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Open carbonate ramp facies, microfacies and paleoenvironments of the

Gramame Formation (Maastrichtian), Pernambuco-Paraba Basin,
Northeastern Brazil

Article  in  Journal of South American Earth Sciences · July 1999

DOI: 10.1016/S0895-9811(99)00027-9


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University of Massachusetts Boston


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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Open carbonate ramp facies, microfacies and paleoenvironments

of the Gramame Formation (Maastrichtian), Pernambuco±ParaõÂ ba
Basin, Northeastern Brazil
Muftah Saleh M. El gadi*, Michael E. Brook®eld
Land Resource Science, Guelph University, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada


The monotonous carbonates of the Maastrichtian Gramame Formation can be divided into 11 microfacies, but these do not
correspond with the ®ve major facies distinguished in the ®eld. The microfacies were grouped into six composite microfacies
which were used to construct a depositional model. In this model, tectonic disturbances of a relatively steeply sloping carbonate
ramp caused apparently random occurrences of coarser and sandier bioclastics and in¯ux of clastic material into generally mid-
outer-ramp environments. Only the central section of the carbonate ramp is exposed in a strike section. Shallower and deeper
facies must be inferred from the transgressive nature of the sequence. Dolomitization is ubiquitous but apparently random. The
closest modern analogy of the Gramame Formation is the relatively steep West Florida ramp. However this does not have fault-
bounded shallows, for which analogies can be found on the shelf of the Arabian Gulf. Combining features from both of these
allows a plausible reconstruction to be made of Gramame Formation environments. We envisage a steeply sloping ramp cut by
horsts and grabens related to the opening of the south Atlantic ocean. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The area studied forms part of the coast between

Recife to the south and JoaÄo Pessoa to the north and
The Pernambuco±ParaõÂ ba basin of northeastern is about 100 km long and on average 25 km wide,
Brazil is one of the rift-passive margin basins which with beds dipping gently to the east (Tinoco, 1967)
evolved on the Brazilian continental margin as Africa (Fig. 2).
separated from South America during the opening of the
South Atlantic (Asmus, 1981) (Fig. 1). The
Maastrichtian Gramame Formation is the ®rst open-
2. Geologic setting
marine deposit of the Pernambuco±ParaõÂ ba basin and is
younger than the ®rst marine deposits in other basins.
The Mesozoic±Cenozoic basins of northeastern
The aim of this research was to infer the deposi-
Brazil lie on the elbow junction between the east±west
tional environments of the relatively monotonous
spreading of the South Atlantic and the oblique
Gramame Formation carbonates from detailed micro-
north±north-east to south±south-west spreading of the
facies studies, supplemented by other available sedi-
Central Atlantic (Asmus, 1981; Mabesoone and
mentary, geochemical and fossil evidence, and use
Alheiros, 1988). The basins change from N±S to E±W
these to characterize and reconstruct the evolution of
orientation from south to north. The transition shows
the carbonate platform.
complex fault orientation and control, further compli-
cated by the reactivation of the generally east±north-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +001-519-824-2654; fax: +001-519-
east trending Precambrian structural grain (Fig. 1).
824-5730. Most of the Brazilian continental margin basins
E-mail address: (M.S.M. El gadi). have similar histories (Chang et al., 1988: Ojeda, 1982;

0895-9811/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 8 9 5 - 9 8 1 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 2 7 - 9
412 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 1. Tectonic setting of northeastern Brazilian basins.

