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Chapter 1




Stenography, commonly known as shorthand, is a method of quick writing

that uses symbols in place of letters, words and phrases. It is used to make note

taking easier in classes, lecture, and business meetings and especially in court

hearings. It is still being used to take notes even with the advent of personal

recording devices. Learning shorthand is a requirement for stenography, and

knowing shorthand is useful in many circumstances and jobs. Shorthand is still

used today when stenography machines are not available.

In Bachelor of Science in Office Systems Management at Bohol Island

State University Main Campus, stenography is one of the major subjects being

offered, and Gregg Shorthand is being used. Gregg Shorthand was invented by

John Robert Gregg and was first published in 1888. Since then many different

versions have appeared, including some for languages other than English. Gregg

Shorthand is still used nowadays, especially by many professionals. Gregg

Shorthand is phonetic: it records the sounds of speech rather than the spelling.

Its main goal is to educate the students to write steno or shorthand by the use of

different strokes and techniques that enable them to grasp easily what has been


On the other hand, steno machine is a specially designed machine which

is used for taking shorthand. Many court reporters use stenograph machines to

quickly and accurately record testimony and the devices are also used by

students to take notes.

Students find difficulty in Steno since they just met this subject in college.

Unlike other subjects, they do not have an idea about it. Students are having a

hard time in dealing with shorthand and it requires effort, attention, skill and focus

to this matter. It is like that you are an elementary student familiarizing new

letters and new words. Not just with Gregg shorthand, students also find

difficulty in steno machine. At first glance, a steno machine looks like a regular

keyboard. But once you will use it for shorthand, it is really difficult since there is

no letter written on the keyboard. It is very far from a computer keyboard. It

needs familiarization of strokes and also constant practice.

Office Systems Management students are expected to work in many

establishments especially in courts as stenographers. But before dealing with

those, OSM students must first learn, understand and have a good performance

in Steno in order to get hired. They must acquire all the skills and motivations to

achieve such goal.

Therefore, the researchers find interest to investigate the Gregg shorthand

and machine shorthand performance of Bachelor of Science in Office Systems

Management third year students in terms of speed and accuracy to find out if

they can write dictated words and phrases with speed and transcribe it

accurately. An action program shall be proposed for the improvement of their


Literature Background

Shorthand was used more widely in the past, before the invention of

recording and dictation machines. It was considered an essential part of

secretarial training as well as being useful for journalists. Shorthand is capable

of imparting so many advantages to persons in almost situation in life (Krueger,


Shorthand is an abbreviated symbolic writing method that increases speed

and brevity of writing as compared to a normal method of writing a language. A

typical shorthand system provides symbols or abbreviations for words and

common phrases, which allow someone well- trained in the system to write as

quickly as people speak. Many journalists use shorthand writing to quickly take

notes at press conferences or other similar scenarios.

According to Don Elger (2011), in his Theory of performance (TOP),

current level of performance depends holistically on six components: context,

level of knowledge, level of skills, level of identity, personal factors, and fixed

factors. For that reason, the performance of the OSM students in their Steno

subject is greatly affected by their level of knowledge, skills and other factors.

Self-efficacy Theory CHED Memorandum Order No. 46

People’s judgments of their Series 2012, Article 1 Section 2
capabilities to organize and
execute. . . To produce students with high levels
(Albert Bandura, 2010) of academic, thinking, behavioral
and technical skills/ competency
Constructivist Theory that are aligned with national
.People constructs or builds
academic, industry standards.
knowledge based on his or her
own understanding
(Jean Piaget, 2012) Section 1, Article XIV of the 1987
Philippine Constitution
Theory of Performance
Current level of performance The state shall protect the rights of
depends holistically on 6 all citizens to quality education at all
components… levels and shall take appropriate
(Don Elger,2011) steps to make such education to all.

