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MantisQuarterly he The Aria Tio Spa the tionship berween the mental, sensory and physical aspects ofthe Tanglang Quan fighter. Huang Hancun, called the Mantis King of Hong Kong, expressed the Three Arrival a Xin Dao, Yan Dao and Ji Dao (the Arrival of the Mind, che Arival of the Eyes and the Arsval ofthe Strike) In this article we will examine the San Dao and their relationship to the San Kuai (Three Speeds) (Mantis Quarterly Nol. 3, Issue 3). “The fist ofthe three arcvals isthe Xin Dao, Xin can literally mean bear, but inthis context, ie indicates the mind and the mind’ nent. The Arrival ofthe Mind is Two of Huang Haneun’s students perform Ling Bengbu Quon (Two-Person the decision to act. Inthe Bursting Step Form). Partnered training wos on estentil part of Mester Muong's case of a potential com- bat station, the Artival ‘ofthe Mind isthe intent vo engage in combat. ‘When combat is join, che elements that com- pose the Arrival ofthe Mind change A the beginning.of combat, the Arrival of the Mind is dependene ie large pare upon Yan Dao, the Arzval ofthe Eyes. In most encoun- ters, combatants begin thse fight outside ofeach other’ rach, Ae this range, sight isthe primary sense for detecting the opponents intent, state gy and technique. The eye’ ability to detect bine of stack coming from che tlegraphing ‘motions ofthe limbs, torso or head called the Axial of the Eyes ‘According to Huang Hanxun, the mind then “informed by the eyes” and “makes the deci- sion co attack.” The decisions made in combat are more instnetive reactions than conscious Secisions ln combs, the Arrival ofthe Minis trong progression. the seflxive proces that cll forthe appropriate techniques in response to the opponent's attack ing or defensive actions, openings oF error ‘The Anival of the Strike, i Dao, begins with Alling @rchnique unl ican be exceed with full power and speed without interruption in sep ping and in conjunction with the execution of ‘other techniques. Thousand of repetitions of each technique by iif and in combination ae neves- sary before a technique can be considered actually ready for use. Ji Dao in the contest ofthe San Dios the connection berwesn property trained technique andthe reflex of the ming in response so what the ee ses. tis che immediate physical response, which occurs even before conscious hic, to ab attack or an opening in a defense. The coordination of Yan Dao, Xin Dao and Ji Dao is most often gained through an = aa San Dao Three Arrivals itp Bi Xin Dao Arrival of the Mind HR 2) ‘Yan Dao Arrival of the Eyes Ee 3] Ji Dao Arrival of the Strike Instructor's Perspective organized process that can be broken down into the stages of Ling: to receive: Pi, co split and (Chai, to break apart (see Mantis Quarter, Val. Issue 1). The Ling stage of taining involves repeated paired drills or forms performed in paied format tvth one receiving the aacks ofthe other. In this stage, che practioner learns co propely link techniques together when atacking and to sce and defend againsc combinations In the Pi stage, techniques ae taken out of the form and performed in different combing tions. Inthe Chal stage, the attacker can choose from a number of different artacs, and the defender must lean to sce which ack is com- ing and respond propery Beyond this lve, students enter nto the practice of tational Tanglang Sanda (Mantis Boring Fee Fighting) and are allowed to aesc and defend fely wth varying degrees of intensity Huang Hanan considered the Three Spocds (speed ofthe hands, seps and fee) inseparable From the Three Arrivals for effective Mantis Fighting, Master Huang sad i fighter were to develop the Three Speeds (San Kuai) wichout including the Thee Arrivals he would “ge hal the result with wie the effort “Master Huang’ evaluation of the itertelated nature of the San Dao and San Kus it easy ro understand, Even if fighter possess speed in executing techniques or stepping the San Kus), ihe does not recognize what is coming o react, ‘quickly enough (che San Dao), his defense and atcack will stil be slow relative t is opponent's tctions, Convery if fighter clay recognizes the opportunites fr attack or the necessity for