Ponte and Asmus, 1978). The extensional phase of tation began in the rift during the Santonian. Marine
uplift, rifting and basaltic volcanism within ¯ooding began in the Maastrichtian with the transgres-
Gondwanaland began along the joined southeastern sive carbonates of the Gramame Formation uncon-
Brazilian and southwestern African margins in the formably overlying basement. The top of the
Upper Jurassic±Lower Cretaceous and was followed Formation is marked by a coarse tsunami deposit
by syn-rift subsidence and continental sedimentation, attributed to the end of Cretaceous meteorite impact
including lacustrine carbonates. The transitional phase (AlbertaÄo and Martins, 1996). After this, carbonate
began during the Aptian, as separation of southeastern sedimentation resumed with the Danian Maria
Brazil and southwestern Africa caused the sea to ¯ood Farinha Formation. In other basins marginal marine
the rift, depositing thick evaporites. The succeeding conditions persisted to Recent times. However in the
separation and thermal subsidence phase began with Pernambuco±ParaõÂ ba basin, mid-Cenozoic uplift and
transgressive Albian marine carbonates which mark erosion was followed by the deposition of thick
the development of open marine conditions and pas- Pliocene to Recent non-marine sediments of the
sive margin subsidence. Younger sedimentation was Barreiras Group.
controlled by the interplay of subsidence, sedimen- Detailed geophysical studies show that
tation, sea-level changes and climate with sea-ward Pernambuco±ParaõÂ ba and other coastal basins are
deepening facies and successions bounded by uncon- divided into fault-blocks which plunge seaward
formities. (Beurlen, 1967; Mabesoone, 1967; Rand, 1967; Tinoco,
However, the Pernambuco±ParaõÂ ba basin, at the 1967). Two reactivated Precambrian fault zones,
junction of the major basin trends, had a rather di€er- known as the `Patos' or `Paraõ ba' and `Pernambuco'
ent history. Intermittent basaltic volcanism and uplift lineaments partly controlled sedimentation in the
persisted into the Turonian, while continental sedimen- Pernambuco±ParaõÂ ba basin.
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 413

Fig. 2. Geological map of Pernambuco±ParaõÂ ba basin and location of studied pro®les.

3. Stratigraphy on late Aptian to Turonian basaltic volcanics and was

deposited in an alluvial fan system in its lower part
The Pernambuco±ParaõÂ ba basin has two main and a deltaic fan in its upper part and marks the rift-
depositional complexes, the ParaõÂ ba and Barreiras ing phase (Ojeda, 1976). The Beberibe Formation is
Groups (Fig. 2). The ParaõÂ ba Group contains the transgressively overlain by the basal sandy limestones
Beberibe, Gramame and Maria Farinha Formations. of the Gramame Formation. Within the transition, or
The Beberibe Formation (Santonian±Campanian) Ð at its top, are sandy phosphatic limestones with up to
sometimes called the Itamaraca Formation Рconsists 30% P2O5 (Mabesoone et al., 1968).
of coarse to ®ne sandy clastics passing towards the The Gramame Formation (Maastrichtian) has phos-
coast into calciferous sandstones. This unit rests partly phatic sandy limestones at its base passing up into
414 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 3. Field classi®cation for carbonates (after Mabesoone, 1983).

diverse ®ne-grained, fossiliferous, shallow to deep shelf stones, marls and shales similar to those of the
limestones and marls which mark the marine transgres- Gramame Formation. However, the foramineral fauna
sive phase. The foraminiferal fauna is dominated by is dominated by benthonic forms with planktonic
planktonic forms (70±90%) (Mabesoone et al., 1968). forms always less than 15% and usually less than 5%
An erosive surface separates the Gramame Formation (Mabesoone et al., 1968). This suggests that the Maria
from the overlying Maria Farinha Formation. Farinha Formation sediments were generally deposited
The Maria Farinha Formation (Paleocene) begins in shallower water than those of the Gramame
with a thick, graded bioclastic and intraclastic lime- Formation (Koutsoukos and Hart, 1990). The Maria
stone, interpreted as a tsunami deposit associated with Farinha Formation closes the sedimentary cycle of the
the end of Cretaceous meteorite impact (AlbertaÄo and opening phase of the Atlantic Ocean in this area
Martins, 1996). Above are ®ne-grained deep shelf lime- (Ojeda, 1982).
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 415

Fig. 4. Pro®les of Gramame Formation.

