
3. Information would need to include:
 How long the business has been up for sale
 The reasons for Sr. Franconi.s decision to sell what appears to be a profitable
 The physical state of the premises, stock and fixtures
 The costs of any necessary repairs
 How valuations on stock and fixtures were calculated
 Any local development plans that could affect future revenue and profit
 The quality and accuracy of the financial information on the business?
 How quickly Sr. Franconi needs to complete the sale
 What interest other potential purchasers have shown
 Sr. Franconi.s attitude to part funding the purchase

4. Concessions relate to the key issues being negotiated. Likely concessions will
 Price
 Payment structure
 Timing of purchase
 Non-competition clause

5. Your strategy is your decision. If you are looking for Sr. Franconi.s help with
financing the business it is probably best to approach the negotiation in a positive,
\friendly way. Do your homework prior to your meeting and prepare your list of
questions carefully. You may wish to visit, or have the restaurant visited by someone else
to get a feel for the quality of service and food and possibly feedback from other
customers. Find out more about the location and future development plans. Prepare your
opening bid and the arguments you need to back it up.


People who are successful negotiators have a well thought out strategy before going into
the negotiation, are well prepared, self confident and structure the negotiation, so that
they remain in control of the negotiating process.
The recommended structure for negotiations is:

Stage 1. Establish the issues

! Begin by agreeing an agenda for the negotiation. What needs to be discussed
and agreed? Who will be involved and what will be their role? What timescales
are we working towards? What are the major issues that need to be agreed?
! Many negotiators make the mistake of negotiating too quickly
! Skilled negotiators spend 20% more of their time asking questions and looking
for alternatives
! Professional negotiators will want to gain your commitment on issues, such as
price, early on in the negotiation
! You should never commit yourself to anything until you have established
everything that is being negotiated
! Negotiators will often bring up an issue at the end of the negotiation, when you are
vulnerable and likely to agree to a . one sided . concession, in order to conclude the deal
! Skilled negotiators will often ask the other side for their . shopping list . before
beginning the negotiation and refuse to accept any last minute additions to the list
! Issues will include things like price, delivery schedule, payment terms, packaging,
quality of product, length of contract etc.
! At this stage issues are kept general and no concessions are made or agreements

Stage 2. Gather information

This is a vital part of the negotiation
There are 4 kinds of information
1. Information you have that you are willing to give to the other side
2. Information you have that you are unwilling to give to the other side
3. Information the other side has that they are willing to give you
4. Information the other side has that they are unwilling to give you
! You need to decide, before the negotiation, how much you are willing to share
information and what your own information requirements are
! This will set the climate for negotiation and will determine the amount of trust
that exists between both parties
! Skilled negotiators are able to ask a range of open, closed and follow up
questions and are able to listen effectively
! Skilled negotiators wait until they have all their information requirements,
before making concessions
Stage 3. Build a solution
! Having gathered information the next stage is to begin to put together a solution
! Usually this will take the form of the selling side putting forward a proposal, or
opening bid
! The opening bid should be ambitious, but defensible
! You should always challenge an opening bid and refuse to let an unacceptable
bid on the table
! There will then be a process of bargaining and concessions will be traded and
movement take place, until, hopefully, agreement is reached
! Concessions should not be given away for free and you should be wary about
conceding on issues for which you are not prepared


One of the main differences between negotiators is how confident they feel when
negotiating. Typically, the more confident we feel, and the better we are prepared, the
more successful will be the outcome of our negotiations. Personal power comes from
many sources. To build up and increase our confidence as negotiators we need to step
back and analyse the sources of our personal power and compare them with those of the
people with whom we are negotiating. Power is not absolute. In most negotiating
relationships the power balance moves with time as the negotiation progresses.
Here are some typical sources of power:

Information power
Information power comes from having knowledge that will influence the outcome of
the negotiation. Planning and research can increase our information power, as can asking
the right questions before we reach the bargaining phase of the negotiation.
Reward power
Reward power comes from having the ability to reward the other party to the negotiation.
It could be the power a buyer has to give place an order for goods and services, or the
power a salesperson has to give good service and solve problems
Coercive power
Coercive power is the power to punish. This is seen most commonly in the buyerseller
relationship, but can be a feature of other types of negotiation.

