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MantisQuarterly F Iuiiey cam subdue rigiisy. The small, an ruppres the ‘great. This isthe teainiens of methodelo- Wg Conder the mouse ‘andthe elephant. Their sizes dif realy et the ‘mouse can attack the ele ‘pane va ies rank in ‘lative safiy Despite the enormous sregth of te elephant, i view aly helpless. Once it cencounters a mouse bur roi becomes fh ened and wll all ght, Te doesnot knew Ios to repond, 1 i feces. The elephant trainer, therfore, offen dig four boler on the agronnd resembling the brow ofthe mice Afr they command the lpn 10 nap onto the bole, i wil noe dare ove fom that pot. This isan example of the mall suppresing the reat. Consider how the Irardnes and extreme smoothnes ofthe top con- ‘ais with the fineness and esteme flesiblity of the bore ail. Yes you need the hovel bow ‘ut the topes. Hence she principle of diy sub ding rigidity can be understood. — Huang Hanan Tanglang Quan Shu Chan Mi (The Elucidation of the Soot of Paying Mantis Boxing), 1946 “Translated by Robert Hui Hard and Soft “The Shier Rou (Twelve Soft, which can also be translated as the Twelve Flexible) are acties used by the Mantis Boxe in overcoming a more pow- crful opponent. Unlike che Eighe Hard (Ba Gang see Mantis Quarterly, Nol, 2, Isue 3), the “oelve Soft are nor direc attacks; they ate tactics tha ae ofen responses tothe ations ofthe ‘opponent. Many ofthe Shir Rou require chat ‘Muang Hansan (1915-1974) demonstrates ku hu bu tis zhong (ing the tiger Step with threading springing up pains). Too sore of Tanglang Quan’ welve Sol (Shier Row). the Mantis Bore beable co fel the inet ofthe ‘opponent (ting jin) and respond appropracely. ‘They are, in lage part, methods of regaining che iniiacive in a Fight History “The first known mention of cher the Ba Gang ‘ox Shier Rou was inthe military handbook iso Xin Shu (A New Tet on Diciplined Ser se) by Ming general Qi gun (1528-1587) “The Shier Rou were included in section on fighting with the wa How they became apart ‘oF Manis Boxing not known, but they are now tm integral par ofthe syle and contin een ‘kil for the api bone. “The Tiselv Sof ate rien in ive-chara- terphrates Each phrase has the clascal Chi nese character “er” inered between the action andthe response, Usually ers arated a8 Mike Gates (ef) ord John Duty (right) demonstrate tio shower shou (xe ‘te the springing up hand, then etch). 2 | mantisquartety BEG] and” burn this cas itis ros clearly tranated Inco English as “then” asin an if. then” statement. Some Mantis Boxing tain cae the bre real more than one way For example, Tiag show era shou” can be trandated liceral- lyas"Usea springing up hand, then stike:” but i can also be read as “If one hand is bing forced upward, then strike wih the other The Twelve Soft Cun shou er lou shou: If the opponent uses the staff hand then respond with the leaking hand. Gan shoas here isnot the rlling hand es anoth ex word that is pronounced the Same way, but it means “staff” A staff hand is alan shou exccuted ina circu fchion. In other word, this block seeks to cape the attacking Limb wit action. Lou shou (leaking hand) is recommended for escaping this cap. Lou refers tothe quality of drop of water a ic avels down a wall For the boxer, involves relaxing the arm fom shoulder to wrist. This ation allows the am to slip away from the oiling action of che opponent’ tat hhand and then continue forward t strike. The leaking hand strikes requiea great deal of sensitiv iy. The boxer must train to learn co feel the direc tion of an opponent’ force and reac by relaxing nd slipping avy from his blak Like she roling hand, you can slp from shove to below from blow to above, from inside to ouside and fom outside to inside Jian gang er hui shou: If you see hard move- ‘ment, then withdraw your hands. ‘The idea here i thatthe best way to deal with powerful aac ist avoid i. Huang Hansun ko speaks of turning, dodging and shifting eo ‘void powerful blows instead of blocking oF xy ing