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An Approach based on ISO 9241-110 and Ergonomics of Human-system

Interaction Dialogue Principles to Study Effects of Social Dynamics on


Luciene Mattos *

Abstract. This article presents an snnipet of a topic of the work "Cognitive ergonomics and product
information system under the gaze of interdisciplinary design or industrial design", presented at the 18th
Ergonomics Congress, 2012, Recife-PE, whose objective was to study theme through a project. For this,
its necessary to form the body of studies around sociotechnical social structures that unite abstract and
imaginary things and build new structures of thought and power. Therefore, makes a brief analysis of ISO
9241-110 in its main aspects that contribute or not to study effects of social dinamics. So, how stay the
cognoscent subject(man/woman)?

Keywords: Human Factors · Human-systems Integration · Sociotechnical social structures · Industrial

Design · Design · Ergonomics · Technologies

Observations made about the effects of scientific and technological interventions in society. Question: How
stay the cognoscent2 subject(man/woman)? One assumption, the acceptance that innovation solves problems.
Although creating an "innovation myth" is extremely consistent with the logic of the market, its acceptance as
a concept creates pseudo-problems in certain situations of social dynamics; another, that in terms of technical,
building things in series depends on the organization of thought, the idea at a given moment. At the present
time, this organization starts from a standard guided by a norm (which brings the constructor to the method);
for last, there is some element that is lost and this element seems circular or groping in the dynamics of man
and his environment through systematic technologies.
Theoric referencial: Start of the Design Theory3, attempt to Philosophy from Technical and Technology4,
considers the relevant aspects of Ergonomics and points out predominant elements of a given socioeconomic
theory6 coming from 19th century.
Hypotesis: 1) Adapt to a new way of dialectical (i)materialism that accompanies it in recent decades, the
subject mediated by these technologies is expose to what he infers and he's affected for new dynamic of cause
8 9 10
and effect ; 2) The pinnacle thought in action in human-computer interface provoque mutations between
perceptions of social replacing the human-machine relationship to human and the systems in action,
determining a pragmatic model that calls for the dissolution of thought and "at the expense of action".

Federal Institute of Bahia - IFBA, Campus Salvador, General Directory, Emídio dos Santos Street, Barbalho, Salvador,
Bahia, Brazil
2 That one lives, infers and translates the world, things making up knowledge.
3 Here, theoretical aspects of two schools, Bauhaus and Ulm, respectively.
4 Technological concepts in Plato and Aristotle, social issues discussed by the Frankfurt School involving science and

technology, as well as in some contemporary theorists such as Gilles Deleuze and Pierre Levy.
Concepts defined in ISO 9241-110 and some relevant to Cognitive Ergonomics.
6 Marxism and Liberalism
7 (i) emphatizing the virtual
8 Atomic, nuclear, quantum physics as consolidators of a language game.
9 Instant action and power.
10 Graphical screens with or without movement/visibility such as home pages, videos, holografic projections, etc.; every

element made up of technological artifacts that (i) materializes a through the computer, graphic systems and screens.

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