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Beijing Olympics 2008 – Betting Guide

Your Free Olympic betting preview exclusively from

August 2008.

Hello and welcome to this bonus betting guide to the 2008 Beijing Olympics produced free
by the Secret Betting Club.

The Olympics as well as being the pinnacle of sporting prowess for all athletes and
sportsman also offers a wide variety of areas that we can profit from betting wise. With a
huge amount of sporting events on offer, the bookmakers are quite rightly scared of anyone
who has done their research.

In this bonus Olympic issue, we feature advice from betting expert Mr X who has a track
record of making money from similar events and who pulls apart a number of sports in his
hunt for betting value. In addition, there is a brief summary from Sports Betting Index on
their own thoughts.

Take your time to read through the thoughts and follow in Mr X on a number of his advised
bets should you so wish.

If you enjoy the analysis, please make sure you visit the Mr X website for more information
on his service and how to pick up his full Olympic betting advice.

Equally if you are not yet making money betting, then you must seriously consider a Secret
Betting Club membership. We have helped countless people both make and save money
betting through our full service, details of which can be found at

If you enjoy this free issue, be sure to visit us at to let us know your thoughts, as we would
love to hear from you.

Here is to a profitable season!

Mike Bishop & Dan Jones

Editors – Secret Betting Club


Welcome: Page 1.
About Us: Page 2.
Sample Edition: Page 2.
Tipster Profile: Page 3.
Olympic Preview 1: Page 4.
Olympic Preview 2: Page 14.
Betting Broadcast: Page 15.
Racing Proofing: Page 16.
Friday Freebie: Page 16.
Disclaimer: Page 16.

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Beijing Olympics 2008 – Betting Guide
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The Secret Betting Club is a private member services dedicated to illustrating exactly how
to make money betting. We do this by researching and monitoring different advisory
services and recommending who to follow to do exactly this. Equally, we also report on
those tipster services that we feel you should avoid and in doing so can save you money.

We have been in operation since May 2006 and have produced over 27 issues of our
renowned monthly reports, which contain all the information you need to get started on
the quest to make money betting.

We ourselves are professional gamblers who put our own money on the line in our quest to
make regular profits from sports. We do this by following the exact methods that we share
with all members.

In fact, you can see evidence of our actual success by visiting and viewing real screen grabs from our own personal
betting accounts.

We enjoy (as do many of our members) a lifestyle supported by professional gambling and it
is our mission to make this happen for all. Put simply, it is possible to make money

By joining the Secret Betting Club, you will automatically have an edge over thousands of
punters still scratching around for consistent profits.

Don’t delay, join today by visiting

Mike Bishop & Dan Jones

Editors – Secret Betting Club.


If you would like to see a sample edition of our work at the Secret Betting Club and get a
flavour of what exactly it is that we do, you can now pick up a free sample edition.

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Beijing Olympics 2008 – Betting Guide
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The Insider:

Our main contributor to this special Beijing Olympic preview is Mr X, a fantastic and long-
term proven winner when it comes to Sport Betting. I asked Matt Nesbitt, the publisher for
Mr X, to introduce us all to Mr X, his history and details on his advice for this preview. Over
to you Matt…

I have worked with ‘Mr X’ for seven years, publishing his original tipping service The
Insider first with Fleet Street Publications and now Oxfordshire Press. Going on to develop
his Text Message tipping service Bet Bank Alerts, his American Football service The
Linebacker and his Europe-wide football advisory The Sports Statistician.

Forgive the ‘cloak and dagger’ stuff with the name, but the truth is he is still active in the
betting world and revealing his true identity would seriously compromise his access to
certain information and key industry contacts. So Mr X it is.

An odds compiler for over 25 years, Mr X worked the race-courses before switching to the
trading floors of some of the UK’s biggest bookmakers – generating millions for his
paymasters. Then in 2001 he turned the tables, launching his career as a tipster.