The Barreiras Group was deposited at the end of Ten pro®les were studied in natural outcrops and
the Pliocene and consists of coarse to ®ne continental quarries (Fig. 2). Unfortunately, the pro®les lie
clastics up to 120 m thick. Quaternary sediments are roughly along the strike of the basin and therefore do
continental alluvial sands deposited along new valleys not show a consistent onshore±o€shore environmental
and along the coast. variation from pro®le to pro®le (though the more com-
plete individual pro®les do show a rough trend from
shallow to deep to shallower facies). The ®eld classi®-
cation used for these carbonates is shown on Fig. 3.
4. Facies of the Gramame Formation
The pro®les and the distribution of the ®ve facies
(combining six microfacies) are shown on Fig. 4.
The Gramame Formation is dominated by monoto-
nous dark to light gray to yellowish, ®ne to medium 1. Sandy limestones contain between 5 and 25% of
grained marly limestones alternating with marl and detrital sediment, dominated by quartz. They occur
with local calcarenites. The sediments are heavily bio- near the base of the formation north of the Goiana
turbated and contain shells and/or recrystallized frag- fault, speci®cally at Igarabu, AÂrvore Alta and Cigra
ments of foraminifera, bivalves and other organisms (localities 6,7,8). Sandy limestones contain fossils of
which locally form the bulk of the rock. Insoluble resi- benthic organisms: corals, bryozoans, echinoids,
dues vary between 10 and 35% and are mostly clay gastropods and bivalves (Oliviera and Ramos,
with some quartz grains. 1956). Planktonic foraminifera are scarce. The
416 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 5. Detailed microfacies in the Gramame Formation.

sandy limestones were deposited in nearshore, shal- 4. Marls contain between 40 and 60% clastic sediment,
low areas. dominantly silt and clay, and are the most detritally
2. Marly limestones contain between 5 and 25% of contaminated carbonates found in the Gramame
detrital sediment dominated by silt and clay and Formation. They occur interbedded with marly
form the bulk of the Gramame Formation. They limestone and calcareous marl, mostly in the central
consist of wackestones and mudstones with variable localities (6 and 7). Thicker beds occur in the
proportions of benthic macrofauna, benthic forami- extreme south at Poty (locality 1) throughout that
nifera, and planktonic foraminifera and calci- area. The marls are exclusively mudstones with
spheres. abundant microfossils dominated by planktonic for-
3. Calcareous marls contain between 25 and 40% of aminifera and calcispheres with minor amounts of
detrital sediment dominated by silt and clay and echinoid fragments.
occur interbedded with marly limestones and marls 5. Pure limestones contain less than 5% of detrital
throughout the pro®les. Thicker calcareous marl sediment and are rare in the Gramame Formation,
sections tend to occur in the southernmost outcrop where they occur interbedded with usually marly
interbedded with marls, in the northernnmost out- limestones in the middle and upper part of the for-
crop interbedded with marly limestone, and at the mation in central localities (nos. 3 to 7). Pure lime-
top of the formation in the most complete sections. stones consist of ®ne-grained mudstones with
Calcareous marls are mainly mudstones with rare abundant planktonic foraminifera and calcispheres.
wackestones (locally packstones are composed of They represent the deepest and most open marine
planktonic foraminera and are really mudstones facies.
hydrodynamically). The dominant fossils are plank- The general trend in the Gramame Formation is of a
tonic foraminifera and calcispheres with very minor marine transgression (above the continental Beberibe
amounts of benthic macrofauna (almost entirely Formation) to the middle of the Formation followed
echinoids) and benthic foraminifera. by ¯uctuating conditions in the upper part of the for-
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 417

Fig. 6. Microfacies in Gramame Formation pro®les.