Situation power
Situation power is the power that comes from being in the right place at the right time. A
customer is desperate to place an order and you are the only source ofsupply in the short
term. Having an effective network and keeping in touch with what is happening can
increase your situation power.
Expertise power
Expertise power comes from having a particular skill which you can apply and which
can influence the outcome of the negotiation. Improving negotiation skills helps you
win better deals. Other areas of expertise could also help the outcome of the

Referent power
Referent power comes from being consistent over time. If people see you as having a
clear consistent strategy as a negotiator, you will increase your referent power.
Having standards that you stick to and being consistent will help to increase your
referent power. In the eighties, Margaret Thatcher wasn.t universally popular, but
was respected by many for being consistent in her views and behaviour. In the end
she failed because her approach was too rigid and she was unable to adapt to
changing circumstances.

Looking at the sources of power, above, write down where you feel you have strengths in
your negotiating relationships and write down your areas of weakness. Having done this,
write down ways you can maximise your strengths and minimise
your weaknesses.


Ways to maximise your strengths and minimise your weaknesses

People negotiate differently and behave differently during the negotiation process.
We can observe different styles of negotiation and how different types of behaviour
can affect the outcome of negotiations.
In commercial negotiations, some people negotiate quickly and take risks, others
take their time and try to avoid risk. Some buyers are very loyal, others will
automatically shop around. Some negotiators can be quite intimidating to the point
of being rude; others are quite passive and easily manipulated.
This makes selling and negotiating a real challenge. To negotiate with all these
different buyer types we need to be able to adapt our behaviour and be flexible in
our approach.
To begin this process we will look at 2 aspects of buyer behaviour; assertiveness and
People who are assertive are confident and know what they want. They are not
afraid to put forward opinions and are willing to listen to the opinions of others.
They are not afraid of conflict and will be more than happy to argue their case.
People who are highly assertive can be seen as being aggressive while people who
lack assertiveness are often passive and get taken advantage of. There are times
when it is appropriate to be more or less assertive and we need to recognise when
these times are.
Responsiveness means the extent to which people are willing to respond to us and
our questions. Some people are highly responsive and will give lots of information
about themselves, their problems and needs. Others are unwilling or unable to
respond in this way and we see these people often as being negative or difficult.
We are all different and some of us are naturally assertive and some of us are not.
Salespeople tend to be quite responsive, but sometimes we lack assertion. An
example of this is during negotiations.
When customers put us under pressure to reduce prices or give discounts we find it
difficult and uncomfortable and worry about damaging the relationship with the
There are four basic styles of behaviour and these are determined by the way, in
which people relate to one another.

Low High




DRIVER . .The Director.

Assertive, but not responsive.
.Task., rather than .people. oriented.
Decisive and determined.
Controlled emotions.
Set on efficiency and effectiveness.
Likes control, often in a hurry.
Firm, stable relationships.
Stubborn, tough.
Inflexible, poor listener.
EXPRESSIVE . .The Socialiser.
Assertive and responsive.
Reactive, impulsive, decisions spontaneous, intuitive.
Placing more importance on relationships than tasks.
Emotionally expressive, sometimes dramatic.
Flexible agenda; short attention span, easily loved.
AMIABLE . .The Supporter.
Not assertive but responsive.
Dependent on others.
Respectful, willing and agreeable.
Emotionally expressive.
Everyone.s friend; supportive; soft-hearted.
Low risk taker, likes security.
Group builder.
Over sensitive.
Not goal orientated.
ANALYTICAL . .The Clinician.
Not assertive, not responsive.
Precise, orderly and business-like.
Rational and co-operative.
Self-controlled and serious.
Motivated by logic and facts.
Not quick to make decisions.
Distrusts persuasive people.
Like things in writing and detail.
Security conscious.
Critical, aloof, sceptical.
Excellent problem solver.
Likes rigid timetables.


Some ideas for dealing with the different types
! Plan to ask questions about and discuss specifics, actions and results.
! Use facts and logic.
! When necessary, disagree with facts rather than opinions. Be assertive.
! Keep it business-like, efficient and to the point.
! Personal guarantees and testimonials are least effective . better to provide
options and facts.
! Do not invade personal space.
! Seek opinions in an area you wish to develop to achieve mutual understanding.
! Discussion should be people as well as fact oriented.
! Keep summarising . work out specifics on points of agreement.
! Try short, fast moving experience stories.
! Make sure to pin them down in a friendly way.
! Remember to discuss the future as well as the present.
! Look out for the .impulse buy..
! Work, jointly, seek common ground.
! Find out about personal interests and family.
! Be patient and avoid going for what looks like an easy pushover.
! Use personal assurance and specific guarantees and avoid options and
! Take time to be agreeable.
! Focus discussion on .how..
! Demonstrate low risk solutions.
! Don.t take advantage of their good nature.

