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1. 13²=169.

a. What is √ ❑?
b. Find √ ❑.
c. Find √ ❑.
d. Find √ ❑.
e. Find √ ❑.
2. 4 and 81 are square numbers with a sum of 85. Find two different square numbers
with a sum of 85.
3. Write out the first five numbers that are multiples of both of the numbers shown.
a. 6 and 9
b. 5 and 7
c. 10 and 11
d. 14 and 7
4. Find the biggest number that is smaller than 100 and that is:
a. A multiple of 2
b. A multiple of 4
c. A multiple of 7
d. A multiple of 25
e. A multiple of 35
5. A party of 20 people are getting into taxis. Each taxi holds the same number of
passengers. If all the taxis fill up, how many people could be in each taxi? Give two
possible answers.
6. Here is a list of numbers: 6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 28
a. From the list, write down a multiple of 9.
b. From the list, write down a multiple of 7.
c. From the list, write down a multiple of both 3 and 5.
7. How many numbers between 1 and 100 are multiples of both 6 and 9? List the
8. What is the biggest factor that is less than 100 for each of these numbers?
a. 110
b. 201
c. 145
d. 117
e. 130
f. 240
9. Find the largest common factor for each pair of numbers.
a. 9 and 15
b. 12 and 21
c. 25 and 30
d. 30 and 50
e. 55 and 70
10. Find the highest odd number that is a factor of 40 and a factor of 60.
11. Find the LCM of each pair of numbers.
a. 24 and 56
b. 28 and 42
c. 12 and 32
d. 18 and 27
e. 15 and 25
12. Find the HCF of each pair of numbers
a. 15 and 25
b. 42 and 27
c. 48 and 64
d. 36 and 54
e. 25 and 35
13. The HCF of two numbers is 6. The LCM of the same two numbers is 72. What are the
14. Write down the prime numbers between 20 and 30.
15. Write down the only prime number between 90 and 100.
16. Decide which of these numbers are not prime numbers: 462, 108, 848, 365, 711
17. When three different prime numbers are multiplied together, the answer is 105.
What are the three prime numbers?
18. A shopkeeper has 31 identical soap bars. He is trying to arrange the bars on a shelf in
rows, each with the same number of bars. Is it possible?
19. 450=2 ×3❑2 × 52
a. Use this fact to write 900 as a product of prime factors.
b. Write 1800 as a product of prime factors.
c. Write 1350 as a product of prime factors.
20. Find the smallest number that has four different prime factors.
21. Find the smallest number that has five different prime factors.
22. Which of these numbers cannot be written as a product of prime factors?

70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79

23. Find the HCF of 72 and 162.

24. Find the LCM of 72 and 162.
25. Work out the product of 72 and 162.
26. Work out the product of the HCF and the LCM of 72 and 162.
27. State whether each of these numbers is an integer or not.
a. √ ❑
b. 85 ÷ 6
c. 3592
d. −√ ❑
e. √ ❑
f. -7
g. 6.3 ×10
28. Define rational and irrational numbers.
29. State whether each of these numbers is rational or irrational.
a. 12.9
c. √ ❑
d. 1.65 ×2.13
e. π +2
f. 10−π
g. 2.832

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