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Cristina Magallon

Extra credit paper

Introduction to Special Education

Prof. Jacqueline Sgobba

April 16, 2020

Why I want to become a teacher

There are many reasons why I want to become a teacher. I have always had a

love for school and learning was something that came easily to me because of that I

was always helping my classmates. Like Parkay mentioned, “Perhaps you had expert

teachers who made you appreciate the “artistic” dimensions of teaching, and you

marveled at their ability to maintain students’ interest in learning from moment to

moment and to improvise on the spot.” When I was in elementary my love for school

grew even bigger because I was lucky that I had incredible teachers that loved what

they did and made us love going to school. I remember having amazing teachers that

would make going to school and learning so much fun that I never wanted to miss a

single day. According to Parkay, “A positive relationship with a teacher may have been

the catalyst for your decision to become a teacher.”

I honestly feel that today’s children don’t like school and have no real interest in

learning. I want to help change that and get children excited about school, changing

their perspective and who knows maybe they’ll find something they love and continue

school after high school. “Teaching can give you an opportunity to share with students

your passion for science, computers, sports, or the outdoors, for example. When

students see that you really do love a subject, they will respond—their interest will be

aroused, and they will appreciate that you have shared an important part of your life

with them (Parkay, 2016). I also love being around young children because they have

so much love, imagination and see the world differently. The most important reason for

me is that I have always wanted to make a difference in children’s life. I have always

loved children and it seems like I have a magnet because they are attractive to me,
which for me makes perfect sense as to why I want to become a teacher. Being a

teacher is the best way to change children’s lives because a good teacher can motivate

us to believe in ourselves even when it’s hard, also to follow and fight for our dreams. I

also believe that teaching is one of the most noble and important careers there are

because it is the fundamental base of any other and without it, other careers would not

be possible to achieve.

My education goal as of right now is to become a bilingual education teacher for

young children because that was the education I had when I was little and I have always

remember that experience getting to speak my home language in school made me love

and value my culture more. And according to Schwartz, “Opening children’s minds to

multilingualism and different cultures is a valuable exercise in itself that enhances

individual and social development and increases their capacity to empathize with

others, also become aware of their own identity and cultural values, ELL [Early

Language Learning] can shape the way they develop their attitudes towards other

languages and cultures by raising awareness of diversity and of cultural variety, hence

fostering understanding and respect.”

Works Cited

Parkay, Forrest W. Becoming a Teacher. 10th ed. 2016. Print.

Schwartz, Mila. Preschool Bilingual Education Agency in Interactions Between Children,

Teachers, and Parents. 1st Ed. 2018.. ed. 2018. Multilingual Education, 25. Web.

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