to force your way through. Ru shou er tou shou: ifthe opponent strikes at you, then use a stealing hand. ‘The stalin hand (tou shou) isa srike that takes advantage of the timing ofthe opponents aac. ‘Avan opponent strikes, the Mantis boner angles to sid the blow and renders a counteratack to an ‘pening in the opponents guard For example, if an epponent punches, here is aways the posi ty that, for an instant, the ebs will be open on the side ofthe serikng hand. The Mantis bone can take advantage ofthis momentary opening by voiding the blow and rendering a counterstike to the ribs before the opponco can retract hea. Lan shou er gun shou: If the opponent blocks your attack, then use a rolling hand, Lan means to obstruct In che case of a stomg Fight ange black agains: the Mantis boxer’ aac, ‘the rolling hand is recommended. The rolling hand is technique that bounces off the oppo- lection, The Mantis nents black and continues forward to strike the boxer then dope to ‘opponent. If blocked in an upward direction, the lower level to render a hand will bounce to alow strike: iF blocked dows counterattack to the vad, the hand will bounce upward: flocked to lower area. An exam- the lef the hand wil roll co the right and if ple of chistactc can blocked tothe right, the hind will lla thelefe, be sen in the phowo sequence on page ovo Pu shou er tu shou: Execute the patting hand, In our next issue, then attack. wwe will discus the The pu shou (pating hand) isa pressing down remaining six ofthe hand. Iecan lower an opponent's guard for an Twelve Soft instant to allow ether a strike with the other The Tele Sofe hand or continuous presing movement that provide the Mantis leads ico a strike wih the sume and. An hoxer with aw sample ofthis tactic can be seen in the photo aray of sequence of this page: ounteratacking tools. They at speci Tiao shou er ru shou: Execute the springing up ic techniques given as hand, then attack instructions for pra the opposite ofthe pu shou, the tice but they ar, in a larger sense, principles ro, Mie Gates et) and Jahn tao shou Gpringing up hand) deflects the oppo- be explored withthe guidance ofa qualified uty (igh) demenstte ps nent’ and using ts own power in an upward instructor MQ eee ee oe ating hand then aac) Mantis Conference DVD Complete The DVD of the First North American Mantis Boxing rien eee Ck Ch ace oie cmt RCM Cee Riau ue ea acum own sues Manisasry | 5 Voices of the Past ‘About the Author Kevin Braver has been proccng marbles since 1982. from 1989 trough 2005 frie Wed in Towa, here he continued hi sty (of Paying Mants under the tutelage of Shi Zhengehong. hile ving in Tainan Ci he ‘operated 9 Proving Monte ‘hoo! end was abo head instructor of ainan Bos Fst gh Schoo! Mortal rs Cb for five years Brazier curendy resides in Tampa, Fl, whore he teaches pr ete and writes monthly ‘ties for hs Web se, ‘The First Rule of Pugilism ‘ld Shaolin and Praying Manes manu- scripts. The version preserved in the Book of Praying Mantis Tang Lang Quan Pu) an eth- fea code for both students and maser “Done teach the tyrannical and unrighteot begins the frst ofthe 10 rules as recorded by famous Mantis master Cai Shoushan. “The ‘yrannical will cause uemoi, while the unrighe- cous wil be ungrateful for fvors received. story of Pang Mang can serve as an example, ‘Who is Pang Mang, and what example does hae serve? Aer asking teachers of history and language, I was disappointed to discover tha the story of Pang Mang is not widely known. Only the victim of Pang Mang’ treachery, Yi the Archer is well knowa. Visa mythological fi tre from early Chines civilization. To under- stand the reachery of Pang Mang, we must frst ‘understand Yi and his powerful skill in archery. ‘The following story describes Yi and his abilities. Tiss are outlined in ‘Yi Shoots Down the Suns Long ago there were 10 suns. These were the 10 suns ofthe sun god, Di Jun, and his wife, Xi He, the goddess ofthe sun, The 10 sins lived in valley in the southeast in a giant