Applying his unique experience alongside a voracious appetite for studying statistics, Mr X
seeks out ‘value’ betting opportunities. Whether it is spotting bookmaker errors, or simply
moving first on an under-researched market, this approach has generated steadily growing
profits for all his service, year on year.

Matt Nesbitt

For more information on Mr X and his services, see the links below:

The Insider:

Bet Bank Alerts:

Matt Nesbitt is the publisher of Mr X’s tipping service listed, plus:

Many of his featured articles originally appeared in The Sports Statistician - a weekly stats-
based advice, providing tips and advice on all 5 UK leagues plus the top divisions from
Scotland, Spain, Italy and Germany. If you’d like to find out more and claim an exclusive
THREE MONTH TRIAL, click here:

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Beijing Olympics 2008 – Betting Guide
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MR X: Olympic Preview

The Beijing Games is set to be the biggest betting event in Olympic history – (Ladbrokes for
one are expecting to double the volume of business seen in 2004).

The Olympics is full of unfamiliar sports (and sportsmen), many of which the bookies have
little experience of – and this makes for some great betting opportunities.

Here legendary tipster Mr X (the man behind The Insider and Bet Bank Alerts) casts his
expert eye over this summer’s schedule, sniffing out the very best betting value…

“The Beijing Olympics promises to be a rich source of betting value for us in the coming
months. I’m particularly interested when bookmakers take on sports they usually dodge.
And Handball is a great example...

A Very Handy 6/1 available on the World Champions

If you’re not familiar with this sport - Handball is fast and physical, higher scoring than
soccer, but lower than basketball. The line-up of the two teams around the circle provides
for more tactical alternatives (plays) than basketball or soccer, and is reminiscent of
American football.

Germany beat Poland in the final of the World Championships last year. France and
Denmark played for the bronze. These results are solid and give us an excellent line to form
- and they make current odds on the Olympics Handball event look a little odd:

Olympics – Men’s Handball Betting

Nation Odds
France 9/4
Denmark 7/2
Croatia 9/2
Germany 6/1
Spain 7/1
Poland 14/1
66/1 bar these five nations.

The odds on France and Denmark, who finished third and fourth in last year’s world
Championships, are about right. However, 14/1 and 12/1 for the World Championship’s
silver medallist, Poland and 6/1 for the gold medallist, Germany, look generous.

In the Olympics, the Handball event starts with a round robin of two groups of six.
Germany’s and Poland’s odds cannot be explained by them having particularly difficult
tasks at the round robin stage - and because they are top seeded - these two are in
opposite groups in the draw.

It looks to me as though the bookies are leaning heavily on the very latest international
Handball form – but that could prove deceptive - as some countries have been more
motivated than others.

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Qualification for the Olympics has been through last year’s World and Continental
Championships and then special tournaments in the spring/summer of this year. This has
allowed Germany and Poland the luxury of a gradual build up for their Olympic challenges,
since they had already qualified.

As a result, their recent form (or lack of it) is deceptive. Odds of 6/1 for the current world
champions, Germany and 14/1 for the runners up, Poland less than 12 months after those
championships, is overly generous.

Slam-dunk a winner at 4/1!

International basketball is another tournament that bookies rarely cover. So let’s take a
look at the current men’s betting for the Olympics.

USA 4/11
Spain 4/1
Argentina 15/2
Russia 11
Lithuania 18
33/1 to bar these five.

The first qualifying tournament for Beijing was held in 2006, the FIBA World
Championships, which Spain won fair and square - and where the current 4/11
Olympic favourites the USA could only finish third.

This was by no means the first time the USA had disappointed in a top class competition in
recent years - they finished third in the 2004 Olympics, and in the major competition
before that, the 2002 World Championships, they came home a miserable sixth.

The USA are a very short price here based on that record, and much of that bookie faith is
due to the dominant sides the USA were able to put out pre-2002. But international
competition has become much fiercer since then - and as we’ve seen - the USA is no longer

The side that appeal as good betting value here is Spain.