defense but doce not posses the speed necessary to capitalize on the opportunities or defend property, his bility to see i of lee help “Taining to develop both the San Kus and the San Dao requite individual raining, paired truning and Free fighting. To neglec any of the stages seriously hampers the others Many schools neglect the Sanda lve in an effor to Concentrate on maintaining technical precision ‘The coach who pursues this path is denying his seadents the opportunity to test thee develop- ‘ment within the relatively safe environment of| the school. Though i can be dificult for the su- dent and a challenge fo the coach, Sanda must be included in traning che Mantis Boxer. “The Sanda level of eaining requines chat a coach, either an instuctor ofa senior student, be present wo direc the Fighter in eorsec strategy and response and to determine when futher training ofa specific aspects necessary. With this kind of immediate feedback, the student can he guided along the path of hoxing mastery with _greataccuray and effect. Along with the physical ‘ills cis ening develops, the confidence falned can be the difference between victory and defeat for the Mantis Boxes “The Thiee Speeds and the'Thece Arsval are not simply concepts ro be medicated upon and discussed. They provide a bare proven guide for training the Mancis Boxer They are theories derived ftom experience, and its only through application in taining that they are realized. Their application isthe beginning of the path mastery for the Mantis Boxer Ie is a difcule path, bur one tha sucessful Mantis Boxers have ttaveled for generations. MQ. Fighting Tanglang Paired and malkiple parenerpreareanged sparsing sets (Dulian) and reception, or mirrored, rou- tines (Ling Taolu) are valuable tools fr under- standing, applying and defeating the techniques fof the Mants Boxing system. Such ses were ‘expecially valuable in an era that largely did not allow for eraining in fall-coneact sparring. How ‘ve, while they are undoubtedly an important clement of combat rtining, they do not present the complee picture of fighting Tanglang. This. acl will eek to examine the weaknesses of partnered routines asthe sole method of combat 2 | montage ‘raining and highlight the advantages of fece sparring a both a mental and physical esting ‘ground forthe Mantis Bort. Choreographed vs. Live For centuries in many schools of Chinete martial ars, choreographed sparring sets were the only method of contact experience outside of actual ‘combat. In thete ses, opponents fae off and trade aac and defense sequences containing ‘moxions that flow readily fom one technique 10 the next “The ar of Mantis Boxing relies largely on the evolution of atc and defense combina- tions, with each motion giving rie to 4 number af opeional follow-up responses For example, an opponents defense against a Bust Suke (Beng Chui) allows one ro immediately employ the technique of Stealing Opening Unfolding, Base Leaking Hook Punch (ou Zhan Di Low Guan) aging the defending arm as secondary attack “Te patnred routine scems like che el fononae in wich to refine ach characteristic skill and principles of Tanglng Quan. and such sets do ad in te development of conditioning reaction and ding. However, hey teach and reinforce syle specific metho, with ech attack and cesponse coming almost exlsvely from within the vary of tha parila sytem. Parinered routines develop prominent tech- igus from Mands Boxing’ extensive arsenal in a highly contolled and precise manner, certainly 4 valuable too for ingaiing the ditinet Afythms and favor of the ster. However ben- cfc to the development of fundamental Tanglang sil soch ves do not replicate the coniions of ifedhreatning combae and should tot be rele! om ay the primary tol for ening Combat kill: Throughout history, may practic Sioners have gained a high evel of mastery of barchanded set and partnered routines, Hawes ly repelling svi, forceful aetacks and espond- ing automaticaly with acurate counter in the ‘worm format, bu jus how many ofthese prcttioners have been able o do the same tinder the conditions of lve combae? ‘Common characteristics of the live combat opponent ince unpredicrbiliy non-compli- nce and lckof coordination