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<Q> Which of the following is an inevitable barrier to everyone?

<C> Hot Buttons
<C+> Time
<C> Semantics
<C> Past experiences

<Q> Whether a person is the speaker or the listener he must make sure that the _________
and ________ are clearly conveyed and understood.
<C+> Message and Intent
<C> Context and Structure
<C> Context and Medium
<C> Message and Structure

<Q> Which of the following is NOT a pillar of articulation?

<C> Deal with feelings
<C+> Timed pauses
<C> Structure thoughts
<C> Use right words

<Q> Watching the live telecast of the Presidential address on TV is a form of __________
<C> Non Verbal communication
<C> Informal communication
<C+> One way communication
<C> Two way communication

<Q> During presentations, which of the following body language indicators depict lack of
<C> movement on stage
<C> use of gestures
<C+> looking at the ceiling
<C> resounding voice

<Q> Kirti, a team manager at ICX Technologies Ltd, is responsible for the successful
completion of an important project. During an internal audit, Kirti realizes that the team is not
progressing well. When enquired about the project’s status by the Delivery manager, Kirti
chooses not to share this information because she’s afraid of the consequences. Consider
the following statements with respect to Kirti.
a. Kirti’s fear acts as a filter
b. Kirti’s fear acts as a barrier
c. The Vice President’s nature acts as a filter
d. The Vice President’s nature acts as a barrier
What do you think is preventing Kirti from communicating the project’s status to the Delivery
<C+> a & c
<C> b & d
<C> a & d
<C> b & c

<Q> Nick intends to be a good orator. He has been asked to work on his ‘articulation skills’
by his friends. Considering this scenario, should Nick work on his body language?
<C+> Yes
<C> No

<Q> Which of these are true about communication?

<C> It helps in problem solving
<C> It helps build better relationships
<C> It is at the core of team work
<C+> All of these

<Q> Besides being a good speaker, which of the following skills does one require to be a
good communicator?
<C> Confidence
<C> Articulation
<C+> Listening
<C> Conviction

<Q> Which of these is NOT a barrier for communication?

<C> Hot Buttons
<C> Assumptions
<C> Prejudice
<C+> Context Setting

<Q> Which of these can be a barrier while communicating?

<C> Listening
<C> Articulation
<C> Tolerance
<C+> Personality

<Q> What is the listener’s role with respect to noise in communication?

<C+> Checking assumptions
<C> Prejudice
<C> Being impatient
<C> None of these

<Q> You are presenting a business idea to your colleagues. Which of the following will you
choose to do during the presentation?
<C> Make sure that they ask questions only when you allow them to
<C> Assume that they are interpreting the idea exactly the way you are describing it
<C+> Create a non-judgmental and free environment
<C> All of the above

<Q> Communication is a product.

<C+> True
<C> False

<Q> Which of these is important while articulating?

<C+> Dealing with feelings
<C> Using ambiguous words
<C> Allowing the listener to interact only when the speaker is done
<C> Using any medium to communicate

<Q> An important component of articulating is:

<C> Verbosity
<C> Positive mirroring
<C> Apathy
<C+> Conviction

<Q> Rohit’s manager had recently used harsh words to make him understand a very crucial
point. However, Rohit assumed that his manager did not have a liking for him. So he decided
to quit the company. Considering this scenario, choose the correct statement.
<C> Rohit’s manager is being too hard on him.
<C> Rohit’s behavior is very immature to think about quitting.
<C+> Rohit was hearing only what he wanted to hear.
<C> Rohit should have confronted his manager before quitting.

<Q> While articulating, defining the purpose of communication is termed as:

<C+> Context Setting
<C> Conviction
<C> Brevity
<C> Involving the listener

<Q> You and your teammate are discussing your project’s progress. Choose the correct
statement from the following.
<C> Your filter(s) may act as a barrier for your teammate.
<C> Your teammate’s filter(s) may act as a barrier for you.
<C> Time is a barrier for both of you.
<C+> All of the above

<Q> While articulating, you should be careful about:

i. The choice of words
ii. Your body language
iii. The listener’s emotional state
<C> ii and iii
<C> i and ii
<C> i and iii
<C+> i, ii and iii

<Q>Which of the following is NOT a part of non-verbal communication?

<C+>Voice modulation

<Q>You are travelling on a train and you get a call from your colleague at work. You answer
the phone call, but due to some technical issues, the communication is getting clogged up.
What kind of disturbance is hindering communication in this scenario?
<C+>A technological barrier
<C>A psychological barrier
<C>Language barrier
<C>All of the above

<Q> ‘Using right words’ is one of the six pillars of articulation. It refers to using precise words
and ensuring that the body language is congruent to the message.
<C> False

<Q> Kareena wanted to share her idea with her team. She chose to do this with the help of a
presentation. She prepared well for the presentation and delivered her ideas in a very neat
manner. However, her audience was evidently bored and the presentation went rather
useless. Why do you think this happened?
<C> Kareena’s attire was unprofessional
<C> Kareena spoke a lot
<C+> Kareena did not interact and elicit many responses
<C> Kareena chose the wrong medium for sharing her idea

<Q> While speaking to a large audience, one should be careful about

i. Context Setting
ii. Medium being used
iii. The choice of words
<C> i and iii
<C> i and iii
<C> ii and iii
<C+> i, ii and iii

<Q> Consider the following statement:

“Mark is an excellent speaker! He speaks with a lot of conviction.”
What do you think the phrase “speaks with a lot of conviction” means?
<C> Mark speaks with a lot of confidence
<C> Mark speaks with a lot of enthusiasm
<C> Mark speaks with a lot of passion
<C+> Mark speaks with a firm belief in his opinions
<Q> While articulating, identifying all the points and prioritizing them is called:
<C> Context Setting
<C+> Structuring of thoughts
<C> Conviction
<C> Evaluating Language

<Q> Hand gestures are a form of:

<C+> Non-verbal communication
<C> Noise
<C> Brevity
<C> Intonation

<Q> Nitin has a lot of brilliant ideas which he expresses with the help of elaborate speeches.
However, he tends to frame long sentences which become difficult for listeners to
understand. Considering this situation, choose the correct option from the following.
<C> Nitin doesn’t pay regard to conviction while speaking
<C+> Nitin doesn’t pay regard to brevity while speaking
<C> Nitin doesn’t pay regard to accuracy while speaking
<C> Nitin doesn’t pay regard to credibility while speaking

<Q>Which of the following does NOT determine effective business communication?

<C>Purpose-driven structuring of thoughts
<C>Audience-driven structuring of thoughts
<C>Articulating thoughts
<C+>Speaking more than you listen

<Q>Which type of communication do appearance and facial expressions fall into?

<C>Verbal communication
<C+>Non-verbal communication
<C>Formal communication
<C>Telephonic communication

<Q> ‘Dealing with feelings’ is one of the six pillars of articulation. It only refers to being
sensitive to the listener’s feelings.
<C> True
<C+> False

<Q>What you mean by semantic barriers of communication?

<C+>Misinterpretation of words
<C>By-passed instructions
<C>Lacking clarity of thoughts
<C>All of the above

<Q> Which of the following is NOT a must for enhancing your communication skills?
<C> Structuring your thoughts
<C+> Storyboarding
<C> Use of right words
<C> Involving the listener

<Q> For effective communication, audience should give constant ________ to the speaker.
<C> Head nod
<C+> Feedback
<C> Criticism
<C> Comment

<Q> Bhavna is not very competent when it comes to speaking and understanding English.
Alex, her German client is trying to converse with her so that she can start working on Alex’s
project. Choose the correct statement(s) from the following with respect to the given
a. Bhavna’s incompetency with English is a barrier for Alex
b. Bhavna’s incompetency with English is a filter for herself
c. Bhavna’s incompetency with English is a filter for Alex
d. Bhavna’s incompetency with English is a barrier for herself
<C> a & d
<C> b & c
<C> a
<C+> a & b

<Q> What stems from belief in yourself and is perceived through the way you speak, your
voice and your expression?
<C> Clarity
<C> Brevity
<C> Enthusiasm
<C+> Conviction

<Q> Generally, in business we communicate:

<C+> to both persuade and inform
<C> only to entertain
<C> only to inform
<C> only to persuade

<Q> You are listening to your project manager speak about an upcoming project. You could
not understand a very crucial point that he was making. What would you do in this case?
<C+> Ask your project manager to explain once again
<C> Ask your colleagues to explain this issue to you later
<C> Visit to your project manager later and ask for the required clarification
<C> Drop a mail to your project manager with the team members in ‘Cc’ asking for the
required clarification

<Q> Filters that affect the content of a message are in:

<C> the mind of the speaker
<C> the mind of the listener
<C> the medium of communication
<C+> the minds of both the speaker and the listener

<Q> Speakers usually experience difficulty in ensuring that the message is:
<C> acted upon promptly and as desired
<C> understood correctly
<C+> conveyed precisely, understood correctly, and acted upon promptly as desired
<C> conveyed precisely

<Q> When you are preparing for a meeting with your client, which of the following should
you do to make sure that you articulate your ideas properly?
<C+> Identify the points that you have to speak on and prioritize them
<C> Work on your vocabulary so you can express yourself better
<C> Prepare for questions your client might ask
<C> Prepare a document and share it with the client for easy understanding

<Q> Proper articulation is very important while speaking because ________

<C+> It helps the listeners understand your message without confusion
<C> It indicates your command over the language
<C> The speaker feels content after impressive interaction
<C> The listeners are satisfied with the effective communication

<Q> Which of the following is NOT one among the six pillars of Articulation?
<C> Context Setting
<C> Involving the listener
<C> Dealing with feelings
<C+> Checking assumption

<Q> Joey began his speech by introducing himself but failed to introduce the topic to the
audience. As Joey was an experienced speaker, he had structured his content quite well,
and made numerous attempts to interact with the audience, but the reactions from his
audience made him very nervous. Consequently, Joey ended his speech abruptly.
Which among the following pillars of articulation did Joey NOT instill in his speech?
<C>Involve the listener
<C+>Context setting
<C>Deal with the audience’s feelings
<C>Prioritizing his points

<Q>Sam intends to go on a holiday and decides to seek his manager’s approval for leave.
Since his manager is on a business trip, Sam decides to drop a text message to him;
informing about his plan to go on a vacation. Sam’s manager wasn’t impressed at Sam’s
action, as he deemed it to be unprofessional. What was the right medium for Sam to
communicate with his manager in this case?
<C>a leave application letter
<C>a voice mail
<C+>an email/call to his manager
<C>all the above

<Q> Conviction is an important component of articulation. It is perceived only through the

physical presentation (the 3Vs: Visual, Vocal and Verbal) of the speaker.
<C> True
<C+> False

<Q>Why is body language a key to face-to-face communication?

<C>It lets you see whom you are talking to
<C>There’s no writing involved in body language
<C+>It can gauge true emotions and attitudes
<C>All of the above

<Q>Sam is an expert in coding and hence was the manager’s first choice when the awards
for the best employee were announced. He was asked to deliver a speech after receiving the
award, where he used a lot of technical jargon and the majority of the audience could not
understand his speech.
What kind of obstruction led to ineffective flow of communication?
<C>Physical barriers
<C+>Language barriers
<C>Cultural barriers
<C>Psychological barriers

<Q>From the following options, choose the one which can be most related to the term
‘Attitudinal barriers’:
<C+>Behaviors and perceptions that prevent communication from being effective
<C>Physical barriers to communication
<C>Another term for physiological barriers
<C>Saying “no” to a friend who asks you out for a movie; as you intend to utilize the time for
your studies.

Biz writing skill

<Q> What is meant by the word “accuracy”?

<C> Keeping the content brief.
<C> Highlighting important points.
<C> Using simple words in the message.
<C+> Not using ambiguous words.

<Q>Identify a word from the following choices which can substitute the phrase, “That which
cannot be read”.

<Q> Rajesh told Aman that he is expected to reach by 9am tomorrow. What is wrong with
the statement?
<C> Grammatical errors.
<C+>Ambiguous statement.
<C> Brevity not maintained
<C> Buoyancy not present.

<Q> Identify the ambiguous phrases from the options

<C+> We saw her duck.
<C+> Look at the dog with one eye.
<C> We saw him eating cat food.
<C> The scheduled train is on time.

<Q> We should avoid using ambiguous phrases in our writing because

<C> It changes the meaning of the sentence.
<C+> Many understandings can be drawn from such phrases.
<C+> May lead to confusion
<C> No option selected

<Q> How do we maintain Brevity in our writing?

<C> By using familiar words.
<C> By giving information only that is required.
<C> Avoid using redundant words
<C+> All of the above.

<Q> Rajesh is a Systems Engineer Trainee who needs to apply for leave. He drafts a mail to
Smita who is his Batch Owner.
Dear Smita,
I need leave for 2 days as I need to go to my home town to visit my aunt from Canada. She
comes home only once a year. My hometown is 1820 km away from Mysore and hence I
need two days to travel. I would really like to visit my aunt. Please allow me to apply for
Awaiting a positive reply back from you.
Which aspect of Business Writing has Rajesh not maintained in his mail?
<C+> Brevity
<C> Accuracy
<C> Clarity
<C+> Redundancy
<Q> Identify one word for the following phrase:
A person who leaves HIS country to go live in another.
<C+> Emigrant
<C> Immigrant
<C> Foreigner
<C> Refugee

<Q>In the given sentence which of the following basic tenets of Business Writing is missing?
‘The indian team won the world cup and was praised for their excellent all round
<C>Brevity and
<C>Accuracy and Clarity
<C>Accuracy and Brevity

<Q> Identify one word for the following phrase:

One who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men
<C+> Cynic
<C> Critic
<C> Egoist
<C> Pompous

<Q> Ram has an important appointment tomorrow. So he is very busy right now.
Which aspect of business writing is missing in the above sentence?
<C> Brevity
<C> Ambiguity
<C+> 5Ws
<C> Redundancy

<Q> Identify one word for the following phrase:

One who knows everything
<C> Omnipotent
<C> Omnipresent
<C+> Omniscient
<C> Optimist

<Q>In the given sentence which of the following basic tenets of Business Writing is missing?
‘My manager and the client had a meeting yesterday over lunch. He told him that due
to improper allocation of personnel in the last four quarters, they can expect the date of the
final deliverable to be pushed.’
<C>Brevity and Correctness
<C>Accuracy and Correctness
<C+>Accuracy and Brevity
<C>None of the above

<Q> Identify the Deadwood words.

<C> Certified Dealer
<C> Authentic Taste
<C+> Foreign Import
<C> None of the above

<Q> Identify the Deadwood words.

<C> Aid and abet
<C> Actual facts
<C> Absolutely necessary
<C+> All of the above

<Q> Identify the Obsolete word.

<C+> Groak
<C> Sincerely
<C> Felicitous
<C> Puckish

<Q>In the given sentence which of the following basic tenets of Business Writing is missing?
‘ She saw the dog with one eye while taking a lovely walk on the beach’

<Q> Replace the following obsolete word:

<C+> Imbecile
<C> Humorous
<C> Sharp-witted
<C> Devious

<Q>In the given sentence which of the following basic tenets of Business Writing is missing?
‘sarah give a bath to her dog wearing a black t-shirt’
<C>Brevity and Correctness
<C+>Accuracy and Correctness
<C>Accuracy and Brevity
<C>None of the above

<Q>Ria is told to compare two data visualization tools in a presentation for her team. Which
of the following transition words is most likely to figure in her presentation when she
compares both the products?
<C+>On the contrary
<C>On the whole
<C>To begin with
<Q>Identify a word from the following choices which can substitute the phrase, “A place that
provides refuge”.

