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Instructions: Encircle the letter of your desired answer.
1. The following are forerunners of the structural functionalism,
a. Herbert Spencer Karl Marx
b. Emile Durkheim d. AR Radciffe-Brown

2. Best known because ofthe principle of "survival of the fittest."

a. Emile Durkheim c. Robert Merton
b. Herbert Spencer d. Karl Marx

3. Emile Durkheim believed that in the theory of structural

functionalism, there are 4 main aspects of society, EXCEPT:
a. religion c. deviance and crime
b. suicide d. drugs
4- In the structural functionalism theory, people's lives are guided
a. laws c. norms
b. social structures d. culture

5. The functional unity ofsocietywhichisthe recognized and

intended consequences
Of any social pattern is called
a. latent functions c.
b. manifest functions d.
6. The unrecognized and. unintended •consequences of any
social pattern is called

a. latent functions c. dysfunctions-

b. manifest functions d. malfunctions
7. This concept implies the presence of strain, stress, and tension
on the structural level of society is called
a. latent functions dysfunctions
b. manifest functions d. malfunctions

8. The central theme of structural function

a. Love c. interdependence
b. Security d. none of the above

9. In a social context, it is the internet and external balance

in a society.
a. Social structure c. social order
b. Equilibrium d. equality

10. Structural function is a best topic in the study

a. Family c. business
b. Society d. politics

11. The two philosophers who supported the theory of

a. Weber and Merlon c. Plato and Aristotle
b. Engels and Marx d. Spencer and Durkheim

12. The author of the book “ The Communist Manifesto”

a. Weber c. Emile Durkheim
b. Marx d. Spencer

13. The founder of sociology who believed that society

changed due to class struggle?
a. Herbert Spencer c. Emile Durkheim
b. Karl Marx d. Plato
14. According to Marx, the __________owns the means of
production in a society.
a. Bourgeoisie c. anomie
b. Vassals d. proletariat

15. Who believed that the history of society was one of the
class struggles?
a. George Herbert Mead c. Karl Marx
b. Erving Golfman d. Emile Durkheim

16. Under the theory of Marxism, the poor laboring class are
the ______
a. Bourgeoisie c. anomie
b. Vassals d. proletariat
17. It is the tension or antagonism which exist in society due
to competing socioeconomic interests and desires between
people of different classes.
a. Competition c. negotiation
b. Class conflict d. arbitration

18. What economic theory is postulated in Marxism?

a. Communism c. socialism
b. Capitalism d. mercantilism

19. The two major social classes identified in Marxism are

a. Bourgeoisie and proletariat c. landlord and tenant
b. Rich and the poor d. none of the above

20. Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels are both ________

a. English Philosophers c. Europeans
b. German philosophers d. none of the above
21. They are the founders of symbolic interactionism
a. Weber and Durkheim c. Plato and Aristotle
b. Mead and Cooley d. Freud and Comte

22. The study of interaction and formation of meanings for

a. Structural Functionalism c. Capitalism
b. Symbolic Interaction d. Marxism

23. What research technique would sociologist adhere to

symbolic interactionism perspective?
a. Experiment c. observation
b. Quantitative measurement d. survey

24. Which sociological theory emphasizes the meaning that

the people attach to various aspect of reality?
a. Conflict c. structural
b. Feminist d. symbolic interaction
25. Symbolic Interaction is part of______
a. Politics c. economics
b. Sociology d. history
26. For interactionists, humans are considered____________
a. Passive actors c. silent actors
b. Pragmatic actors d. no care actors

27. The following are core principles of symbolic

interactionism, EXCEPT:
a. thought c. ideas

b. meaning d. language
28. This philosopher who believed that the most human
and humanizing activity that people are engaging with
is "talking to each other."
a. Mead c. Cooley
b. Blumer d. Weber
29. The interactionist that is focused on the subjective
aspect of the social life of people rather than the
objective aspect of the social system.
a. yes c. maybe
b. no d. no answer
30. The key mechanism of the interactionist is
a. role play c. experiment
b. survey d. conversation
31. A physician who postulated the theory of
a. Weber c. Cooley
b. Freud d. Mead
32. Sigmund Freud is a
a. American c. European
b. b. Austrian d. Mexican
33. For Freud, these are the tripartite divisions of the
psychö in psychoanalytic theory, EXCEPT:
a. Body c. id
b. Ego d. superego
34. It is considered the unconscious part of the psyche.
a. id c. superego
b. ego d. self
c. ego

35. Some criticisms on Freud's psychoanalysis theory is on the issue of

a. sex c. honor
b. deviance d. love

36. It is known as the opposition to the desires of the id.

a. - ego c. superego

b. id d. body

37. Known as the conscious mediator between the internal person and
the external environment.
a. id c. superego
b. ego d. body
38. It is one of the emphasis of Freud in the study of a person's
a. forgotten early childhood past
b. sad experiences of the person
c. memorable life
d. traumatic life
39. Psychoanalysis is a term which refers also to a, study of the mind
b. analyzing child development
c. study sexual drives
d. study of behavior

40. They are considered supporters and students of Sigmund Freud on

his Psychoanalysis Theory.
a. Burt and Joseph
b. Adler and Jung
c. Cooley and Weber
d. Young and Dong

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