! Take action rather than words to demonstrate helpfulness and willingness.
! Stick to specifics . analyticals expect salesmen to overstate.
! Their decisions are based on facts and logic and they avoid risk.
! They can often be very co-operative, but established relationships take time.
! Consider telling them what the product won.t do . they will respect you for it,
and they will have spotted the deficiencies anyway.
! Discuss reasons and ask .why?. questions.
! Become less responsive and less assertive yourself.
1. Analyse each behavioural style and for each, answer the following questions:
! How would you recognise each behavioural style?
! How would you sell to them?
2. You may refer back to your notes during the exercise

Most successful negotiators recognise that the way people involved in negotiations
behave does not always reflect their true feelings or intentions. We are going to look
at negotiating tactics that may be used by you or on you. Whether or not you choose
to use these tactics, it is vital to understand 3 things:
! these tactics work
! they can be being used on you, and can be used by you
! once they are recognised as tactics, their effects are reduced, or eliminated
You may feel that there is no need in your particular case to negotiate or resort to
.tactics. in negotiation. This is a matter of personal choice.
In general, tactics are used to gain a short-term advantage during the negotiation
and are designed to lower your expectations of reaching a successful conclusion.
There are many tactics available to negotiators. Here are some you may recognise.
This can begin before you even get together, or start your negotiations with the
other party. Let us take a sales example:
You telephone for the appointment and the other side says, aggressively:
Don.t bother coming if you are going to tell me about price increases. You.ll
be wasting your time and I will be forced to speak to your competitors.
When you do arrive you are kept waiting in reception for half an hour, without
being told why. As you walk through the door into the other person.s office they
indicate for you to sit down, but don.t look up. Instead, they sit leafing through your
competitor.s brochure, in silence, ignoring your efforts to make conversation.
You are given an uncomfortable low chair to sit in that happens to be directly in line
with the sun, shining into the office. At this stage, how confident do you feel?
The monkey on the back
Some negotiators have the irritating habit of handing their problems to you so that
they become your problems. This is the monkey on their back that they want you to
carry around for them.