<Q>Use positive mirroring and reword the given sentence.

'I cannot complete the modules assigned to me as we don’t have the software required for it'
<C>I will complete the modules assigned to me
<C>I cannot complete the modules assigned to me and the software won’t help
<C>I will complete the modules assigned to me but the software will help me a lot
<C+>I will complete the modules assigned to me once I get the software required for it

<Q>Use positive mirroring and reword the given sentence.

'We cannot take a final call on the deliverables since Ramesh is on leave and will be back to
work on Monday'
<C+>We will take a final call on the deliverables once Ramesh comes to work on Monday
<C>We will take a final call on the deliverables today and inform Ramesh on Monday
<C>We cannot take a final call on the deliverables today and Ramesh will come on Monday
<C>None of the above

<Q>Neha is a part of a team which has been told to deliver the final product by a certain
date. However, Neha cannot do her job since she needs licensed software for the same.
She goes to her manager and says, "I am sorry but I cannot do the module assigned to me
since we do not have the necessary software". Her manager gets irate on hearing this and
assigns the module to someone else. Which of the following communication techniques
would have helped Neha get a positive reply from her manager?
<C>Obtaining Feedback
<C+>Positive Mirroring
<C>Small talk

<Q>Which of the following words can replace the deadwood, ‘in the vicinity of’?
<C>that is

<Q>Which of the following words can replace the deadwood, ‘has been proved to be’?
<C>so that
<Q>Identify a word from the following choices which can substitute the phrase, “One who
sacrifices for his country”.

<Q>Which of the following words is spelled correctly?


<Q>Which of the following words is spelled correctly?

<Q>There are three sentences given below. Which of these three are ambiguous and have
multiple meanings?
1. I have never tasted a pudding like that before!
2. I don’t like flying planes
3. Let them eat cake
<C>1 and 3
<C>2 alone
<C+>1 and 2
<C>2 and 3

<Q>Identify a word from the following choices which can substitute the phrase, “One who
always looks at the bright side of things”.

<Q>There are three sentences given below. Which of these three is/are ambiguous and
has/have multiple meanings?
1. The dog ran across the lawn
2. Trees needs oxygen to survive
3. I saw a girl with a telescope
<C>2 and 3
<C>1 alone
<C+> 3 alone
<C>1 and 2
<Q>Identify a word from the following choices which can substitute the phrase, “One who
cannot read and write”.

<Q>Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option:

Sarah ________ like the new ________ working style.
<C>doesn't, managers
<C>doesn’t, managers’
<C+>doesn't, manager's
<C>does’nt, manager

<Q> Select the option with the correct word order:

the is music thing the about love movie I that the.
<C>The is music thing the about love movie I that the.
<C+>The thing that I love about the movie is the music.
<C>Thing I love the movie about is the music that the.
<C>About the movie that I love the thing is the music.

<Q>Select the option with the correct word order:

nervous students taking very time an test a for be English can.
<C>An English test taking can be a nervous time for students very.
<C>For students taking an English test can be a very nervous time.
<C+>Taking an English test can be a very nervous time for students.
<C>Taking an English test for students can be a very nervous time.

<Q> Choose the right transition from the following for the sentence:
You may have won the battle, ____ you will not win the war.
<C> all in all
<C+> however
<C> likewise
<C> as a result

<Q> Choose the sentence with the correct capitalization.

the great european trip was a total fiasco.
<C>The great european trip was a total fiasco.
<C>the great European Trip was a total fiasco.
<C>The Great European Trip was a total fiasco.
<C+>The great European trip was a total fiasco.

<Q> Skyla is a writer at IXA Pvt Ltd. Her manager has given her feedback that her content is
unnecessarily long. Which of the following techniques can she use to work on this?
<C> 7 Cs of writing
<C> Hallmarks of writing
<C> Credible writing

<Q> Choose the right transition word among the following for the sentence:
I barely slept all night, ________ I listened to everything she was saying.
<C> hence
<C> moreover
<C> therefore
<C+> yet

<Q> Choose the right transition from the following for the sentence:
The results are calculated throughout the year, ____ Sam has not performed well in any of
his exams. ______, he will not pass.
<C> so, therefore
<C> but, so
<C> in addition, therefore
<C+>and, consequently

<Q> In which of the following statements has positive mirroring been applied?
<C> I am unwell, hence I am on leave today
<C> I will not be able to come to class today as I am unwell
<C> I will be absent today as I am unwell
<C+> I will attend classes from tomorrow, as I am unwell today

<Q> Select the most professional statement of the following:

<C> Please submit the report immediately for analysis
<C> Submit the report for analysis at the earliest
<C> Please submit the report for analysis ASAP
<C+> I request you to submit the report for analysis as soon as possible

<Q> In which of the following statements has positive mirroring been applied?
<C> I do not check my mail every hour
<C+> I check my mail every morning and reply based on urgency
<C> I check my mail but do not reply to unimportant mails immediately
<C> I do not check my mail every hour but I reply only to important mails as soon as I check
it in the morning

<Q> Select the correct spelling among the following:

<C> Intensionally
<C> Intensionaly
<C+> Intentionally
<C> Intentionaly

<Q> Select the most professional statement of the following:

<C> Pass on the message to the team that they need to write emails more carefully
<C> Emails should be written more carefully by your team. Please let them know.
<C> Please inform your team to be more careful while writing emails
<C+> Kindly instruct your team to be more diligent while writing emails

<Q> Which of the following is an obsolete word/phrase?

<C> Dear
<C+> Yours Truly
<C> Regards

<Q> Which of the following is NOT true with respect to using transitions in writing?
<C> transitions create continuity in writing
<C> transitions help in providing the reader with a map
<C+> transitions must be used in every sentence
<C> transitions may not be necessary in every statement

<Q> While writing a mail to his client, Amit used a lot of complex terms and excess
information. Which aspect of business writing did he not keep in mind?

<C> Accuracy
<C+> Brevity
<C> Correctness
<C> Buoyancy

<Q> Sameer received excellent feedback from his manager as he provided very specific and
accurate information in his report. Sameer can said to be ________
<C> Concise
<C> Correct
<C> Complete
<C+> Credible

Design Thinking
<Q>Which of the following is not a primary attribute of Design Thinking?

<Q>When using the Design Thinking approach, which of the following emotions is important
to understand the user's needs?
<Q>How should the prototype that is built during the prototyping stage of Design Thinking
<C>Elaborate and large scale
<C>Expensive and exquisite
<C>Ineffective and drab
<C+>Quick and dirty

<Q>In Design Thinking, which of the following methods help one to represent ideas in a very
easy manner?

<Q>Which is the last construct in the Design Thinking process?

<C>Sign off

<Q>Which one of the following statements is true with respect to Design Thinking?
<C>Wants are elementary requirements and needs are desires
<C>Wants and needs are both elementary requirements
<C>Wants and needs are both desires
<C+>Wants are desires and needs are elementary requirements

<Q>Which of the following must NOT be a feature of the Problem Statement?

<C>It should open up diverse avenues of thoughts
<C+>It should target the wants of the end user.
<C>Highlight constraints and context
<C>Focus on the outcome

<Q>What is the goal of the Ideation phase of Design Thinking?

<C>Focus on quality and come up with very few ideas
<C>Focus on team mates and put down their ideas
<C>Focus on self and not share your ideas with anyone
<C+>Focus on quantity and come up with plenty of ideas

<Q>What should be the designer's biggest takeaway from the Test phase of Design
<C>Sign off from client
<C>Repeat business
<C>Timeline for next project
<Q> In Design Thinking, the problem definition should answer these questions, Why, Who
and How.
<C+> True
<C> False

<Q>If you design a product which the user loves but it is not possible to build it using the
current technology, which of the primary attributes of Design Thinking is absent in the

<Q> Design thinking is a __________

<C> Innovation tool
<C+> Problem finding and a problem solving tool
<C> Only a problem solving tool
<C> None of the above

<Q> Design Thinking was adapted for business purpose initially by _____.
<C>Steve Jobs
<C>Vishal Sikka
<C+>David Kelly
<C> Steve Wozniak

<Q> Design thinking focuses on

<C> Solving the problem
<C+>Human centricity
<C> Ideation

<Q> There are FOUR constructs in Design Thinking.

<C> True
<C+> False

<Q>Unchartered territory means

<C>Dark confined space
<C+>Space that has not been explored before
<C>Space that has been restricted
<C>None of the above

<Q> The prototype built by Jane Chen and her team using the Design Thinking Principles
was called as the _________ bag.
<C> Embark

<Q>During their internship on Design Thinking, Jane Chen and her team were initially given
a problem to work on
<C+>low cost affordability
<C>save premature babies
<C> create awareness about incubators to the expectant mothers
<C> increase the use of incubators

<Q> The correct sequence of Design Thinking constructs is:

<C+> Empathy, Problem Definition, Ideation, Prototyping, Testing
<C> Problem Definition, Empathy, Ideation, Prototyping, Testing
<C>Empathy, Ideation, Prototyping, Problem Definition, Testing
<C>Problem Definition, Ideation, Empathy, Prototyping, Testing

<Q> What are the three attributes of Design Thinking?

<C> Appeal, Practical, Analytical
<C> Desirability, Feasibility, Validity
<C+> Desirability, Feasibility, Viability
<C> Eligibility, Feasibility, Viability

<Q> Which of the following is considered as the most significant attribute when working on a
Design Thinking project?
<C+> Desirability
<C> Viability
<C> Feasibility
<C> Feasibility and Viability

<Q> Rachel is working on a Design Thinking project. She has obtained a lot of information
by speaking to a number of users. Which is the next stage of Design Thinking that Rachel
should move to?
<C+> Define
<C> Ideate
<C> Empathize
<C> Prototype

<Q> Anna is an intern at IXS Technologies. She is currently working on a Design Thinking
project. She has to build a prototype for the problem after speaking to users and
brainstorming. However, her users have asked for a few minor changes to the prototype.
What is Anna's next task?
<C> Test the prototype on a different set of users
<C> As the changes are minor, she can deploy the prototype as it is
<C> Add the suggestions to the prototype and deploy it
<C+> Ideate further and rapidly prototype
<Q> When applying the Design Thinking methodology, what does the term "insights" in a
problem mean?
<C> The requests that the user makes to the solution provider
<C+> Information that is implicitly gathered from the users about the issue
<C> The solutions to the problem
<C> The actual problem that is to be solved

<Q> In Design Thinking, it is important to concentrate on the user’s “wants”.

<C+> False
<C> True

Email writing skills

<Q> Katie is applying for an internship at IXS technologies. Which of the following would be
an ideal subject line for her application?
<C> Applying for internship
<C> Application for becoming intern
<C> I would like to apply for internship
<C+> Internship Application

<Q> Sarah has missed the last team meeting because she overslept. She is writing an email
to apologize for this. Which of the following would be an ideal subject line?
<C+> Apology | absence in meeting
<C> Sorry for missing meeting
<C> I'm sorry for not attending the meeting
<C> Missed meeting | Overslept

<Q> Dolores is requesting approval for taking a long leave of 4 months from her manager.
Which of the following would be an ideal subject line?
<C> Requesting approval of leave
<C+> Leave application | Long leave
<C> Requesting approval of long leave
<C> Applied for leave. Request approval

<Q> Nick has received an email in which he has been marked in CC. What does this mean
for Nick?
<C> Nick should not reply to the email
<C> Nick should forward the email to his team
<C> Nick should respond to the email immediately
<C+>Nick need not take any action for the email
<Q> Alvin has received an email from his manager in which his team members have been
marked in CC. He needs to give his manager as well as his team an essential piece of
information regarding this. Which of the following actions should Alvin take?
<C> Send a mail to his manager with the information
<C> Create a new mail and send the information
<C> Click on "Reply" and send the information
<C+> Click on "Reply All" and send the information

<Q> Arwen has received an email from a source he does not trust with a subject, "Urgent.
Check immediately." What should his next action be?
<C> Delete the email immediately
<C+> Check the sender's credibility and then delete/act on it
<C> Check the email's content and then delete/forward it
<C> Spam the email and report it

<Q> Which of the following is essential in an email?

<C> Signature
<C> Salutation
<C> Context setting
<C+> All

<Q> How much should the maximum length of an email ideally be?
<C> 300 words
<C> 100-150 words
<C> One paragraph
<C+> One screen

<Q> What has to be followed while using the BCC feature in emails?
<C> Not more than ten email ids should be present in BCC
<C> The email ids mentioned in BCC must be mentioned in the mail
<C+> "BCC Intentional" must be mentioned in the mail
<C> The email ids mentioned in CC must also be mentioned in BCC
<Q> Which of the following is NOT true with respect to using CC and BCC in an email?
<C> the CC'd recipients can view the sender's email id
<C> the BCC'd recipients can view the CC'd recipients
<C+> the CC'd recipients can view the BCC'd recipients
<C> the BCC'd recipients cannot view each other

<Q> Which of the following is NOT true with respect to the signature in an email?
<C> It should contain the designation
<C> It should contain the full name of the person
<C+> It should contain the organization's logo
<C> It should contain the person's contact number

<Q> Which of the following is TRUE with respect to Delivery Lists?