By winning the 2006 World Championships Spain qualified automatically for the Olympics,
and they were able to take things easy in the
European Zone Championships in 2007 - but they still made it to the final of that

The USA eventually managed to qualify for the Olympics by winning the Americas Zone
tournament from Argentina.

The ‘draw’ at the Olympics is interesting - the USA and Spain are both in qualifying group B.
This does not mean that Spain has to defeat the USA to go through to the quarter finals, the
first four in each group qualify. And if the USA and Spain finish first and second in
whichever order, the draw would keep them apart, from the quarter finals through to the

If the USA were to recapture their form of yesteryear, of course they’d be tough to beat -
but that sort of domination hasn’t been evident recently.

Spain on the other hand are the current world champs on merit - they have a very
reasonable looking path through the Olympic draw, and there is no reason why they can’t
go very close here at a rewarding looking 4/1.


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Switching to hockey, there’s some similar value to be had on Germany…

Top ranked Germany look top value at 4/1

The most interesting and surprising thing about the men’s Olympic hockey tournament this
year has already happened - India did not qualify!

Winner of eight men’s hockey Olympic gold medals, six of them in successive
Olympics, India failed to secure qualification for Beijing when suffering a
2-0 defeat by Britain in the qualifying tournament held in Chile’s Santiago City in March.

Let’s check out the top six world-ranked teams - and their current prices:

1 - Germany 4/1
2 - Australia 7/2
3 - Netherlands 5/1
4 - Spain 9/2
5 - Korea 7/1
6 - Pakistan 10/1

The bookmakers have put in world number one Germany as second favourites here at 4/1,
and that looks like very decent value. It seems the bookies are paying a lot of attention to
an Olympic qualifying tournament held in Britain last August when Germany lost 4-3 in a
very tight semi-final with Belgium, but the Germans soon put that right, cantering home in
a later Olympic qualifying event in Japan.

I prefer to rate the Germans on the fact that they have won the last two Hockey World
Cups in 2006 and 2002, beating the bookies’ current favourites Australia on both occasions.
Though the Aussies are respected here, it has to be said that the only team of real note
they beat in their Olympic qualification process was NewZealand - and that form doesn’t
look as strong as Germany’s qualification achievements.

I’ll be taking the 4/1 about those Germans making it 3 out of 3 against the Australians.

There’s another team that I think are worthy of support here - and that’s the side who gave
Germany a hard time in that British qualifying event - Belgium.

The Belgians played really well in that tournament against several other good sides, and
their current odds of 33/1 for the Olympics looks well worth taking for a small bet.


Now let’s take a look at how the final medal table might look…

Going for Golds — don’t miss this Olympic value!

Even allowing for the bookmakers’ blurred vision of running, jumping, swimming shooting
and all things Olympic — the prices available for who will win the ‘Most Gold Medals’ in
Beijing look bizarrely wrong.

No matter which angle I peer at this from, it’s hard to deviate from a near 50/50 split at
the top of the table between China and the USA. However thanks to some opinionated
layers (fuelled on by ‘home advantage’) we can bet up to 7/4 about the USA — which
implies a 74/36 split in favour of the hosts.

The gap is never that wide, and here’s why...

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When the dust (and smog) of Beijing 2008 settles, the gold medal counters will be looking
back at the most influential disciplines that decided the Most Gold Medals winner. Let’s
check them out.

As usual, the Americans will be strong in the Swimming category.

In the pool...

The Baltimore Bullet, Michael Phelps, will be looking to swim himself into the record books
with a haul of 8 gold medals (beating the previous best 7 by Mark Spitz). Along with the
Phelps the Americans have at least one Top 5 world ranked representative in 24 of the 34
men’s and women’s events — with 11 of those athletes Ranked World Number 1.

I’m expecting the USA to prise at least 10 Gold medals from the Aquatics department — a
conservative figure that sees them perform on a par with their performance in Athens 2004
where they reeled in 12.

The Chinese can be expected to do well in the Diving category with a whitewash of 8 from 8
on the cards. In the recent World Diving Championships, China bagged an impressive 9 Gold
from a possible 10 and it’s hard to see them belly-flopping to a total below 6 here.