and oat (Other element of ul combae that partnered sees done replica bu which a‘Tanlang fighter ims erat bane include uke reaction and repetition, dodging rather than asi blocking, and opponent relvctance to modify thee pre fered fighting poste in response co aac. ‘Additional frre sch as emovional, physical and mental sees nd pin 2nd injury ate also cvet present. Overteliance on choreographed ‘taining methods without supplementary aiing {signed wo ceplcateclements of actual combat oul be potentially dangeross and, in some cass, life reatening. Characteristics of Combat Partnered sets and Ling forms ely almose enc on an opponene skin without ib reaction, ta the major of strikes consis of sight thrust punches (Chong Chui) wid dhe oasion- a Chopping (i Chui) of Ciel Strike (Quan FALL 2005, ‘Chui delivered withour successive repetition fiom the same limb, ‘Hoeven acral combat, almost every stike is immediately retracted and e-chambered for repeated samerlimb delivery and for subconsciously protecting the body core an head, a opposed 0 le and right-sided alternating single tikes found in the majriy of dil and partner sw. Live opponents simply don punch and leave ‘the srking limb extended, even, and expecially if ‘he aracking arm is intercepted and caught, asi so often the intent of the Manis Boxer ‘The application of Hooking (Gou), Grasp- ing (Lou), Plucking (Cai) and the Tanglang prin- siples of Contac (Zhan), Adhere (Nian) and Fol- low (Tie) must all be practiced against fll-speed atacks that use fists and fet that re-chamber and fare delivered repeatedly withthe sme limb. A ‘common scene in many no-rles fights isan arcacker grasping his opponent’ throat, sire col- la, jacket, west or hair and rapidly punching ruliple times inco his opponent's bead or body: Ifyou cannot deal withthe first strike, chen what shout the test of them? ‘Noone pumped full of adrenaline and so fearful or angry that they are forced to fight will veilingly comply with any technique thrown at them, A partner in a ewo-man set, Ling fort oF Ail never strugles with intensity to break an attack lke amb o joint lock (Qin. Inscead, he falde agains the technique, applying a count- cr lock or instantly chrowing a strike with a fee limb — a good technique for acual combat, but fone not often employed by alive opponent. ‘An actual victim of lek or simple grasp wil often directly apply all of his energy toward eying, to force his way out of such a tap, doing so unl hei free or ntl he realizes tha tacking a age may lead to release. A practitioner with a0 ight- ing experience beyond partacred dling who tempts to apply echnique such as Qinna in ‘cwal combat may find ims locked in a cvo- ‘way tap with a antcally trugling opponent, and uns he has tied-and true Bishi tech- niques or evasion strategies in his arsenal, he may bein even greater erouble ance the enemy escapes Set-up and Response Prearrngel paring et ako workon the sssumpeion that opponents wil et hems up ts target for throwing and other attacks by cone veiene placement of hand and fot. Although ll Mani Boring techniques work on both sides of the body, some of its most important techniques, such a Waist Cutting Yao Zhan o Jade Ring Step (Yuhuan Bu, aso called Yohuan Shou), ate genrlly drilled aginst a partner Shing > About the Author ‘Shr rendan Tanks pres en ofthe Auton Tanglang Quan Se, 9 Con- bora based mani rt ond reseerche tos pect 8 ‘the Qing Tnglong Quon of ‘Qrexon, Chia. Shi Tanks, ‘sas ben sting Ci ese Basing sine the early "80s began his tues in “Seven Str Mans Boxing in 1992 under Wer Moohua, © _sudent of Grndmaste Zhanyan nd is the soe cs ‘le and adopted sano the oe shit Kang Zing. Shi Inks oso tans under te former master coach ofthe ‘Sharing provincia feat ‘ining and hs younger rates ye. Sie Tonks has won four gold meds in Inteatonl marta ers ‘hamponstips and wen the ‘She edn the boon ‘weg dion ot the 1999 Tanglong Free Fighting cam patton mn Qraden. mantsousy | » The lot Mester Kang _higiang closes in on Nang He, heod tent of Si frendon Tonks, the es fighting fre off of che right hand lead. The simple fae is that there is no wiling compliance in actual combat, and an oppo: nent’ posture can only bbe modified by force or