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SCHOOL YEAR 2019/2020


Praise the author pray the presence of Allah SWT who has given His grace and gifts, so that
the author can complete this observation report properly.
The author realizes that in the preparation of this report it would not have been possible
without the help of various parties. Therefore the author wants
would like to thank:
1. Mr Suyud, as the owner of the meatball business.
2. Ibu Rista Hapsari K, S.PD As a supervisor as well as an English subject teacher.
The author realizes that this report still has many shortcomings and is far from perfect. For
this reason, the authors expect constructive criticism and suggestions to be better next time.
Thus this report the author collated. Hope it is useful for all of us. Amen



PAGE TITLE……………………………………………………………………. 1
FOREWORD………………………………………………….………………… 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………….. 3
A. Definition of Observation…………………………………………………….. 4
B. Background…………………………………………………………………… 4
C. Purpose of Observation……………………………………………………..… 5
D. Benefits……………………………………………………………………...... 5
E. Time and place of implementation…………………………………………..... 5
A. Profile of Small Business……………………………………………………... 6
B. Marketing System……………………………………………………………... 6
C. Employment………………………………………………………………….... 6
D. Bookkeeping and Small Business Accounting………………………………... 6
E. Material………………………………………………………………………... 7
F. The Process of Making Meatballs……………………………………………... 7
G. The Process of Making Meatballs Soup………………………………………. 8
H. Problems Faced by SMEs in Developing Business………………………….... 8
I. Business Development…………………………………………………………. 8
A. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….. 9
B. Suggestion…………………………………………………………………….. 9
ATTACHMENT……………………………………………………....………... 10


A. Definition of Observation
Observation is the activity of searching, recording, collecting and managing data to
achieve certain goals. This time the author made an observation in the field of

B. Background
Entrepreneurship is a human effort to be able to develop themselves independently.
Entrepreneurship can be started from developing a hobby, by developing a hobby into
a business the work undertaken becomes fun without coercion. In addition to
developing the main key hobby of entrepreneurship is the unyielding spirit, with an
unyielding spirit a businessman can continue to develop himself and create
innovations to develop his business.

In addition to developing self-potential entrepreneurship can also create new jobs and
can reduce unemployment. Entrepreneurship can be started anytime and anywhere,
there are several examples of entrepreneurship, among others, service businesses,
sales businesses, and profit-making businesses.

In the current era of entrepreneurship is a choice of work that is considered quite

promising with innovative and creativity to be one of the capital of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship can also be started from utilizing goods that are deemed ineffective
into a product that has a selling power and usability.

Learning entrepreneurship knowledge from successful entrepreneurs is one of the

most effective ways to learn entrepreneurship. entrepreneurs who have succeeded
have ups and downs in their business, with us learning from their experiences we can
take the teaching of their success.

One of the successful and exemplary businesses is the Meatball business developed
by Mr Suyud. One innovative franchise business is developing Meatballs into a
delicious and unique food. With low prices that can be affordable from various
groups, this profit-making business is one of the best-selling businesses and has many

Based on the explanation above, the writer would like to further review the business
of Mr. Yusud's Meatballs. By conducting research the authors hope to increase
knowledge about entrepreneurship and research results can be useful for readers in
general and in particular compilers.

C. Purpose of Observation
The purpose of this observation is to find out:
a. To fulfill the value of assignments in English
b. To increase knowledge about entrepreneurs from successful entrepreneurs.
c. Adding entrepreneurial experience
d. Add ideas to innovate in developing businesses
e. Motivates us to learn entrepreneurship

D. Benefits
a. Can fulfill the assignments of English subjects
b. Can add to the experience of entrepreneurship
c. Can provide learning for business entrepreneurs

E. Time and Place of Implementation

This observation was carried out on May 1, 2020 at Warung Bakso, Mr Suyud, as the
maker and owner of the Bakso stall.


A. Profile of Small Business

The Meatball Business home industry was founded by Suyud and his family 10 years ago,
precisely in 2008. The business location (Pak Suyud's home) is located in Slagi, near Slagi
Market. as well as a very strategic location because it is close to the Sinanggul-Slagi
In the beginning, the owner got a creative idea of Bakso Enterprises from the results of trial
and error. Initially, Mr. Suyud was a chicken noodle seller and tried a new innovation,
namely making meatballs with basic ingredients of beef. After feeling the results of his trial
were successful, he tried to develop the business by creating a Baks Business.
Anemo community is quite large with the presence of Mr. Suyud's Meatballs Business. If a
large portion of meatballs is sold at a price of around Rp. 15,000.00, then at a price of Rp.
10,000.00, we can get one portion of meatballs.