The next significant category is Athletics — and once again, the USA will steal a march on
the Chinese.

On the track...

A solid base figure to use here is a 10-gold haul for the USA — a 2-gold increase on their
Athletics medal totals in both Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004.

The common denominator of those two tournaments was the poor performances posted by
the women (just 2 gold medals in both 2004 and 2000), but I’ll be backing the ladies to
bounce back this summer.

Not only do the Americans currently boast 6 World Ranked Number 1 female athletes, but
they also have another 14 female athletes ranked inside the World’s Top 3. When you add
that to the 9 World Number 1’s in the Men’s half its more than possible that the USA
emulate a total near their Osaka 2007 World Championship haul (14 gold medals.)

We’ll use 10 as our base, but we’ll be working on the upside of that figure.

We can expect the Chinese Athletics haul to be a skinny one — but just how skinny?

China’s medal chances can be summed up concisely — Mens Triple Crown hurdler Liu Xiang
will go very close to a repeat of his gold in 2004 and there’s a small cluster of Chinese long
distance athletes with gold chances. In total a gold medal tally of 3 would be a good result
for the hosts, although it wouldn’t surprise me at all to see less than that.

In the gym...

The next vital category is one that will see the Chinese balance the scales and that’s

China reeled in 5 gold medals in Athens 2004, but they’ll do better than that on home soil.
China won 7 golds at the 2006 World Championships, and they could improve on that
number in Beijing.

Of the 15 gold medals up for grabs, I’m sliding 9 of them into Chinese territory with a
lightweight zero going to the Americans.

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Gymnastics is next up and of the three subcategories (rhythmic, artistic and trampoline) all
eyes will be on Artistic Gymnastics results.

On the mats...

This will be both a tight and decisive category — if either China or the USA significantly
bucks the trends set at the 2007 World Championships (medal count split 5-4 to China) then
it could set either nation on its way to a victory in the gold medal table.

The final trio of critical categories are Racquet sports — Table Tennis, Tennis and
Badminton — and we’ll start with one for supporters of the Chinese.

In the Table Tennis category, the Chinese look likely to bag all 4 golds — in fact China are
so superior to the rest of the world in this category that they could even swipe each and
every one of the other 8 silver and bronze medals too.

It’s the reverse in the Tennis category though, with China likely to come up dry while the
Americans post a decent bid for 3 of the 4 gold medals. In here current form Serena
Williams will be hard to beat and she could well nick the women’s doubles too. The
Americans also stand a big chance of landing gold in the Men’s doubles with the world’s
number 1 pairing of Mike and Bob Bryan.

Last but not least we have Badminton, and once again, the Chinese will feel confident of
getting the lion’s share of golds — they won 3 in Athens, 3 in the
2007 World Championships and I’d be very surprised if they didn’t win 3 again in Beijing.

Scores on the doors, so far...

So, at the halfway stage of our analysis — incorporating all of the influential categories —
our gold table looks like this:

Predicted Total Gold Medals

China 30
USA 25

So, with 21 categories to go China hold a lead of 5 gold medals — let’s now take a look at a
few of the minority (but vitally important) sports starting with an almost certain double
gold for USA...

It’s no surprise to see the US leading the way in Baseball and Softball — it would be a huge
surprise if they didn’t land the double gold, and for that reason we’ll settle with 2 in the
‘For’ column.

In the net...

The USA have never won gold in the Men’s football/ soccer tournament, but have
dominated affairs in the Women’s event with 2 gold’s and a silver from a possible 3 since
it’s inception back in 1996. They’ll go close again in Beijing — China have no chance of any

We’ll apportion a 1/2 of a medal to the men’s and women’s teams combined (Evens to win
one medal).

The same can be said about Basketball where both the Men’s team and the
Women’s team own consistently good historical Olympic records.

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The Men’s team has dominated affairs for years and they’ll be a favourite to win gold again
in 2008.

