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Residential complex los cedros san Jorge reserve

Girón, Street 22 – 15 -71 apartament 412


Girón, 9 May 2020

Saceites S.A.S
Kilometer 1sense café Madrid - palenque
Girón, Santander
Erica Rojas
Plant manager

Dear Miss Erica

Affair: Demand for atmospheric pollution.
Cordial greetings
I would like to write expressing my concern about the generation of particulate
material from the boiler in its facilities, which is visually evidenced to the human eye
with an emission of pollutants to the atmosphere in an industrial area that borders a
radius of a few rare kilometers with urban areas in which all its inhabitants can be
affected, especially the most vulnerable community such as children, the elderly and
people with congenital respiratory pathologies

For the reasons stated above, I urge that they continue to migrate to the total use of
non-polluting combustible material, such as plant material such as palm husk, which
I understand is used in replacement of carbon and which does not generate polluting
agents in the atmosphere in which is the air that all living beings that need it vitally
share in our respiratory system

I consider a period of 30 days sufficient for them to take corrective actions that
contribute to solving the problem.

Thank you for your attention,

Edwar Giovanni Garcia Navarro
resident of the municipality

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