mation: the dominantly planktonic foraminiferal fauna Simple macrofacies descriptions of the Gramame
is suggestive of depths in excess of 100 m (Mabesoone Formation are inadequate to determine facies and en-
et al., 1968). There is no sign of an abrupt major re- vironment, since most of the sediments are ®ne-grained
gression at the top of the Formation. The overlying and heavily bioturbated, and because most important
(and similar) Maria Farinha Formation is probably a fossils are microscopic. Further detailed microfacies
tsunami deposit rather than a shallow marine deposit study was required to determine important constitu-
(AlbertaÄo and Martins, 1996). Nevertheless, the Maria ents and depositional textures.
Farinha Formation is dominated by benthic foramini-
fera suggestive of depths less than 50 m (Koutsoukos
and Hart, 1990). 5. Microfacies
Detailed facies changes are impossible to reconstruct
within the Gramame Formation: ®rst because neither 5.1. Methods of analysis
top nor bottom is exposed in any of the localities
(except the top at locality 4); second because there are All facies were collected from the ten studied lo-
no persistent horizons to trace; and lastly because calities and thin-sectioned, making a total of 150
there is no good biostratigraphic control within the samples. The vertical sampling varied according to the
Formation. Nevertheless, some facies changes were macrofacies changes, ranging between 1.0 m in natural
undoubtedly partially controlled by synsedimentary exposure of calcarenites to 1.2 m in quarries of marls
faulting. The rapid vertical and lateral changes in and limestones.
northern localities (from 5 to 10) occur in an area cut The 150 thin sections were described focusing on
by major faults. petrographic components, such as: (1) relative abun-
418 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 7. Photomicrograph of coral boundstones with quartz sand.

dance of principle constituents; (2) type and percentage This microfacies is con®ned to the lower part of the
of matrix and/or cement; and (3) type of framework sandy limestone unit at Igaruba (locality 7, Fig. 6).
and texture. Applying the methods of Folk (1959), Similar modern microfacies occur in protected shal-
Dunham (1962) and Carozzi et al. (1973), 11 microfa- low-water nearshore areas where marine grasses and
cies were distinguished based on component associ- mangrove trees reduce the e€ect of waves and allow
ations and classi®ed according to depositional energy. deposition of ®ne-grained sediment in shallow water
These were then simpli®ed into six composite microfa- (Wilson, 1975).
5.2.2. Sandy packstones: microfacies 2
5.2. Description of microfacies Sandy packstones are coarse±medium grained and
poorly sorted, with subrounded±subangular grains.
The six composite microfacies were arranged in Clastic grains range up to 50% and subangular quartz
three levels of decreasing relative energy of deposi- dominates feldspar as for the boundstones. Grain
tional environment (Fig. 5) whose distribution in the packing is loose and the contacts between grains are
pro®les is shown on Fig. 6. The detailed results from tangential±straight. Principal grains are bioclasts of
each section are in Appendix I. bivalves, echinoids, gastropods, corals, benthnic fora-
miniferas (textularids, rotalids) and indeterminate
5.2.1. Boundstones: microfacies 1 shells (Fig. 8). The intergranular space is ®lled by
Boundstones are bimodal and poorly sorted with micrite, neomorphized locally to microsparite. More
very coarse to granular, rounded to subangular grains. rarely cementation occurs as a thick non-selective
Clastic grains are dominantly of sub-angular quartz mosaic in intergranular cavities. This microfacies is
with minor feldspar. Grain packing is closed±normal con®ned to the sandy limestone facies at the base of
and the contacts between the grains are tangential± the sections between Igaruba and Cigra (localities 6±8,
straight. Principal grains are corals, rare echinoids, Fig. 6). Similar modern microfacies are deposited in
gastropods, bivalves, worm tubes and benthic forami- nearshore shallow water with moderate energy levels
nifera (textularids, rotalids) (Fig. 7) which are bound (Wilson, 1975).
together by platy corals. The intergranular space is
®lled with a micrite matrix, locally of micritic±peloidal 5.2.3. Bioclastic packstones: microfacies 3
composition. Bioclastic packstones are medium to very ®ne
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 419

Fig. 8. Photomicrograph of sandy packstone with quartz, feldspar, mollusc and coral grains.

