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Las tácticas de negociación son acciones concretas que se llevan a cabo con el fin de

lograr un acuerdo favorable en una negociación.

Negotiation tactics are concrete

actions that are carried out in
order to achieve a favorable
agreement in a negotiation
Tactic # 1: The Wince: We can define the wince as a

open negative reaction to someone's offer. An example of this tactic is acting surprised when the
counterpart names its terms. This tactic tells your

counterpart that you know what your limits are, that is not clear enough or that is dishonest. So
gesturing at the right time can

potentially save you a lot of money. It is important to keep that in mind

When the deals are negotiable, the counterparty will start high.

You will not always be the winner, but for this we use more tactics that allow us to continue with
the negotiation

Tactic 2 silence

In the negotiation process, silence can be a powerful tool. If you

do not agree with your counterparty, or if he has made an offer
and is waiting for a
answer, just sit back and wait. Most people feel
uncomfortable when the conversation stops, this will generate a
new conversation where you can rethink the conditions. But if
you are the one who is proposing a proposal, it is important not
to remain silent, repeat your offer and your terms. This
maneuver forces
the other person to respond, often in a positive way

Tactic n. ° 8: The bait and switch:

Your counterparty may try to attract your interests with a

great deal, but then hook up with another mediocre one.

This tactic is quite dangerous, so it is important to recognize it. So if it were a good negotiation, the
counterparty would not have to resort to a proposal and change.

Tactic # 9: Outrageous behavior: It can be classified as any unacceptable behavior, since forcing
the other side to make a move,

like launching a fit of anger or bursting into tears. This situation generates discomfort, so

You can reduce your trading terms just to avoid this behavior.

It is important to wait for the attack to die

before reacting, because emotional negotiations can result

in disaster

Tactic # 3: The good guy / bad boy routine:

This tactic is designed for you to make concessions

without the other side making any changes. It is important to recognize it so as not to fall into it,
but not to apply it. The best technique is to let your counterparts play their game, while taking
care of your


Tactic # 6: The test balloon: These are questions used to assess the position of
the trading counterparty

without giving clues about our plans. For example: "Have you evaluated what it would mean to
have our service? These types of questions are not really offers. We are

getting information without compromising, in case you get a test balloon question,

It is important to maintain an advantage, resist temptation and respond with another


Tactic # 4: Limited Authority - This tactic is a variation

In the good / bad type routine, it is that the person you are dealing with is the one who must
approve any agreement with a certain

authority, sometimes it is so,

but other times your counterparty will create this situation for

gain an advantage in the negotiation process.

So we cannot assume that at the first objection the counterparty is being

honest. In this type of situation, there are two options:

1. ask directly with this supposed higher authority

2. Test the limits of your counterpart.

Although the other person has used this tactic to force you to back off, if you stay in this position,
you can get positive results.

Tactic # 5: red herring: At the negotiating table, a red herring means that one side draws a

minor point to distract on the other side of the main problem.

In a negotiation process, when the counterpart insists on solving minor problems even before
talking about more important issues, then

we are talking about a red herring. It is important to handle it with caution, try to conduct the
negotiation in such a way that the main objective is reached, and then give solution to smaller

Tactic # 10: The Written Word:

In general, when the terms are in writing, we assume that they are not negotiable, an example of
this is bank loans, procedures with real estate agents, provision of public services, among others, it
is vitally important to verify and question everything that is found. in said documents, on many
occasions these clauses are negotiable, although there is a non-negotiable standard of

documents, but it never hurts to ask questions.

Low Balling: Low Balling is the opposite of

test balloon. Instead of tempting you to make the first offer,

The counterparty proposes an irresistible offer, after you accept, a series of additional costs come,
that is when we sometimes end up paying more money than we normally would have paid. An
example of this is the purchase of articles on certain pages on the internet, where in general the
cost is much lower than what we find in the market, but they add shipping charges, taxes, etc. and
in the end it is more expensive. than having bought it from an establishment. To avoid falling
victim to this tactic, it is important to ask all about additional costs before accepting any


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