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Respected sir,

PROJECT NAME: (NOW) Review on Formability of sheet metal Forming

Names: Rajat Khatta (2k16/ME/131)
Shivang Chhikara (2k16/ME/161)
Suraj Prakash Verma(2k16/ME/174)
Our minor project was Review on Single Point Incremental Forming which was
a theoretical project and we analyzed it and did it perfectly. Thus, we wanted to
carry it further and we wanted to do formability analysis of the process itself. So,
we started by collecting various research papers and journal reports and studied
them. In January we made a compilation of all the data and reports and went to our
mentor Mukesh sir and he guided us that we needed real practical data for analysis
and so we needed to do experiments in the lab. Thus, we approached Vijay Gautam
sir as he is in charge of lab but he refused our application as the data we collected
was not up to mark and he guided us to do more research on materials to be used
and about exact dimensions. So, we further researched more studies and papers and
did our task and after 10 days, we visited him again for permission but he told us
that we needed to bring materials (from chawri bazar). We were earlier not aware
that for permission you also need to bring all the materials as we didn't want to
invest without seeing what our lab could provide us and we wanted to do a dummy
test first.

How Delhi riots hindered our project

As we needed to bring the appropriate materials for the formability test. But in the
mid-February riots broke into various parts of Delhi and Chawri Bazar was also
one of the affected regions due to the ongoing violence. So, we could not procure
the materials and our mid semester exams were also near so we decide to get the
materials after the exams.
How Covid -19 hindered our project
After the mid semesters there was a sudden outbreak of the corona virus (COVID-
19) and the University also got closed very quickly and thus we could not even get
the permission from Professor Vijay Gautam sir as he was also unavailable due to
the ongoing situation. And then the lockdown happened and we were not sure or
how long this is going to continue, so, we waited till the month of April, but the
lockdown was not ended. Therefore, we talked to our mentor Mukesh Sir and he
told us to make the review Paper of the Data collected so far and also search for
new research Papers and Studies. So, we collectively decided to change our Project
from ‘Formability Analysis of Single Point Incremental Forming’ to Review
on Formability of Sheet Metal Forming’. And so, this is how the COVID
situation hindered our project and we were held back in completing and at last
changing it completely. Now we are completing our new project and are behind the
schedule to get it published as per the University Guidelines.

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