grained and poorly sorted with subrounded to suban- ited in less turbulent areas Ð in areas marginal to
gular grains. Clastic grains are rarer than in microfa- shoals, for example. These bioclastic packstones have
cies 1 and 2. Contacts between grains are tangential± much lower percentages of planktonic foraminifera
straight and the packing is loose. The di€erences than microfacies 4 (below).
between `clotted' and peloidal packstones may simply
re¯ect slightly di€erent early diagenesis. The term 5.2.4. Wackestones with planktonic microfauna:
`clotted' designates a micrite which tends to crumble microfacies 4
into subrounded elements with very indistinct bound- Wackestones with planktonic microfauna are ®ne to
aries, which then appear to be partially embedded in a medium grained and moderately sorted with rounded
somewhat coarser crystal mosaic (Fig. 9). The gener- to subrounded grains. They are fairly diverse, ranging
ally accepted explanation for this texture is that mud from bioclastic wackestones through peloidal and
particles disintegrate early and then fuse during com- `clotted' wackestones (Figs. 11±13). Clastic grains are
paction (Flugel, 1982; p.119). Thus, the micrite matrix very rare. Grains ¯oat in the matrix and the packing is
may simply be a `pseudomatrix' formed by the disinte- loose. The grains are dominantly of planktonic forami-
gration during compaction of mechanically weak nifera (globigerinids), calcispheres, and echinoid frag-
micritic peloids which locally survive early diagenesis ments, with rare benthonic foraminifera (textularids,
(Fig. 10). Principal bioclasts of both `clotted' and rotalids). The intergranular space is ®lled with a
peloidal packstones are corals, bivalves, gastropods, micrite matrix. Replacement by rhombohedral dolo-
echinoids, benthonic foraminifera (textularids, rota- mite is common and phosphate commonly replaces
lids), and locally small planktonic foraminifera and planktonic foraminiferas and micrite matrix (Fig. 11).
fragments of crustaceans. Intergranular space is ®lled This microfacies occurs at the top of pro®le 2, the
by micrite matrix. Cementation is by a coarse to med- lower part of pro®le 6, and the upper part of pro®le 8.
ium grained non-selective mosaic in intergranular cav- Similar modern microfacies occur in shallow waters
ities. with open circulation at or just below wave base.
This microfacies is con®ned to the lower part of pro- However, the dominance of planktonic foraminfera
®les 6 and 8 where it is associated with microfacies 1 could indicate much deeper water and sediments simi-
and 2. Similar modern microfacies occur where par- lar to both microfacies 3 and 4 can be formed in deep
ticles are transported from turbulent areas and depos- water by deep oceanic currents.
420 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 9. Photomicrograph of `clotted' bioclastic packstones with broken bioclasts, corals and molluscs.

Fig. 10. Photomicrograph of peloidal bioclastic packstones with bryozoans, corals and peloids.
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 421

Fig. 11. Photomicrograph of wackestones with planktonic microfauna.

Fig. 12. Photomicrograph of mudstones with planktonic microfauna dispersed in a micritic matrix.
422 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 13. Photomicrograph of `clotted' wackestones with planktonic microfauna. The micritic matrix is homogenous to `clotted'.

Fig. 14. Photomicrograph of mudstones with planktonic foraminifera and calcipheres in an micritic matrix.
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 423

Fig. 15. Photomicrograph of peloidal mudstones with planktonic microfacies. Peloids are dicult to distinguish from matrix.

Fig. 16. Photomicrograph of `clotted' mudstones with planktonic fauna and dolomite dispersed in a micritic matrix.
424 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 17. Photomicrograph of mud with planktonic foraminifera and calcipheres.