A classic example is the person who says I have only got £10,000 in my budget. This
is often used tactically to force a price reduction. Here is what you can do.
When one side says I have only £10,000 in budget, look worried. Say something like:
That is a problem. As you are no doubt aware, the cost of our systems
can be anything up to £20,000 and I really want to help you choose
the best system that meets your needs. Does that mean that if one
of our systems has everything you are looking for, but costs £20,000,
you would rather I didn.t show it to you?
The monkey is now on the other person.s back and they have to make a choice. If
the objection is genuine and the budget figure is correct, you must try to look for an
alternative that meets your needs as well as theirs.
If they genuinely can only spend £10,000 that is not a tactic but the truth. In dealing
with tactics the first decision you must make is whether it is a tactic or a genuine
situation. If it is genuine, you have a problem to solve, rather than a tactic to
The use of higher authority
This can be a most effective way to reduce pressure in the negotiation by
introducing an unseen third party and can also be effective in bringing the
negotiation to a close. I need to have this agreed by my Board of Directors. If they
agree to the terms we have discussed, do we have a deal? Be careful to use this
device sparingly so that the other side does not begin to feel you have no decision .
making authority yourself.
One way of countering this tactic is to say before the bargaining begins If this
proposal meets your needs, is there any reason you would not give me your decision
today? If the other side still wishes to resort to higher authority appeal to their ego
by saying Of course, they will go along with your recommendations, won.t they? Will
you be recommending this proposal?
Negotiations can be a tiring process. As the point draws near when an agreement is
likely, both sides exhibit a psychological need to reach agreement and get on with
something else.
You are very vulnerable as the other side reaches for their pen to sign the order form
or contract to concede items that don.t significantly affect the final outcome. Oh, by
the way, this does include free delivery, doesn.t it? or Oh, by the way, the price of
the car does include a full tank of petrol?
Nibbles work best when they are small and asked for at the right psychological
moment. Like peanuts, eat enough of them and they get fattening.
Good negotiators will often keep back certain items on their .want list. to the very
last minute when the other party is vulnerable. Watch out for this.
The good guy and the bad guy
You may have come across this tactic before or else seen it used in films or on
television. This is a tactic designed to soften you up in the negotiation.
For example, you are negotiating the renewal of your service contract with the
Buying Director and his Finance Director. You present your proposal and the
Buying Director suddenly gets angry and walks out in disgust muttering to himself
about how unfair you have been and how the .relationship. is well and truly over.
You pick up your briefcase and are being shown the door when the Finance Director
smiles at you sympathetically and says
I.m terribly sorry about that. He is under a lot of pressure. I would
like to help you renew your contract, but he really will not consider
the price you have suggested. Why don.t I go and talk to him for you
and see if we can agree a compromise? What is the bottom line on the
contract? If you give me your very best price, I will see what I can do.
The best way of dealing with this tactic is to recognise the game that is being played
and assess exactly what the quality of the relationship is. You may be able to say
something like:
Come off it, you are using good guy, bad guy. a superb
negotiator, but let.s sit down and discuss the proposal realistically ...
If you don.t have this kind of relationship, stand firm and insist on dealing with the
bad guy, or else bluff yourself and give a figure that is within your acceptable range
of alternatives.
One way of combining .good guy, bad guy. with .higher authority. is by saying things
Well, I.d love to do a deal with you on that basis, but my manager refuses
to let me agree terms of this nature without referring back and he refuses
to talk to salespeople. Give me your best price and I will see what I can do ...
Body language
It is important in negotiation to react verbally and visually when offers are made.
You may have seen the more theatrical negotiators hang their heads in despair or
accuse you of being unfair and souring a perfectly good relationship when you
present your proposal. Human nature is such that we can believe and accept these
outbursts against us and our negotiating position becomes weaker as a result.
Ensure the next time you are in a negotiation that you react to the other party.s
offer. If you show no reaction, they may be tempted to ask for more and more and
you will lose the initiative in the negotiation. Also, it is almost certain that their
opening offer is higher than the figure for which they are prepared to settle, so it is
important that you clearly signal your unwillingness to accept the opening position.
If you reach the point below which you will not go, it is important that you show
this with your body language. News readers, when they have finished reading the
news, have a habit of picking up their script and tidying up their papers. This tells
the world that they have finished their task and are preparing to leave.
Similarly, when you make your final offer, it can be very powerful to collect your
papers together and indicate with your body that it really is your final offer. Put your
pen away, sit back in your chair and remain silent. Look concerned and keep quiet.
If your voice says final offer but your body is saying let.s keep talking, the other party
will disregard what you say and keep negotiating.
The use of silence
During the negotiation, you may make a proposal and find the other party remains
silent. This can be very difficult to handle and often signals .disapproval. to the
inexperienced negotiator. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, so silence induces the
need in people to talk.
If you have a proposal to make, make it and ask the other side how he, or she feels
about it. Having asked the question, sit back and wait for the answer. Whatever you
do, don.t change your offer as this could seriously weaken your position.
The vice
A common technique used by negotiators when presented with a proposal is to say
You.ll have to do better than that. This can be a very powerful statement, especially
when used with broken record.
The most powerful way of dealing with this is to ask them to be more specific.
Whatever you do, don.t weaken your negotiating position in response to the vice by
giving anything away, too easily. This will only encourage repeat behaviour.
