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新北市立崇林國民中學 107 學年度第二學期第三次段考八年級英文科試卷

※ 共 4 頁,50 題,每題 2 分。請將答案用 2B 鉛筆畫在答案卡上,否則不予計分 _____班______號 姓名:__________


Vicky: Wasn't Ethan amazing? After he placed the princess on his back, he 1. high into the sky. He 2. a real dragon.

Mom: Yeah! The evil prince was amazing, too. When he 3. the dragon, he looked so mean!

Vicky: I think so too. When he 4. on the stage, everyone 5. him loudly.

1. (A) walked (B) flies (C) flew (D) jumped
2. (A) looked (B) looks like (C) felt (D) looked like
3. (A) attacked (B) touched (C) shot (D) killed
4. (A) bow (B) bowed (C) bowing (D) bows
5. (A) touched (B) shouted at (C) clapped for (D) cheered for


6. It’s not _________ for many waiters in Japan to take tips.

(A) national (B) safe (C) common (D) amazing
7. To protect the sea turtles, we should stop using plastic __________ to drink anything.
(A) straws (B) forks (C) knives (D) spoons
8. _____________ wears glasses, and the others don’t.
(A) Most of them (B) One of men (C) One of the men (D) All of them
9. When the weather ________ better next week, let’s go out and have some fun.
(A) get (B) gets (C) got (D) will get
10. Nick keeps thin and healthy _________at the gym 5 times a week.
(A) to work out (B) by working out (C) by sports (D) with exercising
11. Larry was a _________ in the army before. He lost his left leg during World War II.
(A) queen (B) zombie (C) fan (D) soldier
12. Double Tenth Day is a _______ holiday in Taiwan.
(A) important (B) country’s (C) national (D) nation
13. Time flies. I will be in the ninth _______ in September, and will graduate (畢業) next year.
(A) year (B) grade (C) group (D) point
14. The players on each team_______ each other before the basketball game began.
(A) bowed to (B) shot at (C) checked out (D) gave up
15. When I came home, dinner _____ ready.
(A) is (B) did (C) does (D) was
16.A: It was raining cats and dogs when __________ after school. B: No wonder you are all wet.
(A) going home (B) I walked home (C) I go home (D) went home
17.I had a terrible stomachache this morning, but after _________ the medicine,I felt much better.
(A) taking (B) took (C) eating (D) ate
18. All of the food in this restaurant _______ delicious. You should try ______.
(A) are ; them (B) taste ; one (C) tastes like ; it (D) tastes ; it
19. If Jack ________ more time _________, he will surely have the chane to win the game.
(A) spends ; practicing (B) spends; to practice (C) takes; practices (D) spent; practicing
20.________ it was very cold outside this morning, Ivy still _______ a miniskirt to school.
(A)Because; wear (B) Though; wears (C) Although ;wore (D) if ;wore
21. If you don’t know the answer _______ the question on a test,______ it and come back to it later.
(A) to ; mark (B) in ; correct (C) of ; check (D) to; failed
22.Playing basketball______ Kenny a lot of time every day, _______ he still tries his best on his studies.
(A) takes ; but (B) spends; but (C) costs ; although (D) took ; though
23. When I ________ your bedroom door , I heard you _______ to yourself.
(A) pass; talk (B) went past ; talks (C) past ; talked (D) passed ; talking (p.1)
24. _________ is a way to show _______ to service workers.
(A)Tip ; culture (B) Tipping ; respect (C) Tips ; friendship (D) To tip; thank
25. I ___________ the door until you came because there were many books in ______ of my hands.
(A) opened ; two (B) couldn’t open ; all (C) could open ; both (D) couldn’t open ; both
26. No one think Chi-Ling Lin would get married. So when she _______, we were all surprised.
(A) was (B) did (C) gets (D) got
27. _______ your teeth _______ you eat anything, or you will get cavities(蛀牙).
(A) Brush ; before (B) Brushing ; after (C) Brush ; after (D) To brush; when
28. Vicky: How did you like the play? Tanya:_______________________
(A) A famous writer wrote it. (B) I read it last night. (C) It’s about a lovely princess. (D) It touched my heart.
29. Waiter: ________________________ Tommy: Yes. I’d like a steak and a coke.
(A) What would you like to eat? (B) May I take your order? (C) Did you eat any food? (D) How would you like your steak?
30. Hank: What will you do if you don’t understand new words or sentences during the test? Sandy: I will ____________.
(A) look at others’ answers. (B) read them out loud. (C) try to guess their meanings. (D) check the dictionary right away.


Hi, to all the parents in front of the TV. If your kids are in junior high school now, you’ll find them spending less time at
home. You seldom talk to each other now. What’s wrong? Need some tips 31 to your kids and understanding
them better? Here are a few:
1. 32 talking about their school life every day.
2. Enjoy dinner together. If your kid 33 busy, eat at a restaurant near his or her school.
3. 34 your kids may be too old for kisses, they still need to hear “I love you” from you. It makes them feel 35
when you show your love to them. So, try to tell them that every day.
31. (A) of talk (B) for talking (C) on talk (D) to talking
32. (A) Be tired of (B) Vote for (C) Make a habit of (D) Let out
33. (A) is (B) does (C) are (D) be
34. (A) When (B) After (C) Before (D) Although
35. (A) save (B) safe (C) saving (D) sad
There was a beautiful planet called Kepler. On it lived a group of people. They all felt scared at night because
there were zombies 36 underground. When the sun went down, the zombies came up to hunt people for food.
The king of the country 37 his soldiers to attack the zombies, but they could not kill the zombies at all. In the
end, the king and his people gave up 38 back. Everyone just hid before it got dark, and no one could sleep
well. However, Natalie, the smartest princess in the country, found out a way to kill the zombies quickly. She turned
to nature for help and let out the pollen into the air from a mountain on a windy night. Because the zombies were
39 the pollen, they all died 40 they smelled and breathed in the pollen.  breathe 呼吸
36. (A) to live (B) living (C) lives (D) lived
37. (A) lead (B) leads (C) let (D) led
38. (A) fighting (B) fought (C) to fight (D) fight
39. (A) tired of (B) safe to (C) afraid of (D) excited about
40. (A) although (B) before (C) after (D) but