5.2.5. Mudstones with planktonic microfauna: in local areas of lower carbonate production and/or
microfacies 5 higher clay input; and compared to microfacies 5,
Mudstones with planktonic microfauna are ®ne- to probably in deeper water.
medium-grained and moderately- to poorly sorted but
di€er little from microfacies 4 except in texture. The
dominant grains are planktonic foraminifera and calci- 6. Mineralogy and chemistry
spheres, with rare benthonic foraminifera (Fig. 14). The
micrite matrix is locally neomorphosed to microsparite. The sedimentary rocks of the Gramame Formation
Dolomitization is common, forming rhombohedral crys- have undergone mineralogical and chemical changes
tals in the matrix, which is also locally phosphatized. during diagenesis.
Like microfacies 4, there is a fair variety within this Chemical analysis of the 150 samples was done at
microfacies with variable content of peloids (and disinte- the Portland Cement factory at Poty and X-ray dif-
grated peloids) forming peloidal and `clotted' mudstones fraction was done at the Energy Department of the
(Figs. 15 and 16). The proportion of benthonic forami- Federal University of Pernambuco (using powdered,
nifera tends to decrease from peloidal mudstones unoriented thin sections) to determine the non-clay
through `clotted' mudstones to mudstones. Also, mud- minerals. The chemical and mineralogical trends of
stones consist of very ®ne silt-sized grains dispersed in a four representative pro®les are shown on Figs. 18 to
micrite matrix with sporadic pyritization (Fig. 14). 21. The samples used for chemical analysis are identi-
This microfacies forms most of the Gramame cal with the samples used for thin section analysis.
Formation and is overwhelmingly dominant in its cen- The only consistent trend in mineralogy is a rapid
tral part during the inferred greatest transgression. decrease in quartz upwards in the shallow-water micro-
Similar modern microfacies occur in deep shelf and facies (1 to 3 of pro®les 6 to 8) where the quartz con-
slope environments below both normal and storm tent averages 30% at the base, but then decreases
wave-base (Wilson, 1975). upwards to less than 5%. Everywhere else, the quartz
content is very low; less than 2%.
5.2.6. Muds with planktonic microfauna: microfacies 6 Clay contents vary between 10 and 35%. The clay
Muds with planktonic microfauna di€er from mud- minerals are dominantly kaolinite (40±65%) with
stones only in that they have a higher detrital clay con- lower amounts of illite (15±35%) and montmorillonite
tent and are soft (Fig. 17). They possibly accumulated (20±40%) (Mabesoone et al., 1968).
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 425

Fig. 18. Chemical and mineralogical composition in pro®le 5.

Dolomite is variable, with no consistent trend except obtained from microfacies analysis, though they might
towards the top of pro®le 7 where dolomite progress- be useful in determining industrial uses for the for-
ively increases from 5 to 50% in the top 6 m of the mation. The signi®cance of the secondary dolomitiza-
section. Elsewhere, dolomite replacement seems to be tion will be discussed elsewhere (Elgadi, in
random. preparation).
Chemical analyses show very little variation and no
surprises. Silica and alumina naturally covary with
clay content (e.g. pro®le 5). Magnesium content natu- 7. Carbonate ramp interpretation
rally covaries with dolomite content.
The bulk mineralogy and chemistry of the Gramame The tectonic development of the Pernambuco±
Formation adds little to the depositional information ParaõÂ ba basin and stratigraphic, facies and microfacies
426 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 19. Chemical and mineralogical composition in pro®le 6.

analyses indicate that the Gramame Formation was Moderate energy microfacies (boundstones, sandy
deposited in a relatively narrow moderate to low packstones and bioclastic packstones) outcrop only
energy carbonate ramp broken into fault blocks. The north of the Goiana Fault and south of the Conde
scarcity of high energy facies (except in a few localities Fault (localities 6 to 8) where an isolated rift uplift,
related to fault blocks) suggests a mid- to outer ramp known as the Conde/Garapu High occurs (Feitosa and
location for most of the localities studied, though Feitosa, 1986). To the north and south, these moderate
more extensive shallower water facies probably once energy microfacies gradually pass into deeper and qui-
existed to the west (Burchette and Wright, 1992). eter water wackestones and mudstones with planktonic
Local supply of coarser clastics probably came from foraminifera and calcispheres.
tectonically exposed underlying clastic sediments and The Gramame Formation shows a consistent grada-
basement in shallower o€shore areas. Finer clastics tional change from shallower to deeper facies upwards
may have been supplied from land areas to the west. without thick sections of shallow water facies. For
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 427