The power of legitimacy
People believe what they see in writing. We all assume that if a thing is printed or
written down, it is non-negotiable. This is what can make price lists so powerful. If
you have to present a customer with a price increase or you wish to encourage an
early order to beat a price increase, show something in writing such as an office
memo from your boss announcing the increase. This will have a far greater impact
than just saying your prices are about to go up.
When presented with a price tag in a shop, ask to speak to the manager and make
him an offer. You could be surprised at the results.
The low key approach
Don.t appear too enthusiastic during negotiations. Over-enthusiasm during
negotiations can encourage skilled negotiators to review their strategy and demand
If you are in a negotiation and the other side is not responding to your proposal,
recognise this could be a tactic and avoid giving concessions just to cheer them up.
Salespeople like to be liked and will often give money away in a negotiation, if the
other side appears unhappy.
For example, if you are buying a car avoid saying to the seller things like:
This is exactly what I.m looking for. I really like the alloy wheels.
Develop a low-key approach. Say things like:
Well, it may not be exactly what I.m looking for
but I may be interested if the price is right
Making the First Move
Asking questions and listening effectively are important skills both in selling and
negotiating. The first phase of negotiation involves both parties in agreeing the
background to the negotiation and .fishing. for the opening demand or offer.
It is often better to present the opening demand or offer in terms of a hypothetical
question, as this allows the negotiator to retreat to his initial position if necessary.
The opening offer will probably be at or just about the level of the negotiator.s
maximum expectation, giving him room to manoeuvre, but not so high that the offer
lacks credibility. Do not attempt to .win. at this stage, but hold sufficient back so that
you are able to move, if necessary, at a later stage.
This is a difficult period in the negotiation process and a professional negotiator will
often use silence or other pressure techniques to solicit information from the other
Further Movement and Concessions
During negotiations, it can be in the interest of each side to keep asking questions
and raising objections. Many excellent negotiators are low reactors who will move
very slowly in negotiation. However, given that the opening position of each party
differs, then there has to be movement and concessions if a deal is to be struck.
Negotiators will tend, at first, to discuss extra demands, trying to get the other side
to agree to these without offering anything in return. They will be reluctant to give
information or will defer decisions in order to increase the pressure on the other
When an offer does come, it will often be on the basis of a quotation based on the
minimum quantity at the lowest possible price. In all this, the negotiator is
attempting to dominate the interview, pressing for maximum advantage, and trying
to force the other person to concede on a major issue.
The skilled negotiator will ask the other side for a complete list of all his, or her
requirements, and will not concede on a single issue until he knows the nature of
the whole package. He will then begin to trade concessions, starting with the
smaller, less important aspects of the package.
Negotiators should avoid making one-sided concessions which will severely weaken
his final position and could affect the overall profitability of the deal.
When movement comes, it begins slowly, then can be very rapid as both parties
sense a deal being on the cards. Movement does tend to be discontinuous with
either party moving and the other holding up the agreement at any one time. This
leads to short periods of deadlock, which can be brought to an end in different
Some of these are:
! Period of silence. Wait for the other party to speak.
! Agree to a concession. Always trade concessions by saying If I do this,
you do that.
! Adjournment to review positions.
! Agree to leave certain issues to one side for later and concentrate on the rest.
Identify areas of common agreement.
! The use of the relationship with the other side to break the deadlock.
Signals to be aware of that could mean the other side wishes movement to take
place could include:
! Trial movement. One side uses words like What would you say if ...?
or uses hypothetical examples
! Summarises the position to date and asks Where do we go from here?
! One side calls for adjournment.
! Appeals to the other side.s better nature.
! Asks for more information.
! Uses .crowding. techniques to force movement, e.g. aggressive behaviour, sets
deadlines and time limits, threatens use of competition.
The use of concessions is a vital part of building a profitable relationship for both
parties in the negotiation. Earlier, we discussed the different .elements. that could
constitute the final deal. The use of concessions enables negotiators to build a
mutually profitable deal that is not one-sided in the other side.s favour.
When it comes to bargaining try to get the other side to commit themselves first. For
Demand: .I.m willing to reach some sort of deal, but I want a 10% discount.
Offer: .Okay, I.ll agree a 10% discount, but we.ll have to look at a
longer-term agreement.
Response: .Well, thanks for the 10% but the 1 year contract we have already
agreed will have to stand.
Demand: .I.m willing to reach some sort of deal, but I want a 10% discount.
Offer: .Okay, we may be able to look at our discount structure, but to
do that we.ll need to agree a 2 year contract.
Response: .Okay, well 2 years may be possible, but can we go to the full 10%?.
In the first scenario an offer of 10% was made, but what was asked for was vague.
Responding to a specific demand like this we need to be vague, but positive: Okay,
we may be able to look at our discount structure. and our counter demand needs
to be specific: but to do that we.ll need to agree a 2 year contract
Remember, when you bargain, offer vague, ask specific.
Overcoming the price objection
Price is an issue in most negotiations. We need to deal with the price issue
confidently, but with an understanding of the needs of the other side. Here are
some notes to help you deal with price:
! Be specific. Say the exact price rather than ....well, it will be about £3,000 ....
! Keep eye contact. It makes you look confident
! Make your tone of voice confident and your body language
confident and relaxed
! Use silence. Once you have stated your price, stop talking and wait
for the other side to speak. Give them time to think
! Deal with price objections and defend your price, but don.t
over argue your case
! Close down your body language
! Focus on price and benefit differences
! Begin the bargaining phase


