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4/4/2020 COVID society – some resources I have put together for social researchers – This Sociological Life

This Sociological Life

COVID society – some resources I have put together for

social researchers
Deborah Lupton 2 days ago… 1/3
4/4/2020 COVID society – some resources I have put together for social researchers – This Sociological Life

Over the past fortnight, I’ve put together a few open-access resources concerning what an initial
agenda for COVID-related social research could be and research methods for conducting
fieldwork in the COVID world.

Links are below:

Conducting Fieldwork in a Pandemic (Google Doc crowd-sourced resource)

Social Research for a COVID and post-COVID World: An Initial Agenda (blog post)

Conducting Qualitative Fieldwork During COVID-19 (PowerPoint slides) (Webinar

presentation with voice and slides)

Photo credit: Daniel Tafjord on Unsplash

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Call for abstracts - special A sociologist's adventures in Digital sociology, public

section on 'Sociology and social media land sociology, private sociology
the Coronavirus (COVID-19) August 6, 2012 July 16, 2013
In "academic writing" In "digital cultures"
March 22, 2020
In "sociology of health and

Categories: design sociology, digital cultures, digital health, digital sociology, sensory studies, social media,
sociology, sociology of childhood, sociology of emotion, sociology of health and illness, sociology of risk,
sociology of science and technology, the body and society, tips for research

Tags: coronavirus, COVID research, COVID society, COVID-19, Deborah Lupton, pandemic, social research,
social theory, sociology

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4/4/2020 COVID society – some resources I have put together for social researchers – This Sociological Life

This Sociological Life

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