BSOSM third year students

A.Y. 2015-2016

Gregg Shorthand Machine Shorthand

Performance Performance

Action Plan

Figure1. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework


Knowledge involves facts, information and concepts acquired by a person or

group through experience or education. OSM students must have knowledge

inorder to understand lessons and if they understand their lessons, they can

have better performance in writing shorthand. Skill is also important in terms of

performance. It describes specific actions that are used by individuals, groups or

organizations in multiple types of performances. To perform is to take a complex

series of actions that integrate skills and knowledge to produce a valuable result.

Another component of the performance theory is the personal factor. This

component includes variables associated with the situation in which the individual

or organization performs. This means that when an OSM student loves what he

or she doing or when that student is motivated, he or she can have a good

performance. The performer’s mindset can also affect the performance. If a

student doesn’t want to learn, then he would not learn at all. Performance is

closely related to learning-for-understanding (Moisey, 2010). When people learn

and grow, they are empowered to create results that make a difference. Working

and learning together in ways that make the world better has been a primary goal

of higher education throughout the ages.

Moreover, Self-efficacy Theory is the belief in one's effectiveness in

performing specific tasks. OSM students must believe in their own knowledge

and skills in Steno in order to have a good performance both in Gregg shorthand

and machine shorthand. "People who regard themselves as highly efficacious

act, think, and feel differently from those who perceive themselves as

inefficacious. They produce their own future, rather than simply foretell

it.”(Bandura, 2012).Through self-reflection, people make sense of their

experiences, explore their own cognitions and self-beliefs, engage in self-

evaluation, and alter their thinking and behavior accordingly. Self-efficacy beliefs

provide the foundation for human motivation, well-being, and personal

accomplishment. Students need motivation in order to achieve their goals

despite all the difficulties and hardships in life. If one is motivated, hard things will

become an easy one. Even if how hard the examinations, projects or quizzes as

long as one believes in oneself, things can be done. Self-efficacy has influence

over people's ability to learn, their motivation and their performance, as people

will often attempt to learn and perform only those task for which they believe they

will be successful (Lunenburg, 2011).

Constructivism is a theory of learning that asserts that a person constructs

or builds knowledge based on his or her own understanding of the world through

experiences and then thinking about and reflecting on those experiences.

Formalization of the theory of constructivism is generally attributed to Jean

Piagetwho articulated mechanisms by which knowledge is internalized by

learners. He suggested that through processes of accommodation and

assimilation, individuals construct new knowledge from their experiences. When

individuals assimilate, they incorporate the new experience into an already

existing framework without changing that framework. What OSM students

learned from their Steno subject, will be used also into their future work.Students

must always acquire all the knowledge and skills they have learned in school. If

they are going to work as Stenographers, their learning will be added by their

experience during their work.

According to the theory, accommodation is the process of reframing one's

mental representation of the external world to fit new experiences.

Accommodation can be understood as the mechanism by which failure leads to

learning. When OSM students failed or having bad performance due to lack of

study or practice, they will be motivated to study harder in order to perform

better. Immediate or concrete experiences lead to observations and reflections.

In this era of modernization, progress depends to a large extent of quality

of its people. The development of a country relies on the hand of well- trained

individuals equipped with the sufficient knowledge, skills and ability. By exposing

them to their field of expertise as well as motivating them, they can enhance their


Section 1, Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution states that the

state shall protect the rights of all citizens to quality education at all levels and

shall take appropriate steps to make such education to all. This implies that the

nation shall provide a good quality education that is essential to the development

training in such a way that the future workers will be productive and be beneficial

to the organization. The nation should also promote proper training for the

development and production of skillful workers in the future. If workers have their

proper training, they will gain also good performance in their work.

