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Michael Chao

English 5 - 49

8 April 2020

Problem Solution Draft

Human beings live a life full of opportunities and excitement that shape them into the

people they are today. The way a person lives out their life is really based on their settings

around them even before they were born. For some it is an easy life filled with joy and

happiness, while others are born into a world of hate and sadness. To top it all off, every single

person will experience the inevitable: death. Death is always and will be sad for many personal

reasons, however what makes death harder for many is when it is inflicted upon oneself. When

living in a world that requires a person to have human support, as well as social and mental

stability, why is suicide a part of one of the largest factors of death? As I continue my problem

solution essay, I will dive deeper into factors that have an important role of creating the mindset

of suicide. As a way to help, I will then be discussing about solutions that can hopefully lessen

the suicide rate, such as looking for warning signs of suicide, what a person who sees a sign of

suicide can do, as well as what the person who is feeling suicidal can do.

To truly lessen the rate of suicide, we must understand why suicide occurs, but that is

easier said than done. Can we the people, those who are not “in the grips of suicidal depression

and despair” (HelpGuide), truly feel what it is like to be suicidal and drive ourselves to commit

such a sad act? As a general understanding of suicide, self-harm that leads to minor and or major

damage is a “desperate attempt to escape suffering that has become unbearable” (HelpGuide).

What creates this feeling of suffering depends entirely on the situation, but the feeling of

isolation, hopelessness, and self-hate that contributes to the suffering will always be a similar
factor we must address. A main reason a person results to suicide is because they feel as if they

have no one there to help them in their time of crisis or that no matter whay they do, any other

possible solution they have sought out is not there. However, there are times when being

embarrassed about seeking help plays a very large role. So in the end, the outcome relies on both

parties to break the silence and solve that person’s problem because it is better knowing that

rather than questioning if you could have made a difference, you actually did make a difference

by stepping in and finding that solution that person needed.

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