The closing stages of any negotiation are vital to the overall success of the final deal.
There will come a time when both parties can sense an outcome is possible, and
each negotiator needs to be careful not to be too eager to close or else the other
party will be tempted to hold back for further concessions.
Once a likely outcome is seen, either party may define outstanding issues, compare
arguments and objections, review the position to date and agree a deadline for
agreement. If one side avoids making these decisions, the other must probe to fine
out the reason and deal with it effectively. Negotiators must be careful at this stage
to identify tactical delay which deliberately attempts to force further concessions.
The best solution to aim for is one where both parties feel they have done well
despite having to concede on certain issues. This is often called a win-win solution.
Once either side feels they have arrived at the final deal, it is important to signal this
to the other party.
Body language can say as much about what you are thinking as speech. If you have
made your final offer, look as if it is your final offer. Simply gathering up your
papers, looking at the other side directly in the eye and saying That is my final offer
can do this, and silence can be a powerful tool in convincing them you mean what
you say.
Be wary of .splitting the difference.. If you offer to split the difference, you have, in
effect, given the other side a concession that is one-sided. You have said you are
prepared to move without asking for commitment in return.
The final consideration is when you have done the deal and both parties are in
agreement. Record the details and agree with the other parties involved that your
interpretation of events matches theirs. That way there will be no unexpected
comeback in the inevitable post-negotiation period when either side reviews how
well or badly he has done. Again, this will be minimised if the solution you have
arrived at benefits both parties.
The closing stages need to be approached with caution. It has been shown that the
majority of concessions are given or traded in the last 5% of the time allocated for
negotiation. That means, if you negotiate for 1 hour the last 3 minutes are when you
are most vulnerable.
1. Failing to prepare effectively for negotiation.
2. Underestimating your own power.
3. Assuming the other party knows your weaknesses and strengths.
4. Being intimidated by the status of the person with whom you are negotiating.
5. Concentrating on your problems rather than those of the other party.
6. Forgetting the other side has things to gain from agreement as well as
7. Making assumptions about what the other side wants.
8. Having low aspirations for yourself.
9. Giving too much credence to time deadlines set by the other side.
10. Assuming the other side is aware of the short and long-term
benefits of reaching agreement.
11. Being intimidated by rules set by the other side.
12. Misunderstanding tactics used by the other side.
13. Talking too much.
14. Failing to listen effectively.
15. Believing everything the other side says about you, your service,
your competition etc.
16. Being forced into discussing price too early in the negotiation.
17. Revealing your .hand. too early.
18. Aiming too low with your opening bid.
19. Accepting the first offer.
20. Giving away concessions for nothing.
21. Conceding an important issues too quickly.
22. Making concessions too easily and raising the other sides. expectations.
23. Feeling guilty about asking for a concession.
24. Making concessions before knowing all the other sides. demands.
25. Failing to make concessions conditional on final agreement being reached.
26. Making concessions of equal size to those on offer.
27. Paying too much attention to .price. rather than .value..
28. Discussing issues for which you are not prepared.
29. Being inflexible.
30. Losing sight of the overall agreement when deadlock is reached
over minor issues.
31. Responding to a high demand with a counter offer instead of
challenging the validity of the high demand.
32. Assuming deadlock means agreement is not possible.
33. Feeling deadlock is only unpleasant for you and not the other party.
34. Trying to be liked during the final stages.
35. Bluffing without having a strategy ready should your bluff be called.
36. Taking things personally.
37. Offering to .split the difference..
38. Being intimidated by This is my final offer!
39. Not preparing .Head Office. for the possibility you may need to walk away.
40. Carrying out a .post-mortem. with the other side.
A role playing exercise for a team meeting
To carry out the role-play, break the team into 2 groups and hand each
group a copy of one of the role-play briefs.
! Separate the teams and allow 40 minutes preparation time.
! Refer the teams to the preparation checklist, earlier in this book.
! When they have prepared, pair off individual group members and allow them 40
minutes to come to some sort of agreement
! Their objectives are to reach agreement if possible, based on the information in
their briefs