Moreover, CHED Memorandum No. 46 of 2012 entitled Policy-Standard

Enhancing the quality of Philippine Higher Education through Quality Assurance

states that the “state shall produce students with high levels of academic,

thinking, behavioral and technical skills/ competency that are aligned with

national academic and industry standards”. This memorandum entitled Policy-

Standard Enhancing the quality of Philippine higher education through quality

assurance. It is the policy of the state to protect and promote the right of all

citizens to quality education at all levels, as well as establish, maintain and

support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the

needs of the people and society. In this context, it means that learning in school

should be subordinated with experiences and good performance. If the students

are equipped with knowledge and skills, they will also gain good performance in

their future work.


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of the study is to determine the difference between Gregg

shorthand and machine shorthand performance of Bachelor of Science in Office

Systems Management third year students, A.Y. 2015-2016 in Bohol Island State

University- Main Campus.

Particularly, this study aims to answer the following specific problems:


1. What is the performance of the Bachelor of Science in Office Systems

Management third year students in Gregg shorthand in terms of:

1.1 speed; and

1.2 accuracy?

2. What is the performance of the Bachelor of Science in Office Systems

Management second year students in machine shorthand in terms of:

1.1 speed; and

1.2 accuracy?

3. Is there a significant difference between the performance of the BSOSM

third year students in Gregg shorthand and machine shorthand ?

4. Acceptability level of the students in Gregg and Machine Shorthand?

5. What action plan can be proposed to improve the performance in

shorthand writing and machine shorthand of BSOSM third year students?

Null Hypothesis

The findings of the study lead to the acceptance or rejection of this null


There is no significant difference between Gregg shorthand and machine

shorthand performance of the Bachelor of Science in Office Systems

Management third year students of Bohol Island State University- Main Campus.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the study will be beneficial to the following:

StenographyInstructors. The study will give the instructors the

awareness on how to improve the performance of the BSOSM third year

students in Gregg and machine shorthand.

BSOSM Students (Bachelor of Science in Office Systems

Management)the study will help the students to learn techniques on how to

improve their performance in Gregg Shorthand and Machine Shorthand.

Future Researchers. The result of this study can be used as a guide or

reference to the other researchers on the similar topics.



This study used the experimental method.It assessed the performance of

the BSOSM third year students in Steno using the Gregg shorthand and the

machine shorthand. The studyuseda 60 word per minute recorded material to


assess the performance of the respondents in both Gregg shorthand and

machine shorthand.

Research Environment and Participants

This study was conducted at Bohol Island State University – Main Campus

(BISU-MC) located along Carlos P. Garcia Avenue, Tagbilaran City. Under the

College of Business, Arts and Sciences (CBAS) are the four programs: Bachelor

of Science in Office Systems Management (BSOSM), Bachelor of Science in

Tourism (BST), Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (BSE), and Bachelor of

Science in Industrial Psychology (BSIP). The audio examination was conducted

at Steno Room. It is a closed and air conditioned room where the Steno

machines are being utilized by students during steno class.

Based on the records of the Registrar’s Office, there were 83 students

enrolled for the Bachelor of Science in Office Systems Management third year

level in the school year 2015-2016. The study only focused on the performance

of 20 students of the Bachelor of Science in Office Systems Management third

year for the school year 2015-2016.The researchers used purposive sampling.


The researchers used60 word per minute audio material to test the speed

and accuracy of BSOSM third year students in Gregg shorthand and machine

shorthand. There were two categories in rating the performance of the BSOSM

third year students in Gregg shorthand and machine shorthand (speed and

accuracy). The researchersused 60 words per minute recorded dictation to

measure the speed of the respondents and the accuracy were measured through

their transcription and also to their scores. The respondents were given two sets

of audio examination both in Gregg shorthand and machine shorthand.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers sent a letter to the Campus Director of Bohol Island State

University –Main Campus through the Dean of College of Business, Arts, and

Sciences asking permission to allow the researchers to conduct the study. Given

the approval, the researchers administered the audio examination to the

respondents at the Steno Room. There were two sets of audio examination with

different content but the same level of difficulty. The researchers used a 60 word

per minute audio material. The first set is for Gregg Shorthand and the second

set is for Machine shorthand. After the dictation, the participants were given one

(1) minute to transcribe their Gregg and one (1) minute also for the Machine


After the examination was given, the researchers checked the papers of

the students. Then the data were gathered, tabulated, computed, analyzed and


Statistical Treatment.