(A) Bees are very smart. They can do simple math, understand the idea of “zero”, and use dances to talk to each other
about where to go for food. To show that bees know math, scientists in Australia put bees in a maze and gave them
sugar water when they chose the path with the correct answer to a math problem. They found the bees slowed down to
look at the numbers on the card and chose the right path. They can choose the right answer about 70% of the time.
 maze 迷宮 path 路徑 From 雙語週報
41. What will bees do to talk to each other about where to go for food.?
(A) Sing (B) Dance. (C) Shake. (D) Count

42. Bees are smart because___________.

(A) they slow down to drink sugar water (B) they can make mazes
(C) they understand basic math (D) they have no idea about “zero” (p.2)
(B) There are four food shops near Amanda’s house. Here are their ads.

ad 廣告

43. Amanda spent $200 on bread at Apple Tree Bakery this morning. If she buys the same bread at 8:30 p.m. tonight, how
much will she save? (A) $180 (B) $160 (C) $40 (D) $20

44. Yesterday was Amanda’s eleventh birthday. Her parents took her to Winnie’s Sandwich Club for dinner. How much did
they spend? (A) $480 (B) $360 (C) $540 (D) $300.

They keep telling me;
Make the correct plan;
Think the correct way;
Ask the right question;
Follow the right way.
Are things as simple as black or white?
Can we really find in life any clear line?
I’m not happy with what they say;
I believe there is another way.
Listen to me!
Listen to me!
Can I have my own voice?
Can’t I tell my own stories?
I’ll know what I feel.
I’ll say what I think.
I’ll start my own trip.
Then I’ll make my own history.
By Harley M.

45. What does black or white mean in the reading?

(A) The writer’s favorite colors. (B) Now or then. (C) Two broken lines. (D) Right or wrong.

46. What is the writer asking for?

(A) A safe way to take a trip. (B) A chance to go his own way.
(C) An idea for writing his stories. (D)A correct answer to his question.

(D) Dear Sam,
I know you got your report card and learned that you didn’t pass your math again. This is the second time that you
blew your math tests. I know you are feeling down as you were last time. But why not try to think about what you can
do to learn math well?
You told me that you didn’t have enough time to study. But, as you know, many students have their own study
problems. Please find ways to work them out, not just sit there and grumble. Here is my advice for you.
1. Make your own study plan, and try your best to work it out. Remember to check it before you go to bed every night.
2. Listen carefully in class! It helps you spend less time getting the idea of the lesson. And you may get more time to do
other things,too.
Mr. Wang
 report card 成績單 grumble 抱怨 From 翰林出版社
47. What does the word “blew” mean?
(A) Felt sad. (B) Learned a subject well. (C) Answered one’s problems. (D) Failed the tests.
48. Which is true?
(A) Sam didn’t pass the math test for the first time. (B) Mr. Wang told Sam to find ways to solve his learning problems.
(C) Mr. Wang is very angry with Sam. (D) Sam felt down because he didn’t have time to study.

(E) There was an official named Cao Cao who lived more than 1000 years ago in China. One day, someone brought an
elephant from the south by boat. When Cao Cao got the news, he went with his son, Cao Chong, and the officials to the
riverside to see the elephant. The elephant was tall and big. Its body was like a wall and legs like four pillars. Everyone
watched and said, ”How heavy could such a big elephant be?” “Who can weigh the elephant?”asked Cao Cao. Someone
said, ”Where can we find such a large steelyard?” Another said, ”Even if we had such a large steelyard, nobody could lift
it.” Then someone said,”If we killed the elephant and cut it up into pieces, then we could weigh it.” Cao Cao shook his
head when he heard all this.
Then, Cao Chong, who was seven, came forward and said,” I’ve got a good idea.” The adults were quite astonished and
asked, ”What’s your good idea?” Cao chong said calmly, ”Drive the elephant onto a wooden boat and draw a line on the
boat along the surface of the water. Then drive the elephant onto the shore and put stones into the boat. When the
boat sinks to the place where the line was drawn just now, weigh the stones and we’ll find the weight of the elephant.”
When Cao Cao and the officials heard this, they all nodded in agreement.
 official 官員 pillar 柱子 weigh 秤重 steelyard 秤子 lift 抬起
astonished 吃驚的 surface 表面 shore 岸 sink 下沉 agreement 同意
49. Which is true?
(A) One official used a boat and stones to weight the elephant.
(B) Cao Chong weighed the elephant with a steelyard.
(C) Cao Cao thought of an idea to weigh the elephant.
(D) Cao Cao and the officials agreed to Cao Chong’s idea of weighing the elephant.

50. According to the reading, choose the correct steps to weigh the elephant.

3 4
1 2

5 6 7

(A) 2634715 (B) 2674315

(C) 2631475 (D) 2364715 (p.4)

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