<C> A delivery list can only contain 200 email ids
<C> A delivery list should be used only when there are more than 20 recipients
<C+> Using a delivery list makes the email lighter
<C> Use of a delivery list is unethical

<Q> While communicating with his team, Raman wanted his Team Lead (TL) to know what
was happening. So he added the TL’s email address in the Bcc field and sent the mail.
Considering the ethics of email writing, which of the following was the primary mistake from
Raman’s end?
<C> He did not include a “Bcc Intentional” remark in his mail
<C+> He added his TL’s email address in the Bcc field instead of the Cc field
<C> He did not tell his teammates that he was adding the TL’s email address in the Bcc field
<C> He did not address the TL in the mail at all

<Q> Jason was on a leave of 5 days, during which his client tried to reach out on his mail
frantically. He did not get any reply from Jason, which is why he had to escalate the issue to
Jason’s manager. What could have Jason done to avoid this?
<C> He could inform the client beforehand
<C> He could leave an out of office reply stating that he is on leave
<C+> He could leave an out of office reply with an alternative contact stating that he is on
<C> He could have stayed in touch with the client over phone

<Q> Harish was asked to send a mail to all the trainees being trained at the Mysore DC.
Which of the following fields should he use?
<C> To
<C> Cc
<C+> Bcc
<C> Any of these

<Q> Girish had to impart some crucial project related information to Tanya and Satish, two
of his team members. He also wanted his manager, Karthik, to be aware of this exchange of
information. Considering this scenario, choose the correct statement from the following.
<C> Girish should put Tanya and Satish in ‘To’ field and Karthik in ‘Bcc’
<C> Girish should put Tanya and Satish in ‘To’ field and Karthik in ‘Bcc’ while mentioning
“Bcc intentional” in the body of the email
<C+> Girish should put Tanya and Satish in ‘To’ field and Karthik in ‘Cc’
<C> Girish should put all three in the ‘To’ field

<Q> Mohan invited Lalit for a dinner over email. Lalit is busy on that evening, and he has to
decline Mohan’s invitation. What kind of tone should Lalit maintain in his mail?
<C> Apologetic and requesting
<C+> Apologetic and thankful
<C> Apologetic and informative
<C> Apologetic
<Q> You have to have an important conversation with your manager. You understand that
the conversation is going to be long and both ways. Your manager is on leave for a few
days. Which of the following modes of communication would you prefer?
<C> Email
<C> Chat (IM)
<C+> Telephone
<C> Any of these

<Q> You are responding to a mail chain present on the public group of your organization.
There are a few people included in the Cc field. Choose the correct statement from the
following with respect to this scenario.
<C> You will click ‘Reply All’ so that everyone gets your message
<C> You will remove the people from the Cc field before sending the message
<C> You will move the addressed from the Cc field to the Bcc field and send the mail
<C+> You will check if these people still need to be a part of the mail chain, and then edit or
delete names in the Cc field

<Q> You are the manager of a team of 10 people. You are sending a set of instructions to
your team regarding a project that has come up. In order to make your mail easy to
understand and follow, which of the following ordering techniques would you use?
<C> Order by importance of the instructions
<C+> Order by chronology of the instructions
<C> Order based on logical comparison of the instructions
<C> Order based on the information supplied by the instructions

<Q> Kritika is managing a team which was recently joined by John. John sends a mail to
Kritika asking for some information that she does not have. What should Kritika do?
<C> She should reply within 24 hours telling him that she does not have the information
<C+> She should reply within 24 hours telling him that she does not have the information
and providing alternative contacts where he can find the information
<C> She should not reply at all and wait for him to talk to her in person
<C> She should mark one of her team members in the Cc field and ask John to get in touch
with that person

<Q> Anamika included the following quote as a part of her email signature.
“If you like me, raise your hands; If you don’t like me, raise your standards.”
Which of the following statements is correct?
<C> Anamika shouldn’t use this quote as it is very demeaning
<C+> Anamika shouldn’t use any quotes in formal signatures
<C> Anamika should use this quote as it is friendly
<C> Anamika should use this quote as it is meant in light humor

<Q> You are writing a mail to your teammates. You realized that you have put all the
information in a single and huge paragraph. What can you do to change that?
<C> Divide the long paragraph into shorter ones based on one piece of logic/information per
<C> Use bullets for making information clearer
<C> If there’s a lot of information, then it can be placed in a separate document which can
be attached in the mail
<C+> All of the above

<Q> You are the batch owner of a batch of trainees. The L&D assessment of your batch has
been postponed by 5 days and you need to inform the trainees via an email. Which of the
following subject line will you choose?
<C> L&D assessment postponed
<C> Assessment postponed to 22nd March, 2012
<C> L&D assessment postponed by 5 days
<C+> L&D assessment postponed: 22nd March, 2012

<Q> Shalini mailed her manager asking him to schedule a meeting with the entire team for
an urgent issue. The manager got confused as he did not know the issue that was supposed
to be handled. What should Shalini have done in order to avoid this confusion?
<C> Shalini should have set the context by giving the manager a phone call first
<C+> Shalini should have marked him in the Cc field of the team’s mail chain regarding the
same issue so that he can understand it better
<C> Shalini should have wrote a separate mail telling him the whole story herself
<C> Shalini should have used chat instead of email for the entire conversation

<Q> You are imparting a lot of information in your mail. Which of the following can you do to
mark the crucial points more clearly?
<C> Mention those points in a separate email so that important information is not lost
<C+> Highlight the points by underlining, coloring or making the text bold
<C> Mention those points separately in the beginning or end of the mail
<C> Repeat those points again and again to make sure that everyone reads it

<Q>An OOO (out of office) reply should necessarily contain which of the following details?
<C>Home Address when on leave
<C+>Duration for which one will be out of office
<C>Detailed explanation about the things you plan to do when on leave

<Q>Ravi wants to send an email to his manager which will list the progress Ravi has made
so far in the project. His subject line is 'ProjectX1983 progress'. What is the flaw in his
subject line?
<C+>The subject is not clear and will confuse the reader
<C>The subject does not follow the rules of capitalization
<C>The subject contains the incorrect code for the particular project
<C>The subject does not follow the rules for punctuations

<Q>Which of the following is NOT a desirable ordering structure while composing an email?
<C>Order by Importance
<C>Order by Chronology
<C+>Order by Whim of the sender
<C>Order by Spatial Organization

<Q>Why is it recommended to keep the download size of graphics in an email to a

<C>Infosys policy prohibits graphics above a certain size
<C>Outlook doesn’t support graphics in an email
<C+>Since it might end up using a lot of bandwidth needlessly
<C>The recipient may not like the graphics a lot

<Q> Which of the below mentioned details can be included in an email signature?
<C> Your name (in full)
<C> Your designation
<C> Your email ID
<C+> All of the above

<Q> Which amongst the following factor impacts the constitution of your signature for a
particular email?
<C> Your designation
<C> Type of the email being written
<C> Recipient of the email
<C+> Both 2 and 3 option
<Q> Rajeev and Priya are team members working for Sam. Sam sends out an email (with
Rajeev in “To” and Priya in “Cc”) to know more about the scope of work. Rajeev responds to
Sam’s email (using “reply all”) detailing out all the requirements. Priya, who receives both the
emails, intends to set up a team meeting with Sam to discuss the requirements, for the
team’s better understanding. What action should Priya be taking?
<C+> Forward Rajeev’s email, with Sam in “To” and Rajeev in “Cc”, requesting a team
<C> Send out a separate email to Sam and Rajeev, requesting a team meeting.
<C> Reply to Rajeev’s email, requesting a team meeting.
<C> Reply to Sam’s email, requesting a team meeting.

<Q> Which of the following is NOT true with respect to email writing?
<C> One should always proof read the email before hitting the “send” button.
<C> Language used in the email must be polite.
<C> Subject line needs to indicate the context of the email to the recipient(s).
<C+> None of the above

<Q> Which of the following is NOT recommended while writing an email?

<C+> Detailed description of the context in a single paragraph.
<C> Proper break-up of the topic into points.
<C> Using single theme font throughout the email.
<C> Ensuring an appropriate and crisp subject line.

<Q> Which below listed action(s) should one taken care of while handling emails?
<C> Segregating personal and official emails
<C> Deleting all emails from your inbox once you have replied to them
<C> Proper categorization of emails that require immediate action.
<C+> Options 1 and 3 only
<C> Options 1, 2 and 3 only

<Q> Inappropriate subject line in an email leads to:

<C> Indication of the sender’s inability to write emails in a professional manner.
<C> Email not being read in the desired timeline
<C> Email not being read at all
<C+> All of the above
<C> Options 1 and 2 only

<Q> What does OOO mean with respect to emails?

<C> Out of Organization
<C> Out of Order
<C> Out of Operations
<C+> Out of Office

<Q> Nikita Ferguson is a junior engineer at RVG consultants. Nikita’s manager asks her to
get a feedback (on their recent delivery) from the client, IXL technologies. Mr. Christiano
Mourinho is the Senior Manager at IXL technologies, who looks after the deliverables from
RVG consultants. Nikita decides to write an email to her Mr. Christiano, requesting for a
Which amongst the following salutations should Nikita be using in her email?
<C> Hi Christiano
<C> Dear Mourinho!
<C+> Dear Mr. Mourinho
<C> Hello

<Q> Which of the following details should you include in your email signature, assuming you
are required to write an official email to a person working in another organization?
<C> Your name (in full), your designation and your contact details
<C> Your organization’s name
<C> Your LinkedIn account ID and your company logo
<C> All of the above
<C+> Options 1 and 2 only

<Q> Which of the following action(s) should be considered before sending an email?
<C+> Ensure an apt subject line
<C> Ensuring you request a read receipt from the recipient’s end
<C+> Ensuring you have used simple and non-ambiguous sentences in the email written
<C> All of the above

<Q> It is not possible to set a follow-up reminder for an email in outlook.

<C> True
<C+> False

<Q> Prabha wants to share a project related file with her team, but the file size is greater
than 10Mb. What is the best way for Prabha to share this file with everyone in her team?
<C> Send the attachment in a single email to her entire team
<C> Email all her team-mates individually, with the file attached to it.
<C> Allow all her team-mates to access her computer.
<C+> Place the file on the project server and share the link with everyone

<Q> Prajwal is a trainee engineer at IXL Technologies. After working hard for two months,
Prajwal wishes to take a break of two weeks and visit his parents at his hometown. Hence,
Prajwal decides to write an email to his manager seeking his approval. Which of the below
given subject lines should Prajwal be using?
<C> Need approval for leave
<C+> Leave application | Duration: 2 weeks
<C> I need your approval to take leave
<C> Can I take leave for 2 weeks?

<Q>Which of the following is NOT an appropriate addition to your signature?

<C+>Inspirational quotes
<C>Contact details

<Q>Identify the errors in the mail given below:

Dear neha,
I have been noticing that you have been coming in late to work from past 1 month.
Come to work on time.
XYZ Unit
"Life is what you make of it"

<c>Alignment, Grammar
<C>Alignment, Capitalization
<C+>Alignment, Capitalization, Tone, Signature, Grammar
<C>Capitalization & Signature

<Q>Acronyms that is NOT accepted in a mail would be:

<Q>Ram(PM) drops a mail to his team inviting them for an annual project party marking the
facilities head, Mayur in CC.
This means:
<C>Mayur is also invited for the project party.
<C>Mayur needs to reply to Ram's mail.
<C+>Mayur is aware of how many people might turn up for the project party, so he can
make arrangements accordingly.
<C>Mayur wanted to know Ram's team members.

<Q>Nikita and Manasa are working in the same team. Pramukh, their PM drops a mail to
Nikita asking her to provide her passport details as there is an onsite opputunity. Nikita is
very excited and as she replies to Pramukh's mail, she marks Manasa in BCC to share the
good news with her. What did Nikita do wrong?
<C>Nikita should have included Manasa's name is CC.
<C+>Nikita should not inlclude Manasa in the loop, as the mail was sent only to her.
<C>Nikita could have shown the mail to Manasa personally.
<C>Nikita should have not responded to the mail at all.

<Q> We should always start our mail by enquiring the well-being of the recipient and then
come to our point.

QUESTION BANK – 1 (Number of questions: 50)

<Q> Which of the following skills is necessary, in order to work with your stakeholders
<C+>Understanding personality preferences of the stakeholders
<C> Altering propositions based on stakeholder expectations
<C> Taking risks which, if successful, will benefit the stakeholders
<C> Taking inputs from the stakeholders at every stage of the project

<Q> Richard has newly joined the HR team at IXS Technologies. In a matter of days, he has
made a large number of friends across teams at work. However, when he attended his first
meeting, he accepted the decisions taken by his colleagues but did not venture his own
opinions. Whenever conflict arose in the meeting, Richard stayed out of it.
Which profile would Richard fall under?
<Q> Samantha has worked at IXS Technologies for over 10 years. She is the head of the
Talent Acquisition team. Her teammates see her as a headstrong person who has high
expectations from them. She is very particular about following deadlines, which does not fare
well with the team. Samantha is known to have a short temper.
Which profile would Samantha fall under?

<Q>Identify the true statement among the following with respect to stakeholders with low
power and low interest:
<C> They need to be kept in the loop regularly
<C> Their interest in the project needs to be developed
<C> Appropriate communication must occur regularly with them
<C+>They must be kept involved and their views must be taken

<Q>What does SWAN stand for?

<C>Shareholders' wishes and needs
<C>Shareholders' wants and needs
<C>Stakeholders' wishes and necessities
<C+>Stakeholders' wants and needs

<Q> How can we build trust with our stakeholders?

<C> Letting them hold on to their expectations
<C+>Showing personal integrity
<C> Neutralizing credits with debits
<C> Accepting delays whenever they occur

<Q>Which one of the following actions would result in a debit from the EBA?
<C> Regular communication with the stakeholders
<C> Listening to the stakeholders
<C> Being courteous to the stakeholders
<C+> Delivering less than what was promised

<Q> The funnel style of questioning is used when we need to:

<C> restrict answers
<C> end a conversation
<C> obtain details
<C+> explore

<Q> Should multiple questions be used in probing? Why?

<C> Yes, they are an effective way of getting maximum information
<C> Yes, they help in forcing the speaker to answer immediately
<C+>No, they result in ambiguity
<C> No, their effectiveness depends on the speaker

<Q>Which among the following are managing Stakeholder’s expectations?

<C>Selling the project
<C>Maintaining the commitment
<C>Internal Status reporting
<C+>All of the above

<Q>My SH likes immediate results, lives in the present, is mainly concerned with the bottom
line and is power-oriented. His profile matched to that of a:

<Q> My Stakeholder is my manager. How do I build trust with him?

<C> Greeting him every morning.
<C+> Giving him regular updates.
<C> Talking about other team members in my team
<C> None of the above

<Q> Why would a project fail in the middle?

<C>Improper planning.
<C>No group co-ordination.
<C>Requirements not clear.
<C+>All of the above.

<Q>Which one of the following is not a way of building trust with our stakeholders?
<C> By showing interest in their work.
<C+>Building on assumptions.
<C> Apologizing for coming late to a meeting
<C> Meeting set expectations

<Q> A counsellor may start of by asking _______ type of questions. And the probing
technique he/she follows is that of a ___________ technique.
<C+>Open, Funnel
<C>Open, Lamp
<C> Closed, Funnel
<C> Closed, Lamp

<Q> Rachel received a call from Jake at 2am on a Saturday. Jake informed Lily that the
EQB product they had launched a month back, has crashed all of a sudden. Rachel tells
Jake, she’ll look into it ASAP.
Which factor from the RATER model, comes into play here.

<Q>Rachel gets into a quick call with her team to fix the issue on the EQB product. The
team consult SMEs and get the issue fixed by 12 pm the very same day. Rachel and her
team demonstrated _____ from the Rater model.
<C> Responsiveness

<Q> Asking multiple questions is not encouraged because

<C> Information overload
<C>Might confuse the stakeholder
<C> Important information might get missed
<C+>All of the above

<Q> Stakeholders who have more power, less interest may be:
<C>Batch Owner
<C+>Human Resources

<Q> What should one strive for while working with their stakeholders?
<C> Maintaining a comfortable environment
<C> Working as per the stakeholders demands
<C+> Building rapport
<C> Giving equal time to all aspects of the work environment

<Q> The best way to build trust among stakeholders is by _______

<C+> Putting up to commitments
<C> Keeping them in touch
<C> Giving them exclusive time and services
<C> Staying strictly within deadlines

<Q> Which of the following is NOT a part of the RATER model?