To determine the difference between the Gregg and Machine Shorthand

performance of the BSOSM third year students in terms of speed and accuracy, we

used the formula the formula for getting weighted mean, that is:

Weighted mean :

f 1 x 1 + f 2 x 2 +f 3 x 3 … ..+ f n x n
X́ =


x́ = weighted mean

f= frequency of responses

x=weight of each item

N= number of respondents

To find out if there is a significant difference in the performance of Gregg

shorthand and machine shorthand of BSOSM third year students, the

researchers used the T-test with the following formula:

x́ 1−X́
t= 2

SS1 + SS2 1 1
√ ⌊ ⌋ +
N 1+ N 2−2 N 1 N 2 [ ]

t = t-test

x́ 1=arithmetic mean of the Gregg shorthand performance


x́ 2= arithmetic mean of the Machine shorthand performance

SS1 = variance of the first variable

SS2 = variance of the second variable

N= total number or respondents per group


The following terms are defined for clearer understanding of this study:

Accuracy. It is the quality or state of being correct or precise. The

accuracy in Gregg shorthand and machine shorthand is being measured by their


Audio Material. It is a 60 word per minute dictation used by the

researchers to measure the speed and accuracy of the respondents.

Gregg shorthand. Gregg shorthandis a form ofstenography thatwas

invented by John Robert Gregg. It features cursive strokes which can be

naturally blended without obtuse angles. Gregg shorthand is phonetic and it

records the sounds of speech rather than the spelling.


Self-efficacy. This is the extent or strength of one's belief in one's own

ability to complete tasks and reach goals. This can be seen as the ability to

persist and a person's ability to succeed with a task.

Speed. It refers to the quality of being quick. The speed in Gregg

shorthand and machine shorthand is being measured by the use of recorded


Steno machine. It is a specially designed machine which is use for taking

shorthand. There are only 25 keys which are used to key out coded words,

numbers, phrases and sounds. Multiple keys are pressed at once during


Stenography. It is a method used for writing down the words that

someone says. It is also a practice of transcribing speech (primarily for better

dictation in testimony) usually using shorthand - a method of writing by using

symbols of abbreviations for sounds, words or phrases.


Chapter 2


This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the

data gathered on the performance of BSOSM third year students of Bohol Island

State University- Main Campus in Gregg Shorthand and Machine Shorthand.

The data of this study were taken from the results on their audio

examination that was made to determine their performance in Gregg Shorthand

and Machine Shorthand. There were 20 respondents; 10 from the BSOSM IV-1

and 10 also from BSOSM IV-2.

Table 1

Gregg Shorthand Performance of the BSOSM 3rd Year Students

N= 20

Gregg Shorthand
Speed Accuracy
Per Number of
Rating Frequency Rating Frequency
Minute Correct Words

45-49 Very Fast 2 40-45 Very High 2

40-44 Fast 4 34-39 High 6
35-39 Moderate 4 28-33 Moderate 0
30-34 Slow 7 22-27 Low 6
25-29 Very Slow 3 16-21 Very Low 6
Table 1 shows the performance of the OSM third year students in Gregg

shorthand in terms of speed and accuracy. Under speed and accuracy, there

were five brackets used in order to determine the speed interval of student’s

performance in Gregg shorthand. Under speed, there were 2 students who can

write 40-45 words per minute who falls under the rating of “Very Fast”. There

were 4 students who can write 40-44 words per minute with the rating of “Fast”.

There were also 4 students who can write 35-39 words per minute with the rating

of “Moderate” and there were 7 students who can write 30-34 words per minute

with the rating of “Slow”. There were also 3 students who can write 25-29 words

per minute with the rating of “Very Slow”.