The women’s basketball team have also dominated the summer Olympics with 5 gold
medals from the last 6 games. Again China has no chance of any medal.

Once again we’ll apportion 1/2 of a medal to the men’s and women’s teams combined
(Evens to win one medal).

In the saddle...

There are 6 Equestrian gold medals up for grabs and if we combine the percentage chance
of a USA medal in each of the disciplines then we would generate an expectation of about
1/2 to 3/4 of a medal.

The USA has won 10 Equestrian Olympic gold medals in total with a single gold at the last
two summer Olympics — Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004.

We’ll apportion 1/2 of a medal to the men’s and women’s teams combined (Evens to win
one medal).

In the headlock...

Wrestling — there are two forms of Olympic Wrestling — Greco and Freestyle.
And with a massive 49 lifetime USA gold medals (their 3rd highest totals behind
Swimming and Athletics) it’s safe to say they take their grappling seriously.

The USA have had mixed fortunes in various International events. I’ll give them 1 gold
based on the pure bulk of runners they’ll line up with, but it could well turn out much
better than that for USA. China will do well to land a gold medal, despite being roared on
by the locals.

In the water...

Finally I’ve grouped 3 classes all in together — Sailing, Rowing and Canoeing
(Kayaking) and with a mighty 41 gold medals available, it’s somewhat surprising to see
American ranked as modestly as they currently are.

In fact, of the 41 gold medals going begging, America stand a real good chance in only 2
events with an outside to fair chance in several other events.

For counting purposes we’ll score the USA with 2 1/2 gold medals.

That’s the pro-American disciplines covered — those events where America hold an
advantage over the Chinese —and adding these results to our medal table produces an
interesting interim set of results at the three-quarter stage.

Predicted Total Gold Medals

China 30
USA 32

Into the home straight...

Now for our final categories, the ones where China hold a slim advantage over the USA and
there are 3 of them — Shooting, Judo and Taekwondo where I have the Chinese 4 gold
medals superior to the Americans. Giving us a final table of...

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Final Gold Medal Prediction

China 34
USA 32

Just 2 medals in it — and as I’ve gone on the ‘low’ side with several American estimates —
it’s fair to say the gold medal count between China and USA will go down to the wire.

If I had to price a favourite here I would go with China at maybe 10/11 — but no way are
the hosts a 4/7 chance. And with that in mind we’ll have 2-points on the USA at a cracking
2.70 or greater on exchanges, a fraction less with the bookies.


Here’s a way you can treble your money in less than 10 seconds this summer…

A Bolt from the blue upsets the odds

The odds are up for the blue ribbon of athletics, the Men’s 100 Metres — and I want us to
take an early price.

In a blast of a race like this, obviously the man with the best speed should win
— so let’s check out the fastest times ever set in the Men’s 100.


9.72 Usain Bolt

9.74 Asafa Powell
9.77 Asafa Powell
9.77 Justin Gatlin
9.77 Asafa Powell
9.77 Asafa Powell
9.78 Asafa Powell
9.79 Maurice Greene
9.80 Maurice Greene
9.82 Maurice Greene

With neither Justin Gatlin nor Maurice Greene running in Beijing, picking
the winner looked a simple task — surely, it’s Asafa Powell all the way?

Then in May this year, Jamaican Usain Bolt turned everything upside down – clocking a
world record 9.72 – in preparation for his crack at the 200 metre event!

Now the the bookies are betting like this...

Usain Bolt 6/4

Tyson Gay 2/1
Asafa Powell 11/4
25/1 Bar

Powell now rates as third favourite – but looks a tasty bit of value when you consider the

One, Bolt has yet to confirm whether he will take part in the 100 meters – as it is bound to
impact on his performance in his specialist event, the 200. And two, since the last
Olympics, Powell is been the more consistent performer than Tyson Gay. If we look at the
top twenty 100 metre performances, we find that Powell is responsible for six of them —
Gay produced just two.