<C> Empathy
<C+> Acceptance
<C> Responsiveness
<C> Tangibility

<Q> Which of the following can be considered as a debit from the emotional bank account of
your stakeholders?
<C> Involving them in the project too much
<C> Being overly courteous
<C> Being overly apologetic
<C+> Being passive about their contributions in the project

<Q> Recall type of questions can allow the questioner to _______

<C> Go back to something mentioned beforehand
<C> Maintain a check on their own understanding
<C> Confirm what the speaker is trying to express
<C+> All of the above

<Q> Choose the correct set of external stakeholders with respect to a company.
<C> Shareholders, management, vendors
<C+> Customers, vendors, society
<C> Society, financers, owners
<C> Vendors, employees, management

<Q> Which of the following can be considered as a credit to the emotional bank account of
your stakeholders?
<C+> Clarifying expectations
<C> Involving the stakeholders too early in the project
<C> Involving the stakeholders too late in the project
<C> Providing all information related to the project to all the stakeholders

<Q>Which of the following is NOT a trait of a Visionary?

<C+>Happy to agree with group decisions
<C>Has lots of energy
<C>Prefers an informal style of work
<C>Skips implementation details
<Q>Identify the category of stakeholders who should be fully engaged whenever they are
required in a project
<C+>More power, more interest
<C>More power, less interest
<C>Less power, more interest
<C>Less power, less interest

<Q>Which of these constitutes a withdrawal from your Emotional Bank account?

<C>Being kind and courteous to the people you work with
<C>Apologizing when a mistake has been committed by you
<C>Setting clear expectations for your stakeholders
<C+>Bad mouthing your team mates with people from other teams

<Q>Which of the following is not one of the four Cs of trust?


<Q>You are going to be on a call with the client where you have to explore the needs to
ascertain the requirements. What questioning style will you use?

<Q>Which of these questions would generally lead to ambiguity and miscommunication?

<C>Open questions
<C>Closed questions
<C>Recall questions
<C+>Multiple questions

<Q>What does the 'T' in the RATER model stand for?


<Q> In a company, shareholders are internal stakeholders.

<C> True
<C+> False

<Q>Which of these is not a desirable skill to understand your stakeholder's wants and
<C>Comfort in dealing with conflict
<C>Open to feedback about self
<C>Ability to put your perspective aside
<C+>Ability to put yourself at the center of all your activities

<Q>What kind of questions are used for confirmations?

<C>Open Questions
<C>Multiple Questions
<C>Leading Questions
<C+>Closed Questions

<Q>In which of the following situations would the Lamp questioning style be most effective?
<C>To know what a colleague did during his vacation
<C>To obtain feedback about your presentation
<C+>To obtain specific details about the bugs in your team mate's code
<C>To get to know a colleague who has recently joined your team better

<Q> What are the two types of stakeholders:

<C> Interior and Exterior
<C+> Internal and External
<C> Domestic and International
<C> Dependent and Independent

<Q> “How did you feel about that incident?” Is a:

<C+> Recall question
<C> Open question
<C> Leading question
<C> none of the above
<Q> What are the two questioning styles:
<C+> Funnel and Lamp
<C> Broad and Narrow
<C> Open and Close
<C> Intensive and Extensive

<Q> RATER stand for?

<C+> Responsive, Assurance, Tangible, Empathy, Reliability
<C> React, Assure, Test, Emotional, Relatable
<C> Respond, Act, Tangible, Emotional, Relatable
<C> React, Act, Test, Encourage, Rely

<Q> Which of the following is not a Stakeholder profile?

<C> Visionary
<C+> Leader
<C> Comrade
<C> Ruler

<Q> What are the four stakeholder profiles?

<C> Far-sighted, Comrade, Companion, Ruler
<C> Leader, Companion, Far-sighted, Comrade
<C> Visionary, Intimate, Comrade, Leader
<C+> Visionary, Comrade, Ruler, Companion

<Q> Which of the following is incorrect?

<C+> More power, More interest = Monitor
<C> Less power, More interest = Keep informed
<C> More power, Less interested = Keep Satisfied
<C> Less power, Less interest = Monitor
<Q> Asking a series of questions, shot out one after another are called:
<C> Leading questions
<C+> Multiple questions
<C> Recall questions
<C> Closed questions

<Q> The most important element in stakeholder management is:

<C> Self-esteem
<C> Presentation Skills
<C+> Effective communication
<C> Adroitness in Repartee

<Q> As a Systems Engineer, identify which one of the following is not a SH for you?
<C> HR team
<C> Manager
<C> Shareholders at Infosys
<C+> None of the above

<Q> The right order for a Stakeholder Management to work effectively is:
<C> Stakeholder Analysis ->Stakeholder Identification ->Stakeholder Matrix ->Stakeholder
<C+> Stakeholder Identification -> Stakeholder Analysis -> Stakeholder Matrix ->
Stakeholder Engagement
<C> Stakeholder Engagement -> Stakeholder Analysis -> Stakeholder Matrix -> Stakeholder
<C> Stakeholder Matrix -> Stakeholder Identification -> Stakeholder Analysis -> Stakeholder

<Q>Which of the following is a trait of a Comrade?

<C> Avoids risk
<C> Lives in the present
<C+> Wants justification for changes
<C> Lives in the present
<Q>What type of question is, Will you be completing this task today?
<C> Open
<C> Leading
<C+> Closed
<C> None of the above

<Q> Identify the type of sentence:
She was starving but she felt better after eating the cake.
<C+> Compound
<C> Complex
<C> Simple
<C> Compound-Complex

<Q>She will be arriving ________ London at 4:00 pm.

<C> to

<Q> “The training I over, finally!” is ___________ type of sentence.

<C> Declarative
<C+> Exclamatory
<C> Interrogative
<C> Imperative

<Q> Identify the abstract nouns in the sentence:

His goodwill will always be his redeeming quality, despite his obscene arrogance.
<C+> goodwill, arrogance
<C> obscene, arrogance
<C> goodwill, obscene, arrogance
<C> goodwill, arrogance, redeeming

<Q> Identify the CORRECT statement among the following:

<C> We stayed on her place until midnight
<C> We stayed in her place until midnight
<C+> We stayed at her place until midnight
<C> We stayed with her place until midnight

<Q>Choose the appropriate auxiliary verb:

I ________ see you tomorrow.

<Q> Identify the CORRECT statement:

<C> Every one in the team have been excited about the party
<C> Every one in the team has been excited about the party
<C> Everyone in the team have been excited about the party
<C+>Everyone in the team has been excited about the party

<Q>The last questions in the exam ________________ very difficult.

<C>Had to

<Q> Identify the adverb of frequency in the following statement:

She has always been an extremely good speaker.
<C> good
<C> Extremely
<C> always, extremely

<Q> Which of the following is NOT a coordinating conjunction?

<C> So
<C> But
<C> For
<C+> Neither

<Q> Which of the following is NOT an interjection?

<C> Hurray
<C> Ouch
<C> Hello
<C+> There

<Q> Identify the right usage of the auxiliary verb:

<C> Many teams could try to compete in this field
<C> Many teams might try to compete in this field
<C+> Many teams have tried to compete in this field
<C> Many teams will try to compete in this field

<Q>Fill in the blank space with the most appropriate word.

It was __________ plan to go to Hawaii this weekend.

<Q> Identify the qualitative adjective from the following:

<C> Less
<C+> Size
<C> These
<C> Which

<Q> Identify the INCORRECT usage among the following superlatives?

<C> much more beautiful
<C> more beautiful
<C> much thinner
<C+> much beautiful

<Q> With which of the following is the article "the" not used?
<C> a transportation system
<C> names of rivers
<C> specific places
<C+> general abstract nouns

<Q>An auxiliary verb is also called a ________.

<C>main verb
<C>secondary verb
<C+>helping verb
<C>distributed verb

<Q> Identify the CORRECT statement among the following:

<C> My wedding will probably be on January in Hawaii
<C> My wedding will probably be at January at Hawaii
<C+> My wedding will probably be in January in Hawaii
<C> My wedding will probably be in January on Hawaii

<Q> Identify the statement that contains an intransitive verb among the following:
<C> He found the pen under the table
<C> They will bring the chocolates for her
<C+> She sat in a corner all day
<C> He ate the whole ice-cream

<Q> Identify the correct usage of tense among the following statement?
<C> She never listened to her mother because she had a rebel at heart
<C> She never listened to her mother because she is a rebel at heart
<C+> She never listened to her mother because she was a rebel at heart
<C> She never listened to her mother because she has a rebel at heart

<Q>Which of the following sentences does NOT have any auxiliary verbs?
<C>He didn’t have to go there yesterday.
<C>Have you practiced the number enough?
<C>I think you should study harder to get better.
<C+>I am an educator in E&R department.

<Q>Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb:

He ________ at Infosys. He ________ there since July.
<C+>was working, had been working
<C>worked, has worked
<C>works, had worked
<C>worked, is working

<Q>Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb:

He knew Shanti very well because he ________ to her many times.
<C+>had spoken
<C>was speaking

<Q>Which below sentence(s) precisely describes Passive voice?

<C+>Refers to sentence construction focusing on an object or situation being acted upon by
a force.
<C>The subject does the action upon verb.
<C>Object receives the Action
<C>The subject receives the action of the verb.

<Q>Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the verb:

When Sachin came in to bat, Rahul ________ for two hours.
<C>would bat
<C+>had been batting
<C>will be batting

<Q>Ravi, as well as his younger sisters, __________ going to study at that college.

<Q>It snows every January ________ America.

<C> in the

<Q> “Which book shall I take with me?”

The adjective in this sentence is ________.
<C>demonstrative adjective
<C>possessive adjective
<C+>interrogative adjective
<C>quantitative adjective

<Q> “Hmm, let me get back to you on this.”

This sentence contains the interjection of ________.

<Q>After she learned to drive, Alice felt very independent.

This sentence contains a ________.
<C+>coordinating conjunction
<C>subordinating conjunction
<C>co-relative conjunction
<C>None of the above

<Q>Identify the subject in the given sentences:

A bad workman blames his tools.
<C+>A bad workman

<Q>Select the sentences that are complete:

A. The clouds sail majestically.
B. Since nobody cares about any.
C. Various agencies came together.
D. The nation is holding up.
E. A caring touch at the right moment.
<C>E, A, C
<C>B, A, C
<C+>A, C, D
<C>E, B, D

<Q>Choose the correct option:

He is ___ only officer who has not taken ___ psychometric test in which the others have
<C+>the, the.
<C>the, a
<C>the, an.
<C>A, an.

<Q> Which amongst the following is an example of an imperative sentence?

<C> Rahul is travelling to Delhi tomorrow.
<C> Are you travelling to Delhi tomorrow?
<C+> Could you please travel to Delhi tomorrow?
<C> I am finally travelling to Delhi!

<Q>Choose the correct option: He is ____ honest man.

<C>No article required.

<Q>Choose the correct option:

____ man is immortal.
<C+>No article required.

<Q>Fill in the blank space with the most appropriate word.

Harish is the ________________ of the two sons.

<Q>Sheila was the _______ in the group.

<C+>most talkative
<C> more talkative

<Q>Identify the subject in the given sentences:

Do not make any noise.

<Q>In active voice, _________________________.

<C+>sentence construction focusing on the subject and the force acting upon an object or
<C>sentence construction focusing on an object or situation being acted upon by a force.
<C>Both true.
<C>Both false.

<Q>John started practicing medicine ________ 1976.


<Q> Identify the tense used here,

“Pradeep has been feeling a little depressed”.
<C> Present Perfect
<C> Simple Present
<C+> Present Perfect Continuous
<C> Perfect Continuous

<Q> Identify the tense used here,

“The trainees knew Mysore very well as they had visited the city several times”
<C+> Past Perfect
<C> Simple Past
<C> Past Perfect Continuous
<C> Past Continuous

<Q> Which of the following is NOT true?

<C> Subject and predicate are two fundamental parts of a sentence
<C> A clause may be a sentence or a part of a sentence
<C> A phrase does not have a verb
<C+> A phrase is a group of words making perfect sense

<Q> What are the different kinds of sentences?

<C> Declarative, Interrogative, Explanatory, Imperative
<C> Interrogative, Imperative, Derogative, Explanatory
<C+> Exclamatory, Imperative, Declarative, Interrogative
<C> Imperative, Exclamatory, Declarative, Interrogation

<Q>The old man had no financial support _____ _____ the meager savings
<C+> apart from
<C> adding to
<C> away from
<C> besides of

<Q> I stroked the cat and it ________

<C> Whined
<C+> Purred
<C> Boomed
<C> Groaned

<Q> I didn’t quite catch that. Could you say it again __________ please?
<C> clearer
<C> clear
<C+> more clearly
<C> None of the above

<Q> I ______ in a first-class hotel: it’s too expensive for me

<C> am sleeping
<C> sleep
<C> ‘m going to sleep
<C+>‘ve never slept

<Q> For dinner last night we _____ desserts.

<C> have had
<C> having
<C+> had
<C> will have

Interactive skills
<Q> When women are introduced to each other:
<C+> The older or the more distinguished person of the two should take the initiative
<C> They must always shake hands
<C> They must never shake hands
<C> The younger or the less distinguished person of the two should take the initiative

<Q>Ram is supposed to inform everyone in his team that the next team meeting has been
postponed. He informs everyone over an Instant Messaging (IM) application. Do you think
Ram acted responsibly?
<C>Yes, since IM has the least downtime
<C+>No, the information is important and should be communicated over mail
<C>Maybe, it was an exceptional circumstance so exceptions can be made
<C>None of the above

<Q> During introductions:

<C> The name of the person being introduced is mentioned first and the person to whom the
introduction is made is mentioned last
<C+> The name of the person being introduced is mentioned last and the person to whom
the introduction is made is mentioned first
<C> The name of the person being introduced can be mentioned first or last, either ways it
does not matter
<C> None of the above

<Q>What checks should you conduct in terms of availability of a person before sending
him/her a message over an Instant Messaging application?
<C>Check If the person is available
<C>If the status is busy, one should not send a message
<C>If the status is busy and the information to be passed on is of an urgent nature, either
send an email or ask if the person has a minute to spare
<C+>All of the above

<Q>Which of these is the best way to answer a business telephone?

<C+>Hi! CCD. John speaking, how can I help you?
<C>Hi CCD. Tell me
<C>Hi. What can I do for you?
<C>Yes, what can I do for you?

<Q>Khyati is talking to her manager about a request she had raised a couple of days ago
over an Instant Messaging application. She writes, ‘I had asked the CCD to give me an
update on the NVRAM in my Laptop‘. What do you think is the error in Khyati’s message?
<C>Length of the message
<C>Pushing for a response
<C>Incorrect Grammar

<Q>Shweta works in an organization which has a beautiful campus. She brings her close
childhood friend, Sakshi to show her the campus. While showing Sakshi around, they meet
Shweta’s team mate Chandra. Who should Shweta preferably introduce to whom in this
<C>Introduce Chandra to Sakshi
<C+>Introduce Sakshi to Chandra
<C>Introduce Sakshi and herself to Chandra
<C>Let them introduce themselves

<Q>Below you have two columns. The first column consists of things a person might say
during a call over the telephone and the second column consists of a better sentence which
can replace this. Match the sentences and select the correct alternative from the options
1. I don’t know A. I need a few minutes, can you wait?
2. You’ll have to… B. I’ll check and let you know
3. Just a second C. You could…

<C>1-->A, 2-->C, 3-->B

<C+>1-->B, 2-->C, 3-->A
<C>1-->C, 2-->B, 3-->A
<C>1-->B, 2-->A, 3-->C

<Q>Which of the following is a preferable phrase, in a telephone conversation?