In terms of Accuracy, there were 2 students who can transcribe 40-45

accurate words with the rating of “Very High” ; 6 students who can transcribe 34-

39 accurate words with the rating of “High”; 6 students who can transcribe 22-27

accurate words per minute with the rating of “Low” and finally, 6 students who

can transcribe 16-21 accurate words per minute with the rating of “Very Low”.

Table 2

Machine Shorthand Performance of the BSOSM 3rd Year Students

N= 20

Machine Shorthand
Speed Accuracy
Per Number of
Rating Frequency Rating Frequency
Minute Correct Words

37-41 Very Fast 2 2934 Very High 2

31-36 Fast 3 23-28 High 2
25-30 Moderate 8 17-22 Moderate 8
19-24 Slow 4 11-16 Low 2
13-18 Very Slow 3 5-10 Very Low 6

Table 2 shows the summary of the performance of BSOSM third year

students in Machine shorthand in terms of speed and accuracy. Out of the 60

word per minute examination, there were only 2 students who can type 37-41

words per minute with the rating of “ Very Fast”; three (3) who can type 31-36

words per minute with the rating of “Fast”; eight (8) students who can type 25-30

words per minute with the rating of “Moderate” ; four (4) students who can type

19-24 words per minute with the rating of “Slow” and three (3) students who can

type 13-18 words per minute with the rating of “Very Slow”.

In terms of Accuracy, there were two (2) students who can write 29-

34 accurate words per minute with the rating of “Very High”; two (2) students who

can type 23-28 accurate words per minute with the rating of “High”; eight (8)

students who can type 17-22 accurate words per minute with the rating of

“Moderate”; two (2) students who can type 11-16 accurate words per minute with

the rating of “Low” and six (6) students who can type 5-10 words per minute with

the rating of “Very Low”.


Acceptability Level of the BSOSM 3rd year students

in Gregg and Machine Shorthand

The researchers conducted the examination at Bohol Island State

University specifically in Steno room. The researchers used 60 words per minute

audio material to measure the performance of the BSOSM 3 rd year students in

Gregg and Machine Shorthand. Some of the students found it hard because they

did not hear the dictation well and also they did not have their practice. Some

participants also found it moderately hard because they already applied the

Gregg shorthand during their class discussion and taking down of notes. In

Gregg shorthand, they can write strokes that has been dictated but their strokes

are inaccurate so they can’t transcribe it accurately.

In Machine Shorthand, the participants found it also hard because most of

them weren’t able to press the correct key due to nervousness and lack of

practice. Some of the dictated words were alsohard for them and they find the

dictation fast. In terms of accuracy, they have the difficulty in transcribing the

correct words because they did not press the correct combination of letters in the

steno machine keyboard. If they can’t press the proper keys, they can’t also

transcribe it accurately.

Table 3

Difference between Gregg Shorthand and Machine Shorthand

Performance of the BSOSM 3rd year students


N= 20

Computed Tabular t-
Variable Interpretation
t-value value

Difference between Gregg

and Machine Shorthand Significant;
5.3364 2.093
performance in terms of Reject Null Hypothesis

Difference between Gregg

and Machine Shorthand Significant,
6.9760 2.093
performance in terms of Reject Null Hypothesis

With the use of the T-test, it was found out that there was a

significant difference between the Gregg and Machine shorthand

performance of the BSOSM 3rd year students. It revealed that the

computed t-value of Gregg and machine shorthand performance in terms

of speed was 5.3364 which was higher than the tabular t- value which

was 2.093. Meanwhile, the computed t-value of Gregg and machine

shorthand performance in terms of accuracy was 6.9760 which was

higher than the tabular t- value which was 2.093. Thus, the null

hypothesis was rejected.