mulberry ce ‘more than 10,000 fect tal, Each day one sun climbed to the top ofthe mulberry tee and was driven across the sky by its mother, Xi He, in @ hari pulled by dragons. One day the suns all went into the sky together in a disorderly fs fon, and the Earth became terribly hor andl dry Crops were scorched, metals were hot enough 10 smelt, and the human beings and animals sut- fered inensely from heat and thts, Famine cused by these burning sins chrentened ro kill allie on Earth. Finally the sage king Yao asked. the great archer Vito do bate with the 10 suns Y¥i drew his huge bow and shot nine suns one by ‘one from the sk; leaving only one wo light and swam the Earth, ‘Another story deals how Yi acepted Pang, ‘Mang as his disciple, and the consequences of this relationship iluscrate che moral concept given inthe irs of The Ten Rules of Pugism, ‘The story of Pang Mang frst appears in the ‘Meng Zi (Mencius). The Meng i, book of con- versations with the kings ofthe time, is one of the four books chat form the core of orthodox ‘Mantisquartety ‘Confucian thinking. The book is named afer its author, Meng Zi (commonly acceped life dates: 372-289 BCE), an itinerant Chinese philosopher land sage and one ofthe principal interpreters of ‘Confucianism ‘According to legend, Meng Zi traveled ‘China for 40 years o offer advice on reform v0 rulers, He served as an official dating the War- ring States Period (403-221 BCE), but he finally retired from publi life due wo his disappoint- ment a is flue to effect changes in his con- temporary word. Meng Zi argued ehat human Deings ae born with an innate moral sense, ‘which society has corrupted and thatthe goal of ‘moral culkvation iso return t0 one innate ‘morality. That The Ten Rules of Pugilism include reference co the works of Meng Zi shows the ‘original author’ intention of directing fiature ‘generations to sey this philesophy and st 3 goal of moral cukvation ‘Meng, Zi tells che story of Yi, the great mis ter archer, sod Pang Mang, his stadent. The ‘sory of Pang Mang and Yi shows the conse ‘quences of a maser pasing on his skill but neglecting the students moral culation, Pang Mang learned the archery of Vi. When hhe had camplesely acquired all Yis sil, he though that in all ofthe kingdom only Vi was superior ro him, so Pang Mang slew him. Meng Zi si, “In tie case, Yi was also to blame, ‘Meng, Zi not only blames Pang Mang for his ‘vil deed, but also to some extent Yi, for teaching his stadent without imparting the proper mora cultivation. Ie was Yis responsibilty to noice tha Pang Mang innate moral sense had been ‘corrupted. To want ro be the bes is one thing, bu ro want ro be the estat che expense of your raster well-being is another The following story from the Mong Zi gives an exellent contrasting example of the moral relationship between master and sauder. The people of Zhang sent Yu Cizho to smake a stealthy attack on the kingdom of Wei, and the kingdom of Wei sene Si Vagong to pur ‘se Yu Chuo. Yu Gish sd, “Today 1 est unwell, So that I cannot hold my bow: Lam a ‘dead man!” Then he ase bis driver, “Wh is tha pursuing mee” The driver sid, "eis Si Yagong,” and Yu Cizhuo exclaimed, “tsall ive” “The driver sii, “Si Yugong is che bes archer of VOUNE 4 SSUES {Wei what do you mean by saying ‘shall Live™ ‘Ya replied, “Si Yugong learned archery from To YYingong, who learned it fiom me. Now, To Yin- {gong isan upright man, and the friends of his ‘election must be upright ao. ‘When Si Yugong came up. he sai ro Yu Giahuo, "Master, why are you not holding your bow?” Yu Cirhuo answered, “Today 1am feling ‘unwell and cannot hold my bow." On this, Si Yagong std, “I learned archery from To Yin- gong, who learned ie from you. I cannot bear 0 {injure you with your own scence. The business of today, however, isthe prince’ bus ‘which I dare not neglect." He then rook his arrows, knocked off their steel points against thecaige whe charg or of hem and Taday the potential physical rsk to others created hy teaching someone