! After 40 minutes, bring the whole group back together and review their results
! Carry out a discussion on the styles of negotiations used and the positive and
negative effect of their behaviour on the eventual outcome
! Encourage the team to produce an action plan for use in their future
negotiations, in order to develop their skills further.
Commercial Director.s Brief
! You are the Commercial Director for Environmental Products Ltd, a waste paper
company. You buy waste paper and convert it into recycled paper products,
which you sell to major retailers throughout Europe.
! You are aware that the owners of The Yorkshire Gazette, a Leeds based
newspaper, are looking for a buyer for their waste newsprint and you know the
quantities are likely to be substantial. You estimate they can probably supply you
with around 15 to 20 tonnes of waste paper per week. You need this business
because you have recently invested heavily in new plant and machinery, and
have a good deal of excess capacity.
! You have contracts with several other Newspaper Publishers, who have as a byproduct
of their production process, part-rolls of newsprint. This paper is very
high quality and much sought after by companies like your own. Your company
needs regular supplies of this paper and you are given a performance-related
bonus based on the tonnage you are able to buy, so this could be an important
contract for you personally, as well as your company.
! The average market price for this kind of product is currently £49 per tonne.
You would expect to negotiate a price of between £45 and £54 per tonne,
depending on the quality of the product and the regularity of supply.
! Your transport costs are quite high. You have the capability of collecting the
waste paper in 5 or 12 tonne loads; however, it costs you £3 per tonne less to
collect 12 tonne loads, so you would seek to ensure this is the case.
! Your company has recently had cashflow problems and therefore you must try
to negotiate a deal, which gives you not less than 30 days to pay for the waste
paper you purchase; 60 days would be even better. Failure to achieve good
payment terms could create problems with your Finance Director.
! You need to try and get their commitment to a long term agreement, however,
you are concerned that the price of this material will fall over the next few
months, so would need some flexibility to renegotiate price, built into any
agreement you make.
! You have 40 minutes in which to conclude the negotiation.
Production Director.s Brief
! You are the Production Director for the Yorkshire Gazette and several other
regional newspapers, which are printed, from your production plant in Leeds.
You use, typically, up to 5,000 tonnes of newsprint a year.
! Because of your production process, 20% of each roll of paper cannot be used
and has to be disposed of. This paper is clean and contains no contamination, so
is much sought after by waste paper companies who re-pulp it and convert it
into other paper products.
! You use around 100 tonnes of paper per week, leaving you with an average 20
tonnes of waste paper, per week, to dispose of. Storage space is at a premium.
You have sufficient space in your warehouse to store no more than 34 tonnes of
waste paper at a time, and you would like to have the paper removed once per
week. If it is not collected on time and your storage capacity is full, you have to
pay £40 per tonne to have the waste paper disposed of.
! You were recently let down by your current contractor and had to dispose of 30
tonnes of paper because they failed to pick up the waste paper on time. Your
company had to pay £1,200 to dispose of the excess waste and you lost £1,740
in revenue. Your Managing Director has made it clear he does not want this to
happen again.
! With hindsight it would have been better if you had negotiated some sort of
penalty clause with your current contractor, but unfortunately you didn.t. Also,
you have just been informed that he has gone bankrupt, so you need another
contractor and quickly. You currently have 18 tonnes of paper in your
! Your current contractor has been paying you £58 per tonne, which is a good, as
the price of paper is falling. You are aware that prices of between £49 and £54
per tonne are being paid for paper at the moment, depending on quality and
regularity of supply. You would hope not to have to agree to less than £51 per
tonne under current market conditions. It would be good if you could agree a
fixed price for, say, a year.
! Cashflow in your business is vital, and therefore you need to demand weekly
payment for the waste paper. You have been paid weekly in the past, and you
would like this to continue, but this may prove difficult. You have an immediate
problem in that your only choice of supplier for the foreseeable future is
Environmental Products Limited, with whom you are negotiating.
! You have 40 minutes in which to conclude the negotiation.


Working with your manager, prepare an action plan to cover a
3 month period from completing this manual.
Set yourself objectives and review dates.

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