deception. Live oppo- nents do not generally svt fet from the Front o rear position wien the lead foot or leg ie atacked; ican hap pen, bu itis certainly More often, you will find tha chy ether do not life the fot a al, generally “wearing” the cor they jump or shuffle backwatds to their original, favored position, making hook and-tread combinations (Qiao Ti Deng Pu) potentially difficle ro apps In actual combat and fre fighting, lead ing o set-up techniques and feines must be delivered with foree and without the anticipation ofa guaranteed reac tion incase such se-up techniques do not elicit the desired response. Another factor of actual combat stat the inajrity of live opponents simply do not blac (oF pat insceadl often relying enttely on dadg- ing or preferring to weather stikes to get tothe enemy: Fighting a non-blocking, really dodging, rpily etractng and serially striking opponent ‘an throw inexperienced fighters if all hey are ‘ed ta dealing with is che elementary level of a system like Tanglang Quan, which relies heavily Due to is nature asa traditional Chinese fighting system and the environment from which ieatose, much of Tanglang echnique and sate i were foemulated around the concept that a similarly skilled opponent wil give hi ems in response ro contact. The average modern fighter can preseat an unfamiliar and difcule oppor to the inexperienced Mantis Boxer, rarely block and almost never respond in 2 man. ner found within the prearranged combat study sets ofthe system, ‘The simple uth is tha a live opponent will not react to the application of any technique ina prescribed manner and will ever willingly set 4 | manisquartey himself up for a fllow-ap combination In acta- al combat, such se-ups need to be forced or tricked out ofan opponent, and such methods a rarely if ever, addressed in the practice of parincted sets or dil. Achieving all around pro ficiency asa Tanglang fighter requires additional physical investigation. How then, does the Man- tie Boxer supplement the practice of individual and combination technique dils and solo and pparnered routines and drills so chat Tanglang ‘maintains relevance asa combat system? Free Fighting The conditions of iéchreatening combat may never be completely and accuse replcted dng taining: howeve, mc ofthe behavior of he genuine combat opponent reas sl in the ptice of tadtonl fe fighting or spar fing (Chuantong Sande. Courage, confidence, foresight andthe ably co insantancously svitch berweenrthlsnest and apparent com. pasion while accurately applying techniques Under pres are hey clement in sling the contol necrsary co cod reali conf apd ‘Courage under re if not naturally pow sessed, is only developed unde fi, and even if that quae innate, can oly be reveled under such condicons, The application of ech nigue during Forel but controlled spacing teh the cra heat of pain ad inj is ta and dine honoted method for developing ral fighting sls inTanglang. The advantage clined by applying such sil i furer calanced by paring with fighters fom outside the tem Parrnred and ling st and dels re an invaluable tol fr leming and understanding the methods ofthe art but for all-around Tanglang fighting sil, ard contac parting i the ming link that can only be supa by actual combat. I say missing because wae there and for some sets has avays been retained. Great masters ofthe past suchas Fan Nong, Yang Weixn, Lio Guangy Lin Jinghan, Jang iualong, Wang Yoshan and Li Zhanyuan ae documented as having advocated and aught ce fighting. and they and thee stadent were also involved in the practice of por fighting (Leia), agains both fellow Mantis Boxers and representatives of other sys, Sometime during the 20th enc, che prac- tice seems wo have slipped hrough the cack, ‘conbucog 03 women poor view ofthe ‘combar effecvenes ofthe Chinese martial arts in medeencimes. Noc only has the inven and propagation of compedive Wishu affected the tanstssion of Tanglang Quan’ combat eee FALL 2008 tiveness in mainland China, but contact free sparring has also been widely neplected or aban ddoned by branches of Tanglang that developed vireually fee ofthe influence of non-combative sport in places such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Ease