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Submitted By M.

Zaid Mansha
Submitted to Mam Shamoona Zia
Roll No.1

Socialistic Appraoch
In my opinion the only appraoch we need to implement is socialistic apparoach which could
help the majority poor to lead a life free of worries ,diseases and a life where they will be
treated as human beings for the following reasons..


1.In Pakistan today millions of people feel the pain of hunger and suffer from diseases for
which they receive no treatment. Under capitalism medicine, like everything else, is used for
exploitation, not for treatment. In a Socialist Pakistan no man or woman will die of
preventable disease. No child will go to bed hungry. There will be medicine for everybody.


2.Consider the state of education. In our country 35 percent of children do not go to school.
Millions of children are being denied basic education. Just like medicine, education under
capitalism is regarded as a business. In a Socialist Pakistan education will be free for
everybody and illiteracy will be a thing of the past.

Plunderer Of Resources

3. Pakistan need not be a poor country. We have plenty of resources, but our corrupt
Pakistani ruling class has never been able to use these resources for the benefit of the nation
ever since it was established. Just look at how the wealth of Pakistan is being wasted! Sixty
percent of the nation’s budget goes to pay the interest on debt. Every year vast sums of
money squeezed from the workers and peasants of Pakistan flows out of the country and
into the hands of foreign bankers and capitalists.

Solution To Dept Crises

4. The first measure of a Socialist government would be to immediately cancel all foreign
debts. The truth is that these debts have already been paid time and again. Not a single
rupee more must be paid to the parasites. In addition, a Socialist government would
introduce a state monopoly of foreign trade, and strictly control all movements of money in
and out of the country.

Production for Needs nd Not for Profit

5. A Socialist government in Pakistan would put an end to this barbarism by nationalising

the productive forces and placing them at the service of the people. Socialism means
production for the satisfaction of human needs and not for the sake of private profit. That is
the essential difference between capitalism and socialism.

Ending of Unequal Development

6. Lenin explained the law of combined and uneven development, which we see very clearly
here in Pakistan. You can see the most modern highways next to a peasant hut, which has
hardly changed for 1000 years. Only under Socialism will Pakistan experience a real
development: a planned economy will mean that modern technology will be freed from the
shackles of profits and be placed at the service of human beings. It will be a very easy thing
to satisfy everybody’s basic needs. At present, even the most basic human needs are not
being met. Sixty percent of children in Pakistan suffer from stunted growth because of
malnutrition. Almost 80 percent of our people are living on the verge of poverty.


7. Housing is a basic human need and the present situation is intolerable. As an immediate
step to solve the problem of homelessness, a Socialist government in Pakistan will confiscate
all empty and unoccupied dwellings, palaces, mansions, etc., and make them available to
homeless people.

Plunderer of Nation

8. A Socialist Pakistan would need to defend itself against enemies – both internal counter-
revolutionary forces and foreign intervention. We will therefore require an army, but the
army that we require will not be anything like the Pakistani army of today. This is an
instrument of repression which is not so much aimed against a foreign enemy as against the
people of Pakistan. Just look at the monstrous way they behave in Balochistan and

The army of a Socialist Pakistan will be a People’s Army. We stand for the democratisation
of the army and the election of officers. The army must be the servant of the people and not
the master.

Socialist Revolution means the awakening of the people. Revolution will bring the people to
their feet, raising them to the level of true human beings and giving them the perspective of
a new life. In a Socialist Pakistan the masses will feel for the first time that society really
belongs to them. They will feel that nobody can oppress them.

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