B. Marketing System
The marketing system that is carried out is still in a contagious nature (delivery of
information by word of mouth).

C. Employment
The labor that is used does not take from outsiders, but comes from the family of Pak Suyud,
his own brother. Even so, he still applies a profit sharing system. The meatball production
process for Kartika's mantep meatballs is carried out in the market, namely the meat mill.

D. Small Business Bookkeeping and Accounting

The small business of Kartika Mantep Meatballs does not yet have a clear and detailed
bookkeeping on income and expenditure per day, so it is difficult to estimate the turnover
obtained during a day or month. Expenditures and income activities are carried out just like
that without any evidence in the form of notes or invoices and overall recording.
Therefore, we (observer) try to estimate the flow of money / day in UKM "Mr. Suyud's
Meatballs Business":
1. The initial capital for the establishment of the mantep kartika meatballs:
Initial capital: ± Rp. 20,000,000.00

2. Inclusion:
a. Incense meatball mantep kartika per day ± Rp. 50,000.00
b. Income of Kartika's awesome meatballs per month ± Rp. 1,000,000.00

3. Expenditures:
a. Milling fee: Rp. 3,500.00 / mill
b. Monthly expenditure: Rp. 500,000.00
c. Shopping supporting materials: Rp. 50,000.00

4. Total
a. Expenditures: Rp. 553,500.00
b. Income: Rp. 1,000,000.00
c. Net profit: Rp. 446,500.00

E. Material
Kartika mantep meatball making material:
1. Bali beef 1 kg
2. Sago 1½ Ounces
3. Salt to taste
4. Garlic to taste
5. Fried onions to taste
6. baking soda to taste
7. Curly noodles to taste

F. The Process of Making Meatballs

1. Prepare a basin of hot water.
2. Rounding / picking up process: Shape the dough into a round by hand and immediately put
it into a basin of hot water so that the dough becomes really strong and round and not dented.
3. Boiling process: Enter the balls of meatballs into a large skillet filled with boiling water,
cook until half cooked.
4. Draining process: Lift the meatballs and drain.

5. Drying process: Dry all meatballs in a large room but protected from the sun's heat (inside
the house).

G. The Process of Making Meatballs Gravy

1. First boil three liters of clean water over medium heat.
2. Then add the beef bones and simmer briefly then reduce the heat
3. Then add the garlic, cook on low heat until the sauce boils for 1 hour and the sauce shrinks
1/3 portion
4. Next, add chicken stock, pepper and salt. leave on low heat until it boils for a while, turn
off the heat.
5.. Remove the marrow in the bone of the cow until it's clean. let it float in the sauce.
6. Broth is ready to be used for meatball soup. taste, if less salty add.

H. Problems Faced by SMEs in Developing Business

1. A common obstacle faced by small businesses is the problem of capital. Small industrial
entrepreneurs are generally reluctant to borrow money in banks because the procedures are
very complicated.
2. Kartika's excellent meatball business actually still needs a plotting machine (the process of
rounding the dough into meatballs) which has been done manually by hand.
3. Chicken prices are rising, especially in the moment before Eid al-Adha, from an average
initially ranging from Rp. 95,000.00 / kg, to Rp. 97,000.00 / kg. Usually this is tricked by
forming a circle of meatballs to be somewhat smaller.

I. Business Development
For business development, Mr. Suyud has sought to improve the quality of his business by:
1. While maintaining the quality of the meatballs, both from the taste, size and price.
2. Innovating meatballs that are used for production.


A. Conclusion
In establishing a business, it turns out that it is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, he
is always strong and enthusiastic in facing challenges and problems, even threats from
outside and within the company. So that what he aspires will be easily obtained. And even
then there needs to be enthusiasm, hard work, always optimistic, and maximum effort with
high perseverance and in a short time (not instant).
After conducting observations in the excellent mantep kartika meatballs, the company is
currently experiencing rapid development. The meatballs produced by Mr. Suyud are
relatively cheap compared to other beef meatballs. Because of this meatballs are in demand
by various groups. A job that starts from the bottom and is carried out diligently and
tenaciously will produce success.

B. Suggestions
1. For this meatball company, it is hoped that it can maintain the quality of the product so that
people's interest does not decrease.
2. We recommend placing the business in a strategic place, so sales can increase.
3. We recommend that you order the meatball to add a variety of drinks such as mixed ice,
coconut ice. So consumers are more interested.



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