Asa and the Wes) [An opponent inthe fcespating format will often display a signiican proportion ofthe pre ‘ously ised ras (anpredictabiits non-comph nee, ete) Dealing wth the non-compliant nature ‘of sparing partner can be of great benetic a a training too or responding tothe behavior ofan ‘opponent in actual comb. When forced to deal with unpredicabilry in hoch Fe ighing and ‘actual combat, one must dicate the play, overs ing randomness with daminane force and aggre: sion, One muse tke advantage of an uncooperative and unmanageable opponent in both Fc sparring and actual combat by feeding the adversary with ‘confusion, applying maximism tse of fins and apparenly random variation of aac sing a mix of pushing, wreating and erik Take advantage of an opponent’ lack of coor dination by punishing non-existent defense and reluctance to attack (or misdirected, wild aetacks) by using extreme fore o atack vital pois, aim: ing to subdue by pain, fear or balemene. The same principles can be applied in che ieesarting Format without relying on attacks to vial points: far example, punching or slapping the eye as ‘opposed to poking or slashing the ee, punch- ing the chin or chest as opposed tothe throat, Kicking che inside chigh orlower abdomen a8 ‘opposed tothe goin, and stomping che hin ref a opposed to the kee join. Method To optimize the hene- fis of fee fight training, one must emphasize the appica- tion of taditional Tanglang technique, as ‘opposed to random fighting methods. Theteis absolutely no reason why the ec fiques taught in bare- hand boxing routines and partnered drils should not and cannot bbe employed in this format, Infact, che entre aim of taining in con- ‘act sparring isto apply such techniques under he relative stress of conics. Sparring, although violent and random by natures taught in the traditional schools of Mantis Boxing in a syrem- atic and controlled manner Fre fighting eentually cover all acus of combat, commencing st the elementary level swith open-hand striking, limited kicking, locking and throwing, Progression through the incerme- ae level, in which the majority of techniques are employed, including fall-orce punching, but ‘wih restrictions on intentional serikes 1 che throat, eyes and groin, leads to the most advanced level, where Qinna, unlimited contac ‘with ll striking surfices — including the elbow, knee, shoulder, hip and head — and dows te minating in ground fighting are permite. ‘When safety gear is usd, ir should be appro priate to the sil level ofthe practitioner and the Fisk factor involved. Ukimatey although noe neces 0, opponents should aim to operate ‘onfidenty a the highest level withous protective ‘gear. The presence ofa suitably experienced mediator or referce, preferably a master or senior family member, is required a the elementary and much ofthe incetmediate level to preven sgnfi- ‘ant injury or technical deterioration. More advanced practitioners may do withou supers Sion, Fighters should not aim to injure ‘brendan Tks dis Shou Fa with bs marl cunt, in Cuthug, the adopted dough ter ofthe late Grandmaster i Zhanyua, Manisa | 5 severely or kil, but rather wo force submission by sulicienelyovespowering the opponent or until the mediator cesses the bout Different Means to the Same End (Choreographed sets and parimered dri asi in the honing of techniques acquired in the seudy of ben Gong (fundamentals) and Taolu (forms ‘or routines) High-level mastery of auch meth- fds should not be detrimental t the fights ability of che Mantis Boxer, but i can become so with misdirected practice, Evidence suggests that these methods were never intended robe the sole tools forthe development o fighting prof ciency and that dependency upon them without ‘exports to hard-contact fre fighting i Nawed ‘Combat factors largely absent from the prac tice of chorcographed sets, such as emotion, spontancity and unpredictability, and pain and Fisk of injury are present ro some exten in the Sanda format. Using Sanda training, the prac: tioner develops the ability wo both manage and tse these Factors, imately succeslly applying 4 wide range of techniques in 2 relatively safe ‘environment, Forceil sparring, 38 opposed to choreographed