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But comparing their records in the big events, it give’s us an inking why Powell isn’t the
bookies favourite…

Asafa Powell

2007 World Championships 3rd

2006 Commonwealth Games 1st
2004 Olympic Games 5th
2003 World Championships 1st

Tyson Gay

2007 World Championships 1st

2006 World Cup 1st
2006 World Athletics Final 3rd

These results do tend to show that Powell has not always run as well in big events as his
times prove he could. However, his record still stands plenty of inspection.

Apart from his first big championship when very young he has always reached the finals. He
has won at the Commonwealth games where, with the exception of the Americans, all the
big names were competing. He has won the IAAF World Athletics Final three times, and
though the IAAF World Athletics Final does not qualify as a major competition, there is a
great deal of money at stake — and pressure to cope with.

Doing it when it matters

So just why do we sometimes see him perform less well than he should when it comes to
winning the top prizes?

There is a skill to going through the rounds at a major competition and then producing your
killer performance where it really counts — in the final. Powell hasn’t been in total control
of those skills in the past — but that’s a situation he is well aware of. Powell has addressed
this problem in his training and preparation this year, and believes that he’ll have it all
right for Beijing.

If Powell produces his best work in the Olympics final, then the stopwatch tells us that he
has a great chance of winning – whether Bolt is running or not.

The bookies are currently offering us 11/4 about the man with the best ‘engine’ here.
That’s value — and worth a bet.


To finish off my look at Beijing 2008, I’ve prepared a unique summary of a few bets that
might not offer great value – but should be ‘nailed on’. Plus, highlighting the best of

Olympics - Bankers and Brits

First the ‘bankers’ - athletes I feel either have an outstanding medal chance…

Shot Put Valerie Vili NZL

At still only 23, Vili has established herself at a very young age in an event were experience
and technique count for a lot. The rankings for this year are led by a Belorussian, Nadzeya
Ostapchuk, and were achieved in an internal meet in Minsk. Ostapchuk has shown no other

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Beijing Olympics 2008 – Betting Guide
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form and has no real pedigree. Otherwise Vili and, to a much lesser degree, the German,
Nadine Kleinert dominate the list of this year’s best throwers.

Pole Vault Yelena Isinbaeva RUS

Seems to be able to break the world record at will. When event organisers pay good money
to attract top athletes - Yelena is always high on their invitation list.

High Jump Blanka Vasic CRO

Has yet to compete, in earnest, outdoors this season but she did win the World Indoor
championships in March. Rumour has it that she is taking no risks with a minor injury
problem. If she comes back in the form she was in last year and during the indoor season
she should be unbeatable.

Long Jump Irving Saladino PANAMA

He jumped 8.73m at a meet in Hengeloe on 24 May 2008. That is 0.36m further than anyone
else has this year.

Now The Brits

If you’re looking for a Brit to back at the Olympics, you could do worse than keep your eye
out for the following athletes....


The two best bets for a medal in Athletics are Kelly Sotherton in the Heptathlon and Phillips
Idowu in the Triple Jump.

In both cases the absence of a Swede has dramatically affected their chances...

Idowu currently heads the world rankings by some way. However, World and Olympic
Champion and joint indoor world record holder Christian Olsson has been injured and is due
to make his comeback about now. If he finds his past form by the time of the Olympics (and
he should do, really), then Idowu only represents an each way bet.

The Heptathlon has been dominated by Carolina Kluft for several years. So much so that she
has announced that she is looking for challenges elsewhere. Her absence means Sotherton is
one of a group of three or four, including current world rankings leader Tatyana Chernova,
who could take gold.


Now, Cycling, a sport which could produce a medal bonanza for Britain...

Shenaze Reade has a chance of medal in the women’s BMX event. Although she was only
ranked 6th in the world last season she was concentrating on proving herself on the track,
and ended up getting a gold in the Team Sprint in the World Championships. That is not an
Olympic event so she will return to BMX for Beijing. Shenaze should be stronger after that
Team Sprint effort, and this should stand her in good stead for a medal, possibly a gold.

