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The Goal

Chapter 6
What title would you give this The indicators
Write a 10-sentence summary of There are these three guys who are not doing their job in the plant and
the chapter. Use specific Alex calls the attention of their supervisor and make them work. He
character names, and specific thought of how do the work of the three guys or any other employee in the
events that occurred. plant help it make money. Does being productive contributes in making
money? Meanwhile, the plant controller named Lou bumped into Alex’s
office to tell him that Bill mentioned Alex in his meeting a while ago.
Eventually, together, they discuss the details of how the plant could go
about achieving the Goal and the new targets. Lou explained to Alex that it
is not only the high net profit that indicates whether the company is doing
well. Investment and its return to the company are the things that are need
consider. Now, Alex wrote down in a paper his goal and that is “To make
money by increasing net profit, while simultaneously increasing return on
investment, and simultaneously increasing cash flow”. When Alex runs the
numbers, the task seems daunting, almost impossible. Their conversation
stretches late, and Alex finds himself in trouble once again with Julie when
he calls home…
3-5 unfamiliar or not very familiar  pounce - spring or swoop suddenly so as to catch prey.
words (add their definition, or  nonchalantly - in a casually calm and relaxed manner.
ever a picture to show what they  mind-boggling - overwhelming; startling.
are)  paunchy - having a large or protruding belly.
 frumpled - To wrinkle; crumple; ruffle
 miffed - annoy.
Powerful quote from this chapter “So this is the goal: To make money by increasing net profit, while
and why you chose it simultaneously increasing return on investment, and simultaneously in-
creasing cash flow.”

Historical or current event

Personal Comments/Insights The game is on in this chapter. Now that Alex has his roadmap on his
goals, the rest of the things he need to do will be a less difficult than he
expected. Lou is with him to guide with the figures in financials and

CLAVO, Jaira Micah P. | BSA52

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