The computed data implied that the BSOSM 3 rd year student’s

performance in Gregg shorthand is better compared to Machine

shorthand because Gregg shorthand can be used and applied during

discussion or taking down notes. Students can have more time practicing

strokes anytime they want because it only needs pen and a piece of

paper compared to Machine shorthand, the students cannot practice

always because they need to look for the availability of the Steno

Machine and also if it is limited.


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the summary of the study as well as the conclusion

and recommendation based on the findings. It concludes with a presentation of

the proposed action plan to improve their speed and accuracy in Gregg and

machine shorthand that they are weak.


The main purpose of the study was to determine the difference between

the Gregg shorthand and machine shorthand performance of the BSOSM 3 rd

year students in the S.Y.2015-2016. Finally, it aimed to formulate an action plan

to develop the students’ performance in Gregg shorthand and machine


The study used experimental method with the help of the 60 word per

minute audio material to obtain information that served as the empirical basis for

the analysis and interpretation of data. There were a total of twenty (20)

respondents from the BSOSM 3rd year students.

The researchers sent a letter to the Campus Director to conduct a study

and also to the Dean of the College of Business, Arts and Sciences asking

permission to use the steno room and also the steno machines.

After permission to conduct the study was obtained, data were then

gathered, tabulated, computed, analyzed and interpreted using the average

weighted mean and T-test.


After the data had been analyzed and interpreted, the following findings were


1. Gregg Shorthand Performance

50% of the total respondents got the average speed of 35 while the others

failed. One half of the 20 respondents can write and transcribe in Gregg

shorthand but most of them have difficulty in transcribing accurately. Out of the

60 word per minute test, 46 was the highest score for the speed and 42 was the

highest score in terms of accuracy.

2. Machine Shorthand Performance

55% of the total respondents got the average speed of 26. Out of the 60

word per minute test, 40 was the highest score for the speed with the

corresponding score of 31 in terms of accuracy. Students have much difficulty in

using machine shorthand both in terms of speed and accuracy. Many passed the

average score for speed and accuracy but they got low scores.

3. Difference between the Gregg Shorthand and Machine Shorthand


With the use of the T-test, it was found out that there was a significant

difference between the Gregg and Machine shorthand performance of the

BSOSM 3rd year students. It revealed that the computed t-value of Gregg and

machine shorthand performance in terms of speed was 5.3364 which was

higher than the tabular t- value which was 2.093. Meanwhile, the computed t-

value of Gregg and machine shorthand performance in terms of accuracy was

6.9760 which was higher than the tabular t- value which was 2.093. Thus, the

null hypothesis was rejected.





Stenography is a method of writing that uses symbols, instead of letters.

This kind of ability has been necessary to people who work mostly in a paper and

pen related jobs. Most especially to the secretaries, news reporters, or even

others who needs to take down notes in an accurate and reliable writing. It

makes writing a lot faster than using the longhand writing.

Stenography is one of the major subjects of the BSOSN course offered in

Bohol Island State University- Main Campus. Since learning Stenography is

indeed a tough lesson to be acquired, it needs interest, concentration, and

motivation from the students to have positive response in the subject.

Based on the result of the study, students need to improve their Gregg

and Machine shorthand performance in terms of speed and accuracy. An action

plan was proposed in order to enforce their Gregg and Machine performance.


The following are the objectives for the implementation of the proposed action


1. To improve the Gregg shorthand performance of the students with speed

and accuracy

2. To improve the Machine shorthand performance of the students with

speed and accuracy

Mechanics of Implementation

A copy of proposed action plan will be submitted to the Campus Director

of the Bohol Island State University- Main Campus, to the Dean of the

College of Business, Arts and Sciences, and to the Director of the Students

Affairs office for approval of its implementation. Positive or negative

comments and suggestions from the higher authorities will be highly

appreciated and accepted by the researchers in order to ease the

implementation of the proposed program.

