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“Don’t Bring Me Problems— CBD: When you put it like that, it

seems pretty obvious. So what would

Bring Me Solutions!” you say accounts for the enduring
I recently heard Frances Frei, an popularity of this management
associate professor in the Technology chestnut?
and Operations Management Unit at
Harvard Business School, comment FF: At first blush, it sounds
that “one of the more empowering:“ Hey, go out there and
counterproductive things a manager solve some problems. You’re smart,
can say is ‘Don’t bring me problems— you’re able—I trust you to do it!” But
bring me solutions!’” I wanted to hear as well intentioned as it is, it’s
more—and thought that HMU’s misguided. I always cringe a little bit
readers would want to listen in. This is when I hear managers say it—and I
an edited record of our hear it a lot.
conversation.—Christina Bielaszka-
One reason for its popularity, I
DuVernay, Editor
suspect, is that managers use it to quiet
CBD: I thought that encouraging chronic complainers. But any good
employees to solve problems was a they’re realizing by silencing squeaky
good thing—? wheels is more than offset by the
damage they’re causing by stifling
FF: It is, of course. But sending out this collective solutions.
message doesn’t do it. Instead of
promoting accountability, it actually Managers need to find another way to
encourages employees to turn a blind deal with the whiners—one that
eye to problems they see but cannot doesn’t prevent observant, well-
figure out how to fix. When you say intentioned people from pointing out
“Don’t bring me problems—bring me problems that limit performance.
solutions,” what you’re saying, in
effect, is “Of all the problems you find, CBD: I know that your work takes
I only want to know about the ones you inside a lot of companies. Are
you can solve.” some cultures particularly resistant to
the surfacing of problems?
Identifying problems can be a solo
FF: Sure. One example is cultures that
sport, but finding solutions rarely is.
place a strong emphasis on doing
This is especially true when the
things right the first time. Companies
problems have any degree of
that pride themselves on attaining
complexity. If you’re giving people
straight-from-the-gate operational
permission to tell you about just those
excellence often make it feel dangerous
problems they can solve, you’re
to point out problems—especially
missing out on many opportunities for
when the person doesn’t see an
improvement. You’re leaving
immediate solution. In an environment
performance boosters on the table
where it’s not safe to talk about
simply because the problem and the
problems, we know that performance
solution aren’t collocated.
lags. My colleague Amy Edmondson
has done some great research in this encouraged to identify problems—
area. period—and they’re honored for doing
so. This is one reason among many
CBD: What companies do a good job that Toyota outperforms its
in this respect? competitors so consistently.

FF: Companies with a relentless focus CBD: What advice would you leave
on performance improvement. For HMU readers with?
them, problems are good things in that
they offer opportunities to get better. FF: Create a culture of accountability
Toyota is a great example. that doesn’t limit recognition only to
those who find both the problem and
Toyota’s strong culture of its solution. Of course, you want to
improvement not only makes it safe to reward creative problem solving. But
bring up problems, [but] the culture you also want to celebrate the person
actively encourages workers to do so. who brings a problem to light,
On the assembly line, for instance, however big or small. That person is as
there’s something called the andon much a part of the solution as the
cord. If anyone sees a problem on the people who actually formulate the fix.
line, he is supposed to pull the cord to
summon a manager to look into it The bottom line is that you can’t
immediately, before the car or improve performance if you’re not
components on the line go any farther. solving problems, and you can’t solve
problems you don’t know about.
Assembly-line employees at Toyota
aren’t told, “Only pull the cord if you This article appeared in the March 2007
see a problem you can fix!” They’re issue of Harvard Management Update.

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