who is not of good ‘moral characteris not as great a8 t was in times pst yeti emains che teachers obligation to selec students with care. The risk of the moral- ly conrupe taking advancage of or harming peo- ple i sil presen. Likewise, the potential for good that a well-trained, disciplined martial frac can have has not abated over the cen turies, The first rule of pugilsm is stil elevant and bears consideration. MQ Technique A Simple Introduction to Praying | Mantis Combat Hand Methods Ealtor’ Note: This article, translated by Tim Garemell, sas orginally published in Chinese as "A Simple Inraduction to the Combat Hand ‘Methods of Paying Mannix Baxing” in Lin Zhuan Yue Kan (Marval Expere Monthly), Volume 7. Jake Burroughs, a disciple of Fx Xi Lin, one of Ma Han Qin moi renio dsipes, hat added notes to clarify and explain in more detail some of the principles tat Ma Ha Qin discus. A of Burrough? comments are in italce, ‘We have already briefly discused [in a previous atile] char Praying Mands belongs tothe cate sory of short-stiking martial arts and includes an extensive conten There are many variations of hand methods, and from observing them, we ean see the ats unique combat specialties. Because the art includes 3 variety of hand methods, some peo ple will exel aca particular tee Aique, while ochers will excel ae dif ferent techniques. The favored tech ‘que will naturally be practiced more than the others. Because of this focus, greater pro ficiency wil he develope in the selected technique Inthe martial arts world there isa saying, “Tor fighting one slid techniq this selection proces. People will choot a favorit echnique from a sex and practice i separately, engaging in which refers to VOLUME 4 SUE 5 what is called practice for fee fighting. For eas of understanding, we will use this single-tech nique, fee-fighting method at a model, All ypes of hand methods can be explained with ewo words: atack and defend, Actacking and defending include 1) one hand attacking ‘while the other hand defends, 2) one hand con- Finally actacking while being realy to defend, and 3) both hands defending and then both aeracking. The hand methods described here are 4 logical progression fr simple o complex, from one hand eo ewe hands and finally to paired ewo-handed techniques. ‘By Mo Han ain ‘Translated by Tim Cartmell [Notes by Joke Burroughs ‘Ma Han Gin (mie) and is ist our cscs (© righ): Gao ba Hl Hs 2 Un Wang Ku ond Gi tao Peng. Mantisquarey | 5 ‘About the Authors ‘Me Han Qin (19201897) nos one ofthe most respec ‘ed Monts proconers and teachers in Norhem Ching ‘dung the 200 ont ‘Akeody on ecorplisted cho ‘Ghuon and Ti teocher he ‘lo became adil of ‘hen Yun Too in esha (Pham Foner Tenglang and ‘Shan amg Ling in Lhe (Sc “Harmanies)Tanlong Me mentored dozens of dcbles in Mshuo and the ding his more thon 60 years as 0 proctoner on teccher enced or bi ighting bit and thorough nce stonding of Tonglang fing theary end eppliation, Mo ‘authored many artes 00 "Mant Boxing To Carmel has over 30 yes of experience in the morte of Tt Xing agua end Both Bi. Cone ea of elotess Combat Teens, ao o wel noun vars ond is pub ted ronson ince Sn 1s Tong’ AStdy of To ond Tong Zhong 5A Method of Chines Wrestng He ooches {al tine i Orange County, Call Fr more iteration bout Carmel ist ‘wonshennucom. Jake Buroughs, Hu X Lin's third eli, twoches Seat Woah. Burroughs ‘aso coached by Tim Cot ‘mel in Xing YT ond ‘reaien sys. Buroughs shes thank Dy rotator for providing him with copy of te Hon is ‘rile For more informa tion about Burroughs, vist strecharmoniencom oF ssusiharmoniesrant com, The hooking hand can be ‘pple ise let pos) or eutsde (ight photo). The previous paragraph sof patcular impor tance becaseofen in complex stems suchas Pray ing Mantis he student becomes oo wnapped up in the many complex band methods and neglect the base principle. Pa simply, your hands are tole sued for issuing force or disoling force. In regard to the use of forces the discussion is comparatively