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7 Characteristics of a Strong Family

Confident Leadership
An effective team works together best with a clearly identified leader. Dads, God has
assigned this position to you! He has written your job description (you can find it in
Deuteronomy 6:6-8, Proverbs 22:6 and Colossians 3:21), and you function under His
authority. You may not feel confident in this role . . . take your insecurities to God and trust
Him to give you the wisdom, courage and strength to gently guide your family.

Clearly Defined Roles

Each team member can make his greatest contribution when he knows exactly what is
expected of him. The same is true in the family. Dad’s the leader. He makes the final
decisions and is accountable to God for how he guides the whole crew. But he can’t do his
job alone. He needs mom’s input, help and support. Together, they assist the kids in fulfilling
their role . . . learning and practicing obedience and respect as they work at becoming
honorable citizens!


Common Goal
Ultimately, the goal of a biblical family is to reflect honor to God, and we do this by fulfilling
the roles He gave each of us. On a practical day to day basis, the common goal should be to
help each other be the best they can be at their current pursuits. Might be mastering potty
training, remembering to obey right away, learning to ride a bicycle, eliminating sassy talk,
perfecting the essay model, passing a big test, getting everyone out the door on time or
earning a promotion at work.

Belief In Each Other

You have to be each others’ biggest fans. God has designed each member with particular
abilities. Some of these are easily recognizable; others are yet to be discovered! Look for
potential and encourage it. Cheer each other on. Show affection. Express appreciation.
Support interests and facilitate exploring new skills. Recognize and praise positive character.
Trust that God is at work in each one to accomplish His purposes by putting you together in
the same family.


Willingness to Magnify Strengths

Everyone, big and small, has them. Areas where they make the biggest contribution or shine a
little brighter. Make the most of those areas. When anyone in our family looses something,
we call in our Seek-and-Find King. That boy can find things like no one else! And we make a
big deal out of it. Let each person be famous for something good. Make sure they know you
rely on them in that area. That your family could not function without their special talent.

Ability to Minimize Weaknesses

Yes, everyone has these too. And we all need help shoring up the weak spots. But we don’t
need to call attention to them all the time. Especially in front of others. Let love cover the
imperfections as often as possible (Prov. 10:12, 1 Peter 4:8).

Commitment to the Team

Teamwork can be IS hard. It will often seem like everyone’s working against each other.
Sometimes we are. Becoming a strong family doesn’t happen automatically. It takes
intentional, purposeful commitment. A strong, unified family will require more time, effort,
energy and “re-dos” than you might imagine. Don’t give up. Stick with it and the rewards will
outlast you.

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