ses and partnered dil, enforces «healthy respect among participants and TF, heightened sense of awatenes, singe all mistakes ae penalized with some degre of pain. In this day and age, there is sll a place for “Tanglang Quan and its potcadally vicious self defense techniques use a here was in days gone by when ic performed its Function asthe tool of bodyguards, bandits and solders. Supplementing 1 practice of parnered dil and bare-hand routines by appying Tanglang technique in the fce-fighting format puts one in better stead for 1 combat, Teng authentic Mantis Boxing technique against fighters of al sles — bones kick boxers, Karate, grpplers and untrained ioe lights altngh ceil bt nlc, can only asise inthe attainment of high-level Tanglang skills, ‘Of course, if one practices Tanglang Quan for dhe myriad other benefits i can bring and not soley to become a superior fighter, fee fighting is not 9 import ‘without. The practice of solo routines and part neted sets accompanied by appropriate srength and conditioning exercises can sil produce a highly capable martial artist. Just remember not ro speak too loudly about the fighting ability of the Mancis Boxe, unless you are abl wo do 50 with your fis MQ nt and can certainly be done Hu Xi Lin offers Six Harmonies Mantis sastcr Hu Xi Lin has announced that he has begun public instruction in Liuhe Tanglang Quan (Sic Harmonies Mantis Boxing). Master Hu, a student of renovened Line and Meibua Manis Boxing master Ma Fans, has esined in Tanga Quan for 50 years Also a student ofthe Shuajao master Pa En, Master Ha is profoundly Familiar with the throwing techniques of Chinese maria ars. The offering of Lishe Tanglang Quan tothe general public isa unique ocourrence in the Tanglang communi. Master Hu is providing instruction through private lessons and seminars. “This year, Master Hu has held seminars in New ico, Tens and Ohio, Master Hu can be reached for seminars and private lesons by contacting his student Je Bur roughs a 505-385-2987 or at his email address For more infor ‘mation abour Master Hu, visi is Web ste at hesp/ -MosterH Xin presented a seminar tthe stands ‘Bauing Confrence lat Aplin Ohio. Voices of the Past Beyond the Use of Fists and Feet commentators on pugilism, both past and infequenly and alas rer eis contin yang nam 09151970 present, have generally eganded the appli gency measure tht fll tlie che buttock, ‘ont by Robert Hu Sation of punching and Kcking athe slowing me to put goo se dhe ody part Saber Hu beg i accepted fighting method in Chinese Boxing, reared by other a abotely worthless fing Fa wong inte Sout Beyond a doube his ithe mainstream pence Bogen cd Ba a sine on fighting oda Inelity though once SUN well ie ee the engagement begins, hundrets of deceptive Shouting weil in fghe? Readers reaching Smt odin 188 tricks emerge and wondrous stages can he ths poinc might say Lam "adding, wile” ‘stGaun 7 te ew seen The flowing are examples of some ofthe craving che snake” ot eeating mater out of eying Se dst tnorthoox methods that may be sedan stua-noching"Indced, a shou cannot injure a foe, yet_fadenarte lee Cracnes sions thc may arin combat sometime it works wonders in combat For ter ha Chek Kal Hag sample, fT were ro deny shot my foe Hong om 1907 191. Ca Buttocks and I struggle in che heat of battle, our hands ‘rently, be is researching and Inthe lypesor view buck ve no other an fer hiring non-nop his mena ky Retin Ch Ch incon tan sing ander dink hey ae would be fle and i would be dstacted_Paig Marin lod aclu wcks in ging, Bu spose Tam So, in de mids of ners combat, an abr ce abruptly axacked foes behind by someone whose fy shout loodly, capitalizing on this weaknes.._%t¥77@iniomorthcom. hadght and physical strength are superie? He could exend his arms and encircle me with bear hug at my mid-section, capping my arms and immobilaing me. ‘This situation provides the ‘opportunity tose the buttocks in ‘combat. As he attemps to restrain me, I immediately follow the drce- tion of his force and move my bu rocks forward as faraway from his abdomen as I can, To use this maneuver, | must be away from his abdominal area, the farther the beter, because it makes ic dificult for him to clos into my position