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(A) The teacher forgot

(B) Thomas didn’t forget

(C) The teacher reminded
(D) Thomas didn’t remember

6. While you’re chatting with some friends, you

suddenly sneeze. After that, you say to your friend:
(A) Excusme me
(B) Pardon me
(C) I didn’t mean it
(D) It was an accident

7. Ratu: “Prabu, I’m terribly sorry I forgot to

bring your notebook.”
Prabu:“____ I don’t need it until the day
after tomorrow.”
(A) Oh really (C) What a pity
(B) Never mind (D) Not to bad

8. Prabowo spilled some ink on the table.

Mother:”See what you have done!”
Prabowo:”___ I didn’t mean it. It’s my
(A) Oh, I’m sorry (C) I don’t know
(B) What’s happening (D) Certainly

9. Clerk: Excuse me, sir. This is a nonsmoking

Guest: Oh, ___ I don’t see the sign.
(A) how sorry
(B) it’s a pity
(C) I am sorry
(D) I accept your apologies

10. Rusli: Why are you sneezing?

Sita: I’m allergic to smoke.
Rusli: Oh, … for causing you such in inconvenience.
(A) would you mind
(B) may I be excused
(C) please excuse me
(D) I do apologize
11. Policeman: Your truck causes too much pollution.
Driver: Oh. …, officer.
Policeman: Please consult a mechanic about it.
Driver: Yes, I will
(A) Why not
(B) I’m sorry
(C) How come
(D) Don’t mention it

Unit 13. Expressing Symphaty

Expressing Symphaty, yang dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti ‘menyatakan simpati’,

merupakan kompetensi untuk menyatakan perasaan iba dan turut prihatin atas hal buruk yang
menimpa seseorang.

Expressing That’s awful

Soal-soal kompetensi Expressing Symphaty

Choose the best aqnswer

(Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat)

1. Nunik: “My stomach ached all night. I could’t sleep.”

Nurhayati:”_____ to hear that.”
(A) I am sorry (C) That’s true
(B) I do apologize (D) That’s good news

2. Amien: “ I’ve got to say that I lost my wallet in the bus.”

Rais: “I’m ____ to hear that.”
(A) Very sorry (C) disappointed
(B) very glad (D) surprised

3. Nunik: “ Eko failed in his final examination.”

Nurhayati: “Really?”
Nunik: “Yeah.”
Nurhayati: “I’m sorry to hear that.”
The underlined words express_____.
(A) an apology (C) a symphaty
(B) a disagreement (D) a disappointment

4. Guide: “This puma bore a baby last month but it died a week later.”
Tourist:” Oh, _____.”
(A) I am sorry to hear that
(B) I am not sure about that
(C) No, I don’t think so
(D) No, don’t say that

5. Wiranto: “ Our governtment has tried to protect the elephants from extinction, but many
people still hunt them for their tusks.”
Prabowo:”Really, ______.”
(A) That’s a good idea
(B) That’s very kind of you
(C) That’s too bad
(D) I hope so
6. Habibi:” I have lost my book somewhere.”
Wahud:” _____”
(A) I’m glad to know it
(B) I’m sorry to hear that
(C) Please don’t be angry
(D) Congratulation, be angry

7. Dina:”Sooner or later rare animals will disappear from our forests.

Tari:”_____ I think the government has to make greater efforts to save them.
(A) that’s wrong
(B) I’m very pleased
(C) I don’t thinks so
(D) that’s bad news

8. Mrs. Mahrum:” I’am sorry to hear that your husband is ill. Is he alright now?
Mrs. Yayat:” No, not quite. But he’s getting better.
Mrs. Mahrum:” I’m glad to hear that.”
The underlined expressing shows______.
(A) an apology (C) an inquiry
(B) a responsibility (D) a symphaty

9. Tatat:”Hi, Ryan. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where have you been?”
Ryan: ”I’ve been to Cijoho. I’ve got job. I’ve been working for a logging company.”
Tatat: “Really?____”
(A) Good you are (C) I am glad to hear that
(B) Oh my God (D) I’m sorry to hear that

10. Rini: Doni, how was your test result?

Doni: I failed. The test was too difficult.
Rini: ____ to hear that. But there is another chance.
(A) I am very disappointed
(B) I am regret
(C) I am fond of
(D) I am very sorry

11. Yuni: Hi, Lisa. I wish the earthquake had not hurt your family at all.
Henny: Thanks, God, not a little bit. Luckily we all could escape, for my neighbour who
broke his leg.
Yubni: Oh …!
(A) It’s okay
(B) I don’t care
(C) How lucky you are
(D) I am sorry to hear that

12. Ali: I’m afraid my parents’ rice fields were damaged by the flood.
Mr. Harun: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
The underlined words express ….
(A) regret
(B) refusal
(C) complaint
(D) symphaty

13. X: Have you visited Bod?

He got accident last week.
Y: Oh, poor Bob. I hope he’ll be better soon.
The underlined sentence express___
(A) sadness (C) expectation
(B) symphaty (D) satisfaction

14. X: Jane didn’t pass her exam.

Y: Oh, I am sorry to hear that.
From the underlined word we know that the second speaker express her ___
(A) disappointment (C) apology
(B) symphaty (D) displeasure

Unit 14. Expressing Certainty

Expressing Certainty merupakan kompetensi untuk menunjukkan keyakianan atau

tinkat kepercayaan atau sesuatu. Di lain pihak uncertainty merupakan kompetensi
menunjukkan suatu ketidakyakinan dan keraguan akan sesuatu.
Soal-soal kompetensi Expressing Certainty

Choose the best answer

(Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat)

1. Iwan: : “Hi, Novi, the weather is cloudy. Do you think it will rain soon?”
Novi: ” I think so, I am _____ it will rain soon.”
(A) not sure (C) doubtful
(B) sure (D)certainly

2. Nurmalia: “ Are you coming to Irma’s birthday party tonight?”

Rosyadah: “ ____ she has invited me. I haven’t got the invitation yet.”
(A) May be (C) It’s possible
(B) Of course (D) I don’t think

3. Someone asks you: “What time will the concert end?”

If you are uncertain, you say: ____
(A) Perhaps (C) I’m not sure
(B) No (D) At four

4. Mrs. Aditya: If I do not have certificate showing ownership of property for the
guarantee will the bank lend me some money?
Mrs. Harry: I can’t say that for sure.
The underlined expression is used to express____.
(A) dissatisfaction
(B) disappointment
(C) disagreement
(D) dislike

5. Annie: I can’t believe that this is my last day here.

Bobi: You’re leaving today?
Annie: Yes, I’m so nervous about this.
Bobi: I’m surenit will be fine.
Annie: I don’t know it will be so different.

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