Fig. 20. Chemical and mineralogical composition in pro®le 7.

these reasons, the depositional morphology during de- mostly coarse inter®ngering facies mosaics of shoal,
position of the Gramame Formation was closer to a organic barrier, and shoreface sediments, but with
carbonate ramp rather than a carbonate shelf or ramp. ®ner back-barrier sediments in places.
Modern carbonate ramps occur in West Florida, 2. Mid-ramps (between fair weather wave base and
Yucatan, the Arabian Gulf and South Australia. Only storm wave base) have ®ner-grained, more uni-
the ®rst three are in tropical latitudes and climates formly distributed facies with a variety of storm-re-
comparable to the situation of the Gramame lated structures like grading and hummocky cross-
strati®cation. The most rapid net sedimentation
Formation and have four (idealized) subdivisions
takes place in mid-ramp areas where storm waves
(Burchette and Wright, 1992) (Fig. 22).
primarily deposit material reworked from inner-
1. Inner ramps (above fair weather wave base) have ramp areas. The slope break is thus often between
428 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 21. Chemical and mineralogical composition in pro®le 8.

the mid- and outer ramp. insigni®cant sandy and marly limestones (microfacies
3. Outer ramps (below storm wave base) have ®ne- 1±3), are dominated by outer-ramp facies. Its shallow-
grained more slowly deposited facies dominated by water sandy and marly limestones have no exact ana-
organic reworking, though storm suspensions may logies in the simple ramp model but may have been
deposit thin and ®ne-grained graded beds. deposited in shallow water environments around tecto-
4. Basins are the ¯at areas beyond the outer ramp nically produced local highs. The ramp must have
slope, but the di€erences between them may be been fairly steep for outer ramp facies to be deposited
minimal. so close to the late Cretaceous paleoshorefaces.
There is no Recent carbonate ramp which has such
The facies and microfacies of the Gramame a combination of steep slope and tectonic highs.
Formation, with the exception of the volumetrically However, features of the reasonably well-known shal-
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 429

Fig. 22. Modern carbonate ramps, environments and facies (from Burchette and Wright, 1992). A. Modern ramp analogues for the Gramame
Formation and a comparison with the Bahama Bank at the same scale. Black areas shallower than 10 m, stippled areas between 10 and 100 m.
Arrows are dominant wind directions. B. Main subdivisions of an ideal carbonate ramp.
430 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 23. Facies distributions across the West Florida ramp (Mullins et al., 1988; Gardulski et al., 1990).

low shelves and ramps of West Florida, US, and of planktonic foraminifera and coccoliths, the ubiquitous
the Arabian Gulf can be combined to construct a bioturbation indicating aerobic environments. The tur-
depositional model for the Gramame Formation. bidite deposits are volumetrically insigni®cant and tend
The West Florida Ramp, which faces the Gulf of to be thin and ®ne-grained. Sand-sized basal grains con-
Mexico, is a relatively smooth and rapidly deepening sist of planktonic foraminifera and fragments of gastro-
slope with no gullies or canyons, and is formed of sea- pods, bivalves, scaphopods, deep-water corals, echinoid
ward thickening wedges of dominantly slope sediments spines and carbonate and phosphatic peloids. Silt-sized
(Fig. 23) (Mullins et al., 1988). Unlike other ramps, bases are almost entirely reworked planktonic foramini-
sedimentation is controlled by ocean currents so that fera. The slope sediments show rhythmic alternations
hardgrounds and winnowed sands (composed mostly expressed in sedimentology, mineralogy and chemistry
of planktonic foraminifera) extend from 200±600 m (Gardulski et al., 1990).
depth. On this deep `outer shelf to shelf margin', some The ®ner grained microfacies of the Gramame
of the lithotypes and their faunas resemble microfaces Formation resemble the deep ramp slope lithotypes of
1±3 of the Gramame Formation, except that clastic the West Florida ramp. However the coarser grained
sand and shallow-water faunas are absent (Ivany et al., Gramame microfacies (with detrital quartz and shal-
1994). For example, winnowed sands have reworked low-water corals) are much shallower than the equival-
planktonic foraminfera and echinoid and molluscan ent West Florida lithotypes. Shallow-water lithotypes
fragments in a wackestone matrix: and deep-water coral do, however, occur juxtaposed with deep-water litho-
framestones have interstices ®lled with planktonic fora- types on the Arabian Gulf ramp.
minifera and pteropods cemented by peloidal wackes- The Arabian Gulf is a partially enclosed sea with a
tone (Mullins et al., 1988). On the mid to outer ramp, at very gentle shelf-slope gradient (Purser, 1974a). It is
depths greater than 600 m, pelagic sediments dominate never more than 100 m deep, so the entire area was
with rare turbidite deposits. The pelagic sediments con- dry land during the last Ice Age (Sarnthein, 1972). The
sist of soft bioturbated carbonate muds dominated by Arabian Gulf ramp is thus a poor overall analogy for
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 431