<C>I don’t know.
<C>Just a second
<C+>Please hold for a moment
<C>You’ll have to wait for like, a second!
<Q>Which of the following is NOT an appropriate behavior during a telephonic
<C+>Using jargons to keep the call a short one
<C>Using the caller’s name
<C>Calling your name soon after you receive the call
<C>Speaking directly into the mouth piece

<Q>What should you do if you are on a call with a person and you have to keep them hold
for an extended period of time?
<C>Inform them about the delay and request them to wait
<C>Ask if they would prefer a call once you have the information they need
<C+>Give them an option between (A) and (B)
<C>None of the above

<Q>Ashish receives a joke on his mobile which he thinks is hilarious but targets a particular
section of society. In the afternoon, while having tea with his team mates, Ashish considers
telling them the joke he received in the morning. What should Ashish preferably do?
<C>He should share it since people will take it in a lighter vein and his team mates will enjoy
the joke
<C+>He should not share it since it may be offensive to people and is not appropriate for the
<C>He should not tell it to everyone but to only those who have a good sense of humor
<C>He should share the joke only in the absence of the people who might find it offensive

<Q>Best way to finish a telephonic conversation would be:

<C+>Thank you for calling. Have a good day ahead!
<C>It was nice talking to you!
<C> I am glad you called, have a good day ahead!
<C>Take care, bye bye

<Q>Prathamesh meets his team mate Ranjit while waiting for the elevator at the workplace
in the morning. Prathmesh wants to strike up a conversation with Ranjit while they are
waiting for the elevator. Which of the given topics is appropriate for Prathamesh to talk about
with Ranjit?
<C+>The pleasant weather in the city
<C>The latest elections happening in the state
<C>A joke Prathamesh came across that morning
<C> Appraisal rating

<Q>Priyansh is out on a weekend to a mall with his family, his parents and his siblings. He
happens to meet a colleague from work and wants to make appropriate introductions. What
should Priyansh preferably do under the given circumstances?
<C+>Introduce his family to his colleague
<C>Introduce his colleague to his family
<C>Introduce his parents to his colleague
<C>Introduce his colleague to his parents
<Q>Rahul belongs to a team of 50 people who work for an Australian client. The client once
comes for a visit and he is shown around by Dilip, who leads the team. When they reach
Rahul’s cubicle, Dilip introduces Rahul to the client. What should Rahul preferably do under
the given circumstances?
<C>Stand from his chair
<C>Walk to the front of his desk
<C>Extend his hand for a handshake
<C+>All of the above

<Q>During a telephone call, you did not hear the name of the client. Which is an
appropriate way to ask for that information?
<C>Hey, I would require your name again.
<C+>Would you please spell your name? I want to ensure I get it right.
<C>Give me your name, I didn’t catch it.
<C>What’s your name again?

<Q>Assume you are a part of a team where people show indifference towards what others
feel and colleagues try to manipulate each other to suit their needs. What kind of climate
would you say is prevalent in the team?
<C+>Defensive climate
<C>Supportive climate
<C>Fostered climate
<C>None of the above

<Q>Neha is hosting a meet where her entire team of 500 people is present. On the stage
with her are three people, the project manager, the delivery manager and the client. What
should preferably be the order of introduction when Neha introduces them to the audience?
<C>Project manager, Delivery manager, Client
<C>Delivery manager, Client, Project Manager
<C+>Client, Delivery manager, Project Manager
<C>Client, Project Manager, Delivery Manager

<Q>While jotting down the message over a telephonic conversation, if you miss out on
something what should one say:
<C> Slow down please! I am writing.
<C+>Could you please repeat? I missed out a point.
<C>Hang on please. Let me get a pen and a notepad.
<C>I beg your pardon.

<Q>Rahul has recently joined a new team and he knows only one person in the entire team,
Vikas. He accompanies Vikas to the lunch table in the food court where the entire team has
lunch, so that he may know everyone better. However, Vikas fails to introduce Rahul to the
entire team and hence after a while Rahul feels left out. What should Rahul do under these
<C>Rahul should tell Vikas later to introduce him next time he meets the team
<C+>Rahul must go ahead and introduce himself
<C>Rahul must wait and go introduce himself individually to everyone after lunch
<C>None of the above

<Q> Which one of the following statements is TRUE with respect to interactions at the
<C+> Building relationships at the workplace can improve engagement
<C> Interacting at the workplace results in wastage of time and therefore, low productivity
<C> It is not important to welcome diversity at the workplace
<C> Competition amongst team members is essential for working successfully

<Q> Which of the following is TRUE with respect to social introductions?

<C>A woman is always introduced to a man
<C+>A man is always introduced to a woman
<C> A woman's title must always be mentioned (Ms/Mrs)
<C> A man's title must always be mentioned (Mr)

<Q> Walter is an employee of IXS technologies. He is trying to train his mentees on

interacting with colleagues. Which of the following topics would he suggest for
<C> Health
<C> Religious beliefs
<C> Political dogmas
<C+> Food preferences

<Q>When you make a business call, you should always:

<C>Identify yourself, and person whom you want to talk to.
<C+>Only identify yourself, your company, and purpose of your call and whom you wish to
speak to.
<C>Only identify yourself, your company and person whom you wish to speak to.
<C>Purpose of your call and person whom you wish to speak to.

<Q> Gillian is the CEO of IXS Technologies. Due to the number of calls he receives on a
daily basis, he uses two separate phones - one each for personal and official calls. Of late,
he has been getting official calls on his personal number. Ideally, how should he respond to
such calls?
<C> Do not receive calls that are not from personal contacts
<C> Please don't call me on this number, it is my personal number
<C> Please call me on 09xxxxxxxxx
<C+> Pardon me, this is my personal number. For IXS issues, please reach out to me on

<Q> Janine is talking to her manager over the telephone. In the midst of the call, she is
receiving a priority call from her client which she has to attend immediately. Which one of the
following would be an ideal course of action for Janine to take?
<C> Leave the client a message that she is busy
<C> Complete her call with her manager and then call the client back
<C+> Let her manager know that the client is calling and switch calls immediately
<C> Switch to the client call immediately and let the manager know later

<Q> Brandon is an enthusiastic employee at IXS Technologies. He has been assigned as

liaison between the onsite and offshore teams. This majorly involves making a number of
calls every day. Which of the following would not be true with respect to Brandon's telephone
<C> He must greet the caller
<C> He must end conversations on a good note
<C+> He need not introduce himself to the caller
<C> He need not summarize at the end of the call

<Q>Which of the following is WRONG with respect to telephone etiquettes?

<C>Always try to return the calls by the end of the day.
<C>Keep business conversations to the point.
<C>Do not keep the speaker on hold for more than 30 seconds.
<C+>It is impolite to use the caller’s name in the conversation.

<Q> Which of the following is TRUE with respect to chatting on official IMs?
<C> sending files over IMs is considered a good practice
<C> long sentences must be used on IMs
<C+> use of abbreviations that are not common should be minimized
<C> sending multiple messages for a quick response is a good practice

<Q> Which of the following situations come under Defensive climate?

<C+> Manipulating
<C> Analysis
<C+> Disparaging attitude
<C> Ambitious attitude

<Q> Which of the following is a professional way of checking a person's availability on IM

(Internal Messenger)?
<C> John there?
<C> Is this John?
<C> Am I speaking to John?
<C+> Hello John, you there?

<Q>Small talk is a technique to develop business friendship. It begins with:

i. Taking interest in other person’s life.
ii. Taking risk of initiating a conversation.
iii. Asking open ended questions.
<C+>i, ii, iii
<C>ii, iii
<C>i, ii
<C>Only i
<Q>Ensure that you repeat the message to the caller.
<C>Totally scenario based
<C>If you have time, it’s a good practice.

<Q>Suppose you meet a colleague of yours in a lift of a shopping complex. What would be
appropriate conversation starter?
<C+>Hey! How are you?
<C>I wanted to talk to you since a long time about the Apple project you are handling. This
is a good time to discuss it over a cup of Joe. What do you say?
<C>Hey you too came for shopping? This is the best time for shopping, all branded stuff at
such cheap prices! That’s the only way we can afford them. LOL!
<C>It’s ok! I can pretend I didn’t see him

<Q>Suppose you meet a colleague of yours in a lift of your office. What would be most
inappropriate conversation starter in varied situations?
<C>Hi! Haven’t seen you around in a long time. Were you on leave?
<C>Hi! You too heading for lunch? Can I join you?
<C+>Hi! How are you? I heard about your divorce. I am sorry.

<Q>Tom meets a female colleague of his in a wedding of a common friend. What would be
the most inappropriate conversation starter?
<C>Hi! What a pleasant surprise. How do you know him?
<C>Hey! Good to see you. You are friends with groom or bride?
<C+>Oh good we met! I was about to call you anyway. I wanted to talk to you about the
meeting which I missed this afternoon.
<C>Hi! You look gorgeous.

<Q>John boarded a bus around 10:00 pm to commute to his house and spots a female
acquaintance. She is reading a book. He goes and takes seat beside her in the bus. Help
him start a conversation with her. Chose the most appropriate option:
<C>Hi! This is not a safe time to commute for a lady.
<C+>Hi! Packed day today. Was it?
<C>Oh the book you reading is really nice. You also follow Buddhism?
<C>What a terrible day! Worked like crazy!

<Q>When you make or receive a business call, you should always:

i. Ensure that the time of the call is convenient for the receiver.
ii. Keep a pen, a message book ready.
iii. Greet the person.
<C+>i, ii, iii
<C>i, ii
<C>ii, iii
<C>ii, i

<Q>You were introduced to a new member in the team. Later you find him in the pantry area
eating his lunch all by himself. You are known for your humor. How will you make him
comfortable? Strike a conversation. Chose the most appropriate option:
<C>Hi! Eating lunch all alone. Don’t you like us? LOL.
<C+>Hi! May I join you? Food smells really good.
<C>Hi! May I join you? So, what do you think about our team?
<C>Oh! So you are a loner too.

<Q>You are waiting at bus stop for your route bus to office. There you see a foreigner,
probably a tourist. He enquires you about Mysore Palace. You give him the answer and now
you want to continue the conversation. What should be the most appropriate conversation
<C+>So, how do you like Mysore?
<C>You American, huh? You guys are so cool!
<C>You know I always dreamt of talking to a foreigner!!!
<C>You are sweating in this heat

<Q>In a telephone conversation, if you don’t understand what has been said. What should
you do?
<C+>Politely ask the speaker to repeat.
<C>Wait till the speaker finishes talking.
<C>You can ask him/her later.
<C>Drop an email to that person later requesting him to explain you once again.

<Q>Only receptionists or entry level job profile have to cater to telephone etiquettes.
<C>Can’t say
<C>May be

<Q>Things which you need to take care before answering a business call:
i. Plan the conversation.
ii. Maintain calm throughout.
iii. It is alright to tone up if the person on the other end is getting hostile.
iv. Asking lot of questions is considered impolite
<C>i, ii, iii
<C+>i, ii
<C>All of the above
<C>only ii

<Q> Rajesh wants to introduce Mayuri, who is the Project Manager from client’s location to
his team that consists of Maya, Amit and Preethi who are all System Engineers.
<C> Amit needs to shake hands with Mayuri first.
<C> Maya, followed by Preethi must shake hands with Mayuri.
<C+> Amit can shake hands when Mayuri extends her hand first.
<C> Amit must refrain from any physical contact.

<Q> Before attending a conference call, we must ensure to

<C> Keep a notepad and a pen/pencil to make notes
<C> Choose a quiet meeting room to attend the call
<C> Not chew on gum
<C+>All of the above
<C> Only option 1 and 3

<Q> If you do not understand what the speaker has just said, we must interrupt the speaker
till we understand.
<C> True
<C+> False

<Q>If the IM (internal messenger) status is set to “BUSY”, this indicates that __________
<C> The person is busy, and would not like to be disturbed unless there is an urgency.
<C> The person may have a quick chat with you, but the message has to be conveyed
<C> The person cannot be disturbed at all.
<C+> Option 1&2
<C> Option 1&3

<Q> Raj and Veena are meeting each other for the first time during a business conference.
Raj offers his hand to Veena while introducing himself. Which of the following statements
holds true for the given situation?
<C+> Raj should have waited for Veena to take the initiative
<C> Raj's gesture was inappropriate
<C> Raj was being professional
<C> Raj should not have offered his hand to Veena

<Q> Which among of the preferred order of Introductions mentioned below is NOT correct?
<C> A man is always introduced to a woman
<C> If two people are being introduced to a group, the names of the two individuals are
shared before that of the group members.
<C+> Introduce older person to a younger person
<C> While introducing colleagues you present the person of lesser authority to the senior


Presentation skills
<Q>Aleena is interested in public speaking and presentation skills. How should she be
dressed for her first speech on stage?
<C+>Dressing comfortably
<C> Dressing in western formal attire
<C> Dressing in Indian formal attire
<C> Either western or Indian formal attire

<Q>Aleena is interested in public speaking and presentation skills. How should she be
dressed for her first speech on stage?
<C+>Dressing comfortably
<C> Dressing in western formal attire
<C> Dressing in Indian formal attire
<C> Either western or Indian formal attire

<Q> Allison is dealing with an audience who seem to be extremely unresponsive. They give
her the cold shoulder throughout her presentation.
Which category does Allison's audience fall under?

<Q> Alfred wants to make a large impact with the opening statement of his presentation.
Which one of the following approaches would help him create such an impact?
<C> Wishing them a good morning
<C+>An anecdote that connects to his topic
<C> Asking them how they are feeling
<C> Asking them whether they are interested in the topic

<Q> Ben is giving a presentation for a 100 member audience. In the midst of his
presentation, he makes a controversial statement which causes the audience to become
very aggressive. Which one of the following would be the right course of action for him to
<C> Arguing with the audience to prove his point
<C> Step off the stage and wait for the audience to calm down
<C> Not pay heed to their reaction and continue
<C+>To apologize to the audience and clarify that he meant no offense

<Q> Casey likes using a lot of accessories with her clothes. Given that she has a
presentation due today, what kind of accessories are appropriate for her?
<C> A gold necklace
<C> Multiple finger rings
<C> Dangling earrings
<C+> A simple wristwatch
<Q> Darcy manages a team of four people. She has informed them that the client expects
them to present their quarterly achievements in a presentation in a week's time. Minutes
before the presentation is due, the main speaker from Darcy's team calls in sick. What would
be an appropriate plan of action for Darcy?
<C> Apologize to the clients and reschedule despite the inconvenience
<C+> Inform the clients of the situation, but ensure that the presentation is completed by her
team or herself
<C> Inform the clients that the absent team member is responsible for the situation
<C> Call the unwell team member and ensure that he reaches the venue despite his poor

<Q> Which of the following is essential in a presentation?