Schedule of Implementation

The implementation of the action plan will take place at the beginning of

the academic year 2016-2017 and to be continued through the succeeding


Persons Involved

Achievement of the objectives of the action plan needs the great support

of the Campus Director, the Dean and the faculty of the College of Business,

Arts and Sciences, the Director of the Students Affairs Office and the


Evaluative Measures

With the approval of the Campus Director, the Dean and the faculty of the

College and the Director and staff of the Student Affairs Office, the proposed

action plan will be executed and supervised to achieve the certain objectives.

If necessary improvements are needed in the implemented activities, higher

authorities must assess in undertaking such improvements.




Area of Concern Objectives Activities Persons Time Output

Involved Frame
Gregg Shorthand -To improve the Gregg -Discussion of common Students, SOS Every -Students can get
Performance Shorthand drills and practices organization, semester higher grades in
performance of the -Review in every chapter School Stenography subject
students with speed -Group study Administration -students can write
and accuracy -Recognition to excellent and transcribe in
students Gregg Shorthand fast
and accurately

Machine Shorthand -To improve the -Discussion of common Students, SOS Every -Students can get
Performance Machine Shorthand drills and practices organization, semester higher grades in
 Lack of steno performance of the -Review in every chapter School Stenography subject
machines students with speed -Group study Administration -students can write
and accuracy -Recognition to excellent and transcribe in
students Machine Shorthand
-provide more steno fast and accurately


Elger, D. (2011).Theory of Performance. Retrieved on March 2, 2015 from

Krueger, J.(2011) Brevity is the Soul of Shorthand. Retrieved on February 28,



Lunenburg (2011) Self efficacy and Social Cognitive Theories. Retrieved on February

3. 2015 from


Moisey, S. (2010) Teaching and Learning in Distance Action. Retrieved on March 2,

2015 from


Nolledo, J. (2009) Philippine Constitution 1987 Article XIV, Section1 . Retrieved on

February 14, 2015 from


Redmond.(2010). Self-Efficacy Theory. Retrieved on February 14, 2015 from

Tabora, J. (2012), Ched Memo Order No. 46 Series of 2012, Article 1, Section 2.

Retrieved on February 14, 2015 from



Letter to the Campus Director

July 7, 2015


Campus Director
BISU-Main Campus
Tagbilaran City, Bohol



In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Office Systems
Management of Bohol Island State University Main Campus, the BSOSM fourth year students
are taking Research 2B subject. In connection with this, we would like to ask permission from
your good office to let us conduct our study entitled “GREGG SHORTHAND AND MACHINE
SHORTHAND PERFORMANCE OF BSOSM STUDENTS” with the BSOSM third year students as our

We deeply hope that you will grant our request. This will definitely contribute to the
comprehensive conduct of our study.

Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully yours, Recommending Approval:


Group Leader Dean, College of Business Arts & Sciences

Noted: Approved by:


Research Instructor Campus Director


Letter to the Dean of College of Business, Arts and Sciences

July 7, 2015


Dean, College of Business, Arts and Sciences
BISU-Main Campus
Tagbilaran City, Bohol



The undersigned is the leader of the group conducting a research study entitled ”GREGG
OFFICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT” in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree
Bachelor of Science in Office Systems Management.

In line with this, the researchers would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us
to occupy the steno room and use the steno machines with the BSOSM third year students on
July 11, 2015.

Your approval on this matter will give a way to achieve the purpose of the study.

Thank you and God bless.

Respectfully yours,

Group Leader

Noted: Approved by:


Research Instructor Dean, College of Business, Arts and Sciences


Scores of the Respondents in Gregg Shorthand

No. of Respondents Speed Accuracy

1 26 20
2 40 24
3 45 42
4 31 27
5 31 23
6 36 34
7 32 25
8 32 19
9 34 20
10 39 34
11 30 16
12 46 38
13 25 22
14 25 18
15 37 36
16 44 41
17 32 25
18 38 21
19 41 34
20 40 35

