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In this experiment, our focus are in magnets. We are going to observe its magnetic field with
only using magnets, iron fillings, paper and plastic cover.
Magnet is a substance that attracts pieces of iron and its alloys and which possesses the
property of orientation. It has two magnetic poles, the north and the south, which are the regions on
the body of the magnet in which its magnetic power is said to exist.
These observations leads to question as to what the magnetic field around it looks like with one
or more magnets being involved. Through this experiment, we can gain first-hand knowledge and
experience regarding the matter. Thus, we can learn easier and it will probably be a big help in
broadening our insights about the said topic and others that are related to it.

A magnet is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. A magnetic field is a vector field
that describes the magnetic influence of electric charges in relative motion and magnetized materials. In
addition, both the strength and the direction of magnetic field vary with location. This magnetic field is
invisible but is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on other
ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, and attracts or repels other magnets.
This experiment aims to determine the direction of the magnetic lines of the magnetic field and
to distinguish the differences of magnetic field between like and unlike poles. Although the magnetic
field is said to be invisible, this experiment will help us to have a clear visual on the magnetic lines of the
magnetic field. Also, we will see on how each of them differs when the location and the number of
magnets change.


1. Determine the direction of magnetic lines of magnetic field.
2. Distinguish the differences of magnetic field between like and unlike poles.

Part I
1. Place one bar magnet on top of one long bond paper then place the clear plastic on top of bar
2. Lightly sprinkle the iron powder uniformly over the clear plastic and then give the paper some
gentle taps to make the powder align with the magnetic field.
3. Observe what happens.
Part II
1. Repeat part I but with two magnets placed in parallel position, keeping opposite pole on one
side. Keep a 3-5 inches distance between magnets.
2. Observe what happens.

Part III
1. Repeat part I but with to magnets arranged in one straight line. Position North pole of each
magnet in the middle making some pole facing each other. Keep 1 inch distance between the
2. Observe what happens.

Related Lit
According to Mulay L.N.(1964), magnetism has been known since ancient times; references to
lodestone (leading stone) are found in the Vedas, the most ancient religious scriptures of the Hindus,
dating back to about 1000 BC, in the Platonic dialogues of Socrates, and in the ancient literature of the
Scientific studies of magnetism began with William Gilbert of Colchester (1540–1603); he
showed that the earth itself behaves like a magnet, that iron ceases to be attracted while red hot, and
that substances such as paper and cloth do not affect the force of attraction between a magnet and iron.
The early contributions of John Mitchell (1724–1793), of John Robison (1739–1805), and of
Coulomb (1736–1806) helped to establish the well-known Coulomb’s “inverse square” law. Faraday is
regarded as the founder of magnetochemistry; he based his investigations on the early researches of
Ampere, Oersted, Arago, and Biot.
Faraday showed that all matter is magnetic in one sense or the other; that is, that matter is
either attracted or repelled by a magnetic field. Today we know that the former category embraces
para- and ferromagnetism and the latter corresponds to diamagnetism. Stoner1 has given an excellent
historical introduction and many references to early work. Faraday may be also regarded as a founder of
biomagnetics or magnetobiology.
Data and Results
1. What do you notice about the interaction of the bar magnets?
2. What materials interact with the magnets and how do they interact? What do all the materials
that interact with the magnets have in common?
3. What did you observe when you sprinkled the iron powder over the clear plastic covering the
bar magnet? The parallel magnet? The one-line magnets?
4. Explain why the iron powder behaved that way. Explain for each part.



The experiment have been a great help in understanding magnets, especially its magnetic lines
and magnetic fields. It is a simple but excellent experiment that gave us accurate information necessary
for our topic. It’s also a great factor that all of the members of the group are cooperative enough to
successfully finish the experiment. Our knowledge about the said matter was broadened and we will
surely carry our newfound perspective with confidence as we all know that it has a scientific basis and it
is a product of our meticulous experiment and observation.

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