comprehensive sil, the entite study is included in the ewo primary forces of aud and soft (Iwill albo introduce the Praying “Mantis way of using force.) Mose people say that hard forces primarily used in atk and safe force i primarily used in defense. In this article, in addition to introducing the sages of tch- nig practice, we will lo introdace the impor: tant points of force and movement ‘Ma alas to he Ba Gag Shier Row (Eight Hard Tieoe Soft, Many seach: fel bat the Eight “Hard oe ecu primarily a: offeive lisiing techniques while the Tele Soft wre considered be more densvereatonarytecmiqus Saf and ‘ard trang Fegunety in combat and bath are eure for sue, ‘When fighting, each combatant will begin in his respective posture, wating forthe oppor tunity to atack. Atacks will include che su stantial andthe insubstantial, the real and the fake, ro entice the enemy 10 react. Here we will covert situations: the fist situation is a direct axeack witha straight punch or hook (vei shou, Feeding hand) atack, and the second situation is 2 fake (ya0 shou, wanting hand). Feeding acacks ‘cause the opponent co defend, and I take advan tage ofthe defense. Wanting stacks entice the ‘opponent ro attack me, and I use his attack to counterteck Applied asa ead arm jab, the feeding hand (wet show) causes the opponent to react (asually tush coer on artemps az a block), and yo take ‘advantage of this attompid defense, One example it 1 appl cat (plucking) as oon a contac is made swith che opponent.arm. This motion wil case the 6 | Manisquarteiy epponent lac forward, disrupting bis rot and allowing you to wake adoantage of hs varprse. Yao show (wanting had cam ako be applied many dire ways bus has «diffrent strtcey ‘than sei show, For example, could be applied in 4 similar cena, where a jab elicits lend-arme eck, but the eppenentaxtempt to pluck (ai) yur «arm. if you feel the imtenion ofthe opponent sant fing tall you in you can flw with the foee af the pluck and bend your elbow for stk, vbic is ‘mare powerful due othe acceleration ofthe initial strike plus the added energy fom the opponent ‘packing our arm, and our elbow sik s guided righ into his face. The idea bebind yao show sto be sentive naugh tha ou ca lien to yur oppo enti reetone va bady contac. Thi il scale ting jn (lsening power) Here we will acus on Plum Flower Praying Mantis hand methods, wigh a eanory introduc tion of Six Harmony Praying Mantis and other Praying Manis styles, We wil fous on the methods of kicking, striking, throwing and grap pling; these are dscused rogeth, Teds impor to understand thar Praying Man is Boxing theory spray much se same throughout the wrios tls and sbsyle. A ceaintheary may te applied abi dferendy among sys, but over al ‘the core concepts and principles are the sane ‘Ma ako pint out the importance ofthe Sif (Four Medd of Autac) suai, rowing: na, joins ‘manipulation: 1, siking withthe leg and da, sein with te arms. A martial eurieulus should encompass thee fur areas of combat, and ‘Northen Praying Mantis Basing is no exception. Hooking Hand (Diao Shou) Hooking hand is ofien the fist combat tech- nique taughe to beginners, yer in modern fee- fighting competitions, one rarely ces this tech nique aplied. There ae two reasons fortis frst, when attacked by ajab or hook, its dif cal apply the hooking hand to contol the ‘opponent and seconds when wearing aglow, i VOLUME 4 1SSUE 3 is dficule wo speead the finger and hook the ‘opponent hand fiom bow For hese sons, the hooking hand is rarely aed in competion; however when studying combat techniques, hi hand method must be priced. “The methed shouldbe practiced frst sgsnst straight punches, and its necessarily 2pplied in parener teining sets. Hooking hand is very staple: X uses his ight hooking hand from his outside rghe gate to hook Y's right hand, Thete are many methods of changing the hooking hand fom other eechnignes Alpending on the station Thr i ofc mach coon rounding he

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