<C> Using the audience's inputs throughout the presentation
<C> Dressing in an attractive manner
<C> Following the slides to the letter
<C+> Using a lot of sign posts in the body of the presentation

<Q> Rebecca is giving a presentation on a technology that her audience is new to. In the
midst of her presentation, she notices a glaring error in her slide. Which of the following
would be an ideal course of action for Rebecca?
<C> End the presentation and re-do the slides
<C> Mention that her teammate had prepared the slide; hence it is not her mistake
<C> Ignore the mistake and continue
<C+> Admit the mistake and apologize to the audience

<Q> Lauren is an intern at IXS Technologies. She wants to end her presentation on a
memorable note. Which one of the following approaches would suit her best?
<C> Using a quote to end the presentation
<C> Using a story to end the presentation
<C+> Asking for queries, thanking the audience
<C> Summarizing the entire presentation

<Q> Aria is an employee of IXS Technologies. Her manager has instructed her to prepare a
presentation for their top client. She has been given a lot of data to represent. Which one of
the following would be the best way to present the data?
<C> One paragraph per slide explaining the data
<C> Copying and pasting the data as it is onto the slides
<C+> Using charts and graphs to represent the data
<C> Using diverse animations to display the data

<Q> Harry is a graphic designer who has been advising Aaron with respect to the outlook of
his presentation. Which one of the following suggestions should Aaron take?
<C> There should be many animations as they make the slide look lively
<C> Colors such as red, blue and green must be used extensively
<C+> Pictures should be used instead of words to communicate information
<C> The number of slides should be more so that maximum information is conveyed
<Q> Ursula is attending a presentation which is being delivered by her team member,
Joshua. She feels that Joshua is making a lot of mistakes in the presentation, hence, she
continuously interrupts him to share her thoughts. Which of the following categories of
audience would Ursula fall under?
<C> Uninterested
<C> Over-interested
<C+> Overenthusiastic
<C> Hostile

<Q>What does the ‘3 tell’ mechanism mean?

<C+>Tell them what you are going to tell them, Tell them, Then tell them what you told them
<C>Tell them, Tell them what you are going to tell them, Then tell them what you told them
<C>Tell them what you told them, Tell them, Tell them what you are going to tell them
<C> Tell them what you are going to tell them, Then tell them what you told them, Tell them

<Q>Assume a hypothetical scenario where you are asked to give a presentation of 15

minutes. Generally how long (in terms of duration) would you ensure the opening of this
presentation be?
<C>5 – 6.5 minutes
<C>4 – 4.5 minutes
<C+>1.5 – 3 minutes
<C>10 – 12.5 minutes

<Q>Why is Body Language such an integral part of any presentation?

<C>Even if there is no content, Body Language can help a person achieve his/her objective
<C+>Visual cues will complement the verbal and vocal aspects of the presenter for a greater
<C>A proper posture will help extract more information from the audience
<C>Eye contact can be used to manage a hostile audience quite well

<Q>Which of these should NOT be a part of the conclusion during a presentation?

<C+>Context setting of the topic for better understanding
<C>Summarization of the content
<C>Questions to confirm understanding
<C>Statements to extract feedback

<Q>Shweta is supposed to give a presentation to the team detailing the update made in the
project so far. Since she has joined the team recently, Shweta is nervous but doesn’t allow
her nervousness to stop her from delivering the presentation. Midway she suddenly forgets
the details of a particular module in the project. She knows the details are at the tip of her
tongue and she needs a minute to recall the details. What is her best course of action under
the given circumstances?
<C>Act like she knows the details and try to pass off fraudulent details as the correct ones
<C>Finish off the presentation omitting the detail and try to set up a new date and venue for
the presentation
<C+>Ask a question to the audience confirming their understanding so far and try to recall
the detail while the audience answers.
<C>None of the above

<Q>Karan, a Project Manager is giving a presentation about the work done by his teams to
the clients. His attention wavers for a minute and he stumbles for a few seconds before he
tries to recover. What will best help Karan recover and finish the presentation smoothly?
<C>Apologize for the stumble
<C>Ask for a minute to drink some water so that he may compose himself
<C>Calm himself and try to envision what he wants to say so that he can finish off
<C+>All of the above

<Q>Which of the following should NOT an be a part of the opening in your presentation?
<C+>Summary of the topic
<C>Statement on subject

<Q>Ria is delivering a presentation on work ethics and the corporate culture to a group of
people who have joined the organization recently. However, Ria notices that more than half
of the audience is disinterested and are not engaged in the presentation at all. What will best
help Ria engage the audience such that everyone will be interested in her presentation?
<C+>Do something different and unexpected and build relevance for the audience
<C>Talk a lot on the topic to get them interested
<C>Ask questions about their understanding so far
<C>Do not do anything since there will always be some people who will not be interested

<Q>Sameer is told to deliver a presentation on the new facilities which have been opened
for the employees. The audience is excited to see a new swimming pool and a bowling alley
as a part of the new facilities and ask Sameer a lot of questions by interrupting him every
time he tries to speak. How should Sameer best handle the situation?
<C>Answer only relevant questions
<C>Ensure ground rules are set
<C>Defer questions which will be discussed late
<C+>All of the above

<Q>Shabana is told to deliver a presentation by her manager to a group of employees. The

employees have been recently put on bench after completion of their project and the topic of
the presentation is ‘How to upgrade your skills while on bench’. The employees are irate
since they have not got a new project and are channeling their frustration towards Shabana
while she is delivering the presentation. What will best help Shabana achieve her objective
of the presentation?
<C>Try to get on with the presentation since people will calm down with time
<C>Try to enforce ground rules and stop people from discussing
<C+>Empathize with their situation
<C>Invite people from the audience to be a part of the presentation

<Q>During a presentation, how should one’s hand gestures typically be?

<C+>Hand gestures should be in sync with what a person is saying
<C>Hands should always be spread out wide
<C>Animated hand gestures are always seen as a positive by the audience and hence
should be adopted
<C>Hands should be clasped and should be in front of the body, since it will help the
audience connect well

<Q>Which of the following is NOT considered to be a part of your body language during a
<C>Hand gestures
<C>Eye contact

<Q>Why are pauses so important in a presentation?

<C+>They give the audience time to process information
<C>They help separate information well during a presentation
<C>They help drive a point home better than words might under certain circumstances
<C>All of the above

<Q>Shahid is delivering a presentation for the first time to his entire team. He is extremely
nervous and decides to stand at a place and stare at the wall which is at the back of the
room during his entire presentation since he believes looking at people will make him
nervous. How will this prove detrimental to Shahid’s presentation?
<C+>His lack of eye contact will not help him connect with the audience well
<C>He will overshoot the time allotted to him since he cannot gauge the reaction of the
<C>His voice modulation will be affected since he is not moving
<C>His hand gestures will certainly suffer because of this

<Q> During presentations, a ‘QUESTION’ is the single most important weapon to use for
<C> getting attention
<C> keeping interest
<C> getting feedback
<C+> all of the above

<Q> The best way to close the presentation is?

<C> Recap key points
<C> Keep a summary slide
<C> Invite questions
<C+> All of the above
<Q> Which one of the following do you think is correct in terms of the messaging medium in
a presentation?
<C> Words : 91%; Tone: 5%; Body Language: 4%
<C> Words : 52%; Tone: 30%; Body Language: 18%
<C+> Words : 7%; Tone: 38%; Body Language: 55%
<C> Words : 26%; Tone: 17%; Body Language: 57%

<Q> During a presentation, to emphasize on a point one should ______

<C> Increase the pace
<C+> Decrease the pace
<C> Increase volume
<C> None of the above

<Q> What are the questions you should ask yourself before presenting?
<C> Why is that you will be presenting?
<C> What is that you will be presenting?
<C> Who will you be presenting to?
<C+> All of the above

<Q> Which amongst the following is NOT an effective way of opening a presentation?
<C> Use relevant quotations
<C> Ask a question
<C+> Start with an ice breaker, irrelevant to the topic but relevant to the current affairs
<C> None of the above

<Q> During a presentation, increase ____ to express excitement.

<C> Speed
<C> Pitch
<C> Volume
<C+> All of the above

<Q> Which of the following will have a negative impact on the presenter’s credibility?
<C> Use of business casuals
<C> Wearing a sweater
<C+> Wearing sandals
<C> All of the above

<Q> During a presentation, when someone in the audience speaks, it is good practice to.
<C> Ignore the person who is speaking
<C+> Actively listen to the person
<C> Ask the person to speak once you are done with your point
<C> Continue with your speech as you are the speaker!

<Q> During a presentation, increase the _____ to gain attention.

<C+> Volume
<C> Speed
<C> Pitch
<C> None of the above

<Q> During a presentation, we can write points on our palm, just to ensure that we do not
forget the information to be shared.
<C> True
<C+> False

<Q> During presentations, which of the following have to be avoided?

<C> Placing your left hand in the pocket
<C> Folding your hands in front of the body
<C> Scratching one's nose upon itching
<C+> All of the above

<Q> During presentations, one must not look at the walls, the ceiling or the floor, but rather
maintain eye contact with the audience at all times.
<C+> True
<C> False

<Q> As a presenter, which amongst the following is NOT advised during presentations?
<C> Usage of cue cards
<C+> Reading out all the information displayed on the power point slides
<C> Asking questions to the audience during the presentation
<C> Get closer to the audience while listening to their questions

<Q> Raj is giving a presentation on his experiences and learnings during his recent African
safari. Which of the following action(s) is not recommended to Raj?
<C> Ask relevant questions to the audience during his presentation
<C> Use pictures from his trip on a power point presentation
<C+> Readout his entire presentation from his book/journal
<C> All of the above.

<Q> Starting your presentation with a question is not a good way to begin.
<C> True
<C+> False

<Q> During a presentation, one must ensure:

<C> Not to say something that may hurt the feelings of a certain set of people in the
<C> Not to discuss a controversial topic.
<C> To pay attention to the time remaining.
<C+> All of the above.

<Q> Simran has participated in a public speaking competition, where the timelines are
3minutes (minimum) to 5minutes (maximum). During her speech, she notices that she has
used 4minutes of her time and she still has got couple of more points to add. What should
Simran be doing now?
<C> Continue with the prepared speech and complete the points she has prepared.
<C> End the speech quickly
<C+> Ensure the speech converges in the desired direction and conclude her speech within
the timeline
<C> Ignore the timeline as her upcoming points will be very impact making

<Q> A presenter can make use of humor to say something serious.

<C+> True
<C> False

<Q> John has been asked by his manager to be ready with a presentation during a client
visit next week. Which of the below mentioned points should John consider for his
<C> Timeline allotted for his presentation
<C> Content
<C> Resources at his disposal
<C+> All of the above
<C> Options 1 and 2 only

<Q> During a presentation, one can use a power point presentation with just pictures and no
words at all.
<C+> True
<C> False

<Q> Which of the following is TRUE with respect to public speaking?

<C> Introduction to the topic can be made in the middle of the speech
<C> One cannot share events from one's past
<C+> Speaker can include humor in his speech
<C> Using jargons is a good practice

<Q> What are the advantages of preparation with respect to presentations/public speaking?
<C> Proper sequencing of thoughts and points
<C> Respecting the given timelines
<C> Smooth presentation
<C+> All of the above
<C> Options 1 and 3 only

Speak up
<Q>Keshav is systems engineer who has recently been moved to a new project. He is
unhappy with this development since he liked his previous project better and had formed
good bonds with his former team mates. This results in him having an apathetic attitude
towards his current project and team mates. While working on a critical model, Keshav
discovers an alternative algorithm which can optimize the code even more. However, he
does not speak up and continues working on the old algorithm. What do you think is most
probably the factor which influenced Keshav’s decision of not speaking up?
<C+>Unwillingness or lack of interest
<C>Fear of being misunderstood by the new team members
<C>Lack of knowledge of the new domain
<C>Fear of being wrong and subsequently underestimated by his manager

<Q> Which of the following speaking up behaviors is non-advisable in business scenarios?

<C> Questioning for understanding
<C> Disagreeing on a point
<C> Giving pertinent data
<C+> Getting into side conversations

<Q>Ramya is a project manager who is currently handling a team of 8 people. She receives
a phone call from Ravi, her manager and is told to come to a conference room immediately
where Ravi and the client are discussing the status of the project. As soon as Ramya enters,
the client turns to her and asks her, ‘What is your opinion on the issue that we are facing
with the team right now?’ Ramya doesn’t answer and stands in silence before leaving the
room out of embarrassment. What do you think is most probably the factor which influenced
Ramya’s decision of not speaking up?
<C>Fear of being incorrect in front of the client
<C+>Lack of context
<C>Lack of knowledge on the domain
<C>Fear of embarrassing herself in front of her manager

<Q> A person’s outlook:

<C> is also his attitude
<C> determines how the person will manage risks
<C> governs how the person will respond to circumstances
<C+> all of the above

<Q> Dev makes sure that he makes such an impression on his teammates that when he
leaves the room, people are left immensely impressed. Choose the correct statement as per
Dev’s personality.
<C> Dev speaks very well
<C> Dev makes sure that he dresses well
<C+> Dev has worked a lot on his personal brand image
<C> Dev has excellent presentation skills

<Q>Tina has recently joined production after completing her FP training. Although she is not
very good at English, she has a very good attitude towards work, and is willing to share
ideas with her supportive teammates. However, she hesitates to voice her opinions during
team meetings as she struggles to articulate properly. Which among the following factors is
stopping her from speaking up?
<C>Clarity of thought

<Q>Pradeep is a part of the technical assistance team. He receives a call from an Australian
user who is facing an issue with the software which Pradeep’s team had developed a couple
of months ago. Pradeep has not yet undergone accent training courses and he faces
difficulty in understanding the problem. He is unable to come up with a solution and is forced
to transfer the call to his superior. What do you think is most probably the factor which
influenced Pradeep’s decision of not speaking up?
<C>Lack of context for the problem
<C>Unwillingness or disinterest
<C+>Lack of knowledge
<C>Technical issues faced during the call

<Q> Which among the following is NOT a part of your Personal Brand Image?
<C> Assets
<C+> Vision
<C> Value
<C> Image (what you project)

<Q>Rahul is a part of a 10 people team who are working on a project for an American client.
Rahul’s team has weekly meetings where everyone updates the team on the work done so
far in their respective modules. One day, Rahul walks into the meeting and suddenly sees
the client sitting there too who decided to come and check the progress. This development
flusters Rahul and when it is his turn to give an update, he is unable to speak properly which
leaves Rahul and his manager embarrassed. What do you think is most probably the factor
which influenced Rahul’s decision of not speaking up?
<C+>Presence of the client
<C>Presence of his entire team and his manager
<C>Lack of preparation
<C>Lack of knowledge on the domain

<Q>Assume you are in a meeting where your Delivery Manager and the client is present and
the discussion centers on the next module to be delivered by the team. You have an
amazing idea on the algorithm to be used and you think this algorithm can reduce the team’s
effort by 50%. What is the next step you should preferably take under the given
<C>Stay quiet since you do not have enough experience to deliver a better solution
<C+>Politely ask if you could suggest a new idea and present it to everyone
<C>Tell the solution to one of your peers who is a senior since the manager will listen if he
speak up
<C>To write the idea down and send a mail later to the manager informing him about the

<Q>What does speaking up behavior generally include?

