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Definition of the problem

The amount of solid waste accumulated in the different sectors of our city and even
country. Barranquilla has been one of the cities that has been most affected by this
problem, having an increase of 30% in terms of accumulation of garbage by number
of residents refers in just five years.
Analyzing the situation we have noticed that some of the most influential factors in
this problem have been the disinformation of people with respect to different methods
of recycling, the incorrect use of objects (future waste) or simple indifference in
relation to the damage environmental impact that the city produces when it comes to
getting rid of them. As a result of this, one of the simplest and fastest methods used
for the disposal of this waste is usually the burning of open air in order to incinerate
them, which can bring serious problems to the health of the inhabitants near the place
having in account that in the majority of occasions the resulting ashes are not thrown
or stored in a special place, being these highly toxic. Although this method can bring
diseases to the inhabitants, the solid waste disappears completely, thus becoming an
apparently clean solution but not at all optimal. In the same way we learned about the
exaggerated cost of electricity not only nationally but globally, something that has
been increasing lately and that if left unchecked, can bring maximized consequences
in the future. For this reason, the idea of renewable and environmentally friendly
energies was raised, since there is evidence of a high level of consumption currently,
which causes the resources used for energy generation to fall considerably. According
to an article in the magazine Semana (2013), energy demand in Colombia grew 3.1%
from the middle of July 2011 to the middle of June 2011, while in the first half of
2012 there was a growth of 2, 7%

Zona de relleno de Barranquilla

Residuos en la Universidad del Norte

Residuos en las calles de Barranquilla
As a result of this, this group of industrial engineers has decided to apply the basic
principles of Engineering Design in order to solve this problem from the provision of
a specific service with the ideal characteristics for this.
The first step was to identify what was really the problem to solve, since after having
done the corresponding research, it should be within our reach. Taking into account
the excessive production of organic and inorganic waste by the Barranquilleros and
the constant expenditure of electricity without any kind of care, we conclude that this
problem was summarized as follows: Contribute to the consumption and production
of waste in Barranquilla and, in turn, in the excessive expenditure of electricity.

System design
Thermoelectric plant and waste separation. The plant was designed for the generation
of electrical energy by thermovaluation. Energy is generated by the heat and steam
that causes the incineration of organic waste and other waste is classified according
to their characteristics (paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, wood and others).
The plant consists of 4 phases (zones). The first is the unloading area in which the
different waste is deposited in containers. The second zone is the qualification.
For this phase it is necessary the intervention of a machine that classifies the waste in
the last place is the phase of dispatch of the waste already classified by its properties
to transformation plants.
H3n cremation is possible thanks to an industrial incinerator eu2000 / 76 / ec with a
minimum capacity of 20 kg and maximum of 2 tons, which generates heat and vapors
which drive the thermal generation dtec turbine with an output of 10,500 kw.
The classification is made with the Sanwa urban waste sorting machine with a
capacity of 5-20 ton / hr and a load of 80-150 kW motor.
For the generation of energy and the provision of service must take into account the
Public Services Law (Law 142 of 1994) which in Article 10 clearly states that it is the
right of people to organize and operate companies that have the purpose of providing
of public services, in addition, the Electricity Law (Law 143 of 1994) exposes the
contextual freedom to provide electric power services, no matter what the agents are.
As for the regulation, this will be done by the state, which will have as its basic
objective the adequate provision of the service through the use of energy resources.

Social impact
Promote the culture of recycling and encourage the acceptance of the new process
aimed at continuous improvement by the resident population.
Environmental impact
The plant works to improve and contribute to the preservation of the environment
since it reduces the waste generated by the population and, despite using an unusual
method such as incineration to obtain energy, its CO2 levels produced they are
minimal and in no case are they scattered to the environment. In addition to this, a
source of sequential raw material is generated for various companies. In this way it
opens the way to a considerable decrease in solid waste produced by the population
through the use of these.

Distrito especial, industrial y portuario de Barranquilla. Plan de gestión integral de

residuos sólidos – pgirs. Alcaldía de barranquilla. Recuperado de:

Superintendencia de Servicios públicos y domiciliarios. Ley 142 de 1994. Ley 143

de 1994. Superservicios. Recuperado de:

Abuso de energía eléctrica causa daños al medio ambiente. (2013). Revista Semana.
Recuperado de:

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