and use strength, Since his strength canaot be imposed on me, the heat is diminished. I Follow his dynamic and slighely yield eo i Capitalizing on the maneuver space created by withdeawing, 1 sink my weight and then ram the buteocks backward, channeling all ty energy into this action. The impact ofthis withdrawal and reurn jas my opponent, ‘Although he may poses great physical strength and sill compa- Huang Honsun was pele in his wings about Tanglong Quon and the marl society of his doy. Spanning decades, they offer aunque and surpriingly relevant lok ito ants Saxng rable 1o mine, the dynamics ofthe butiocks am- When using a shout, you must have a voice ning his abdominal area will cause him to releace that ie extemely loud and sharp, To ater this the hold. Even though this rechnique is applied otherwise i futile, If my opponent lacks Fight- faut 2005 MantisQuartely ing experience, he mig respond vo my shoue in ‘away that I can tales advantage of, Tey this oc Sonally, bu you must know this will not be cective itis done to often, Saliva Saliva is just uid contained inthe body; how ‘can it have an effective pugs function? Are you thinking thar chs commentay has cally ‘become more and more unreasonable? Readers, please be patient for a moment, and le ook at the following incident. During the 22nd or 231d year ofthe Repub- lic, in Chang Sha, Hunan, there once were ewo masters who fought ina techaical bout. Although ie did nox receive permit from the ‘government, ic had is tai approval. Duc to che fame of these ro, che audience was more chan ten thousand strong. Ie was unprecedented, “The contests format was prety rudimentary Eventhough there wes a reer, the authority _granted to him in ring management was ily ‘weak. Ar the two were locked in a hard-fought batl without resolution, conestant A abrupely sade a sound in his throat: “kao.” Immedaely dollop of spit few toward contestant Bs fice. CConcestant A was then seen chaoically punching and rushing forward, In dhe fash ofan instant, ‘ontestant B recived several blows tothe fice and was knocked dovn, Contestant BS supporters complained of foul pay, bu contestant A insisted tha he was juse spitting, no using a concealed weapon to ‘maim, and dhe match was ended. Regardless of ‘who was awarded the victory, the fact i that con- testantB was beaten, Although we need nor follow contestant As bbchavir, we eannor afford ro be unprepared For this trick being used agninst us. would rather ‘ot use iy but [cant stop others from using However, if | am prepared for cis situation, ven ifn opponent uses this tric it wont have an effect Misdirection ‘Genuine beckoning for help sone thi ef an efering to. siuaton in which somes fone pretends ell for hep o defeat the ene My fellow countryman Ca Jia regulary prac iced his combat sls in his youth. He ike co fight, and he had bad temper This spec of his personality didat change daring his senior years (On one occasion during his snor yar, he gaged ina fight in the town mate. “The opponent knew Ju was a an expert fighter famous for his combat sil, but he eeck- coed the eld mans pial condition was com- promised because of hie age, fi slo recognized that his taming was not what it had been dng hie prime. Now he iced someone aged with crndurance ashe had been. He knew chat iit was ‘biter fight, he would have the diadantage Ther on ale the et bg ‘rckoned to a place behind the opponen vale “Conn emer queried ‘opponent, even though song ad fll of san tacked experienc in combat. Thinking thre relly was someone aacking fom behind and that he was in danger of tge fom ow dee tions, he panicked and rune around to take cate of his unseen enemy i immediatly hit him witha surprise punch Afr he lw the ground; he scoked Ju for having someone help to eat him. Since Jiu rece ognized verry he laughed wile glancing a his ‘opponent and sid “Do you tll wane know who my help ig" The injured person sw no one cls around. is again aughed and std, “To be honest my help ely my mouth and my fia” Ashe walked away, he said, “You dio, do you sil wan to fight me Allee countrymen there were amazed st his exceptional wit ‘We who practice with all need no rey on

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