<C>Being proactive
<C>Sharing challenges in advance
<C>Helping mitigate problems
<C+>All of the above

<Q>One of the key components of a Personal Brand Image are the values of an individual.
What do values here mean?
<C+>The things that matter to you and your passions
<C>Your morals and work ethic which you imbibe
<C>The teaching given to you by your family and elders
<C>The self-worth of an individual

<Q>Kriti along with her friend, Shweta, works with a team of 20 people. One day, Kriti sees
that Shweta is being given extra work than the others and the resulting burden is stressing
her out a lot and is affecting her personal life negatively. Kriti decides to go and talk to their
manager so that the burden on Shweta would be reduced. What do you think would be the
correct course of action for Kriti under the given circumstances?
<C>Kriti should go and confront her manager on Shweta’s undue burden
<C>Kriti should talk to their Delivery Manager who in turn will make sure Shweta’s burden is
<C>Kriti should write a mail to her manager but from Shweta’s system after asking her
<C+>Kriti should encourage Shweta to go and talk to their manager about her problem

<Q>Which of the following situations is conducive for speaking up?

<C>When you have mixed thoughts
<C>You’re confident but have wrong data
<C>Speaking up for the colleague who lacks confidence
<C+>You have a different but valid perspective to the topic

<Q> Jay, an orderly but not well-dressed person, works as a technician in a Mechanical
Industry and is highly regarded for his skills at work. Which among the following should Jay
work on, to create a personal brand image?
<C> Values
<C>All of the above

<Q>Which of the following is a situation where one should NOT speak up?
<C+>If the person is argumentative
<C>If the other person does not have the data
<C>If you feel you can add things of value to the discussion
<C>To present an ingenious idea

<Q>Which of the following approaches can one imbibe to inculcate a better speak up
<C>Taking more risks
<C>Pushing oneself out of one’s comfort zone
<C>Not being put off by an awkward scenario
<C+>All of the above

<Q>Seema is a systems engineer who works in a team of 5 people. On a Friday, three of

her team mates come to her and ask her if she can complete their remaining modules as
they have planned to take a trip during the weekend and need to leave work early on Friday.
Seema realizes, she will have to come on a Saturday to complete her work and she too has
plans for the weekend. However, since she wants to be a supportive team mate, she agrees.
What do you think was the most appropriate action for Seema under the given
<C+>To politely refuse stating she is engaged during the weekend
<C>To agree since it is important to maintain a good relationship with co-workers
<C>To agree but later complete it only if she can find the time
<C>To agree but also drop a mail later to her manager so that the credit for completing the
module goes to the appropriate personnel

<Q>Priya is a systems engineer who has been with the organization for one and a half
years. Priya is extremely schedule oriented and is very punctual with her office hours. When
she is at work, she completes the tasks assigned to her without providing any input to the
team even when she has great ideas since she is afraid of criticisms. What do you think this
style of work will most probably lead to?
<C>Priya and her manager will be satisfied with her contribution
<C+>Priya’s silence will not enable her to share her ideas and live up to her potential
<C>Priya’s approach is risk-free and she will be able to secure her position in the
organization easily
<C>None of the above

<Q>Bhanu is working on a critical module of a project which is due for delivery after 3
weeks. At the end of the first week, Bhanu realizes that he is behind schedule and will have
to redouble his efforts to get back on schedule. He decides not to inform his superiors or the
clients about the delay, but to wait until he gets back on schedule presumably by the end of
the second week, to update them. Do you think Bhanu’s approach is correct?
<C>Yes, since he can easily get back on schedule next week
<C>Yes, informing the client will result in unnecessary panic
<C>Maybe, he should take a call looking at the personality and attitude of the client
<C+>No, he must inform all the appropriate personnel of delays he faces in the project

<Q>Vivek is a system engineer who is working on an extremely demanding project. Vivek

has ensured he has scaled up in the required technologies so that he may give his best in
the project. He also loves what he does since he feels his code helps impact a large group of
people. He comes late to work and stays back late every day, since he is a late riser.
However, Vivek’s team mates are not very impressed with him. They feel he comes late
every day and ends up doing no work since by the time they leave Vivek has not finished
even half of his work. If Vivek works on his Personal Brand Image, which area does he need
to concentrate most on?

<Q> Megha was talking to her friends who were saying that females are inferior as
compared to males. Although, she opposed the logic completely, she never said a word
about it. What could be the reason behind this?
<C> Megha was afraid that her friends will oppose her vehemently
<C+> Megha knew that she will not be able to convince them, leading to sore relations
<C> Megha didn’t have the appropriate data to support her opinion
<C> Megha was unable to put her ideas forth in a logical manner

<Q>Which of the following speaking up behaviors is non-advisable during a business


<Q>Which of the following situations is NOT favorable for speaking up?

<C+>When you are unsure of the facts but still want to impress
<C>Your idea is better
<C>You are in a clear state of mind
<C>When you need to point out wrong data being discussed

<Q>Which of these options would contribute to your PBI (Personal Brand Image)?
<C> Censuring others’ opinions
<C+>Accepting and adding suggestions to discussion
<C>Criticizing others’ ideas
<C>Not articulating effectively but still speaking to be heard

<Q>You are facilitating a speech game session for 30 people. The game is very interesting,
and hence all of them participate by speaking up. You are very happy at what you are
witnessing, however, a person sitting at the farthest corner of the classroom, who spoke up
initially, but now looks disinterested and isn’t participating anymore. How would you achieve
his/her participation in the session?
<C>By making him/her get up and poking fun
<C>Just ignore and move on
<C+> Appreciate his/her participation, encourage and ask for suggestions
<C>Take it offline and do nothing about it then as it would hinder progress of the session

<Q>You enter a movie theatre and find another person sitting in your seat. You annoyingly
ask the person to move. The situation turns bad and the security intervenes to sort out the
What could you have done better in this situation rather than showing contempt?
<C>Politely asking the person to move to some other seat
<C+>Cross-check your ticket against his and politely direct him to his seat
<C>Occupy the nearest empty seat
<C>Go to the ticket counter and report the issue

<Q>Sheila works late every day to achieve the goals set by her manager. She is currently
not in a good shape to put in same number of hours, but she decides against letting her
manager know of her situation, as the last time she spoke to her manager about a bug in the
code, the manager’s reaction was not encouraging.
Which among the following factors influenced Sheila not to speaking up?
<C>Clarity of thoughts

<Q>Raj is a well-known domestic cricketer and represents his district in various

tournaments. He is a terrific player when it comes to cricket, but is not very good at spoken
English. Last month, he received a Player of the Tournament award, but when interviewed
by a reporter during the post-match presentation, Raj struggled to speak up. He was shaky
and walked away without uttering a word.
Which among the following factors stopped Raj from speaking up?
<C>Clarity of thoughts

<Q>Which of the following speaking up behaviors is advisable during a business meeting?

<C+>Both a and b

<Q>Although, John is not very good at coding, he is always on time to work and is respected
by his colleagues for his professionalism. Despite these qualities, John does not create a
complete personal brand image. Which among the following does John need to work on to
achieve Personal Brand Image?
<C>None of the above

<Q>Which of the following is INCORRECT about speaking up?

<C>Speak up helps to initiate conversation and business meetings
<C+>When the listener is turning hostile, speak up with more authority
<C>Listen more than you speak
<C>Speaking up increases confidence
<Q>Which of the following speaking up behaviors is NOT advisable in business scenarios?
<C>Regularly asking questions
<C>Adding suggestions to the discussion
<C>Encouraging others to speak
<C+>Being critical of others’ opinions

<Q> The things that matter to you and your passions are called as:
<C> Assets
<C> Image
<C+> Values
<C> None of the above

<Q> Proactive people are more likely to be:

<C> pessimistic
<C> reactive
<C+> opportunists
<C> optimistic

<Q> Vijay is working onsite with his Swedish clients. Even after attending a couple of
meetings, he is unable to follow the discussions due to their accent. Choose one of the
following options that Vijay should use to ask them to repeat.
<C> I don’t quite follow you. Your accent is abnormal
<C+> I’m afraid I didn’t understand that. Could you repeat what you just said?
<C> Nodding for everything
<C> Say "Okay" at the end of the conversation

<Q> Which of these options would NOT contribute to a good Personal Brand Image?
<C> Contributing suggestions
<C> Moderating the discussion in the right direction
<C+> Finding flaws with other’s opinions
<C> Articulating ideas

<Q> What are the two C's in the factors that influence you as a speaker?
<C> Confidence and Clarity
<C+> Capability and Clarity of thought
<C> Comprehension and Confidence
<C> Coherence and Confidence

<Q> Teena has been working in an organization for 3 years now and she is known for her
articulation skills among her colleagues and senior management. Due to certain reasons,
her firm did not give a salary hike to its employees. Soon after, Teena stopped taking part in
the various discussions. She is not proactive about innovative approaches like she used to
be earlier. Which among the following factors is stopping Teena from being communicative?
<C> Capability
<C> Clarity of thought
<C> Environment
<C+> Willingness/Desire

<Q> Match the following:

1. Your assets
2. Your values
3. Your image

i. The things that matter to you and your passions

ii. What you project to others
iii. Skills, abilities and experiences
<C> 1- i, 2- iii, 3 – ii.
<C> 1- i, 2- ii, 3 – iii.
<C+> 1 - iii, 2 - i, 3 – ii.
<C> 1- iii, 2- ii, 3 – i.

<Q> Which of the following DO NOT help one get better at speak up?
<C> Taking risk
<C> Asking clarifications
<C+> Avoid taking risk
<C> Getting into the discomfort zone

<Q> During a meeting, Ravi realizes that he is unsure of his facts and figures. He should:
<C> Speak up and also let them know that he is unsure about the information
<C> Take a risk and share his data
<C> Inform everyone that since you are not sure of your data you would not provide inputs
<C+> Not speak up

<Q> Krishna wanted to start a conversation with a group of his colleagues. He was very
upset about his recent transfer to the Chennai DC as he did not like the city much. However,
he could not begin the conversation. What could be the reason behind this?
<C+> The group of people was culturally diverse, potentially offending someone
<C> Krishna did not have enough opinions to support his dislike
<C> Krishna could not muster the courage to go and talk to a group of people
<C> Krishna had trouble articulating his thoughts well

<Q> Samarth thinks that Virat Kohli is a better player than Sachin Tendulkar. However, he
always lies about it when he is discussing cricket with his friends. Why doesn’t Samarth
speak the truth?
<C> Because he is afraid his friends will oppose him vehemently
<C> Because he is afraid that he will be judged
<C+> Because he doesn’t have the appropriate data to support his opinion
<C> Because he is unable to put his ideas forth in a logical manner

<Q> Arun was leading a project for a Chinese client. When the client was discussing the
software requirement specification with the team, Arun noticed a critical anomaly that
required immediate attention. However, he did not bring this to the client’s attention. Why do
you think this happened?
<C> Arun was afraid that the client might lash back at him
<C+> Arun feels that the Chinese are not able to understand English well
<C> Arun was afraid that it might make a bad impression
<C> Arun thought that he would handle it later

<Q> Girish tries to talk a lot, even if he does not have a lot of substantial information to be
shared. All his colleagues have started ignoring him. Choose the correct statement from the
following keeping the given scenario in consideration.
<C> Girish’s colleagues are very rude
<C> Girish interrupts others when they are speaking so that he can speak himself
<C+> Girish has a habit of speaking just to be heard
<C> Girish tends to be very offensive and insensitive

<Q> In formal circumstances, which one of the following is the most important thing to
consider before you speak up?
<C+> Having correct and complete data
<C> Being passionate and energetic
<C> Having proper sentence structure
<C> Having impressive personal brand image

<Q> A consultant approach requires employees to be _______

<C> Customer centric
<C> Proactive
<C> Reliable
<C+> All of the above

<Q> You are talking to your colleagues and while you were sharing your opinion, one of the
colleagues began arguing. How would you react to this?
<C> Try to convince him that your point is right
<C> Ask him to prove his point
<C+> Take it offline
<C> Try to avoid the argument by continuing the conversation forward
<Q> Pooja says ‘yes’ to everything without contemplating at all. Pooja is not a ________
<C> Responsiveness
<C> Reliable
<C+> Proactive
<C> Flexible

Speaking Skills
<Q> Roshini has a meeting set with her client Mr. Mourinho, who comes from a country
where English is not very popular. Which aspect of her speech does Roshini need to pay
more attention to?
<C> Picture
<C> Pitch
<C> Power
<C+> Pace

<Q> Oral communication is the interchange of _____________ between the sender and
<C> signs and gestures
<C> written messages
<C> cues and clues
<C+> verbal messages

<Q> Exchanging greetings, small talk, sharing experiences, etc. come under __________
type of speech.
<C> Transaction
<C+> Interaction
<C> Performance
<C> None of the above

<Q> The rise and fall of voice one produces while speaking is known as:
<C+> intonation
<C> voice quality
<C> tempo
<C> rhythm

<Q> The force of a speaker's breath on a syllable or sound that conveys emphasis or
meaning differences is known as:
<C> pitch
<C> tempo
<C+> stress
<C> power

<Q> The emphasis given to certain words within a sentence is called:

<C> Word stress
<C+> Sentence stress
<C> Syllable stress
<C> Sound stress

<Q> The limitation of oral communication is that:

<C> One has to be aware of his body language
<C+> it is irreversible—what is said cannot be taken back
<C> it is not affected by the speaker’s feelings, stress or excitement levels
<C> it does not require on-the-spot thinking

<Q> When two vowel sounds combine and form an altogether new sound, it is called a
<C+> True
<C> False

<Q> Which one of the following phrases do NOT come under Indianism?
<C> Do the needful
<C> Discuss about
<C+> Out of town
<C> My good name is

<Q> Non-stressed words are called:

<C> Content words
<C+> Function words
<C> Obsolete words
<C> Monophthongs

<Q>Identify the option which is classified as transaction speech.

<C> A performance appraisal with your manager.
<C> Talking to a group of friends.
<C> Taking part in a debate contest.
<C+> Having a team meeting to discuss the status of the ongoing project.

<Q> Sachin has delivered a presentation in a very monotonous tone. What does Sachin
need to work with respect to his speaking skills?
<C> Picture
<C> Pace
<C+> Pitch
<C> Power

<Q> Oral communication is better than written communication for:

<C> retaining the discussion for longer time
<C> providing opportunity for future reference
<C+> negotiating with someone
<C> reflecting professionalism

<Q> Identify the word that depict Indianism?

<C+> Cousin brother
<C> Niche
<C> Anyways
<C> Step daughter

<Q> Negotiations and decision making belong to the category of Interactive Speech.
<C> True
<C+> False

<Q> Pooja said, “Kavita, are you not coming to office TODAY?”
The stress on the word TODAY signifies that:
<C> Pooja is surprised that Kavita is taking a leave.
<C+> Pooja is surprised that of all the days, Kavita is taking a leave today.
<C> Pooja is surprised because Kavita did not inform her earlier
<C> None of the above

<Q> Identify the diphthong(s) from the below options:

<C> Chair
<C> Oil
<C> None of the above
<C+> Both Chair and Oil

<Q> How can we add power to our speech?