Fig. 24. Bathymetry and facies distributions around Abu Thama shoal; a shallow, mid-ramp high in the Arabian Gulf (Purser, 1974b).

the open ocean and steep Gramame Formation ramp. tonic and salt-induced movements have formed shal-
Nevertheless, the overall character and distribution of low o€shore areas in which erosion of pre-existing
lithotypes are somewhat analogous, though on a large sediments can occur and in which corals and other
scale (Sto€ers and Ross, 1979; Uchupi et al., 1996; shallow marine organisms can live, una€ected by the
Wagner and Van Der Togt, 1974). Furthermore, tec- variable conditions of nearshore areas (Fig. 24).
432 M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433

Fig. 25. Reconstruction of carbonate ramp model for the Gramame Formation.

Around these shallow banks, lithotypes analogous to The shelf and shelf-margin models for Tertiary
microfacies 1±3 of the Gramame Formation are ac- ramps developed by Buxton and Pedley (1989) rely on
cumulating, while ®ner-grained marly and mudstone benthic associations and communities. They are of lit-
microfacies (analogous to microfacies 4±6) are ac- tle use for the late Cretaceous Gramame ramp, par-
cumulating in deeper water (Purser, 1974b). ticularly since they group slope and basin associations
Ancient inferred carbonate ramp deposits are also into a single category Ð planktonic foraminifera with
comparable to those of the Gramame Formation. The low diversity macrofauna Ð an association which
Upper Chalk deposits of western Europe have almost dominates the bulk of the Gramame Formation.
identical facies (Jarvis, 1980). The predominant wack-
estones and mudstones of the Chalk resemble the
®ner-grained microfacies of the Gramame Formation 8. Conclusions
(Hakansson et al., 1974). Coarse-grained sediments
like those of microfacies 1±3 of the Gramame The Gramame Formation consists of 11 detailed
Formation do occur in places marginal to shoal areas microfacies which could be grouped into six composite
and islands, for example in southwestern England microfacies based on principal components and deposi-
(Garrison et al., 1987). The Late Campanian± tional texture. These suggest that the Gramame
Maastrichtian marine carbonates of central Iraq also Formation was deposited on an open relatively steeply
show almost exactly the same microfacies in the same sloping carbonate ramp, on which sedimentation was
tectonic situation, with shallow-water facies on block- greatly a€ected by synsedimentary faulting. The facies
faulted topographic high passing into marly limestones and microfacies characters and distribution in the
in intervening basins (Sadooni, 1996). However, of Gramame Formation can be readily compared with
course, similar inferences from modern processes and other Cretaceous to Recent carbonate ramp environn-
environments have to be made for these as for the ments. The most plausible reconstruction involves a
Gramame Formation. steeply-sloping, ocean-facing ramp, like that of West
M.S.M. El gadi, M.E. Brook®eld / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 411±433 433

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