Scores of the Respondents in Machine Shorthand

No. of Respondents Speed Accuracy

1 30 12
2 30 22
3 29 25
4 23 18
5 26 8
6 24 10
7 33 19
8 23 18
9 13 8
10 23 19
11 13 10

12 26 21
13 25 19
14 20 10
15 40 31
16 27 23
17 16 5
18 27 15
19 29 17
20 36 30


Gregg and Machine Shorthand Performance in terms of Speed

x́ 1−X́
t= 2

SS1 + SS2 1 1
√ ⌊ ⌋ +
N 1+ N 2−2 N 1 N 2 [ ]
25564+14059 1 1
√ ⌊
⌋ [ +
20 20 ]

t= 5.3364

Gregg and Machine Shorthand Performance in terms of Accuracy

x́ 1−X́
t= 2

SS1 + SS2 1 1
√ ⌊ ⌋ +
N 1+ N 2−2 N 1 N 2 [ ]
25564+14059 1 1
√ ⌊
⌋ [ +
20 20 ]

t= 6.9760



Name : Abigail F. Vicente

Age : 19

Date of Birth : September 14, 1995

Place of Birth : Cabadiangan, Loboc, Bohol

Address : Cabadiangan, Loboc, Bohol

Religion : Born Again Christian

Civil Status : Single


Tertiary : Bohol Island State University- Main Campus

C.P.G. North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

2012- present

Bachelor of Science in Office Systems Management

Secondary : PMI- Loboc Academy

Pob.Sawang, Loboc, Bohol


Elementary : Loboc Central Elementary School

Pob.Sawang, Loboc, Bohol

2007- 2008

Motto : “ All things work together for good.”



Name : Sheila Mae D. Jungco

Age : 19

Date of Birth : January 17, 1996

Place of Birth : Tubigon, Bohol

Address : Abucayan Norte, Calape, Bohol

Religion : Catholic

Civil Status : Single


Tertiary : Bohol Island State University- Main Campus

C.P.G. North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

2012- present

Bachelor of Science in Office Systems Management

Secondary : Holy Cross Academy

Tubigon, Bohol


Elementary : Mandaug Elementary School

Calape, Bohol

2007- 2008

Motto : “Dreams don’t work unless you do.”



Name : Charmine B. Timogan

Age : 19 years old

Date of Birth : October 31, 1995

Place of Birth : Abachanan, Sierra Bullones, Bohol

Address : Abachanan, Sierra Bullones, Bohol

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single


Tertiary : Bohol Island State University- Main Campus

C.P.G. North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

2012- present

Bachelor of Science in Office Systems Management

Secondary : Dusita National High School

Dusita, Sierra Bullones, Bohol


Elementary : Abachanan Elementary School

Abachanan, Sierra Bullones, Bohol

2007- 2008

Motto : “ All you need to change is will.”



Name : Eleanor P. Socong

Age : 19 years old

Date of Birth : January 26, 1996

Place of Birth : Tagbilaran City

Address : Tamblot St. Tagbilaran City

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single


Tertiary : Bohol Island State University- Main Campus

C.P.G. North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

2012- present

Bachelor of Science in Office Systems Management

Secondary : Cogon National High School

CPG Avenue, Tagbilaran City


Elementary : City East Elementary School

Miguel Parras, Ext. Tagbilaran City

2007- 2008

Motto : “ Live life to the fullest. “



Name : Loreta Q. Bonao

Age : 21 years old

Civil Status : Single

Date of Birth : December 10, 1993

Place of Birth : Mariveles, Dauis, Bohol

Address :Mariveles, Dauis, Bohol

Religion : Born Again Christian

Citizenship : Filipino


Tertiary : Bohol Island State University – Main Campus

C.P.G. North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol

2015 – present

Bachelor of Science In Office Systems Management

Secondary : Dauis High School

Mariveles, Dauis, Bohol


Elementary : Mariveles Elementary School

Mariveles, Dauis, Bohol


Motto : “People is more import than anything, even Grammar”.



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