<C> By showing conviction in speech
<C> By enunciating
<C> By keeping energy level high
<C+> All of the above

<Q> Identify the correct word stress for the noun ‘elephant’.
<C> el-EPH-ant
<C+> EL-ephant
<C> eleph-ANT
<C> Any of the above

<Q> Identify the sentence that depicts Indianism

<C> Niveditha has gone out of town for the weekend.
<C> Keerthana has gone to meet her cousins.
<C+> We need to prepone this meeting.
<C> The pleasure is all mine.

<Q> Small talk is a type of _______.

<C+> Speech as interaction
<C> Speech as transaction
<C> Speech as performance
<C> All of these

<Q> When two vowels come together to form a new sound, we call it a __________.
<C> Consonant
<C> Monophthong
<C> Triphthong
<C+> Diphthong
<Q> The degree of power with which a sound or a syllable is uttered is called:
<C+> Stress
<C> Intonation
<C> Articulation
<C> Pronunciation

<Q> The variation in the way the voice rises and falls while speaking is called __________.
<C+> Intonation
<C> Stress
<C> Phonetics
<C> Pronunciation

<Q> A presentation is a type of _______.

<C> Speech as interaction
<C> Speech as transaction
<C+> Speech as performance
<C> All of these

<Q> When two vowels come together and their sounds remain separate, we call it a
<C> Consonant
<C+> Monophthong
<C> Triphthong
<C> Diphthong

<Q> How many syllables are there in the word “Behave”?

<C+> 2
<C> 3
<C> 1
<C> 4

<Q> A debate is a _________ type of speech.

<C> Interactive speech
<C> Transaction speech
<C+> Performance speech
<C> Persuasive speech

<Q> Identify the silent letters in the words ‘pseudo’, ‘condemn’ and ‘whistle‘, respectively.
<C> p, the second n, h
<C> e, m, e
<C+> p, the second n, t
<C> p, m, t

<Q> Which of these should be avoided?

<C> Diphthongs
<C> Monophthongs
<C> Word Stress
<C+> Indianism

<Q> How many syllables are there in the word “Knock”?

<C> 2
<C> 3
<C+> 1
<C> 4

<Q> “I was surprised to know that people have such good command over the language. So
fast they speak!”
What is wrong with this sentence?
<C+> Usage of Indianism
<C> Usage of Function words
<C> Usage of Content words
<C> Usage of Diphthongs

<Q> You indulge in a casual conversation with your colleagues during the coffee break.
What category of speech does this fall into?
<C+>Speech as interaction
<C>Speech as transaction
<C>Speech as performance
<C>Speech as proposal

<Q>Which among the following is NOT a part of the 5 P’s of speaking?


<Q> How many syllables are there in the word “Future”?

<C+> 2
<C> 3
<C> 1
<C> 4

<Q>Tom is a very good speaker. He delivers his speech with a lot of passion, and so, at
times he tends to go at a higher rate of speech than normal; which makes it difficult for the
audience to follow. What should Tom work on?

<Q>George is an introvert. He speaks at an average rate and without modulation. Choose

from the following, what is George good and bad at, respectively?
<C>Power, Pitch
<C>Pause, Power
<C>Pace, Pause
<C+>Pace, Pitch

<Q>Choose the 5 P’s of speaking from the following:

<C>Picture, Pitch, Pace, Pause, Propel
<C> Pitch, Prologue, Pace, Power, Picture
<C+>Picture, Pitch, Pace, Pause, Power
<C> Prologue, Point, Propel, Pace, Power

<Q>________ refers to creating a similar image to the one you are thinking about for the
listener to comprehend.

<Q> Choose the corrected version of the following Indianism:

"Please contact me if you have any doubts".
<C>Kindly contact me if you have any doubts
<C>Get your doubts clarified by contacting me
<C+>Please contact me if you have questions
<C>Please contact me for doubt clearing

<Q> How many syllables are there in the word “Certainly”?

<C> 2
<C+> 3
<C> 1
<C> 4

<Q>Intonation can be defined as the ________.

<C>correct enunciation of particular words
<C>addition of a nasal tone to your speech
<C+>rise and fall in pitch of the voice in speech
<C>stress given to a syllable in a word

<Q>Which among the following is NOT Indianism?

<C>Pass out
<C>Big sleep
<C+>Please return

<Q>Intonation does not ________.

<C>give new information
<C+>hinder communication
<C>bring contrast in speech
<C>attach deeper meaning

<Q>Identify the word(s) which create(s) Indianism in the statement:

I am happening to agree with his point.
<C>I am
<C+>am happening
<C>agree with
<C>None of the above

<Q>Which of the following statements is false with respect to intonation?

<C>It gives new information.
<C>It brings contrast.
<C+>It highlights vocabulary.
<C>It attaches a deeper meaning.

<Q>The following sentence has a capitalized word. Intonate on the word and mark the
correct option as to what the sentence tries to say:
Rani played the piano YESTERDAY.
<C>It was Rani who played the piano.
<C>Rani played the piano and not the flute.
<C+>It was yesterday that Rani played the piano.
<C>Rani preferred to play the piano yesterday.

<Q>Identify the word(s) which create(s) Indianism in the statement:

I told to you about my problem yesterday.
<C+>told to you
<C>my problem
<C>about my

<Q>Intonation plays the most important role in which of the following:

<C>video conference
<C>face to face meetings
<C+>telephonic conversations

<Q> A client call is a type of _______.

<C> Speech as interaction
<C+> Speech as transaction
<C> Speech as performance
<C> All of these

Transaction skills
<Q>While listening to someone, what is the step where one analyzes about the exact
situation called?

<Q>Which of the following is NOT a reason for poor listening?

<C>Effort involved
<C>Physical barriers
<C+>Lack of small talk
<C>Faulty assumptions

<Q> Nathan is a very fast reader. He finds the keywords in a text and weaves the content
around them. Which reading technique is this?
<C> Scanning
<C+> Skimming
<C> Intensive
<C> Extensive

<Q>Assume a hypothetical scenario where you are reading a very interesting article in the
newspaper about the crime which took place in your city where two people were murdered.
Now after reading the article, you are in a position to answer the following questions:
1. Why did the murderer commit the crime?
2. What would have happened if one of the victims would have survived?
3. How would have the murders been committed?
Which level of reading have you most likely employed while reading the aforementioned
<C>None of the above

<Q>Kiran is a project manager who leads a team of 10 people. During a meeting with the
client he is unable to understand certain details which the client tells him about the project.
Which of the following active listening skills should Kiran exercise so that he may understand
<C>Attending skills
<C>Dealing with feelings

<Q> Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

<C+> We listen effectively naturally
<C> Hearing and listening are not the same
<C> People prefer talking to great listeners than speakers
<C> Oral communication is often misinterpreted

<Q>Sneha, a systems engineer has joined the organization recently. She is supposed to
take over the responsibilities of her colleague, Priya who is planning to quit. Priya explains
all the responsibilities in detail to Sneha and the conversation ends up becoming quite long
and elaborate. Sneha wants to test her understanding of what Priya told her. Which tool
should Sneha use to do the same?
<C>Attending skills
<C>Suspending judgment
<C>None of the above

<Q>Prateek is a project manager, who discovers one of the members of his team has
committed an error in the code. He is able to ascertain Shyam is responsible for the error
and talks to Shyam about it. Prateek explains the consequences of the error hoping Shyam
would act more responsibly in the future. However during this conversation Shyam acts
nonchalant and aloof which ends up angering Prateek even more. Which vital element of
listening skills did Shyam NOT exercise well which resulted in this situation?
<C+>Attending skills

<Q>Renuka and Mohit are colleagues working on the same project. They work on the same
module and share responsibilities for a lot of the code to be developed. Mohit discovers an
error in a code which Renuka had written and goes to tell her about the same. While Mohit
informs her about the error and how can it be resolved, Renuka’s face turns red with rage
and she shakes her head in disapproval constantly while Mohit tells her about the error.
Looking at this extreme reaction Mohit decides to keep quiet and walks away without telling
her about the error. What should Renuka have done to ensure she would have known and
understood the error well?
<C>Summarized the problem
<C+>Suspended Judgment

<Q> Quentin has an excellent vocabulary and is a great speaker. Which of the following
would be TRUE with respect to his communication skills?
<C+> He will be able to express his thoughts well
<C> He will not create any ambiguity for the audience
<C> His audience will definitely be able to understand him clearly
<C> He will be a great communicator
<Q>Vikas is supposed to give a presentation to a lot of senior managers and the clients on
the progress made by the team which he leads. He prepares a document containing the
content for the presentation and makes sure he is knows it extremely well. On the day of the
presentation, just before Vikas is supposed to come up and speak, he experiences a little
nervousness and decides to read his document before he goes up to instill confidence in
him. Which reading technique should Vikas preferably use in the given scenario?

<Q> Regina is comfortable listening to people speak. The area she wants to improve is in
being more conscious of the speaker's words.
Which of the following stages of listening does Regina need to work on?

<Q>Binay is a Delivery Head who leads a large team of 100 people. After every quarter, the
organization sends a large report where the performance of all teams is analyzed and
praised/critiqued. The previous quarter was a particularly good one for Binay’s team and he
is eager to read about the analysis in the latest report sent by the organization. However, he
discovers the document contains the performance of more than 250 teams in the entire
organization. Which reading technique should Binay use to obtain the relevant information?

<Q> What is the average thought processing speed? (Note: wpm – words per minute)
<C> 100 wpm
<C+>600 wpm
<C> 300 wpm
<C> 150 wpm

<Q>Raj is systems engineer who has recently joined the organization. He is a hard and
diligent worker and is happy with his workplace too. On completion of his first year, his
manager sends him a detailed report of his performance over mail so that he may improve
and do even better in the coming year. What reading technique will best help Raj understand
the contents of this aforementioned document?
<Q>Smitha takes a long overdue vacation from work and goes to Goa to relax on the beach
under the sun. She carries a couple of books with her to read on the beach. Which reading
techniques would Smitha use under normal circumstances in this scenario?

<Q>Assume a hypothetical scenario where you are reading a very interesting article in the
newspaper about a crime which took place in your city where two people were murdered.
Now after reading the article, you are in a position to answer the following questions:
1. Who are the victims?
2. When did the murders take place?
3. Where did the murders take place?
Which level of reading have you most likely employed while reading the aforementioned
<C>None of the above

<Q>Raghu is in a meeting where his entire team is present. Raghu’s manager is giving
instructions to the entire team, however Raghu doesn’t understand what is being is said
since he is thinking about what he will eat for lunch once the meeting is over. What activity is
Raghu currently involved in?

<Q> Which of the following best describes paraphrasing?

<C> Asking questions to the speaker
<C> Repeating the speaker
<C> Understanding the speaker
<C+> Stating one's understanding of the speech

<Q>Balaji is a member in a team led by his manager Suresh. Balaji goes to Suresh with a
problem that he currently faces at work and Suresh wants to be supportive. What verbal or
non-verbal cues must Suresh express to show the same?
<C+>Empathize and show concern
<C>Neutral cues to help Balaji speak
<C>Interpreting the consequences
<C>Clarifying interpretations with Balaji

<Q> Which of the following gestures would indicate attentive listening?

<C> Steady eye contact
<C> Hands clasped
<C> Smiling
<C+> Leaning forward

<Q> Lenny is studying for his final exams. Which reading technique would he use?
<C> Extensive
<C> Scanning
<C> Skimming
<C+> Intensive

<Q> Felicia is running late for a meeting. Her secretary has sent her the presentation which
consists of a 100 slides. She has 5 minutes to prepare for the presentation. Which reading
technique would she use?
<C> Scanning
<C> Intensive
<C> Extensive
<C+> Skimming
<Q> Which of the following would NOT be a technique for good listening?
<C> giving feedback
<C> being quiet
<C+> reading content while listening
<C> summarizing

<Q> Irina has been given an instruction manual, which she is to read and explain to a group
of people. Which of the following levels of reading does Irina have to reach?
<C> Literal
<C> Interpretive
<C+> Applied
<C> Subjective

<Q> Which of the following is TRUE with respect to Interpretive reading?

<C> the evidence provided by the writer must be considered
<C> the explicit data should be taken
<C+> reader needs to look for relationship of ideas
<C> vocabulary can be tested

<Q> which of the following is TRUE with respect to skimming?

<C> it is time consuming
<C> the reader looks for specific words in the topic
<C+> it gives the essence of a topic
<C> it requires a lot of effort

<Q> Which of the following is TRUE with respect to listening skills?

<C> paraphrasing does not help in enhancing effective listening
<C> listening is involuntary, hence these skills are inherent
<C+> good listening skills can be acquired by conscious practice
<C> psychological filters do not affect effective listening much

<Q>You are on a conference call. After a lengthy discussion, you are required to restate
some points to some attendees who had joined, which stage of the listening skill is critical
while being able to it?

<Q>You are on a conference call during which a critical strategic decision is to be taken. If
you are consulted for an opinion in the call, which stage of listening are you expected to
have completed?

<Q>You are on a conference call during which a critical strategic decision is to be taken. If
you are consulted for an opinion in the call, after analyzing, which stage of listening would
you be in?

<Q>You are answering calls for a person who is presently not at their desk, which stage of
listening would be critical?

<Q>Which stage of listening skills would you have just completed if you are about to give

<Q>Which stage of listening skills would you be in if you are giving feedback?
<Q>The ability to ________ incomplete information is required to comprehend verbal

<Q>Identify the TRUE statement:

<C>One cannot respond with a non-verbal message.
<C>One cannot respond with a verbal message.
<C+>One can respond with silence.
<C>One can respond without attending.

<Q>________ differences hinder proper listening.


<Q>Listening is ________ while hearing is ________.

<C>voluntary, conscious
<C>conscious, voluntary
<C+>voluntary, unconscious
<C>automatic, unconscious

<Q>________ is a hindrance to listening.

<C+>Excessive gestures
<C>Appropriate gestures
<C>Proper intonation
<C>Making eye contact

<Q>Which is NOT inclusive of receiving an auditory message?

<C>Reception of sound
<C>Attaching a meaning to it
<C+>Assuming a context
<C>Suspending Judgment

<Q>________ and ________ are psychological filters.

<C>Media, preoccupation
<C>Media, assumptions
<C>Noise, assumptions
<C+>Personal concerns, preoccupation

<Q>Restating the heard message is same as ________.

<C>positive mirroring

<Q>________ requires a lot of effort to listen to.

<C+>Lengthy speech

<Q>Communication while listening begins with which one of the stages of the listening

<Q>Suspending judgment means showing ________.

<C>both agreement and disagreement
<C+>neither agreement nor disagreement

<Q>Questions with 5 W’s and 1 H could be used to ________ a point of discussion.


<Q>Try ________the focus away from the topic by asking irrelevant questions.
<C>to shift
<C+>not to shift
<C>to deflect
<C>to redirect

<Q>What should one ideally do to demonstrate one’s understanding of what was heard?
<C>Positive mirroring

<Q> What would happen if you paraphrase your understanding to the author?
<C>You will be appreciated.
<C+>You will be corrected if there is a misunderstanding.
<C>You will be denounced.
<C>You will go wrong.
<Q>It is important to be crisp and concise especially when you are ________.
<C>Suspending judgment

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