Reade’s partner in the team sprint was Victoria Pendleton who, on current form, has a very
good chance of gold in the women’s Individual Sprint, where she is also reigning world

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Chris Hoy has real prospects for gold in the men’s event and the men’s Keirin. As do Great
Britain’s other reigning world champions, Bradley Wiggins (Individual Pursuit and Madison,
with Mark Cavendish) and

Rebecca Romero (Individual Pursuit.) The men’s Olympic sprint team won a silver medal in
the World Championships and are another real medal prospect.
Guide to the Beijing Olympics 2008.

Place your bets...

You can find the Best Odds on these events at:

These articles were first published in Mr X’s in The Insider or The Sports Statistician. If
you’d like to receive advice like this via a FREE weekly email service, go to www.Sports-

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The 8th August sees the start of the 28th Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China where
10,500 sports men and women will compete in a whole myriad of sports - the question for
us is ‘ how can we make money by betting on it?’

In my opinion the key is really to remain focused and concentrate on a handful of events
and not to run around like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Quite simply choose a couple
of sports that you already know something about or have had a bet on before - the chances
of you learning enough about 10 new sports in a few weeks to become knowledgeable
enough about competitors is extremely slim. With the internet at your disposal do as much
reading as possible - Google is your friend! - look for forums for your chosen sport - I can
guarantee that you can read a lot more than any odds compiler will be able to.

If you don’t know much about a particular sport at least pick something that interests you -
watching heats etc will be far more fruitful if you actually want to watch them.

Some bookmakers will have prior knowledge of certain sports because they price up World
or European events throughout the year - use these books to your advantage over those who
are effectively going in blind.

An interesting aspect is that many countries overestimate the real chances of some of their
athletes - mainly because they know that they will probably take patriotic bets anyway, so
use this to your advantage.

One thing I always try to do is to back any selection each way - you must remembe that
winning an Olympic Gold is an immense achievement and even great sports men and woman
struggle to get that elusive gold medal.

On a note of caution always check the rules of the event as many competitors are entered
in multiple events (especially athletics) and most books quote all in run or not, so you
might not even get a run for your money - unless you can guarantee the person you want to
back is going to start you might want to hold onto your money for a bit longer!

The only bet I have had so far is in the Mens Volleyball and gives you an idea of what to
look for - the USA just won the World League with Olympic odds on favourites Brazil back in
4th - this therefore made the 16/1 ew about the USA a very attractive proposition,
especially as they seem to have the best of the draw.

I hope you enjoy the Olympics and make some money but remember - remain focused!

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Website address:

Here at the Secret Betting Club we also produce a number of free betting podcasts for you
to listen to. Betting Broadcast at has been developed
as a central location for all our audio communication from us here at the Secret Betting
Club. You can listen to the latest podcasts as well as previous editions either by streaming
them over the Internet or by downloading to your computer.

To date we have published 12 podcasts, all of which are between around 10 and 15 minutes
long. In addition at the Betting Broadcast site you can also listen to the hour-long interview
podcast special that SBC editor Mike Bishop did with professional gambler Matt Watson and
a 2nd interview with Mike Marsland from Big Mike Betting.

All podcasts come in MP3 format, which ensures they are the smallest file size possible
without compromising quality.

Send on your Podcast Feedback and News

Send all your podcast related material to Mark all emails with
the word 'Podcast'.

We are especially interested in receiving any stories or information that you wish for us to
discuss in a future podcast.

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is simply a short audio recording that you can stream over the Internet or
download to your computer. In our case each recording is often no longer than 15 minutes
long and most Internet connections should be able to download it in 20 minutes maximum.
Alternatively you can ‘stream’ the Podcast so it plays directly off the Internet, meaning you
do not have to download it.

Page 15
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If you are interested in making further money betting via Horse Racing, then be sure to visit
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the betting advisory arena.

Racing Proofing is regularly updated every 10 to 14 days so keep checking back to see the
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The views expressed within this article are based on the authors experience alone. Any
money used within the services mentioned is done so at the risk of the individual.

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